1 minute read
Ten important things I’ve learned because of this pandemic
1. I was already an expert on social distancing.
When I was dating in my 20s, most women I went out with practised “social distancing” on me after our first date! Usually it was hundreds of miles. So what’s the big deal with two metres?
2. Beer and liquor pick-up and delivery are now essential services.
Who knew?
3. Your pets hate you
You’re infringing on their daily scratching and butt-licking routines because of the quarantine. Suggest you “chew-proof” your furniture now.
4. I finished 6 books in 6 weeks
Just ran out of crayons though.
5. Wishes fulfilled
We said we wanted weekends to last forever. Happy now?
6. I feel sorry for burglars
Everyone’s at home these days. It’s not fair!
7. Sane politicians
Our federal, provincial and municipal politicians have shown unity, leadership, cooperation, common sense and above all, compassion.
8. Frontline healthcare heroes
I’m not an overly religious person, but I believe there’s a special place in Heaven for these brave, dedicated and unselfish souls.
9. Proud to be in this industry.
Our industry is stepping up big time by re-deploying resources to fight this pandemic. Not a week goes by that I don’t run news items on our website detailing these remarkable efforts.
10. Proud to be Canadian.
Most of us have shown patience and respect for each other by following the advice of our healthcare professionals on a daily basis. There’s no outrage claiming that our rights have been violated, and no compulsive lying by our lawmakers to make them look good.
Finally, I believe we’ll all come out of this stronger and make renewed efforts to care more about each other. If we learn just one lesson from this seemingly endless scourge, it’s that our creator gave us the greatest gift we can possibly imagine – each other! If we don’t learn from that, then we are indeed a pathetic species. Moving forward, perhaps everyone should remember the 1961 hit song by Ral Donner. It was titled: You Don't Know What You've Got Until You Lose It.
Until next time, always remember that we’re here to help.
Tony Curcio Editor, Graphic Arts Magazine tony@graphicartsmag.com