summer 2016 edition 299
the leather Bottle by Sir herbert Edwin pelham hughes-Stanton (1870–1937).
news from the parish So here we are again at the ‘summer’ edition of The Grapevine, the last edition until September when the nights will be drawing in once again... that’s cheered you all up! Next edition will also be the 300th, quite an achievement for our village and I hope to include some articles from the archive to see if much has changed over the years or were we always ranting about dog’s mess! On Saturday evening, the auction was held after The Dad’s Day Out cycling event at The Leathern Bottle. What a great turn out. It’s always wonderful to see so many people come together for a local event and to support the school and
Krakatoa. you can find a write up of the whole event on page 12. I hope everyone is getting ready for the horticultural show which will be held on 11th September at the village Hall. If you’d like to enter, all the classes available are on page 5 and also some more information on page 2. See you in September and happy holidays! dates for the diary Saturday 10th September: Ride & Stride Sunday 11th September: Horticultural Show
from the editor
If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address:
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
lewknor parish horticultural show and fete Once again we are busy organizing this year’s horticultural show and fete, which will be held on Sunday 11 September at the village hall, starting at 2PM. The show is open to contestants from Lewknor, South Weston and Postcombe, plus any children outside of these areas that attend Lewknor School or Krakatoa, including their parents. The proceeds from the show will be shared with Lewknor School, Krakatoa, St. Margaret’s Church and the village hall, with representatives from all 4 venues helping on the day. It would be very much appreciated by the organisers if we could have some help on the morning of the show to help erect games, put up tables and chairs and gazebos and to help clear up afterwards on 11 . Some of the games are quite large and heavy, and we do struggle physically to put things together. If you are able to help, please call Christine on 01844 353283, or Caroline on 01844 352720. th
to be judged, please call Jean on one of the above numbers to arrange. Judging will take place during July and early August. This is usually just front gardens, but if again if you’d like your back garden judged, please call Jean. We’re not looking for a “Chelsea” garden, (though we’d love to see it if you have one!) but as we’re a small village, the standard is fairly low. Some good colourful pots, hanging baskets and a generally pretty garden will suffice so don’t be scared to enter. All in all, we are looking forward to a great day, and hoping that the weather will be kind to us! We look forward to seeing you all in September. see pages 5 for classes
We will have lots of attractions, including BarB-Que, tea and coffee (and the usual delicious cakes!), bouncy castle, skittles,Aunt Sally, welly wanging, tombola and much more. If you have anything you can donate to the tombola, or a raffle prize, books or toys, please bring to Jean Senior at Town Farm, or call her on 01844 354875/07825813137 by Friday 9 , and she can come and collect. If you can make a cake for the cake stall, that would also be lovely. th
As always, we will display your lovely fruit, vegetables and flowers plus cooking and handicraft skills in the hall. A programme will be delivered soon with all the classes you can enter, and with so many talented individuals within the villages, competition is fierce! Produce will be auctioned of after the show.
Sadly, Eppy will no longer be judging the gardens as she has done for many years. That task will now be taken on by Jean Senior and Rosemary Ashby. If you would like your garden
all types of decorating undertaken interior or exterior Large or small Ring or email for a free quote: 07590 517 444
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
BOOK CLUB at lewknoR
superfast broadband has arrived in postcombe!
the hundred year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared Jonas Jonasson
In June we read The Hundred Year Old Man who climbed out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson translated from the Swedish by Roy Bradbury. It promised to be a humorous novel which is proved for some of us but not for others. The premise of the story centres on the hero Allan Karlsson who escapes from his 100 birthday party at the old age home he lives in and sets off on an unscheduled journey with a stolen suitcase stuffed full of money which belongs to a criminal gang. He meets and recruits as his companions a collection of individuals, all with rather chequered pasts, oh! and an elephant called Sofia. However, the individual with the most incredible past is Allan himself which is revealed in consecutive flashbacks through his career highlighting his meetings with all the most hated world leaders of the 20 century except Hitler. In every case he emerges unscathed having gained some advantage from situation which he finds to be useful on a future occasion.
BT Openreach has nearly completed the access to Superfast Broadband in the village. Follow these links to confirm you can place an order and get an upgrade to a fast broadband service: when-can-i-get-fibre.aspx and
So the plot is part road movie, part high farce, part cops and robbers. If any of this sounds as though it might be your sort of book to be read with one’s tongue firmly in your cheek, then you will probably enjoy it. Sadly, not all of us did. Doris Lessing’s 2008 novel Arthur and Emily is described as a ‘bold experiment’; as it was written the year after the author was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature it should be a successful one. If you are interested in joining the bookclub, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below. All are welcome! The sad bit is it will probably cost more than your current service
Stefanie O’Bryen Family Solicitor
Divorce • Conveyancing • Probate • Wills Contact your local solicitor for a friendly and efficient service Telephone: 01491 614 700 20 Shirburn Street Watlington, OX49 5BT Email: Home appointments by arrangement
Need help with your computer? • • • • •
Using the internet Setting up email Buying and selling on Ebay Downloading your digital photos Word-processing, spreadsheets, etc For affordable, one-to-one tuition in your home, call Sharene on 08711 296 454
Elan Preston-Whyte 01844 350 382
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Lewknor, Postcombe & South Weston Fete & Hor7cultural Show Sunday 11th September from 2pm Jubilee Hall, Lewknor Hor$cultural Display & Auc$on Bouncy Castle BBQ, Refreshments Ski>les & Lots of Family Ac$vi$es
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
please see show leaflet for rules and conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
vegetable section 3 beetroot 5 potatoes (Same variety) 5 runner beans 3 carrots 4 tomatoes 5 cherry tomatoes 4 flat onions 4 globe onions 10 shallots 3 courgettes 2 marrows 6 mixed vegetables 3 leeks longest runner bean 3 parsnip 2 sweetcorn 5 french bean 6 chilli peppers any other vegetable
20 21 22 23 24
fruit section 3 pears 3 dessert apples 3 cooking apples autumn rasperries basket of home grown fruit
25 26
flower section 8 cut mixed flowers 4 mixed roses
1 specimen rose
28 29
3 stems identical roses 5 dahlias
1 specimen dahlia
31 32
4 chysanthemums 1 specimen gladioli
33 34 35
3 stems michaelmas daisies 1 pot plant (flower) 1 pot plant (foliage)
36 37
flower arrangement a red, white and blue basket a garden posy in a jam jar
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
domestic section fruitcake chocolate cake victoria sponge fruit pie quiche marmalade jam or jelly chutney 6 eggs 5 named herbs
48 49 50 51 52 53 54
art and craft 1 sewn item 1 knitted item any painting red kite photograph sunset photograph trees photograph family fun photograph
55 56 57 58 59 60 61
junior section 5 small cakes/cupcakes arrangement of garden flowers novelty cake junk model dinOsaur magic potion with name, ingre dients and powers minataure garden painting of lewknor school or church
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Jean Senior 07825 813 137
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Summer 2016 ‘Drop In’ Classes Jubilee Hall, Lewknor Tuesdays 26th July, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd August 7pm – 8.30pm £8 per session *Or £33 for all sessions*
A chance to start or continue your yoga practice during the summer break. The classes are suitable for all levels, incl. beginners.
For More Information Please Contact Vicki Austin on
01844 347162 or 07947 149675 Or visit her website for full details of all classes offered
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
krakatoa pre-school The Summer term is one our busiest terms. Krakatoa joined in with the ‘Scarecrow’ Festival where all the children had fun finding all the other brilliant Scarecrows. Sadly we didn’t win but will try again next year! The children have been enjoying playing in our new ‘Mud Kitchen’. Thank you to the committee for raising funds. This year the children took part in a Sponsored Scoot and raised nearly £160 for Asthma UK. They all did more than 20 laps in the hall. It was good fun! We also had our Summer Lunch where parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles had a chance to watch the children perform their favourite songs before joining them for Lunch Club! Everyone enjoyed a fantastic lunch which was contributed by the parents themselves. Finally we say goodbye and good luck to the children who are moving on to their new Primary schools. These are Thea, Alfie, Isaac, Charlie, Hattie, Archie and Holly. From September Krakatoa will be opening until 3pm on Weds, Thurs and Fridays. For further details please look on our website or visit our Facebook page for pictures and more information.Thank you to everyone for all your support and have a great Summer Holiday! Jeanette Portnall, Denise Bird and Carla Bird
Krakatoa Pre-school needs your help! PRE-SCHOOL TREASURER (VOLUNTARY ROLE)
Did you know that Krakatoa Pre-school is a charity run by a volunteer management committee of parents and local residents? Could you spare a couple of hours a week for your local pre-school? Could you manage our ongoing accounting reports, forecasts and year end reconciliations? If this is you or you know someone who may want to help, then please contact and we’ll provide further information.
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Recent Local Planning Applications Below are the planning applications that have been considered by the Council and their current status:
i) P16/S1092/O Land at Weston Road, Lewknor Outline application for residential development up to nine dwellings, including affordable housing, together with access, parking, landscaping and any other associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except for means of access Decision awaited ii) p16/s1144/hh 20 weston road, lewknor Erection of two-storey front extension and single storey rear extension approved iii) P16/S1852/HH Hill Farm Hill Road, Lewknor Extensions and alterations to re-model existing dwelling Decision awaited To view the full planning register go to:
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am Chinnor Village Hall TiddlyPeeps is a friendly social group for mums to be, parents, grandparents, nannies, childminders, carers, babies and toddlers. TiddlyPeeps is a non-profit making organisa=on, run by a commi>ee of volunteers, first started in July 2007. We pride ourselves on being a very friendly and welcoming group and are very fortunate to have have a suppor=ve, friendly and enthusias=c commi>ee (all of whom can be recognised by their commi>ee badges!) As well as the usual selec=on of baby, toddler and pre-school toys, we regularly put out play dough and arts and craJs (seasonal when appropriate). We also have home-made cakes one Friday a month, messy play and occasional visitors. We generally run every Friday morning from 9.30-11.30am in Chinnor Village Hall. We stop play at approximately 10.30am to sit down and the children have a drink and a biscuit (both provided) - this is followed by singing, which is usually led by a commi>ee member. We charge £1.50 per family to cover our running costs. Tea/coffees for adults are served by dedicated local volunteers, whose support we are most grateful for.
If you would like to get in touch or would like more details, please feel free to contact us. or ask to join our facebook page - TiddlyPeeps
children’s activities this summer Oxford Castle Unlocked
This summer at Oxford Castle Unlocked, children can enjoy FREE entry, taking a tour with the family and exploring the city’s 1000 year old castle prison with a compelling costumed character tour guide. The offer is valid on weekdays from Thursday 21 July to Friday 2 September and is only available to claim online.
Free beach fun at Millets Farm Centre
The beach is back and it’s bigger and better than ever before! FREE to use, it is open all day every day over the summer and even comes complete with giant outdoor games and a Beach Hut Cafe. /Centres/Millets/ Childrens_Parties
Chiddlers hour: The BFG
10.00am to 11.00am For 0 to 3 years: 30 minutes of songs, storytelling and adventure and 30 minutes of free play and crafts based on Roald Dahl’s The BFG. £3 PER CHILD The Roald Dahl Museum, Gt Missenden
Big Camp at Cliveden
Pack your tent and head to Cliveden for the special ‘once-a-year’ family camping events.
Long after other visitors have gone home, discover the wildlife that comes out at night before falling asleep under canvas in the middle of our historic woodlands. Once your tent is set up, you can chose to play games in the main field, explore the nearby Play Trail or try some of the activities in your special adventure pack. After your picnic tea, our rangers will lead a bat walk through the woods before the evening ends with hot chocolate and storytelling round the campfire. Adult - £27 Child - £17 Call 0844 249 1895
Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway
Throughout the summer school holidays the popular Kidsfor-a-Quid scheme is once again in operation! Starting on Sunday 24 July until Sunday 04 September 2016 inclusive and every day in-between that the railway runs - up to two children (3-15 yrs) go for just £1 each when accompanied by any fare-paying Adult (16-59 yrs) or Senior (60+ yrs). Also look out for our Cherry Pie Sunday on 07 Aug, Blue Electric Day on 27 August, see also the vintage cars at the Classic Car Rally on 28 August, or take a History & Nature ride on 03 September.
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
friends of lewknor school
Again, the postcode helps. With less money available for maintenance, the more people report something, the better chance of it being fi xed!
What an amazing year FoLS has had!! From cake baking to running marathons, Medieval fun to Dads cycling around the county, its been a tremendous year and we have raised a fantastic amount of money for the school. Whilst we do Active Gold the final count upGo from the Dads Bike ride on Saturday, our preliminary figures tell me that we Lewknor Physical Activity Taster DayTh for have raised just under £13,000 this year. is the 60+ really is a brilliant amount and ensures that FoLS have a strong foundation from which we can continue to provide the children of our school with enriching experiences and muchVillage Hall LEWKNOR d have organised a physicaleducational activity taster day at Lewknor for people 60+. PHYSICAL I want totosupport personally thank d is a projectneeded funded resources. by Sport England people in rural villages with a capacity of ACTIVITY TASTER DAY everyone in the community for their generous dents to increase physical activity levels, with a focus on social and mental well-being too. FOR THE 60+ support this year - in particular Jean Senior for her very generous support and the Leathern Bottle go active gold have organfor supporting the Bike Ride.22 I wish you2016 all a very When: Monday August ised a physical activity tasthappy summer! Time: 09:30am – 12:00pm (Approx) er day at lewknor village £0 warmestPrice: regards hall for people 60+. Where: Lewknor Village Hall michelle (tiggs) chair of fols go active gold is a proJect funded by sport england to support Potential on the Day: parishActivities council people in rural villages with a Walking Football, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi and Dance. capacity of 500-3,000 residents to news increase physical activity levels, For those interested in fi nding out more with a focus on social and mental regarding M40 CEG, updated information can If you would like to register your interest well-being too. be found at: Email: www. Number: 07717 326660 For updated information on planning applications over the summer and updates from your county and district councilor to: If you come across a Highway problem and feel annoyed enough to want to report it, I have found a very simple and effective way of reporting not only about roads, but any verge, footpath or signage problems, etc. Look up: and select, “Tell us about something”, and there is a huge list to choose from. It helps to have the postcode. One other way is to go to: fi where you can even report Highway defects from other counties.
when: monday 22 august 2016 time: 09:30am – 12:00pm (approX) price: £0 where: lewknor village hall potential activities on the day: walking football, pilates, yoga, tai chi and dance. if you would like to register your interest email: conor.grogan@southandvale. gov.ukn number: 07717 326660
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Dad’s day out update
On Saturday 9th July, the Dads’ Day Out 2016 started with a 7.20am visit to the BBC Oxford Radio studio for James Mitchell-Smith. James told listeners how a group of dads was organising a marathon bike ride and auction to raise money for the small village Primary School and Krakatoa Preschool in Lewknor. At 11am, five very keen riders set off from the Leathern Bottle in Lewknor on a 26.2 mile ‘Beat the Clock’ challenge sponsored by Educationline Limited, who promised to donate £50 for each rider who could return to the pub in under 90 minutes. Amazingly, in such windy conditions, two riders clocked a time of 1 hour 20 minutes, whilst another snuck in just under the allotted time - resulting in a £150 donation. The two fastest riders were awarded prizes, kindly sponsored by The Plough at Great Haseley and the Lord Nelson at Brightwell, who had each donated a meal for two. At 1pm, a further 20 riders arrived for the start of the Dads’ Day Out marathon bike ride. Having donned their matching t-shirts (kindly sponsored by
Educationline Limited and the Leathern Bottle) the dads headed off for their 26.2 mile journey - with some ‘refreshment’ stops at local pubs! Between the riders they had already raised over £3,000 in sponsorship before the start - an amazing effort. Families then gathered at the Leathern Bottle at 5pm, and the team were cheered and applauded as they returned. After more ‘refreshments’ for the riders, the auction kicked off with some amazing prizes on offer. With a holiday to Barbados, an Audi R8 supercar for the day, tickets for the Graham Norton show and other incredible experiences on offer there was plenty of enthusiastic bidding. By the end of the auction a further £2,200 had been raised for the school and pre-school, an amazing result. With the fundraising figure still to be finalised, it looks like almost £6,000 was raised - an exceptional amount for such a small community. It was fantastic to see so many people come together to support Lewknor primary school and Krakatoa preschool; it really was a community effort and a lot of fun.
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
I’m Bobby, a Jack Russel Terrier. I’m looking for a new home as sadly my owner was too ill to care for me. Now I’ve found myself staying at Blue Cross Lewknor until the right family takes me home. I have found that my stay at Lewknor has been quite beneficial as I’ve been learning new things and I’m being taught how to calm down when I get a bit over excited. If you are interested in me please call 0300 777 1500. ‘
lewknor blue cross London Road (A40), Lewknor, OX49 5RY 0300 777 1500
Lewknor C of E Primary School High Street, Lewknor, Oxon, OX49 5TH
WATLINGTON GARDENING CLUB The new programme for 2015/2016 includes such subjects as clematis, plant collecting, the history of trees, euphorbias, colour in the garden..... Why not join our Gardening Club or come as a visitor to see if you enjoy our talks? NEXT MEETING at 7.45pm in Watlington Town Hall: Everyone Welcome No August meeting. Programme to resume as normal on the first Wednesday of September 2016. Contact Caelia Pereira on 01491 612368 for details of time and venue. Watlington Gardening Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Town Hall at 7.45pm. Free parking is close by in the town car park. We have a programme of speakers throughout the year and garden visits in the summer including a coach trip further afield. Our meetings include a plant table and free coffee and biscuits. For further information please contact Caelia Pereira, Chairman, 01491 612368 or Email:
We welcome parents to take a look around our school and meet our Headteacher, Mrs Cole To arrange a tour of the school and meet our Headteacher, please call 01844 351542 or e-mail We look forward to welcoming you
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Providing exceptional customer service since 1974
01844 278177 Camp Industrial , Rycote Lane, Milton Common, Oxon, OX9 2NP
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Books to borrow or buy through donation now available in St.Margaret’s. There is a good range of children’s and adult’s books, fiction and non-fiction. Please feel free to swap books, borrow or buy. Any proceeds will go directly to the upkeep of the church. Please pop in and take a look!
Wool appeal! Everyone has an unfinished knitting project at the back of their cupboards! Heather Weston’s mum would gratefully accept donations of wool in any colour or amount for recycling into blankets for homeless and international charities. Please call Heather on 07968 280 856
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
Lee Beckett
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
The Home Care Specialists
Do you need a Helping Hand? Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one full time Live-in Care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionship, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation then we’re here to help.
If so, check if you’re eligible for a FREE boiler! The Oxfordshireshire Affordable Warmth Network is pleased to be accessing ECO grants in partnership with British Gas to offer free replacement boilers to homeowners and private renting tenants whose boilers are rated D or below and are in receipt of certain benefits. An easy way to check your eligibility and to discover how else we can assist you is via our freephone helpline:
0800 107 0044 Or email us:
Funding is only available for a limited time, so please don’t delay. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
To find out how we can help you, call: 0808 180 1016 or visit:
tuesday night yoga at 7-8.30 pm contact vicki on 07947 149 675 0r 10844 347 162
wednesday night Dog oBEDiEncE at 6-8 pm
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2016
LEWKNOR PARISH DIARY july 2016 17th july family service 10.30am st. lawrence 31st july holy communion 9.00am st. lawrence
august 2016 7th august holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s 11th july parish council meeting 7.30pm jubilee hall
september 2016 18th september holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s
If you would like to include any events or meetings in the diary, please let the editor know via the grapevine email address:
Visit us at: The High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350350 Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm