KENISHA AWASTHI Being sexy is a state of mind
JULY 2020
Beauty & Style
Being sexy is a state of mind 80| GRANDEUR LIFESTYLE |
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020
Beauty & Style Kenisha Awasthi – a blogger, singer, actor, TEDx speaker, and now an author. All in one! The multi-talented actor has featured in various music videos and is known for her web series Hasmukh, Mastram and Raktanchal. In 2015, she was a TEDx speaker who talked about How to change the world – one click at a time! She has also launched her own app through which she builds friendships and interacts with people from all across the world. The actor reveals her experience of being a TEDx speaker, the concept of ‘type casting’, her new book “Dare To Be You” and her upcoming projects.
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020
Beauty & Style Today, almost every third person starts their own blog and expects to become a famous blogger. What did you have in mind when you started blogging? I was always very clear about the niche I want my blogs to represent. My blogs are nothing but an extension of the things I am passionate about even in my everyday life. Largely – Fashion, self-development, travel, fitness and animal welfare. How was your experience of expressing yourself in front of such a large audience as a TEDx speaker? Speaking at TEDx was a moment of reckoning. It is easily one of my life's highlights! Also, the topic I addressed – How to use technology to bring about a social and cultural change – is something I practice on a daily basis. Also, my endeavour to influence thought and bring about a collective positive change in the society at whatever (micro or macro) level I can is something I am committed to.
“MY APP IS A LABOUR OF LOVE. IT'S A VERY INTIMATE PLATFORM WHERE I AM LITERALLY BUILDING FRIENDSHIPS ACROSS THE WORLD WITH PEOPLE FROM DIVERSE BACKGROUNDS WHO CARE TO FOLLOW ME AND SHOWER ME WITH IMMENSE AND CONCENTRATED LOVE . THE OBJECTIVE OF INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE THROUGH MY APP IS CUSTOMISING MY INTERACTIONS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. IN A MONTH, I'VE HAD MORE THAN 10,000 DOWNLOADS AND THE GOOGLE RATING OF MY APP IS 4.1 OUT OF 5! I’M TRULY GRATEFUL FOR THE LOVE AND MESSAGES I RECEIVE ON MY APP AND I WILL ENSURE I DELIVER PREMIUM AND DISTINCT CONTENT THROUGH IT ALWAYS.” - KENISHA AWSTHI You've worked in projects that have a huge star cast. What do you keep in mind so that you can make your presence felt on screen? I have always believed that 'An actor makes the role, the role doesn't make an actor'. Whatever opportunities I have been blessed with, I have given my 100% to it and when I am portraying a role or singing a song or even writing a blog, I am very conscious of ensuring it represents what I stand for, which is, sincerity and confidence. The way I make my presence felt is through unshakeable, unflinching confidence in my skill-sets and myself.
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020
Beauty & Style
Being Sexy
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020
Beauty & Style The kind of roles you choose are not usually chosen by others because they are bold. Do you fear being type casted as someone who will only do bold roles? No, I do not believe in the concept of 'stereotype'. As a matter of fact, my life's biggest goal is to shatter every stereotype I have ever been subjected to by delving in multiple things and being as variant as a person and artist as I can be. My quest for learning is insatiable and I will never let any opinions hamper that. You've also launched your own app and you keep interacting with your fans too. Tell us something more about your app? My app is a labour of love. It's a very intimate platform where I am literally building friendships across the world with people from diverse backgrounds who care to follow me and shower me with immense and concentrated love . The objective of interacting with people through my app is customising my interactions as much as possible. In a month, I've had more than 10,000 downloads and the Google rating of my app is 4.1 out of 5! I’m truly grateful for the love and messages I receive on my app and I will ensure I deliver premium and distinct content through it always. You've recently written your first book called "Dare To Be You". Tell us something more about what the book is based on? I am deeply passionate about selfdevelopment and optimising the living experience through past lessons that enable us to make better choices going forward. I have seen it all - the good, bad, ugly, and I regret nothing. All my experiences have contributed in making me who I am today and rendered me with a thought process that is unique and fearless. My book is a compilation of all of my 'Life Mantras', the tools that have helped me keep myself together in even the most challenging situations. I want nothing more than to dispense my lifehacks to all my readers for them to leverage from my mistakes and make their choices more aptly, more cautiously. Are there any upcoming projects in the near future? Yes after the release of my book on the 15th of July , I have my first international music single releasing with a music producer based in Helsinki, Finland that I have collaborated with. I also have my own Talk Show on my YouTube channel (Kenisha Inclusive) called 'Talking Out Loud with Kenisha' where I am interviewing some of the most brilliant minds and exceptional achievers from dierent walks of life talking about their journey and shedding light of Mental Awareness and mental well-being.
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020
Beauty & Style
RAPID FIRE One celebrity according to you that has the best fashion game? Ranveer Singh – for being so unabashed in his choices Your favourite brand of cosmetics? Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner If you had to choose one from acting, singing, dancing and blogging, what would you choose? Acting! Because it raises empathy in me by enabling me to step into the shoes of different characters with a different life graph. How often do you think people should post content as a blogger? At least 5 to 6 times a week. What inspired you to write a book? The unusual journey I've had so far. I have been in situations where I found no help and saw those I trusted most, let me down and many a times even wrong me, with no accountability or guilt. All my wisdom stems from my failures - both personal and professional. However, there are lessons that I have learnt (the hard way). But lessons that have made me choose better. I wish to share reach out to everyone who has ever felt like an outcast, an oddball or unloved. I want to share with them tips that will equip them to take life head-on do so and on their own without seeking any external validation or dependency. What's been the most challenging role for you? Each role has its own challenges. I am looking forward to playing a role like Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. I want to play roles that present complex, neurotic, grey, melancholic characters. I think I will definitely be able to deliver! What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you? They've only done unbelievably sweet things for me. What is the song you're currently listening on loop? Come as you are - Nirvana If you had one super power, what would it be? To erase memories and therefore, any conformational biases OR guard against people and meet everyone anew. What would be a good theme song for your life? Claire De Lune by Debussy. It's most fitting to how my life has been so far. It's enchanting but not without being deeply melancholic.
Volume : 01 Issue : 18
17 JULY-31 JULY, 2020