Grapevine April/May 2016

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april/may 2016 edition 297

Joan Har twell, a pupil at the village school in Lewknor, concentrates on the poster she is drawing as par t of a competition organised by the National Savings committee. (1941, the Imperial War Museum)

news from the parish I am determined to believe that Spring has finally sprung and I can no longer avoid the fact that I’ve not done a thing in the garden yet this year. Shame on me...but we should probably already be thinking ahead to the Horticultural Show!

plans and consider what impact it may have on the village.

So far this year things have been a lot quieter in the village than they have been in Ambridge, (The Archers for those not in the know). I don’t think I could cope with Lewknor being a hotbed of attempted murder, arson and problems with the dairy herd...the ongoing dog’s mess problem is bad enough!

Although my plea for contributions to The Grapevine fell on (almost) deaf ears, I’m still looking for any ideas. I was wondering if a review page of local tradesmen may be a good idea. Not advertising! Someone that you think deserves praise for a good job and a personal recommendation...thoughts please!

One thing that should be of interest to Lewknorians is the proposed development of 9 houses on Weston Road. It’s well worth looking on the planning application section of the SODC website (just search ‘LEWKNOR’) to see the

Not many weeks now until The great Lewknor Bake Off and Scarecrow Festival. Entry forms are available in the church. Advert on page 5.

dateS for the dIary Sunday 8th May: Scarecrow Festival/Bake Off Saturday 9th July: Dad’s Day Out

from the editor

If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address:


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

news from st. margaret’s Many thanks to everyone who came and supported the Easter Egg Hunt. A good time was had by all. We raised around £400 for Krakatoa Pre-School which are much needed funds. I would also like to thank the following people for their help in setting up, organizing and clearing up afterwards; Vicki Reed, Luarena O’Sullivan, Katrina, Nicola Moore, Emma Palmer, Paul and Heather Weston, Catherine Gallacher, Jeanette Portnall and Debbie.

children to start in September. Please spread the word. If anyone is interested please contact Jeanette Portnall on 07919 081 088 or email

Please note the Annual Parochial Church meeting is on 19th April at 7.30pm in the church. If anyone would be interested in joining the PCC to help with decision making, air your views or be part of a fund raising committee for the church, please contact Jean Senior on 07825813137. Everyone is welcome to come to the APCM but only parishioners on the church electoral roll can vote. PCC of St Margaret’s Church, Lewknor.

KRAKATO PRE-school We have had a great Spring Term! The children enjoyed a range of cooking activities from learning how pancakes and omelettes are made to making their own sandwiches. The children celebrated World Book day by dressing up as a character from their favourite book. They looked brilliant! At the end of the morning, the children performed different songs for their parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles who came to watch. Everyone stayed for lunch where they enjoyed homemade soup and bread followed by a variety of cakes and biscuits. When we return from the Easter break, we will be learning about the Olympics and recreating the games ready for our Sports Day! We will also be planning another lunch for everyone to come along and enjoy.


Currently, we are busy fundraising to re-surface the playground area with lots of fundraising events planned. All events will be posted via our Facebook page and Lewknor Life. Please ‘like’ the page to keep updated.

Large or small

We will be having an open day in May (date to be posted on Facebook page) in preparation for new


all types of decorating undertaken interior or exterior Ring or email for a free quote: 07590 517 444

THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

BOOK CLUB at lewknoR the birthday boys Beryl Bainbridge Ber yl Bainbridge’s novel The Birthday Boys is less than 200 pages long but she manages to tell the stor y of Captain Scott’s 1912 expedition to lead the f irst British team to reach the South Pole by using the persona l stories of Scott and four of the f ina l part y on their ‘push for the Pole’. In each of the stories a birthday is celebrated hence the title of the book. The na rrator of his stor y provides t he reader wit h a n insight into his cha racter, his relationships wit h t he ot her men a nd pa r ticu la rly t hat wit h Scott. It highlights each individua l ’s reactions to t he unendurable conditions of t he A nta rctic during a winter a nd t hen t he ‘summer’ of t he journey to a nd t he tra gedy of t he return from t he Pole. The la st entr y is glea ned from t he dia r y of t he la st to die out of reach of rescue. Our discussion focused on how in hindsight the expedition was fata lly f lawed from its conception and preparation. In comparison, Roa ld A mundsen, the Nor wegian, who successfully reached the Pole before Scott, had relied on dogs (a hundred) unlike Scott who had put his faith in ponies (which even though they were from Siberia were of poor qua lit y) and expensive motorised sledges which either fell through the ice when they were unloaded or would not function in extreme cold. However, what we could not deny was the braver y of the men and their loya lt y to each other and the brilliant and economica l way in which Bainbridge had illustrated this. A recent Gua rdia n review of a book Heroic Failure and the British by a n A merica n aut hor, Stepha nie Ba rczewsk i, includes t he Scott E xpedition a s one of her exa mples. She f inds it dif f icu lt ‘to empat hise wit h t he glorif ication of fa ilure in t he British which seems a lien to t he A merica n empha sis on ‘winners’. Appa rent ly t he f ilm Scott of the Antarctic didn’t go down nea rly so well in t he US a s in t he U K .’ She attributes t he British attitude to t he public school et hos a nd K ipling’s poem If where striving honourably is fa r more impor ta nt, even if it mea ns you lose t he ga me, or your life.

Our next book was Stoner by the A merican author, John Williams, which was the stor y of a A merican boy, William Stoner, born in the late nineteenth centur y to poor Missouri parents who send him to college so he can learn more about agriculture and then return to help to improve the farm. Instead, however, he fa lls in love with English literature goes to the state Universit y where he remains for the rest of his career as an assistant professor. The reader follows him through a disastrous marriage to a naïve rich girl and the vicissitudes of academic life in which he incurs the enmit y of a disabled student and his ma levolent tutor which destroys the loving, but adulterous, relationship Stoner has with a fema le colleague. The novel provoked a vigorous discussion of the character of William Stoner. He was criticised for abandoning his parents despite their sacrif ice in giving him the educationa l opportunit y which he took but seems not to repay. However, the f law which perhaps explains this, as well as the other mista kes he ma kes in his life, is a lack of awareness of how others may feel and a self-containment which ma kes it hard for other people to understand him. Despite these drawbacks which were not fata l f laws but imbued the book with melancholy, we rated a 9 out of 10 for the qua lit y of the writing – a score we haven’t awarded for a long time. Our book for next month is Vanessa Tait’s The Looking Glass House. If you are interested in joining the bookclub, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below. All are welcome! Elan Preston-Whyte 01844 350 382

Stefanie O’Bryen Family Solicitor Divorce • Conveyancing • Probate • Wills Contact your local solicitor for a friendly and efficient service Telephone: 01491 614 700 20 Shirburn Street Watlington, OX49 5BT Email: Home appointments by arrangement


Community Ne

children thoroughly enjoyed tas?ng some Chinese food as well as designing Chinese dragons and trying their hand at Chinese wri?ng. Much fun was had by all. Last term, the children at Lewknor Primary School learnt about children thoroughly enjoyed tas?ng some Chinese food as well as THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016 Chinese wri?ng. Much fun was had by all.

Lewknor C of E Lewknor C of E PrimaryWe School Our Upper Junior Class was very fortunate to welcome two art experts into their class last term. The ar?sts talked to also celebrated World Book Day and children came to schoo We also celebrated World Book Day and children came to school dressed in colours from around the world. The children spent the day learning about different countries and hearing stories from around the world.

Primary Newsletter School Community E

them about their work and gave them a lesson on drawing with perspec?ve. The children created some impressive Communitychildren spent the day learning about different countries and heari Newsletter pictures and were rather delighted with their new found drawing skills. Last term, the children at Lewknor Primary School Our Upper Junior Class was very fortunate to welcome two art exp cornet lessons since September and have been making Everyone enjoyed Mother’s Assembly when we itwelcomed mothers, members and community learnt our about ChineseDay New Year and how is them about their work and gave them a lesson on drawing with p fantastic Mrs Wakefi eld (class teacher) and Mr members to join us for our special celebra?on. This is always a very popular assembly where the children get to give celebrated. The children thoroughly enjoyed tasting pictures and were rather delighted with their new found drawing s Edwards (music teacher) were delighted with their progress Last term, the children at Lewknor Primary School learnt about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. The some Chinese food as well as designing Chinese and invited family members to a recital. The children their mother a posy made by themselves, a handmade card and sing our Mother’s Day song. children thoroughly enjoyed tas?ng some Chinese food as well as designing Chinese dragons and trying their hand at enjoyed our Day Assembly when we welco dragons and trying their hand at Chinese writing. Everyone played exceptionally wellMother’s and the music (including an The children Chinese wri?ng. Much fun was had by all. in the Lower Junior Class have been having cornet lessons since September and have been making members to join us for our special celebra?on. This is always a ve Much fun was had by all. Abba song!) was thoroughly enjoyed by all. fantas?c progress. Mrs Wakefield (class teacher) and Mr Edwards (music teacher) were delighted with their progress their mother a posy made by themselves, a handmade card and sin and invited family members to a recital. The children played excep?onally well and have the just music (including an cycling Abba Our Year 5 children embarked on their The in the Lower been having cornet profichildren ciency training, which isJunior run byClass a veryhave committed song!) was thoroughly enjoyed by all. mary School learnt about Chinese New Year and how it fantas?c progress. Mrs Wakefield (class teacher) and Mr Edwards is celebrated. The parent (who also happens to be our postman!). The Our Year 5 children have just embarked on their cycling proficiency training, which is run by a very commiTed parent e Chinese food as well as designing Chinese dragons and trying their hand at and invited family members a recital. The children played exc training starts off-road withinto the school playground (who also happens to be our postman!). The training starts off-road within the school playground to ensure the to ensure the children have good control of their bike. song!) was thoroughly enjoyed by all. l. The to on-road sessions dealin with starting, left world. The children have good control of their bike. The on-road sessions deal with star?ng, stopping, leV and right turns and We also celebrated World Book Day and children came school dressed colours from stopping, around the Our Year 5 children have just embarked on their cycling proficiency and right turns and overtaking a vehicle and children overtaking a vehicle and children also study the Highway Code. children spent the day learning about different countries and hearing stories from around the world. (who also happens to be our postman!). The training starts off also study the Highway Code. All children in the school enjoyed our The annual Science Week. This year the children learnt about the human Our Upper Junior Class was very fortunate to welcome two art experts into their class last term. The ar?sts talked to children have good control of their bike. The on-road sessions de hinese New Year and how have it is celebrated. body and keeping fit. They undertook fitness sessions, following which they tested their pulse rate and recorded the All children in the school have enjoyed our annual Science them about their work and gave them a lesson on drawing with perspec?ve. The children created some impressive overtaking a vehicle and children also study the Highway Code. esigning Chinese dragons and trying their hand at Week. This year the results. They also found out how to brush their teeth properly and used disclosing tablets to see how successful they children learnt about the human pictures and were rather delighted with their new found drawing skills. All children in the enjoyed our sessions, annual Science Week body and keeping fischool t. Theyhave undertook fitness were at cleaning them! body and keeping fit. They undertook fitness sessions, following w following which they mothers, tested theirfamily pulse rate and recorded Everyone enjoyed our Mother’s Day Assembly when we welcomed members and community the the results. They also found out how to brush their teeth d children came to school dressed in colours from around world. The Last term some of the older children in the school had the opportunity to take part in an results. They also found out how to brush their teeth properly and members to join us for our special celebra?on. This is always a very popular assembly where the children get to give properly andthe usedinstruc?on disclosing see howwho successful aVer-school cross-country running club under of a toparent is a their mother a posy made by themselves, a handmade card and sing our Mother’s Day song. fferent countries and hearing stories from around the world. tablets were at cleaning them! they were at cleaning them! commiTed trail runner. As you can see from the photo we have some keen runners who The children in were very eager to burn off some energy and have fun! the Lower Junior Class have been having cornet lessons since Last term some of the older children i September and have been making te to welcome two art experts into their class last term. The ar?sts talked to fantas?c progress. Mrs Wakefield (class teacher) and Mr Edwards (music teacher) were delighted with their progress aVer-school cross-country running c lesson on drawing with perspec?ve. The children created some impressive dressed in colours from around the world. The We also celebrated World Book Day children and invited family members to a and recital. The came children played excep?onally well commiTed trail runner. As you can se and the music (including an Abba g stories from around the world. to school dressed in colours from around the world. heir new found drawing skills. were very eager to burn off some ene Some of the song!) was thoroughly enjoyed by all. children in the school Judo Club were invited to aTend the Stokenchurch rts into their class last term. The ar?sts talked to Judo Club when Championships on a Sunday and all diff the children and came home with The children spent the mothers, day recently learningfamily about erent Our Year 5 children have just embarked on their cycling proficiency training, which is run by a very commiTed parent ssembly we welcomed members community rspec?ve. The children created some impressive medals. They all put in a lot of effort and it was a great opportunity to put their skills to countries hearingto stories from around the The world. (who also and happens be our postman!). training starts off-road within the school playground to ensure the ra?on. This is always a very popular assembly where the children get to give Some of the children in the school Judo Club were the test. Our Upper Junior Class was very fortunate to welcome Last term some of the older children in the school had the invited to aT lls. children have good control of their bike. The on-road sessions deal with star?ng, stopping, leV and right turns and , a handmade card and sing our Mother’s Day song. Judo Club Championships on a Sunday recently and all the child two art experts into their class last term. The artists opportunity to take part in an after-school cross-country We mothers, con?nue overtaking a vehicle and children also study the Highway Code. to offer Breakfast Club daily and Cookery Club, Sports Club, Art Club, Fun and Games and Judo Club med family members and community LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXFORDSHIRE OX49 medals. They all put in a lot of effort and it was a great opportun talked to them about their work and gave them a lesson running club under the instruction of a parent who is a 5TH have been making have been having cornet lessons since September and each week and are looking forward to a new Science Club running this term. popular assembly where the children get to give the test. on drawing with perspective. The children created some committed trail runner. As the you can see from the photo All children in the school have enjoyed our annual Science Week. This year children learnt about the human Headteacher: Mrs D Cole our Mother’s Day song. impressive pictures andTelephone: were rather delighted we have some keen runners who were very eager to burn teacher) and Mr Edwards (music teacher) were delighted with their progress 01844 351542 with E-mail:their Website: body and keeping fit. They undertook fitness sessions, following which they tested their pulse rate and recorded the We to offer Breakfast Club daily and Cookery Club, Spo new found skills.SCHOOL off con?nue some energy have fun! LEWKNOR Cplayed of E drawing PRIMARY HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXFORDSHIRE OX49 results. They also found out how to brush their teeth properly and used disclosing tablets to see how successful they . The children excep?onally well and the music each week and are looking forward to a new Science Club running (including an and Abba essons since September and have been making 5TH were at cleaning them! music teacher) were delighted with their progress Everyone enjoyed our Mother’s Day Assembly when we Some of the children in the school Judo Club were invited Headteacher: Mrs D Cole p?onally well welcomed and the music (including an Last term some of the older children in the school had the opportunity to take part in an Abba and community LEWKNOR mothers, family members to attend the Stokenchurch Judo Club Championships C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL onHIGH STREE Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: Website: on their cycling proficiency training, which is run by a very commiTed parent members to join us for our special celebration. Th is a Sunday recently and all the children came home with who 5TH is a aVer-school cross-country running club under the instruc?on of a parent is always a very popularwithin assembly where the children Th ey all putthe in a lot of effort and it was a great ). The training starts off-road the school playground ensure Headteacher: Mrs commiTed trail runner. As you can see from the photo we have some keen runners who training, which is run by a very commiTed parent get to give their mother a posy made by themselves, a opportunity to put their skills to the test. We continue to . The on-road sessions deal with star?ng, stopping, leV and right turns and Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: office.3184@ were very eager to burn off some energy and have fun! oad within the handmade school playground to our ensure the Day song. card and sing Mother’s offer Breakfast Club daily and Cookery Club, Sports Club, udy the Highway Code. www.lewknor.eschoo l with star?ng, stopping, leV and right turns and Art Club, Fun and Games and Judo Club each week and are The children in the Lower Junior Class have been having looking forward to a new Science Club running this term. our annual Science Week. This year the children about to the human Some of the children in the school Judo Club learnt were invited aTend the Stokenchurch This year the children learnt about the human Judo Club Championships on a Sunday recently and STREET all the children came home with OX49 5TH tness sessions, following which they tested their pulse rate and recorded the LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH LEWKNOR OXON hich they tested their pulse rate and recorded the medals. They all put in a lot of effort and it was a great opportunity to put their skills to Headteacher: Mrs D Cole Telephone: 01844 351542 h their teeth properly and used disclosing tablets to see how successful they used disclosing tablets to see how successful they the test. E-mail: Website:

Lewknor C of Primary School ommunity Newsletter

C of E chool wsletter

We con?nue to offer Breakfast Club daily and Cookery Club, Sports Club, Art Club, Fun and Games and Judo Club

me of the older children in the school had the opportunity to take part in an 4 the school had the opportunity to take part in an each week and are looking forward to a new Science Club running this term. b cross-country running under under the instruc?on of club a parent who the is a instruc?on of a parent who is a from the photo we have some keen runners who LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXFORDSHIRE OX49 rail runner. As you can see from the photo we have some keen runners who

y and have fun!


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016


Enter a Scarecrow and join in the fun! Help sheets are provided and it’s a great opportunity to be creative and to come together to raise funds for local causes through a village event. Bake a Cake to enter the Lewknor Village Bake Off PRIZES FOR 1st 2nd and 3rd placed scarecrow SCARECROW TRAIL CAKES & REFRESHMENTS/BBQ To enter a scarecrow or for more details please contact: Jean on 07825 813137 or Libby on 07990 619685 or visit the Lewknor Life Facebook page. Entry forms also available in St. Margaret’s.




THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

friends of lewknor school The Kingdom of Lewknor’s Summer Fun Day!! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! FoLS is planning the school summer event – and this year the theme is Medieval!! Our children voted for a circus themed summer event this year – which we will hold on Saturday June 11th. Everyone did an amazing job last year that made the summer Circus event a great success and showed what a great community spirit we have. This year lets make the circus even better!! We need everyone’s help – whether its hands on practical or using your contacts to help us source things we need – everyone can support and every little helps. Right now we need the following: • • • •

Striped tents (Think Knights Tents) Hay bales Donations for BBQ Volunteers!! – we would like to get as many people involved in planning and organising as early as possible so we can ensure a really good event. The more we do now the easier it will be for us all to manage everything.

We will be working with school to ensure the children are involved in helping create props etc – so the event will involve all of our school family. Please contact Michelle on 07879 407 767 if you have ideas, contacts or you want to get involved.

pupils who attend.
By joining the 100 Club you can help ensure our school continues to offer the best possible education for the children, as well as having a chance to win cash prizes every month! The FoLS 100 Club is a private lottery and is open to all members of FoLS. The FoLS constitution defines members quite broadly and the term includes all parents or guardians of pupils attending the school as well as teaching staff and assistants, past parents, grandparents, support staff, school Governors and people who live locally and are simply “Friends of the School”! Members of the 100 Club can buy one or more numbers per year at a cost of £12 per number. The more numbers you have, the greater your chance of winning! Prizes
 There will be one draw each month for 3 cash prizes funded by the income from the 100 Club. Between January and November the prizes will be divided between 3 lucky winners as follows: • 1st prize of £25, 2nd prize of £15, 3rd prize of £10 In addition, a special Christmas prize draw will give each 100 Club member a chance to win double! 
Christmas prize money: • 1st prize of £50, 2nd prize of £30, 3rd prize of £20 The first draw of 2016 will be at the FoLS Fun Day at Lewknor Village Hall on Saturday 11th June. FoLS will contact current members in the next week to see if they wish to keep the same numbers that they have had for 2015.

In less than 2 weeks Michelle (Tiggs), the Chair of FoLS, will run the London Marathon to raise money for Lewknor Primary school and the National Autistic Society.

If you would like to join then please email Michelle at for a form or contact the school office.

These 2 causes are very worthwhile and any donation would be greatly appreciated. You can support Tiggs by donating on her fundraising page:

MAY DAY CELEBRATIONS We would like to invite members of the community to join us for our school May Day celebrations

1.30pm on Friday 29th April Lewknor Primary School

The Friends of Lewknor School 100 Club Invitation

We look forward to seeing you

The Friends of Lewknor School (FoLS) raise valuable funds to support the running of Lewknor C of E Primary School and advance the education of the


Mrs Cole Headteacher

THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

go active gold

setting Up physical activities for people aged 60+ in lewKnor

£227,269 by Sport England south oxfordshire and vale of white pport people in rural areas, horse district councils have been hysical acHvity sessions that awarded £227,269 by sport england th Oxfordshire and Vale of project called to run a new three year go active gold. go active gold will residents aged over 60.

support people in rural areas, aged 60 and over, to live more active lifestyles by setting up local, affordable physical activity sessions that are fun, friendly and for all abilities. the project will be delivered across south oxfordshire Lewknor. Therefore we will and vale of white horse in villages with at a approximately e collected later date. 500-3000 residents and at least 100 residents be, Lewknor aged over 60. what activities do yoU want to see in lewKnor?

we want you to direct the project in terms of what sessions should take place in lewknor. therefore we will be delivering a 60+ physical activities questionnaire to your door, that will be collected at a later date. however, the questionnaire can also be sent back to: caroline hjorth, 2, the glebe, lewknor.

what activities can yoU do? • taBle tennis • Keep fit • nordic walKing • dance • walKing • footBall • senior circUits • Bowls • yoga • pilates • tai chi • golf for further information contact conor grogan (go active gold activator) 07717326660 we hope that conor will be able to set up a “taster session” at the Jubilee hall in may/June, to include several of the most popular activities. we will put news on the parish website and on the notice Boards in the parish

need help with yoUr compUter? • • • • •

Using the internet Setting up email Buying and selling on ebay Downloading your digital photos Word-processing, spreadsheets, etc For affordable, one-to-one tuition in your home, call Sharene on 08711 296 454


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016


Recent Local Planning Applications Below are the planning applications that have been considered by the Council and their current status: i) P15/S3687/FUL Telephone Exchange, London Road, Lewknor Extension and conversion to form a one bedroom dwelling with parking approved ii) P15/P4189/FUL shire’s end, london road, postcombe Two storey rear extension and insertion of first floor side window approved iii) P16/S1092/O Land at Weston Road Lewknor Outline application for residential development up to nine dwellings, including affordable housing, together with access, parking, landscaping and any other associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except for means of access Decision awaited To view the full planning register go to:


Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am Chinnor Village Hall TiddlyPeeps is a friendly social group for mums to be, parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders, carers, babies and toddlers. TiddlyPeeps is a non-profit making organisa=on, run by a commi>ee of volunteers, first started in July 2007. We pride ourselves on being a very friendly and welcoming group and are very fortunate to have have a suppor=ve, friendly and enthusias=c commi>ee (all of whom can be recognised by their commi>ee badges!) As well as the usual selec=on of baby, toddler and pre-school toys, we regularly put out play dough and arts and craJs (seasonal when appropriate). We also have home-made cakes one Friday a month, messy play and occasional visitors. We generally run every Friday morning from 9.30-11.30am in Chinnor Village Hall. We stop play at approximately 10.30am to sit down and the children have a drink and a biscuit (both provided) - this is followed by singing, which is usually led by a commi>ee member. We charge £1.50 per family to cover our running costs. Tea/coffees for adults are served by dedicated local volunteers, whose support we are most grateful for.

If you would like to get in touch or would like more details, please feel free to contact us. or ask to join our facebook page - TiddlyPeeps


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

All while stocks last


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

Charity no: 1022381

Charity no: 1045910

Bike Marathon - 9th July 2016

Join us for a 26.2 mile sponsored bike ride through the Chiltern countryside and raise funds for both Krakatoa Pre-School and The Friends of Lewknor School. Dress code: Start time: Refreshments:

Your free Dads’ Day Out T-Shirt … 1pm at the Leathern Bottle, Lewknor Three mighty fine public houses along the way

Speak to James Mitchell-Smith (07984 166969) at School or Richard David (07786 141819) at Krakatoa to join the team. Entry fee £10 per rider and get fundraising at

Beat the Clock challenge For the truly keen there will be an additional ride at 11am before the main event. Educationline Ltd will donate £50 for every rider that completes the course in under 1hr 25mins. Participating riders will then join the other riders to do the course again!

Post ride Auction Everyone welcome at the Leathern Bottle from 5.30pm onwards for the post ride auction to help raise even more money.


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016


Maggie came to Lewknor Blue Cross as a shy, under-socialised stray. When she first arrived Maggie was avoidant of interaction with people and would sit in her open crate looking very worried. She would resort to flighty behaviour when anxious and would look for escape routes. She was curious around new people, sniffing them if their backs were turned to her and couldn’t deal with eye contact. The only thing Maggie seemed to love was other dogs, she would become very excited and playful in their presence. Recently Maggie has started to engage in play with toys and loves a game with a ragger toy. She has also started to interact with staff that she knows well. On the 5th April 2016 Maggie went on a special trip to a staff members (Suzanne) home to spend 20 hours there with Suzanne, her partner and dogs. We thought this would be beneficial to see how she coped in a home environment. We were surprised as to how she behaved! Maggie explored the house, played with Suzanne’s other dog, was alert but relaxed when a visitor arrived and snuggled up to Suzanne on the sofa. Suzanne also experienced some ‘doggy kisses’ on her hands which Magie had never done before. In those 20 hours Maggie didn’t even have a toileting accident. Suzanne described Maggie as a ‘super great pet dog’. All the staff at Lewknor Blue Cross are so pleased with Maggie’s progress, she’s come such a long way, she just needs a home that she can call her own. We feel Maggie would be best suited to a home with another dog as she loves their company so much. If there is anyone out there that has patience, has some love to give and can provide her with the support she needs, Maggie is looking for someone like you. If you think that you could offer Maggie her forever home, please call us on 0300 777 1500.

lewknor blue cross London Road (A40), Lewknor, OX49 5RY 0300 777 1500

Have fun, drink tea, have a slice of cake and help abandoned and unwanted pets cared for by Blue Cross all at once by joining us on Saturday 14th May for our Paws for Tea party at Lewknor Rehoming centre. You are welcome to bring along your dogs to the event so they don’t feel left out! We hope to see you there!

Lewknor C of E Primary School High Street, Lewknor, Oxon, OX49 5TH

WATLINGTON GARDENING CLUB The new programme for 2015/2016 includes such subjects as clematis, plant collecting, the history of trees, euphorbias, colour in the garden..... Why not join our Gardening Club or come as a visitor to see if you enjoy our talks? NEXT MEETING at 7.45pm in Watlington Town Hall: Wednesday 6 april Tim Miles to talk about the Gardens of the Cotswold Wildlife Park Wednesday 4 MAY Edwin Rye will talk about olour in the Garden and there will be plants for sale Wednesday 1 june Alistair Urquhart will talk about Garden Ferns Everyone Welcome Watlington Gardening Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Town Hall at 7.45pm. Free parking is close by in the town car park. We have a programme of speakers throughout the year and garden visits in the summer including a coach trip further afield. Our meetings include a plant table and free coffee and biscuits. For further information please contact Caelia Pereira, Chairman, 01491 612368 or Email:

We welcome parents to take a look around our school and meet our Headteacher, Mrs Cole To arrange a tour of the school and meet our Headteacher, please call 01844 351542 or e-mail We look forward to welcoming you


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016



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THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

Books to borrow or buy through donation now available in St.Margaret’s. There is a good range of children’s and adult’s books, fiction and non-fiction. Please feel free to swap books, borrow or buy. Any proceeds will go directly to the upkeep of the church. Please pop in and take a look!

Wool appeal! Everyone has an unfinished knitting project at the back of their cupboards! Heather Weston’s mum would gratefully accept donations of wool in any colour or amount for recycling into blankets for homeless and international charities. Please call Heather on 07968 280 856


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

Lee Beckett


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

The Home Care Specialists

Do you need a Helping Hand? Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one full time Live-in Care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionship, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation then we’re here to help.

If so, check if you’re eligible for a FREE boiler! The Oxfordshireshire Affordable Warmth Network is pleased to be accessing ECO grants in partnership with British Gas to offer free replacement boilers to homeowners and private renting tenants whose boilers are rated D or below and are in receipt of certain benefits. An easy way to check your eligibility and to discover how else we can assist you is via our freephone helpline:

0800 107 0044 Or email us:

Funding is only available for a limited time, so please don’t delay. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

To find out how we can help you, call: 0808 180 1016 or visit:

tUesday night YOGA At 7-8.30 PM cONtAct VIckI ON 07947 149 675 0R 10844 347 162

wednesday night DOG OBeDIeNce At 6-8 PM


THE GRAPEVINE april/may 2016

LEWKNOR PARISH DIARY april 2016 17th april holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s 17th april family service 10.30am st. lawrence 19th april Annual Parochial Church meeting 7.30am st. margaret’s

may 2016 5th may holy communion 7.30am st. margaret’s 8th may young puzzlers 10.30am st. margaret’s 9th MaY parish council meeting 7.30pm jubilee hall 15th may family service 10.30am st. lawrence 22nd may holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s 29th may holy communion 9.00am st. lawrence If you would like to include any events or meetings in the diary, please let the editor know via the grapevine email address:

Visit us at: The High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350350 Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm


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