Grants Pakenham – View Magazine 01.04.14

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Latest Local Property Listings

View magazine // showcasing Casey & Cardinia’s finest homes

Open Homes Date Time


Bed Bath Car Price

5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM

118 Mann Road Court Pake nham Uppe r




Ne gotiable Ove r $820,000

5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM

625 Bunyip Rive r Road Cora Lynn




Ne gotiable Ove r $700,000

5 Apr 12:00PM-12:30PM

580A Koo We e Rup Road Pake nham




Buye rs Range $700,000-$760,000

5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM

22 Hillris e Court Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $540,000

5 Apr 1:00PM-1:30PM

5 Lawre nce Clos e Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $550,000

5 Apr 12:00PM-12:30PM

10 She are rs Court Pake nham





5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM

33 Victory Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $430,000

5 Apr 1:00PM-1:30PM

23 Irving Road Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $390,000

5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM

82 Eagle Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable ove r $360,000

5 Apr 11:30AM-12:00PM

12 Mans e ll Court Garfie ld




Ne gotiable Ove r $360,000

5 Apr 11:00AM-11:30AM

80 Railway Ave nue Garfie ld




Ne gotiable Ove r $380,000

5 Apr 12:30PM-1:00PM

17 Mulcare Stre e t Nar Nar Goon




Buye rs Range $350,000 - $380,000

5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM

20 Cre e kvie w Ave nue Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $365,000

5 Apr 1:30PM-2:00PM

72 Dunbarton Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $290,000

118 Mann Road Court Pakenham Upper CAPTURING SUNSET, LIFESTYLE LIVING AS PRIVATE AS CAN BE Set on 15 acres (approx) If you are looking t o escape suburbia for a wonderful lifest yle on t he hills, t hen 118 Mann Road Court , Pakenham Upper could well be your very own t oday. Tucked away 15 min int o t he hills from t own and locat ed on 15 acres of cleared land, bordered by est ablished t ree line for secluded privacy, t his uniquely designed propert y accommodat es a host of uses.Wit h t he main dwelling only 13 yrs old & 30 sqs URL (approx) offering split level living capt uring out looks from all angles.

625 Bunyip River Road Cora Lynn A 5 Acre Dream come t rue On a sealed road..!! Loads of opport unit y, wit h t he pot ent ial t o t urn t his 5 acre propert y int o what ever you want !! This propert y could be a horse lovers paradise wit h fenced paddocks unlimit ed supply of wat er (5 mega lit res pumping right s) a market garden and past lucerne crops and st ill growing! Surrounded by farm land t his is what count ry living is all about , wit h your own privat e sealed driveway t hat leads you t o an impressive 2 st ory 4 bedroom home, ot her feat ures include a great





Negotiable Over $820,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM





Negotiable Over $700,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM

10 Murrawong Road Maryknoll YOUR VERY OWN OASIS If youve always want ed t o live in a wat erfront propert y t his is your chance t o own t he wat erfront ! Wit h t his propert y you can enjoy a ret reat lifest yle complet e wit h birdlife, t wo minut es from t he Princes Highway/freeway and close enough t o st ill do all your local shopping at Pakenham, living does not get much bet t er t han t his. You are welcomed t o a well kept bushland, following a long driveway and present ed by a welcoming t wo st orey west ern red cedar home. This propert y has been lived in and loved for many years and upon inspect ion you will underst and why.

580A Koo Wee Rup Road Pakenham PERFECT HORSE HAVEN, CLEARED 9 ACRES Only 10 minut es t o everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer is t his beaut iful horse propert y up for grabs and furt her more only 53 minut es from t he CBD, so if you are int o horses but need t o be close t o t own, here is your opport unit y t o benefit . Approximat ely 9.13 acres of paddocks await s you and your horses, perfect ly set back from Koo Wee Rup Road you will find t hat count ry bliss. Boast ing: 4 Spacious Bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e. Theat re room, front formal lounge. Open light filled t imber kit chen family/meals area. Out door

3 Price:



Negotialble Over $750,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers Range $700,000$760,000

Contact:Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 12:00PM-12:30PM

580A Koo Wee Rup Road Pakenham South PERFECT HORSE HAVEN, CLEARED 9 ACRES Only 10 minut es t o everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer is t his beaut iful horse propert y up for grabs and furt her more only 53 minut es from t he CBD, so if you are int o horses but need t o be close t o t own, here is your opport unit y t o benefit . Approximat ely 9.13 acres of paddocks await s you and your horses, perfect ly set back from Koo Wee Rup Road you will find t hat count ry bliss. Boast ing: 4 Spacious Bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e. Theat re room, front formal lounge. Open light filled t imber kit chen family/meals area. Out door pat io area looking out t o pict ure perfect gardens. Only 12 years old approx t his family home also comprises much more such as gas duct ed heat ing, wood coonara, 2nd bat hroom, double lock up garage wit h work shop space, 3 recept ion areas and solar power x12 panels leaving your elect ricit y bills behind. Perfect ly cleared allot ment wit h elect ric fencing & wat er t o all 9 paddocks, t ract or shed, foaling paddock, spring fed bore wit h elect rical pump, grass dressage arena, 22,730 Lit re wat er t ank x2, t ank gas and sept ic t ank.

24 Highland Drive Pakenham Live like royalt y on t op of t he world This no expense spared huge 5 bedroom 3 st ory, 3 bat hroom home is a lifest yle propert y in t he heart of Pakenham. Sit uat ed on 1005m wit h it s own work shop, wine cellar, gym, fruit t rees & a veget able garden so ext ensive t here would be no need t o ever buy fruit and veg again!! There is a beaut iful alfresco area wit h built in BBQ perfect for ent ert aining. The home it self is open plan living, kit chen & dining area. Built for a family it really does have t hat family feel.

4 Price:



Buyers Range $700,000$760,000

Contact:Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

5 Price:

By Appointment



For Sale

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

Lot 9 Bloomfield Lane Cardinia Prist ine flat 45 Acres (18.34 ha) up for grabs! Cent rally locat ed bet ween Cardinias t ownship and Pakenham. This open front age of 850+ met ers gives you plent y of exposure for t hose who have vision of building a new home or farming t o creat e your count ry lifest yle. Locat ed on quiet no t hrough road wit h qualit y house surroundings. This 45 acre propert y offers great nort herly views t o great divide. This is t he perfect locat ion t o build your dream home and enjoy t he count ry life st yle and st ill have access t o all t he amenit ies t he suburbs have t o offer.

23 Cassowary Ave Pakenham FAMILY OASIS IN HERITAGE SPRINGS AND TRIPLE GARAGE Locat ed in Herit age Springs Est at e on 773m2 block (approx) is 38sqs of family bliss. Boast ing 4 spacious bedrooms, downst airs mast er incl WIR & ENS. 3 living areas, large rumpus/t heat re room, upst airs TV area, light filled family/meals area & upgraded kit chen wit h st one bench t ops, 900ml s/s appl & but lers WI pant ry. Ent ert ain in your amazing alfresco wit h BI BBQ t hen splashing int o your salt inground pool. Added ext ras are 2nd mast er bedroom wit h WIR & ENS, t riple garage wit h int ernal & rear access t o carport for caravan, boat , t railer, wat er t anks,

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $550,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $545,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

22 Hillrise Court Pakenham IMMACULATE FAMILY LIVING WITH VIEWS & TRIPLE GARAGE St ep inside and enjoy t he superbly court locat ed family home set on 681m2 block (approx) providing light -filled living spaces geared t o ent ert ain all year round. Tucked away nort h side is t his 42 sq (approx) home boast ing sensat ional views, t riple lock up garage wit h rear & int ernal access, 4 spacious bedrooms plus st udy down st airs, mast er including, balcony, walk in robe & ensuit e wit h spa and dble basins. Suit ing all your family needs wit h t he 4 separat e living areas which are your st unning front formal lounge/formal dining, immaculat e kit chen family meals area, rumpus room wit h built in bar and upst airs ret reat .

37 Quinn Road Gembrook GREAT LOCATION, GREAT FAMILY LIVING This Large 4 bedroom family home is t he complet e package! 4 good sized bedrooms wit h built in robes t o 3, provide great family accommodat ion, t he mast er bedroom complet e wit h a large ensuit e and walk in robes. The huge open kit chen offering a walk in pant ry, adjoining is t he meals area and family room which looks out over t he rolling hills of Gembrook out t owards Healesville mount ains. A large lounge / dinning room wit h cat hedral ceilings and wood fired heat er. Home is Heat ed by a Hydronic Gas syst em t o all rooms, Out doors





Negotiable Over $540,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM





Negotiable Over $550,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

Lot 5 Lilliput Lane Pakenham PAKENHAM'S FINEST PARCEL, 2.36 Hect ares (5.8 Acres Approx) Chance of a lifet ime t o build your dream home t oday set on t his 2.36 Hect ares (5.8 Acres approx) of prime real est at e. St unning sunset views in all direct ions will simply t ake your breat h away whilst offering fant ast ic privacy. Part of t he block has already been leveled for your convenience t o build t oday. Perfect ly sit uat ed in Pakenham's most sort aft er address of Lilliput Lane amongst prest igious homes & count ryside. Wit h lovely surrounds and only 10 minut es from everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer, easily suit ing all your family needs.

5 Lawrence Close Pakenham Big on space, Brilliant for lifest yle All t he car ent husiast s out t here are going t o love t his propert y for t he 4 CAR GARAGE!!!! This super spacious modern 3 bedroom home wit h a st udy, cinema room, dining and living room, large spacious kit chen and large laundry wit h heaps of st orage space. The mast er bedroom is complet e wit h walk in robe and ensuit e. There is side access t o a huge back yard wit h plent y of room for a granny flat (STCA), a shed or space t o park more cars.. The newly built deck is perfect for sit t ing out side wit h t he family enjoying t he warm aut umn night s. Also offering





Negotiable Over $485,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $550,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 5 Apr 1:00PM-1:30PM

9 Oxley Drive Pakenham CHARACTER & CHARM IN HERITAGE SPRINGS Here is a fant ast ic opport unit y t o t reat your family t o comfort in t he Herit age Springs est at e, approx. 28 sq URL. Feat uring 4 spacious bedrooms wit h BIRs. The mast er includes WIR, BIR & ENS. 3 separat e living areas offer a large family/meals area, front formal lounge & huge rumpus room. A luxurious kit chen wit h qualit y 900ml appliances is only a st ep away from your alfresco area wit h Caf Blinds where you can ent ert ain all year round.

10 Shearers Court Pakenham Ent ert ainers Dream!!! This propert y is locat ed in t he number 1 and most desirable est at e in Pakenham Herit age Springs. An ent ert ainers dream wit h a massive met al frame pergola, t hat is locat ed via sliding doors next t o t he kit chen t hat not even t he largest family could crowd. The properly also boast s 4 spacious bedrooms wit h t he mast er being equipped wit h a walk in robe and ensuit e, st udy, formal lounge, rumpus/t heat re room, 2 car garage wit h workshop at t ached t o garage under roofline, air condit ioning and heat ing. Being a corner block t hat is on a 704 square





Negotiable Over $460,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment






Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 12:00PM-12:30PM

5 Sheoak Court Pakenham TO APPRECIATE ALL THE HIDDEN GEMS AN INSPECTION IS A MUST! It has t he out st anding qualit y of a display home, only 3 yrs old, on a 630m2 block(approx), offering except ional lifest yle ext ras t hat are almost t oo many t o ment ion. This spacious four bedroom home offers: 3 spacious living areas, including a rumpus, huge pergola wit h indoor/out door living, set up t o wat ch movies, t he B.B.Q area has a splash back and t win exhaust fan for t he mast er chef of t he house. Spacious kit chen area wit h plent y of cupboard space, duct ed heat ing and evaporat ive cooling, alarm syst em, 2.5 car garage wit h rear roller door. Dont wait for t his one t o be snapped come and see for yourself!

33 Victory Drive Pakenham Family Home in Edenbrook Locat ed in t he fast growing and popular Edenbrook Est at e t his beaut iful 2 year old Port er Davis home locat ed close t o parklands and walking t racks t his propert y is a must see. Boast ing 4 generous size bedrooms plus st udy, mast er wit h full ENS and WIR, Fant ast ic open plan Kit chen wit h s/st eel appliances and walk in pant ry overlooking t he meals and family area, A separat e 2nd living area t hat can be ut ilised as a formal dining or rumpus room. Walk out side ont o a good sized backyard wit h room for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $480,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $430,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

Sat 5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM

14 Michelle Drive Berwick SNAP ME UP Feast your eyes on t his, perfect ly sit uat ed t his impressive home is walking dist ance t o t he Eden rise shopping cent re, public t ransport , parklands, schools and of course easy freeway access. Boast ing 4 spacious bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe and ensuit e, welldesigned kit chen wit h qualit y st ainless st eel appliances ready t o go wit h near by family/meals area looking out side t o t he pergola. Comprising loads more such as a large front formal lounge, remot e double lock up garage wit h int ernal access, gas duct ed heat ing, split syst em cooling, back yard space for t rampoline, swing set and more. Smart and secure invest ment for all whet her you are a first home buyer, invest or or down sizing. Wit h all facilit ies t o enjoy t he best of life st yles and great st reet appeal, What more could you want ! Snap me up t oday.

25 Mulcare Street Nar Nar Goon Spacious family home on Acre Locat ed in t he beaut iful t own of Nar Nar Goon, t his st unning propert y await s it s new owner. On a spacious 2000m2 (approx) block and wit h a lovely st reet appeal, t his neat ly present ed home is one not t o be missed! Feat ures t o t he home include: four large bedrooms plus st udy/opt ional 5t h bedroom, a cent rally locat ed kit chen which overlooks t he lounge room and t he comfort of air condit ioning. Ent ert aining is easy wit h t he large garage coming complet e wit h a bar, separat e work shop for t he t radie and a separat e bat hroom. Added





Negotiable Over $410,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $395,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

47 Gallery Way Pakenham WHOPPING BLOCK STUNNING HOME Pakenham living at it s absolut e best st art s right here at 47 Gallery Way. Wit h modern chic st yling t his Symmonds built home consist s of 4 great sized bedrooms mast er wit h WIR and ensuit e plus st udy. Open plan kit chen, meals and living room give t he home a real cont emporary family feel, formal lounge room is just off t o t he rear of t he main living room wit h and allows enough privacy t o have t he whole family enjoying t heir own shows on TV. Remaining bedrooms all great sizes wit h built in robes, a brilliant sized home wit h a very spacious feel.

23 Irving Road Pakenham What A Beaut iful Gem St ep inside t his glorious neat and t idy 3 years young four bedroom, t wo bat hroom, 2 garage home. Wit h it s st yle and elegance, t his is sure t o please. The block consist s of approximat ely 607sqm and has 2 living rooms wit h a front formal lounge, spacious family/meals area, and a magnificent modern kit chen t o impress including St ainless St eel appliances. Minut es away from princess highway, Pakenham t own cent re and all major amenit ies, t his home is in a perfect pocket of Pakenham.

4 Price:



$395,000 Plus

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $390,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 1:00PM-1:30PM

21 Jamie Court Pakenham Family ent ert ainer in perfect locat ion Locat ed in prime posit ion at t he t op of t his lovely quiet court t his beaut iful family home t icks all t he boxes. Boast ing 3 generous sized bedrooms plus st udy mast er wit h full ENS and WIR, Fant ast ic open funct ional Kit chen which overlooks t he meals area. Open plan family room and lounge bot h wit h gas fire places and formal dining room. St ep out side int o your own oasis a perfect place t o ent ert ain st ill wit h plent y of backyard space for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include double garage wit h workbench space as well as a double carport , evaporat ive cooling and landscaped gardens makes t his propert y a must see.

82 Eagle Drive Pakenham Make it yours! What a charmer, t his beaut iful spacious home is a keeper for any family in Pakenham.Boast ing 3 bedrooms and st udy wit h t riple sliding BIRs for all your wardrobe needs. All bedrooms have fans inclusive and are spacious for any bed. The Mast ers has a spacious ensuit e and a huge WIR. On a 708sqm (approx) block t his home is sure t o delight , wit h a subst ant ial Deck wit h pergola out t he back for all out door ent ert aining needs and rear access from t he double garage. On t he ot her side of t he house you have space for all your gardening needs and 2 wat er

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $420,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

3 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable over $360,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 View:

Sat 5 Apr 3:00PM-3:30PM

12 Mansell Court Garfield Be Mesmerised By The Serene Garden Surrounds This peaceful propert y has a garden t hat all your neighbours would envy, it 's big weeping Cherry t ree in t he front yard is welcoming you t o ent er t his beaut ifully kept propert y. You will enjoy t he large front verandah wit h views t o t he Sout h Gippsland Hills. A large 12m x 4m rear t imber decking wit h a covered pergola, 3 good size bedrooms, main bedroom wit h a double shower in ensuit e. Qualit y polished floor boards t hroughout , cozy coonara for t hose wint er night s, a t imber lined roof in t he double garage wit h ext ended lengt h for a workshop area. The rear yard has a greenhouse wit h power for t he green t humb at heart , wat er t ank, and plent y of under house st orage.

80 Railway Avenue Garfield A lifest yle you will love Locat ed near t he village, t his 2 year old propert y await s it s new owner. Boast ing 3 good sized bedrooms plus st udy/opt ional 4t h bedroom, mast er wit h ensuit e, open plan lounge dining kit chen area leading t o an alfresco area wit h lovely landscaped gardens. Addit ional feat ures include duct ed heat ing, evaporat ive cooling, DLUG wit h rear roller access and wit hin walking dist ance t o all t he local amenit ies. Close proximit y t o t he freeway and V Line st at ion makes t his propert y a must see.

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $360,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

3 Price:

Sat 5 Apr 11:30AM-12:00PM



Negotiable Over $380,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 11:00AM-11:30AM

17 Mulcare Street Nar Nar Goon Perfect Locat ion on 2 Tit les Locat ed in t he pict uresque t own of Nar Nar Goon, t his beaut iful propert y on a spacious 1479m2 (approx) block on 2 t it t les and wit h a lovely st reet appeal, t his neat ly present ed home is one not t o be missed! Feat ures t o t he home include: four large bedrooms, a cent rally locat ed kit chen which overlooks t he meals area and lounge room wit h a gas and wood fire place and a st unning recent ly renovat ed bat hroom Ent ert aining is easy wit h t he large garage coming complet e wit h a built -in bar wit h hot wat er urn and oven , separat e work shop for t he t radie. Added ext ras t o t he propert y include heat ing and cooling, double carport , a garden shed and huge back yard wit h plent y of room for t he kids t o play. If you are aft er t he peaceful lifest yle yet live not t o far away from Pakenham t hen t his home is a must see!

58 Bluehills Boulevard Pakenham Convenience & space in t he right place If locat ion is import ant t o you t hen it doesnt get bet t er t han t his: Posit ioned close t o public t ransport , t he princess freeway and wit hin walking dist ance t o t he Herit age Springs Primary school and shopping complex wit h rest aurant s, cafes and shops all at your door st ep. This beaut iful 2 year old home offers 3 good size bedrooms mast er bedroom wit h walk in robes, 2 bat hrooms, formal lounge and a large st udy. The kit chen wit h new appliances, dining area, laundry, duct ed heat ing and secure garage parking for t wo cars wit h access t o t he

4 Price:



Buyers Range $350,000 $380,000

Contact:Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

3 Price:

Sat 5 Apr 12:30PM-1:00PM



Negotiable Over $360,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

30 Bonneville Parade Pakenham Ult imat e Views, Only 2 years Young Locat ed at t he peak of t he hill 30 Bonneville Parade has 180 degree of unrest rict ed views of t he count ry side and Pakenham t own cent re. Built by Bout ique Homes only 2 years ago boast ing 3 spacious bedrooms, Mast er wit h ensuit e and WIR and remaining 2 bedrooms having built in robes. The open floor plan allows a real flow from t he ent rance t hrough t o t he kit chen, meals & living room. The kit chen consist s of St ainless st eal appliances wit h a 900mm oven and cook t op. The Double car garage is a DIYs dream wit h built in st orage cabinet ry and work bench. Your propert y is secured wit h camera surveillance syst em for t he piece of mind and securit y.

20 Creekview Avenue Pakenham EDENBROOK LIVING UNDER 2 YEARS OLD In t he new Edenbrook est at e t his out st anding home includes 4 spacious bedrooms wit h 2 mast er bedrooms wit h full ensuit es & walk in robes, a spacious lounge or t heat re room/opt ional st udy built by t he very popular Simonds homes. A beaut iful kit chen wit h a 900mm st ainless st eal oven and st one bench t ops opening int o a good size dining/meals area, following big double doors int o an undercover Alfresco area. Ext ra feat ures includes DLUG wit h int ernal access, side access for t railer, evaporat ive cooling, gas duct ing heat ing in t his

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $345,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $365,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 5 Apr 2:00PM-2:30PM

14 Muscari Drive Pakenham Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These On a corner 668m2 block (approx), t his family home has it all. Upon ent ering be welcomed by a formal lounge wit h hard wood floors and neut ral t ones. A great sized open st udy wit h a fant ast ic family room and t wo modern galley st yle kit chens wit h st one bench t ops and st ainless st eel appliances. A media room, 4 great sized bedrooms all wit h built -in robes, mast er wit h full en-suit e. A myriad of feat ures: duct ed heat ing, evaporat ive cooling, double garage, alarm and wat er t ank are only a few.

19 Station Street Nar Nar Goon POSSIBLITIES ARE ENDLESS WITH THIS COUNTRY CHARMER! This 1948 st yle cot t age has a lot of t he original feat ures, polished floor boards, open fire place and high ceilings. It 's t wo bedrooms are spacious wit h plent y of cupboard space. The land size is 1467 sqm (approx), great t o develop, a huge four car garage for plent y of st orage and a great side access for t rucks or caravans, recent ly part ially renovat ed kit chen, and a huge pergola area for ent ert aining. A st ones t hrow away from t he st at ion, local shops and five minut es away from freeway access. Come and inspect now and you will be sure t o be

4 Price:



Negotiable over $360,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

2 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $320,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

9 Argyle Court Pakenham NORTH SIDE GEM, 777m2 BLOCK Locat ed in a quiet court in t he popular nort h side area of Pakenham, posit ioned only 5 minut es t o main st reet Pakenham including t rain st at ion and 50 minut es t o Melbourne CBD. Boast ing 3 spacious bedrooms, mast er including ensuit e and built in robe, family room wit h fireplace, fant ast ic funct ional kit chen wit h great cupboard space which overlooks family/meals area. St ep out side ont o a lovely covered balcony wit h beaut iful views and overlooking a great sized backyard wit h plent y of room for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include split syst em, duct ed heat ing, cat hedral ceilings, split level living, double garage wit h workshop space and t he list cont inues. Terms: 10% Deposit 30-60 Day Set t lement

72 Dunbarton Drive Pakenham SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME, 3 BEDS PLUS STUDY St riking t he perfect balance bet ween locat ion & space, t his family home will suit all your needs, feat uring 3 spacious bedrooms plus st udy wit h mast er including walk in robe and ensuit e. Also comprising 2 separat e living areas wit h front formal lounge, family/meals area. From your light filled kit chen wit h st ainless st eel appliances & pant ry, st ep out int o your huge back yard leaving more t hen enough room for t he swing set and t rampoline. To complet e t he package having duct ed heat ing, DLUG wit h rear roller door access & convenient ly locat ed close

3 Price:




Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

3 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $290,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

Sat 5 Apr 1:30PM-2:00PM

11 Katjusha Court Pakenham 3 CAR GARAGE, 4 BEDS, COURT LOCATION- 805m2 Block Except ional opport unit y t o secure such a rare find, peacefully court locat ed. Boast ing 4 spacious bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e, 3 addit ional bedrooms all wit h built in robes. Family/dinning room & kit chen wit h pant ry & sufficient bench space, huge ent ert ainment area & plent y of room for t he kids t o play in t he back yard. Also feat uring in t his ult imat e package is a 3 t o 4 car garage in lengt h wit h rear roller access, wall heat ing all wit h in close proximit y t o schools, parklands, freeway access & everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer.

59 Tipperary Circuit Pakenham OWNER BUILDING, LOOKING FOR LEASE BACK OPPORTUNITY. CALLING INVESTORS Wit h t he current owners wishing t o lease back t he home for a minimum of 12 mont hs, look no furt her t han 59 Tipperary Cct for your next propert y purchase. This st ylish home has 3 large bedrooms, mast er wit h ensuit e & WIR, remaining bedrooms wit h BIR's. The home offers 3 living zones incl. a specially designed home t heat re room complet e wit h TV & surround sound qualit y equipment . The ext ra large kit chen provides loads of cupboard space, including pant ry & s/s Technika





Negotiable Over $305,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $335,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

39 Ayesha Rise Pakenham NEAT AND COZY- ONLY 3 YRS YOUNG Perfect 1st home or invest ment opport unit y, t his propert y present s a chance for you t o ent er t he Pakenham propert y market at great value for money. Feat uring 3 good-sized bedrooms, mast er wit h walk in robe and 1 bat hroom. Front formal lounge and light filled kit chen wit h meals area, also comprising heat ing, single garage wit h rear roller door access t o back yard. All perfect ly court locat ed nort h side, minut es away from everyt hing Pakenham as t o offer.

85 Banjo Paterson Drive Pakenham Best Block in Herit age. Imagine your new life on t his perfect piece of land set in t he desirable Herit age Springs Est at e. Flat , t it led and ready t o build on t oday, t his 747m2 block is in a prime locat ion, surrounded by qualit y homes overlooking parklands and Toomuc Creek. Shopping cent re, schools, t rain st at ion and freeway are all close by. Dont miss t his rare opport unit y of securing one of t he last , flat , large blocks in t his qualit y est at e.





Negotiable Over $230,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment




Negotiable Over $280,000


Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

47 Winneke Way Pakenham READY TO BUILD, 993m2 BLOCK 47 Winneke Way Pakenham is now available in Herit age Springs, t his great block is perfect ly locat ed wit h easy access t o freeway, shopping cent re, parklands and much much more. This size block is rare t o find t hese days, for furt her informat ion please call me before it s t o lat e.

Lot 12/No: 24 Johnsons Place Pakenham KING OF THE HILL Surround yourself wit h parklands and walking t racks t hese t wo huge allot ment s approximat ely 2890 sqm boast views t o t he bay and beyond. The building pot ent ial on t his land is limit ed only t oo your imaginat ion.. Only a short drive get s you t oo t he shops, schools and all ot her amenit ies Pakenham has t o offer. Tit led and ready t o build on now. If serenit ys what you desire and views t o ret ire t o each day t hen look no furt her.





Negotiable Over $260,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable over $195,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

Lot 13/No: 11 Johnsons Place Pakenham KING OF THE HILL Surround yourself wit h parklands and walking t racks t hese t wo huge allot ment s approximat ely 2890 sqm boast views t o t he bay and beyond. The building pot ent ial on t his land is limit ed only t oo your imaginat ion.. Only a short drive get s you t oo t he shops, schools and all ot her amenit ies Pakenham has t o offer. Tit led and ready t o build on now. If serenit ys what you desire and views t o ret ire t o each day t hen look no furt her.

3 Scordia Place Pakenham LAST ONE ON THE STREET, DONT MISS THIS!!! A Flat Tit led perfect block ready t o build t he house of your dreams. It is a great sized Rect angular block of 648m2 wit h a wide 18m front age t o suit any great plan. Wake up t o t he Rising Sun as t his block is East facing and fully fenced. This block is in a popular, est ablished and a quiet area in a great locat ion close t o all t he amenit ies including parks, local shops, schools, t rain st at ion and freeway access. It is near t he new Pakenham Regional Tennis Cent re. Be quick wit h t his one as it will not be on t he market for long..... Call now!!!

0 Price:



Negotiable over $195,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $190,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

7A (Lot 2) Patison Court Drouin QUIET VALLEY VIEWS Nest led among t he rolling hills of Drouin and hidden in t his quiet court locat ion is t his premium parcel of land. Only minut es from t he main st reet but far enough out t o t urn t his enormous block int o your own personal t ree lined ret reat . Build your own family home on t his 6000m2 (approx) wit h room t o spare. Ready t o build on and await ing a new owner t his land wont last long.

47 Union Avenue Pakenham King of t he Cast le Sit t ing on t op of t he world surrounded by prest ige propert ies wit h views t hat go forever is t he perfect block of land wait ing for you t o build your dream home!!! This large corner block is approx 756 sqms locat ed on t he nort h side of Pakenham. There are very few blocks of land left available in t his area and none wit h views t hat can compare. The st reet is a lovely quiet st reet filled wit h qualit y large homes If you are looking for t he perfect locat ion for your forever home (or cast le) I t hink we have found it for you! Please call t o find out more before you

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $175,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $175,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

11 Monica Drive Drouin Huge block wit h a fant ast ic view An exclusive opport unit y exit s t o acquire huge block of vacant land, a complet e blank canvas providing a unique opport unit y t o build your dream home. Framed by young fruit t rees t his 1539 sqm (approx) block is surrounded by qualit y new homes and views over t he rolling hills of Drouin and t he new Sierra Vale est at e. If you are looking for t he perfect locat ion t o build your dream home we have found it for you!! Please call t oday for more informat ion

2/7 Home Road Nar Nar Goon First in, best dressed! Here it is. What you have been looking for has finally popped up in t he quiet t ownship of Nar Nar Goon. This block is approximat ely 407m2 and is t he perfect opport unit y for any invest or, developer or downsizer. Sit uat ed in a quiet st reet wit h great access t o t he Freeway, Nar Nar Goon t rain st at ion and Nar Nar Goon recreat ion reserve for all your needs. This bat t leaxe block has t he plans for t he all ready subdivided block for a t wo bedroom, t wo bat hroom, one carport well appoint ed unit . This unit also has a secluded privat e open space of 30sqm

0 Price:




Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $110,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 View:

By Appointment

2/5 Hosking Court Pakenham DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS- LOT 2, 481m2 BLOCK WITH PLANNING PERMITS Locat ed in t he heart of Pakenham is t his fant ast ic opport unit y t o develop, close t o schools, t ransport & shopping dist rict s whit hin a quiet court locat ion. Wit h plans and permit s already issued, st art building t oday and have your invest ment underway. Sit uat ed on 481m2 (approx) wit h services, plans for a t hree bedroom, t wo bat hroom home has everyt hing t o offer, wit h ot her inclusions of t wo living areas, alfresco and double lock up garage. For furt her informat ion please call!





Negotiable Over $120,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

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