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Tapps Awards
Attend the post season AllDistrict meeting
Submit a copy of AllDistrict selections to the athletic office within 24 hours.
Attend the post season AllState meeting (when applicable)
Submit a copy of All-State selections to the athletic office with 24 hours
Athletic Office will submit Academic All-State
Collect GPA’s of student-athletes through Academic Office
Submit Academic AllState through RankOne under "Manage Rosters"
Coordinate uniform/gear check in date with the athletic office
Check inventory of uniforms and game equipment
If you to replace gear, or order new gear for the upcoming season, ALL orders must be submitted to the athletic office in a timely manner
Be prepared for a postseason meeting with the athletic director to discuss the season, needs for next year, inventory, etc.
Set up post-season meetings with athletes to discuss future goals, offseason plans, etc
Set up post-season staff evaluations within your program (JH-HS)