Project Proposal

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TNSTNS-FICHE ESF-Flanders Agile Social Entrepreneurship Name of institution: Type of institution (click the right answer):

RESOC Mid West Flanders............................................................................................. □ Public □ Private □ Institutional training providers X Other (please specify)…public / private……………………………………………… Inge Vromant..................................................................................................................

Contact person: Address Phone e-mail website

Peter Benoitstraat 13 8800 Roeselare Belgium........................................................ +32 (0) 51 26 14 40……………………….

Stage of implementation: (click the right answer):

X Preliminary project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded) □ Project under implementation

Title of the Project:

Social Economy – Flemish Model

Approximate budget of the project:

250.000 euro

Budget for transnational activities:


Durationof the project – starting date(in months): Duration of the transnational activities within the project – starting date: Thematic scope of the project(click the right answer – maximum 2):

Probably fromSeptember 2012tillmid 2014 1st half of 2014......................

Access to the labour market/employment and social inclusion, e.g.: □ Pathways to integration and reintegration of disadvantaged groups □ Fighting discrimination when entering the labour market □ Progress in promoting acceptance of diversity in the workplace □ Customised programs for specific targeted groups □ Stimulating and acknowledgment of working skills □ A better flow from social economy towards the regular labour market □ Workers and new skills within the context of a “New Economic Environment” and social economy, e.g.: □ Developing systems & strategies for lifelong learning within organisations and services for enterprises □ Training & services for workers to increase their adaptability X Strengthen an HR-competency policy in enterprises □

Business undergoing changes, e.g: □ Support labour organisations to adjust to rapidly changing economic & organisation standards □ “Corporate Social Responsibility” X Social economy □

Education and training, e.g: □ Increasing the participation in education and training at all time in one’s life □ Increase the transition from school towards work/labour market □ Facilitate the access to education for 45+

Women and job, e.g: □ Measures to gain better access to jobs and achieve a more sustainable labour market participation □ Measures to decrease the gender gap & have more women in the labour market □ Actions to improve the balance private-working life

Fighting inactivity and discrimination at high age, e.g: □ Measures for more and easy access to employability □ Measures to keep elderly people working

Stimulating entrepreneurship for target groups, e.g : □ Measures to increase the participation of migrants/ethnic minorities in the labour market and to stimulate social integration □ Innovative actions

Innovative actions

□ Other themes (please specify) ……………………………………………………………………..................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... Target groupfor transnational cooperation (click the right answer): (ONLY final beneficiaries, NO stakeholders)

X Long term Unemployed □ Persons not actively at work –e.g. Young people under 25 years old (Incl. school or high school/university) X Employed □ self Employed □ Elderly persons (+ 50) □ Specific target groups: X Disadvantaged groups (people with a large distance to the labour market) o Immigrants o Ex-offenders o Women o Persons with mental or physical disabilities X Employees in Social enterprises

Brief description of the Transnational cooperation: 1. Problems to be solved (justify the need of the transnational cooperation) How to create a framework to develop business models, applicable in Social Economy Businesses, so they can easily adapt their business model to changing social economic circumstances. How to create work for disadvantaged groups in Social Economy Businesses and in Regular Economy Businesses. How to let employed disadvantaged groups participate in implementing a new business model. How to learn staff members to let employers participate. 2.

Objectives to be achieved Create Agile Business Models for Social Economy Businesses. Apply Agile Business Models for Social Economy in Social Economy Businesses (to create agile Business Plans) and Regular Businesses (to measure the effects on the existing Business Model). Important: participation of the disadvantaged groups. Final Goal: create work for disadvantaged groups. Possibly, the framework and models can be developed together with other European partners and will be applied in other European countries, so there will be a set of ‘European Business Models for Social Economy’.


Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners) Joint development or import of knowledge concerning participation of disadvantaged groups. Joint development or import of knowledge concerning the development of business models for Social Economy Businesses. In Flanders these types of business models are unknown. Import of knowledge or joint development concerning the employment of disadvantaged groups in Social Economy and Regular Businesses.


Planned outputs, deliverables, results of TNC; expected outcomes (effects) A new framework to create agile Business Models for Social Economy Businesses. A set of Business Models, applicable in Social Economy Businesses. Implementation of the new models in Social Economy Businesses resulting in agile Business Plans. Test results of the implementation of the new models in Regular Economy Businesses.


Useful and additional remarks: We are looking forward to a partnership that can provide us with knowledge concerning the development of business models and concerning participation of disadvantaged groups.

“AGILE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP” Developing new business models for Social Economy Entrepreneurs.



Starting point: • Amongst the unemployed people there is a large group of disadvantaged persons (people with a large distance to the labour market). They have difficulties to find a job. • More and more the responsibility for finding a job is placed with the individual. • Social Economy Businesses have difficulties to find new jobs for their workers. • Regular Economy Businesses have difficulties to find workers. Problems: During the past few years, the regional social economy businesses faced changing social – economic circumstances. These changing circumstances imply threats (temporary unemployment, dismissals,…) but also give social economy businesses the opportunity to find new markets and differentiate their assignments. Therefore, social economy businesses should be able to swiftly adapt their business models. Currently, the regional social economy businesses do not dispose of the necessary knowledge to elaborate and apply this kind of agile business models. Objectives: Through this project, we wish to enable the social economic businesses to adapt swiftly to changing social economic circumstances. The final goal is to create ‘meaningful and sustainable tailor-made jobs’. By extension, the goal is to create jobs for disadvantaged groups, both in social economy businesses and regular businesses. Proposal for solution: Alexander Osterwalder created the ‘business model generation’. This framework generates a set of business models. The application of these models allow businesses to understand their current situation and at the same time adapt swiftly to changing social economic circumstances. Social economy businesses cannot simply apply this kind of framework and business models: while regular businesses look for employees for their jobs, social economy businesses look for jobs for their employees. We have to take into account all the different conditions social economy businesses have to cope with when employing disadvantaged groups. Therefore a new, adapted, agile framework needs to be created, together with a set of agile business models. To this effect the Flemish partners are looking for • Other EU partners willing to work on this topic. • Existing examples of agile business models. • Existing examples of participation by disadvantaged groups (in the development of new agile business models).

Together with the European partners a project procedure (similar to the one hereafter described for Mid-West-Flanders) will have to be developed within the period September 2012 to August 2014. Project Procedure for Mid-West-Flanders: • Preparation (2 months) • Develop the methodology (6 months) o The current business models of 2 social economy businesses in Mid-West-Flanders will be tested with regard to the framework, as described by Osterwalder, as well as to regular economy business models. (market intelligence + business intelligence + mix) o Development of a new framework, with suiting agile business models, applicable in social economy businesses. (analyses of the gaps, adaptation to business models and PPP) • Two social economy businesses from Mid-West-Flanders apply one of the developed business models (6 months) o Disadvantaged groups will be participating to this process. o Staff members will be learned how to let disadvantaged groups participate. • Adjustment of the framework and the business models + development of an application (eg business games with pilot cases) (4 months) • VALIDATION • Dissemination on (West-) Flemish level / international level (6 months). Implementation of the application. In Flanders, we would foresee three workshops, with each time one representative of a company (both social economy and regular businesses). Following that, we would provide support in the company itself. • The newly developed models will be introduced by a set of regular businesses, to check out what the effect of the application of these models will be. Maybe it will enhance the employment of disadvantaged groups in regular businesses.

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