Updated: 27.06.12
4seven Guidelines
Identity Logo
This is the 4seven logo.
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Identity Logos
The standard colour of the seven is 7turquoise, see page 10 for colour values . In some cases a mono version with a 4 light grey or white seven can be used.
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Identity Isolation area
The 4seven identity should always be surrounded by a minimum area of space. The area of isolation ensures that headlines, text or other visual elements do not encroach on the logo.
The area is defined by using one cell of the logo which is referred to as x. A margin of clear space equivalent to ‘x’ is drawn around the logo to create the invisible boundary of the area of isolation. This area of separation is a minimum and should be increased wherever possible.
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Identity Scale and proportion
There are no predetermined sizes for the 4seven logo. Scale and proportion should be determined by the available space, aesthetics, function and visibility. There is no preset maximum size for the 4seven logo. In print the minimum size is 6mm.
For digital uses the minimum size for the standard logo is 25 pixels. 25 pixels is the smallest size apart from when using an ICO. There is a specific file for ICO’s which is a 16px tall file.. 6mm
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Identity Logo usage
The logotype should never be manipulated, stretched, distorted or cropped.
The relationship between the four and the seven should never be changed.
The logo should never be placed on a unspecified brand colour. See page x for colour settings.
Take care when placing the logo over an image. It should never obscure the focus of the picture/footage.
Logo colour
Visual effects
The logo brand colours should not be switched in their position. The supplied logos should be used at all times.
The logo should never be have drop shadows or other graphic effects added.
The logo should not be altered in any way.
When using the 4seven logo the following rules should be adhered to at all times.
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Identity Colour
Brand colours The 4seven brand has four master colours which are used for branding and backgrounds. It also has three secondary colours which are used for typography and supporting graphics. Tints of these colours can be used where required. See on screen guidelines for further colour usage.
White 255/255/255 0/0/0/0 White
4 dark grey 68/60/58 63/63/63/50 PMS 411
4 light grey 128/122/120 51/46/46/10 PMS 409
Secondary colours
1 teal 157/218/211 37/0/20/0 PMS 325
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2 teal 66/148/155 74/26/37/2 PMS 7474
3 teal 105/155/155 62/26/38/1 PMS 7475
7 turquoise 99/204/191 56/0/32/0 PMS 3262
Identity Typeface
The three typeface weights The 4seven identity uses a bespoke cut of the Channel4 typeface called 4seven which comes in three weights. On screen graphics should always be set in 4seven Headline. 4seven is supplied in the Open Type format and is supported by PC and Mac. You should always use this version.
4seven Headline abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzß朕ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZÆŒ&0123456789*#@+<=>’”÷±%‰⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚„!?¿¡(/) [\]{|}®©TMÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñøóòô öõ úùûüÿ†‡§ao¬•¶ı°`~^ˆ???? •-–—_ 4seven Menu abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzß朕ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZÆŒ&0123456789*#@+<=>’”÷±%‰⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚„!?¿¡(/) [\]{|}®©TMÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõ úùûüÿ†‡§ao¬•¶ı°`~^ˆ???? •-–—_ 4seven Text abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzß朕ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZÆŒ&0123456789*#@+<=>’”÷±%‰⁄?£$€ƒ¥¢,.:;...“”‘’«»‹›·‚„!?¿¡(/)[\] {|}®©TMÄÅÂÁÃÀÇÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌÑØÓÔÒÖÕÜÚÛÙŸáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñøóòôöõ úùûüÿ†‡§ao¬•¶ı°`~^ˆ???? •-–—_
v. 1.0
Identity Typography
Typographic design should be applied using the following parameters: Weight 4seven communications use both Text and Menu weights of the 4seven typeface. Text should be used for all body copy and Menu where appropriate for titling and other uses. Style Manipulating the typeface is prohibited. Stretching, condensing, outlining and drop shadow must never be used. Spacing Type should be set at the default values for the 4seven typefaces. In some circumstances it may be necessary to adjust the spacing between individual characters manually. Sizing The smallest size permitted is five point. This should only be for certain print uses such as credits. There is no upper size limit.
Alignment 4seven fonts should be generally ranged left in all uses. Leading The leading on 4seven headline should be x1.1 or x1.2 depending on the type size. So 10pt type has a leading value of 11pt or 12pt. See page 17&18 for further on screen details. 4seven Menu and 4seven Text should have a leading value of x1.2. So 10pt type would be set on 12pt. Off screen leading up to 21pt should be set at x1.2. Above 21pt leading can be adjusted manually. The ascenders and descenders in the typeface should never touch. Colour Type can be set in any colour from the 4seven colour palette.
v. 1.0
Channel4 Š2012
Designâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; manvsmachine.co.uk