V5I3 Good Day!

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The 155th Annual Session of the National Grange was very successful, and so good to be together in person after two years apart from our brothers and sisters! About 100 resolutions were considered, many awards given, several new officers elected, and great speakers heard, all of which you can read about in this issue. Again I was amazed to see and hear about all the Grange activities you were able to accomplish in spite of the ongoing pandemic, now nearing two years duration. Thank you to all those Granges who have continued to meet in some way, either virtually, by phone, or in person, to continue your work helping others in your communities. We all need to take this opportunity, while people are re-setting their priorities, to invite them to your meetings and involve them in your community service activities. We can step in now to fill that void created when all other activities shut down, if we show our value to the individual and the community through our service to others. Use these unusual circumstances as an opportunity to showcase your Grange as a vital resource in your community. Our theme for 2022 is “Raised Right Here.” This simple phrase can have many meanings, depending on which word you emphasize. Raised—the Grange educates and trains individuals beginning at 5 years old and continuing as long as they live. Education is

one of the founding principles of our Order, and most of our programming is aimed toward education in some way. Raised also has an agricultural connotation—we plant the seed in our members, as in the First Degree, and cultivate their characters through our departmental activities, eventually reaping a bountiful harvest. We support our farmers and gardeners through lobbying for good government programs and laws to assist them rather than put more obstacles in their path. We advocate for funding and opportunities for local farms, agricultural and small businesses to improve their economic well-being and therefore the health of rural America. Right—We abide by the laws of our state and nation, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Grange and our State Grange. We pledge to “inculcate a strict obedience to all laws and edicts emanating from the proper authority.” We exercise our rights to free speech and assembly, but we follow the rules of an orderly society. We search for the truth; we don’t just accept statements and opinions, but do our own research and pursue the facts. We train our children and new members to respect each other, respect our government and Grange leaders, and become outstanding leaders in their communities. Here—where we live. We bloom where we are planted, in every local village or countryside. We work in cooperation with other community organizations for the betterment of our local areas. The Grange does not live in Washington DC; it lives in the Community Grange and the hearts of all our members. Right Here—combining these words gives it the meaning of immediacy—we are being raised, educated, trained, grown

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GOOD DAY!™ MAGAZINE www.nationalgrange.org

right now. The phrase doesn’t just refer to past successes, but more importantly, our current work and our future. What are we doing now to “raise” our next generation of Grangers? Throughout the next year we want to focus on local resources, sustainability and resilience for rural and hometowns. We will advocate for small businesses and local farms to help them thrive. The last two years have been especially challenging for these folks and we want to engage our army of Grangers to help them. We want to involve all ages of members—from




to youth programming, to adults. We encourage you to plan programs to examine what sustainability, resilience, food security, and protecting the environment mean in your community. Consider inviting local businessmen and agriculturalists to your meetings to learn more about their problems and how the Grange can help them. And we hope you will share your successful programs with others across the country. We have a chance to make 2022 the best Grange year in our lifetimes!


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