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Caterham & District Horticultural Society



www.caterhamdistricthorticulturalsoc.weebly.com Facebook: Caterham District Hortisoc Instagram: caterhamhortsoc1

The Rose reigns supreme, and the wide range

of colour, shape and form of its genus are quite spectacular. Tasks have to be completed urgently in June.

CAUTION: extra light and warmth induces weeds and pests to multiply.


t Overcrowded spring bulbs must be lifted and dried off in boxes. t May flowering Tulips, have to make room for half-hardy annuals. t The outstanding ornamental leaved Pelargonium is worthy of being included with the rest of the annuals, to be planted out now. t A regular liquid feed will enhance the colour of the flowers produced in Window-boxes, containers and Hanging-baskets. t Disbudding now is vital for Roses and watch out for Insects. t Seeds sown in April for Rock Gardens can be transferred. t Spring flowering shrubs should be pruned. t Spray Apple trees against Red Spider mite and watch out for Sawfly Caterpillars on Gooseberry bushes. t Successional sowing will provide a regular supply of vegetables. t Regular raking & mowing of lawns will be necessary and a summer fertilizer is advisable. t Pinch out the side-shoots of Tomatoes and the growing point of Melons in the Greenhouse. We move into high summer now and the sun illuminates flowering creepers and plants on porches, doorways, trellis’ walls and most areas of the garden. The most important jobs in July are: t Lifting & drying off Tulips. Place your bulb order for Autumn planting. t Water & feed container plants early in the morning and at dusk to prevent scorching. t Shrubs like overhead watering. t Continue pruning flowering shrubs that have finished blooming and dead head bedding plants & perennials. t Prune cordon Pears, support Melons with netting and spray Loganberries. t Be ruthless with weeds in the vegetable patch. t Harvest Apricots, Pears and Nectarines. t Clear Algae, Blanket weed & debris from ponds and top up with water. t Remember to collect and store RAINWATER for future use.

There will be no Caterham Festival or Carnival this year, so our popular Plant Sale will not take place. However, we hope to hold our Gardeners, Cooks and Flower Arrangers Questions Event on Zoom. Please check our website and Facebook for an update.

A decision has not yet been made about our SUMMER SHOW on Saturday 11th July at The Westway Centre, Chaldon Road, Caterham CR3 5TA. Please check our website/Facebook/Instagram for the latest information.

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