Volume 40, number 1
September 2018
Grand River Times The Newsletter of the Grand Rapids Historical Society Inside this issue: Cover Story: September program Letter from our President page 2 Baxter Award, Angela Yondo page 3 R.B. Chaffee Statue Unveiling page 3 Program Schedule 2018/2019 page 5 Happening in History page 6 Photo Sleuth page 7
Search: Grand Rapids Historical Society Next program: After the October program, the Grand Rapids Historical Society’s next program will be on October 11, 2018 at the Grand Rapids Public Library. Gina Bivins will be speaking about: Building the
Freeway: A Photo Find.
Grand River Times
“Roger That!”: The Life of Roger B. Chaffee, Michigan’s First Astronaut PRESENTED BY: Glen E. Swanson Thursday, September 13, 2018 at the Grand Rapids Public Library
From the earliest days of wireless communication, the Morse code letter R (dit-dah-dit) has been used to indicate 'O.K. -- understood.' So when advances in telecommunications eventually allowed voices to be heard, 'Roger' was the logical voice-phone equivalent. Variations of the word, including “Roger That” eventually came into use by pilots to mean ‘your message received and understood.’ Later it came into general use to mean ‘all right, OK.’ On the afternoon of January 27, 1967, the three prime crewmembers of the first crewed Apollo mission left the NASA transfer van that took them out to the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. There, the fully suited men rode the elevator to the 218-foot level of the launch tower, where they crossed the access arm to climb into their spacecraft. Inside the Apollo capsule, rookie astronaut and Grand Rapids native, Roger Bruce Chaffee, the youngest of the three, sat to the far left of his two crewmates, Edward White and Virgil Grissom, both veterans of previous spaceflights. Continued on page 4 1