January, 10, 2011 Dear Square Dance Friends,
We, the Japan Square Dance Association, Inc. (J.S.D.A., Inc.), are very pleased to be able to provide you with preliminary information on...
The 50th Annual All-Japan Square Dance Convention Tokyo, Japan General Information
This convention will commemorate the 50th year since it started as a joint event between the Japanese square dance leaders and the Far East Square Dance Callers Association in September 1961. The square dance activity in Japan began in 1946, 15 years before our first event, when the late Winfield P. Niblo began teaching old-time square dancing as a folk dance genre to the Japanese people. From that time, the popularity of the activity grew enough to be able to hold the first annual national convention with 140 participants. Today it is much, much larger, including several thousand participants from Japan clubs as well as several hundred International participants from around the world. We are also pleased to inform you that during this event we will be officially celebrating the fact that on April 1, 2010 the Japanese government approved the JSDA as an entity to receive a tax deduction benefit for the specified mission of contributing to society and the general public by promoting square dancing. We hope you will join us in this monumental year for a historic event! Please fill out the attached Pre-Registration Form and send it to: Masaharu “Doc� Hiraga By e-mail: doc-hir@my.home.ne.jp Deadline date for callers/cuers: March 31, 2011 Deadline for dancers: April 30, 2011 Please Note: In case you are planning a group tour with more than 10 people, please let us know as early as possible for a group arrangement.
Best Regards,
Tatsuzo Takase, President Shozo Nishimura, Chairman, 50th Annual Convention Execution Committee J.S.D.A., Inc. Tokyo, Japan Japan Square Dance Association, Inc. Head Office: Kanda Mihama Bldg. 4FL 1-7, Kanda Suda-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0041 JAPAN Phone: +81-3-6240-6560facsimile : +81-3-6240-6561 E-mail:squaredance@giga.ocn.ne.jp Website:http://www.squaredance.or.jp/english/
50th Annual All-Japan Square Dance Convention PRELIMINARY DANCE INFORMATION DATES & TIMES
2pm Friday August 26th through 2pm Sunday, August 28th REGISTRATION DESK
Desk will open at Noon Friday August 26th DANCE COSTS
JYE 12,000
Subject to change. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26
12pm 2pm-4:45pm 4:45pm-5pm 7pm-7:45pm 7:45pm-9:20pm 9:20pm-10:40pm
Registration Dances at Five Halls Orientation Joint Dance* Opening Ceremony Joint Dance*
9:30am-Noon 1pm-4:30pm 7pm-8pm 8pm-10pm 10pm-11pm
Dances at Five Halls Dances at Five Halls Exhibition Joint Dance* Dances at Four Halls Including Band*
9:30am-11am Dances at Five Halls 11am-11:30am Move to Main Hall 11:30am-Noon Closing Ceremony at Main Hall Noon-2pm Dances at Five Halls (Dances Finish at 2pm)
Hall A: Mainstream 2/Round Dance Hall B: Round Dance/Country Line Dance Hall C: Mainstream 1 Hall D: Plus Hall E: Advance (A1/A2)/C1
If you are a caller or cuer and so request, you will be assigned a calling/cueing time slot. Please register beforehand for your calling opportunity by filling out the Pre-Registration Form on the next page.
50th Annual All-Japan Square Dance Convention ACCOMMODATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations must be arranged by participants on their own. The hotels listed below are all closely located to the dance halls of the International Convention Center “PAMIR” in the Grand Prince Hotel Shin-Takanawa. Please make your reservations by directly contacting their reservation desks.
#1 Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa PH: +81 3 3442 1111 www.princehotels.com./en/newtakanawa/ #2 The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo PH: +81 3 5798 1111 www.princehotels.com/en/sakuratower/ #3 Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa PH: +81 3 3447 1111 www.princehotels.com/en/takanawa/ #4 Shinagawa Prince Hotel PH: +81 3 3440 1111 www.princehotels.com/en/shinagawa #5 Takanawa Tobu Hotel PH: +81 3 3447 0111 www.tobuhotel.co.jp/takanawa/en/index.html #6 Takanawa Keikyu Hotel PH: +81 3 3443 1211 www.takanawa-keikyu-htl.com The hotels other than those listed above, such as area business hotels, may offer you more economical prices, based on information from the internet or other means. RESTAURANTS
Restaurants are inside the hotels and there are many others in the surrounding area. This area is near JR Shinagawa Station, within convenient walking distance of many eating and drinking establishments. TRAVEL AND TOURISM AGENCIES
You might wish to visit various sightseeing spots in connection with participation in this event. Please look into the web sites of travel agencies (English): Nippon Travel Agency: www.ntainbound.com. Tourist information (English version) is also available from the Japanese Government’s Sight Seeing Agency at: http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/essential/v_office/v_office.php_ And for Tokyo Sight Seeing by bus_at: http://www.hatobus.com/en/ Please do not hesitate to ask any questions: Masaharu “Doc” Hiraga
In charge of services to the overseas participants Member-International Affairs Committee, Japan Square Dance Association, Inc.
50th Annual All-Japan Square Dance Convention REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND FORMS
Registration Details
All participants should pay the dance fee JYE 12,000 at the registration desk after 12:00pm noon on Friday. You will be on the participants list if you fill out and submit the pre-registration form (below). At the registration desk, we accept Japanese Yen only. Please do not send money in advance. The only way to pay the dance fee is at the registration desk in Japanese Yen (cash only). Money exchange windows at your arrival airport should be convenient. Note that the hotels normally offer more expensive exchange rates that include handling charges.
The 50th All Japan Square Dance Convention Pre-Registration Form Last Name__________________________First Name________________ Middle Initial______ Partner’s Last Name____________________ First Name______________ Middle Initial_____ Address____________________________________City______________State _____ Zip _____ Country _________ Phone _______________ E-mail __________________________________ Club Name_____________________________________________________________________ Organization which your club belongs to:____________________________________________ Do you represent your club or organization?Yes____ No___ If Yes, Position_______________ Dance Programs you are interested in: MS____Plus____A1/A2____C1_____(Check all) If you a caller/cuer, do you wish a calling/cueing timeslot? Yes ____No___ MS____Plus____A1/A2____C1____RD____ Your Calling/Cueing Experience: Club____ Trips/Wk____ Event____Trips/Yr____ REGISTRATION FOR FRIENDS
The 50th All Japan Square Dance Convention Pre-Registration Form Last Name__________________________First Name________________ Middle Initial______ Partner’s Last Name____________________ First Name______________ Middle Initial_____ Address____________________________________City______________State _____ Zip _____ Country _________ Phone _______________ E-mail __________________________________ Club Name_____________________________________________________________________ Organization which your club belongs to:____________________________________________ Do you represent your club or organization?Yes____ No___ If Yes, Position_______________ Dance Programs you are interested in: MS____Plus____A1/A2____C1_____(Check all) If you a caller/cuer, do you wish a calling/cueing timeslot? Yes ____No___ MS____Plus____A1/A2____C1____RD____ Your Calling/Cueing Experience: Club____ Trips/Wk____ Event____Trips/Yr____