june/july 2017 edition 304
Sheep shearing at Manor Farm, South Weston, about 1890.
news From the Parish marrows coming along nicely? jam recipes at the ready? Good, it’s time to start looking forward to the horticultural show. the first meeting regarding the planning of the day is on 14th june at 7.30pm, which Christine smith is kindly hosting at her home. Full details are on page 5. On 24th june, there will be a coffee morning and bbQ at town Farm, from 11am until 2pm with proceeds going to st margaret’s Church. see page 5. as many of you will know, 6 brave parents from the school took on the three peak challenge. this involves scaling ben nevis, scafell pike and snowdon in only 24 hours! Well done to
michelle, Camilla, andy, james, steph and sarah for this exhausting challenge and also for raising such an amazing amount of money on behalf of FOls and the school! there is a report on page 6. Finally, i would like everyone to read through the initial explaination of the housing propsals for the village. this starts on page 2. Residents are needed to put together a neighbourhood plan to make sure we have a say in development of our parish. as you will see from the planning applications on page 4, there’s quite a lot going on! dates for the diary 14th June horticultural show meeting 24th June coffee morning in aid of st. margaret’s
From the editor If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address: 1
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
No Neighbourhood Plan may lead to more than 73 new Houses Proposals are in the pipeline for new housing developments in Lewknor Parish. We have recently learnt that applications have been made to the District Council for three almost certain developments and a possible fourth is likely to be progressed. Plans have been put forward to build 14 new houses in Postcombe and 9 new houses in Lewknor village together with an exploratory approach to build a further 50 new houses also in the village. The building in Postcombe consists of 5 new houses at Beech Farm on Salt Lane and a development of 9 new houses on the land between Chalford Road and Box Tree Lane previously part of Poplar Farm. The building in Lewknor consists of 9 houses on land on Weston Road opposite Barley Close. Savills of Oxford have applied to SODC for an environmental assessment of a proposal to build 50 homes on land in the triangle formed by Watlington Road, B4009 and the houses on the south side of Hill Road. The Parish needs to come together and develop a Neighbourhood Plan in an effort to get some control over where any further housing might be proposed. It is not for the Parish Council to prepare a plan but it needs the community to come together to develop a plan. Most of the towns and villages in the country are now either putting together a plan or have already done so. Ideally we need a small team representing all three parts of the parish, Lewknor, Postcombe and South Weston to volunteer to get the ball rolling. If you are keen to help then get in touch, if possible by e-mail, to
JACK GORDON DECORATING all types of decorating undertaken interior or exterior Large or small Ring or email for a free quote: 07590 517 444
Stefanie O’Bryen Family Solicitor Divorce • Conveyancing • Probate • Wills Contact your local solicitor for a friendly and efficient service Telephone: 01491 614 700 20 Shirburn Street Watlington, OX49 5BT Email: Home appointments by arrangement
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
EXPLANATION OF A SCREENING APPLICATION The Parish Council was unsure how it could respond to the application received for a development for 50 houses north of Watlington Road, so below is the response from the Planning Office. We will of course be informed each step of the way, along with residents, to be able to put views and arguments forward. “Savills are requesting what is called a ‘Screening Opinion’ from the Council under the Environmental Impact Regulations. This is not a request for preapplication advice nor is it a formal planning application but it is indicative that Savills (or their clients) are considering submitting a formal planning application for residential development and they are asking us whether a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be required in connection with such an application. All the information we have in relation to the screening opinion is available for viewing on our website. We put the information on our website so members of the public can see it but we do not carry our formal consultations or require responses. The District Council has to confirm whether or not a full EIA is required in connection with the type of development described in the submitted documentation within 21 days. Our decision does not relate to the merits of the proposal – so if we decide that an EIA is not required that is not to say the development is acceptable in planning terms. I would like to reassure The Parish Council that if Savills go onto submit a planning application we will of course carry out full publicity and consultation and that would involve a detailed assessment of all the planning considerations. It is relatively unusual to receive a Screening Opinion for a development of this size – they are more typically submitted in connection with larger scale developments (150 dwellings plus). I hope this information is of some help” Paula Fox Development Manager Planning Service South Oxfordshire District Council
parish council meetings are as follows: 12 june 7.30pm jubilee hall 10 july 7.30pm jubilee hall 11 sept 7.30pm jubilee hall
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
PLANNING APPLICATIONS AS OF 2nd June 2017 i) P17/S0536/HH 5 Lewknor Close, Lewknor Rebuilding bay window and erection of balcony to rear elevation
ii) P17/S1013/FUL Moor Court Barn, Weston Road, Lewknor Proposed new access from Weston Road& change of use of land to provide extended garden
Decision awaited
iii) P17/S1082/HH Oxford Lodge London Road, Lewknor Erection of detached garage with home office. Erection of Sun Room
Decision awaited
iv) P17/S1089/RM Erection of 9 houses on land at Weston Road, Lewknor Decision awaited (submission of reserved matters for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) v) P17/S1492/LDE 26 High Street Lewknor Application for lawful development for continued use of property as a separate dwelling in breach of occupation condition
Decision awaited
vi) P17/S1521/PDH Cuttlebrook, Lower Road, Postcombe Single storey rear extension Depth 4.5m Height 4m Height to eaves 2.4m
Decision awaited
vii) P17/S1089/RM Erection of 9 houses on land at Weston Road, Lewknor Amendment: parking and landscaping
Decision awaited
viii) P17/S1863/HH & P17/S1864/LB Home Farm, Hill Road near Lewknor Rear single storey substantially glazed extension and lengthening of existing extension
Decision awaited
vix) P17/S1633/A Lambert Arms, London Road, Lewknor Display of signage
Decision awaited
x) P17/S1829/AG Site off Salt Lane near Postcombe Erection of standard design farm storage building
Decision awaited
xi) P17/S1884/O Land west of Chalford Road, Postcombe Erection of nine detached and semi-detached dwellings with access, parking, amenity space and landscaping
Decision awaited
xii) P17/S1971/SCR Land to the north of Watlington Road, Lewknor Proposed development of up to 50 dwellings This application is a technical one about possible screening for environmental effects which only the Planning officers decide on but it gives notice of a possible full application Decision awaited xiii) For information: this is outside Lewknor Parish P17/S1799/SCO Land at Junction 7 of the M40 (to be known as Harrington) Formal EIA scoping opinion: The site constitutes a site of approximately 500 ha, which will seek to deliver around 6,500 dwellings Decision awaited xiv) P17/S1983/FUL Hall Barn Church Lane Lewknor Variation of condition 10(use classes) of planning permission P08/E0805 to allow for use of the Hall Barn for either B1(c) purposes or B1(a) purposes To view the full planning register, go to:
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
lewKnor Fete and show summer is almost here and thoughts are turning towards the annual fete and horticultural show, a high point of the local calendar and always well supported by the community. it’s time to start planning the event – the first meeting will take place on Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm at 22 High Street, Lewknor. everyone is welcome to share their views, especially new ideas to make the show even better. if you can’t come to the meeting you can phone 01844 353283 instead.
COFFEE MORNING Everyone Welcome Saturday 24th June 11am – 2pm Town Farm, High Street Lewknor In aid of St Margaret’s Church
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
Lewknor C of E Primary School
Community Newsletter
Oxfordshire County Council recently carried out an inspection of our school and found it OUTSTANDING across the board. School Improvement Leader Sandra North writes in her report: ‘‘All indications are that Lewknor is an aspirational and ambitious school, working at an outstanding level.’’ Her report also says: ‘‘There are high expectations across the school with committed staff. Lesson observations show that teaching is always good and often outstanding, and the support staff work at a high level. All children have focused interventions, resulting from marking and feedback. There are timetabled interventions for all children, sometimes individualised, sometimes in groups. Interventions are planned following marking, and are fluid responding to need and developing confidence. With such detailed knowledge of each pupil, the staff can tailor the learning to their needs. The school moderates writing across the partnership and involves secondary colleagues.’’
The report also mentions that the children have good learning attitudes, take pride in their work and that their behaviour is excellent. Sandra was impressed to see that the older children ran lunchtime clubs for the younger ones. The report states: ‘‘The behaviour across the school is excellent. There is a strong caring attitude with the children in Year 5 and 6 looking after the younger children. The school provides opportunities for the children to share their learning with the school community, with open evenings and transformation evenings. The weekly Friday assemblies are very well supported and appreciated.’’ On ‘Leadership and Management’, the report says: ‘‘Outstanding – pupils and staff excel, there are high expectations for all with disadvantaged learners making good progress. The school is well-supported and challenged by governors. The school is reflective with high levels of professional debate.’’ On ‘Teaching, Learning and Assessment’, the report says: ‘‘Outstanding – there is a high level of professional trust, and high levels of child-led learning. The pupils are involved in designing the curriculum and are motivated to learn. There has been a focus on maths using a Lesson Study Model, which has had a good impact on teaching and learning.’’ On ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’, the report says: ‘‘Outstanding – the Reception teacher is a creative, committed and inspirational practitioner. Some children come in with relative low levels but make very LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Behaviour HIGH STREET OX49 good progress.’’ On ’Personal Development, andLEWKNOR Welfare’,OXFORDSHIRE the report says: ‘‘Outstanding 5TH - the children have excellent attitudes to their learning and are proud of their school, confident to Headteacher: Mrs D Cole discuss issues and can empathise with others. There are strong relati onships between children and Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: Website: staff, attendance is good and there is very little low-level disruption. A Reflection Room is used for putting things right and children are often able to resolve their differences (themselves). ‘’ And finally, on ‘Outcomes for Pupils’, the report says: ‘‘Outstanding - standards are high across the school, and the school is confident with its approach through the curriculum.’’ Headteacher Deborah Cole, said: ‘‘I would like to thank all the staff-teachers, teaching assistants office staff and governors -for all their hard work. Our dream team is fully committed to ensuring that each and every child at Lewknor has the very best education and that they reach their full potential in all aspects of life. I would also like to thank our school community-parents, grandparents, church members, villagers-for their support. We could not do what we do without it!’’ The full report is available to read on the school’s website. SO THEY DID IT!! The Super Six finished the 3 Peaks!! A fantastic effort by the whole team..truly an epic achievement! that showed the amazing and unique spirit that we have in our school family.
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
The gang started at 8am with the challenge of Ben Nevis..rain and snow did not deter the Super Six.. neither did sore knees and terrible singing! Then on to Scafell Pike where the intrepid band conquered the mountain in the dark..helped along by swigs of wine and sweets! Unfortunately one of the team had a bad fall so couldnt continue with the final climb....but they were with the rest of the gang in spirit So finally to Snowdon where the lure of a train was ignored and the rest of the team defied strong winds and vertigo to carry on eating those delicious energy bars (??!!) and reach the top! The climb down was hard, legs were sore, knees may never be quite the same, and there is nothing like walking backwards down a steep winding road to really make one feel as if they have pushed themselves! The train journey home brought much welcomed beer and wine, plus a good airing of sore feet ( not sure what fellow passengers thought!). Best of all was the welcome home from the families...nothing like a hug from your children to make all the aches and pain disappear! A massive thank you from the FoLS gang & the school to the Six Peakers!! You are Legends! And a huge thank you to all the generous donors so far..our current total is Ј5400!!. We would like to thank all of the local residents and patrons of the Leathern Bottle who supported us with donations - it all makes such a difference to the amazing children of Lewknor School so THANK YOU!! If you haven’t sponsored the gang but would like to then do click on the link below:
Headteacher Deborah Cole, said: ‘‘I feel very blessed to have such a great team of parents, who give their all to help and support our school. We are more than a school – we are one, big family community and the fact that our committed band of parents are undertaking such a brutal challenge is proof of that.’’ Friends of Lewknor School has done so much over the years to help raise funds for the school. Last year they collected a whopping £14,000, an amazing amount considering we are only a tiny school of 80 pupils. The funds raised by FoLS go towards a range of resources including ICT and play equipment. FoLS also help pay for all the school trips and the annual pantomime. We are also set to launch a fundraising drive for our new classroom now that we have planning permission to build.
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
BOOK CLUB at lewknoR a spool of blue thread Anne Taylor A n ne Tyle r is a n A me r ic a n aut hor who h a s w r it t e n p r ol i f ic a l ly set t i ng a l l he r novel s i n Ba lt i mor e Cit y i n Ma r yla nd , USA , so it wa s no s u r p r ise t o f i nd t h at A S p o ol of Bl u e T h re a d i s a st or y of t h r e e ge ne r at ion s of one fa m i ly set t he r e. He r st or ie s r e se mble e a ch ot he r i n t h at t hey p or t r ay ord i n a r y p e ople l iv i ng t hei r l ive s i n t he way t h at mo st ord i n a r y p e ople do. Howeve r, she m a n age s t o p r ov ide t he r e a de r w it h ch a r a c t e r s t h at one ca n ide nt i f y a nd s y mpat h ise w it h a lt hou g h of t e n one w ishe s t h at p e rh ap s a sl ig ht ly d i f fe r e nt de cision s t a ke n i n he r ch a r a c t e r s’ l ive s m ig ht h ave m a de for a h ap pie r solut ion . T he book begins with the second generation of W hitshan ks. Red who is the ow ner of a ver y successf ul building f ir m and Abby his wife who has been a social worker for ost of her life, of their fou r child ren Den ny their elder son while being at t ractive, obser vant but an inveterate snooper out of secrets he gives them the most g r ief and who ultimately is the cause of the book’s biggest ‘reveal’. Apar t f rom Den ny and Stem, another son, there are t wo daughters, A manda and Jean nie , who are feat u re less in the novel. T he f irst generation of W hitshan ks, Ju nior and Lin nie, have come f rom r u ral A mer ica. T heir mar r iage u nplan ned by Ju nior but made inevit able by circu mst ances should have been a disaster but somehow su r vives even though the big house that Ju nior has built for a client and then by subter f uge ow ns is the cause of disag reements in their relationship. T he t itle, A S pool of Blue T hread, is somet h i ng of a n en ig ma u nt il al most at t he end of t he book when Den ny f i nd s a n u n r avelli ng reel of cot ton for wh ich he ha s a pr act ical u se a nd t hen one not ices t he colou r blue ha s been wou nd i n a nd out of t he na r r at ive al most u n not iced If you have read A n ne Tyler previously and have enjoyed her books then this is one which will keep you amused and engaged as before.
If you haven’t read her then you may f ind her ordinar y fol ks far too ordinar y. Sebastian Faul ks, W here My Heart Used to Beat, was a ver y different read. It begins with a rather u npleasant sex scene the k ind of which doesn’t feat u re in A n ne Tyler’s books. However, the novel develops into a stor y reminiscent of the author’s earlier book Birdsong in which its 1970s set ting inter woven with episodes f rom the Bat tle of A n zio of the Second World War. T he key character is Rober t Hend r icks who is 60 when the stor y begins . He is a psychiat r ist in pr ivate practice who has w r it ten a memoir which has been well received and as a result he is cont acted by a Dr Pereira who invites him to visit him at his home on a small island off the coast of France on the pretext that he k new Rober t’s father when he was ser ving in W W I. Rober t t akes up the invit ation and f inds that, before his host will give him the infor mation he has about his father, he is subjected to a gentle inter rogation about himself in order to judge whether he, Rober t, will be a suit able person to edit and collate Dr Per iera’s life-long research into the t reat ment of ment al ill ness. T his literar y device enables the reader to lear n more about Rober t’s exper iences as a soldier in the It alian campaig n and the sig nif icant but ultimately u n happy loveaffair he has with an It alian woman. It also allows the author to descr ibe the u nor thodox methods (exper iments) which have been t r ied on patients and failed in the past. Faul ks’s facilit y as a stor y teller is not in doubt but he follows the cu r rent fashion of not having a clear begin ning, middle and end to his novels. He w r ites par ticularly well about war (his father was a decorated ar my off icer) but less well about his characters. Next we have a mam moth book to read by the Tu rk ish Nobel Pr ize win ner, Orhan Pamu k, A St rangeness in My Mind, If you are interested in joining the bookclub, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below. All are welcome! Elan Preston-Whyte 01844 350 382
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
The Children of Krakatoa Pre-school have been enjoying playing in our new and safe playground. We have had new Lego boards installed on our wall, which the children have made some great patterns and pictures. The children have taken part in the May day celebrations at Lewknor Primary, which was enjoyed by all. This year, the children will be taking part in a sponsored ‘Scoot’ to raise money for the charity supporting Hirschsprungs Disease to support one of children who has this disease. If you wish to donate, please look for the details on our Facebook page. We will be having our AGM on Wednesday 21st June – 7.45pm at Jubilee Hall. We will be welcoming all parents (past and present) and anyone from the local area who would be interested in joining our committee. This year some of our key committee are stepping down as their children move onto Primary school. They have been involved for the last 4 years or so and we cannot thank them enough for their time and dedication in helping Krakatoa thrive. In July, we say goodbye to 9 of our children who will move onto their various Primary schools. However, numbers are looking good for September with spaces filling up already! for more information contact Jeanette 07919 081 088 jeanette@krakatoapreschool Jubilee Hall, High Street, Lewknor, OX49 5TL
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
30 Days Wild Fiona Bennett-Meere In the month of June, The Wildlife Trusts have a big nationwide campaign which encourages everyone to bring a little more nature into our lives, through random acts of wildness! These acts can be a whole host of activities such as walking the dog, hugging a tree, feeding the birds and dangling your feet in a stream!! The point is that we should all try and do something nature-related each day for the month of June. One new activity we will be doing in our household is surveying for hedgehogs. Since 2000, Britain’s only hedgehog species the West European hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, has sadly declined by up to 30% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas (State of Britain’s Hedgehogs Report, 2015) and is in urgent need of our help. I recently started working for the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and met some inspirational hedgehog officers who in 2015 set up the UK’s first hedgehog improvement areas across Solihull and Rugby. They explained how there are a multitude of factors that are contributing to their decline, but there are things that we can do to help; which is why we have decided this June, as part of 30 Days Wild, to set up a footprint tunnel in our garden. The most common type of footprint tunnel used is made from corrugated plastic, which is about a metre long, with a separate plastic insert inside, called the tracking plate. In the middle of the tracking plate, you put a plastic dish (for the food) which is bordered by a type of ink pad which the animals walk across. A piece of A4 paper is attached either end of the tracking plate so that when the animals exit the tunnel, hopefully they leave a trail of footprints! The tunnel is then put outside in the same spot each night for five consecutive nights. It should be placed against a boundary where hedgehogs are more likely to be found and preferably somewhere where it is unlikely to be disturbed. After each night, the tunnel is checked, food is replenished if needed and the paper changed each day. Hopefully we will find some hedgehog footprints and there are several guides online to help people distinguish between different animals that may use the tunnel. In essence, a hedgehog footprint looks like a small child’s handprint! It is the perfect time of year to survey hedgehogs as from April onwards hoglets (baby hedgehogs) are born and become independent at around 6 weeks old. All hedgehogs are in the process of emerging to explore their surroundings and eating as much food as they can before they go into hibernation around November. If anyone is also interested in getting involved in 30 Days Wild, then please do send off for a free pack from our local wildlife trust: http://www. It’s simple and free and I challenge you all to do something wild every day during June and feel happier, healthier and more connected to nature. We are so lucky with everything we have on our doorstep so go outside and enjoy it! More information on setting up footprint tunnels can be found at the following site: Further resources on hedgehogs:
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
Summer 2017 ‘Drop In’ Classes Jubilee Hall, Lewknor Tuesdays 25th July, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd August 7pm – 8.30pm £8 per session *Or £33 for all sessions*
A chance to start or continue your yoga practice during the summer break. The classes are suitable for all levels, incl. beginners.
For More Information Please Contact Vicki Austin on
01844 347162 or 07947 149675 Or visit her website for full details of all classes offered
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
Feel happier,
Berkshire Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire
e r u t a n
healthier and more connected to
in just one month
JULY 13TH FROM 4.30 TO 7.30PM.
This June do something every day and make nature part of your life Get a pack full of ideas, inspiration and Random Acts of Wildness to keep you motivated and help you make room for nature in the busiest of lives. You’ll receive emails throughout the month with things you can do near to your home, activities to inspire you and your family, and a fun chance to measure how your wildness changes throughout the month. Wildlife and wild places are closer than you think, so we’ll send you information on local events and places you can explore, too.
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THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
Hello, our names are Nancy and Bullseye We came to the centre together and we are looking for a new home together. We are a sweet pair and are quite similar too. We were both quite shy when we first came into the cattery but we are gaining confidence and both enjoy a fuss as well. I like to roll around in my hide when people are talking to me and I love to nudge people’s hands for more strokes. We are looking for a quieter home where we can chill out and put our paws up. We also like to adventure outdoors as well, there is lots of interesting stuff out there! We could potentially live with older calm children and we have lived with dogs before as well, so we could live with a relaxed dog that has lived with cats previously too. Are we the purr-fect pair for you?
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THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
Books to borrow or buy through donation now available in St.Margaret’s. There is a good range of children’s and adult’s books, fiction and non-fiction. Please feel free to swap books, borrow or buy. Any proceeds will go directly to the upkeep of the church. Please pop in and take a look!
Lee Beckett
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
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tuesday night YOGA At 7-8.30 PM cONtAct VIckI ON 07947 149 675 0R 10844 347 162
wednesday night DOG OBeDIeNce At 6-8 PM
THE GRAPEVINE june/july 2017
lewKnor Parish diary june 2017 11th june yOunG puZZleRs 10.30am st. maRGaRet’s 12th june paRish COunCil meetinG 7.30pm jubilee hall 18th june hOly COmmuniOn 9.00am st. maRGaRet’s 18th june Family seRViCe 10.30am
st. laWRenCe
july 2017 9th july yOunG puZZleRs 10.30am st. maRGaRet’s 10th july paRish COunCil meetinG 7.30pm jubilee hall 16th july hOly COmmuniOn 9.00am st. maRGaRet’s 16th july Family seRViCe 10.30am
st. laWRenCe
if you would liKe to include any eVents or meetings in the diary, please let the editor Know Via the grapeVine email address:
High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350 350 Tues-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm Sat 9.30am-1.30pm