Undergraduate Portfolio 1

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Grant Herron Graduate Portfolio University of California, Berkeley M. Arch II 2012.12.17


Studio PeakCherry Peak Ski Resort Cherry Cherry Peak Warming Hut Warming Hut

Design Studio III Professor: Anne Mooney Location: Richmond, UT Duration: 10 Weeks Partner: Michael Lebbon

Media and Graphics

BeSpoke Bike Collective Letterpress Sun Screen Solar Monument

Analog Renders Architectural Photography Fine Art Photography


Cherry Peak Ski Resort Bunny Hill


Design Studio III Professor: Anne Mooney Location: Richmond, UT Duration: 10 Weeks Partner: Michael Lebbon














A single mass, representative of the many rocks found on the site.

The rock is exposed to the constant influence of the stream.

Over time, the water erodes the rock.

The rock splits apart into three separate pieces.




The parti diagram represents the splitting action that occurs when water infiltrates a stone and freezes, shattering the rock.


Sketchbook ideation on the concept of breaking apart and tying back together with wood.

Concept for exterior scheme, based off the shattered rock. Resort Site Plan with Ski Runs

Site Plan

15 10 10

10 10


10 10

10 10

10 10

10 10


10 10

10 10

3 1


9 15




Bridge Level

8 7

1. 2. 3.

Lobby Reception Cafe

4. 5. 6.






7 5






Second Level Ticketing First Aid Office



First Level Programming:

Circulation Section


7. 8. 9.

Restrooms Retail Storage

10. 11. 12.

Loft Guest Suites Conference

13. 14. 15.

Dining Kitchen Mechanical

Sustainability Roofs designed to hold snow and increase the insulative power of the roof, thereby decreasing heating costs.

White roof helps to keep the building cool, and reduce cooling costs.

Locally manufactured pre-cast concrete panels. Representative of the shattered rock.

Wood reveals with Western Red Cedar, a native Utah tree. Representative of the tying together using wood.


Cherry Peak Warming Hut

Design Studio III Professor: Anne Mooney Location: Richmond, UT Duration: 4 Weeks




1 An exploration of fractals, and their role in nature, led to the discovery of the Apollonian Gasket fractal, which somewhat resembled hardwood cell structure. 2 The Voronoi Diagram, which resembles more closely the cell structure of both wood and leaves, became the basis for the structure of the Warming Hut. 3 Magnified image of a leaf, showing a seemingly random polygon structure.

Exploded Axonometric View

3D Sectioned Floor Plan

During the summer months, the inner shell, made of a thick canvas, can be removed, and the hut will serve as a shaded rest stop for mountain bikers and hikers. This rocket mass heater uses a simple vacuum to heat the room. Wood is placed in the small hole on the surface, and as it burns, the flames are sucked into the barrel. The exhaust from the fire continues through the piping that runs inside the bench, and out the exhaust vent in the roof. The heat from the exhaust is transferred to the mass of the bench, which is made of clay.

Front Elevation The Voronoi pattern in the leaf is used for the exterior shell of the building, which is made of steel, and doubles as both the structure and the articulation.

The warming hut is strategically placed on the mountainside, to provide protection and service to the skiers at the resort. Amenities include an ADA restroom, first-aid station, kitchenette, and a sitting area furnished with a rocket mass heater.


BeSpoke Bike Collective

Design Studio II Professor: Dan Hoffman and Elpitha Tsoutsounakis Location: Portland, OR Duration: 5 Weeks

The Bacardi Offices in Mexico City, designed by Mies van der Rohe, became the precedent for the design of the bike collective.

Massing and Context

2 The flow of traffic approaches the site from the park blocks to the south.

3 The flow of traffic from the park blocks cuts through the solid mass, creating a cantilever that extends out over the block.

4 Programmatic elements are elevated from the street level, allowing for minimal interruption of traffic running through the park.





Basic building form, without programming allocated.

Circulation and common shop area identified.

Volume extruded, and with it, circulation is established.

Individual shop areas established.

1 Built up to the sidewalk, the BeSpoke Bicycle Collective matches the height of the adjacent Federal Building. Building Program and Form

Left: Aerial view of the atrium ramp, and the shop and work spaces. Below: Main shop area with individual work spaces. Bottom: View of the BeSpoke Bike Collective from the park blocks to the South. Programming:



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cafe Lobby Restroom Meeting/Classroom Workspace Shop Patio


3 4




5 5 7

6 5 5 5 UP

Cafe Level

First Level



Second Level



Letterpress Sun Screen

The goal was to design a parametric sun screen for the entrance of a letterpress shop in downtown Salt Lake City. Taking inspiration for the form from the traditional type cases used in letterpress, and rotating the frame to respond to the sun’s path throughout the year, a visuallystimulating storefront was achieved.

Design Studio II Professor: Dan Hoffman and Elpitha Tsoutsounakis Location: Salt Lake City, UT Duration: 4 Weeks Partners: Chad Bailey and David Polk

The Louis Vuitton store in Ginza, Japan was a precedent for how light could be articulated and interact with a building’s facade.

First iteration, using panels and frame to regulate light according to a set of parameters based on the type of letter that would normally be found in each space of the type case.

Second iteration, removing panels, and rotating from to create a panel-frame hybrid structure that regulates light throughout both the day and the year as necessary. Type case used as the inspiration for the screen layout. The dimensions of the type case were nearly identical to the dimensions of the shop entrance. A few alterations were made in order to establish an opening for customers to pass through.

Sun study: June 21st at 12:00pm

Sun study: Dec. 21st at 12:00pm

Final product, with full-scale mock-up portion highlighted.

Sanding down the slots to perfection, after they were routed.

Finishing the joints of the assembled frame prior to applying paint.

Finished full-scale mock-up, measuring over 6 feet in height.


Solar Monument

The goal was to design a solar monument which celebrates the vernal and autumnal equinoxes at solar noon, at 40째N.

Top View

The precedent for the project was the work of Tadao Ando. His simple and clean approach to form guided the design of the monument, and his use of raw materials informed the fabrication of the model.

Solar Noon

The proposed monument would be 50 feet from end to end, and angled at 50째 to match the path of the sun as it tracks across the sky. It is oriented slightly off North to match the path of the sun.

Environmental Controls Professor: Bob Young Partners: Neil Howard, Michael Lebbon, Lexi Paparo, Anatoliy Whiting



Sun Studies

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

12:26 PM - Solar Noon at 40째N

2:00 PM

4:00 PM

Media and Graphics

Analog Renders

Detail, Joseph Smith Memorial Building 2009 Graphite

Rio Grade Train Station 2011 Graphite

Media and Graphics

Architectural Photography

de Young Museum 2010 Nikon D50 f/10 1/4000sec ISO-1600

Denver Art Museum 2012 Nikon D3100 HDR from 5 Images

Media and Graphics

Fine Art Photography

Fisherman’s Horizon 2010 Nikon D50 f/6.3 1/4000sec ISO-640

Spring Sunshine 2012 Nikon D3100 f/16 1/200sec ISO-200

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