april/MaY 2017 eDitiOn 303
Many thanks to Heather Weston for this editions photograph. Everyone in their best bib and tucker for the coronation of George V, outside St. Margaret’s Church,
newS FrOM tHe pariSH i can’t tell you how much i wanted to start this edition of The grapevine with some jolly words about spring flowers, lambs-a-leaping and all sorts of Spring loveliness. it’s not to be i’m afraid. yes, it’s the dog poo again. i’m sure everyone has noticed the pink sprayed mess about the village, literally highlighting just how bad the problem has got. if you’re the person that is letting your dog continually foul the paths and verges and can walk past the pink spray with no remorse, well, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. There, said it. There’s more on the subject and the legality of what is happening on page 9. on to other news. The SoDC are hoping for constructive
comments with regards to the proposed 9 houses to be built on weston road. if you have an opinion and would like it known, please visit: search for planning applications and enter the ref code: p17/S1089/rm then hit the comment button. it’s time to have your say. dATES foR ThE diARY 28th April May day celebrations 1.30pm lewknor School 30th April Scarecrow festival (see page 4) The grapevine can be viewed online and in glorious Technicolor here:
FrOM tHe eDitOr
If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address:
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
ST. MARGARET’S CHURCH INVITES YOU TO A service of Holy Communion Thursday 13th APRIL 6.30pm everyone welcome to join us
SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE LOCAL PLAN HAVE YOUR SAY Are you interested in where new houses and employment should be located in South Oxfordshire? Or how to raise money for roads, schools, leisure centres, parks and shops? South Oxfordshire District Council has published its latest version of the Local Plan. Entitled “Second Preferred Options”, it sets out SODC’s thoughts on this – and you now have the opportunity to let SODC know your views. The consultation runs until 17 May 2017. You can read it online at: th Or you can get a hard copy from SODC’s offices at 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton or from public libraries. SODC are also holding drop-in events where you can view the consultation documents, information boards and ask questions. Didcot: Cornerstone, 1pm-7pm on Wednesday 5 April Wallingford: Regal Centre, 3pm-7pm on Friday 7 April Thame: Barns Centre, 10am-4pm on Saturday 8 April Henley: The Christ Church Centre, 10am-4pm on Saturday 22 April
STEFANIE O’BRYEN FAMILY SOLICITOR Divorce • Conveyancing • Probate • Wills Contact your local solicitor for a friendly and efficient service Telephone: 01491 614 700 20 Shirburn Street Watlington, OX49 5BT Email: HOME APPOINTMENTS BY ARRANGEMENT
BOOK CLUB at lewknoR
character but they add little
The novel is interspersed with excerpts from the interviews which the policeman, Detective Inspector Jim Clemo, who was in charge of Ben’s case, is having with a police psychotherapist some months after the case has been closed. No details are given as to whether Ben has been found as Jim is reluctant to talk so the reader is left wondering why these episodes have been included. What is helpful, however, are extracts from a Canadian research project which begin each chapter examining the circumstances of child abduction and the likely outcomes in such cases.
However, McEwan takes most of the 300 plus pages of his book to regale us with Serena and her lover’s shenanigans as they gaily spend tax-payers’ money courtesy of MI5 swigging champagne and swallowing oysters in various locations in London and Brighton.
So the reader follows the case in real time over 10 days with suspects interviewed and successively eliminated and the denouement comes in the last few pages and the case is solved. Not to spoil the story for those who might wish to read the novel I won’t reveal the ending here!
The book for next month is A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler which I think we can look forward to with pleasure.
In April Ian McEwan’s Sweet Tooth proved to be something of a conundrum. Initially it seemed belong to the Le Carré and Len Deighton background of M15 and its internal machinations BURNT PAPER SKY but its chief protagonist, Serena Frome, seemed Gilly Macmillan Burnt Paper Sky, which we read in February, is quite unsuited to be in the business of espionage the first published novel by Gilly Macmillan who having got her job on the recommendation of a chose the genre of crime fiction as she herself reads lover. As usual with McEwan’s novels however the a great deal of detective novels. The story she tells twist in the tale (tail?) comes quite literally on the is of Ben, an eight year old boy, who goes missing final page of the book. I suppose knowing this a whilst he and his mother are out with their dog for reader is perhaps tempted to persist to the bitter a Sunday afternoon walk in woods on the outskirts end, but be warned, it’s a clunky read. of Bristol. The gist of the plot, without giving away any spoilers, His mother Rachel Jenner is a single mum since is that Serena is given the task by her masters in MI5 her divorce from her husband, John, a paediatric of recruiting a young academic, who shows promise surgeon who has since remarried. She appears, as a writer of fiction, to contribute to a publication unprepared, before the TV cameras at the police which will hopefully appeal to dissidents in the station to plead for Ben’s return but ends by countries regarded as antagonistic to the West. It is threatening his abductor that she will come after set in the UK of Ted Heath’s Years of Discontent whoever it is. Instead of eliciting sympathy from the and Dissent in the 1970s which McEwan describes general public this results in her being abused on well bringing back memories of the power cuts and strikes of those times. social media and door-stepped by reporters.
The blurbs which enthusiastically recommend the book are all from the cognoscenti of the publishing world, one of whom found it ‘entertaining and wickedly funny’ which raised a snort of derision from our group.
If you are interested in joining the bookclub, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below. Postscript. The psychotherapy interviews with Jim All are welcome! were included at the suggestion of Macmillan’s editor who thought the novel needed an extra Elan Preston-W hyte 01844 350 382
LEWKNOR SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2017 Sunday 30TH April COMPETITION IS HOTTING UP IN THE VILLAGE! Enter a Scarecrow and join in the fun! It’s a great opportunity to be creative and to come together to raise funds for local causes through a village event. Entries are encouraged from individuals, families, neighbours, members of the school and surrounding community.
This year’s theme: “well known film characters”
To enter a scarecrow or for more details please contact: Jean on 07825 813137 or Libby on 07990 619685 or visit Lewknor Life Facebook Page. Entry forms are also available in St.Margaret’s Church.
LEWKNOR SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2017 Sunday 30th April Entry Form
Build a scarecrow & display it/them in your front garden so that they are visible from the road on the Sunday. This year the theme is “well known film characters” Entry fee is £3.
(The entry fee enters you in for the Best Scarecrow in the village competition.) All monies will be divided equally between St Margarets Church, Lewknor Cof E Primary School and Krakatoa
Name …………………………………………………………………………. Address…………………………………………………………….…………. Please let us know what your scarecrow will be as it will be entered in for the Best Scarecrow competition.
Scarecrow will be........................................ Telephone & email....................................... Please do not change your scarecrow without letting us knowPlease return the completed form with entry fee to either: Jean at Town Farm or Libby at 2 Rectory Court.Return form by 20th April at the latest RULES: Scarecrows must be on display from 10am to 5pm on the day. Scarecrows should be no bigger than life size. You can make as many on your property as you wish for one entry fee. If you would like to enter but do not live in the village, we can display scarecrows in the village for you with prior consultation. Scarecrows can be made using any material e.g newspaper, straw, papier-mache, balloons, balls. Your displays must not cause offence. The committee accepts no responsibility for scarecrows/accessories used by entrants.
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
Lewknor C of E Primary School
Community Newsletter
in a favourite book to school and planned afternoon lEWKNoR chURch of ENglANd PRiMARY activities based on the stories. they introduced the School gETS ThE go-AhEAd foR NEW clASSRooM books and then the children could choose which class South oxfordshire District Council has given planning they wanted to go to so they could hear the story. permission for a new classroom to be built at the back of miss williams (aka winnie the witch) had chosen the school house. now that we have planning, our next mr Seahorse and the children in her group made some stage is to start preparing working drawings, starting beautiful seahorses. LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXFORDSHIRE OX49 with the foundations and drainage. we will also be5THmrs lomas (aka gangsta granny) chose the rainbow applying for grants to help with the funding. Headteacher: fish Mrs Dand Coleher children made some very artistic rainbow Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail:the Website: headteacher Deborah Cole would like to thank fish. architect Chris robinson, of aldington Craig and mrs wakefield (aka mary poppins) read an excerpt Collinge, for all his hard work (and at a much reduced from how to train your Dragon. the children also got rate!) to get us to this stage. to see an exciting film clip. the children in her group She would also like to thank the school’s governor went on to design ‘mood’ dragons using colours that hilary lamb, who works tirelessly behind-the-scenes would show the emotions of their dragons. ensuring that the classroom, as well as all sorts of things and over in the upper Juniors class, miss lawes (aka that benefit our school, gets completed. Stone age warrior) read passages from wolf Brother, a story about a Stone age boy, and her group of children lEWKNoR PRiMARY cElEBRATES WoRld took part in a drama session based on the reading. all the children had the opportunity to show their BooK dAY all the children (and staff ) dressed up in the most work and perform their drama the next day at friday’s amazing costumes to celebrate world Book Day on celebration assembly. the children also dressed in red and black on thursday thursday 2nd march. this year the teachers brought
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
23rd march to celebrate red nose Day. we held a talent contest in the afternoon and a cake sale after school.
whom travelled many miles and gave up their Sunday to put on such a brilliant day for the children’s benefit.
JUdo chAMPioNS Children who attend our school’s judo club were invited to take part in the Stokenchurch Judo Club Championships— and came away with medals galore. it was an early start on Sunday 12th february for the judo contestants (judoka) who had to arrive at the high wycombe Judo Centre by 9.30am in their bright white judogi (judo suits) with a packed lunch, plenty to drink and family members to support them! The day finally finished around 5pm.rosie, elodie, annie, meira, leah, Callum, James, Kieran, laurence and eva all gave up their Sunday to compete and did fantastically well. Callula, who helps Sensei ron at our judo club each week, was also competing and helping reassure and encourage the lewknor children. i’m pleased to say that Josie who started our judo club in year 6 before moving onto secondary school has continued with judo and also attended the championship. The children were all extremely brave as for some of them this was their very first time competing at an organised event. vicky ashby, mum of Callula, elodie, meira and laurence, said: ‘‘The children walked into the centre which boasts two large judo mats (tatami) and was full of children, instructors and families unknown to them but they didn’t let this bother them and eagerly jumped on the mat, fighting hard against opponents in their weight range.’’ Children need to learn not only the various basic skills (such as breakfalls), groundwork and throws but also the terminology and etiquette whilst training in the dojo (place where judo is practised). Some terminology the children become familiar with include: hajime (begin), matte (wait), ippon (full point), Sensei (teacher/senior), shido (penalty) and other judo related facts such as the name of the man who established judo (Dr Kano) as well as the year (1882).we are very proud of all the children for taking part in the championships despite many of them understandably feeling a little anxious initially. i know Sensei ron is very proud of them too. Their dedication, hard work and achievements are clear to see – well done children! many thanks to Sensei ron, his wife Jean, Stokenchurch Judo Club instructors/members and all the kind volunteers, many of
REcEPTioN SUPERSTARS STRiKE A SUPERhERo PoSE—PoW! The reception class topic last term was superheroes so just before half-term for a special treat, the children had a Superhero Day. The children came to school dressed up as their favourite superhero and they took part in a range of activities with a superhero theme. There was a physical development activity where children had to move over and under the laser beam obstacle course (string) to save the superheroes from the villain, miss mischief. in maths the children learned how to double numbers by making a superhero salad—they had to double the portion of each item of food. other superhero missions included how to rescue hopper, the class toy rabbit, from high up on the tree. The children also worked on their handeye coordination using Spiderman’s webs (silly string) to aim and fire at villains. another fun activity involved the children looking out for the villain miss mischief (who had been causing lots of trouble) all day. They made wanted posters asking if anybody had seen her and they eventually managed to track her down? to everyone’s surprise miss mischief turned out to be the children’s teacher miss williams! BooK fAYRE BREAKS REcoRd! The recent after-school Book fayre raised a whopping £515, a huge amount of money considering we are only a small school with 79 children. last year lewknor primary broke all records for raising the most money per pupil per head ever in the whole of the county! not only do the children get to buy some really beautiful and interesting books, but school also benefits from a 60% commission, which means more books for each class. i would like to thank all the children and parents who supported the school. it also helps explain why our reading results are always so good—it looks like our children are serious bookworms, which is the best news of all! coMMUNiTY coNcERT ShoWcASES WEAlTh of TAlENT The folS Community Concert on Thursday 9th february
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
was a showstopper success, which featured an impressive display of talent from the very young to the not so very old! The lewknor primary School Choir sang (and danced) beautifully a number of songs including purple people eater, my favourite Things , Close every Door, Joseph’s Coat, and they brought the house down with their rendition of any Dream will Do at the end of the concert. we also had performances from The festival Choir (see picture above), which is made up of singers from lewknor and tetsworth. They performed all in the april evening (robertson), look at the world (rutter), lily of the valley (whalum), Bless this house (Brahe) and a solo performance of ticket to heaven sung by Christine Stevens. The choir was accompanied by martin paul on piano. guitarist alan ashby (top right), dad of elodie, meira and laurence, performed with two of his children. he gave a rendition of David Bowie’s Space oddity with laurence on drums, while elodie accompanied her dad on drums when he sang The Jungle Book’s i wanna Be like you. Concert organiser and mum of rosie and Jess, fiona Kendall and her friend fiona Kermack had fun by dressing as cabin crew for their performance of flower Duet from lakme (British airways advert theme song) by Delibres!
Children in lower Juniors performed two catchy numberseadie’s Blues and Jam Blues -on cornet. There was much hilarity when flynn and his actress mum liv performed an excerpt from romeo and Juliet, with flynn taking on the role of Juliet. annie and mum emma hunt were just brilliant when they sang how d’ya like your eggs in the morning. we also had several solo performances. Katie, who has the most amazing voice, sang apologise (one republic), elektra, who has only just started learning the piano/keyboard, performed the theme from Star wars, and mrs hemmings recited two poems, The Jabberwocky and 56 old norse words that invaded the english language. we also had a delightful duet from miss lawes on guitar and her partner mark on fiddle when they performed all on account of you. A hUgE ThANK YoU to all our performers, St margaret’s Church, the people of lewknor and surrounding villages, the staff, children and parents, and of course to all who helped organise this wonderful event. Th ank you to folS for yet another fun fundraiser and i hope to see everyone back again for another concert next year!
LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXON OX49 5TH Headteacher: Mrs D Cole Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: Website:
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
You may have seen the continuation of highlighting dog fouling around Lewknor Village, hopefully this will make residents realise how much this is happening each week. A dog owner has been spoken to about their dog fouling on a public footpath this week, and if seen again will be reported to Council Authorities. Please be aware that both the Parish Council and the majority of the residents in the village will confront, and report any dog walker they find who doesn’t bag and dispose of waste. There are three dog waste bins in the village, one at the Hall gates, one by the allotments in the centre and one down Weston Road by the public footpath style, everyone’s Council tax pays for these to be emptied, so please use them. Below are details regarding penalties issued by the local Council, in our case that is South Oxfordshire. Any information brought before them by a member of the public may be used as evidence for a prosecution. There are also details for footpaths In England and Wales, local authorities introduced public spaces protection orders, making it an offence not to clean up dog mess. Under those orders, a person who doesn’t clean up after their dog may face an on-the-spot fine of up to £80, where the area is patrolled. These fines are known as fixed penalty notices. If a person refuses to pay they can be taken to the local Magistrates Court for the dog fouling offence and fined up to £1,000.The system of controlling dog fouling under public spaces protection orders was introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It replaces the old system of dog control orders under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 Public Rights of Way
Footpaths: This public right of way is meant for pedestrians only. You are allowed to walk your dog as long as it is under your close control. When walking a dog, you must ensure that it keeps to the public footpath and does not trespass into nearby properties. Prams, pushchair or wheelchairs can also be used on a footpath.
If you are walking a dog, you must make sure that it does not stray off legal lines of a public footpath as this may constitute an act of trespass. Also ensure that you clean up your dog mess, if your dog fouls upon a footpath. THE CHURCHYARD AND THE CHURCH LAND THAT SURROUNDS LEWKNOR PRIMARY SCHOOL OWNED BY THE CHURCH, REQUEST THAT ALL DOGS ARE KEPT ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES
THE LEWKNOR SUPER SIX TAKE ON THE THREE PEAKS!!! Six parents from Lewknor Primary School (Andy Avery, Camilla Manning, Steph Cooper, Ray Nicholson, Sarah Smith and Tiggs) will conquer the three highest peaks in the UK in 24 hours to raise money for our amazing school. Each year parents and the community work together to raise the much needed funds to support the school and provide the children with enriching educational experiences as well as essential resources. We all want our children to have the best education possible…they need our support!! This year the Super Six aim to bounce up and down mountains showing the spirit that the children of Lewknor show every day - never giving up, supporting each other and pushing their boundaries to achieve. Below is the link for the fundraising page: team/SUPERSIX6
Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am Chinnor Village Hall TiddlyPeeps is a friendly social group for mums to be, parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders, babies and toddlers. TiddlyPeeps is a friendly social group for mums parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders, TiddlyPeeps is a non-profit making organisation, run byto abe, committee of volunteers, first started in July carers, 2007. babies and toddlers. TiddlyPeeps is a non-profit making organisa=on, run by a commi>ee of volunteers, first started in July 2007. We pride ourselves on being a very friendly and welcoming group and are very fortunate to have have a supportive,
friendly and enthusiastic committee.
We pride ourselves on being a very friendly and welcoming group and are very fortunate to have have a
suppor=ve, friendly and enthusias=c commi>ee (all of whom can be recognised by their commi>ee badges!) As well as the usual selection of baby, toddler and pre-school toys, we regularly put out play dough and arts and crafts (seasonal when appropriate). We have home-made cakes once a month, story week and messy play week as well as As well as the usual selec=on of baby, toddler and pre-school toys, we regularly put out play dough and arts other visitors in between. Please see our website for dates. and craJs (seasonal when appropriate). We also have home-made cakes one Friday a month, messy play and
occasional visitors. We generally run every Friday morning from 9.30-11.30am in Chinnor Village Hall. We stop play at approximately 10.30am to allow the children to have a drink and a biscuit (provided), followed by singing, usually led by a committee member. We £2.00 family tomorning cover our running costs. in Chinnor Village Hall. We stop play at We charge generally run per every Friday from 9.30-11.30am approximately 10.30am to sit down and the children have a drink and a biscuit (both provided) - this is
We are always looking for new members to join our committee… we can make the occasional meeting and toy cleaning followed by singing, which is usually led by a commi>ee member. We charge £1.50 per family to cover our session quite a fun time! If you are in joining our committee, please whose speak support to Vickywe Ashby, a committee running costs. Tea/coffees for interested adults are served by dedicated local volunteers, are most member atgrateful for. TiddlyPeeps or e-mail the committee (address below). We look forward to meeting you! If you would like to get in touch or would like more details, please feel free to contact us. or ask to join our facebook page - TiddlyPeeps
Below are the planning applications that have been considered by the Council and their current status: i) p16/S3900/ful & P16/S3904/LB PRIMARY SCHOOL & PLAYGROUP, lewknor Demolition of single timber-clad building & concrete shed & erection of new single storey building to provide additional teaching accommodation approved ii) p16/S4139/par moorcourt barn, lewknor Change of use from barn to dwelling agreed iii) p17/S0012/ag BEEchgrove farm, thame road, postcombe Erection of a steel portal framed building to store grain and equipment application not required iv) p17/S0072/lb the hall barn, church lane, lewknor To improve the thermal performance of the building approved v) p17/so536hh 5 lewknor close, lewknor Rebuilding bay window and erection of balcony to rear elevation decision awaited vi) p17/s1006/dis 9 shirburn road, lewknor Discharge of P16/S2498/FUL Condiotion 3 - landscaping notification only vii) P17/s1013/ful moor court barn, weston road, lewknor Proposed new access from Weston Road and change of use of land to provide extended garden decision awaited viii) p17/s1082/hh oxford lodge, london road, lewknor Erection of detached garage with home office. Erection of sun room. decision awaited vix) p17/s1089/rm erection of 9 new houses on land at weston road, lewknor (submission of reserved matters for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) decision awaited
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
A haven for every parent of young children and a delight for every little one - Krakatoa Pre-School. It’s where children learn and grow and where curiosity is encouraged to build confidence as they explore and discover.
KRAKATOA IS HOSTING AN OPEN MORNING ON FRIDAY 9TH JUNE AT 9.30AM An opportunity to meet and watch the wonderful staff in action, visit the idyllic location and see the brand new, exclusive outdoor playground facilities. Your child’s story of learning and adventure should begin at Krakatoa, it’s adored by children and parents alike. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JEANETTE 07919 081 088 jeanette@krakatoapreschool Jubilee Hall, High Street, Lewknor, OX49 5TL
THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
I’m an older chap looking for my forever home. I enjoy company and love to put my paws up with my favourite toy as I do like to play. Kennel life is quite stressful for me so I’m hoping I’ll get to a new home soon! I am looking for an older family environment, where everyone can get involved with my care and walking, I am still a relatively active chap. I like to say hello when I see other dogs and I could potentially live with an older female dog, this would be after we have met a couple of times at the centre to make sure that we both get along well. Do you have room in your heart and possibly on your sofa for a gentleman like me? lewKnOr BlUe CrOSS lOnDOn rOaD (a40), lewKnOr, OX49 5rY 0300 777 1500
Free compost giveaway! Come and join us to fill your box, bag or container with locally produced compost for free – and don’t forget your shovel.* *A maximum of 4 containers per person will be applied.
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THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
BOOKS tO BOrrOw Or BUY tHrOUGH DOnatiOn nOw aVailaBle in St.MarGaret’S. tHere iS a GOOD ranGe OF CHilDren’S anD aDUlt’S BOOKS, FiCtiOn anD nOn-FiCtiOn. pleaSe Feel Free tO Swap BOOKS, BOrrOw Or BUY. anY prOCeeDS will GO DireCtlY tO tHe UpKeep OF tHe CHUrCH. pleaSe pOp in anD taKe a lOOK!
The path has endured for 5,000 years. You just have to last 100km. 100km on foot along Britain’s oldest path, the Ridgeway. Walk it or run it. Do it in one go or camp overnight. Some challenges will endure. Will you? Voted the UK’s best endurance event at The Running Awards
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THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE april/MaY 2017
lewKnOr pariSH DiarY april 2017 9th april young puZZlerS 10.30am St. margaret’S 13th april maunDy thurSDay 6.30pm St. margaret’S 16th april holy Communion 9.00am St. margaret’S 30th april family ServiCe 9.00am
St. lawrenCe
MaY 2017 8th may annual pariSh meeting 7.00pm JuBilee hall (open to all) 14th may young puZZlerS 10.30am St. margaret’S 21St may holy Communion 9.00am St. margaret’S 21St may family ServiCe 9.00am
St. lawrenCe
High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350 350 Tues-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm Sat 9.30am-1.30pm