Grants Pakenham – View Magazine 13.05.14

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Latest Local Property Listings

View magazine // showcasing Casey & Cardinia’s finest homes

Open Homes Date



Bed Bath Car Price

17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

4 Tare e Clos e Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $415,000

17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM

44 Boyd Road Ge mbrook




Buye rs Ove r $1,150,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

56 Army Road Pake nham




Buye rs Range $770,000 to $820,000

17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM

118 Mann Road Court Pake nham Uppe r




Ne gotiable Ove r $780,000

17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

580A Koo We e Rup Road Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $699,999

17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

580A Koo We e Rup Road Pake nham South




Ne gotiable Ove r $699,000

17 May 11:15AM-11:45AM

4 Ke rry Place Garfie ld




Ne gotiable Ove r $635,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

22 Hillris e Court Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $520,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

20 Ralron Court Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $475,000

17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM

4 Fle ming Te rrace Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $475,000

17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

6 Abe rde e n He ights Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $399,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

5 Suz anne Court Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $375,000

17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM

33 Victory Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $399,000

17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

21 Monica Drive Drouin




Buye rs Ove r $395,000

17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM

82 Eagle Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable ove r $320,000

17 May 10:30AM-11:00AM

12 Mans e ll Court Garfie ld




Ne gotiable Ove r $360,000

17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

17 Mulcare Stre e t Nar Nar Goon




Buye rs Range $350,000 - $380,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

20 Cre e kvie w Ave nue Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $375,000-$380,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

97 Eagle Drive Pake nham




Buye rs Ove r $370,000

17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM

23 Irving Road Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $375,000

17 May 2:15PM-2:45PM

5/11 King Stre e t Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $349,000

17 May 10:30AM-11:00AM

19 Mikas a Place Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $350,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

3 Viola Ave nue Pake nham




Buye rs Ove r $370,000

17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

15 Abe rde e n He ights Pake nham




Buye rs Ove r $330,000

17 May 10:00AM-10:30AM

5 As hle y Court Longwarry





17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

8 De ve ne y Stre e t Pake nham




Ne gotiable Ove r $265,000

17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

323A Ros s ite r Road Koo We e Rup




Buye rs Ove r $249,000

17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

33 Rivie ra Drive Pake nham




Ne gotiable ove r $275,000

4 Taree Close Pakenham SUCCESS IS CERTAIN, UNIQUE DESIGN UNIQUE DESIGN, BOAT, CARAVAN & TRAILOR ACCOMODATION. Feast your eyes on t his, perfect ly court locat ed nort h side set on a 732m2 block (approx). Sophist icat ed on t he out side, uniquely designed on t he inside, t his impressive home offers st ylish surrounds for qualit y living & ent ert aining. Boast ing 3 bedrooms plus st udy , mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e. Ent ert ainers kit chen wit h plent y of bench space & appliances ready t o go wit h near by family area. This home is t he complet e package also feat uring sunken formal lounge & formal dining, cat hedral ceilings, DLUG wit h rear access accommodat ing for a boat , caravan ,t railer, you name it !

44 Boyd Road Gembrook EQUESTRIAN/LIFESTYLE PROPERTY - APPROX. 12.5 QUALITY ACRES The Ridge large 4 bedroom plus st udy, t wo st ory family residence offering an out st anding opport unit y for horse ent husiast s & anyone dreaming of a t ranquil t ree change. Sit uat ed in t he pict uresque t own of Gembrook, just an hour from Melbourne wit h t he Gembrook shops, school & rest aurant s just minut es away, t his 12.5 acre undulat ing propert y complet e wit h a large, immaculat ely present ed family residence enjoys mount ain views, 2 good sized dams, st able complex

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $415,000

Contact: Elder Ramos 0433 200 652 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

5 Price:

Sat 17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM



Buyers Over $1,150,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM

27-29 Smethurst Avenue Pakenham 6 unit sit e/subdivision wit h approved plans Here's your chance t o secure 1747 SQM(approx) of rare and prime real est at e in t he heart of bust ling Pakenham. Two separat e propert ies t o be sold as one, included are t wo 3 bedroom houses providing an immediat e rent al income, making t his propert y ideal for invest ors wit h a keen eye for capit al growt h. This is an except ional development opport unit y wit h plans already approved t o build a furt her 4 unit s at t he back of t he t wo exist ing homes t his sit e is sure t o cat ch t he eye of ast ut e invest ors and developers alike.

56 Army Road Pakenham Would you move in or Develop? Opport unit y's like t his don't come along very oft en. This could be a developers dream, wit h t he space t o build 8 t o 10 unit s or t he perfect family home in t he heart of Pakenham wit h a HUGE back yard. Huge 2178 aprox block of land on Army road!!Three bedrooms, wit h BIR, mast er wit h huge BIR, duct ed heat ing and air con.Lounge room of spacious proport ions, separat e dining room provides flexibilit y. Spacious Kit chen wit h gas appliances and dishwasher. Man shed of grand proport ions, decked out as a pool room wit h a huge bar t he

3 Price:



For Sale

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

3 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers Range $770,000 to $820,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

118 Mann Road Court Pakenham Upper CAPTURING SUNSET, LIFESTYLE LIVING AS PRIVATE AS CAN BE Set on 15 acres (approx) If you are looking t o escape suburbia for a wonderful lifest yle on t he hills, t hen 118 Mann Road Court , Pakenham Upper could well be your very own t oday. Tucked away 15 min int o t he hills from t own and locat ed on 15 acres of cleared land, bordered by est ablished t ree line for secluded privacy, t his uniquely designed propert y accommodat es a host of uses.Wit h t he main dwelling only 13 yrs old & 30 sqs URL (approx) offering split level living capt uring out looks from all angles.

625 Bunyip River Road Cora Lynn A 5 Acre Dream come t rue On a sealed road..!! Loads of opport unit y, wit h t he pot ent ial t o t urn t his 5 acre propert y int o what ever you want !! This propert y could be a horse lovers paradise wit h fenced paddocks unlimit ed supply of wat er (5 mega lit res pumping right s) a market garden and past lucerne crops and st ill growing! Surrounded by farm land t his is what count ry living is all about , wit h your own privat e sealed driveway t hat leads you t o an impressive 2 st ory 4 bedroom home, ot her feat ures include a great size kit chen wit h an adjoining family meals area, formal dining room and





Negotiable Over $780,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM





Negotiable Over $700,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

580A Koo Wee Rup Road Pakenham PERFECT HORSE HAVEN, CLEARED 9 ACRES Only 10 minut es t o everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer is t his beaut iful horse propert y up for grabs and furt her more only 53 minut es from t he CBD, so if you are int o horses but need t o be close t o t own, here is your opport unit y t o benefit . Approximat ely 9.13 acres of paddocks await s you and your horses, perfect ly set back from Koo Wee Rup Road you will find t hat count ry bliss. Boast ing: 4 Spacious Bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e. Theat re room, front formal lounge. Open light filled t imber kit chen family/meals area. Out door pat io area looking out t o pict ure perfect gardens. Only 12 years old approx t his family home also comprises much more such as gas duct ed heat ing, wood coonara, 2nd bat hroom, double lock up garage wit h work shop space, 3 recept ion areas and solar power x12 panels leaving your elect ricit y bills behind. Perfect ly cleared allot ment wit h elect ric fencing & wat er t o all 9 paddocks, t ract or shed, foaling paddock, spring fed bore wit h elect rical pump, grass dressage arena, 22,730 Lit re wat er t ank x2, t ank gas and sept ic t ank.

580A Koo Wee Rup Road Pakenham South PERFECT HORSE HAVEN, CLEARED 9 ACRES Only 10 minut es t o everyt hing Pakenham has t o offer is t his beaut iful horse propert y up for grabs and furt her more only 53 minut es from t he CBD, so if you are int o horses but need t o be close t o t own, here is your opport unit y t o benefit . Approximat ely 9.13 acres of paddocks await s you and your horses, perfect ly set back from Koo Wee Rup Road you will find t hat count ry bliss. Boast ing: 4 Spacious Bedrooms, mast er including walk in robe & ensuit e. Theat re room, front formal lounge. Open light filled t imber kit chen family/meals area. Out door

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $699,999

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM



Negotiable Over $699,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

4 Kerry Place Garfield Perfect Lifest yle Await s Have you been dreaming of waking up t o t he smell of fresh count ry air in your own privat e oasis on 3612m2, t hen t his is t he propert y you have been wait ing for! Feat uring charact er and charm and locat ed in a perfect court locat ion in t he beaut iful t own of Garfield t his magnificent home boast ing 3 great sized bedrooms mast er wit h full ensuit e plus st udy. Magnificent open kit chen looking ont o t he meals and family area on spot t ed gum floorboards. Huge lounge and dining area, st ep out side and ent ert ain on a beaut iful verandah t hat wraps around t he home and a huge backyard wit h plent y of room for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include duct ed heat ing, refrigerat ed cooling and double Garage.

24 Highland Drive Pakenham Live like royalt y on t op of t he world This no expense spared huge 5 bedroom 3 st ory, 3 bat hroom home is a lifest yle propert y in t he heart of Pakenham. Sit uat ed on 1005m wit h it s own work shop, wine cellar, gym, fruit t rees & a veget able garden so ext ensive t here would be no need t o ever buy fruit and veg again!! There is a beaut iful alfresco area wit h built in BBQ perfect for ent ert aining. The home it self is open plan living, kit chen & dining area. Built for a family it really does have t hat family feel.

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $635,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

5 Price:

Sat 17 May 11:15AM-11:45AM



Negotiable Over $750,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

Lot 9 Bloomfield Lane Cardinia Prist ine flat 45 Acres (18.34 ha) up for grabs! Cent rally locat ed bet ween Cardinias t ownship and Pakenham. This open front age of 850+ met ers gives you plent y of exposure for t hose who have vision of building a new home or farming t o creat e your count ry lifest yle. Locat ed on quiet no t hrough road wit h qualit y house surroundings. This 45 acre propert y offers great nort herly views t o great divide. This is t he perfect locat ion t o build your dream home and enjoy t he count ry life st yle and st ill have access t o all t he amenit ies t he suburbs have t o offer.

23 Cassowary Ave Pakenham FAMILY OASIS IN HERITAGE SPRINGS AND TRIPLE GARAGE Locat ed in Herit age Springs Est at e on 773m2 block (approx) is 38sqs of family bliss. Boast ing 4 spacious bedrooms, downst airs mast er incl WIR & ENS. 3 living areas, large rumpus/t heat re room, upst airs TV area, light filled family/meals area & upgraded kit chen wit h st one bench t ops, 900ml s/s appl & but lers WI pant ry. Ent ert ain in your amazing alfresco wit h BI BBQ t hen splashing int o your salt inground pool. Added ext ras are 2nd mast er bedroom wit h WIR & ENS, t riple garage wit h int ernal & rear access t o carport for caravan, boat , t railer, wat er t anks,

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $550,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $545,000

Contact: Alison Hayden 0429 593 757 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

5 Lawrence Close Pakenham Big on space, Brilliant for lifest yle All t he car ent husiast s out t here are going t o love t his propert y for t he 4 CAR GARAGE!!!! This super spacious modern 3 bedroom home wit h a st udy, cinema room, dining and living room, large spacious kit chen and large laundry wit h heaps of st orage space. The mast er bedroom is complet e wit h walk in robe and ensuit e. There is side access t o a huge back yard wit h plent y of room for a granny flat (STCA), a shed or space t o park more cars.. The newly built deck is perfect for sit t ing out side wit h t he family enjoying t he warm aut umn night s. Also offering feat ures such as solar panels, evaporat ive cooling, alarm Syst em and solar hot wat er.

37 Quinn Road Gembrook GREAT LOCATION, GREAT FAMILY LIVING This Large 4 bedroom family home is t he complet e package! 4 good sized bedrooms wit h built in robes t o 3, provide great family accommodat ion, t he mast er bedroom complet e wit h a large ensuit e and walk in robes. The huge open kit chen offering a walk in pant ry, adjoining is t he meals area and family room which looks out over t he rolling hills of Gembrook out t owards Healesville mount ains. A large lounge / dinning room wit h cat hedral ceilings and wood fired heat er. Home is Heat ed by a Hydronic Gas syst em t o all rooms, Out doors

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $530,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $520,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

22 Hillrise Court Pakenham IMMACULATE FAMILY LIVING WITH VIEWS & TRIPLE GARAGE St ep inside and enjoy t he superbly court locat ed family home set on 681m2 block (approx) providing light -filled living spaces geared t o ent ert ain all year round. Tucked away nort h side is t his 42 sq (approx) home boast ing sensat ional views, t riple lock up garage wit h rear & int ernal access, 4 spacious bedrooms plus st udy down st airs, mast er including, balcony, walk in robe & ensuit e wit h spa and dble basins. Suit ing all your family needs wit h t he 4 separat e living areas which are your st unning front formal lounge/formal dining, immaculat e kit chen family meals area, rumpus room wit h built in bar and upst airs ret reat .

20 Ralron Court Pakenham MODERN FAMILY ENTERTAINER NORTH SIDE Do not miss t his magnificent 43 squares (approx), 657m2 (approx) grand home in a quiet court , in t he heart of Pakenham. This propert y boast s of 4 spacious bedrooms wit h t riple BIRs, 2 bat hrooms & powder room, balcony overlooking heart -st opping views, 3 t oilet s (one in garage), and accommodat ion for 4 cars. Only 6 years young t his magnificent Carlisle home has all t he feat ures anyone would want , including a massive living area, duct ed heat ing & split syst em, Mast er bedroom inclusive wit h WIR and Ensuit e wit h double basins, home

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $520,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 Alison Hayden 0429 593 757 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM



Negotiable Over $475,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 View:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

4 Fleming Terrace Pakenham PRESTIGE FAMILY LIVING NORTH SIDE, 3 YRS YOUNG Take a look at t his superb 2 st orey well present ed 32.5sq modern home, sit t ing in a gorgeous locat ion wit h st unning views. Offering 4 bedrooms, mast er bedroom wit h walk in robe, ensuit e and access t o t he powder room. An open plan qualit y kit chen wit h walk in pant ry, s/s appliances, st one bench t ops and mult iple living areas including split syst em and gas log heat er for all year round comfort . An alfresco for t hose t imes you need t o sit back and relax and /or a great place t o ent ert ain looking out t o east of Pakenham and down t o t he large size back yard.

9 Oxley Drive Pakenham CHARACTER & CHARM IN HERITAGE SPRINGS Here is a fant ast ic opport unit y t o t reat your family t o comfort in t he Herit age Springs est at e, approx. 28 sq URL. Feat uring 4 spacious bedrooms wit h BIRs. The mast er includes WIR, BIR & ENS. 3 separat e living areas offer a large family/meals area, front formal lounge & huge rumpus room. A luxurious kit chen wit h qualit y 900ml appliances is only a st ep away from your alfresco area wit h Caf Blinds where you can ent ert ain all year round.

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $475,000

Contact:Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 Eleanor Soeteman 0430 752 579 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM



Buyers Range $460,000 $490,000

Contact:Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 Alison Hayden 0429 593 757 View:

By Appointment

5 Sheoak Court Pakenham TO APPRECIATE ALL THE HIDDEN GEMS AN INSPECTION IS A MUST! It has t he out st anding qualit y of a display home, only 3 yrs old, on a 630m2 block(approx), offering except ional lifest yle ext ras t hat are almost t oo many t o ment ion. This spacious four bedroom home offers: 3 spacious living areas, including a rumpus, huge pergola wit h indoor/out door living, set up t o wat ch movies, t he B.B.Q area has a splash back and t win exhaust fan for t he mast er chef of t he house. Spacious kit chen area wit h plent y of cupboard space, duct ed heat ing and evaporat ive cooling, alarm syst em, 2.5 car garage wit h rear roller door. Dont wait for t his one t o be snapped come and see for yourself!

25 Mulcare Street Nar Nar Goon Spacious family home on Acre Locat ed in t he beaut iful t own of Nar Nar Goon, t his st unning propert y await s it s new owner. On a spacious 2000m2 (approx) block and wit h a lovely st reet appeal, t his neat ly present ed home is one not t o be missed! Feat ures t o t he home include: four large bedrooms plus st udy/opt ional 5t h bedroom, a cent rally locat ed kit chen which overlooks t he lounge room and t he comfort of air condit ioning. Ent ert aining is easy wit h t he large garage coming complet e wit h a bar, separat e work shop for t he t radie and a separat e bat hroom. Added

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $480,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $395,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

6 Aberdeen Heights Pakenham Charming Family Home Sit uat ed in t he very popular nort h side of Pakenham t his beaut iful family home t icks all t he boxes on a 752m2 block (approx). Boast ing 3 generous sized bedrooms wit h full ENS and WIR, Fant ast ic open funct ional Kit chen which overlooks t he family room area. Open plan lounge wit h meals/dining area. St ep Out side int o a lovely decked pergola which is a perfect place t o ent ert ain wit h views and st ill wit h plent y of backyard space for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include heat ing, huge shed, close t o all local amenit ies and close proximit y t o t he freeway and t rain st at ion makes t his propert y a must see.

47 Gallery Way Pakenham WHOPPING BLOCK STUNNING HOME Pakenham living at it s absolut e best st art s right here at 47 Gallery Way. Wit h modern chic st yling t his Symmonds built home consist s of 4 great sized bedrooms mast er wit h WIR and ensuit e plus st udy. Open plan kit chen, meals and living room give t he home a real cont emporary family feel, formal lounge room is just off t o t he rear of t he main living room wit h and allows enough privacy t o have t he whole family enjoying t heir own shows on TV. Remaining bedrooms all great sizes wit h built in robes, a brilliant sized home wit h a very spacious feel.

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $399,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM



$395,000 Plus

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

5 Suzanne Court Pakenham PERFECT FAMILY LIVING WITH NOTHING TO DO, 869m2 BLOCK (Approx) Perfect ly present ed t hroughout wit h a peaceful court locat ion, t his 4 bedroom home has great appeal, mast er including walk in robe, ensuit e & spa. There is a oversized formal lounge, separat e family/meals areas close by t o t he well appoint ed kit chen wit h qualit y appliances and plent y of cupboard space. Also feat uring Single lock up garage wit h ext ra lengt h, heat ing/cooling, huge out side decking ready t o ent ert ain. Smart and secure invest ment for all whet her you are a first home buyer an invest or building your folio all walking dist ance t o childcare cent re, medical cent re, parklands and only 2 minut e drive t o main st reet Pakenham. What more could you want ! Vacant ready t o move st raight in.

6 The Ridgeway Pakenham Family ent ert ainer wit h views This split level and charming family home locat ed in t he popular nort h side of Pakenham. Boast ing 3 generous sized bedrooms wit h BIR on t he main level and a beaut ifully renovat ed bat hroom. St ep down int o a sunken lounge wit h a built in bar and Conara, fant ast ic open funct ional Kit chen which overlooks t he meals/dining area. Move down st airs int o a separat e family room wit h an ext ra bedroom and renovat ed bat hroom. St ep out side ont o t he magnificent decked ent ert aining area wit h pict uresque views of Pakenham and t he hills and a great sized

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $375,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 Craig Holowell 0414 343 430 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM



Negotiable Over $380,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

33 Victory Drive Pakenham Family Home in Edenbrook Locat ed in t he fast growing and popular Edenbrook Est at e t his beaut iful 2 year old Port er Davis home locat ed close t o parklands and walking t racks t his propert y is a must see. Boast ing 4 generous size bedrooms plus st udy, mast er wit h full ENS and WIR, Fant ast ic open plan Kit chen wit h s/st eel appliances and walk in pant ry overlooking t he meals and family area, A separat e 2nd living area t hat can be ut ilised as a formal dining or rumpus room. Walk out side ont o a good sized backyard wit h room for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include cent ral heat ing, double garage and t he list cont inues.

21 Monica Drive Drouin St unning Home on a 1145m2 Block Set in t he heart of Drouin and part of one of t he fast est growing suburbs in Vict oria and surrounded by qualit y propert ies, t his spot lessly present ed 4 bedroom home leaves not hing t o do except just move right in and enjoy t he count ry feel lifest yle. This propert y includes:4 Oversized Bedrooms wit h a full ensuit e t o t he mast er. A fully appoint ed kit chen wit h premium qualit y European appliances overlooking t he family room and yard. 3 separat e living areas including a massive upst airs Rumpus/Home Theat re room.

4 Price:



Negotiable Over $399,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM



Buyers Over $395,000

Contact: Craig Holowell 0414 343 430 Mitchell Hill 0423 324 279 View:

Sat 17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM

82 Eagle Drive Pakenham Make it yours! What a charmer, t his beaut iful spacious home is a keeper for any family in Pakenham.Boast ing 3 bedrooms and st udy wit h t riple sliding BIRs for all your wardrobe needs. All bedrooms have fans inclusive and are spacious for any bed. The Mast ers has a spacious ensuit e and a huge WIR. On a 708sqm (approx) block t his home is sure t o delight , wit h a subst ant ial Deck wit h pergola out t he back for all out door ent ert aining needs and rear access from t he double garage. On t he ot her side of t he house you have space for all your gardening needs and 2 wat er t anks for t hose hot days.The enormous kit chen has an abundance of cupboard space which connect s t o a large meals area for all your family members.

12 Mansell Court Garfield Be Mesmerised By The Serene Garden Surrounds This peaceful propert y has a garden t hat all your neighbours would envy, it 's big weeping Cherry t ree in t he front yard is welcoming you t o ent er t his beaut ifully kept propert y. You will enjoy t he large front verandah wit h views t o t he Sout h Gippsland Hills. A large 12m x 4m rear t imber decking wit h a covered pergola, 3 good size bedrooms, main bedroom wit h a double shower in ensuit e. Qualit y polished floor boards t hroughout , cozy coonara for t hose wint er night s, a t imber lined roof in t he double garage wit h ext ended lengt h for a workshop area. The rear

3 Price:



Negotiable over $320,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 View:

3 Price:

Sat 17 May 3:00PM-3:30PM



Negotiable Over $360,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

Sat 17 May 10:30AM-11:00AM

Lot 4 Currawong Drive Gembrook Peaceful Living in Beaut iful surrounds Locat ed in t he beaut iful area of Gembrook on 20 acres (approx) wit h a few semi cleared acres wit h endless walking t racks t o explore and only 9kms from Hoddles Creek makes t his propert y a must see. Wit h a self cont ained unit feat uring 1 bedroom, bat hroom, kit chen, lounge room and wit h double glazed windows. Addit ional feat ures include 40ft x 20ft shed wit h 5 KVA gent ec generat or wit h Honda mot or and bat t ery backup for alt ernat ive power and 2 wat er t anks. If you are aft er a lifest yle change and enjoy t he peace and quiet wit h endless exploring t han t his is t he propert y for you.

17 Mulcare Street Nar Nar Goon Perfect Locat ion on 2 Tit les Locat ed in t he pict uresque t own of Nar Nar Goon, t his beaut iful propert y on a spacious 1479m2 (approx) block on 2 t it t les and wit h a lovely st reet appeal, t his neat ly present ed home is one not t o be missed! Feat ures t o t he home include: four large bedrooms, a cent rally locat ed kit chen which overlooks t he meals area and lounge room wit h a gas and wood fire place and a st unning recent ly renovat ed bat hroom Ent ert aining is easy wit h t he large garage coming complet e wit h a built -in bar wit h hot wat er urn and oven , separat e work shop for t he

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $375,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Buyers Range $350,000 $380,000

Contact:Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

58 Bluehills Boulevard Pakenham Convenience & space in t he right place If locat ion is import ant t o you t hen it doesnt get bet t er t han t his: Posit ioned close t o public t ransport , t he princess freeway and wit hin walking dist ance t o t he Herit age Springs Primary school and shopping complex wit h rest aurant s, cafes and shops all at your door st ep. This beaut iful 2 year old home offers 3 good size bedrooms mast er bedroom wit h walk in robes, 2 bat hrooms, formal lounge and a large st udy. The kit chen wit h new appliances, dining area, laundry, duct ed heat ing and secure garage parking for t wo cars wit h access t o t he house. Low maint enance neat back yard wit h side access. For more informat ion give us a call before it s t oo lat e!

20 Creekview Avenue Pakenham EDENBROOK LIVING UNDER 2 YEARS OLD In t he new Edenbrook est at e t his out st anding home includes 4 spacious bedrooms wit h 2 mast er bedrooms wit h full ensuit es & walk in robes, a spacious lounge or t heat re room/opt ional st udy built by t he very popular Simonds homes. A beaut iful kit chen wit h a 900mm st ainless st eal oven and st one bench t ops opening int o a good size dining/meals area, following big double doors int o an undercover Alfresco area. Ext ra feat ures includes DLUG wit h int ernal access, side access for t railer, evaporat ive cooling, gas duct ing heat ing in t his

3 Price:



Buyers Over $348,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

4 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $375,000$380,000

Contact:Elder Ramos 0433 200 652 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

97 Eagle Drive Pakenham Qualit y Family Home On Top Of The Hill On t he high side of t he road overlooking t he rest of Pakenham, t his immaculat ely present ed home st ands as t est ament t o our vendors effort s t o build a warm invit ing family home. This 31sq (approx) home gives you t hat warm family feeling t he minut e you walk t o t he front door passing fully landscaped front gardens on t he 735sq (approx) block. This St unning home comprises: 3 oversized bedrooms wit h built in robes and Full ensuit e t o t he mast er Home office or fourt h bedroom you make t he choice Huge Kit chen wit h qualit y appliances, large island bench great for t he ent ert ainer Formal lounge plus 3 separat e living areas and 1 massive rumpus/media room for t he growing family Duct ed heat ing t hroughout t he home for t hose cold wint er night s, large rear ent ert aining area and fully landscaped rear gardens are just a pleasure t o see. If a beaut ifully present ed family home wit h not hing t o do but move in is what your aft er t hen t his propert y is a MUST see.

23 Irving Road Pakenham What A Beaut iful Gem St ep inside t his glorious neat and t idy 3 years young four bedroom, t wo bat hroom, 2 garage home. Wit h it s st yle and elegance, t his is sure t o please. The block consist s of approximat ely 607sqm and has 2 living rooms wit h a front formal lounge, spacious family/meals area, and a magnificent modern kit chen t o impress including St ainless St eel appliances. Minut es away from princess highway, Pakenham t own cent re and all major amenit ies, t his home is in a perfect pocket of Pakenham.

3 Price:



Buyers Over $370,000

Contact: Craig Holowell 0414 343 430 View:

4 Price:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM



Negotiable Over $375,000

Contact:Natasha Mitrovic 0430 073 954 View:

Sat 17 May 2:00PM-2:30PM

5/11 King Street Pakenham Immaculat e Unit In The Heart Of Town This immaculat ely present ed home posit ioned in t he heart of Pakenham and close t o all local amenit ies makes t his propert y a must see. Consist ing of 3 generous sized bedrooms wit h BIR, recent ly renovat ed funct ional kit chen wit h st ainless st eel appliances overlooking t he meals/dining area and spacious open plan lounge. St ep out side int o a beaut ifully present ed enclosed pergola area allowing ent ert aining all year round. Addit ional feat ures include double remot e garage, heat ing and cooling, roller shut t er blinds and alarm for ext ra securit y.

19 Mikasa Place Pakenham Superb Family Home, Great Locat ion Ideal locat ion at t he end of a quiet court in t he Fallingwat er Est at e, a beaut ifully present ed home has t hree great sized bedrooms wit h t he mast er bedroom consist ing of a walk t hrough robe leading int o t he ensuit e. Rumpus/t heat re room wit h double doors coming of t he long ent rance hall. Fant ast ic open plan kit chen/dining and family area which offers nat ural light and warmt h. St ep out side t o a beaut iful decked area wit h great size back yard wit h plent y of room for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include solar panels x 13, heat ing, cooling,

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $349,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

3 Price:

Sat 17 May 2:15PM-2:45PM



Negotiable Over $350,000

Contact: Alison Hayden 0429 593 757 View:

Sat 17 May 10:30AM-11:00AM

3 Viola Avenue Pakenham Great Posit ioned Family Home Locat ed in prime posit ion close t o herit age Springs shopping precinct , public t ransport and schools t his family home t icks all t he boxes. Boast ing 4 generous sized bedrooms, mast er wit h full ENS and WIR, Fant ast ic open funct ional Kit chen wit h st ainless st eel appliances which overlooks t he meals/dining area. Open plan family room and formal dining/lounge room. St ep Out side int o t he lovely alfresco area a perfect place t o ent ert ain st ill wit h plent y of backyard space for t he kids t o play. Addit ional feat ures include double garage, heat ing and cooling and landscaped gardens makes t his propert y a must see

19 Station Street Nar Nar Goon POSSIBLITIES ARE ENDLESS WITH THIS COUNTRY CHARMER! This 1948 st yle cot t age has a lot of t he original feat ures, polished floor boards, open fire place and high ceilings. It 's t wo bedrooms are spacious wit h plent y of cupboard space. The land size is 1467 sqm (approx), great t o develop, a huge four car garage for plent y of st orage and a great side access for t rucks or caravans, recent ly part ially renovat ed kit chen, and a huge pergola area for ent ert aining. A st ones t hrow away from t he st at ion, local shops and five minut es away from freeway access. Come and inspect now and you will be sure t o be

4 Price:



Buyers Over $370,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

2 Price:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM



Negotiable Over $320,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

15 Aberdeen Heights Pakenham A home t o impress, ent ert ain and enjoy An amazing home in an enviable posit ion, t his 3 bedroom elevat ed and freshly paint ed residence will present a lifest yle choice never regret t ed. The beaut ifully present ed family home offers a great size kit chen adjoining t he family meals area wit h a separat e formal dining area and living room. The mast er bed room at t he front of t he home is complet e wit h BIR and ensuit e. The bedrooms are of a great size and bot h have BIRs. Fant ast ic sized laundry and int ernal access t o t he DLG. The home also offers 12 solar panels and a 5000lt r wat er t ank, duct ed heat ing and evaporat ive cooling. Huge undercover ent ert aining area wit h views all t he way across t o west ern port .

72 Dunbarton Drive Pakenham SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME, 3 BEDS PLUS STUDY St riking t he perfect balance bet ween locat ion & space, t his family home will suit all your needs, feat uring 3 spacious bedrooms plus st udy wit h mast er including walk in robe and ensuit e. Also comprising 2 separat e living areas wit h front formal lounge, family/meals area. From your light filled kit chen wit h st ainless st eel appliances & pant ry, st ep out int o your huge back yard leaving more t hen enough room for t he swing set and t rampoline. To complet e t he package having duct ed heat ing, DLUG wit h rear roller door access & convenient ly locat ed close

3 Price:



Buyers Over $330,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

3 Price:

Sat 17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM



Negotiable Over $290,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

54 Tipperary Circuit Pakenham DELIGHTFUL YOUNG HOME Locat ed nort h of t he highway in a highly sought aft er area, t his beaut iful young home is not one t o be missed. Close t o amenit ies including an array of local shopping cent res, public t ransport , sport ing reserves and freeways ensure t hat every need is cat ered for. Inside youll find t hree great size bedrooms, t he mast er wit h full ensuit e and WIR. All remaining bedrooms have double built in wardrobes and t here is addit ional st orage t hroughout . There is a large living area which would be suit able for a mult it ude of uses such as ent ert aining or as a quiet space for t he parent s.

59 Tipperary Circuit Pakenham OWNER BUILDING, LOOKING FOR LEASE BACK OPPORTUNITY. CALLING INVESTORS Wit h t he current owners wishing t o lease back t he home for a minimum of 12 mont hs, look no furt her t han 59 Tipperary Cct for your next propert y purchase. This st ylish home has 3 large bedrooms, mast er wit h ensuit e & WIR, remaining bedrooms wit h BIR's. The home offers 3 living zones incl. a specially designed home t heat re room complet e wit h TV & surround sound qualit y equipment . The ext ra large kit chen provides loads of cupboard space, including pant ry & s/s Technika





Negotiable Over $320,000

Contact: Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 Mitchell Hill 0423 324 279 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $335,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

15 Ashwood Grove Pakenham A Lakeside Gem is Uneart hed Nest led away in t his sought aft er est at e, t his immaculat ely present ed qualit y built home st ands as a t est ament t o our vendors effort s t o creat e a st unning lifest yle anyone would be proud of. Fully landscaped front and rear gardens, t he home comprises-3 bedrooms The mast er offers full ensuit e wit h a second bat hroom and t oilet servicing t he remaining bedroom. A fully appoint ed kit chen wit h qualit y appliances, duct ed gas heat ing, split syst em air condit ioner keeping t he home cool in summer. Generous living area, overlooking t he gardens and out door area.

5 Ashley Court Longwarry PERFECT PROPERTY FOR FIRST HOME BUYER If you're a first home buyer t rying t o get int o t he market , t hen t his may be t he one for you.Sit uat ed on a large block of approx. 985 m2, t his light and bright home is in a quiet court locat ion backing on t o farmland creat ing t he nice open count ry feel The home consist s of 3 large bedrooms, wit h built in robes t o bedroom 2 and 3 and built in robe and en suit e t o t he main bedroom.Feat ures include 2 car carport , huge back yard, freshly paint ed home wit h new air-condit ioning unit . There is plent y of room in t he back yard t o grow vegies and enjoy t he most

3 Price:



Buyers Over $290,000

Contact: Craig Holowell 0414 343 430 Mitchell Hill 0423 324 279 View:

3 Price:

By Appointment




Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 17 May 10:00AM-10:30AM

8 Deveney Street Pakenham Endless opport unit y and brilliant locat ion Set on 602SQM(approx) in t he heart of Pakenham, t his classic brick home has excit ing renovat ion, ext ension or redevelopment pot ent ial (subject t o council approval).The home feat ures 3 generous bedrooms t hat share a neat bat hroom, and a spacious lounge and funct ional kit chen. Packed wit h pot ent ial, t he home offers an incredible blank canvas t o add your own personal t ouches t o while t he large block is perfect for fut ure development (subject t o council approval).

323A Rossiter Road Koo Wee Rup Not a cent t o spend! 2 bed, 1 bat hroom, signal garage wit h remot e and int ernal access t o t his neat and t idy Townhouse wit h open plan living and spilt syst em heat ing and cooling. Walking dist ance t o Woolwort hs, shops, schools and local bus st op. Oven and dishwasher, heaps of cupboard space, 2 large bedrooms bot h wit h BIRs, bat hroom wit h shower, vanit y, heat er and bat h. Sliding glass backdoor t o court yard wit h low maint enance gardens. Townhouse on it s own t it le so no body corporat e hurry t his one wont last long.

3 Price:



Negotiable Over $265,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

Sat 17 May 11:00AM-11:30AM





Buyers Over $249,000

Contact: Matt Koster 0474 781 711 View:

Sat 17 May 1:00PM-1:30PM

85 Banjo Paterson Drive Pakenham Best Block in Herit age. Imagine your new life on t his perfect piece of land set in t he desirable Herit age Springs Est at e. Flat , t it led and ready t o build on t oday, t his 747m2 block is in a prime locat ion, surrounded by qualit y homes overlooking parklands and Toomuc Creek. Shopping cent re, schools, t rain st at ion and freeway are all close by. Dont miss t his rare opport unit y of securing one of t he last , flat , large blocks in t his qualit y est at e.

33 Riviera Drive Pakenham A gem on Riviera A very neat 3 bedroom home overlooking t ree lined Kennedy Creek wit h enough room for t he caravan/boat . Fant ast ic for first home buyers or invest ors having low maint enance gardens complet e wit h veggie pat ch & garden shed. This great propert y also offers ensuit e & WIR in main, BIR t o ot her 2 rooms, large laundry, duct ed gas heat ing & split syst em in lounge, generous sized kit chen wit h light filled dining area. Enjoy your morning coffee on t he verandah while having a chat t o t he neighbours.





Negotiable Over $280,000

Contact: Mitchell Hill 0423 324 279 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable over $275,000

Contact: Elder Ramos 0433 200 652 View:

Sat 17 May 12:00PM-12:30PM

Lot 12/No: 24 Johnsons Place Pakenham KING OF THE HILL Surround yourself wit h parklands and walking t racks t hese t wo huge allot ment s approximat ely 2890 sqm boast views t o t he bay and beyond. The building pot ent ial on t his land is limit ed only t oo your imaginat ion.. Only a short drive get s you t oo t he shops, schools and all ot her amenit ies Pakenham has t o offer. Tit led and ready t o build on now. If serenit ys what you desire and views t o ret ire t o each day t hen look no furt her.

Lot 13/No: 11 Johnsons Place Pakenham KING OF THE HILL Surround yourself wit h parklands and walking t racks t hese t wo huge allot ment s approximat ely 2890 sqm boast views t o t he bay and beyond. The building pot ent ial on t his land is limit ed only t oo your imaginat ion.. Only a short drive get s you t oo t he shops, schools and all ot her amenit ies Pakenham has t o offer. Tit led and ready t o build on now. If serenit ys what you desire and views t o ret ire t o each day t hen look no furt her.

0 Price:



Negotiable over $195,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable over $195,000

Contact: Matthew Bone 0414 801 451 View:

By Appointment

3 Scordia Place Pakenham LAST ONE ON THE STREET, DONT MISS THIS!!! A Flat Tit led perfect block ready t o build t he house of your dreams. It is a great sized Rect angular block of 648m2 wit h a wide 18m front age t o suit any great plan. Wake up t o t he Rising Sun as t his block is East facing and fully fenced. This block is in a popular, est ablished and a quiet area in a great locat ion close t o all t he amenit ies including parks, local shops, schools, t rain st at ion and freeway access. It is near t he new Pakenham Regional Tennis Cent re. Be quick wit h t his one as it will not be on t he market for long..... Call now!!!

36 Meaby Drive Pakenham Good size & good views! Designers dream wit h amazing views Take t his opport unit y t o design your dream home on t his elevat ed block wit h open views. Quiet and peaceful locat ion wit h all t he local services close at hand.

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $185,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment





Negotiable Over $160,000

Contact: Elder Ramos 0433 200 652 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

47 Union Avenue Pakenham King of t he Cast le Sit t ing on t op of t he world surrounded by prest ige propert ies wit h views t hat go forever is t he perfect block of land wait ing for you t o build your dream home!!! This large corner block is approx 756 sqms locat ed on t he nort h side of Pakenham. There are very few blocks of land left available in t his area and none wit h views t hat can compare. The st reet is a lovely quiet st reet filled wit h qualit y large homes If you are looking for t he perfect locat ion for your forever home (or cast le) I t hink we have found it for you! Please call t o find out more before you miss out

11 Monica Drive Drouin Huge block wit h a fant ast ic view An exclusive opport unit y exit s t o acquire huge block of vacant land, a complet e blank canvas providing a unique opport unit y t o build your dream home. Framed by young fruit t rees t his 1539 sqm (approx) block is surrounded by qualit y new homes and views over t he rolling hills of Drouin and t he new Sierra Vale est at e. If you are looking for t he perfect locat ion t o build your dream home we have found it for you!! Please call t oday for more informat ion

0 Price:



Negotiable Over $175,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

0 Price:

By Appointment



Negotiable Over $127,000

Contact:Rachael Woodham 0405 156 857 View:

By Appointment

2/5 Hosking Court Pakenham DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS- LOT 2, 481m2 BLOCK WITH PLANNING PERMITS Locat ed in t he heart of Pakenham is t his fant ast ic opport unit y t o develop, close t o schools, t ransport & shopping dist rict s whit hin a quiet court locat ion. Wit h plans and permit s already issued, st art building t oday and have your invest ment underway. Sit uat ed on 481m2 (approx) wit h services, plans for a t hree bedroom, t wo bat hroom home has everyt hing t o offer, wit h ot her inclusions of t wo living areas, alfresco and double lock up garage. For furt her informat ion please call!





Negotiable Over $120,000

Contact: Elder Ramos 0433 200 652 Lincoln Scott 0423 486 285 View:

By Appointment

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