Good Day! Volume 6, Issue 2

Page 24

Extend fellowship beyond the doors of your Hall By Amanda Brozana Rios

Fellowship for the present and future

Membership and Leadership Development Director

Every Grange and every community is

it’s easier for your members to “vet” them to

different, but a simple resolve to increase

see if they’re a good fit for membership when

and improve fellowship opportunities can

they’re just getting to know one another and

be made by every Grange today. To show

hang out in a social situation.

“For in our fraternity, there is work for

they finally attend a Grange meeting. Plus,

how easy it is for any Grange – regardless

Moreover, if you’re wondering what your

of size, age of members, budget, and other

community wants out of your Grange and

Yet, the Grange is not just for work. It is

factors – a list of suggestions for fellowship

what would motivate someone to join,

a “social order” that reminds its members

opportunities and tips is included in this

inviting a prospective member to a social

to “avoid intemperance in… work and


event will get that conversation going without

all…” So we learn in the First Degree.

The focus here is on what you can do

much prodding. What are they suggesting

As new members take part in the

that requires little or no planning/work, and

the Grange could focus on with service

welcoming ceremony, they hear they can

requires little of your members beyond

projects or outreach? What programs could

“expect from this Grange fellowship” first,

“showing up.” This is meant to encourage

you offer to pique their interests and answer

before the President goes on to say they will

fellowship opportunities with fun at the heart

their questions? You may find so much more

have “a chance to explore and develop to

- there’s more than enough work to do later,

benefit than just getting to spend some

[their] highest potential and the opportunity

and of course, at any gathering of Grangers

quality time with friends and fellow Grangers

to serve.”

you’ll find lots of discussion about a next big

by adding fellowship opportunities into your

event, project or initiative.


recreation” at the close of every meeting.

We know our founders and leaders over the past 155 years took great pride in writing

Don’t forget, these events are a great way

If you’re thinking “why would someone

the ritual work of the Grange with precision,

to introduce people you think might make

come hang out with us,” the same applies

so it is not a stretch to believe that these three

great Grange members to your membership

with “why would someone join our Grange?”

“expectations” were written in the order they

and make them more comfortable when

If you don’t enjoy one another socially, how

felt was most important. How is your Grange doing with that important balance of doing good for others while being good for your members and their social needs? How often does your membership get together outside of meetings and activities that support the service, operations and maintenance of your Grange and its property to just enjoy the company of one another – to meet the expectation of fellowship? If the answer is “not often” or “never,” your Grange – regardless of how successful it may be in other ways – is failing at one of its core objectives. With all the challenges Granges can identify, improving our fellowship focus is one of the easiest – and potentially the most meaningful – we can make to improve the Grange experience for those who have already joined, whether they remain active or not, and those who may be welcomed in the near future.


Editorial Illustration



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