David Gaskell Theory to Practice Concept Boards
Concept Design a publication that represents techniques which have been used to advertise cigarettes. The slip-case will be in the format of a packet of cigarettes. The publication will be very small, at 55mm x 55mm. The essay was only 3000 words so using a larger format would be pointless.
A survey I authored and released in to the college network. It turns out that 87% of people who answered the survey are liars. 17% of respondants said they would happily smoke if it made them scientically more attractive to the opposite sex. Terrible liars be the other 87%.
Logical next step was to look at the legislative restrictions on cigarette packaging. The percentage of the packaging that is given to show health warnings. Which is 40% in the UK is the most important design affecting law I learnt about through the research.
Evidence to show 40% of this packaging being given to health warnings. Type is shown on the front of the packaging. An image is used on the back of the packaging. Since health warnings have been introduced to cigarette packaging the number of smokers in the UK has risen. This is obviously because the population has risen, however, it does make for a good Daily Mail headline.
It wasn’t always this way, as this cigarette packaging from the past shows. In many ways the warning signs have improved the cigarette packaging design.
David Gaskell Theory to Practice Concept Boards
Research Research varied from a personal questionaire, to current and past cigarette branding to minor league baseball team visual identities.
This is a minor league baseball team logo. I found all the tobacco company logos really dull. Wanting the cigarette company identities I design to be youthful and dynamic I steered clear of current tobacco branding standards.
Death Cigarettes. A mock brand of cigarettes that came around in the mid-90s. I am not doing entirely the same thing with my packaging. Which will contain a mini publication rather than actual cigarettes.
Coffin cigarettes. Inventive packaging for cigarettes. The packaging doesn’t work, as cigarettes don’t die. They are in fact inanimate objects that have no soul or heart beat. In summary, the packaging looks pretty on a surface level, but the concept of dying cigarettes completely shafts itself.
Cigarettes Shirnk Dicks. Please rotate page 90º clockwise. Thank you. Since you have made that strenuous effort for me I will give you a little information into this poster. It was designed by David Carson and fly posted around New York in the mid 1990’s. The poster has an intentionally authoritive look, using a serif typeface and such.
David Gaskell Theory to Practice Concept Boards
Research Continued Research varied from a personal questionaire, to current and past cigarette branding to minor league baseball team visual identities.
Logo (current development). For development work point your faces and eyes towards my design context blog. Label ‘501 Theory to Practice’ and savour. This is the current point of development I am at with the logo image. I am including the cocks head rather than an image of a full cock due to size restrictions on cigarette packaging. I will progress with the logo for ‘Stiff Ricks’, the name is more fitting for the old Freudian Slip. Pantone 123 C.
Header Ipsunt lam nobis sinus id ut in pro eariatum as moluptas aut arum amus nulparum quae si tempos et maximin velluptae sitaepe rferro blandig entiis num si dolenduntur sus eossectur sunti cus earunt. Luptatum il is repudi ut eatis arum, occaborion placid maio. Nemped quatibusapis aut ulpa consequam commolest, volorerio voles dolore voloribus, odit pa sum que pelecatis acia dicil enda aut volorrum quae sit aut aut quat volupta tatiis accus etur suntum ut as quiamus.
Format, Grid & Typography Images are shown at 75% scale. Full scale format is 80mm by 55mm. Type size and weight will be as follows; Header - Bold. 9 point / 13 point Body - Regular. 6 point / 9 point Quotes - Italic. 6 point / 13 point The publication will have a one-column grid. The majority of the publication will be type, with one of two images in the centre pages. This makes a multiple column grid a redundant.
Cigarette Packaging. Initial digital mock-ups of the cigarette slip-case. I am keeping the packaging design very simple. As with most cigarette packaging I have seen through my research.
David Gaskell Theory to Practice Concept Boards
Design Development Developing the identity for the slip case. Name, logo and packaging mock-ups.