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Clubs & Groups
Air Gun League 01386 45086 Air Training Corps 01386 553964 Arden Sailing Club 01386 554109 Badsey Archery Club 01386 830867 Badsey Recreation Club 01386 830867 Badsey Royal British Legion 01386 830200 Badsey Women’s Institute 01386 831233 Beckfort Social Club 01386 881405 Bengeworth Club 01386 442317 Bidford on Avon & District Gardening Society 01789 268794 Eckington Bridge Club 01386 634718 Evesham Angling Association 01386 422689 Evesham Archery Club 01386 831509 Evesham Art Society 01386 833277 Evesham Autograss Club 01386 49464 Evesham Bereavement Group 01386 49616 Evesham Bowling Club 01386 831709 Evesham Bridge Club 01386 41107 Evesham Canine Society 01684 541874 Evesham Cricket Club 07747 831100 Evesham & District Philatelic & Postcard Society 01386 421549 Evesham & District U3A 07827 637923 Evesham Garage Art Group 01386 423245 Evesham Girl Guides 01386 830638 Evesham Golf Club 01386 860395 Evesham History Society 01386 761522 Evesham Hospital Radio 07858 694572 Evesham Ladies Darts League 01386 832906 Evesham Ladies Netball Club 01386 424462 Evesham Men’s Darts League 01386 40827


Evesham Men’s Hockey Club 01386 832607 Evesham Motorcycle Club 01905 345395 Evesham Photography Club 01386 556746 Evesham Probus Club 01386 870003 Evesham Ramblers Association 01386 446407 Evesham Rambling Club 01386 443234 Evesham Rotary Club 01789 778836 Evesham Rowing Club 01386 446131 Evesham Rugby Club 01386 446469 Evesham Running Club 01386 429141 Evesham Sea Scouts 01386 833383 Evesham Senior Citizens’ Club 01386 761195 Evesham Skittle League 01386 552856 Evesham Sub-Aqua 07880 732881 Evesham Tennis Club 01386 446131 Evesham Volunteers Centre 01386 45035 Inkberrow Bowls Club 01386 792822 Juniors’ Angling Club 01386 45880 Kick Boxing – Evesham 01386 48452 Lenches Club 01386 870221 Pershore & Evesham Mothers’ Union 01386 556629 Pershore Bell Ringing Association 01386 553919 Pershore Bowling Club 01386 554212 Pershore Duplicate Bridge Club 01386 861787 Pershore Canoeing Club 01386 554130 Pershore Community Choir 01905 620827 Pershore Cricket Club 01386 552856 Pershore Dog Training 01386 555812 Pershore Embroiderers & Textile Artists 01386 554709 Pershore Flower Club 01386 553116
Pershore Heritage & History Society 01386 553180 Pershore Jazz (meets at Pershore Town FC) 01386 554235 Pershore Ladies Guild 01386 550177 Pershore Operatic Society 01386 552504 Pershore Rotary 07850 996732 Pershore Rotary Business Club 07726 685583 Pershore Rubber Bridge 01386 642635 Pershore Rugby Club 07791 045017 Pershore Scottish Country Dance Society 01386 552992 Pershore Scrabble Club 01386 552379 Pershore Skittles Club 01386 552856 Pershore Squash Club 01386 552856 Pershore Swimming Club for The Disabled 01386 555713 Pershore Tennis Centre 01386 556677 Pershore Town Choir 01386 555231 Pershore Vale Walkers 01386 554235/07879 280171 Pershore Volunteer Centre 01386 554299 Pershore Women’s Institute 01386 554212 Scouts & Cubs 01386 442923 South Worcestershire Archaelogical Group 07738 995825 St Andrew’s Fellowship (meets at Hampton Club) 01386 553392 Vale Craft Guild 01386 832364 Vale Harmony Barbershop Chorus 07766 524833 Vale of Evesham Civic Society 07891 846049 Vale Lace Makers 01386 41330 Vocal High - singing group 01386 641476 Wheelers Cycling Club 01386 830868

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Intruder Alarms Access Control CCTV Systems

Garden Machinery Mobile Service & Repair for an estimate call Will White t: 01386 860918 m: 07716 404489