Volume 39, number 7
April 2018
Grand River Times The Newsletter of the Grand Rapids Historical Society Inside this issue:
Cover Story: April program Letter from our President page 2
Grand Rapids—Gateway to the Playground of a Nation: A Look Back at Promoting the City and West Michigan PRESENTED BY: M. Christine Byron
NGS Conference page 5
Thursday, April 12, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
Happening in History page 6
Search: Grand Rapids Historical Society
Next program: After the
April program, the Grand Rapids Historical Society’s next program will be our banquet on May 10, 2018. Thomas Logan will be speaking about: Heritage Hill in Grand Rapids History.
Grand Rapids was widely known in past years for promoting its furniture industry, and is known today as a Cool City promoting its local breweries, ArtPrize, Meijer Gardens and other attractions. The city also played a major role in the development of tourism in Grand Rapids and West Michigan, as the birthplace and home of the West Michigan Tourist Association (formerly called the Michigan Tourist and Resort Association). In 1920, the Tourist Association created the slogan “West Michigan - The Playground of a Nation” which was used extensively in advertising. Within a few years, Grand Rapids was advertised as the “Gateway to the Playground of a Nation.” The city was promoted as a center for railroads and a crossroads of the State’s growing highway system for tourists and travelers heading further west or north. The tourist association published a wealth of brochures, maps and booklets over the years, and Grand Rapids and Kent County were heavily featured.
Continued on page 3 Grand River Times