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Lifestyles Manager’s Message
Lorena Nieto Lifestyles Manager
For all things Grand, visit us on suncitygrand.com or contact us at 623-546-7449.
Look for more information and details in upcoming eblasts.
Thank you for your continued support of your SCG Activities Department.
Summer Fun
We are in the long stretch of lazy summer days. Have you worn your flip flops out yet? I hope you have worked in some fun, some relaxation and are ready to move ahead. Here in Activities, we are ready to move with you!
Monday, August 2nd at 5:30pm, it’s time for Trivia! This month will feature Triple Choice Trivia. This month’s version is an ONLINE event. Join us next month IN PERSON for the SCG Trivia Challenge! Monday, September 13th, in the Sonoran Plaza – Sagebrush Ballroom. Tickets are available now in the Activities Office and online.
Let's all go to the Movies
Beat the Summer heat and share a movie afternoon with us. Friday, August 20th, at 1pm in the Sagebrush Ballroom, join us for the movie presentation of Ford vs Ferrari. This movie is based on the true story of Ford Motor Company’s attempt to create the world’s fastest car.
Holy Rocka Rollaz
Have you purchased your ticket yet? We have a limited number of seats remaining for this return to in person concerts. Thursday, August 26th at 7pm, join us for an evening of Grand entertainment at its best! Stop in the Activities Office or purchase your tickets online.
Got Photos?
We hope your Summer is going swimmingly! Send us your favorite Summer Fun photos to activities@scgcam.com, to be featured in next month’s Grand Lifestyles Magazine. Please send all submissions by August the 10th. Share your Summer Fun with us, your friends and neighbors.
Join a Club
Looking to join a Chartered Club? Looking for more information? Stop in the Activities Office, Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm or find specific information regarding clubs online at www.suncitygrand.com. There is something for everyone!
Stay happy, healthy and stay safe, Sun City Grand.