Grant's latest local property listings 03 13 14

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Latest Local Property Listings

View magazine // showcasing Casey & Cardinia’s finest homes

Open Homes Date Time



15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

190 Ke nilworth Ave nue Be acons fie ld




For Sale

32 Gle n Vis ta Drive Narre Warre n North




Expre s s ions of Inte re s t

15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM 7-8 Farmhous e Court Narre Warre n North




Buye rs Ove r $750,000

15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM




Buye rs ove r $659,000

15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM 1 Be ttina Court Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $649,000

15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM

15 Dicks on Me ws Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $695,000

15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

49 White s ide Road Be acons fie ld




Suit Buye rs $600,000 - $660,000

15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

8 De nbigh Court Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $599,000

By Appointme nt

3 Lowanna Stre e t Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $575,000

By Appointme nt

21 St Anne s Cre s ce nt Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $550,000

15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM 6 Little Ge m Way Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $535,000

15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM




Buye rs ove r $520,000

15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM 118 Whis tle r Drive Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $520,000

15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

2 Gle ndale Cre s ce nt Be rwick




Expre s s ion of Inte re s t by s e t date 24/3/14 unle s s

15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM

15 Kalas taire Grove Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $465,000

15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

2 Ne s tle Re tre at Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $450,000

15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

8 Pe is le y Cre s ce nt Cranbourne Eas t




Buye rs Ove r $465,000

15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM 1 Schule r Court Narre Warre n




Buye rs ove r $450,000

15 Mar 4:30PM-5:00PM

12 Tudor Court Narre Warre n




Buye rs ove r $445,000

15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

19 Jamie s on Way Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $425,000

15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM 51 Bounty Way Be rwick




Suit Buye rs $400,000 - $440,000

15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM 6 Te rrie s te r Drive Be rwick




Buye rs Ove r $425,000

15 Mar 10:00AM-10:30AM 15 Springwate r Cre s ce nt Cranbourne




Buye rs ove r $410,000

15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM 33 Cornwall Stre e t Hallam




Auction 29th March 2014 at 12.30 pm

15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM 4 Pe nny Lane Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $365,000

15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM Unit 3/2-3 Camle y Court Be rwick




For Sale

15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

10 Shafts bury Ave nue Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $385,000

15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

57 Be lla Cre s ce nt Hallam




Buye rs ove r $340,000

1/5 Chilte rn Road Be rwick




Buye rs ove r $335,000

62 Toirram Cre s ce nt Cranbourne North




Buye rs ove r $299,000

By Appointme nt

By Appointme nt 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

6 As cot Ris e Be rwick

42 Fie lds tone Boule vard Be acons fie ld

Open Homes Date



Bed Bath

Car Price

15 Mar


4 Jas on Lane Pake nham




Buye rs ove r $290,000

By Appointme nt

8 Clairmont Ave nue Cranbourne




For Sale

190 Kenilworth Avenue Beaconsfield Luxury living or development dream This home of pure luxury resides in a world of it s own set on 23,900m2. For t he ent ert ainer at heart and t here is no bet t er playground t han t his classic Aust ralian paradise offering mult iple living areas, open & gas log fires, 4 bedrooms, st udy, 3 bat hrooms, sauna, in-ground pool, plent y of garage and shed space, pict ure perfect gardens and even an out door alfresco picnic area wit h built -in BBQ. For t he invest or and developer t his propert y offers even more in pot ent ial, wit h 23,900m2 of usable land in an area wit h current development s including more roads, schools and public facilit ies all wit hin walking dist ance.

57 Swan Reach Rd Swan Reach The choice is yours Tambo Park Cot t ages The main residence consist s of a large ranch st yle home, 4 bedrooms, main wit h ensuit e wit h spa. There are mult iple living areas wit h wood fire, kit chen wit h split syst em heat ing & cooling. A large out door area for t he whole family t o enjoy. Tambo Park offers; R.A.C.V - 3 St ar Accredit ed, five self cont ained t wo bedroom cot t ages wit h all services. The cot t ages are furnished t o accommodat e from t wo singles t o a family of six. Guest facilit ies are excellent include privat e verandas, boat st orage, undercover parking, games room and

4 Price:



For Sale

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

14 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM



For Sale

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment

105 Crawley Road Narre Warren North Family Perfect ion in a Premium Locat ion - Set on a 3/4 Acre wit h Circular Drive Way and side access Set t ing t he st andard in designer family living t his cont emporary 4 bedroom plus st udy, 2 bat hrooms, spa bat h and powder room as new residence is except ional in every way. Feat uring light filled spaces are impeccably present ed t o showcase open plan formal & casual living zones. Luxuriat e in superior finishes and at t ent ion t o det ail wit h sumpt uous drapery t hroughout , spot t ed gum floor boards, 2.7m high ceilings.

72 The Avenue Narre Warren South A Mast erpiece of Vict orian Elegance This double st orey Vict orian-st yle residence feat ures 5 bedrooms ,2 bat h rooms, 2 powder rooms, Int eriors of impressive dimensions t hroughout include large st udy, formal living, adjoining formal dining, huge kit chen wit h Tasmanian Blackwood & limest one bench t ops boast ing smeg appliances. Family room opening t o an undercover decked ent ert aining area. Upst airs 5 double bedrooms include main wit h ensuit e and walk-in-robes, family bat hroom wit h free st anding bat h, recycled duct ed refrigerat ion.

4 Price:



Buyers over $950,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

5 Price:

By Appointment



For Sale

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment

320 Belgrave-Gembrook Road Gembrook Oberne Park 22.5 Acres of Undulat ing Beaut y Wit h glorious views t o t he Warburt on Ranges t his 4 bedroom plus st udy home is warm and spacious. Mast er has newly renovat ed ensuit e and WIR, formal lounge embracing t he superb views, separat e dining wit h doors t o alfresco. Cent ral kit chen wit h range cooker and dishwasher wit h plent y of st orage including walk in pant ry. Newly renovat ed bat hrooms, high ceilings, t imber polished floors. Mains gas, wat er, elect ricit y and t elephone (all underground). The list could easily go on, but only an inspect ion will do just ice here.

320 Belgrave-Gembrook Road Gembrook Oberne Park 22.5 Acres of Undulat ing Beaut y Wit h glorious views t o t he Warburt on Ranges t his 4 bedroom plus st udy home is warm and spacious. Mast er has newly renovat ed ensuit e and WIR, formal lounge embracing t he superb views, separat e dining wit h doors t o alfresco. Cent ral kit chen wit h range cooker and dishwasher wit h plent y of st orage including walk in pant ry. Newly renovat ed bat hrooms, high ceilings, t imber polished floors. Mains gas, wat er, elect ricit y and t elephone (all underground). The list could easily go on, but only an inspect ion will do just ice here.

4 Price:



Buyers Over $899,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers Over $899,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

By Appointment

150 Old Menzies Creek Road Belgrave South Blank canvas on 84 acres and 40 min from CBD wit h million dollar views This dist inct ive and commanding est at e is t est imony t o a serene lifest yle where acreage is import ant & magnificent views capt ivat e. You'll be mesmerised by t he expansive unint errupt ed views and t he sounds of nat ure which are indicat ive of t he t ranquil locat ion! This is a family lifest yle t o nurt ure, appreciat e and enjoy wit h it s st ylish ambiance, it 's what dreams are made of... Key feat ures consist of t he following Muddy creek and Small dam 10m x 11m Machinery shed wit h mezzanine floor Hay shed and mult iple ot her sheds (mult i use) around propert y Three sealed road front ages including Wellingt on road Rear access t o back of propert y Combinat ion of cleared land and bush/t imbered land Three fenced areas Wild life, Deer, Kangaroos, Bird life Wat er t ank capacit y 55 t housand lit res Unint errupt ed views over Aura vale lake/bobs park Views will never be built upon Build your dream home in what many say is Belgrave Sout h's number one locat ion

150 Old Menzies Creek Road Belgrave South Blank canvas on 84 acres and 40 min from CBD wit h million dollar views This dist inct ive and commanding est at e is t est imony t o a serene lifest yle where acreage is import ant & magnificent views capt ivat e. You'll be mesmerised by t he expansive unint errupt ed views and t he sounds of nat ure which are indicat ive of t he t ranquil locat ion! This is a family lifest yle t o nurt ure, appreciat e and enjoy wit h it s st ylish ambiance, it 's what dreams are made of... Key feat ures consist of t he following Muddy creek and Small dam 10m x 11m Machinery shed wit h mezzanine floor Hay shed and mult iple ot her sheds (mult i use) around

0 Price:



Suit Buyers over $849,000

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Suit Buyers over $849,000

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

By Appointment

32 Glen Vista Drive Narre Warren North Relaxed Rural Lifest yle Living St ep inside your own privat e oasis on 1 acre wit h four bedrooms and 3 living areas. Mast er has WIR and en-suit e. A cent ral t imber open plan kit chen wit h qualit y s/s appliances including dishwasher. Formal lounge and separat e dining rooms along wit h huge st udy and ample desk and st orage space. Family bat hroom, laundry room, heat ing and cooling. Massive undercover pergola and fully fenced in-ground pool wit h manicured grounds complet e wit h huge shed.

7-8 Farmhouse Court Narre Warren North WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO A premium qualit y residence owner built t o a grand scale, t he colonial st yle facade wit h front verandah and colour bond roofing adds t o t he already impressive st reet appeal whilst t here is ample parking space wit h an ext ensive driveway leading t o t he DLUG wit h t he side access. This owner built home offers; bedrooms, main wit h ensuit e and WIR and all ot her bedrooms wit h BIR. There are formal and informal livings area plus dining. Superb kit chen wit h st ain st eel appliances overlooks t he family and dining and huge out door area. EF; 4 garages, evaporat ive

4 Price:



Expressions of Interest

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers Over $750,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

Sat 15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM

6 Ascot Rise Berwick Premium Living in Nort h Berwick A beaut iful design and met iculous const ruct ion in an exclusive locale on t he verge of Berwick Village, t his home on 752m2 has it all. From t he execut ive st udy t o t he fully st ainless st eel appoint ed kit chen and relaxed dining area, you will not find a fault . The main bedroom wit h 2 year young en-suit e and walk in robe is accompanied by t wo furt her generous bedrooms bot h feat uring built -in robes. Also feat ures duct ed heat ing t hroughout , refrigerat ive cooling and oversized garage. One inspect ion is all it will t ake.

1 Bettina Court Berwick Beaut y in Bet t ina Locat ed in Nort h-side Berwick, t his classic double st orey residence, delivers brilliant indoor and out door, formal and informal ent ert aining and living spaces. Set on 777m2 t his subst ant ial home boast s 4 large bedrooms plus st udy and 3 bat hrooms among it s spacious 30sqs of living space. Living and dining expanses adjoin a chef's sized kit chen while downst airs youll find a separat e living area wit h bedroom and bat hroom and complet e second kit chen, all wit h a separat e ent ry. This self-cont ained area, connect ing wit h t he main house is perfect for





Buyers over $659,000

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM



Buyers over $649,000

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

Sat 15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM

15 Dickson Mews Berwick WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF Met iculously designed and carefully craft ed and built approximat ely 11 years ago by t he award winning HOMETEC. This t ruly grand scale propert y will impress t hose wit h an eye for det ail. This except ional home offers 4 bedrooms plus st udy, main wit h full ensuit e and WIR & all ot her bedrooms wit h BIR. Therere several living zones including formal lounge wit h wood fire place, dining, family room and rumpus. Light and bright open plan kit chen wit h st eel appliances. EF; Out door spa, air condit ioning, gas duct ed heat ing, wood heat er and DLUG.

49 Whiteside Road Beaconsfield "COUNTRY CHARM WITH CITY CONVENIENCE ON HALF AN ACRE" This sizeable 4 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home wit h 3 living areas has endless possibilit ies and is perfect ly locat ed wit hin minut es of schools, shops t rain st at ion and freeway access on a flat 1888m2 block t he home feat ures: large mast er wit h FES, spacious lounge wit h OFP, high ceilings, hardwood t imber floors, updat ed kit chen and bat hroom, duct ed heat ing, air condit ioning t hroughout , large deck, oversized remot e double garage wit h int ernal access and lovely est ablished gardens. This beaut iful propert y is well wort h a look!





Buyers over $695,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

Sat 15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM





Suit Buyers $600,000 $660,000

Contact:Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

Sat 15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

8 Denbigh Court Berwick 881sqm Court Locat ion in The Chase Views Upgrades Galore On offer is four large bedrooms plus st udy and a combinat ion of t hree formal and informal living areas plus parent s ret reat . The signat ure residence also feat ures side access and an ext ra large double garage wit h mezzanine and built in second kit chen. Addit ional key upgrades consist of: But lers pant ry, Solid t imber doors t hroughout , Surveillance syst em, Well appoint ed laundry, Exposed aggregat e driveway, Caesar st one benches wit h under-mount sinks and soft closing drawers.

12 Sherman Court Berwick FAMILY LUXURY OF LANDMARK PROPORTIONS This magnificent Bryn Mawr residence highlight ed by a flawlessly elegant formal lounge feat uring gas fireplace and hallway flowing past a st udy, main bedroom (WIR plus spa ensuit e) and gracious formal dining; cleverly complement ed by qualit y out door ent ert aining area. Fully equipped gourmet kit chen wit h composit e st one kit chen wit h island bench and st ainless st eel appliances joins t he informal dining and living room overlooking t he out door area. 3 furt her bedrooms each wit h BIR's, sparkling family bat hroom and 2nd powder room, cooling/heat ing, new

4 Price:



Buyers over $599,000

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM





Buyers Over $625,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment

3 Lowanna Street Berwick Posit ion Perfect Locat ed in Bryn Mawr t his out st anding 30sq family propert y is finished wit h qualit y furnishings. 3 separat e luxurious living areas inc parent s ret reat , elegant formal lounge and dining. 4 bedrooms plus a st udy. Mast er wit h WIR and en-suit e. Spacious kit chen wit h s/s appliances inc dishwasher. Out side decked ent ert aining and side access for caravan or boat . Powder room, family bat hroom, laundry room, heat ing/cooling, solar panels and DLUG wit h int ernal access. Perfect ly locat ed close t o schools, parklands and Berwick Village.

12 Miller Street Berwick CHARACTER HOME ABSOLUTE PRIME OLDE BERWICK 814M2 Sit t ing on a 814m2 block t his charming brick home is nat urally light filled , Feat uring cat hedral ceilings ,t hree bedrooms wit h built in robes, formal lounge wit h fire place, Separat e dining and family area. The mast er has an ensuit e and a st udy . Spacious kit chen wit h t imber bench t ops and dishwasher, air condit ioning/duct ed heat ing, double carport plus off st reet parking. , t his is a great opport unit y t o eit her live in or renovat e and develop t he propert y furt her.

4 Price:



Buyers over $575,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

By Appointment





Buyers Over $579,000

Contact: Sean Barrie 0425 471 876 View:

By Appointment

27 Ridgemont Drive Berwick "LOCATION PERFECT - STUNNING 4 BEDROOM PLUS STUDY IN EDEN RISE!" This immaculat e 4 bedroom plus st udy family home wit h 3 living areas is locat ed close t o Eden Rise Shops and primary & secondary schools. Beaut ifully built by Rawdon Hill and feat uring: FES wit h t win vanit ies and double shower, WIR, formal lounge, high ceilings, modern kit chen wit h caesarst one, meals area, family room, separat e rumpus/t heat re room, spa bat h in main bat hroom, duct ed heat ing & cooling, privat e out door area wit h deck & alfresco, remot e double gargage wit h rear access and lovely est ablished gardens. Highly recommended.

21 St Annes Crescent Berwick Splash int o summer wit h t his Poolside Oasis This 4 bedroom family home locat ed in t he most sought aft er area in St Johns Est at e sit t ing on prime soil of 789sq. Feat uring spacious Mast er bedroom wit h ensuit e and WIR, formal living wit h fireplace, mast er chefs kit chen, wit h qualit y Jarrah t imber t hroughout & st ainless st eel appliances, huge meals area overlooking formal living, rumpus/t heat er room. Remaining t hree bedrooms are all double size wit h built in robes. Sparkling solar self cleaning in ground pool.

4 Price:



Buyers over $545,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers over $550,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment

8 Ferny Court Narre Warren South GRAND FAMILY ENTERTAINER EXPANDING OVER 1,001sqr Prest igiously locat ed, t his owner builder home opens t o elegant and except ional proport ions, immaculat ely maint ained and bringing comfort and t ranquillit y t o t he most discerning buyer. The home is ideal for a large family or t rades. The home offers; 4 double sized Bedrooms wit h BIR's, mast er wit h ensuit e and t wo WIR's. Mult iple living zones, fully equipped kit chen wit h qualit y appliances and dishwasher. Out side t here is a huge pergola, space for kids t o play. Comfort furt her enhanced by gas d/heat , evap cooling, DV, alarm syst em, 3 t oilet s, lot s of st orage, 4 secure car garaging wit h few side parking spaces. Land 1001m2.

6 Little Gem Way Berwick Inspired Living and Ent ert aining Precision built & present ed wit h t ast e & st yle, t his is a showcase 31sq home built by ProSt ruct builders. The signat ure propert y is surrounded by ot her qualit y homes and family friendly like minded neighbours. On offer is t hree oversized bedrooms plus st udy, t hree formal and informal living areas & a supersized out door ent ert aining area which feat ures a built in bar, wood fire coonara and caf st yle blinds so you can ent ert ain all year round. Key upgrades include high ceilings and doors t hroughout , st one bench t ops wit h 900ml S/S appliances, wat er t ank,





Buyers over $585,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $535,000

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

Sat 15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM

42 Fieldstone Boulevard Beaconsfield Perfect Family Home The perfect family home feat uring 4 bedrooms wit h ensuit e t o mast er, superb open living wit h 3 living zones include formal lounge, rumpus, and well appoint ed kit chen wit h s/s appliances overlooking a good size meals/family area. Plent y of room out doors wit h a great covered pergola ent ert ainment area, filt ered above ground pool, duct ed heat ing, evaporat ive cooling, led light ing t hough out , alarm syst em, double garage wit h int ernal access & est ablished gardens Great locat ion-viewing is a must .

118 Whistler Drive Berwick Family home, family locat ion Locat ed on a premier road, Nort h Side Berwick on an impressive 704sqm block is t his st unning 6 year old home. Enjoying 4 bedrooms, t he mast er wit h WIR and en-suit e, family bat hroom, laundry room, formal lounge and a huge family living and meals area. Cent ral open plan kit chen wit h s/s appliances including dishwasher. Doors t o undercover ent ert aining all wrapped around huge low maint enance gardens along wit h in-ground t rampoline, perfect for ent ert aining t he kids. DLUG, rear/side access, heat ing, refrigerat ed cooling all in a premium leafy

4 Price:



Buyers over $520,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM



Buyers over $520,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

Sat 15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM

15 Charles Conder Place Berwick Perfect for t he busy family Beaut ifully present ed in St Johns Height s is t his huge 4 bedroom plus st udy family home. Luxurious living wit h 3 separat e areas, a rumpus room, elegant formal lounge and formal dining room. 4 huge bedrooms, mast er wit h WIR and en-suit e. Impressive open plan kit chen/meals wit h s/s appliances and dishwasher. An enormous out side pergola ent ert aining area, low maint enance garden and side access wit h space for caravan/boat . Family bat hroom, laundry room, heat ing/cooling, 16 solar panels and DLUG.

20 Duke Street Berwick Designer st yle, desirable locat ion Set in t he sought aft er Chase Est at e t his immaculat e Henley built home boast s t hree generous sized bedrooms, (mast er wit h WIR and FES) plus rumpus or fourt h bedroom. 3 separat e living areas including t heat re room, formal living and st udy room. Open plan kit chen/meals wit h luxury upgrades of st one benches and s/s appliances including range cooker. Two out door ent ert aining areas wit h built -in BBQ and low maint enance gardens. DLUG, int ernal access, high ceilings, heat ing/cooling and st one t ops t o all wet areas.

4 Price:



Buyers over $499,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers over $520,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

By Appointment

53 Howell Drive Berwick Beaut y in t he heart of Berwick Nest led in Nort h-Side Berwick t his impeccably present ed t hree bedroom home boast s bot h size and space, ideal for t hose seeking a brilliant Berwick st art ing point . An immaculat e kit chen wit h rest aurant grade gas burner provides ample sit t ing, dining and ent ert aining flexibilit y compliment ed by an easily managed garden. A spacious main bedroom wit h walk in robe and ensuit e accompanies t wo addit ional bedrooms, bot h wit h robes, cleverly zoned t o t heir own bat hroom offering bat h and shower facilit ies. Includes duct ed heat ing, air condit ioning and a double garage wit h rear roller door.

3 Barter Crescent Cranbourne East FULLY UPRGRADED CONTEMPORARY FAMILY STUNNER 36sqr. Design perfect ly for a large family, it gives you feel of space and comfort as you enjoy living in your dream home. This family st unner offers: t wo luxury mast er bedrooms wit h WIR and full privat e ensuit e and t hree ot her double bedrooms provides wit h WIR. Choose t o ent ert ain in your formal lounge, family/dining and rumpus wit h glamorous light fit t ings. Spacious kit chen provides huge walk in pant ry, qualit y appliances and Caesar st one bencht ops. EF; porcelain t iles, high ceiling, DLUG, evaporat ive cooling, duct ed heat ing, qualit y window





Buyers over $499,000

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

By Appointment





For Sale

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment

13 Tyrell Place Berwick Low Maint enance Living on a 650m2 propert y. Wit h welcoming hardwood floors and t iles t hroughout , it ent ails 4 bedrooms, 3 airy sun splashed living areas, appoint ed mast er chefs kit chen, 2 bat hrooms,heat ing & cooling t hroughout , a fit t ed spa bat h and a supersized pergola complet es t his must see propert y. Nest led in Berwick, it s close t o t he prest igious schools, St Francis Xavier, St Cat herines Cat holic t o name a few. Wit hin walking dist ance t o Eden Rise Village, parks and local amenit ies. Whet her buying for invest ment or t o live in, t his hot propert y is all about locat ion! Locat ion! Locat ion

2 Glendale Crescent Berwick Timbarra Est at e Nort h Side is calling all buyers This home is set on approximat ely 686 sqm of prime land. It consist s of 4 large bedrooms, a mast er bedroom wit h a full ensuit e and walk in robe, a spacious formal lounge and separat e dining room. This home also has a separat e family/rumpus room wit h coonarra fire place, a well equipped kit chen wit h oven, gas cook t op, dishwasher and meals area. ot her feat ures include pergola, duct ed heat ing, air condit ioner, Close t o Parkhill Plaza shopping cent re, schools & freeways.

4 Price:



Buyers over $460,000

Contact: Sean Barrie 0425 471 876 Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Expression of Interest by set date 24/3/14 unless

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

Sat 15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM

15 Kalastaire Grove Berwick "IMMACULATE 4 BEDROOM PLUS STUDY IN COURT LOCATION!" Perfect ly locat ed close t o schools, t ransport , uni, t rain st at ion and freeway access t his lovely 4 bedroom plus st udy family home will not last ! Wit h 3 living areas, large pergola and enough yard for t he kids t he home feat ures: FES & WIR, LED downlight s, t imber flooring, cent ral kit chen/meals/family, spa bat h in main bat hroom, duct ed heat ing & cooling, privat e out door area, double garage wit h int ernal & rear access and est ablished gardens. A great family home!

2 Nestle Retreat Berwick Hidden Gem await s Treasure Hunt er This 4 bedroom home is posit ioned in a perfect locat ion in Nort h side Timbarra, Feat uring Mast er wit h Bay window, WIR & full ensuit e, Spacious formal living leading t o kit chen wit h breakfast bench overlooking meals/dining area, separat ed zoned informal living/rumpus room, 3 addit ional bedrooms wit h BIR, cent ral bat hroom wit h spa bat h, ot her feat ures include float ing floorboards, evaporat ive cooling, cent ral heat ing, huge pergola area.

4 Price:



Buyers over $465,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 1:00PM-1:30PM



Buyers over $450,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM

8 Peisley Crescent Cranbourne East "CASCADES ON CLYDE - STUNNING EX-DISPLAY HOME!" This modern, spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home boast ing over 27 sq (URL) has been qualit y built by Waverley Homes wit h not hing t o do but move in and enjoy! Wit h 2 large open plan living areas and 2 alfresco areas, feat ures include: FES & WIR, high ceilings, ext ensive t iling, sparkling kit chen wit h caesarst one, large bedrooms, duct ed heat ing & cooling, remot e double garage wit h int ernal access, est ablished gardens, side access and smart wired wit h high speed int ernet . Inspect t oday!

1 Schuler Court Narre Warren STEP INSIDE TO BE SURPRISED Perfect for a family who is looking for a comfort able lifest yle, enjoys a premier court posit ion. Furt her feat ures include; mast er bedroom wit h ensuit e, 2nd, 3rd and 4t h bedrooms wit h BIR, great floor plan design wit h living and dining areas, formal lounge and dinning, under cover area, perfect for out door ent ert aining, cooling and duct ed heat ing. Locat ion; close t o best schools, freeway access, t rains/buses and fount ain gat e shopping cent re et c.

4 Price:



Buyers Over $465,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM



Buyers over $450,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

Sat 15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM

12 Tudor Court Narre Warren Comfort and class wit h a family focus This well present ed 4 bed home on 617m present s a fant ast ic opport unit y and combinat ion of family living and ent ert aining. It feat ures a mast er wit h WIR and ENS, mult iple living areas adjoining a separat e dining area, spacious kit chen wit h meals, cent ral bat hroom wit h spa-bat h, double lock up garage, heat ing and cooling and a beaut iful alfresco wit h a built in bar. Locat ed wit hin walking dist ance t o Mary Mackillop Primary, public t ransport and has easy access t o t he freeway and Fount ain Gat e. Inspect now!

176 The Promenade Narre Warren South An Except ional Family Home Locat ed on t he popular Promenade just moment s from schools, parks and lakes is t his 4 bedroom family home. Mast er wit h en-suit e and WIR, cent ral open plan kit chen wit h s/s appliances and dishwasher. 2 separat e living areas including built -in bar, and a family meals area. Undercover paved ent ert aining area and garden wit h shed. DLUG wit h rear access and space for caravan. Ot her feat ures include; family bat hroom, laundry room, heat ing/cooling, t imber float ing floors all on a 700sqm block.

4 Price:



Buyers over $445,000

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 4:30PM-5:00PM



Buyers over $450,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

By Appointment

14 Ludlow Court Beaconsfield Open Living Immaculat ely present ed family home wit h 3 living areas feat uring a formal lounge, dining, well appoint ed kit chen overlooking a large family/meals area.3 bedrooms plus st udy wit h ensuit e t o mast er all wit h t he comfort of duct ed heat ing & cooling.Plent y of room out doors wit h covered pergola & paved area complet e wit h est ablished gardens wit h opt ion for side access, ideal for caravan, t railer or shed.

11 Madison Place Officer HOME FIT FOR A KING AND QUEEN 1 year old family home of appro. 32sq built by Met ricon. Offering 4 bedrooms, all wit h BIR and mast er wit h WIR & ensuit e feat uring dble vanit ies. Choose t o ent ert ain in your family/lounge and relax wit h t he kids in t he rumpus/t heat re. Luxury kit chen wit h st one bench t op, st ainless appliances, flash back, built in dishwasher, huge WIP, and ample kit chen space wit h overhead cupboards is locat ed cent rally for great host ing. Feat ures include; duct ed heat ing, 2.7m ceiling, DLUG and grand t imber BFD leading t o t he spacious alfresco area.

3 Price:



Buyers over $435,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $435,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment

19 Jamieson Way Berwick Lakeside Living at Beaumont Wat ers Modern designed double st orey feat uring 3 bedroom plus st udy, generous living rooms and dining area which open out t o a privat e court yard ideal for alfresco dining. The gourmet chiefs kit chen feat ures a t op of t he range 900mm cooker & st ainless st eel appliances. Mast er bedroom wit h en-suit e and WIR in robes, parent s, t wo addit ional bedrooms wit h built in robes. Ot her feat ures duct ed heat ing, split syst em A/C, securit y syst em, duct ed vacuum and int ernally accessed double garage.

51 Bounty Way Berwick THE ONE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! This at t ract ive 3 bedroom plus st udy/4t h bedroom family home is right on t he money for first home buyers, invest ors and down sizers. Close t o schools, t ransport and Eden Rise shops feat uring: FES + WIR, lounge room, spacious kit chen/family, large bedrooms, DH, A/C, huge pergola, good sized yard, remot e DG wit h int ernal and rear access and lovely est ablished gardens. Here t oday, gone t omorrow!

3 Price:



Buyers over $425,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

3 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 3:00PM-3:30PM



Suit Buyers $400,000 $440,000

Contact:Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

Sat 15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM

6 Terriester Drive Berwick "SPARKLING 4 BEDROOM IN POPULAR LOCATION!" This beaut ifully present ed 4 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home is locat ed close t o schools, uni, t rain st at ion & freeway access in popular Berwick Sout h. Feat uring: FES & WIR, formal lounge/dining, spacious kit chen wit h dishwasher, duct ed heat ing, good sized bedrooms wit h BIR's, paved out door pat io area, remot e double garage wit h int ernal and rear access and neat est ablished gardens. A lovely clean home.

15 Springwater Crescent Cranbourne Needing room for a family? I am ready and wait ing This 4 bedroom family home locat ed in t he most sought aft er area in Cranbourne sit t ing on prime soil of 630sq. Feat uring spacious Mast er bedroom wit h Ensuit e and WIR, formal living leading t o t he mast er chefs kit chen, wit h st ainless st eel appliances, huge meals area overlooking informal /rumpus living, remaining t hree bedrooms are all double size wit h built in robes. Wit h new carpet s and qualit y float ing floor boards set s t his home apart from any compet it ion.

4 Price:



Buyers Over $425,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM



Buyers over $410,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

Sat 15 Mar 10:00AM-10:30AM

33 Cornwall Street Hallam Superb locat ion. Superbly posit ioned propert y close t o new supermarket & shops, schools, childcare and t ransport wit h easy access t o major roadways t his 2 st ory home feat ures t hree bedrooms plus st udy wit h ensuit e, spa & sauna t o mast er. Two living areas include formal lounge, a well appoint ed kit chen wit h servery t o main meals & family area. Out doors has swimming pool for t he summer mont hs wit h plent y of lawn and garden space. Ot her feat ures include duct ed heat ing, air condit ioning, t int ed windows, large free st anding 7m x 5m garage and securit y fence wit h remot e gat e.

2 Kilburn Place Pakenham Perfect Locat ion Locat ed in Lakeside, t his out st anding t wo st orey propert y is as new and is perfect ly locat ed close t o supermarket s, shops, schools, rest aurant s, t ransport wit h easy access t o major mot orways. Feat uring 4 bedrooms plus a st udy wit h superb ensuit e t o mast er includes 2 separat e vanit ies and a large shower. Living areas are a perfect mix of casual and formal living wit h meals, family & lounge wit h double sliding door opening t o out door area. Kit chen is out st anding wit h st one bench t ops wit h qualit y s/s appls and but lers pant ry all wit h t he comfort s of

3 Price:



Auction 29th March 2014 at 12.30 pm

Contact:Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

4 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 12:00PM-12:30PM



Buyers over $425,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment

8 Jomary Court Berwick ''A RARE FIND IN BLUE CHIP LOCATION" Build your dream home on t his elevat ed 713m2 allot ment in t he highly sought aft er Edringt on Park est at e. Posit ioned in a quiet court amongst qualit y homes in a lovely cul-de-sac close t o Berwick Village and just behind St Margaret s School. Opport unit ies like t his dont come along every day t o invest in t his premium est ablished area! Genuine vendors are on t he market t o sell t ake a drive past and call me t oday.

11/18-26 Marlesford Crescent Berwick Superb locat ion Superb t wo st orey t ownhouse in gat ed communit y feat uring 3 generous bedrooms, t wo bat hrooms wit h spa bat h in main bat hroom, a well appoint ed kit chen wit h st one bench t ops and breakfast bar overlooking family, meals & lounge area wit h t imber flooring. Out doors is a paved court yard and lawn. Feat ures include balcony from mast er bedroom, one bedroom downst airs, heat ing & cooling, alarm syst em & double garage. Enjoy like minded neighbors wit h great facilit ies like pool, gymnasium, and land scaped gardens in a safe environment wit h





Buyers over $395,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

By Appointment





Buyers Over $395,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment

Lot 2, 6 Allan Street Berwick Olde Berwick Wat ch your dreams unfold here, t his blank canvas of prime land privat ely posit ioned in Old Berwick is walking dist ance t o most amenit ies including schools, shops, and t ransport wit h easy access t o major roadways. This prest igious 987m2 propert y is virt ually flat and would be perfect fit t o build your dream home. Dont miss t his opport unit y of a life t ime t o secure t his prest igious block.

18 Emily Drive Narre Warren "IDEAL INVESTMENT OR FIRST HOME!" Locat ed nort h of t he highway close t o Fount ain Gat e Shops, schools, t ransport and freeway access t his spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home is right on t he money and will not last ! Current ly wit h excellent t enant s or vacant possession available, feat uring: FES & WIR, laminat e t imber flooring, DH, A/C, open plan living areas, spacious kit chen, out door area wit h pergola, big back yard, remot e double garage wit h int ernal ent ry and rear access and est ablished gardens. Bet t er be quick!

0 Price:



Buyers over $375,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $375,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

By Appointment

10B Lucas Court Narre Warren South "PERFECT FOR FIRST HOME/INVESTMENT/DOWN SIZING - BETTER BE QUICK!" This immaculat e 3 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home on a low maint enance cot t age block is priced t o sell and will not last ! Locat ed in a court close t o schools, shops and t ransport and feat uring remot e DG wit h int access, FES & WIR, spacious living area, sparkling vinyl wrap kit chen, DH, A/C, out door area wit h pergola and neat est ablished gardens. Put t his one at t he t op of your list !

4 Penny Lane Berwick Timbarra t ownhouse wit h family appeal Enjoying Nort h Side Berwick t his rare charmer is court locat ed overlooking parklands. A Vict orian t errace st yle home comprising 3 bedrooms and 2 bat hrooms. Mast er wit h WIR, en-suit e and balcony overlooking park. Formal living room and second family meals room. Well appoint ed open plan kit chen wit h dishwasher, doors t o low maint enance garden. Separat e laundry and downst airs powder room. Single garage, rear access, high ceilings, gas wall heat er and all wit hin walking dist ance t o everyt hing Parkhill Plaza has t o offer.





Buyers over $375,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $365,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

Sat 15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM

Unit 3/2-3 Camley Court Berwick Walk t o t he village! A st ylish lifest yle wait s in one of Berwicks best locat ions; sit uat ed only moment s from t he Village. Hallmarks of t his peaceful Berwick gem include modern int eriors and lavish finishes for a lifest yle of absolut e beaut y. Impeccably appoint ed t o exact ing st andards, t he residence comprises expansive living and dining zones, impressively appoint ed kit chen, large main bedroom wit h indulgent en suit e; t wo furt her bedrooms and separat e laundry. Feat ures heat ing and cooling t hroughout and double elect ric garage.

3 Carluke Court Berwick Renovat e or replace on a big block Dont miss t his opport unit y. Set on a 790sqm block t his brick home needs complet e renovat ion or pot ent ial development (STCA). 3 bedrooms, mast er wit h BIR and en-suit e. Formal lounge wit h gas log fire place, open plan kit chen/meals. Huge garden, sunroom and shedding. Front single roller door revealing vast carport and space for mult iple cars and access t o a separat e DLUG. Timber floors, heat ing/cooling and all locat ed close t o schools, childcare, Monash Universit y, Casey Hospit al and convenient freeway access.

3 Price:



For Sale

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

3 Price:

Sat 15 Mar 11:00AM-11:30AM



Buyers over $350,000

Contact:Siobhan Beeston 0487 901 590 View:

By Appointment

10 Shaftsbury Avenue Berwick "BARGAIN BUY 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM IN GREAT LOCATION!" Invest ors/first home buyers t ake not e! Locat ed close t o schools & t ransport in popular Berwick sout h t his 4 bedroom, 2 bat hroom family home will not last . Feat uring: WIR & FES, open plan living, spacious kit chen wit h breakfast bar, dishwasher, duct ed heat ing, roller shut t ers, remot e double garage wit h int ernal ent ry, good sized yard on 642m block and est ablished gardens. Bet t er be quick!

1 Waterbloom Avenue Clyde North Set t led and Ready t o build. Creat e your own wat erfront haven on a spacious lot size of 536m2. A premium lot front ing t he living wat erfront wit h pict uresque viewing and open space, it is a dream for any buyer. Nat ural beaut y, diversit y and convenience will highlight life at Berwick Wat ers. Sit uat ed bet ween St Francis Xavier and Hillcrest Christ ian Colleges t he est at e is minut es from some of t he most prest igious privat e schools and colleges in t he area. For t he avid shopper, Fount ain Gat e Shopping Cent re is just 10km away, wit h over 300 st ores. This prime locat ion is minut es from local

4 Price:



Buyers over $385,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM




Expression of Interest


Contact: Sean Barrie 0425 471 876 View:

By Appointment

57 Bella Crescent Hallam Feel At Home in Beaut iful Bella. This fant ast ic 4 bedroom home offers zoned living at it s best . Comprising a full ensuit e t o mast er bedroom, formal lounge, family room, rumpus room and t wo more generous sized bedrooms. An open plan t imber kit chen overlooks a pergola ensuring many night s of ent ert aining family and friends. This propert y also boast s a single lock up garage wit h great side access t o t he rear yard for boat s, t railers, caravans or work vans which makes it ideal for any t radesman or leisure ent husiast . Sit uat ed on a generous block in a sought aft er locat ion.

2/17 Lydia Mary Drive Berwick Renovat ed Nt h Side Berwick Three Bedroom Unit This flawlessly present ed home in t he highly sought Nort h Side Berwick locale delivers a great combinat ion of airy open plan living and an abundance of nat ural sun splashed light t hroughout . Boast ing t hree bedrooms and t ast eful renovat ions t hroughout t his propert y is sure t o impress. Recent key updat es include: cent ral heat ing & refrigerat ed cooling, new carpet and float ing t imber floors, full renovat ion of bot h kit chen and bat hroom, resprayed and rebedded roof, new pergola.





Buyers over $340,000

Contact: Sean Barrie 0425 471 876 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM





Buyers over $339,000

Contact: Damien Towner 0401 181 845 View:

By Appointment

1/5 Chiltern Road Berwick Immaculat e Present at ion Immaculat ely present ed unit on t he nort h side of Berwick, superbly locat ed in a court , t his propert y is close t o most amenit ies including t ransport and shops, feat uring 2 living areas which includes a formal lounge, well appoint ed kit chen and family /meals area, t wo spacious bedrooms wit h a bat hroom feat uring bat h and shower plus t he comfort s of duct ed heat ing, cooling & ceiling fans. Out doors is privat e wit h beaut iful est ablished gardens, paved covered pergola plus single garage wit h remot e.

Unit 1/5 Chiltern Road Berwick Immaculat e Present at ion Immaculat ely present ed unit on t he nort h side of Berwick, superbly locat ed in a court , t his propert y is close t o most amenit ies including t ransport and shops, feat uring 2 living areas which includes a formal lounge, well appoint ed kit chen and family /meals area, t wo spacious bedrooms wit h a bat hroom feat uring bat h and shower plus t he comfort s of duct ed heat ing, cooling & ceiling fans. Out doors is privat e wit h beaut iful est ablished gardens, paved covered pergola plus single garage wit h remot e.

2 Price:



Buyers over $335,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

2 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers over $335,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment

18 Jutland Close Clyde North Brand New Met ricon Home out t he Box Calling all first home buyers and invest ors t o secure t his great home. Feat uring 3 bedrooms, mast er wit h ensuit e and WIR. Open modern kit chen wit h double sink, st ainless st eel appliances. Good size living area, int ernal access t o single garage, qualit y floor boards and carpet s t hroughout and high ceilings complet e t his home package. Locat ed in a sought aft er area, close t o schools, public t ransport , freeways and posit ioned cent ral t o Cranbourne and Berwick shopping Cent re.

12/6 Melville Park Drive Berwick Ret irement Bliss Large 2 Bedroom unit wit h walk in robe t o mast er, spacious living/lounge area plus a well appoint ed kit chen and meals area, a large shower fit t ed out wit h safet y requirement s,2 t oilet s, gas heat ing and a pleasant out door space allows you have all t he comfort for a relaxed environment . Locat ed in t he prest igious Edringt on Park ret irement village, you have t he freedom t o manage your own lifest yle wit h t he added benefit t o access t he communit y facilit ies, have professional managed gardens, maint enance, securit y and 24 hr emergency service.

3 Price:



Buyers Over $310,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

2 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers over $295,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment

62 Toirram Crescent Cranbourne North BRIGHT & SMART STARTER HOME This t idy present ed home has t hree generous bedrooms wit h BIR. The floor plan consist ing of formal lounge/dining, family/dining and a fully equipped kit chen feat uring gas cooking. Out side t here is a pergola for out door ent ert ainment and huge backyard and four car space. Luxury modern conveniences include heat ing and cooling. Locat ion is close t o schools, shopping cent re, public t ransport and park land.

16/43-45 Belgrave Hallam Road Hallam Looking t o invest ? This 2 bedroom unit is full of space. This newly updat ed home offers you t he freedom t o grow t hat ot hers can't . Comprising a very large living room, generous kit chen (gas cooking) and dining area, bat hroom wit h separat e t oilet , separat e laundry, lot s of st orage, mast er bedroom wit h BIR, second double bedroom and a privat e garage. Bat hed in nat ural light and nest led in a convenient locat ion just moment s from Fount ain Gat e and freeway access.





Buyers over $299,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM




Buyers over $320,000


Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

By Appointment

4 Jason Lane Pakenham Invest ors and First Home Buyers! Youll find it difficult t o find more value t han 4 Jason Lane, Pakenham. This 3 year young propert y is burst ing wit h pot ent ial for invest ors, first home buyers or someone simply looking at downsizing. The mast er bedroom wit h ensuit e is complement ed by 2 ot her large bedrooms wit h built in robes which join t he main hallway leading t o t he modern kit chen, meals and t hen family area. Addit ional feat ures include duct ed heat ing, lock up garage and a low maint enance backyard.

Lot 1 Berglund Road Beaconsfield Upper 13 Acres Let your dreams unfold wit h 13 acres of propert y in t he well sought aft er of Beaconsfield Upper, an opport unit y t o creat e and develop t his propert y t o suit your life st yle, enjoy t he peace and t ranquil life surrounded by nat ure at it s best . An opport unit y t o good t o miss, inspect now.





Buyers over $290,000

Contact: David Martin 0477 667 776 View:

Sat 15 Mar 2:00PM-2:30PM





Buyers over $295,000

Contact: Phillip Hitchins 0428 271 884 View:

By Appointment

8 Aspera Place Cranbourne North Eve Est at e Build your dream home or just sit back and wat ch your invest ment grow. This 612m2 block sit uat ed in Cranbourne Nort h's exclusive Eve Est at e is sure t o please.

25 Wintersun Road Berwick DREAM BIG / KING OF THE HILL Wat ch your dreams unfold here. Bring t o life your magnificent designed mast erpiece on t his blank canvas of prime land of 738 sq wit h views. This prest igious pocket only moment s t o local schools, Playground, ParkHill Plaza ,Fount ain Gat e shopping cent re, & t ransport . Dont miss a opport unit y of a life t ime t o secure t his block. This block has a geot echnical report and is wait ing your next move.





Buyers over $285,000

Contact: Stuart Grant 0438 554 522 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $275,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment

2/43 Heyington Circle Narre Warren Move in and Relax no money t o spend Calling all invest ors, first home Buyers & Pensioners This t wo bedroom unit can only be described as t he best in t he market for value. Feat uring huge mast er bedroom wit h BIR & ot her large bedroom wit h BIR.Spacious living area, sliding door separat ing Meals area and Kit chen. Main bat h room has bat h and shower, big laundry, split syst em air condit ioning, sun blinds, garden shed, secure low maint enance back yard. This propert y has an addit ional parking space next t o single garage.

44 Royal St Georges Chase Botanic Ridge "VENDOR SAYS SELL - GOLFER'S DREAM COME TRUE AT SETTLERS RUN!" Can you imagine having t he 1st hole at your back door and t he 9t h hole at your front door? Well here it is! This premium block in Set t lers Run epit omises what t hese lifest yle est at es are all about . The flat 569m2 block wit h golf course views front & back comes wit h full club membership and is only a short walk t o t he count ry club wit h rest aurant , pool, gym, t ennis court s and all t hat is on offer at t he magnificent Set t lers Run Count ry Club. Seeing is believing - t ake a drive down and check it out t oday.

2 Price:



Buyers over $269,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $265,000

Contact: Darren Burke 0417 509 006 View:

By Appointment

8 Clairmont Avenue Cranbourne Family Focus In Mind In a super convenient , quit e locat ion just a short st roll t o t he t rain st at ion & Cranbourne shops, t his single level home is an incredible invest ment ! It s ideal for first home buyers, invest ors and Developers. Theres lot s of living space found in t he lounge wit h a good floor plan, Pract ical Kit chen wit h breakfast bench over looking meals area. All 3 bedrooms feat ures built -in wardrobes, t he home also feat ures heat ing & cooling, covered pat io, Bali St yle set t ing, lovely gardens. Close t o Schools, Medical Cent re, Recreat ion Reserve and bus st ops.

21 Lancashire Drive Cranbourne North Build Your Dream Home at Camden Green Est at e!! Calling all developers t o secure an opport unit y for your fut ure family home, fant ast ic block in fant ast ic est at e at Camden Green Cranbourne Nort h is wait ing for you t o build your ult imat e dream home. Large approximat ely 589sqm block, surrounding by t op unique and qualit y built homes. Locat ion is described perfect wit hin walking dist ance t o school, shopping cent res and childcare cent re beaut iful park and ot her facilit ies. Dont miss t his golden lifest yle opport unit y call us NOW!

3 Price:



For Sale

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $250,000

Contact: Eddie Atahi 0413 495 802 View:

By Appointment

18 Cerbera Bend Cranbourne North Looking t o build in Eve - Then t his is perfect ! Ideally locat ed in a quiet st reet close t o t he Eve Est at e's t hriving cafes and shops, Cerbera Bend is a st andout locat ion for creat ing somet hing spect acular. A fully fenced, cleared nort h-facing allot ment of 512sqm (approx), wit h schools, cafes and public t ransport only a few minut es walk away. The low-t raffic st reet is a smart choice for families looking t o build a superb new home, or downsizers looking for a quiet locat ion for easy living. One of t he few blocks remaining in t he sought aft er Eve Est at e wit h a large 16m front age t his is an opport unit y ready t o build on and st ep int o t he ult imat e lifest yle localit y.

5 Ridgeline Drive Botanic Ridge Exclusive Land / Pict ure perfect views Here is your opport unit y t o purchase t his big block of land (679m2 ) in a prime locat ion in t he Bot anic Ridge Est at e. Feat uring Magnificent Views of Parkland and fut ure Pat h ways / walking t racks and a primary school. Locat ed close t o public t ransport , schools, shops and close proximit y t o t he popular Set t les Run Golf Course. Inspect ion on your short list a must .





Buyers over $245,000

Contact: Stuart Grant 0438 554 522 View:

By Appointment





Buyers over $225,000

Contact:John Vandermerwe 0459 076 919 View:

By Appointment

Lot 1540 Maeve Circuit Cranbourne East Prime Home Sit e wit h wat er views Locat ed in Cranbourne East 's highly sought Cascades on Clyde t his out st anding sit e is ideal for t hose looking t o build. Fully t it led and ready for your new home, it boast s wat er views in a quiet cul de sac.

Lot 1610 Maeve Circuit Cranbourne East Prime Home Sit e in Cascades on Clyde Locat ed in Cranbourne East 's highly sought Cascades on Clyde t his out st anding sit e is ideal for t hose looking t o build. Fully t it led and ready for your new home, close t o t he wat er in a quiet corner locat ion.





Buyers over $215,000

Contact: Stuart Grant 0438 554 522 View:

By Appointment




Buyers over $225,000


Contact: Stuart Grant 0438 554 522 View:

By Appointment

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