New visual language

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NVL New Visual Language Issue 1 April/May 2015

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An Exploration of Modernism and Postmodernism and generating a new level of visual language

NVL New Visual Language Issue 1 April/May 2015

Content Page .................................



03 About me 05 Visual Research

09 City in Flux

07 Visual Research

13 Typography

11 Earth Artefact



15 City in Flux

03 Main Concept

17 City in Flux

03 My mission

19 City In Flux

03 Typography

About me

I’m a first year student studying Graphic Design at University of Huddersfield

My agenda is to create a new level of visual language concentrated towards the perservation of nature

Modernism After world war 1 companies begain to flourish as markets opened all over the world selling all kinds of food for everyday needs.Graphic design started developing ver gradually as advertising companies

bagan staging on the world. The term modernism described the upcomming of new trends and advertising techniques such as books,posters etc after the early twenties. Consumerism,facism

began to appear as everyday new products ventured the market with labels indicating new appeared companies and the products it sells.


Postmodernism During the late-20th century Postmodernism movment was a decendat from modernism.The movement was usually accociated with deconstructivism and post-structuralism due to it’s innovation in both art and architecture. ostmodernist ideas in philosophy and the analysis of culture and society expanded the importance of critical theory and has

been the point of departure for works of literature, architecture, and design, as well as being visible in marketing business and the interpretation of history, law and culture, starting in the late 20th century

City in Flux

As nearly two hundred years of technology development humanity has left the eco system of our

planet highly destabilised as species become instinct aswell as pollution in the water runs high graphic

designers tend to find a way of growing an awareness regarding pollution as I have made quite alot of research

regarding the crisis I have made several pieces of work which is a inspiration regarding nature.

Think Green logo was created firstly on Illustrator and later cut on a piece of wood in advancing to the next

stage of light projection. The main purpose of the logo is to represent my project as it bares a unique

and simple symbol of a tree making it recongnisable and proffessional

The seccond piece of my work is an inspiration from a documentary movie I watched about buring

natural food in order to produce energy that woud power up an entire settlements or even cities in the

future. As an example there has been an actual factory that uses nuts to produce electricity.

My project is also a symbol of purity and change.

The lightbulb concept is really basic and simple as it tends to represent the mixture of power as if it’s used

properly could reduce pollution as factories and rivers pollute the nature as they emit carbon dioxide

and water factories could even change the flow of a river or stream.

The Fish Forest was made about the pollution of nature aswell however it’s concept is different from

the rest as it represents all the animals living in the polluted waters as their numbers decrease rapidly

because of enourmous quantities of fishing , oil spills and pollution

Although my typography is really basic and simple as source of inspiration was Bauhaus like the building

itself due to the fact that I wanted to create my typography in the style of modernism and

postmodernism . One of the things I enjoyed most was learning how to create the shapes as it was hard for me to

do so however with the help I received the project was almost completed

Earth artefact My entire project was aimed at somthing I have never done before as for example human emotions. I watched several films and I carefully observed the way the main characters are acting for instance Interstellar which made a tremedeous brakethrough. I was about how the human mind works and why do people sacrifice one another and what is keeping

their will strong to even last for so long only to protect the ones they care about. I decided to create an infographic regarding the idea of human emotion and how does it reflect upon us. I used the human eye in my project due to the fact that from what I know the eyes are the mirror of the soul and that would cope perfectly with my idea which is presented


NVL New Visual Language Issue 1 April/May 2015

New Visual language consists of all of my work since I started university. In this magazine I have presented my City In Flux brief, Earth Artefact, Typography.Although the topic are various there is one topic on which I have centred my work and that is of nature.

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