Rapids Historical Society
Volume 36, number 4!
January 2015
Grand River Times The Newsletter of the Grand Rapids Historical Society
Inside this issue: Cover Story: January program Letter from our President, page 2 History Detectives, pages 4-5 Happening in History, page 6 Ethnic Festival, page 7 Photo Sleuth, page 7
Fed er al B u ild in g t o W. N. Fer r is B u ild in g: R en ewal an d R ec on s t r u c t ion by Thomas R. Mathison and Gene Hopkins Co sponsored by the Kendall College of Art & Design
Thursday, January 8, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the Kendall College of Art & Design: Woodbridge W.N. Ferris “The Fed” Building Parking is available on the street after 5 p.m., and the Kendall College of Art and Design lot is available across Pearl Street, with the entrance from Division Avenue.
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Grand Rapids was in a period of rapid growth. New commercial, manufacturing, and civic buildings helped meet the demands of an expanding community and economy. The existing Federal Courthouse and Post Office was no longer large enough to handle the increasing load. So in 1909, construction began on a new courthouse and post office building – on the same site as the old building. In 1912, the building that became known as the Old Federal Building was completed and opened for business. For over 100 years, this building has served a range of functions, adaptively modified to retain its character while serving new audiences. In 2013, it began its service as a place for higher education in art and design for Ferris State University and Kendall College of Art and Design. Come and hear from the design architects of this transformation about the journey to make this a reality.
Search: Grand Rapids Historical Society
Next Program: The Exciting Early History of African American Women’s Clubs in Grand Rapids. Save the date: February 12, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum.
Grand River Times!