Good Day! Volume 6, Issue 2

Page 5


Summer is my absolute favorite

multiplied quickly - by 1875, the Grange

time of year. I love to putter around





outside on my lawn and garden. In the

The eight Founders and many others

springtime I can’t wait to get my hands

devoted their lives to making the

in the dirt again and see the seeds start

organization grow throughout the


land, adding the moisture and fertilizer

Now, my garden is growing so fast

to ensure its healthy growth. Sowing

and so lush that I can’t keep up with the

the seed in good soil made it multiply

weeding. We had a lot of rain late June/

thirty, sixty, even a hundred-fold.

early July in my area - although 60 miles

How is the growth of your Grange?

away they are very dry and many areas

Are you watering and feeding it enough

of the country are in extreme drought. I

for good growth? Like plants, we can’t

feel very blessed!

expect a Grange to grow without some

The rain and the warm temperatures

attention and care. It will survive for a

- not too hot - have been perfect for

while, but without water and fertilizer

fast growth. Those loads of spent

there won’t be much of a harvest.

mushroom compost last spring have

Without attention, soon the weeds will

done wonders. Tomato plants look like

choke out the good vegetables and

a jungle and potato plants are huge

fruits we’re trying to produce. I see the

and blossoming.

weeds as internal squabbles among

member should be willing to take on some responsibility, according to their abilities and stage of life. Not everyone can stoop down and weed, not everyone has hours to spend volunteering, but everyone can do something to contribute. Maybe we can consider social media and websites as fertilizer to give our growth a boost. Fair exhibits and displays can help too. During




We can think of the beginning of

members who focus their attention

the Grange as a seed that the Founders

internally instead of on serving their

season, think of what you can do to help

planted and nurtured as patrons of


your Grange be growing and active,

husbandry. The soil of the country

A growing Grange, like a productive

was fertile to receive that seed, as it

garden, needs some effort. Each

N & V


bringing a great harvest of activities and service to your community.


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