Brief 2

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02 Brief Title

The Brief



George Carlin

Packaging design for George Carlin’s HBO Specials and audio book.

When starting the project I knew I had to think of the routines as a series, rather than individual shows. I started the design process from the inside out, by first considering how I could link each routine through colour, image and typography. I didn’t want the designs to be too serious, or focus on Carlin’s political and religious views.


To make the designs more less serious I used a bold colour palette, which reference Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe screen prints. A custom typeface was used which creates a subtle link between the packaging and Carlin’s birthplace of New York. With the majority of Carlin’s existing catalogue having an image of his face on them I felt this is an element which needed to be kept, but adapted to work as a series of cover designs. The metal outer-case is used to make the produce stand-out amongst the plastic and paper-based packaging that will surround it in it’s retail environment.

Do I think the brief is successful? Yes and no, the visual style works. I am happy with this as I challenged myself to work in a different way to how I normally work. This gave me confidence early in the year, and skills that I have ready to apply to other briefs in the future. I overcame a lot of challenges in completing this brief, and am happy that I maintained high standards in the brief and didn’t cut corners, even when the brief was taking longer than expected. I developed my handrendering skills, which is something I think is important, I have seen the positive affects of working hard on developing my drawing ability. The way I use colour took a leap forward during this brief, in the past I have been a bit conscious when using colour, sticking to monochrome in most cases. Wanting to move on from that fear I used this brief as a baptism of fire, by not allowing myself to use black (apart from the case) I forced myself to leave my comfort zone and can see the benefits of that action.

Brief Type Self-initiated

Collaborators N/A

George Carlin is an American Comedian who passed away in June 2008. He had a loyal following due to his honest commentary on life, politics and religion. With Carlin’s loyal following I felt there would be a receptive audience for a box set of his work. Over a 31 year period Carlin performed 13 HBO Specials and wrote 1 best selling book.

A big positive from the brief is the way I was able to decide what information needed to be included in the packaging. Respecting the audiences knowledge of Carlin (the product is aimed at Carlin’s existing fans) and realising that the audience is responsible for at least 50% of decisions made. I am really happy with how the brief developed, the range of processes I used and the skills I have improved on throughout.

Considerations With all of Carlin’s material available free of charge on the internet the packaging had to offer something more. The packaging had to be desirable and visually represent George Carlin’s comedy in a way it hasn’t been before. The materials used have to stand-out when on retile shelves whilst not taking up too much space. The retail cost must be considered, limited edition packaging can request higher prices that standard packaging, but I wanted the box set to cost around £50, less than television box sets.

David M Gaskell


Brief 2



David M Gaskell

What I did

Why I did it

How the research informed me

The main focus of my research was watching George Carlin routines, and reading about the beliefs he had, and attempting to contextualise his routines. The other side of research was focussed on packaging design. I researched previous examples of Carlin’s packaging, and ways people have been turned into iconic images through artwork.

To design packaging for George Carlin it is imperative I know the routines inside out, this gave me a thorough understanding of what his audience likes and gave me a clear direction to take the brief, and the tone of voice it has. Contextualising the routines gave me more material to use in developing designs for the packaging.

Understanding and contextualising each of Carlin’s routines has been the driving force behind all the design decisions made in this brief. In doing this the manner in which the designs should appear become obvious when you consider the honest and logical thinking Carlin used to voice his opinion about the evils in the world.

The research I made into packaging design helped me become aware of the hundreds of variations, and endless possibilities there are when designing limited edition packaging.

I found Carlin’s face appeared on most of his releases in the past, this is an important which will be retained on my packaging designs.


Brief 2






A custom typeface was created for the packaging. I developed three weights before deciding the mid-weight was most appropriate.

An illustration of George Carlin’s face is used as a central element in the design. This is because Carlin’s face appears frequently in all his past album releases, an important element which must be continued through the special edition packaging.

The colours are influenced by Andy Warhol’s Monroe screen prints and aim to link Carlin to her icon status. I selected these colours as they are bold, like Carlin’s performance style.

Hand-rendered typography is used in the inner booklets to represent lines from each routine, this offers something that cannot be found in other George Carlin packaging.

David M Gaskell


Brief 2



David M Gaskell

Typographic spreads

DVD titles

Outer Case

The inner booklets offered an opportunity to experiment with typography and create typographic tributes to a line from each of Carlin’s pieces of work. Each design was first drawn by hand, then scanned in and vectorised true to the initial iillustration.

Through extreme research I realised that no George Carlin DVD’s have any ‘extras’ on them. This allowed the titles to be very simple, acting as a barrier between the mundanity of everyday life (including assessing design boards) and the world of goodness that sits within each show.

It was a tricky task producing the outer case, several variations fo both typographic design and packaging format were experimented with before reaching the final solution.


Brief 2

The proposal is made using lightweight MDF spray painted black. The model that goes into commercial production will be made using black metal. Giving the packaging a weighty feel to symbolise the often serious and taboo subjects raised in Carlin’s routines.



David M Gaskell

What does the design say

Who does it say it to

Why it works

It shows Carlin in a way he hasn’t been before, as a social icon, whilst at the same time not taking itself too seriously. The design works as a series, an actual boxset rather than a collection of individual routines. The typographic spreads offer something unique to previous George Carlin realeases, with the mosiac front covers being a lovely touch that will drive the customers crazy with desire.

People with an existing appreciation of George Carlin. The work is a collectable, only a limited quantity will be produced as to ensure Carlin’s biggest fans will be the lucky few to own the packaging.

With Carlin’s material available free of charge online something special is needed to tempt people to spend their hard earned money of luxuries such as a comedy box set. What is needed is something extraordinary, and in all seriousness I believe I have been able to produce this.


Brief 2


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