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La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux Grande Voiture du Texas TEXAS VOYAGEUR NEWS Correspondants Corner
(by Grand Correspondant Renslar Keagle)
We begin a new year and it looks like a full one with a lot to do. Let's try to have good attendance at the Spring Cheminot - always a pleasure to visit V-1031 and Killeen. I encourage getting in an adthey help the locale on expenses. If at any time help is needed in creating an ad contact myself or Dave and we'll put one together for you.
On the Correspondant side - a reminder to make sure addresses, phone numbers and emails are updated when transmitting renewals - updates can be done on the Nationale side of the membership card when transmitted or an email to tbennet@fortyandeight.org. Regrettably we lose members so we must also do TAPS reporting - there is a Nationale form under "Membership - Notify us", or an email also to Tammy Bennet. BTW, when we lose a member either by Taps or dropped from the rolls, it does not affect your goal - goal is based on the previous years final total of transmitted renewals as of July 31st.
As National Public Relations Directeur I would be remiss if I do not mention a couple major parts of that program - P.A.L.S. and of course the new Blue Chevalier. P.A.L.S. or the Press Association of La Societe is there to help Correspondants, Chef de Gares, L'Editeurs and Publicists in public relations and communications. Dues are minimal, a 12-page monthly newsletter, a great pin and press credentials. My locale V-605 has 15 Blue Chevalier members and we have already recognized and awarded a great law officer who became Grands Law Officer of the Year and nominated for National. More inside the TVN on Blue Chevalier.
From the Spring Cheminot, we will be about 90 days from the Grand Promenade when we will hold elections. Now is the time to consider an office you may wish to hold - either elected or an appointed directeur. In my opinion, there must be a desire and motivation to consider an office. Experience and longevity within La Societe is nice but not a requirement. So at the Cheminot, ask about any position you may be thinking about and for many we can mentor, help and assist. Don't seek a white chapeau without assuming the responsibility of the position.
As Cheminot Nationale and a national officer - I encourage as many of you as possible to consider attending this year's Promenade Nationale. My locale always sends a few and we have a great time. Everyone who attends can participate and always has a lot to do and this year at one of the largest resorts in the US who is willing to welcome and cater to us. Go to the Forty and Eight website for details, costs, etc.
We always lose Voyageurs Militaire throughout the year - we have an aging membership and of course illness creeps up on us. Grand du Texas recently lost its 2022 Nationale and Grand Voyageur of the Year and a great friend to Roger and I, Dave Crozier, V-605 Chef de Gare Passe who helped us tremendously with communications and a mentor to many - he left us way too early.
Blessings and good health to all, safe travels.
Renslar "Renny" Keagle, Correspondant Grand du Texas