Grapevine February 2016

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februarY/march 2016 edition 296

the Water cress Beds, Lewknor

news from the parish HAPPy NEW yEAR...SORT OF! “I will not start the year mentioning dog fouling...I will not start the year mentioning dog fouling”. I’m going to mention dog fouling which is STILL going on and also not only the pavements but on people’s gardens. At some point whomever is letting their dog do this, or is letting their dog out on it’s own to go wherever it pleases, will be caught and shamed! Right, back to more pleasant matters. I hope everyone enjoyed the first Lewknor Christmas Market which was a great success. I’ve never seen so many cars in the village. Many congratulations to all those involved for what must have been a considerable amount of work.

Leandre Pickford has written a piece about the event on page 2. What do we have to look forward to in this damp and blustery February? On Saturday February 27th, Krakatoa will be having a ‘Fundango Disco’ for all the family. Please see the advert on page 6. Further ahead, Lewknor will again be hosting the Scarecrow Festival (the theme this years is the Olympics) and a Village Bake Off. Spatulas at dawn! Both these events take place on 8th May. Advert on page 5. dateS for the diary Saturday 27th February: Fundango Disco Sunday 8th May: Scarecrow Festival/Bake Off

from the editor

If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address:


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

news from st. margaret’s It has been brought to our attention that somebody is filling the black bin in the church with something very heavy each time the bin is emptied. It is becoming increasingly difficult to drag the bin to the gate to be emptied each time. The PCC of Lewknor would like to ask villagers to only use the black bin for non recyclable rubbish from f lowers put in the graveyard, and not with any other kind of rubbish. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. PCC of St Margaret’s Church, Lewknor.

Lewknor past

I had always wondered why the ceiling beams in my house were lower than the actual ceilings...this may go some way to explaining it. “Tom Fulker was baking bread at 4am one day and heard a noise. He looked out and King’s House, belonging to the builder on the corner of Weston Road was on fire. The church bell started to ring and the Earl of Macclesfield’s​fire engine came from Shirburn. Because a good breeze was blowing the complete house soon burnt down. Tommy Lay said, “I have never seen anything like it. Glass melted and dripped down like treacle”. The fire had started in the workshop, some hot ashes having been put there the night before. Mr King was a carpenter and had made his own coffin (?!). He was able to rush in and save it. The landlord of The Leathern Bottle on the opposite corner stabled his horse there and got it out quick.” The date when King’s House burnt down is not known for certain, but evidence suggests it was 1917. The house was rebuilt and is now known as Crossways. This was then lived in by 2 sisters, both known as Miss Liddle. It is thought that they donated money to have the lich gate placed at the entrance to St Margaret’s. Sar-Ja ne Mor ley

lewknor christmas market update The Lewknor Christmas Market was a wonderful event, raising over £1,000 for the children at Krakatoa to put towards the resurfacing of their outdoor playing


Blue Cross Lewknor are having an Easter Fayre on Saturday 19th March at the Lewknor Rehoming Centre 11am-3pm please do come along! Easter fun for all the family with a chance to meet the Easter Bunny, shop till you drop at our stalls and try your luck in the Easter raffle! area. A huge thank you to all the lovely residents of Lewknor for turning out to shop for Christmas gifts, sharing a festive drink with friends and neighbours and for supporting the Market. We hope a good time was had by all. A special mention to a few of Santa’s Little Helpers without whom the Christmas Market could not have taken place - the Krakatoa Committee and their families, Catherine & Dayl Gallacher, Caroline & Soren Hjorth, Tim & Josie Spalton, Paul & Heather Weston, Sara-Jane Morley, Ian Hinkley, Jean Senior and Claire & Ray Nicholson. Victoria, Alan & Rosemary Ashby, Mrs Cole & Lewknor CofE Primary School, FOLS, all those who kindly helped with the road closure & stalls and finally the fantastic staff and children at Krakatoa Pre-school. Thank you everyone, the Krakatoa Committee

JACK GORDON DECORATING all types of decorating undertaken interior or exterior Large or small Ring or email for a free quote: 07590 517 444

THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

BOOK CLUB at lewknoR in the company of the courtesan Sarah Dunant Sarah Dunant’s In the Company of the Courtesan is a novel set in 16 th century Venice after the sack of Rome by the Lutheran Protestants intent on ridding the city of its Catholic priests. Among those who manage to escape the massacre are Fiammetta, a young, beautiful and very successful courtesan and her constant companion, Bucino who is a dwarf. Although such a pairing might seem unlikely the presence of a dwarf was an added attraction for those who sought Fiammetta’s company. This was one of the many facts we learnt of the sexual practices of men with certain women in the Venice of the time. The plot centres on Fiammetta’s struggle to establish herself in the city without patrons and little money until Bucino reveals that as they f led Rome he was given a book produced by master craftsmen which, when he manages to open its lock, contains scurrilous verses accompanying salacious illustrations, The verses have been written by Pietro Aretino, an old adversary of Fiammeta, whom she discovers has had to leave Rome because of his scandalous reputation.. She and Bucino are able to blackmail him into re-establishing her amongst the highest echelons of courtesans in Venice. Interwoven into the story is La Draga a deformed and blind woman who uses her extraordinary knowledge of potions and medicines to restore Fiammetta’s beauty and it is Bucino’s discovery of who she really is which is the culmination of the novel. Sarah Dunant has obviously carried out serious research to provide a vivid picture of Venice – its magnificent buildings, riotous festivals and its odorous canals. It is a lively portrait but the repetitive nature of Fiammetta’s activities with her various lovers pales after the first half dozen are described. Flight Behaviour by Barbara Kingsolver was a tour de force and very long which was something of a deterrent to finishing the novel. The theme of the book centres on the possible effects of climate change impinging on the migratory pattern and the breeding of a rare

species of butterf ly found only in New Mexico. This sounds pretty dull but it is told through the eyes of Dellarobia Turnbow, a young, unhappily married woman with two children living a hand to mouth existence in the backwoods of the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee on a farm owned by her parents-in law. One morning she comes across a remarkable sight in a hidden valley which is revealed as swathes of orange monarch butterf lies which have mysteriously come to over winter here than in their usual habitat in New Mexico. This proves to be a life-changing moment for Della and sets in train the events that follow with the arrival of Ovid Byron, a professor of entomology, who recruits Della to help in his research into the butterf lies’ migration. His inf luence causes Della to examine her life and, in particular, her lack of education due to her hasty marriage to her dull husband. The story tracks the survival of the butterf lies and also Della’s realisation that there is the possibility of another kind of life for her other than her present one. We all agreed that Kingsolver writes very well with some lyrical descriptive prose passages. Her research is evident and interesting but she believes in hammering home her thesis by repetition which becomes eventually tedious. The scenario she describes is fictional but the effects of climate change if not reversed could make it a reality. If you are interested in joining the book club, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below. All are welcome! Elan Preston-Whyte 01844 350 382

Stefanie O’Bryen Family Solicitor Divorce • Conveyancing • Probate • Wills Contact your local solicitor for a friendly and efficient service Telephone: 01491 614 700 20 Shirburn Street Watlington, OX49 5BT Email: Home appointments by arrangement


Lewknor C of E Primary School Lewknor C of E Primary School At Lewknor Primary School we have had rather busy but great start to 2016. At Lewknor Primary School we have had rather busy but great start to 2016.

We are delighted that we have been able to start a breakfast club which runs every morning from 8am

are delighted that we have been able to start a breakfast club which runs every morning from 8am, w THE GRAPEVINE feb/marWe 2016 children can have breakfast, meet with their friends and take part in various fun acDviDes. The club is provi children can have breakfast, meet with their friends and take part in various fun acDviDes. The club is proving t popular and we are confident that this will conDnue. popular and we are confident that this will conDnue.

Recently we welcomed two parent police officers to school during Road Safety Week. PCs Blake and Seston t Recently we welcomed two parent police officers to school during Road Safety Week. PCs Blake and Seston talke all the children in the school about the importance of road safety and each class went out to pracDse cros all the children in the school about the importance of road safety and each class went out to pracDse crossing road safely. Some of our older children had the opportunity to see a speed gun in acDon and their runnin road safely. Some of our older children had the opportunity to see a speed gun in acDon and their running sp was tested – some reached 11mph! was tested – some reached 11mph!

Lewknor C of E The whole school benefiMed from a visit from the Dog Trust in January. CharloMe (EducaDon and Community The whole school benefiMed from a visit from the Dog Trust in January. CharloMe (EducaDon and Community Offi Primary School came to school chaMed to each class about to ‘dog be ‘dog smart’. This proved to a be came to school for for the the day day and and chaMed to each class about how how to be smart’. This proved to be Community Newsletter

At Lewknor Primary School busy but great start to 2016.

interesDng informaDve as children were taught to spot signs of worry or stress interesDng and and informaDve day day for for all, all, as children were taught how how to spot signs of worry or stress in a in d behaviour, how to approach a dog, what to do if a dog jumps up, approaches you or knocks you over and behaviour, how to approach a dog, what to do if a dog jumps up, approaches you or knocks you over and ho prevent bites. The children all enjoyed sessions and meeDng CharloMe’s very well behaved dog dog The children all enjoyed the the sessions we prevent have hadbites. rather which parents are invited and to.meeDng The CharloMe’s children very arewell behaved toy ‘Shadow’! ‘Shadow’!

learning about seas and oceans and have been

RecepDon Class some rather interesDng visitors in January - three snakes by the names of MangS creating some brilliant homework projects, The The RecepDon Class had had some rather interesDng visitors in January - three snakes by the names of Mango, Lightning (who had been named by the children in the recepDon class two years ago) and King Dave! Also o Lightning (who had been named by the children in the recepDon class two years ago) and King Dave! Also on s been (and ablefor tothe start a to including a shoe boxa gecko coral and reef! Children in The children in Re brave, feel) was a chameleon, some hissing cockroaches. (and for the brave, to feel) was a chameleon, some hissing cockroaches. The children in Recep morning from 8am, the Lower Juniora gecko Classand continue with their cornet thoroughly enjoyed this visit and we have some lovely photographs. thoroughly enjoyed this visit and we have some lovely photographs.

We are delighted that we have breakfast club which runs every where children can have breakfast, meet with their lessons provided by Oxfordshire County Music Year 1 and 2 children have been producing some fantasDc pieces of homework, many of which have been sho friends and take part in various fun activities. The Service on a Tuesday morning. It’s delightful to Year 1 and 2 children have been producing some fantasDc pieces of homework, many of which have been showc club is proving to be popular andin our Friday morning assemblies, which parents are invited to. The children are learning about seas and oceans wein our Friday morning assemblies, which parents are invited to. The children are learning about seas and oce are confident hear their progress each week and we look forward have been creaDng some brilliant homework projects, including a shoe box coral reef! have been creaDng some brilliant homework projects, including a shoe box coral reef! that this will continue. to them performing to parents in the coming weeks.

Recently we welcomed two parent police officers to school during Road Safety Week. PCs Blake and Seston talked to all the children in the school about the importance of road safety and each class went out to practice crossing the road safely. Some of our older children had the opportunity to see a speed gun in action and their running speed was tested – some reached 11mph!

The whole school benefited from a visit from the ] ] ] Dog Trust in January. Charlotte (Education and ] Community Officer) came to school for the day Our Upper Junior Class spent a day at the Museum Children in the Lower Junior Class conDnue with their cornet lessons provided by Oxfordshire County Music Children in the Lower Junior Class conDnue with their cornet lessons provided by Oxfordshire County Music Ser on a Tuesday morning. and chatted to each class abouton a Tuesday morning. how to be ‘dog It’s deligh_ul to hear their progress each week and we look forward to them performin of It’s deligh_ul to hear their progress each week and we look forward to them perfor Natural History in Oxford in January, which parents in the coming weeks. smart’. Th is proved to be a veryparents in the coming weeks. interesting and supported their science topic of Evolution and informative day for all, as children were taught how Inheritance. During a fascinating high speed Our Upper Junior Class spent a day at the Museum of Natural History in Oxford in January, which support to spot signs of worry or stress in aOur Upper Junior Class spent a day at the Museum of Natural History in Oxford in January, which supported t dog’s behaviour, workshop from curator Chris, the children learned science topic of EvoluDon and Inheritance. During a fascinaDng high speed workshop from curator Chris, the science topic of EvoluDon and Inheritance. During a fascinaDng high speed workshop from curator Chris, the chil how to approach a dog, what to do if a dog jumps how the fi rst animals evolved and carried out a learned how the first animals evolved and carried out a treasure hunt quiz, which took them through the wo learned how the first animals evolved and carried out a treasure hunt quiz, which took them through the wonde collecDon of fossils, skeletons and models at the museum. The children created lots of super drawings of the up, approaches you or knocks you over and how treasure hunt quiz, which took them through collecDon of fossils, skeletons and models at the museum. The children created lots of super drawings of the exh and of the museum's architecture. The Upper Junior Class were enthusiasDc and beauDfully behaved through to prevent dog bites. The children all enjoyed the the wonderful collection of fossils, skeletons and and of the museum's architecture. The Upper Junior Class were enthusiasDc and beauDfully behaved throughout day and are all looking forward to the next trip! day and are all looking forward to the next trip! sessions and meeting Charlotte’s very well behaved models at the museum. The children created lots of toy dog ‘Shadow’! super drawings of the exhibits and of the museum’s We conDnue to offer a variety of clubs to children at lunch Dmes and ager school including judo, art, cookery We conDnue to offer a variety of clubs to children at lunch Dmes and ager school including judo, art, cookery, sp fun and games, recorder and choir. Ager half term we will also be running a cross county running club. architecture. The Upper Junior Class were fun and games, recorder and choir. Ager half term we will also be running a cross county running club. C of some E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OX49 The ReceptionLEWKNOR Class had rather interesting enthusiastic andOXFORDSHIRE beautifully behaved throughout 5TH visitors in January - three snakes by theHeadteacher: names of Mrs theDday and are all looking forward to the next trip! Cole Mango, Silver Lightning (who had beenE-mail: named Telephone: 01844 351542 Website: by the children in the reception class two years We continue to offer a variety of clubs to children ago) and King Dave! Also on show (and for the at lunch times and after school including judo, art, brave, to feel) was a chameleon, a gecko and some cookery, sports, fun and games, recorder and choir. hissing cockroaches. The children in Reception After half term we will also be running a cross thoroughly enjoyed this visit and we have some county running club. lovely photographs. We welcome prospective parents to visit for a tour year 1 and 2 children have been producing some of our school and meet our Headteacher. If you fantastic pieces of homework, many of which have would like to arrange a visit, please telephone or been showcased in our Friday morning assemblies, e-mail the School Office. LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXON OX49 5TH Headteacher: Mrs D Cole Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: Website:


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016


Enter a Scarecrow and join in the fun! Help sheets are provided and it’s a great opportunity to be creative and to come together to raise funds for local causes through a village event. Bake a Cake to enter the Lewknor Village Bake Off PRIZES FOR 1st 2nd and 3rd placed scarecrow SCARECROW TRAIL CAKES & REFRESHMENTS/BBQ To enter a scarecrow or for more details please contact: Jean on 07825 813137 or Libby on 07990 619685 or visit the Lewknor Life Facebook page. Entry forms also available in St. Margaret’s.




THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

fe b ruary fuNDaNGO

faMILy DISCO! Saturday 27th february 2016 4pm-6pm Jubilee hall, lewknor ticketS £5 per child (under 2’S and grown upS free) 1 x hot dog and SquaSh drinkS included in price hot dogS, SweetS, cakeS, glo StickS, lucky dip, raffle and other StallS contact nicola moore for ticketS 07968 975457

all proceedS in aid of krakatoa preSchool - reg charity no: 1022381


prompted me to explore a new and uncharted crafting territory socks. There is a sort of mystery about knitting socks – in years gone by probably every woman could and did make all their THE feb/mar own socks andGRAPEVINE certainly during wartime2016 knitting socks and other garments for the cause was a regular occupation. Even today knitting is still something that is done on a grand scale to help others in a crisis or for charities. I searched online and found with aLison swain requests for everything from blankets for refugees to soft toys for animal rescue centres. But when available there is no incentive to make them yourself. My atte last me a bitnow, longer. Outside my window as I write, there is all manner downloads it is really not worth spending of diff erent weather going on. Today has seen money buying one. you’ll also need some short Needles and pins Anyway some– wool I then sunshine and showers, wind, hail, bright clear skies double having pointedfound needles mostI liked, patterns forsearched for seems be aarefairly straight forward one– from and heavy dark clouds. And it’s cold too – so as we making tosocks knitted in “the round” see a website is all manner different going Today Ihas appropriate have of obviously not weather yet seen the backon. of winter, photo. This name createswith a tubular shape, suitable Valentine’s day comingforup). Why not turn skies again this to a dark hopefully warm andit’s cosycold socks socks, as hats etc.–aswell opposed f lat for piece of year! work ail, bright clear andissue heavy clouds. And a gift maybetoinatime next subject – that of socks! which would then need stitching together to form yet seen the back of winter, I turn again this issue to a the garment. There are at of socks!Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find that socks seem free down to last me very long these days. If they do survive spending for a to while developing an annoying in do at socks seem lastwithout me very long these days. Ifhole they need som the toe then alternatively, despite my best efforts, g an annoying hole in the toe then alternatively, despite they shrink in the wash to a suitable size for a cat most patte wash to a leg suitable cat legmewarmer. warmer.size Thisfor has a prompted to exploreThis a newhas in “the rou and uncharted forknitting me – that ncharted crafting territorycrafting for meterritory – that of myofown tubular sh knitting my own socks. There is a sort of mystery y about as oppose would then robably the garme all their

needLes and pins

wartime for the n today ne on a s or for found kets for about knitting socks – in years gone by probably every all their cue centres. Butwoman when could socksand aredidsomake cheap and own readily socks and certainly during wartime knitting socks ke them yourself. My attempt is in the hope that they may

So far so good - once I mastered the technique of So far so handling the extra needles. The needles. stitches are spread technique of handling the extra The stitches are spre across three needles and the fourth is used to fourth is used to knit round. There are lots of knit video tutorials o round. Th ere are lots of video tutorials online this. This pair I’m making has only 56 stitches intototal, so you help you get the hang of this. Th is pair I’m making first sock 56 is growing quite quickly. haven’t tackled the tric has only stitches in total, so youI can soonyet work need to report back thisis next time.quite If it’squickly. harder than I think a ‘round’ and my fi rston sock growing Iwehaven’t yet tackled the tricky bit of creating the I won’t need will probably be enjoying hot summer sun and heel, so will need to report back on this next time. If it’s harder than I think, then by the time they are made we will probably be enjoying hot summer sun and I won’t need them :)

and other garments for the cause was a regular occupation. Even today knitting is still something that is done on a grand scale to help others in a ked, I then crisis searched for a pattern and online found and what so far or for charities. I searched found requests for everything blankets for refugees(An ard one from a website calledfrom need heLp with Your computer? to soft toys for animal rescue centres. But when ay coming socks up). are Why not make your loved one a pair of so cheap and readily available there is no • Using the internet or next year!incentive to make them yourself. My attempt is in • Setting up email the hope that they may last me a bit longer. • Buying and selling on ebay There are so many patterns available as • Downloading your digital photos Anyway having found some wool I liked, I then • Word-processing, spreadsheets, etc free downloads now, it is really not worth searched for a pattern and found what so far seems For affordable, one-to-one spending money buying to be a fairly straight forward one one. from aYou’ll websitealso tuition in your home, call called (An appropriate name – need some short double pointed needles Sharene on 08711 296 454 with Valentine’s day coming up). Why not make

making socks are knitted yourmost loved patterns one a pair for of socks as a gift – well maybe in “the round” in time for next year! – see photo. This creates a tubular shape, suitable for socks, hats etc. as opposed to a flat piece of work which would then need stitching together to form the garment.

There are so many patterns available as free

So far so good - once I mastered the


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016


Recent Local Planning Applications Below are the planning applications that have been considered by the Council and their current status: i) P15/S1542/O Outline application (for access only) For the erection of three detached two-storey dwellings and a pair of two-storey semi-detached dwellings with parking, garaging, access and amenity space approved ii) P15/S3687/FUL Telephone Exchange, London Road, Lewknor Extension and conversion to form a one bedroom dwelling with parking decision awaited iii) P15/P4189/FUL shire’s end, london road, postcombe Two storey rear extension and insertion of first floor side window decision awaited To view the full planning register go to:


Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am Chinnor Village Hall TiddlyPeeps is a friendly social group for mums to be, parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders, carers, babies and toddlers. TiddlyPeeps is a non-profit making organisa=on, run by a commi>ee of volunteers, first started in July 2007. We pride ourselves on being a very friendly and welcoming group and are very fortunate to have have a suppor=ve, friendly and enthusias=c commi>ee (all of whom can be recognised by their commi>ee badges!) As well as the usual selec=on of baby, toddler and pre-school toys, we regularly put out play dough and arts and craJs (seasonal when appropriate). We also have home-made cakes one Friday a month, messy play and occasional visitors. We generally run every Friday morning from 9.30-11.30am in Chinnor Village Hall. We stop play at approximately 10.30am to sit down and the children have a drink and a biscuit (both provided) - this is followed by singing, which is usually led by a commi>ee member. We charge £1.50 per family to cover our running costs. Tea/coffees for adults are served by dedicated local volunteers, whose support we are most grateful for.

If you would like to get in touch or would like more details, please feel free to contact us. or ask to join our facebook page - TiddlyPeeps


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016


We have a fantastic Lurcher here called Lawrence looking for his new home. Lawrence is a friendly boy who can be a little shy and worried with new things at first. Once he gets to know you, he loves a good fuss and is a cuddly and affectionate boy. Lawrence really enjoys his walks and absolutely loves running around the paddock here, super speedy!! He gets quite excited about meeting other dogs but could do with learning a bit more about manners to help him make lots of new doggy friends. Best of all, he loves a big cosy duvet to snuggle up in. If you think that you could offer Lawrence his forever home, please call us on 0300 777 1500.

lewknor blue cross London Road (A40), Lewknor, OX49 5RY 0300 777 1500

Lewknor C of E Primary School High Street, Lewknor, Oxon, OX49 5TH

WATLINGTON GARDENING CLUB The new programme for 2015/2016 includes such subjects as clematis, plant collecting, the history of trees, euphorbias, colour in the garden..... Why not join our Gardening Club or come as a visitor to see if you enjoy our talks? NEXT MEETING at 7.45pm in Watlington Town Hall: Wednesday 2 march Timothy Walker will talk about Euphorbias – probably the best garden plants. Wednesday 6 april Tim Miles to talk about the Gardens of the Cotswold Wildlife Park Everyone Welcome Watlington Gardening Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Town Hall at 7.45pm. Free parking is close by in the town car park. We have a programme of speakers throughout the year and garden visits in the summer including a coach trip further afield. Our meetings include a plant table and free coffee and biscuits. For further information please contact Caelia Pereira, Chairman, 01491 612368 or Email:

We welcome parents to take a look around our school and meet our Headteacher, Mrs Cole To arrange a tour of the school and meet our Headteacher, please call 01844 351542 or e-mail We look forward to welcoming you


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016



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THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

Books to borrow or buy through donation now available in St.Margaret’s. There is a good range of children’s and adult’s books, fiction and non-fiction. Please feel free to swap books, borrow or buy. Any proceeds will go directly to the upkeep of the church. Please pop in and take a look!

Wool appeal! Everyone has an unfinished knitting project at the back of their cupboards! Heather Weston’s mum would gratefully accept donations of wool in any colour or amount for recycling into blankets for homeless and international charities. Please call Heather on 07968 280 856


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

Lee Beckett


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

The Home Care Specialists

Do you need a Helping Hand? Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one full time Live-in Care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionship, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation then we’re here to help.

If so, check if you’re eligible for a FREE boiler! The Oxfordshireshire Affordable Warmth Network is pleased to be accessing ECO grants in partnership with British Gas to offer free replacement boilers to homeowners and private renting tenants whose boilers are rated D or below and are in receipt of certain benefits. An easy way to check your eligibility and to discover how else we can assist you is via our freephone helpline:

0800 107 0044 Or email us:

Funding is only available for a limited time, so please don’t delay. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

To find out how we can help you, call: 0808 180 1016 or visit:

tuesdaY night YOGA At 7-8.30 PM cONtAct VIckI ON 07947 149 675 0R 10844 347 162

wednesdaY night DOG OBeDIeNce At 6-8 PM


THE GRAPEVINE feb/mar 2016

LEWKNOR PARISH DIARY february 2016 14th February young puzzlers 10.30am st. margaret’s 21st February holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s 21st February family service 10.30am st. lawrence 25th february FOLS AGM 8.00pm Lewknor school

march 2016 6th march holy communion 9.00am st. lawrence 14th March parish council meeting 7.30pm jubilee hall 16th march young puzzlers 10.30am st. margaret’s 20th march holy communion 9.00am st. lawrence 25th march devotional service 6.30PM st. lawrence 27th march easter communion 10.30am st. margaret’s If you would like to include any events or meetings in the diary, please let the editor know via the grapevine email address:

Visit us at: The High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350350 Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm


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