march/april 2013 edition 279
The GraPeVine
The Vicarage
news from the pArish What lovely feedback from my first edition of The Grapevine! Please remember, if you have anything you’d like to contribute, email me at the address in the banner below, and thank you so much for all your kind comments! Lots going on in the village this month. First off, we have a Jumble Sale on Saturday 23rd between 10am and 1pm at the Jubilee hall. Jumble is still needed and can be donated to Jean at Town Farm, up until the day before. Cakes and raffle prizes also needed. See the advert on the back page of this Grapevine. Next is the annual Easter egg hunt on Sunday 24th March. It kicks off at the Jubilee Hall at 11am, with the hunters going out in groups solving clues and finding goodies around the village. After, there are activities at the hall, a free hot dog, and an Easter egg for every
child. Tickets are £5 and can be bought from Victoria Balls or on the door. Please see the advert on page 9. Finally, there is a fancy dress disco being held at The Lambert Arms on Friday 29th March, from 7.30pm until 1am. The event has proved very popular in the past and is being organised by Friends of Lewknor School. Tickets (from £7) available from any FOLs member, or from Linda Wanstall. Full details on page 10. I’m not sure how many people are aware of the Parish Council website, which has up to date information about the parish, from planning permissions to bin collections. You can find it at: lewknorparishcouncil/. Also as we approach Spring, it might be worth ordering your brown bins by the link from the South Oxfordshie District Council website, or by calling 01749 341247 and paying by D/D. Happy Spring!
from the eDitor if you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact me on the new grapevine email address: 1
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
James ian denham
On 15th February, a packed congregation of family and friends at Lewknor Parish Church paid tribute to Jim and his dedication to Barn Owl conservation which will be continued by his brother John and John’s son Steven. Both Jim and John’s families wish to thank all those who contributed financially and assisted in any way with the running of the project and all the landowners and farmers who have given permission for conservation work to be carried out on their land. A collection was made at Lewknor Church on 15th February in memory of Jim Denham. This and any further donations will be used to continue the Barn Owl conservation work.
Jim Denham, who died suddenly at is home in Watlington on 3rd February, was well-known by the local farming community for his Barn Owl conservation work. In 1995, Jim was asked by South Midlands Barn Owl Conservation Group, which had been operating in parts of Oxfordshire, south Warwickshire, south Northamptonshire and west Buckinghamshire since 1983, to carry out Barn Owl conservation work, which included the releases of pairs of Barn Owls in his home area using methods which had been employed successfully by the group. Previously, Jim had been studying Tawny and Barn Owls but, in 1995 knew of only one pair of Barn Owls breeding in the Watlington area. In 1996, Jim and his brother John began constructing Barn Owl breeding boxes which were fitted in barns, trees and on telegraph poles. They also constructed small sheds (known as cabins), which were set on four poles, three metres off the ground. All of these types of nestsite were used successfully by the Barn Owls. Between 1996 and 2001, thirteen pairs of Barn Owls and their young were successfully released under Government licence, which was stopped in 2002, when it became illegal to release Barn Owls into the wild. Despite this, pairs of Barn Owls continued to breed successfully in the Watlington area, with fifteen pairs raising seventy young in 2002, and seventeen pairs raising seventytwo young in 2007. Between 1996 and 2012, two hundred and nineteen pairs raised six hundred and eighty fledgling young. Also during this time, the results of Jim and John’s work, together with the work carried out in the other two areas, were published in three peer reviewed scientific papers on Barn Owl release, their habitat and food. These results clearly demonstrated what can be achieved when correct conservation measures are put into place.
Anyone wishing to make a contribution to this work can contact John Denham at 24 Watlington road, Lewknor, Oxon, ox49 5tt. 4 June 1937 - 3 February 2013.
Oxfordshire AUTISM Alert card
The Oxfordshire Autism Alert Card is available free of charge to anyone in the county with autism. It can be shown if the holder needs:
• Support from their contacts • Help in difficult/stressful situations • Help from police officers or other emergency services • Help on public transport • To explain about autism It will also assist people to identify that they are dealing with someone with autism. If presented with a card, please support the cardholder using the advice on the card and contact their named supporters. The scheme provides free autism training for police and other services.. Autistic Spectrum Conditions Autism is a lifelong developmental disability, caused by differences in the brain, which affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. About 1 in 100 people are autistic, many remain undiagnosed. At the one end of the spectrum, sometimes Asperger’s syndrome, people are very able in many ways, having normal or above average intelligence. It is important to realise that this is not always “useful intelligence” when it comes to everyday situations. Difficulties
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013 are not visible and are often misunderstood. People are affected differently, but difficulties with the following are common: • Social interaction • Verbal and non-verbal communication • Understanding body language, tone of voice, facial expressions • Eye contact may be avoided time needed to process conversation • Over/under sensitivity to touch, light, colour, sound, smell, temperature, etc. • Difficulty foreseeing consequences of one’s actions • Overload, when anxious, stressed and/ or faced with the unexpected For more information: Tel: 0844 381 4484 Email:
St. Margaret’s
Archbishop KUONG
Why, you may well ask yourself, why should the Archbishop of Hong Kong want to visit our church and school? The answer is that the Most Reverend Paul Kwong wanted to pay his respects to Bishop R. O. Hall CMG MC and Bar and see his memorial tablet in the sanctuary of the chancel in the church. Bishop Hall retired in 1966 to Lewknor after serving as Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong, from 1932 to 1966. He served throughout World War II and retired in 1955 to Home Farm in Hill Road, right opposite the Leathern Bottel, on the corner of Watlington Road. He died on 22nd April 1975 and his ashes are interred on the left of the High Altar. He was much loved in the village. Archbishop Kwong was confirmed by Bishop Hall in Hong Kong and, whilst he was over in England for the enthronement of the new Archbishop of Canterbury, he was anxious not to miss the opportunity of coming to Lewknor. Our Vicar, Peter Waterson, and the School Headteacher, Mrs Bernadette Morgan, invited the Archbishop to join us at school assembly, which was attended by all the children in St. Margaret’s at 11.00 a.m. He started by explaining his connection with Lewknor and telling the children of Bishop Hall’s wonderful work, particularly with the poor and underprivileged children of Hong Kong, whom he loved. Among his many wonderful deeds, he established an orphanage at Tai Po. The Archbishop had been much inspired by Bishop Hall and his lasting legacy in Hong Kong and wanted to pay his respects.
There then followed a question and answer session for the children. A barrage of questions resulted, ranging from “How many islands were there in Hong Kong” to asking the Archbishop whether he ate sharks’ fins! He answered all the questions in considerable detail and the children (and all the adults!) were obviously very impressed. The assembly then continued with prayers led by Peter Waterson and a hymn, which the children sang with gusto! And finally the Archbishop gave us his blessing, first in Chinese and then in English. The visitors, in addition to the Archbishop, included the Archdeacon of Oxford, the Ven. Hedley Ringrose and the Bishop’s son Rev’d Canon Christopher Hall, his wife and daughter. Mr Mervyn Benford, the exHeadteacher of Lewknor Primary School during Bishop Hall’s time in Lewknor, also joined us. Archbishop Kwong left us to go on to the theological college near Oxford, Ripon College at Cuddesdon, where he had been asked to open their new large lecture theatre, which was to be named after Bishop Hall. Indeed, the Bishop’s fame will live forever, if for no better reason that, during the Second World War, he ordained the first Anglican woman priest (Li Tim-Oi)! This was because, at that time due to the war, there were no men available in the Macau area of his Hong Kong Diocese.
new housing in lewknor
For anyone who is interested in a home on this scheme, the level of local connection that is needed will be:
1. Having lived in the parish continuously for at least 5 of last 8 years. 2. Having a close relative (parent or child) who is currently living in the parish and has been continuously living there for the last 10 years. 3. Having worked in the parish full-time for the last 2 years or the equivalent in part-time (including voluntary work) and there is a commitment to continue working in the parish. If you would like to know more about these new homes, or you would like more information about the need for a local connection, please contact Helen Novelle, tel: 01491 823 346 or email:
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
what’s on
Fast broadband
Curiosity Shop 19-23 March, Oxford Playhouse
As many of you know, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is planning to invest about £14 million in fast broadband infrastructure in rural areas. £10 million of this is coming from OCC, and the rest will come from Broadband Delivery UK, a government funding scheme.
in Oxford
Imaginatively translated to the present day, Dickens’ story of love, human frailty and downright wickedness has a fabulous cast of characters, from bent lawyer Sally Brass to wide boy rapper Dick E. Swiveller. Tickets: Frome £11.50
Monster in My Piano 23 March, Oxford Playhouse Family favourite Garlic Theatre returns with this offbeat jazzy tale with puppets, clowning, animation and a very highly strung monster indeed! Burton Taylor Studio Tickets: From £5.50
Beth Orton 13 Apr, O2 Academy Oxford With her powerfully individual artistic vision and new single Dawn Chorus on the way, Beth Orton heads out on tour again to reclaim her folk queen crown. Tickets: £22.50
Affecting Perception 2-31 Mar, The O3 Gallery Funded by The Wellcome Trust and The Wates Foundation and supported by the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford. Can brain damage spark creativity? What is the role of memory in art? Is it right to categorise people by their conditions? Which aspects of an artist’s skill are affected by dementia, and which ones are preserved? These are just some of the questions that Affecting Perception: Art & Neuroscience, investigates.
I Am Kloot 21 Apr, O2 Academy Oxford Following 2010’s Mercury nominated Sky at Night, acclaimed Manchester three-piece I Am Kloot release their eagerly awaited new album Let It All In, supported by a UK tour. Tickets: £19.68
IN oxfordshire
The procurement process is at an advanced stage with the bidding companies, such as BT, about to submit their final tenders later this month. According to their website, OCC expect to announce the results this Spring, but in conversation with BT they believe OCC are looking to make an announcement towards the end of May/early June. The rollout process is expected to run from early 2014 until spring 2015. The process of identifying the Oxfordshire communities that will get fast broadband during this phase will take many months, and there is no guarantee that the infrastructure will extend to all areas currently suffering slow speeds. Although OCC’s focus will be on areas of poor connectivity, there are limits to the available technology, and in 2015 it is expected that some homes and businesses will still not have access to the latest fast broadband services. But as technologies improve and internet provision moves away from wired connections surely there will be emergent solutions to give access to the services that larger towns take for granted. According to BT, Oxfordshire is well ahead of many other Counties for the delivery of Superfast Broadband, and are keen to implement it as soon as possible. We will keep the Parish updated.
JUBILEE HALL Once again, can we please ask dog owners to clear up after their dogs on the recreation ground? Children are playing in the grounds and at the moment it is covered in dog mess. Not nice! We would also point out that there is CCTV in operation at the hall. Many thanks The Management Committee
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
FOOD AND DRINK with Catherine Gallacher
half a jar of English mustard (Coleman’s, of course!) or Dijon for a more delicate flavour. Add a good handful or two of chopped parsley and a tablespoon of dark soy sauce. You can moisten the rub with olive oil to give it the right consistency. If you prefer Asian flavours, use equal quantities of garlic and ginger, 2 tablespoons of honey or brown sugar, soy sauce and a sprinkle of chilli flakes, mixed up with sunflower oil instead of mustard.
Hoping to find you all well and happy this month - not to mention h u ng ry! This is a recipe with rea l ma n a ppea l a nd is rea lly sim ple to prepa re. You will need a whole shou lder of pork, idea lly from ou r brillia nt loca l butchers in Watlington, Ca lna n brothers. We m ust give a nod to Ala n from said butchers who f irst recom mended this method of cooking pork a nd has end lessly discussed assorted ing redients for the ru b but actua lly, you ca n pretty m uch please you rselves a nd add or remove bits a nd pieces as you like. When you go in for you r pork shou lder, ask the butcher to score the skin a nd on getting it home remove a ny packaging a nd place it, u ncovered, in the fridge skin-side u ppermost. This will d ry out the skin a nd give you that a ll-im porta nt crack ling.
Slow-cooked PORK pr e p 20 mins cook 24 hou rs
I ng red i ents • 1 whole shou lder of pork • 6 cloves of ga rlic • 1/2 ja r of m usta rd • Ha ndfu l of chopped pa rsley • 1 tbsp da rk soy • Ginger, honey, brown suga r (optiona l) method For the rub, crush at least 6 cloves of garlic, according to taste. Mix this with about
Whack the oven up to 230 and rub your chosen mix all over the meat, not the skin. The skin can be rubbed with salt flakes. Then place the shoulder, skin-side up, direct on the oven shelf. Underneath, place a large roasting tin full of water. This will keep the meat beautifully moist. After 20 minutes, turn the oven down to 110 and give it 24 hours of slooow cooking. Check the water levels every so often and top up as necessary. Alan’s top tip is to start cooking this when you take the turkey out of the oven and serve it to the hungry hordes on Boxing Day with nothing but stacks of crusty bread and as many chutneys and condiments as you can get your hands on. Just stick the shoulder in the middle of the table for everybody to dig in with spoons; it is just unctuous and will fall apart. If you’re a crackling fan (and who isn’t!) give the oven a quick blast at 230 for ten minutes before serving. For the Asian version, serve simply with some noodles and steamed pak choi. So easy but seriously impressive! This dish works well with lots of styles of wine but I would go with fresh, aromatic whites. Try the Beautiful Albarino from Waitrose, Taboexa, at £9.99. This hails from the Rias Baixas region of Spain but is made from the grape variety, Albarino, used to make Vinho Verde in Portugal and is bursting with honeyed apricot aromas yet is crisp and clean. If you prefer a red, Waitrose is currently offering 1/3 off their deep, silky Rioja Cerro de la Mesa, bringing it down to just £6.66 a bottle.
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. This month I feel I should begin with this much debated Bill. It has been widely reported, has sparked strong feelings among those both for and against the Bill, and has added hugely to my emails and post bag! I am grateful for the many thought through comments that have been sent to me on both sides of the argument to inform my thinking. Despite some media reporting the Bill has not been passed. The debate in Parliament was not to consider whether or not to pass the Bill but simply whether or not to send it to the Committee stage. At Committee a Bill is scrutinised line by line with representations made to the Committee by interested parties. It then returns to the House for a third reading. Having been lobbied by those for the Bill and those against the Bill it was essentially a no win situation in that whichever way I voted would cause disappointment or anger. After much correspondence and discussion on the subject and before deciding how to vote I met with the Attorney General to discuss legal concerns. During the debate I asked for reassurance that the Committee stage would be used to broaden discussion to address the concerns raised with me. Having been given the necessary reassurances at this stage by the Attorney General and the Minister I voted for sending the Bill to the next stage. I have already sent a paper with a list of concerns raised with me to the Minister and members of the Committee for consideration. How I vote at the next stage will depend on the report of the Committee. EU The Prime Minister returned from his summit in Europe with good news. He has obtained a real terms reduction in the budget for the EU. This is the real terms reduction many commentators denied he would ever obtain and bodes well for the renegotiation of key elements of our relationship with Europe. Scrap Metal Dealers Bill The theft of scrap metal has been a problem throughout the constituency. A Private Members Bill put forward by one of my colleagues has now passed through its final stages in Parliament and awaits Royal Assent. The Bill will reform the outdated rules governing the scrap metal industry, creating a tougher, locally administered,
licence regime. It will help the honest dealers who do the right thing, but it contains strong powers to stop the trade in stolen metal. For the first time it gives the police and local authorities the power to close down unlicensed dealers. Press Regulation It may seem hard to believe that the Leveson Inquiry set up to looking in the culture, practices and ethics of the press following the News International phone hacking scandal began in 2011. The fact that it went on for so long perhaps explains why some people got thoroughly fed up of hearing about it week after week. None the less it has been an important inquiry and the need for tougher regulation of the press widely accepted. Although legislation has been called for there are serious concerns over the potential of such measures to impede free speech as well as a free press. The Conservative Party has therefore instead published a draft Royal Charter which would put the Leveson recommendations in place without recourse to statutory underpinning. The regulatory system that the Royal Charter body would oversee would have the power to investigate serious or systemic breaches of the press code; impose million pound fines, and require corrections and other remedies, including prominent apologies. There will now be crossparty talks to discuss this approach. Children and Families Bill There has been much discussion in recent years over provision for children, families and people with special educational needs. On 4th February the Children and Families Bill was published to address some of the needs of these groups of people. Issues covered include adoption, family justice, child minder agencies and providers and flexible working. The Bill is expected to have its second reading on 25th February. This will give opportunity to debate on issues and concerns before if approved it will go to Committee for detailed scrutiny. Nuisance Phone Calls Last year the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) was given increased powers to levy fines of up to £500,000 for the most serious breaches of the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). However the Government is aware from the rising number of complaints that the current protections are not working as best as they could and is keen to improve them. Ministers have met with the ICO, Ofcom and TPS and further measures have been introduced to provide more effective protection for consumers. In addition to the power to levy
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013 large fines resources have been devoted to enforcing regulations that ensure calls are not made to those registered with TPS have increased. Steps have also been taken to improve the clarity of information for consumers. The ICO will publish a list of the most complained about companies and will take further action if those companies do not remedy their actions. For more information, my website is regularly updated and offers information on my work both in Westminster and in the constituency. Its address is In addition, if you would like to subscribe to my free e-newsletter please e mail me at: john.howell@ You can now also follow me on twitter @johnhowellmp
BOOK CLUB at lewknor
When God Was A Rabbit Sarah Winman We have read two books since the beginning of the New Year, one more interestingly written than the other. The first was The Private Lives of Pippa Lee by Rebecca Miller who, we discovered, was the daughter of Arthur Miller and is the wife of Daniel Day Lewis presently playing Abraham Lincoln in cinemas around the UK. We decided that the book was probably only published because of the author’s famous family connections and probably written with the object of it being made into a film. This duly happened and the film, like the book apparently failed to impress its reviewers. The other book was a debut novel When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman. It had won various awards including New Writer of the Year in the Galaxy National Book Awards and had been one of the books chosen by Richard and Judy for their 2011 Summer Book Club. The premise of the plot which partially explains the title is that it concerns life of a young girl – Eleanor Maud (Elly for short) whom we first meet at the age of six with a brother Joe, who is five years older, and who plays a significant part in Elly’s story. We find Elly and her family first in Essex where she is given a pet rabbit by her brother whom she names God. The latter is a Elly’s constant companion during her childhood and with whom she converses.
The family move to Cornwall when Elly is nine and she has to leave behind her closest friend, a strange child called Jenny Penny who seems to have magical gifts. As Elly grows up, her brother leaves to work in New York becoming part of its gay community. Tragedy hits the family but the story comes full circle by the end when some of the characters who have been lost over the years are found. But overall, the novel is a love story surrounding the central characters, Elly, her brother and their extended circle of family and friends. We were evenly split between those who had very much enjoyed the book and those who had found it episodic and disjointed. However, we all thought it was an interesting first novel but wondered if the author had used up all her creative ideas and might find it hard to write a second one. Next month we are reading The Affair by Santa Montefiore. If you are interested in joining us for a glass of wine and an interesting evening’s discussion of the book, then I can be contacted on the number below.
Elan Preston-Whyte. Tel. 01844 350 382.
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
lewknor school This term has been very eventful, although short. We have been enjoying our Topic, based on The Stig. This has meant lots of investigations and maths work around cars, engines, prices and styles. The teachers’ cars were priced and advertised (within school!) and the children also pushed one of the cars across the playground, to experience the weight of a car and how it could be moved without an engine. Later this term we will be taking the whole school on a trip to Beaulieu Motor Museum, to look at the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car and the James Bond car, as well as to take part in transport workshops. Back in school, we all enjoyed an assembly led by our vicar, Peter Waterson, and were introduced to the Most Reverend Paul Kwong, Archbishop of Hong Kong. The children (and staff!) were very interested in his talk about how Hong Kong and Lewknor are connected and this generated many questions afterwards in classrooms.
School Trips I am delighted Icknield is able to offer the opportunity of many trips for students to broaden their experiences. One of our most exciting and challenging trips will be taking place over the Easter break. Thirty nine students from Years 8 to Year 11 will be taking part in the ‘World Challenge Moroccan Expedition’. When they return, Miss Udy, Head of Geography, will put a full report on our website, together with the many photographs I am sure they will take! Miss Udy will also be hosting an evening for parents who will be able to listen to the students talk about their experiences. Communication I recognise how important communication between school and home and, by the time this newsletter is published, I would have held another ‘Parents’ Forum in school to assist in the continued assessment and communication of students for parents and carers. One of the focus points for the evening will also be ‘Celebrating Achievement’ as we have some fantastic student success stories at Icknield. Please do visit our website,, where you will have the opportunity to keep up to date with events running in school and student news.
Following this special assembly, I met with one of my predecessors, Mervyn Benford. Mervyn was Head teacher here at Lewknor CE Primary School for 15 years and was truly a trail blazer in the way he approached inspiring learning and creating opportunities to make this meaningful. We shared experiences and photos and he talked at length of many local families and his fondness of Lewknor. He had a remarkable memory for events and people and could name many past pupils and parents. I hope to continue our newly-forged link and to develop my knowledge of the school’s history further.
Supermarket Vouchers I am sure many members of our community are asked at supermarket checkouts whether they collect ‘school vouchers’. Please do say ‘yes’ even if you do not have a child at Icknield. I would be delighted to receive additional vouchers as the school always participates in these schemes and it is the students themselves who benefit from the rewards we can claim.
Warm wishes to you all, Bernadette Morgan (Head teacher)
this term
ICKNIELD COMMUNITY COLLEGE During the first week of March I ran a series of assemblies, with the theme of supporting charities. Our Student Council have been very active in raising money this year and will be running a Talent Show during school lunchtime, with auditions on 13 and 14 March, culminating in the final on 15 March. All proceeds for this will go towards Comic Relief. I also welcome and publish any newsletter articles from students so we can celebrate their individual achievements.
Mat Hunter (Head teacher)
krakatoa We are now into the second half of the Spring term and Easter will soon approach! The children (and adults) enjoyed the Winter Wonderland Disco and again, was a resounding success! As we approach Spring the children will be learning how things grow, from seeds and bulbs to animals and their young! We will also be celebrating traditional days of St David’s day (1st March), Mother’s day (10th March) and St Patrick’s day (17th March). We will then concentrate on Easter projects including covering why we celebrate Easter etc. Jeanette Portnall (Supervisor)
The GraPeVine march/april 2013
needles and Pins with Alison swain
As the wintry weather is still with us why not make the most of cosy evenings in by doing something creative. This issue I want to tell you a little about cross stitch and give you some essential help to start you off. Cross stitch designs are made up of many individual stitches and projects can range from very simple to highly detailed pictures, using a wide variety of techniques, stitches, threads and beads. Cross stitch can be worked on all kinds of fabric. The easiest to begin with is Aida, which is made up of solid fabric blocks with regular holes, through which the thread is passed when stitching. Aida comes in different sizes with a number to indicate how many holes per inch there are e.g. 14-count has 14 holes per inch. The higher the number the finer will be the finished work. Perforated paper is also easy to use – this is toughened paper with a grid of holes and is useful for creating hanging decorations. For the more experienced stitcher, even-weave fabrics produce a softer, finer effect. These fabrics have no obvious holes and the cross stitches are generally worked over two fabric threads. The basic cross stitches are worked as follows:- first bring the needle up through the fabric at 1 and take it back down at 2, then bring it up again at 3 and cross over the previous stitch to go down again at 4. Always work all your stitches in the same direction so the threads lie smoothly, creating a more pleasing finish. For producing a more detailed shape, half and even quarter stitches can be used. Straight stitches, known as backstitching, are often used to outline designs. There are all sorts of threads available in a myriad of colours, including variegated threads which can produce a lovely effect. Most often cross stitch is worked using stranded cottons, which come in 8m skeins and are six stranded. The threads are separated and used according to the fabric count – for example 14-count usually uses
2 strands of thread. Always use a tapestry needle for cross stitch. This has a blunt end which won’t damage the fabric and a larger eye which is easier for threading. For beads always use a special beading needle which is extra fine. Why not stitch a simple design on a small piece of fabric which can then be used to create a unique greeting card for someone special. Many craft shops sell ready to use blank cards with a shaped aperture on the front. Simply stitch your own design and affix to the inside of the card so your design shows through at the front, as shown in this simple diagram. With suitably coloured card and threads this could make a lovely individual Easter card. Finish off with a length of matching narrow ribbon tied round the card.
easter egg hunt! march 24th at LeWKnOr JuBILee haLL FrOm 11am
hOt DOgs! raFFLe! egg DecOratIng! £5 Per chILD (each chILD receIVes a Free easter egg)
tIcKets FrOm VIctOrIa On 07899 914 221 tIcKets aLsO aVaILaBLe On the DOOr
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve
Greater Butterfly Orchid, with its large greenishwhite flowers, near board 2. I have now reached Sculpture 4, “The Flying Machine”, on the “Talking Trail”. After Sculpture 3 follow the footpath over Beacon Hill and down towards the fence. This is my favourite structure, as it looks just like a kite but treat it gently as it is rather fragile. The “Kite Story” is about an old kite, called Milvus, meeting a younger bird and is to be found on band 2 of the audio system. The 2 quotations below are from the story: “He ruffled his glossy plumage, then, dived into the air, quickly seeking out a thermal current to ride upon. He swooped to grasp a dead toad, but met a fellow kite, much his junior.”
Spring is late arriving, this year, but it is still an exciting time to go exploring and to see what is growing on, or flying around, the reserve. So become a nature “Detective Sherlock Holmes”, walk around the reserve and look and listen out for clues that winter is finally over. Birds can be seen flying around with big sticks in their beaks (gifts for their mates) and recently a stoat, a rare visitor to the reserve, was seen bouncing about in the covered wood store next to the office. There are mice living in there so perhaps it was “sizing up the joint” as a suitable place, with plenty of ready available food, to raise its family. As the weather warms up butterflies will begin to appear. Already a small Tortoiseshell has been seen on the reserve and look for Brimstone Yellow butterflies searching for nectar after their long hibernation. In fact the name ”butterfly” is thought, according to the Spring edition of the RSPB magazine “Birds”, to originate from “buttercoloured fly” and as the Brimstone is yellow this could be the source of this name. Also, look out for the first Queen Bumble Bees, of the year, flying around now that it is warmer. They are easy to spot, as they are big and noisy, just out from hibernation and ready to start the next generation. Birds are, now, busy feeding their, cheeping, young and you may even hear the wonderful, territorial drumming sound, made by bashing a beak quickly against a tree trunk, of a black and white bird, with a red band on its neck and more red under its tail, called the great spotted woodpecker. If you do hear one drumming stop and see if you can see it because it is amazing how fast its beak bashes a tree trunk without it damaging the bird’s head. As for flowers, May is the time to see the Early Purple Orchid, which grows on Bald hill, near board 3 of the Nature Discovery Trail, followed later by the
“I’ll have you know I was the first kite to be brought to the UK from Spain in 1989” explained Milvus, “I’m old enough to be your father, to have brought you gifts of small mammals, bugs and worms. I could have watched over you in your little brown flecked white egg”. Written by Joan Newman (Outreach volunteer) For more information contact the reserve on 01844 351833
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
Recent Local Planning Applications Below are the planning applications that have been considered by the Council and their current status: APP/Q3115/a/12/2181233/NWF Moorcroft Farm, Weston Road Change of use from agriculture to part car storage, rebuilding of engines & single storey extension Appeal dismissed P13/S0096/HH 12 Watlington Road, Lewknor Loft conversion with 3 front facing dormer windows and associated roof lights No decision P13/S0241/LB Lower Vicar’s Barn, Wormsley Estate, Stokenchurch Listed Building Consent: Refurbishment of barn for use as artist’s studio No decision To view the full planning register go to:
The GraPeVine march/april 2013
Need a venue? Having a party? Why not book The Jubilee Hall, Lewknor? Available for hire for a variety of social events and functions. Including Children’s parties, wedding and anniversary parties, meeting and fund raising events. For details of rates, or to book the hall for your events or parties, please contact Jean on 01844 354875
Little Red Duck Co.
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THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
Martyn Ottery Electrical
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
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THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
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THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
It’s easy to play Sudoku! Simply fill every Please see page 19 for the answers column, row and 3x3 box so they contain every number between 1 and 9.
8 Level: Easy
Puzzle Set #C5558 Level: Challenging
9 4 5 5 3 1 7 2 6 7 8 5
4 8 9 6 2
7 8
3 5 2 4 7
8 5 1
8 2 5
3 2 8 9 3
6 1 7 1 5
9 4 1
2 6
8 3 2 5
9 5 7
5 3
4 3
8 9
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
8 Level: Easy [Key]
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
Puzzle Set #C5558 Level: Challenging [Key]
1 2 9 8 3 6 4 5 7 5 4 3 1 7 9 2 6 8 6 7 8 2 4 5 9 3 1
9 3 1 5 7 4 2 8 6 7 6 4 2 8 3 9 5 1 8 2 5 6 9 1 4 7 3
4 8 5 6 1 7 3 9 2 9 3 6 4 2 8 7 1 5 2 1 7 5 9 3 6 8 4
6 1 7 9 4 8 5 3 2 5 4 9 3 2 6 8 1 7 2 8 3 1 5 7 6 9 4
7 6 1 3 5 2 8 4 9 8 5 2 9 6 4 1 7 3 3 9 4 7 8 1 5 2 6
3 9 6 8 1 2 7 4 5 4 5 2 7 3 9 1 6 8 1 7 8 4 6 5 3 2 9
LEWKNOR 2 1 4 3 7 8 9 5 6
A history 7 March 5 1888, 9 Dame 6 4 1 Emma 2 Maria 8 On3the 1st Lucinda Jodrell (formerly of Nethercote) died aged 64 in 8 9Her6body2was1brought 5 back 4 to7 London 3 Cannes.
and travelled by train to Princes Risborough, then the Watlington line, finally alighting at Aston Rowant where it was transferred to a hearse and driven to the Lambert Arms. Just before the funeral, the procession lined up and travelled the short distance to St. Margaret’s Church.
as the vicar of St. Margaret’s, Rev. Weathersfield read, “ Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told ye.”
4 1 8 5 2 9 7 6 3 7 3 5 6 4 8 1 9 2 After some more readings, a short address was 6 in2 which 9 it3was1stated 7 that 5 the8 poor4 in given,
6 4 7 1 8 9 2 3 5 5 3 1 6 4 2 7 8 9 9 8 2 7 5 3 6 1 4
Lewknor had lost a friend with the death of Dame Jodrell. Then Sarah and Marion heard some shuffling in the distance and the faint voice of the vicar from London as the coffin was placed into the vault under the Jodrell chapel.
4 2 9 5 3 7 8 6 1 7 6 3 8 9 1 5 4 2 1 5 8 4 2 6 3 9 7
2 5 6 4 9 3 8 7 1 3 4 7 8 5 1 6 2 9 8 9 1 7 6 2 3 4 5
It had been 17 years since Nethercote burnt down, but many locals lined the road including children on both sides of the path from the lich gate to the porch. As the congregation filled the church, they were followed by Rev. C. G. Williamson of St. Paul’s, Great Portland St in London and the coffin covered with white wreaths and a cross. B
5 8 4 2 3 6 9 1 7 9 6 3 1 7 4 2 5 8 1 7 2 9 8 5 4 3 6 The undertakers left and the congregation
formed a queue to go into the vault to view the coffins including Sarah and Marion. They were a little scared as they waited their turn, but were frightened to back out of the vault for fear of being called chicken afterwards! When their turn came, they walked down the steps and there was a horrible damp atmosphere, combined with B the smell of perfume and flowers that had been Two of the children who watched, were Sarah put there earlier in the day. There were rows of Holt (aged 8) and her sister Marion (aged 11), the coffins, some of which had been there hundreds of daughters of the baker in Hill Road. They recalled years and then Lucinda’s new one which had been madeTips, in France. They were& glad to Sudoku leave the vault.Online! looking back along Reprints the High&Street and seeing theOnline! Instructions, Tips, Answers, More Sudoku Puzzles Instructions, Answers, Reprints More Puzzles hearse with horses as black as coal. Mr Galbreith, the schoolmaster, lined them up and they walked A few years after the funeral, the family had a into the back of the church wearing their best statue of two angels erected in the church, made hats. The church was crowded and they were not of Italian marble. Unfortunately the thumb of one able to see very much. was broken off in transit from Italy, and a slight crack is still visible if you look carefully. They heard the words of the burial service read by the vicar from London, and then a change in voice As told to David Atwell, formerly of Lewknor.
THE GRAPEVINE March/April 2013
17th march 18th march
holy communion
Parish council meeting
st. margaret’s
31st march holy communion 4.30pm
jubilee hall
st. margaret’s
april 2013 15th april
Parish council meeting
21st april holy communion 9.00am
jubilee hall
st. margaret’s
If you would like to include any events or meetings in the diary, please let the editor know via the grapevine email address: contributions and adverts for the grapevine to be received no later than 21st of the month. an online version of the grapevine is available at