Troop Cookie Manager Manual

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Girl Scouts of Utah

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual 1 Cookie Program 2013-2014


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

Contents 4


4 4 6 7

Who’s Who How to Contact Us What’s New Important Cookie Dates


Cookie Program Information

8 8 9 9

Girl Scout Cookie Program Benefits of the Cookie Program Helping Girls Reach Their Financial Goals Cookie Related Badges and Leaves

10 10 10 10 10 11

General Information 5 Steps of Selling Cookies Who is Eligible to Sell Cookies Where and How We Can Sell Rewards that Inspire Success Advertising the Cookie Sale


Methods of Selling Girl Scout Cookies Using Online Resources to Market Cookies Daisies: Stay Especially Safe! Contacting Prospects Electronically Using Social Media Exploitation Endorsement

12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15

Safety Comes First in Girl Scouting Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints Booth Sale Requirements Money Management

16 16 17

Facts about Cookies Cookie Information and Varieties Cookies by the Carload

18 Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) Responsibilities

22 22 23 23

TCM TCM Checklist TCM Agreement Training Girls and Parents/Guardians about Selling Cookies Girl & Troop Cookie Orders Troop Cookie Pick-Up and Distribution Girl Distribution Make a Delivery Reminder

24 24 24 24

Money Matters Receipts Payments Council Collection Procedures

25 25 25 25 25

Banking Procedures Girl Payment Guidelines Deposit Guidelines Troop Proceeds Tips

26 26 26 28 28 29 29 30 31

Cookie Booth Procedures Ordering Cookies for Booth Sales Obtaining and Reserving Booth Locations Corporate Donations Preparing the Girls Tagalongs Booth Tips and Suggestions Cookie Booth Rules & Safety Guidelines Cookie Booth Checklist


Distribution of Rewards


Damaged Cookie Procedures

33 33

samples Money and/or Cookie Receipt

18 18 19 20


Introduction Who’s Who Troop Cookie Managers, if you have a question about any aspect of the Cookie Program once you’ve been trained, first ask your Community Cookie Program Representative (CCPR). Remember that most of our volunteers hold fulltime jobs outside the home, so it might take 24-48 hours before you receive a response. Please be patient. If you need further information, however, please refer to the list below and contact the person handling the area of your question. Staff members are available weekdays (8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.) to answer your questions. How to Contact Us Girl Scouts of Utah Council Resource Center (CRC) 445 E 4500 South, Suite 125 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 801-265-8472 or 800-678-7809 After Hours Emergencies* ONLY: 801-483-3413 *An emergency is defined as an incident that involves a fatality, a near-fatality, potential media attention, an incident that results in a 911 call, and/or an injury that results in immediate medical attention. Cookie Department Web-based Date Entry, Delivery Stations, & General Questions Suzanne Parker Cookie Program Manager 801-716-5125 W 801-891-8395 C


Finance Department Banking, Finance & Outstanding Debt Alex Eaton Chief Finance Officer 801-716-5744 W 801-656-9932 C

Web-based Date Entry, Cookie Booths, Deposit Slips, & General Questions Gloria Pell Bircher 801-716-5134 W 801-656-9931 C

Communications Department Media Contact Angie Hyde Director of Marketing & Communications 801-716-5137 W 801-712-3966 C

Program Department Juliettes Mindy Harmon Juliette Program Coordinator 801-891-8379 C

Membership Department Personify (Membership) Robyn Masters CES Specialist 801-716-5152 W

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

Volunteer Services Coordinators Introduction



















Lynda Larsen (solid yellow & yellow stripes) Vounteer Services Coordinator Office 801-716-5128 Cell 801-891-8377


Marelene Stansfield (solid blue & blue stripes) Vounteer Services Coordinator Office 801-716-5111 Cell 801-656-9950

Leli Fotu (solid green) Vounteer Services Coordinator Office 801-716-5116 Cell 801-471-8892

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


What’s New


• 2014 Program Theme: “What Can A Girl Do? A World of Good! I’ll Show You HOW (Her Own Way)” • Cookie Mascot: Luna, the Arctic Fox • Financial Literacy: Financial Literacy is a key component of the Cookie Program. To help promote Financial Literacy, the 2014 Cookie Rally packets will contain financial literacy activities. • National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend – February 7 & 8: This special weekend is a great opportunity for Girl Scouts and Girl Scout supporters to share with the community the importance of the Cookie Program and what it does for the girls and their communities. On February 7, Girl Scouts of Utah will celebrate and promote the 5 skills that girls learn while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. • Extended “Girl Order-Taking” Time by ONE WEEK: To support the National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, Girl Scouts of Utah has extended the girl order-taking time by one week – January 18 – February 9. • N ew Cookie Case Redesign: Little Brownie Bakers is introducing a new cookie case design. Girl Scouts use their resources wisely. Therefore, the new cookie cases will be become available as existing case inventory is exhausted. •G irl Scouts of Utah’s new method for submitting forms is online only. •G irl Scouts of Utah has a new online Booth Reservation program. The new program has enhanced features to help the public locate cookie booths. •G SUSA has established a partnership with Wal-Mart Corporation regarding cookie booths. Wal-Mart Corporation is requiring council offices to contact Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club locations directly to obtain permission to hold cookie booths at their stores. (Troops are not to contact Wal-Mart or Sam’s directly.) Available stores/shifts will be listed on GSU’s online Booth Reservation program for troops to reserve.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

Important Cookie Dates

Dec 20 Deadline to contact Juliette Program Coordinator if participating in the program Jan 10 Deadline for troops to sign up for Cookie Compass Program (optional) Jan 10 Deadline to order check endorsement stamps (optional) Jan 13-17

Cookie Rallies Parent/Girl Training Verify troop rosters

Jan 18-Feb 9

Girl order-taking

Jan 20-Feb 7 Cookie Compass active Jan 27 Web-based Booth Reservations begin at 8:00 A.M.


Dec 16 Adult/Troop registration deadline (one of the requirements for troop awards)

Mar 21 50% of cookie money due to council is deposited into GSU’s cookie account (one of the requirements for troop awards) Mar 31 Girls’ money due to TCM Apr 1 All cookie money due GSU is deposited into GSU’s cookie account Apr 2 Troop Awards submitted online (if applicable) Troops submit Troop Finance Envelopes to CCPR Apr 15 Deadline to complete Cookie Manager Survey (link provided on GSU’s website) May 1 Activity Credits mailed directly to girls May 16

Cookie Celebration registration closes


Cookie Celebration (TBA)

Feb 3 Additional web-based Booth Reservations available Feb 7 National Girl Scout Cookie Day Feb 10 Opt Out Program form due to GSU (if applicable) Girl Orders due to TCM Feb 10-12 Girls’ orders placed in GSU’s web-based cookie program Mar 1- 8

Community deliveries

Mar 1-14 Girl delivery begins (as soon as cookies received) Mar 14-30 Cookie Booths Don’t forget to add your troop’s booth dates to your calendar!

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



CookiE program Information Girl Scout Cookie Program What Can a Girl Do? With Girl Scout Cookies she can create a world of good! The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and generates immeasurable benefits for girls and our community. All cookie proceeds stay in Utah. Girls set cookie goals to support their chosen activities for the year, to fund community service and leadership projects, to attend summer camp and to travel to locations near and far. Many successful business women and community leaders say they got their start selling Girl Scout Cookies. Best of all, girls have lots of fun along the way! Girl Scouts of Utah (GSU) wants to extend our thanks for volunteering to serve as a Cookie Manager. Your efforts are extremely important to the success of the Cookie Program! Little Brownie Bakers® Little Brownie Bakers® (LBB) has been baking Girl Scout Cookies for over 35 years and is licensed by Girl Scouts of the USA. LBB’s mission is to provide cookies and support services of the highest quality to Girl Scout councils so that the annual Cookie Program helps build a wide range of life skills for girls and generates income for troops and councils. Through their daily actions, they demonstrate their commitment to the principles of quality, integrity, respectfulness and innovation.

Benefits of the Cookie Program The Girl Scout Cookie Program is conducted annually and is an important part of Girl Scouting. It teaches girls important life skills, provides a positive experience, and helps them build courage, confidence, and character, to make the world a better place. The purpose of the Cookie Program is twofold: 1. To help girls develop five key life skills. • Goal Setting: As she sets cookie sales goals individually and with her team, creates a plan to reach them, and develops Cooperation and Team Building Skills all along the way. • Decision Making: As she helps decide how her team will spend their cookie money, furthering her Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills that will help her throughout life. • Money Management: As she takes cookie orders, handles customer’s money and gains valuable and Practical Life Skills around financial literacy. 8

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


•P eople Skills: As she learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop Healthy Relationship and Conflict Resolution Skills she can use throughout her life. • Business Ethics: As she is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics reinforce the Positive Values she is developing as a Girl Scout.

2. To generate income for troop activities. • Proceeds subsidize a wide range of girl activities. • Proceeds subsidize camp fees. • Proceeds provide scholarships/camperships for girls. Helping Girls Reach Their Financial Goals The Girl Scout Cookie Program is well known in communities, it’s likely that your girls will already know a bit about it and want to get out there to start selling as soon as possible. But it’s important that the girls have a clear plan and purpose for their cookie sale activities. One of your opportunities as a volunteer is to facilitate girl-led financial planning, which may include the following steps for the girls:

• S et goals for money-earning activities. What do girls hope to accomplish through this activity? In addition to earning money, what skills do they hope to build? What leadership opportunities present themselves? •C reate a budget. Use a budget worksheet that includes both expenses (the cost of supplies, admission to events, travel, and so on) and available income (the troop’s bank account balance, projected cookie proceeds, and so on). • Determine how much the troop needs to earn. Subtract expenses from available income to determine how much money your troop needs to earn. • Make a plan. The troop can brainstorm and make decisions about its financial plans. Will cookies—if approached proactively and energetically—earn enough money to meet the troop’s goals? If not, discuss what plans need to change. In this planning stage, engage the girls through the Girl Scout processes (girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning) and consider the value of any potential activity. Have them weigh feasibility, implementation, and safety factors. • Write it out. Once the troop has decided on its financial plan, describe it in writing.

Remember: It’s great for girls to have opportunities, like the Girl Scout Cookie Program, to earn proceeds that help them fulfill their goals as part of the GSLE and to develop their financial and sales abilities. Try to help girls balance the money-earning they do with opportunities to enjoy other activities that have less emphasis on earning and spending money. Take Action projects, for example, may not always require girls to spend a lot of money! For more information regarding Girl Scout Cookie Program and Finances, review Chapter 5 “Managing Group Finances” in Volunteer Essentials publication. Cookie Related Badges & Leafs Grow, learn and earn with cookies! Inspire girls to get the most from the Cookie Program by highlighting the cookie badges, leafs and pins that they can earn. Find out how to earn Cookie and Financial Literacy badges and leafs by reviewing “The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.” For more details regarding the annual Cookie Activity Pin, visit

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


General Information


5 Steps of Selling Cookies 1. Set and Share Team Goals: Goal-setting is a valuable life skill. Begin by helping girls brainstorm what they could do with cookie proceeds. Then help them select two goals that inspire them – one for fun and learning and one for making the world a better place. Each girl writes her goal on her order card, where customers will see it. 2. S et Personal Goals: Inspire the girls to imagine how they can be even more successful than last year. What would they like to learn? Be sure to remind girls that achieving a team goal requires that every person achieve her personal goal. 3. H old a Family Meeting: Adults need to understand the importance of an activity before they give it their full support. Engaging families in the Cookie Program encourages them to be involved and stay informed. Encourage girls to plan the family meeting, play leading roles and make it fun for everyone. 4. S ell Beyond Family and Friends: People love Girl Scout Cookies and are generally predisposed to buying them. Many women say their first business success was getting a “yes” from an unknown customer. Encourage your girls to market beyond people they know. 5. T rack Your Progress and Celebrate Your Success: Using a goal tracker to watch sales grow keeps everyone focused on the goal. When girls reach their goal, remember to celebrate. Who is Eligible to Sell Cookies All registered Girl Scout Daisies (kindergarten - grade 1), Brownies (grades 2-3), Juniors (grades 4-5), Cadettes (grades 6-8), Seniors (grades 9-10), Ambassadors (grades 11-12) and Juliettes may participate in this year’s annual Cookie Program.* *If a girl and/or her family have an outstanding debt to Girl Scouts of Utah they will not be eligible to participate in the annual Cookie Program (including booths), receive activity credits, and/or activity scholarships, until the debt is paid in full. Where and How We Can Sell* • Within Girl Scouts of Utah’s (GSU) jurisdiction (the state of Utah and Wendover, NV) • Door-to-door • Authorized booth locations • Telephone sales • Businesses, if solicitation is allowed • Family and friends • ABSOLUTELY NO INTERNET SALES! * Girl Scouts of Utah does not have any connections to help troops/girls send cookies to the military (domestic or overseas). Rewards that Inspire Success Troop Proceeds and Awards • Troops will earn 40 cents per box sold. • Troops can participate in the following programs.* • 3% Goal Getter Program • Bling Your Booth Contest • Cookie Compass Program


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

• • • •

Four Fifty 1 Program Gift of Caring Program Opt-Out Program Super Troop Program


*For requirements and forms, refer to the Cookies tab on GSU’s website - Girl Rewards Girls earn activity credits, patches and other recognition items for their accomplishments. More information is located on the girl order card and parent/guardian permission letter. 2014 Girl Rewards 36+ 36+ Participation Patch 300-499 300+ Bar Patch & Free Admission to Cookie Celebration 500-799 500+ Bar Patch, “Luna” the Arctic Fox & Wonder Wallet 800-999 800+ Bar Patch, “Luna” the Arctic Fox & Mini Locker 1000-2499 1000+ Bar Patch, “Luna” the Arctic Fox, Expressions Sticky Note Music Journal & “Friends Forever” Heart Pillow* 2500+ 1000+ Bar Patch, “Luna” the Arctic Fox, Guitar Make-up Case, Color Graffiti Basketball & iPad®* *Girls who sell 1000+ boxes will receive an invitation to a special top seller recognition! Advertising the Cookie Sale Troops have several tools available to assist them when informing the public about the Girl Scout Cookie Program. • Girl Scouts of Utah works with local media outlets to promote the program. • Girl Scouts of Utah will promote National Girl Scout Cookie Day throughout the council to encourage the public to order cookies and support Girl Scouting. • Girl Scouts of Utah features the Cookie Program on its website and provides the public two ways to obtain Girl Scout cookies: • Cookie Compass* gives the public the opportunity to request cookies online with a troop. • Cookie Booth Locator lists the dates, times, and locations of troop booths. • Cookie costumes are available through the shop and service centers for use during booth sales. Gift of Caring* provides the public an opportunity to donate Girl Scout cookies to others while supporting Girl Scouting at the same time. *For more information about these programs and/or the forms, refer to the Cookies tab on GSU’s website NOTE: Troops and parents need to remember that ALL MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS (print, radio and television) are to be contacted ONLY by the council’s main office. The council office should be the major media’s main contact and official spokesperson and/or representative for our membership and volunteers.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Methods of Selling Girl Scout Cookies


Girls should be involved in all aspects of the cookie sale. Parents naturally want to help their daughters by selling cookies to co-workers and customers; however, adults may not conduct these activities. As this is a valuable learning activity for each girl, we encourage adults to assist girls by supporting them in this activity but not doing it for them. We hope parents and guardians will either bring their daughter to the office so that co-workers can meet and directly buy from her, or support her troop by providing transportation or assisting at a cookie booth. Girls may use the telephone, emails and other online resources to alert friends and family to cookie sales, but they may NOT sell cookies by posting information and making financial transactions on an Internet Website. Using Online Resources to Market Cookies Girls are texting, calling, emailing, Tweeting, and Facebooking—and those are all effective ways that girls 13 and older can promote cookies. The following sections detail how girls can use electronic marketing, social media, and group websites to gather sale commitments from family, friends, and previous customers. But first, please keep in mind girls: • Must sign the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge (available at before doing any online activities and all online activities must be under the supervision of adults. • Can market to and collect indications of interest from customers within Girl Scouts of Utah’s (GSU) jurisdiction. Refer prospects that come from outside GSU’s jurisdiction to the council finder at Family members are the exception to this rule. •C annot collect indications of interest from customers prior to the start of the sale. • Cannot have customers pay online (such as PayPal or through a shopping cart function on any website). • Cannot expose their own or any other girl’s email address, physical address, or phone number to the public. When writing email messages or online announcements, girls should sign with their first name only, along with their troop number and council name – Girl Scouts of Utah. For girls in fifth grade and above, have your troop visit Let Me Know (, a site addressing Internet safety for teens and tweens. Girls can even earn an online award for completing activities on this site. Girl Scout Daisies: Stay Especially Safe! Girl Scout Daisies are too young to be marketing online through their troop, parent or guardian websites, or social media sites. For this reason, Daisies are allowed only to send emails when working directly with an adult who is using blind emails. Contacting Prospects Electronically Girls may use Facebook, Twitter, text messages, IMs, and emails as online marketing tools to let family, friends, and former customers know about the sale and collect indications of interest. Cookie Program email is not intended to be spam (unwanted texts or emails), so remind girls to be sure that their messages will be welcomed by the receiver. When girls are marketing cookies online, remind them to always use a group email address (such as troop457@, an adult’s personal email address, or a blind email address (one that does not reveal the address to the recipient). In addition, be sure to discuss with girls the need to treat customer email addresses from current and past years—as well as phone numbers, IM addresses, Facebook accounts, Twitter handles, and mail addresses—with respect; they are private and must be kept so.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Using Social Media* A girl (or group of girls) over the age of 13 may work in partnership with an adult to market cookies online using the social media account (such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn) of the adult. Social media is a fun, fast way to get out an urgent message, such as, “It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!” Posting, tweeting, or pinning such a message will get the attention of friends and family. Before girls use social media as a marketing tool, keep the following in mind: • Girls must have parental permission to use social media. • Girls must meet age limits set by the provider, which is 13 and above in most cases, as per the United States Child Online Privacy and Protection Act and the Child Online Protection Act. • Any use of photos requires a photo-release form signed by parents/guardians of the girls pictured and the signature of any adults pictured. •A ny use of online video sharing sites (such as YouTube), where the video is representing Girl Scouts or Girl Scout products, must follow specific requirements for that site, as well as GSU’s guidelines.* Girl Scout photo release forms must also be signed by parents/guardians and any adults pictured. (In other words, this is not an easy venture, but if you and the girls are willing, it’s worth the investment.) *For more information regarding Girl Scouts of Utah’s social media guidelines, please contact GSU’s Communications Department. Exploitation Software designed to help groups raise money online or websites that link to troops’ home pages with the promise of money in return are not authorized by GSUSA. Endorsement Endorsements of online shopping malls or non-GSUSA products are not permissible. As written in the Blue Book of Basic Documents 2012, page 20, the policy of “Permission for Commercial Endorsements” states: “Permission to endorse commercial products or to give endorsement of such by implication must be obtained from Girl Scouts of the United States of America and shall be granted only when such endorsement is in keeping with the Girl Scout principles and activities.”

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Safety Comes First in Girl Scouting


Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints Remember to follow all Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints requirements and be sure girls and adults understand and follow these safety rules. 1. S how You’re a Girl Scout: Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout. 2. Buddy Up: Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun. 3. B e Streetwise: Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout Cookies. 4. G et Permission: Parents and guardians must grant permission and be informed of the girls’ whereabouts when engaged in Cookie Program activities. Remember that each girl’s participation is voluntary. 5. P artner With Adults: Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders, selling or delivering product. Girls, grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-todoor and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth at all times. 6. P lan Ahead: Always have a plan for safeguarding money—avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults who should deposit it as directed by Girl Scouts of Utah as soon as possible. 7. D o Not Enter: Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys. 8. Sell In The Daytime: Sell only during daylight hours unless accompanied by an adult. 9. P rotect Privacy: Girls’ names, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses should never be given out to customers. Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder or give comments. Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the cookie sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers. 10. B e Safe On The Road: Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles. 11. B e ‘Net Wise: Take the GSUSA Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge before going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. Girl Scouts may not sell cookies using the Internet, including websites, chat rooms and auction sites, or broadcast emails to solicit sales. Girl Scouts cannot collect money online. Booth Sale Requirements • Booth sales are a troop activity, not an individual girl/family activity. • Two adults, at least one of whom is a registered member of GSUSA, must be present at all times when Girl Scouts operate a cookie booth. • A minimum of three but not more than five girls should be in the booth at any one time. Friends or tagalongs should not be loitering around the booth. • Girls should never give out their names, addresses, telephone numbers, or email addresses to customers. The adult Cookie Manager’s telephone number can be provided.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Money Management • Girls must have a plan for safeguarding the money they collect. • Girls should not carry around large amounts of cash. Money may be given to the accompanying or supervising adult. • Girl Scout Daisies should not hold onto money. All money is held by their adult partner. • Cost - $3.50 per box; 12 boxes per case. • Method of payment is cash or personal checks made payable to Girl Scouts of Utah or GSU. • Money is only collected when cookies are delivered. • Do not keep a lot of money at the booth. Keep cash box hidden. • Be especially careful with the money box; make sure it’s under adult supervision and out of public sight. Arrange for cash to be removed from the site periodically. When you do travel with money, have someone accompany you to your vehicle and/or the bank. • Report any suspicious people in the area to local security. • If someone takes money or cookies from your booth, do not attempt to physically recover the stolen items and do not allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911, and alert local security (if applicable). Make sure girls know what to do in case of theft. Report any incidents to Girl Scouts of Utah. Keep girls in a safe location until parents/guardians pick them up. Make sure girls know and understand what to do in case of theft.


Facts about cookies


Cookie Information and Varieties • Eight varieties of cookies (see order card or information provided in this manual) • All Kosher products – the highest quality rating available • All eight varieties contain 0g trans-fat

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great cookies doing a world of good

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Your cookie purchase helps girls do great things!

S AMOA S ® Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and striped with dark chocolaty coating

TAGALONGS ® Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating

TREFOILS ® Traditional shortbread cookies

DO-SI-DOS ® Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling

DULCE DE LECHE Bite sized cookies with milk caramel chips

THANK U BERR Y MUNCH T M Hearty cookies with premium cranberries and white fudge chips

S AVANNAH SMILES ® Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar




THIN MINTS ® Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint




All products contain wheat, soy and milk ingredients. Do-si-dos and Tagalongs contain peanuts. Samoas contain coconut. Savannah Smiles and Dulce de Leche may contain tree nuts. Go to for the most current cookie information.

1-800-962-1 7 1 8 • NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup • NO Trans Fats

G I RL S C O U T S CAR E ! Although our use of palm oil is very limited, Little Brownie Bakers works to demonstrate good stewardship of our world’s natural resources by purchasing GreenPalm certificates to cover 100% of our global palm oil use. GreenPalm certificates support farmers switching to sustainable palm oil practices.

• NO Hydrogenated Oils in Five Varieties • NO Artificial Colors in Seven Varieties • 100% Real Cocoa • Nutritious Whole Grain Oats and Real Peanut Butter in Do-si-dos®

All cookies baked by Little Brownie Bakers now feature the toll-free number for Kellogg Consumer Affairs right on the box. We are happy to be held accountable for the quality of our cookies.

• Three Nut-Free Varieties SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS and SAVANNAH SMILES are registered trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. THANK U BERRY MUNCH is a trademark of Kellogg NA Co. The GIRL SCOUTS name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE, THIN MINTS, TREFOILS, and the Trefoil Design, , TM, © 2013-2014 KELLOGG NA CO.



2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Cookies by the Carload Use this guide to approximate how many cases of cookies will fit in your vehicle. The amounts assume the car will be empty except for the driver and uses all space except the driver’s seat. Safety Note: Avoid carrying cookie cases and children in the passenger area of a vehicle at the same time.

Car Type

Compact car Hatchback car Mid-size sedan Sport utility vehicle Station wagon Minivan (seats in) Pick-up truck (full bed) Cargo van (seats in)

# of Cases 23 30 35 60 75 75 100 200

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) Responsibilities TCM TCM Checklist • Review on-going emails sent by your Community Cookie Program Representative (CCPR) and Girl Scouts of Utah’s (GSU) Cookie Department. Respond within a timely manner when requested in a timely manner. • November-January: Attend mandatory cookie training meeting provided by your CCPR. • Work with troop leader to ensure all girls in your troop are current members of Girl Scouts and their names and addresses appear correctly on the bi-monthly troop report prior to the cookie sale. (Report is sent bi-monthly to troop leader via email.) Contact your Volunteer Service Coordinator for any changes. • Train parents and girls in January prior to sale. • Collect signed parent permission card for each participating girl. • Distribute sale paperwork to girls only AFTER girls are registered/trained. • Consult with troop leader to establish goals and review Troop Awards to determine if troop is interested and willing to accomplish requirements. Plan cookie activities. Visit • Contact CCPR to determine if any girls in your troop have an outstanding debt with Girl Scouts of Utah. • Assist troop leader with booth sales planning and scheduling. • January 27 at 8 a.m.: Reserve online cookie booths (if applicable) • February 10-12: Collect order cards and enter individual girl/troop booth orders in GSU’s web-based cookie program. • Allocate booth sale cookies fairly/equitably. • Review order for errors. • Pick up troop’s cookies from delivery site (first week in March). • Sign/keep copy of Money and/or Cookie Receipt (M3) receipt for all cookies received. • Distribute cookies to girls/parents (upon receipt of cookies). • Sign/keep copy of M3 receipt for all cookies distributed. • Collect money and issue receipts; deposit money by using pre-printed Wells Fargo deposit slips by April 1. • Contact your CCPR if needing additional cookies or have too many extra cookies. • Work with other troop(s) to purchase/sell extra cookies. (Troop to troop cookie cost is $3.10 per box or $37.20 per case.) • Purchase additional cookies at Girl Scout Shop (if needed). • Submit troop award forms (if applicable) which are located in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website by April 2.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


•D eliver/mail Troop Finance Envelope with the following paperwork to your CCPR by April 2. • All deposit receipts • All signed permission cards • All M3 receipts for cookies and money for any unpaid girls • All unused deposit slips • Voided check (original, copy, or scanned copy) • Complete Cookie Manager Evaluation no later than April 15. (Link located in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website – Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) The TCM is appointed by and responsible to the troop leader. TCMs are responsible for coordinating the annual cookie sale at the troop level and accepting all accountabilities as stated in the Troop Cookie Manager Position Description. TCM Agreements Each year a new Troop Cookie Manager Agreement must be completed/submitted before troops can order and/or receive cookies. Each troop is responsible for payment of cookies ordered even in the event of a change in leadership. Each Troop Cookie Manager must be a current member of GSUSA and pass GSU’s criminal background check prior to the start of the sale. Agreement is located in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website – If during the Cookie Program the troop changes TCMs, a new TCM Agreement must be completed/submitted by the new volunteer.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Training Girls and Parents/Guardians about Selling Cookies How to Get Started Since you are reading this manual, you have already taken the first steps in helping your troop have a successful cookie sale. You have signed a TCM agreement, registered as a current member of GSUSA, completed GSU’s criminal background check and have attended training. Your next steps are as follows: •C onsult with the troop leader(s) and arrange a date for a parent meeting to train the girls and parents about the sale. • Distribute order cards to girls ONLY after they are registered and the TCM has received a signed Parent Permission Form from the girl’s parent/guardian. It is the responsibility of the TCM to verify that all girls participating in the sale are currently registered. (Contact troop leader for assistance.) • Check with the Community Cookie Program Representative (CCPR) that no girl in the troop has a debt with the council. • Assemble materials needed for parents’ meeting – Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form (parent letter), cookie order cards, pens, goal chart, sale dates, handout with TCM’s name, email address and phone number and refreshments (coordinate with troop leader). • Review with troop leader(s) the requirements of Troop Awards which are found in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website – • Review with troop leader(s) the Girl Scout Cookie Program guidelines and requirements found in Volunteer Essentials (Chapter 5) and Safety Activity Checkpoints publications. Before the Meeting • Have the girls design and send out invitations to parents/guardians. • Help the girls create a troop goal chart. Be sure to highlight each girl’s personal goals for the sale (including learning and personal development goals). • Decorate the meeting room with posters, streamers and balloons to make it fun and inviting. Girl/Parent Meeting Guidelines The following are suggestions of how to conduct a girl/parent meeting, which should be held just prior to the start of the sale. We strongly suggest that the parents’ meeting be mandatory. It is very important that parents understand their responsibilities in regard to the Cookie Program. • Introduce the Cookie Program theme and explain how the Cookie Program works and what their responsibilities are (refer to the parent letter for details). • Explain the benefits of the Cookie Program (utilize information found in this manual and the parent letter). • Explain where the money from the sale goes (refer to the parent letter for details). • Establish troop goals and what it will take to accomplish them. • Encourage the girls to set personal goals. • Explain what the girls are selling and introduce the girl rewards and troop awards. • Explain the program rules as well as safety rules as outlined in Volunteer Essentials, Safety Activity Checkpoint, this manual and the parent letter. • Have the provided cookie samples available for everyone to taste. • Explain the different Cookie Program forms (order card, money envelope and M-3 receipts). • Discuss different selling techniques. • Let the person ordering write his or her own information. • Know the eight varieties of cookies. • Know the general idea of use of the proceeds including what the troop will do with their proceeds. • Wear your uniform or dress neatly. Always wear your Girl Scout pin. • Be pleasant and courteous. • Always say “Thank You” and smile. • Be sure to discuss that girls do not collect money when orders are taken; money is collected only when cookies are delivered.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


•D iscuss important dates and inform parents and girls of whom they should contact with questions or assistance. • Inform parents that girls who sell before the order taking date will forfeit ALL activity credits. • Explain the council’s “No Return” policy – cookies that were distributed and signed for cannot be exchanged/ returned for any reason except damage. • Discuss booth sale guidelines – booth sales are a troop activity, not a girl/family activity. • Make sure that each girl in the troop is currently registered. • Explain that a Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form* must be completed and turned in prior to their daughter participating in this program. This needs to be completed if the girl is participating in any part of the program. If a girl lives in two households, obtain a signed Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form from both households. • Distribute and/or collect cookie materials - Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form (parent letter), cookie order cards, sale dates, handout with TCM’s name, email address and phone number and refreshments. *Parent/guardian receiving cookie MUST be person who signed form. Thank them for their contribution!

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Girl & Troop Cookie Orders How to Organize the Initial Girl Order / Girl Order Cards • Collect the Girl Order Cards including the Mini Order Card. • Match order card with permission slips. Did you get all the forms? • Make sure all columns total properly, across and down. • Be sure totals from the Mini Order Card are included. • Retain the Girl Order Cards in a safe place in order to sort the cookies when they arrive. It is advisable to make a copy of each card to be kept in a location separate from the originals. How to Place Cookie Orders and Printing Reports Orders are placed online using GSU’s web-based cookie program. Refer to the eCookie Manual for instructions on how to utilize GSU’s online cookie order program. It is also important for troops to allocate booth sale cookies fairly and equitably to girls who participate in booth sales. Rewards and Activity Credits are awarded/ordered/ issued according to what’s been assigned. Completing this screen will guarantee correct totals and receipt of rewards. Troops need to be prepared to share with parents how booth cookies were allotted. Be sure to export/print your troop order and girl reward reports from the web-based cookie program prior to being locked out. You will need them later. Reminder: Troops are not able to return cookies and/or cancel their orders. Any cookies that are ordered and delivered to/by GSU cannot be returned to the baker. Troop Cookie Pick-Up and Distribution • Cookies are delivered to designated delivery stations the first week in March. • Bring plenty of help. Volunteers at the delivery sites must be adults. Leave the children at home. Children are not permitted at delivery sites for everyone’s safety. All adult volunteers who assist at the delivery station must be currently registered Girl Scouts. Bring a hand truck (dolly) if you have one. • Your CCPR will contact you with information regarding cookie pick-up date, time and location. Do not contact the delivery company. • It is critical to arrive on time and bring enough vehicles to make one pick up. Refer to your troop order report to determine how many vehicles and adult helpers you will need. (Vehicle capacity information is found in the “Cookies by the Carload” section of this manual.) • Remember that the CCPR must allow for the delivery agent to complete unloading before troops may pick up their orders. Be flexible with your pick-up time. • Allow 30 minutes for pick up. • Double check your order for accuracy, exchange any damaged cases and get a signed M-3 receipt before leaving. Once you sign the receipt, you are responsible for the cookies. Store them in a cool location; peanut butter and the chocolate coating are sensitive to heat. Do not leave cookies in a vehicle. NOTE: Bring a printout of your troop order report (generated from web-based cookie program) to verify you receive the correct number of cases ordered.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Girl Distribution • Schedule date, time, and place with parents to pick up their daughter’s cookie order. (NOTE: Girls who fail to pick up/deliver their orders will forfeit ALL activity credits.) • Sort boxes for the entire troop according to the individual girl orders. • Make sure you have a signed Parent/Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form for each girl. (Do not hand out cookies if you do not have a completed form.*) If a girl lives in two households, obtain a signed Parent/ Guardian Permission and Responsibility Form from both households. *Parent/guardian receiving cookies MUST be person who signed form. • Distribute orders: • Parents and girls count their order by variety. • Give girl her original order card(s). (Include mini order card.) Be sure to keep a copy for yourself. • Give girl a Girl Money Envelope. (Fill out completely and enter DATE MONEY DUE.) • Both the parent who signed the permission form and the TCM need to sign a Money and/or Cookie receipt (M-3 form) for all cookies received by the parent. Include the girl and parent’s name on the receipt. Girls MAY NOT sign for cookies. The troop keeps the top copy for their records; the parent receives the second copy. Remind parents to keep their copies of receipts. • Remind parents that they are responsible for their daughter’s cookies and all money collected. • Remind parents of all banking guidelines that are discussed in this manual. • Remind parents and girls of due dates for collection of money. • Girls should deliver orders and collect money as soon as possible. Since all troops do not receive their cookies at the same time, girls and/or troops do not conduct booth sales until the official start of the cookie booth sale. To do otherwise breaks both the Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law. Make a Delivery Reminder Girls might want to use a delivery reminder form to assist in delivery of the cookies they sold. Share the example below with the girls. They may want to create one of their own forms. Girls should fill in the number of boxes sold, the date they will be returning (possibly letting them know if it will be a.m. or p.m.), and only their FIRST names.

Girl Scout Cookie Delivery Reminder: You ordered

boxes of Girl Scout cookies from me.

I will be back to deliver these cookies on Please have the payment of $


Cash or check made payable to GSU. Thank You! SIGNED

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Money Matters


Receipts For any transaction, whether for money or product, a receipt must be written. If you keep all your receipts in one location, compiling your final paperwork will be a breeze. Payments Girl Scouts of Utah will accept checks for cookies from customers under the following conditions: • All checks are made out to “Girl Scouts of Utah” or “GSU.” • The check writer’s name, address and phone number must be on each check. • All checks should be deposited in the council bank account. If a troop deposits a check into their troop account and it is returned for insufficient funds, the troop will be responsible for any fees and their own collection. • Any person writing a check that does not clear the bank will be responsible for the amount of the check plus all bank and collection fees that are incurred. NOTE: If troops want to purchase their own check endorsement stamp with the council’s cookie account number, the order form can be found in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website - Council needs to receive this order and payment no later than January 10, 2014. Stamps will be distributed when troops pick up their cookie order. Council Collection Procedures Appropriate documentation is gathered by council to verify the girls, troop or Community in question did receive cookies and/or money and payment was not forwarded. Amount due to council will be checked against the total uncollected debt. Past due notices are sent to parents of each troop member with an outstanding balance. If a response is not received to the past due notices within the designated time period, the matter is referred to a collection agency and litigation is pursued as appropriate. Notification is also sent to the credit bureau. Council Guidelines state: Adults/girls who have an outstanding council debt are not permitted to participate in the council Cookie Program or other fund-raising activities until such debt is resolved. Any adult who has an outstanding debt to the council cannot be certified as a member in good standing of GSU and, therefore, may not officially represent the council in the Community, council, or beyond. In addition, she/he cannot handle troop, Community, or council funds or products.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

Banking Procedures


Girl Payment Guidelines • Remind parents in writing as to when all money is due. • Inform parents that checks should be made payable to: Girl Scouts of Utah or GSU (not to troop or individual) and the check writer’s name, address and phone number must be on each check. • Collect money from girls/parents frequently. • Count the money with the parent present and issue an M-3 receipt (Money and/or Cookie Receipt) every time money is collected. Parent and TCM should each keep a copy of the receipt. The top copy stays with the troop; the second copy goes to the parent. • After all the paperwork has been turned in to the council, the TCM and CCPR need not be involved in collection efforts. However, please accept money that is offered to you as a cookie payment and contact GSU’s Finance Department for deposit instructions. Council personnel may contact you to verify or supplement information concerning an unpaid balance. Deposit Guidelines • For your convenience, Girl Scouts of Utah has an established council cookie account with Wells Fargo Bank. Due to the high cost of deposits associated with the cookie sale, troops are to make only one deposit per business day into the council account. • Cash, money orders, personal checks and troop checks may be deposited in the “Girl Scouts of Utah Cookie Account” with the preprinted troop deposit tickets provided to you. • The following information is to be completed on the deposit ticket: • Date • Currency • Coin • Checks • Total • Record total cash and coin and list all checks. Create a detailed listing of customer checks only if wanted by troop. • Double-check your deposit for accuracy. If there are any deposit errors in your checks, the council will receive written notice from the bank, and your troop will be credited or debited the appropriate amount. The tellers will count your cash and coin only; they WILL NOT balance your checks at the window. • Complete one deposit ticket only. Neither council nor your troop needs copies. • Get two (2) printed receipts from Wells Fargo for every deposit you make. These must be imprinted or stamped with the branch number, teller number, amount and date of deposit. Please check your receipts immediately (before leaving the bank) to verify the deposit amount printed and the account number are accurate. DO NOT make night deposits, as the bank cannot immediately validate the deposit tickets. Your troop should keep one copy of the receipt and send the second copy to the council in your Troop Finance Envelope. • Nine deposit tickets have been provided to your troop. If you need additional deposit tickets, please contact GSU’s Cookie Program Specialist. • Place any unused deposit tickets in your Troop Finance Envelope and return to the council with your paperwork. Troop Proceeds • Troop proceeds should be retained in the troop bank account after your council bill is paid in full. • If proceeds are accidentally deposited in the council bank account, a direct deposit refund will be issued to the troop in May. (Troops must have a cancelled check on file with GSU’s Finance Department to receive these funds.) Tips If girls/troops receive tips, deposit them into the troop account. Troops should NOT solicit tips.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Cookie Booth Procedures


Booth sales help girls reach more customers. Cookie Booths are a troop/group activity (not an individual girl/family activity). Booth sales are a great way to increase your troop’s success. Remember, you must have the appropriate permission from authorities and Girl Scouts of Utah’s Cookie Program Department before the booth sale. Cookie booths are a troop activity for girls to: • Broaden their Girl Scout experience. • Apply toward Girl Scout leaf and badge requirements. • Increase troop sales by working as part of a team. Ordering Cookies for Booth Sales Booth sales are a troop activity and can be a tremendous way to improve your troop sales. Predicting how many boxes will sell at any given booth is difficult. Experienced troops tell us that a “good” booth sale can sell 25 to 30 boxes per hour; a great one moves up to 60 boxes per hour. There are many variables – location, girl preparation and attitude, beginning or end of the sale, weather, time of day, availability of varieties, etc. • Order cookie booth cookies at the same time you submit your troop cookie order. Extra cases of cookies will be available for purchase only from the Girl Scouts of Utah shop or service centers during cookie booth time.* • Order cookies in the same proportion as pre-orders ... more Thin Mints and Samoas, fewer Trefoils and peanut butter cookies, and use “round up” cookies for the less popular flavors. • If you’re not sure how many cookies to order, call your Community Cookie Program Representative (CCPR) for advice, or ask an experienced Troop Cookie Manager. Remember that younger girls probably will sell less than older or more experienced girls. Remember: Cookies CANNOT be returned to Girl Scouts of Utah, nor can varieties be exchanged. *For a list of shop hours for cookie booths, refer to the Cookies tab on GSU’s website – Obtaining and Reserving Booth Locations Cookie booth locations that are listed on Girl Scouts of Utah’s web-based cookie program are open to all troops and must be reserved online (no hand-delivered requests). Troops are not to contact any of the businesses listed on the web-based cookie program. If a troop wishes to sell at a location that does not appear on GSU’s web-based cookie program, the troop must obtain a completed and signed Girl Scout Cookie Booth Agreement form from the store/business manager and submit form to Cookie Program Specialist for approval at least five (5) business days prior to booth date. Any location that offers safety, high traffic, and good visibility can be considered. Not every location will allow booth sales, but it never hurts to ask! You can reserve booths for any day of the week that two adults and three to five girl members are available to staff each store’s door/entrance. When troops approach businesses to obtain permission to conduct a booth sale, be sure to provide the manager/owner with the information provided in the Cookie Booth Letter, Rules, and Safety Information which is located in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website – Before submitting a Girl Scout Cookie Booth Agreement form, be sure to complete the section marked “For Troops Use Only” and answer the two provided questions. Does your troop want to: • Publicize booth times on web for general public: Yes No • Make unassigned times available to other troops: Yes No


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

If booth locations request a liability insurance certificate from Girl Scouts of Utah (GSU), obtain it NOW. It takes proximately two weeks to process. Contact CRC for assistance.


Refer to the Online Cookie Booth Locations Manual for instructions on how to utilize GSU’s booth reservation program. Unneeded Cookie Booths If your troop no longer needs a booth that you reserved on GSU’s web-based cookie program, please cancel your reservation. • The public utilizes this site to locate booths and are disappointed and sometimes angry when they arrive at the site to find no booths. • Other troops who still have cookies to sell can utilize this site. Possible Booth Locations • Grocery stores • Concerts and plays • Sporting events • Car washes • Banks and credit unions • Places of worship • Universities and colleges

Unapproved Locations • Private homes • Apartments • Assisted living facilities • Residential club houses • Any other residential property • Fields or empty lots

Illegal Booths When the council office is advised of an illegal booth, staff is not always able to resolve the issue due to the location and/or travel time required. If a booth takes place at an unapproved location, does not meet booth requirements and/or is conducted before booth start date, volunteers have the permission to identify themselves as a Girl Scout volunteer and inform the adults at the booth of the rules and requirements and politely ask them to close their booth.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Corporate Donations Girl Scout policy addressing corporate donations is in Girl Scouts Volunteer Essentials and states: “Donations from corporations generated by matching cookie sales may only be distributed at the Community level. These funds must be used only for girl program at the Community level.” Preparing the Girls Girls need to have the following skills/knowledge, prior to participating in any cookie booth. Skits are a good way to practice these skills. Discuss these topics at troop meetings. • Have a positive attitude! • Politely get the attention of passerby. • Stay next to the booth. Do NOT roam around the store or parking lot. • Be able to describe the eight kinds of cookies. • Know why the proceeds are needed by the troop. Older girls should know GSU’s needs as well. • Can make change quickly and accurately and know how to “close” a sale. • Say “Thank You” to everyone whether they purchase cookies or not. • Wear appropriate attire and dress for the weather. Girl Scout membership pins should always be worn! You may wish to use the following “Cookie Booth Behavior Contract” by having each participating girl sign one before working at a cookie booth.

Cookie Booth Behavior Contract


will follow the rules listed below while working at our troop’s cookie booth. I will: � dress neatly and for the weather. � be polite and have a positive attitude. � sit or stand quietly.



2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

� stay out of people’s walkway. � follow any rules the store requires. � say THANK YOU! Date:


Tagalongs A tagalong is any person not registered with the troop; a younger brother or sister going along on a Girl Scout outing or activity and/or a registered Girl Scout who is attending an event not designed for her grade level. Please remember that tagalongs are not allowed at booth sales. Booth Tips and Suggestions To maximize success, invite girls and adults to consider these proven tips. •M ake an attractive table display to gain customer interest. Remember to make a cookie poster to hang from your table or for girls to wear. Visit for ideas and easy clip art. • Bring along your team goal poster and pictures of activities in which you have participated. • To encourage multi-box purchases, suggest that girls bundle 3 cookie boxes with a ribbon, and attach gift cards and/or cookie recipes. Handmade cards such as “Happy Birthday” or “Thank You” will be especially meaningful to customers. Find resources at • Open a box of the less popular flavors of cookies, break them into bite-size pieces, and let customers take a sample. This sample will likely spark interest among customers and increase your sales. Troops must purchase cookies that are used as samples. • Stop by your booth location a couple of days in advance to introduce yourself, confirm that they expect you, check table location, ask if you may hang a poster, etc. • Don’t bring all your cookies into the booth. You’ll take up less space if you send another adult to the car to replenish your stock as needed. • Have membership information (Girl Scouts of Utah’s telephone number and website) handy in case parents ask how their daughter can join Girl Scouts. • Bring a big thank you note made and signed by the girls for the employee break room or bulletin board, and some cookies as a thank you gift. Troops must purchase cookies that are used as thank you gifts. • If you need more cookies or ordered too many cookies, call your CCPR before the last booth weekend. She/he will try to match you with another troop.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual



Cookie Booth Rules & Safety Guidelines Girls and adults need to have a positive understanding of the rules and safety guidelines prior to participating in any cookie booth. Adults need to discuss these topics at troop meetings. Skits and/or roleplaying are a good way to practice these guidelines. •A ll cookie booths must be submitted to the Cookie Program Specialist for approval at least five (5) business days prior to booth date. Bring printed booth confirmation to booth. • Do NOT conduct a booth before cookie booth dates. • Follow Girl Scouts Volunteer Essentials guidelines when transporting girls to and from cookie booths. • All girls MUST be currently registered Girl Scouts to be covered by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) insurance. • All girls who participate must have a Parent/Guardian Permission Form signed by their parent/guardian allowing the girl to sell cookies and to participate at a cookie booth. Parents need to complete Girl Emergency Medical Information forms. Both forms need to be present at booth site. • A minimum of two adults, one of whom is registered with GSUSA, must supervise the booth at all times. • A minimum of three (3) but not more than five (5) girls should be in the booth at any one time. Friends and/or tagalongs should not be loitering around the booth. • Both girls and adults have a positive attitude. • Booths should be set up away from the main store doors so as not to block store entrance. Girls may NOT stand in doorways or in any way block a customer’s entrance to or exit from the store. Use a soft-sell approach. • Do not roam around the store or parking lot during booth sales. • Do not play radios and loud stereos in cookie booths. • Do not keep a lot of money at the booth. Keep cash box hidden. • Be especially careful with the money box; make sure it’s under adult supervision and out of public sight. Arrange for cash to be removed from the site periodically. When you do travel with money, have someone accompany you to your vehicle and/or the bank. • Report any suspicious people in the area to local security. • If someone takes money or cookies from your booth, do not attempt to physically recover the stolen items and do not allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911, and alert local security (if applicable). Make sure girls know what to do in case of theft. Report any incidents to Girl Scouts of Utah. Keep girls in a safe location until parents/guardians pick them up. Make sure girls know and understand what to do in case of theft. • Be aware of the scheduled length of your booth shift and promptly turn the location over to the next scheduled troop. • Leave the site in a better condition than you found it. • Thank the store manager when you leave.


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Cookie Booth Checklist � Booth Confirmation from GSU’s web-based booth program � Two adults, one of whom is a current registered Girl Scout � Girls (3 minimum), in uniform if possible; otherwise pins and/or Girl Scout clothing � Permission slips* � Medical release forms* � Change (quarters, ones, and fives) � Cash box � Signs (one with the price of cookies), posters, goal poster (what troop will do with proceeds), etc. � Tape for signs, posters, etc. � Table (check with store – they may provide one, but be prepared to bring your own) � Chairs (optional) � Plastic or paper bags for cookies (save them in advance, do NOT ask store for bags) � Jackets and/or blankets � Minimum of 2 pens for people writing checks payable to Girl Scouts of Utah or GSU � Cell phone � First-aid kit � Thank you note or poster from girls to the store � A positive attitude! *Found on GSU’s website – Remember: Selling Girl Scout Cookies at a booth is a privilege granted to us by the local merchants. If this privilege is abused, even unintentionally, it could permanently cause all Girl Scouts to lose the opportunity for additional sales at these places of business. Girls and adults need to be careful and considerate of the merchants and their customers. Distribution of Rewards Your CCPR will distribute to the troops the girl/adult participation/bar patches as well as all other individual/ troop awards in May* with the exception of the top three sellers. The top 3 seller awards will be presented at the Cookie Celebration. If a girl is unable to attend the celebration, it is her responsibility to make arrangements with council to pick up her award. The girl rewards report that the TCM printed in January/February will inform troops what each girl earned. *iPad® will be distributed at the 1000+ party.

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Damaged Cookie Procedures


Introduction It is important that you, as a key product sales volunteer, “be prepared.” Please take a moment to review the procedures for reporting product complaints or other situations, and make preparations for handling such incidents. Some possible situations may require immediate attention of the Cookie Program Manager. They may even attract the attention of the local media. Prompt notification to staff is critical in handling the situation effectively. In the food industry, product complaints are not unusual. Each year, we experience a small number of complaints (taste, crushed product, etc.). Containment Containment – confining a difficult incident to the situation and the locale in which it took place is the key to the successful resolution of product complaints. Basic Procedures • If you should receive a complaint about any product, remain calm and get the facts according to the “Cookie Sale Complaint/Damage Form.”* • The council’s product policy is “satisfaction guaranteed.” Offer to exchange the product in question. Exchanges can occur with product from the Girl Scout Shop, the Northern Utah Service Center (NUSC), or the Central Utah Service Center (CUSC). If you are unable to resolve the issue, call the Cookie Program Manager. • In the event of a situation requiring immediate attention, notify the Cookie Program Manager. If you are uncertain as to whether the situation requires staff notification, contact staff. If the office is closed, please leave a detailed message and speak slowly and clearly. Include your complete name, phone number with area code and reason for the call. • The Cookie Program Manager will notify all appropriate parties. • If it is determined that the product should be picked up, you or someone you designate must pick up the product from the customer as soon as possible. Be sure to get everything relating to the complaint (packaging, box, etc.). • The product must be returned to the council so that it can be forwarded to the bakery. • Refer all calls from the media to the Chief of External Affairs. • The Cookie Sale Complaint/Damage Form and product should be sent to the council office as soon as possible after completion. Remember: Your role is crucial in satisfying the customer and diffusing a potentially volatile situation. When in doubt whether you should notify someone, call the Cookie Program Manager. *The form can be found in the Cookies tab on GSU’s website -


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

samples money/cookie receipt


Sample of when parent/ girl receives cookies. (White copy stays with the troop; the yellow copy goes to the parent.)

Sample of when troop receives money from parent/girl to pay for cookies. (White copy stays with the troop; the yellow copy goes to the parent.)

2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual


Council Resource Center (CRC) 445 E 4500 South, Suite 125 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 801-265-8472 800-678-7809


2014 Troop Cookie Manager Manual

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