Collide Brief Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
‘‘Mystery creates wonder and wonder the basis of man’s desire to understand’’ by Neil Armstrong 1930-2012
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
Collide Project Collide is about visual storytelling of the world and the people living within. The key ideas explored will beregarding small and big achivements bringinghappiness and positive emotions which drives the world forward. In addition a broad overview of The Twenty First Century the Digital Age will be shown however the main key aspect lies within the Future self.
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The State of Happiness Happiness is an emotion state produced by a set of positive emotions either being golas or dreams. Every living person on the planet have desires and seek to fufil dreams, whishes. The main aim of the Twenty First Century is to give opportunity for as many people as possible to fufil their dreams. For every person the reason of provoking the emotional state is of self-discovery. Here are some examples.
After brainstorming and researching Happiness can be brought by enrolling activties such as sport, traveling, jogging, visiting concerts, dancing, eating out with friends however the main key aspects of happiness is having people close to you, friends, family lovers. In addition many people seek leaving some form of legacy behind them in the form of personal achievments though they can varry.
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Interesting Facts! In the article ‘‘Positive affect and biological function in everyday life’’state happiness increases blood pressure in a healthy manner
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Interesting Facts!
According to an experiment mentioned within an article’’Emotional style and susceptibility to the common cold’’ the more happier the person is the chances of combating illness gradually increases
A much earlier experiment found that immune system activity in the same individual goes up and down depending on their happiness. For two months, 30 male dental students took pills containing a harmless blood
protein from rabbits, which causes an immune response in humans. They also rated whether they had experienced various positive moods that day.
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Emotions provoking Happiness Judging from privious sources of research they state happiness increases health, reduces stress and improves the immunne system. They all share the same message, being positive in everything one does increases effectivity and releases stress, negative feelings.
Every human is an open book an untold story awaiting to be acknowledged by the majoriy. Nowadays storytelling has increased sales in brands due to their message which catches the eye.
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Story Telling : Commercial Adds Storytelling is one of the prime approaches when targeting a specific audience. It is known that the designs which incorporate visual stories are most sucessfull and more appealing towards the audience
The usage of storytelling within commercial adds can produce emotions which respond with the watchers. Design by it’self is no design. The trends set to our current age is about meaningfull design. In this video of the Cadilac the female is entirely impressed by the new model of the car.
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
The Happy Show One of the most interesting projects made by Stephen Seigmaister is about the level of happiness and ways of increasing, documenting what people preceive as happiness.
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
The Digital Age The twenty First Centuary known as the Digital age is the most developed ages in which technology bloom every day increasing the life rating of the popultion and simplying life. A huge number of appliances are being discovered daily with the main purpose of aiding people.
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
Vintage: The Modern Computer The first ever modern comptuer which was invented by y J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. This ancient machine set the modern understndings of Computers, devices which perform multiple tasking. Until 1946 computers were devices which could count basic numbers. Since then a huge development of the undustry began.
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
Microsoft Windows Since the 1985s Microsofts first release of Windows the trend for modern computerisation has been set. A computer capable of uptaking numerous tasks, such as calculations, information storage , acess to the internet and more functions which tend to help people’s lives.
Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world’s personal computer market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
The Internet of Things The Internet of Things is a connection between devices, servers, telephones, gadgetry, communication which is one of the prime symbols of modern culture. The Trends are to simplify and help life either by finding jobs, calling, chatting friends, the internet has become
number one priority for all the modern wold. A life without connection is a life outside the modern world
The global trend of increasing devices having a connection with the internet has been set. It is mentioned that in the near future more and more devices will be linked with the internet
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
Social Media Social Media begain with widespread with the foundation of Facebook. The basic concept of Social media is to keep people together. To create socai groups, communities where people can talk, meet, laugh do activties such as online gaming and all sorts of other activties.
Facebook statistics that in the United States 67% of Internet users are on Facebook. In the United Kingdom, that number is a staggering 82%. Facebook has also become the most popular social media
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
Traveling Air traveling was firstly invested somwhere near the First World War. It’s inital idea was to reach the enemy quicker and deal high amounts of damage, however since the 1980’s the industry of civil flights have increased substantioally giving the ability to
people traveling all around the world, seeing new places and preceiving new goals. In addition plane flights have increased globalism and world movement. The European Union has made traveling a lot easier and cheaper
2.0 Research: The Digital Age
Info-graphics Social Media begain with widespread with the foundation of Facebook. The basic concept of Social media is to keep people together. To create socai groups, communities where people can talk, meet, laugh do activties such as online gaming and all sorts of other activties.
Facebook statistics that in the United States 67% of Internet users are on Facebook. In the United Kingdom, that number is a staggering 82%. Facebook has also become the most popular social media
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
My Idea My idea is to create a small booklet about various cultural traditional dishes, recording of happiness levels and small facts to add with the info-grphics work. Why ? The answer is simple. The Collide brief is about happiness, the modern world and technology. My design would proceed all of them combined together. Food is one of the things that can bring happiness
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
United Kingdom United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
Germany United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
Poland United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
Itally United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
France United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
Univeristy of Hudderfield Nikolay Mihaylov
Bulgaria United Kingdom is one of the richest Coutries in Europe. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Happiness: Interesting Facts: Colours
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