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National Grange honors Champions of Rural America

National Grange honors Champions of Rural America

Award Recipients Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA), Sara Wyant, and Nona Bear, with National Grange President Betsy Huber atthe National Grange’s Champions of Rural America reception on April 26.

Photo by Philip Vonada

By Philip J. Vonada

Communications Director

On April 26, the National Grangepresented the Champion of RuralAmerica Awards during a reception atthe organization’s historic headquartersnear the White House to four deservingrecipients.

“This is one of the most importantawards that could be given,” saidNational Grange President Betsy Huber.“For 155 years, the Grange has workedthrough nonpartisan means for America’sagricultural communities and rural residentsnationwide. The process of selecting theseChampions is something we take veryseriously, as we want to ensure that ourhonorees are truly deserving because oftheir lifelong efforts.”

Huber and National Grange LegislativeDirector Burton Eller believe that each ofthis year’s honorees is a true “Champion”for the people living and working in ruralAmerica.

The 2022 Champions of Rural America are Senator Joe Manchin (D- WV), Representative Dan Newhouse (R-WA 4th), Sara Wyant, founder of Agri- Pulse Communications, and patient rights advocate Nona Bear.

“One doesn’t have to explain the rural and small-town citizen to Joe Manchin: he is one,” says Eller, noting that Manchin’s upbringing and life in West Virginia strongly influence his votes and positions for his constituents. “In this day of rampant partisan politics, Senator Manchin is all about bipartisanship on Capitol Hill.”

Senator Manchin’s work for rural America has included keeping promises to seniors and veterans by protecting Social Security and Medicare.

Like previous recipients Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MN) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Representative Dan Newhouse continues to champion agriculture and work with legislators and advocates from many different industries to fight on behalf of America’s farmers, ranchers and rural


Eller says Rep. Newhouse “is the consummate example of one of the Grange’s slogans, ‘American Values. Hometown Roots.’”

“Representative Newhouse comes from rural America and truly understands the people he represents – and he fights for not only his own constituents but all of Washington and rural citizens across the country,” Huber says. “We are grateful to be able to honor Dan Newhouse with this award, as he truly is a champion for rural America.”

“I can’t tell you how much of an honor this truly is,” Newhouse said while accepting the award. “The National Grange has truly been a unique and important part of the fabric of rural America for a century and a half... I can’t tell you how much it means to be recognized for the small part I’ve been able to play in helping to promote our industry - agriculture - and build, maintain and grow our rural communities... We will be successful if we continue to work

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Huber said that while those at the top rungs of government who have received the award have done much for rural residents, a lot of the work to “bring the horse to water” is done by respected groups and individuals with a history of leadership in areas that matter most to rural Americans.

One of the primary connectors for many rural Americans is Agri-Pulse Communications’ founder and President Sara Wyant.

“Sara’s Agri-Pulse is the first thing read every day by the movers and shakers at the intersection of agriculture, policy and government,” says Eller. “Sara is a real reporter: knowledgeable, informed, fair, unbiased, nonpartisan and deeply committed to what she does.”

“Agri-Pulse connects the people who live in rural America directly to the people who make decisions about rural America,” says Huber. “Sara has created an unbiased direct approach to reporting the news for the benefit of those throughout the agricultural spectrum.”

“As someone who grew up on a farm and has been familiar with the Grange all of my life... thank you,” Wyant said. “It is such an honor to be recognized. I have had this passion for a long time - that if we could better educate people on rural America,

Nona Bear (center) poses with Grange AdvocacyExecutive Director Burton Eller and NationalGrange President Betsy Huber.

Photo by Philip Vonada

and get them informed on the issues - the pros and cons of different topics, then they can become better advocates - just like [the Grange is].”

“Your advocacy has made a huge difference,” Wyant continued.

Patient rights and healthcare reform advocates have a true champion in Nona Bear.

“Nona works tirelessly to address and advocate for the needs and concerns of older Americans,” Huber says. “Her work connects major national nonprofit health advocacy organizations to the people. She is an incredible, thoughtful spokesperson for the health care needs of rural America.”

“America’s patient population has a far greater public voice today as a result of Nona Bear’s ability to build alliances across patient advocacy interests,” adds Eller.

“In 1992 or 1994, I called [the Grange] to talk about insurance reform and healthcare reform,” Bear said in her acceptance. “And that remarkable meeting with [Leroy Watson]... led me on to all the years since when it’s been a privilege and an honor to work with the Grange. From working on taking the word out about Medicare Part D - which the Grange did remarkably into rural America, to being the first and only group during the meth crisis to provide resources that local law enforcements could not get anywhere... the Grange put that together. Who does that but the Grange?”

“The Grange is the only organization that is looking after every aspect of life in rural America,” Bear added.

Huber said the award criteria were established in line with the Grange’s grassroots priorities and values.

“Our recipients are expected to show a clear understanding of the importance of agriculture in

Sara Wyant accepts her award from NationalGrange President Betsy Huber at theChampions of Rural America reception.

Photo by Philip Vonada

our economy and as part of our national security; they fight to ensure equitable access for rural Americans in relation to business, healthcare, educational and other opportunities; they place a value on doing the right thing and serve the public above any political party, and they consistently work across the aisle, placing an emphasis on bipartisanship in their legislative work or advocacy,” Huber said. “But also, we expect that each recipient show perseverance in the fight for rural Americans and embody our core values of faith, hope, charity and fidelity and live by our motto: in essentials, unity; in nonessentials liberty; in all things, charity.”

During the evening, Wyant and Bear were also honored with the National Grange Community Service Director’s Pin. “These pins are very rare,” Huber said. “They honor the work you do in communities nationwide to help make them better.”

Previous Champions include Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Sen. Susan Collins, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Greg Walden, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, Sen. Pat Roberts, and the National Rural Health Association.

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