summer 2017 editioN 305
the crossways, Lewknor. 1937
NeWs From the Parish it was fantastic to see so many locals at the meeting at jubilee hall held by the parish council and representatives from savills, sodc and the developers, who put forward their plans for the proposed development at the entrance to the village. w hether for or against, it’s important for everyone in the village to have their say in how our village evolves. at the back of this edition of the grapevine, there is a questionnaire on the proposed development, so you can get your views across. on page 2, there is an article on the neighbourhood plan, what it is and how you can get involved and in the following pages we
have printed a summary of the major points presented at the meeting and also a map of the development as produced by the developers. on a much happier note, not long til the horticultural show! hopefully we will have lots of fantastic entries as usual, and the entry categories can be found on page 5. See you in September and happy holidays! DATES foR ThE DIARY 9th Sept Ride And Stride 10th Sept horticultural Show 25th Nov oxford Welsh Male voice choir
From the editor If you have any suggestions, or would like to write a regular column, submit a piece to be included in the next edition or have a local photograph new or old, please contact Sara-Jane on the new Grapevine email address: 1
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
What is a Neighbourhood Plan? The current proposal for up to 50 new houses to be built in Lewknor has raised the issue of whether the Parish of Lewknor, Postcombe and South Weston needs a Neighbourhood Plan (NP). So what is a NP and what is entailed in developing a Plan? Neighbourhood planning enables communities to take the lead in producing part of the statutory development plan for the area. Crucially these neighbourhood plans are a statutory (official) document and must be used to determine planning applications in a neighbourhood area. This means that any developer in future would need to consult the local NP before considering any development proposal as the Plan will designate where any development might take place and where it cannot. Effective community engagement is essential right from the beginning of the process because good community engagement will create a well-informed plan and a sense of ownership from the wider community. This is why an initial question about a NP has been included in the questionnaire on the back page of this edition of Grapevine. While the prospect of a NP cannot influence the present proposal by Savills in Lewknor or outline planning in Postcombe, a group of 18 people have already expressed an interest in the idea, so this group (and others who would like to join it) could work together to share their expertise with the aim of producing a well researched document when Planning Officer’s at SODC ask for responses from the Community & Lewknor Parish Council. Before this a further consultation exhibition meeting with the Savills team is planned for early September, details will be circulated. So please complete and return the questionnaire as requested as soon as possible.
Elan Preston-Whyte.
JACK GORDON DECORATING all types of decorating undertaken interior or exterior Large or small Ring or email for a free quote: 07590 517 444
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THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
This is the summary of discussions at the Lewknor Parish Council meeting on Monday 10th July 2017. These are the draft minutes (i.e. not formally approved by LPC) but they have been read and approved by the Chair: Present: Mrs Caroline Hjorth (Chair) Mr Murray Graham Mr Les Gordon Mrs Ellen Peters Ms Barbara Drysdale (Clerk) Also present were: Cllr Steve Harrod (SODC & OCC) Mr Matthew Dawber & Mr Roger Smith (Savills) Mr Josh Sinnett (Rainier Developments) Mr Ted Wake (Travis Baker) Mr Stuart Ward (Pegasus Design) Mr Will Gardner (EDP) And more than 80 parish residents Apologies were received from: Cllrs Duncan Boulton & Karl Rolfe (LPC) Item 4: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 50 HOUSES IN LEWKNOR A six-man delegation gave a presentation about this proposed development: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The field, which is owned by All Souls College, Oxford, was designated as white land. The maximum amount of houses would be up to 50. 40% of the houses would be affordable housing, there would be some social housing and some shared ownership. Traffic and water surveys had been done. Efforts would be made to mitigate, in the long term, the visual effect e.g. with tree planting. There would be another consultation in the village late August or early September. The time frame for building the homes was about two years and that All Souls had no plans for any further development in Lewknor. More than 80 residents attended the meeting. There was much concern about the plans: Residents said it would extend the village boundary, increase the size of the village by about a third and change the nature of the village forever. Drainage and sewage issues were raised. Traffic was another major concern. Many people complained that the traffic survey had been carried out at a weekend, was too short and carried out in the summer when traffic was lighter, and that it had not included traffic along Weston Road. There was a request for a seven day full survey carried out outside July and August, perhaps in the winter. Residents said there was a lack of infrastructure in the village and that the developers were unfamiliar with the village of Lewknor and its needs. Mrs Elan Preston-Whyte said that in response to an article in Grapevine by Cllr Boulton, she was formally asking residents to help draw up a Neighbourhood Plan.
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
leWKNor Parish hortiCultural shoW aNd Fete Once again we are busy organizing this year’s horticultural show and fete, which will be held on sunday 10th September at the village hall, starting at 2PM. The show is open to contestants from Lewknor, South Weston and Postcombe, plus any children outside of these areas that attend Lewknor School or Krakatoa, including their parents. The proceeds from the show will be shared with Lewknor School, Krakatoa, St. Margaret’s Church and the village hall, with representatives from all 4 venues helping on the day. It would be very much appreciated by the organisers if we could have some help on the morning of the show to help erect games, put up tables and chairs and gazebos and to help clear up afterwards on 10th. Some of the games are quite large and heavy, and we do struggle physically to put things together. If you are able to help, please call Christine on 01844 353283, or Caroline on 01844 352720. We will have lots of attractions, including BBQ, tea and coffee (and the usual delicious cakes!), bouncy castle, skittles, Aunt Sally, welly wanging, tombola and much more. If you have anything you can donate to the tombola, or a raffl e prize, books or toys, please bring to Jean Senior at Town Farm, or call her on 01844 354875/07825813137 by Friday 8th, and she can come and collect. If you can make a cake for the cake stall, that would also be lovely. As always, we will display your lovely fruit, vegetables and fl owers plus cooking and handicraft skills in the hall. a programme will be delivered soon with all the classes you can enter, and with so many talented individuals within the villages, competition is fi erce! Prizes will be announced at 2.30pm Produce will be auctioned of after the show. If you would like your garden to be judged, please call Jean on one of the above numbers to arrange. Judging will take place during July and early august. This is usually just front gardens, but again if you’d like your back garden judged, please call Jean. We’re not looking for a ‘Chelsea’ garden, (though we’d love to see it if you have one!) but as we’re a small village, some good colourful pots, hanging baskets and a generally pretty garden will suffi ce so don’t be scared to enter. All in all, we are looking forward to a great day, and hoping that the weather will be kind to us! We look forward to seeing you all in september.
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
Help preserve the history on your doorstep by taking part in a sponsored cycle, walk or horse ride around Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust and 50% can be passed on to a church of your choice.
Sponsor forms and more information are available from: Jean Senior 07825 813 137 or visit
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
BOOK CLUB at lewknoR
being bulldozed to make way for wide roads and high-rise apartments. The title ‘The Strangeness in My Mind’ comes from the feeling Mevlut has of dissociation from real life in the anonymity of the vast city.
Pamuk is a prolific writer winning the Nobel Prize for literature in 2006. He is an outspoken critic of the regime in Turkey and has raised the issue of the Armenian Massacre despite fierce criticism from those who deny it happened. This novel is worth reading for its insider’s view of Turkish politics and culture and an understanding of a country which straddles two continents, Europe and Asia, of importance to both.
Orhan Pamuk’s novel , A Strangeness in My Mind, at 734 pages long was a daunting reading challenge but at least five of the group got to the end. Set in Istanbul throughout the years 1954 to 2012 it follows the fortunes, or rather the misfortunes, of Mevlut Karataş, who leaves his village in Northern Turkey aged 12 to join his father in Istanbul to complete his education but also to help his father who is a yoghurt and boza* street seller.
*Boza is a fermented drink made from Bulgar rice, yeast, sugar, and water, topped with cinnamon and roasted chick peas. It has a sweet and tangy flavor that everyone finds addictive
The book for next month is Toby’s Room by Pat Barker. If you are interested in joining the bookclub, we meet on Wednesday evenings monthly and I can be contacted on the number below.
It is a Bildungsroman, the German word for a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood in which character change is extremely important. The form of the novel is such that, while the omnipotent narrator (the author) comments intermittently, the story is mainly told by the characters themselves almost as though they are having a conversation with the reader. Whilst it is mainly Mevlut’s story, it is also the history of his father and his uncle’s family who feature far more than Mevlut’s own mother and sisters who are left behind in the village. where he was born. The story begins with Mevlut and his cousin, Suleyman, in 1982 travelling back to the village where the 29 year old Mevlut plans to elope with a 17 year old girl who he has met very brief ly at her sister’s wedding 3 years before. Mevlut believes the girl whose eyes he fell in love with is called Rahiya but when the two lovers are on the train back to Istanbul he realises that he has been duped by Suleyman and this is not the girl he had intended his love letters for but her older and less attractive sister. However, despite this and the very primitive apartment Mevlut has rented for them to live in, their marriage proves to be an unexpected success. After many and varied ventures, the book ends by coming full circle with Mevlut as a boza salesman walking miles each evening through the familiar streets where his regular customers live. The novel is also the story of Istanbul, which grows and changes as immigrants pour in and modernisation results in old neighbourhoods
All are welcome! Elan Preston-Whyte 01844 350 382
St Margaret’s Church
St.Is proud to present Margaret’s Church is proud to present
Oxford Welsh Male Oxford Welsh Voice Choir Male Voice Choir
Saturday 25th Saturday 25th November
November 7.30pm 7.30pm
Tickets £10 each at St Margaret’s Church (to include wine and nibbles)
Tickets £10 each To include wine and nibbles
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
PLANNING APPLICATIONS AS OF 17 th July 2017 1) P17/S1013/FUL Moor Court Barn, Weston Road, Lewknor Proposed new access from Weston Road& change of use of land to provide extended garden
2) P17/S1082/HH Oxford Lodge London Road, Lewknor Erection of detached garage with home office. Erection of Sun Room
3) P17/S1492/LDE 26 High Street Lewknor Application for lawful development for continued use of property as a separate dwelling in breach of occupation condition
4) P17/S1521/PDH Cuttlebrook, Lower Road, Postcombe Single storey rear extension Depth 4.5m Height 4m Height to eaves 2.4m
Decision awaited
5) P17/S1089/RM Erection of 9 houses on land at Weston Road, Lewknor Amendment: parking and landscaping
Decision awaited
6) P17/S1863/HH & P17/S1864/LB Home Farm, Hill Road near Lewknor Rear single storey substantially glazed extension and lengthening of existing extension
7) P17/S1633/A Lambert Arms, London Road, Lewknor Display of signage 8) P17/S1829/AG Site off Salt Lane near Postcombe Erection of standard design farm storage building 9) P17/S1884/O Land west of Chalford Road, Postcombe Erection of nine detached and semi-detached dwellings with access, parking, amenity space and landscaping
Refused Approved
Decision awaited
10) P17/S1971/SCR Land to the north of Watlington Road, Lewknor Proposed development of up to 50 dwellings This application is a technical one about possible screening for environmental effects which only the planning officers decide on but it gives notice of a probable full application 11) P17/S1983/FUL Hall Barn Church Lane Lewknor Variation of condition 10(use classes) of planning permission P08/E0805 to allow for use of the Hall Barn for either B1(c) purposes or B1(a) purposes Decision awaited 12) P17/S2009/HH 21 High Street, Lewknor Decision awaited Replacement of 9xfront wooden windows with double glazed wooden windows 13) P17/S2355/HH 18 Watlington Road, Lewknor First floor rear extension. Loft conversion. Front porch extension, alteration works including changes to fenestration
Decision awaited
To view the full planning register, go to:
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
Lewknor C of E Primary School
Community Newsletter
OUTSTANDING RESULTS Lewknor Church of England Primary School is celebrating outstanding results this year. 100% of the children in the reception class achieved a ‘good level of development’ this year. This compares to 69% nationally (based on 2016 national figures). 100% of the children in the Year 1 class passed the phonics test compared to 81% nationally (based on 2016 figures). 92% of children in the Year 2 class (end of Key Stage 1) reached at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths. This compares to 71% nationally (based on 2016 figures). 90% of children in Year 6 (end of Key Stage 2) reached at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths. This compares to 54% nationally based on 2016 figures). More than half the Year 6 class (54%) are working at greater depth in maths, while 39% were working at greater depth in reading and 31% are working at greater depth in writing. OUTSTANDING SIAMS Lewknor Church of England Primary School was awarded an ‘outstanding’ grade following an inspection in June by the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education. The Rt Reverend Colin Fletcher, Bishop of Dorchester, presented teacher Kirsty Wakefield and headteacher Deborah Cole with an outstanding plaque at a special awards ceremony this week (11th July). The SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools) takes place every five years. Inspectors look at the following four areas: 1)How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners? 2)What is the impact of collective worship on the whole school community? 3)How effective is the religious education? 4)How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school? Mrs Cole said she was delighted that the school was awarded outstanding in each area. She added: ‘‘Thank you to every member of staff and all the governors for helping us achieve this grade. And a very special thank you to Kirsty Wakefield, our RE and Collective Worship Coordinator, who has worked tirelessly over the last two years to ensure our school is the very best it can be.’’ New classroom fundraising drive to be launched in September Lewknor Church of England Primary School will be launching a fundraising drive for a new classroom in September. The school has received planning permission to build at the back of the current school house. The school has four classes – reception, Infants, Lower Juniors and Upper Juniors – but only has three good size classrooms. Though there are only nine children in the current reception class, the children are being taught in two small rooms, which is far from ideal. The youngest children are supposed to be able to move around freely exploring different ‘stations’ within their classroom. This allows them to develop their independence, make choices and initiate play. Due to the cramped conditions in which the children currently work and learn, this aspect of the curriculum has serious limitations. However, we are still able to achieve excellent results because we offer high quality teaching (our staff are outstanding) and we make use of our outside space as well as the church. Our children are happy and enjoy learning. Our most recent pupil questionnaire shows that 96% of all children at Lewknor Primary say they enjoy school and have lots of fun while they are here. Oxfordshire County Council says Lewknor Primary has a capacity to take at least 15 children in the reception class. They say school has a total capacity of 90 children. Currently, we have 80 children at school but from September we will only have LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL STREET LEWKNOR OXFORDSHIRE OX49 75 as we are losing some children to the private sector HIGH and some families are relocati ng. 5TH The catchment area for our school is very smallHeadteacher: and so we rely heavily on children from out-of-catchment to keep our Mrs D Cole numbers up (and our budget healthy!). only children (38%) live in our catchment, which consists of Lewknor Telephone: 01844Currently 351542 E-mail: Website: village, Postcombe, Adwell and South Weston. The remaining 50 children come from out of catchment – Watlington, Chinnor, Kingston Blount, Sydenham, Tetsworth, Stokenchurch, Speen and Nettlebed. Our school would not be able to continue without these children. The future is uncertain for small, village schools. All schools are facing pressure on budgets and this is why it is so important that our numbers on roll at Lewknor Primary should be as close to 90 as possible. Lewknor Primary is an outstanding school. Our results in the past three years put us at the top of county and national league tables. It is essential that our small school remains in a strong position and a new classroom will improve our school environment greatly. It will make us more appealing to prospective parents, who want to find the very best school for their child or children. We know Lewknor Primary is a wonderful school, and it will be even better with a new classroom, but we need to get that message across to more people so that our school will continue long into the future.
LEWKNOR C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL HIGH STREET LEWKNOR OXON OX49 5TH Headteacher: Mrs D Cole Telephone: 01844 351542 E-mail: Website:
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
! Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
EXTRAORDINARY! Thats the only word I can think of right now to describe the fact that we have had yet another amazing year. You have baked, (for prizes), paintedofprops, sung, acted, hung vain we to marquees EXTRAORDINARY! Thats thebegged only word I can think right bbq’d, now to describe the on factinthat have had whilst battling high winds!!...and last but not least..conquered the 3 Peaks of the UK....All to ensure we can continue yet to another, You have baked, (for prizes), props, bbq’d, sung, acted, on in supportamazing our amazing and give the begged wonderful children thepainted resources and experiences they needhung to keep It is truly incredible andhigh the FoLS team and I last wanted giveleast..conquered a HUGE HUGE thank to everyone vaindeveloping. to marquees whilst battling winds!!...and buttonot theyou 3 Peaks of thefor the fantastic the last school year. Teachers,our children and parents have yetgive againthe shown what a brilliant school UK....All tosupport ensureduring we can continue to support amazing school, and wonderful children the family we have. Since September we have raised an incredible £14,863.75 for our school!!! This money will enable us to resources experiences they need to keep It isenriching truly incredible andforthe team continueand to provide much needed resources as welldeveloping. as educationally experiences theFoLS children. Weand haveI already purchased 15 new laptops, so the children can start the next academic year without any IT issues! wanted to give a HUGE HUGE thank you to everyone for the fantastic support during the last school During this school year,and in addition to have the laptops, we have donated to theschool school, which onlySince funded year. Teachers, children parents yet again shown what£5,700 a brilliant familyhas wenot have. the school project trips, online learning resources and the traditional Christmas panto, it has also enabled the school September we have raised an incredible £14,863.75 for our school!!! This money will enable us to to fund ICT kit, books, learning through play resources and new headphones. We will continue to work with Debbie continue provide much needed resources as wellsupport as educationally enriching experiences for the and theto teachers to identify areas where we can provide in the next academic year. We also continued to strengthen our support across the community with thecan Horticultural the Scarecrow children. We have already purchased 15 new laptops, so the children start theShow nextand academic year festival, which not only raised funds for FoLS but also St Margaret’s Church as well as Krakatoa pre-school. without any IT issues! Pulling together as a community really does make a difference and we have been very lucky to be supported by Jean Senior, Peter & June Waterson, the Lamb family, the Matthews family, Martyn Ottery and Rosemary Ashby.
During this school year, in addition to the laptops, we have donated £5,700 to the school, which has not This year has been so very successful because members of our school family have contributed in so many ways and onlyit funded the school project trips, online learning resources and the traditional Christmas panto, it has really has been immensely positive and inspiring. It is times like this when we remember what a very special school alsoLewknor enabledis,the ICT kit, books, learning through playsuch resources and new for headphones. withschool a warm to andfund supportive community, which in turn provides a strong foundation our children.We willWhilst continue to work withallDebbie andthat theeveryone teachersgives, to identify we have can provide in we truly appreciate of the help there areareas a few where people that gone littlesupport bit further us and it is onlyyear. right that we express our thanks again: The Ashby family for the invaluable & dependable support thefor next academic throughout the year, Mrs Wakefield for her wonderful support, as always in creating props, Ms Lawes for coaching and supporting the children with singing, and for helping to co-ordinate the fabulous concert in February, as well as being Weamazing also continued to strengthen our support across the community with the Horticultural Show and at our Fun day!!
theWe Scarecrow festival, which not Wanstall only raised funds for FoLSasbut also St Margarets Church as adventures well as also say a sad goodbye to Linda as a member of FoLS Katie leaves us this year to start new at Icknield. Linda has been a key member of Fols for many years and was Chair of FoLS before me. Without her Krakatoa pre-school. commitment FoLS wouldn’t exist today and she has been an amazing supporter of the school, along with her husband
Lee. together A huge thank from all of us! Pulling as you a community really does make a difference and we have been very lucky to be Easy Fundraising supported by Jean Senior, Peter & June Waterson, the Lamb family, the Matthews family, Martyn Ottery Please don’t forget that FOLS is registered with Easyfundraising: If you shop online then every time you buy something and Rosemary Ashby. you could be raising money for the school! You can even raise money when you book hotel rooms and flights - AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!!!!!
This year has been so very successful because members of our school family have contributed in so Please register to supporting us when you shop online many ways and it really has been immensely positive and inspiring. It is times like this when we remember what very we special school Lewknor is, with a warm and andifsupportive community, which in turn As aalways are keen to have input/ideas from everyone you want to join the team then please do letprovides us know. If you have ideas on how we canour support our wonderful school and would like to get involved then please speak to one such a strong foundation for children. of the FOLS team (you can identify us by checking out our photos on the playground notice board) or email Whilst we truly appreciate all of theTiggs helpatthat everyone gives, there are a few people that have gone little Without the support from you all we really couldn’t have achieved all that we have this year – so once again bit further for us and it is only right that we express our thanks again: The Ashby family for the invaluable THANK YOU!! & dependable support throughout the year, Mrs Wakefield for her wonderful support, as always in We wish you all a summer full of fun! creating props, Ms Lawes for coaching and supporting the children with singing, and for helping to coTiggs ordinate the fabulous concert in February, as well as being amazing at our Fun day!! Chair of FoLS
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
Summer 2017 ‘Drop In’ Classes Jubilee Hall, Lewknor Tuesdays 25th July, 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd August 7pm – 8.30pm £8 per session *Or £33 for all sessions*
A chance to start or continue your yoga practice during the summer break. The classes are suitable for all levels, incl. beginners.
For More Information Please Contact Vicki Austin on
01844 347162 or 07947 149675 Or visit her website for full details of all classes offered
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
Hello, my name is Pepper and I am looking for my new forever home. Let me tell you a little about myself; I’m a 15-year-old Domestic Short Hair from Lewknor re homing centre and I’m looking for my forever home. I am a sensitive girl but once I get to know you I really enjoy a fuss and love being stroked under my chin. I am quite a chatt y girl and like to meow at my human friends when they come to see me. I really enjoy the odd treat and my favourites are Dreamies, I think these are the best treat ever invented. I am quite an independent cat and would like to be the only pet in the household. If you think I’m the right companion for you, please fill in a Home Finder form. Thank you for considering me leWKNor blue Cross LONDON ROAD (A40), LEWKNOR, OX49 5RY 0300 777 1500
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
Books to borrow or buy through donation now available in St.Margaret’s. There is a good range of children’s and adult’s books, fiction and non-fiction. Please feel free to swap books, borrow or buy. Any proceeds will go directly to the upkeep of the church. Please pop in and take a look!
Lee Beckett
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
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THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
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If so, check if you’re eligible for a FREE boiler! The Oxfordshireshire Affordable Warmth Network is pleased to be accessing ECO grants in partnership with British Gas to offer free replacement boilers to homeowners and private renting tenants whose boilers are rated D or below and are in receipt of certain benefits. An easy way to check your eligibility and to discover how else we can assist you is via our freephone helpline:
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THE GRAPEVINE summer 2017
LEWKNOR PARISH DIARY july 2017 30th july family service 9.00am st. lawrence
august 2017 14th August parish council meeting 7.30pm jubilee hall 20th august holy communion 9.00am st. margaret’s
september 2017 3rd september holy communion 9.00am st. lawrence 10th september 10.30am st. margaret’s 11th september parish council meeting 7.30pm jubilee hall If you would like to include any events or meetings in the diary, please let the editor know via the grapevine email address:
FA B R I C F I E L D S h A n D m A D E C u RtA I n S, S o F t F u R n I S h I n g S & u p h o L S t E Ry 018 4 4 35 0 35 0
High Street Lewknor Oxfordshire OX49 5TN 01844 350 350 Tues-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm Sat 9.30am-1.30pm
PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE BY THE 28 JULY, 2017. After the meeting at Lewknor Village Hall where the Land Developments Company, Rainier, in conjunction with Savills, the Agents, presented their proposal for a housing development in Lewknor (see report from Lewknor Parish Council in this Grapevine) it was agreed that a questionnaire should be included in Grapevine to gauge the response of ALL RESIDENTS to the proposed development. There was also support for a group to be set up to start the process for developing a NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN which would allow residents an official say in future developments affecting Lewknor, Postcombe and South Weston and to provide constructive support to the planning department at South Oxfordshire District Council in responding to future proposed housing and other developments. NB. When completing the questionnaire, if adult members of a household have differing responses to the questions, please indicate in the boxes provided the number of individuals who have made a particular response to each question. A. Support for the development of up to 50 houses on land on Watlington Road, Lewknor I/we support I/we do not support I/we do not have a firm opinion COMMENTS.
B. Support for the setting up of a group to develop a NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN as described above I/we support I/we do not support I/we do not have a firm opinion COMMENTS.
It would be helpful if you would give the following information to enable any follow-up to be made, particularly in order to respond to any individual comments and/or questions.
NAME: ADDRESS: e-mail:
Please complete and return the questionnaire by the 28th July. It can be returned to Elan Preston-Whyte, at ‘Knysna’, in the close off Hill Road, Lewknor OX49 5TS. In Postcombe, return to Tanglewood, Lower Road in the Red Post Box in the carport. Alternatively, it can be emailed directly to The Grapevine at If you would like the questionnaire collected from your home, please contact Caroline on 01844 352720.