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Nikolay Mihaylov

Think Green

Enviromental friendly design Catalogue University of Huddersfield

G r a p h i c D e s i g n Fo u n d a t i o n S t u d i o P r a c t i c e

Think Green is a book dedicated on preserving the enviroment. In this book you will find light projections which I used to show global problems about pollution. My main goal is to grown an awareness about pollution, global warming and enviromental damage.

from Nikolay Mihaylov

Contents Reverse Graffiti

Enviromental friendly design


Nikolay Mihaylov 03

Introduction 07 About Me 08 Campaign 10 My Mission

Development 13 Description 27 Reverse Graffiti 16 Project Development

Gallery 19 Light Projection 21

Refining the process





Hello dear reader I’m writing you because I wish to encourage you to think before you consume, to think before causing enviromental damage.We all know that it is impossible to stop

pollution,however think ing about it will result in reducing and even stopping pollution


About Me

Nikolay Mihaylov 07

My name is Nikolay Aleksandrov Mihaylov and I live and study GraphicDesign at the University of Huddersfield. In this book you will see my design which is about global problems specifically pollution.

Firstly before you beign I wish you all a warm welcome and may this book grant you an glimpse about thinking how to preserve mother nature


Why Reverse Graffiti ? I choose to use this style in order to emphasise about the global problems such as water pollution, pollution and global warming. In this book you will find 6 vector objects done with the enviromental friendly graffiti.

Who is it for ? Nowadays pollution has become a enourmous issue and in order to safeguard our beloved nature more and more people must be aware about global warming so this book is made for all the people in general.



My Mission ‘‘ Preserving wildlife and nature must become our top priority if humas is to survive in the following decade ‘‘

The Problem Global warming and pollution has become one of the buggest problems in our decade and designers ,scientiests and big companies are trying to find a way of reducing toxic waste and encourgae people to decrease pollution.

My Idea This book is all about awareness and global pollution and make people think about our planet and the eco-system


Project Development

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Project Description 13

Research After nearly two hundred years of technology development decrease humanity has been exploiting the enviroment as never before. Nowadays human technology has caused enviromental damage

The Problem Global warming and pollution has become one of the buggest problems in our decade and designers ,scientiests and big companies are trying to find a way of reducing toxic waste and encourgae people

to decrease pollution.

My Idea This book is all about awareness and global pollution and make people think about our planet and the eco-system. You shall see all of my project which I have made with the sole purpose of growing awareness about pollution



Project Description

Think Green Logo Ihe logo is clear, simple and effective.It gets the message clear I did alot of development and research regarding stencil design and after great period of time I created the logo which states my inital idea of growing awareness about pollution and global warming.

The logo itself is remarkable in it’s own manner due to the fact that it gets the message through and it is distinctive due to it’s communication.



Project Description

Light Bulb ‘‘Save energy ! Save the planet ‘‘ My seccond project development.It’s main idea is to emphasise about how people use careless the electricity and energy withought thinking about the concequences. My seccond project development.It’s main idea is to emphasise about how people use carelessly the electricity and

energy withought thinking about the concequences. Even though there is a global day withought electucity it’s still not enough effort to maintain and to decrease pollution. This seccond project done is to show the problem and encourage people



Project Description

Light Bulb

‘‘Save energy ! Save the planet !‘‘ My seccond project development.It’s main idea is to emphasise about how people use careless the electricity and energy withought thinking about the concequences. Even though there is a global day withought electucity it’s still not enough effort to maintain and to decrease pollution.

This seccond project done is to show the problem and encourage people to read about global pollution and think of ways of decreasing pollution



Project Description

Factory ‘‘Some ideas are considered controversial looking at this piece of art this is one of em’’

My fourth project development. From the start of the Industrial revolution humanity has been using factories for produceing immense energy and etectricity to power up the world,however nowadays our planet has become so polluted from all of the steam produced by the factories that

the entire planet is suffering from air pollution and global warming. My idea I want to inspire producers in finding a way of a more

less polluted factory of producing energy for our beloved race.


Project Description

Fish Forest

‘‘Some ideas are considered controversial looking at this piece of art this is one of em’’

My fifth project development. Since the start of the industrial revolution the sities were developed with sewers which started polluting rivers , the sea and the oceans. In addition fishing and petrol disasters cause a signifficant decrease in poppulation.

My idea I made a fish with a forest inside to indicate that the forest and fish if they are destroyed the eco-system will take severe damage.



Project Description

Shark Forest

‘‘Some ideas are considered controversial looking at this piece of art this is one of em’’

My sixth project development. Since the start of the industrial revolution the sities were developed with sewers which started polluting rivers , the sea and the oceans. In addition fishing and petrol

disasters cause a signifficant decrease in poppulation. My idea I made a shark with a forest inside to indicate that the forest and fish if they are destroyed the eco-system will take severe damage.



Light Projection

Projecting Light 31

Why Light ? After obtaining my projects from the laser cutter firstly I decided to project light from the wood and see how it would react

Advertising It could become a very simple and effective way of advertising if the energy consumption is brought to a minimal.

Book The enitre project could be made both as a practical and digital book which you can see.


Projecting Light

Think Green 33

I projected light from the wood carved symbols and this is the outcome of the project

Although I used a device which consumes alot of electricity I am still finding a way of decreasing electiricity consumption .

Light Bulb

This is my seccond carved project from

which I emited light. The idea is to emphasise

about saving electricity in order to reduce pollution in order to save the planet


Projecting Light

Factory 35

A really simple idea which was inspired from factories. I wanted to create a factory which instead of polluting the enviroment the new

factories should produce energy which are enviromental friendly

Light Bulb

I projected light from the wood carved Although I used a device which consumes symbols and this is the outcome of the alot of electricity I am still finding a way of project decreasing electiricity consumption .


Projecting Light

Fish Forest 37

I projected light from the wood carved symbols and this is the outcome of the project

Although I used a device which consumes alot of electricity I am still finding a way of decreasing electiricity consumption .

Shark Forest

I projected light from the wood carved symbols and this is the outcome of the project

Although I used a device which consumes alot of electricity I am still finding a way of decreasing electiricity consumption .


ENVIROMENTAL FRIENDLY DESIGN CATALOG 2014 /December First issue Thank you for you time reviewing my newest book which was made for you to enjoy. My sole purpose is to grow an awareness about pollution and inspire people finding more information about the problem and become aware aboout the destruction we humans cause to our beloved planet


Nikolay Mihaylov

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