Volume 39, number 2
October 2017
Grand River Times The Newsletter of the Grand Rapids Historical Society Inside this issue: Cover Story: October program Letter from our President page 2 Michigan Women's Hall of Fame Awards Dinner page 4 Program Schedule 2017-2018 page 5 Happening in History page 6 Photo Sleuth page 7 Search: Grand Rapids Historical Society
Next program: After the
October program, the Grand Rapids Historical Society’s next program will be on November 9, 2017 at the Grand Rapids Public Library. Melissa Fox will be speaking about: The Second Line of Defense: Grand Rapids Women and the Great War. Grand River Times
Speedrome Gone, But Not Forgotten: PRESENTED BY: Doug Taylor Thursday, October 12, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for special slide show On this evening Doug Taylor will focus on the history around C.C. Comstock and his connection to the birth of the West Michigan Fairgrounds, Comstock Park and eventually the Historic Speedrome. It was located on North Park St. between the Grand River and West River Dr. in Comstock Park, MI. Woodland Paving and US-131 Expressway occupy the property today. Taylor will take you on a parade of chronological events as they happened in the very early years of the Historic West Michigan Fairgrounds. Along the way Doug will bring to life the days of the thundering race cars that roared around the track since 1903, with names like Barney Oldfield, Louis Chevrolet and Ralph DePalma. Then he will focus on reasons the State Fair after 45 years left for Detroit and why the grounds fell into disuse. In 1946 after World War II ended, the nations craze turned to airplanes, because so many were involved with aircraft during the war. Visionary O. C. Hall gambled on a fifty year lease with an option to purchase the fairgrounds and built a north-south runway with a seaplane base on the river. Doug goes on to explain much of the operations of Grand Rapids Air Park that was short lived, including an Air Service owned by the famous Amway founders, that failed horribly. 1