2015 05 GRHS Grand River Times 36-08

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Volume 36, number 8!

Rapids Historical Society

May 2015

Grand River Times The Newsletter of the Grand Rapids Historical Society

Inside this issue:

Th e B er k ey & Gay Lit igat ion of 1933- 1934:

Cover Story: May program

Th e Fu r n it u r e Cit y’ s St r u ggle Again st a

Letter from our President, page 2

Wall S t r eet R aid er

2015 Albert Baxter Award winner, page 4

by Patrick E. Mears

Thursday, May 14, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Reception: 6:00 p.m.

GRHS Annual Banquet, page 5 Happening in History, page 6 Suffragist Spring, page 7 Photo Sleuth, page 7

Dinner: 6:45 p.m. Program follows Location: Women’s City Club On September 19, 1933, downtown Grand Rapids was the scene of a gala parade in support of the NRA, the National Recovery Administration, one of FDR’s newly created, “alphabet soup” federal agencies and its codes of conduct for participating businesses. The NRA’s symbol, the Blue Eagle, was paraded through the downtown streets in front of 75,000 spectators, accompanied by 75 elaborate floats, the Furniture City Bank and a drum and bugle corps. Many of these floats were sponsored by well-known, local businesses such as American Seating, Corduroy Tire & Rubber Company, Wurzburg Dry Goods and Voight Milling Company. Notwithstanding its federal theme, the “Blue Eagle March” was a local extravaganza celebrating Grand Rapids manufacturing and commerce. The next day, the power of these local businesses, especially the furniture companies that made Grand Rapids famous in the previous century, was arrayed against the Simmons

Search: Grand Rapids Historical Society

Continued on page 3

Next Program: After the May 14 banquet and program, the Grand Rapids Historical Society’s next program will be a cemetery tour in September. Look for details in the next edition of Grand River Times in late August.

Grand River Times!


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