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Ledbury Community Day
The 8th Ledbury Community Day, the day when groups and organisations who serve Ledbury and District show what they do, will be held this year on Saturday 6th June.
The event will take place again in the Burgage and St Katherine’s Halls, the Community Centre and other venues in Ledbury.

Paul Kinnaird of the organising committee said, “Ledbury Community Day provides a great opportunity for groups and organisations to meet people, to tell about the services they offer, to seek volunteers and new members, and to show people how they can help their lives in all kinds of ways from learning and interests to well-being and support.

“For those attending it’s a great way to find out what goes on in Ledbury, what they can help or what can help them.” 80 groups took part in 2019.
Invitations have recently been sent out to local groups in Ledbury and the county, to take part in the event. The organisers will be pleased to hear from any groups they have not been able to contact, that are interested in taking part, at info@ ledburycommunityday.org.uk – taking part is free.
The organisers would also be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help with the event in planning, organising, stewarding or contributing to keep this worthwhile and special Ledbury event running.

For more details, please contact: Griff Holliday t: 01531 633637 or Paul Kinnaird t: 01531 634788 griffholliday@btinternet.com