TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES, YOU MUST HAVE AN ACCOUNT ON THE REC'S AMILIA SYSTEM. lf you don't, on your browser, type "" and click on the orange "Register", then click on "Create an account" and do what is requested. 1
lF YOU DO HAVE AN ACCOUNT, on your browser type: "", then scroll down to the "Active Adult Computer Classes" category, click on "MORE INFORMATION HERE" , scroll down, and select "CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE & REGISTER"
Problems? Please call the Active Adult desk at817410-3465
- Free Computer Classes at Active Adults 55 and BetterUnless specified differently, all classes must have a minimum of 5 students.
Fall Session September 30 - November 8,2024
Mondav Tuesdav Wednesdav Thursdav Friday
September 30
iPhone: Howto use
Mon 9:00am-12:00pm Beverly Savage
Windows Fundamentals
M-Th-Fr 12:30-3:30pm Pam Price
October 7
iPhone: Howto use
Mon 9:00am-12:00pm Beverly Savage
October 14
October Shufterfly Tu-Wed 12:303:30pm Laura Jesberg
October 8 Windours Fundamentals Tu-Th-Fr 12:30-3:30pm Pam Price
October l5
October 21
Google Photos
Mon 12:30i:30pm Roger Jones
October 28
M-W 9:00am-12:00pm Darrell Brown & Gay Grissom
October 22 Streaming the lnternet Tues 12:303:30pm Roger Jones
October 29
November 4
Windours Photos
Mon 12:30pm-3:30pm Wed 9:00am-12:00pm Roger Jones
November 5 Election Day
October Shutterfly Tu-Wed 12:30-3:30pm Laura Jesberg
October 9
Excel: lntroduction
Wed 12:30-3:30pm Laura Jesberg
October l6
Android: Howto use Wed 12:30-3:30pm Roger Jones
October 23 Apple Watch Wed 12:30-3:30pm Laura Jesberg
October 30 Facebook M-W 9:00am-12:fi)pm Darrell Brown & Gay Grissom
October 3 Windows Fundamentals M-Th-Fr 12:30€:30pm Pam Price
October 10 Windows Fundamentals Tu-Th-Fr 12:30-3:30pm Pam Price
October 17 Android: Howto use Thur 12:30-3:30pm Roger Jones
October 24
October Windours Fundamentals M-Th-Fr 12:30€:30pm Pam Price
October Windows Fundamentals Tu-Th-Fr 12:30-3:30pm Pam Price
October 18
November 6
Windovtrs Photos Mon 12:30pm-3:30pm Wed 9:00am-12:00pm Roger Jonee
October 25
October3l IIALL0WEEN November I
November 7
November 8
Active Adults 55 and Better, The REC 1175 MunicipalWay, Grapevine, TX 76051 817410-3465
Winter Semester begins on January 6 - February 14,2025
Fall Quarter September 30-November 8, 2024
Free Computer Classes at Active Adults 55 and Better
Unless specified differently, all classes must have a minimum of 5 students.
Windows Fundamentals: An |,ntroduction to Learnino How to Use the Computer
Length: Six sessions
Max 12 students
When: Mon-Th-Fri, Sept 30, Oct 3, 4 and Tu-Th-Fr Oct 8, 10, 11 at 12:30-3:30pm
Taught by Pam Price, Assisted by Stevie Dwyer, JoAnn Heinen i
Description: The student will get a lot of practice with beginning word processing skills, creating files and folders, and developing his small and large motor skills (helpful with the mouse). The class will use \Mn 10 to teach the standard features of a \Mndows PC. The goal of this class is to help the student be successful and have fun with his computer.
Pre-Req: To attend this class, ALL students must have access to their OWN computers. Students should have competent keyboarding skills to get the most out of this class. lf you need to improve your own typing skills, search ONLINE for kevboardino tutorials to ensure your success in the class.
Classes are listed Alphabetically. Please be aware of the Pre-Requisites for each class.
Android Phone: How to use
Length: Two sessions
Max 6 students
When: Wed-Thu, Oct 23,24 at 12:30-3:30pm
Taught by Roger Jones
This training is limited to 6 participants. ln this class, learn how to change various settings. We will make sure your phone is set up to sync [backup], contacts, photos, and apps. We go over using the Google calendar, set up contacts, email, and photos. We will use Google Chrome on a computer to see what is on your phone.
Pre-Req: Must have an Android phone, Samsung preferably. Please bring your fullycharged Android phone and your charging cord to class. You must have a Google/Gmail address and know your password.
Apple Watch Basicg
Length: One Session
Max: 6 studenb
When: Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 12:30-3:30pm Taught by Laura Jesberg
Descriptioni "You may have an Apple Watch on your wrist, but do you know all the cool things it can do?"Try this 3-hour workshop and learn how to get the most out of your Apple Watch, from tracking your heart rate to finding your iPhone to keeping you connected with everything you care about.
Pre-Req: Apple Watch must be Series 5 (2019) or newer. You must bring a fully charged iPhone and Apple Watch to class.
_2O24.O9-LL Sep-Nov FallText-Description vs3 (FINAL).docx
Free computer classes at Active Adults 55 and Better unless specified differently, all classes must have a minimum of 5 students'
Excel: lntroduction
Gngth: One Session
Max: 12 students
When: Wed, Oct 9 at 12:30'3:30Pm
Taught bY Laura Jesberg
Description: Excelli " nfttosoft spreadsheet program that enables users to format'
"rg-*#"nd calculate data in a spreadsheet. ln this class, you will be introduced to spreadsheets and basic data functions of Excerfor home use. You will rearn how to use formuras, create murtipre spreadsheets as weil as how to sort data' p'".n"q'YoumusthavepassedWindowsFundamentals.
Two Sessions
Max: 12 Students
Wfr"n, Mon-Wed, Oct 28, 30 at 9:00am-{2:00pm
iaugnt by Darrell Brown and Gay Grissom
Facebook -engtlx
Description: rnis crass is oesigned to discuss Facebook security as well as give a basic introduction to Facebook. some of the topics: creating a po-st and posting'.adding and deleting friends, uploading pictures from your device, going live' understanding gr"rp., "ri tip. ,nd tiicr. to have a fun and safe environment'
Gooqle Photos
Length: One Sessions
Max: 12 Students
When: Mon, Oct2l at 12:30'3:30Pm
Taught bY Roger Jones
Description: Learn how to use the photo editing toors buirt into Googre photos. That includes cropping, filters, "AOi"g gt"phi.r, "nd sharing thJ results' Viewing and downloading to a comPuter.
Fall Quarter September 30-November 8, 2024
Free Computer Classes at Active Adults 55 and Better
Unless specified differently, all classes must have a minimum of 5 students.
iPhone: How to use
Length: One session (offered TWO separate times)
Max 6 students
When: Session 1: Mon, Sep 30 2024 at 9:00am'12:00pm
Session 2: Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 9:00am-12:00pm i
Taught by Beverly Savage
Desiription: ln this class, students will learn how to adjust the sound and change a few other important settings, including a discussion about backing up your iPhone and the importance and value of having an iCloud account. Students will be provided tips about using the phone features and adding to Favorites as well as be given recommendations about entering Contacts. Some texting tips, a variety of ways to use Siri will be introduced, and more.
Pre-Req: Must have an iPhone 10 or newer, know how to make and answer phone calls, and listen to voice messages. Please bring your fully-charged iPhone and your charging cord.
Shufterflv: On-line ScraPbookinq
Length: Two Sessions
Max: 12 Students
When: Tue-Wed, Oct 1,2,2A24 at 12:30-3:30pm
Taught by Laura Jesberg
Description: Shutterfly is an online website that allows you to, not only store your photos for free, but also allows you to print your photos on a multitude of surfaces: scrapbooks, cards, stationery, calendars, personalized gifts, home decor, and more.
This class will teach you to create a scrapbook, but you can use the skills you learn in class to personalize many other cool products.
Streaminq the Internet
Length: One Session
Max: 12 Students
When: Tues October 22,2024 at 12:30'3:30pm
Taught by Roger Jones
Description: Learn how to stream on the internet and why. Different options discussing internet providers, services, with options to use smart TV, fire stick or Roku devices.
Fall Quarter September 30-November 8, 2024
Free Computer Classes at Active Adults 55 and Better
Unless specified differently, all classes must have a minimum of 5 students.
Windows Photos @ions
Max: {2 Students
When: Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at t2:30-3:30pm (afternoon) n Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 9:00am-12:00pm (morning)
Taught by Roger Jones; Assisted by Mitch Factor
Description: Using the Photo software that comes with Wndows 10/11, we will learn how to get photos from the camera or your phone, to the computer, do basic editing like cropping, removing redeye, getting the pictures to look better, how to resize photos for email. Learn how to print on your home printer or at the store.
I\,I*aiTffi ''l ! I
Students experienced with;
have used the Internet may sign up for the following classes: ; I Atl iPhone & Android classes and other phone related classes. I