Ulster Grocer May 2017

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MAY 2017



Over 45 years at the heart of the Northern Ireland food industry

The UK’s No.1 Plain Still Water Brand*

Stay in the game, stock up now! 7050 Ulster Grocer Stan ad.indd 1

*IRI, Total coverage, Value Sales, 52 w/e 25/3/17.

Supported with £1.9m Wimbledon campaign spend

20/04/2017 11:35



MAY 2017



Over 45 years at the heart of the Northern Ireland food industry

Highlight of the agri-food calendar takes off


almoral’s new four-day event aims to be the best yet say the organisers of the show. The Royal Ulster Agricultural Society’s (RUAS) 149th Balmoral Show in partnership with Ulster Bank is set to boast a host of new additions this month including a lengthier schedule to meet the demands of attendees. Running form May 10-13, Rhonda Geary, RUAS Operations Director said the show will


include ‘all that is brilliant about Balmoral, grassroots agriculture alongside a mix of shopping, entertainment and attractions’. This year there will also be a marked increase in many livestock sectors including equine and beef. Ulster Bank will sponsor the show for the ninth year when the NI Food Pavilion will showcase over 100 local producers with 50 chefs cooking up a storm over the four days.



Keeping up with the more mindful consumer, 2017’s Balmoral Show will see the introduction of a new Health and Fitness Village spanning the offering from farming to fitness! There will be live robotic milking served up alongside the SPAR Arena which offers a dedicated area for fun family entertainment. The Agri Pavilion provides a platform for businesses, where networking and business will be rife over the four days, complemented by impressive outdoor machinery trade stands. Audiences around the Main Arena will be captivated by the Kangaroo Kid and his tantalising motorcycle display and retail therapy will be provided in the Eikon Shopping Village. Heavily supported by the local grocery trade including Lidl, M&S, SPAR and Tesco, visitors are advised to travel using public transport with details found on Translink’s website. Balmoral Show in partnership with Ulster Bank takes place at Balmoral Park, Lisburn between Wednesday 10th and Saturday 13th May 2017. Opening times are 9.30am – 6pm (Wed, Fri and Sat) and 9.30am – 8.00pm (Thurs). Admission charges range from £2 to £18 with discounted early bird rates available on our website. Children under 5 years are free when accompanied by an adult.


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Volume 52, Number 5 May 2017

t’s been my pleasure to work on Ulster Grocer over the past few months as Alyson Magee took a sabbatical. I’ve enjoyed meeting the many leaders in the local grocery trade and reporting on the product developments that are revolutionising the shopping aisles and stepping up to consumer demands. In my final issue we look at some of these NPDs in the dairy, ice-cream and BBQ categories in a trilogy of special features, we visit Ardglass for our store profile feature and reveal the big lineup of finalists for this month’s Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards. I hope you enjoy the read!

Editor: Emma Deighan E: e.deighan@independentmagazinesni.co.uk Contributors: Michele Shirlow, Jason Winstanley Sales Manager: Mark Beckett E: m.beckett@independentmagazinesni.co.uk Senior Accounts Manager: Michelle Kearney E: m.kearney@independentmagazinesni.co.uk

Emma Deighan

Art Editor: Helen Wright Production Manager: Irene Fitzsimmons Ulster Grocer c/o Independent News & Media Ltd, Belfast Telegraph House 33 Clarendon Road Clarendon Dock Belfast BT1 3BG Tel: 028 9026 4267 Web: www.ulstergrocer.com @ulstergrocer www.facebook.com/ulstergrocer Subscriptions: £27.50 per month £37.50 outside UK Designed & Produced by: Independent News & Media Ltd Tel: 028 9026 4000 Printed by: W&G Baird, Antrim Tel: 028 9446 3911 Independent News & Media Ltd ©2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or stransmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of Independent News & Media Ltd.


Retail NI reacts to the political ambience affecting retailers G

lyn Roberts has spoken about the challenges facing retailers today, labelling the current economic and political landscape as the ‘biggest political change since the Second World War’. The Retail NI CEO caught up with Ulster Grocer to discuss the topics affecting the trade as well as plans for his recently renamed retail authority Retail NI. “I think it’s a big cause for concern,” he said when referencing Brexit, the current crisis at Stormont and the announcement of a General Election. “The timing of this General Election poses a significant challenge to the current talks on restoring devolution. Retail NI and the business community as a whole, want to see these talks reach a successful conclusion and for the Assembly and Executive to be restored. “Political stability is the essential basis for economic growth. “The focus of this election should be on Policy and what type of Brexit is best for Northern Ireland and the UK as a whole. Setting out a new vision for the future of the our local economy should be the central issue in this election for political parties, locally and nationally,” he added. “There is a lot of initiatives waiting to go through at Stormont; a whole host of campaigns covering many different areas, including corporation tax, that need attention,” he continued. Describing the complications facing local retailers as ‘the perfect storm of cost issues’ he said the industry needed to be an equal player and that he will continue to stand up and support it. “No matter who is making the decisions, we’ll be at the front,” he vowed. Retail NI’s rebranding exercise in recent months – from NIIRTA, Glyn said, is about a new identity and repositions the authority, which has over 1600 members. Looking ahead, Retail NI is preparing for its ‘Independents’ Day’ event which will celebrate the contribution local retailers present to the economy and communities here. The event will see retailers around NI allow customers to fully understand the role the retailer plays today through discounts and promotions. “This will be a very inclusive event and will promote the future of the independent retailing industry,” Glyn explained. Retail NI also plans to look at recruitment issues to safeguard the trade and encourage future generations to map out the retail landscape. And it will be building its supplier membership portfolio; “We have around 200 supplier members. It’s getting more difficult to get listed and we will be bringing suppliers and key buyers together,” said Glyn. “We’re not just a retail body,” Glyn was keen to point out. “We represent any type of independent retailer, and suppliers, and we can be your champion. Our members know we are in their corner.” Memberships for Retail NI are means tested and start from £99.


Post Article 50 Consumer Confidence surprises the business world C

onsumer confidence is “surprisingly stable” as the UK navigates the upcoming General Election and Brexit negotiations according to the Gfk Consumer Confidence Index. The closely-watched GfK Consumer Confidence Index dropped just one point to minus seven in April, with no evidence of the predicted post-Article 50 downturn. Joe Staton, head of market dynamics at GfK, said: “In the face of widespread reports of rampant inflation, stagnating wages and anxiety over our borrowing binge, UK consumer confidence is surprisingly stable. “Although the Overall Index Score remains in negative territory and has dipped this month, we have not seen any evidence of the predicted

post-trigger downturn, despite high levels of concern about the general economic situation of the country. Consumers continue to remain positive about the state of their personal finances and even report that now is a good time to buy.” The figures showed a one point increase in the major purchase index to positive seven, two points higher than this time last year and an indication of consumer confidence in buying big ticket items. But the forecast for personal finances and for the general economic situation over the next 12 months both decreased by one point. Mr Staton added: “Is this simply the calm before the storm? Is pre-Brexit economic turbulence yet to really batter households? That threat cannot be ruled out.”

Hours worked by retail staff continue to fall A

downward trend in the number of hours worked by retail staff has continued for a year, new figures show. The equivalent number of full-time jobs fell by 3.9% in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period last year. The biggest falls were among food workers, despite an increase in the number of stores, said the British Retail Consortium. Chief executive Helen Dickinson said: “Today’s fall in full-time equivalent employment from our sample of retailers shows a continuation of a year-long downward trend of retailers reducing the number of hours being worked. “We expect retailers to continue reviewing how they work with their people as they look to address the changing face of retail and keep prices low for consumers. “Building inflationary pressures and public policy costs, alongside intense competition, are taking their toll and retail, as a people-intensive industry, is being hit hard. “Looking ahead to the Brexit negotiations for the next government, certainty for the EU colleagues working in the industry and a business tax environment fit for purpose in the 21st century are what’s needed for the retail industry to drive productivity with better jobs, innovation and new skills for the digital age.”

Business Benefits from linking HORIS and Sage


he new links between HORIS and Sage as well as the new suite of Invoice Analysis Reports from HORIS have resulted in real business benefits for retailers. The export function from HORIS allows fast import to Sage, saving time and allowing greater analysis and better control over costs. Liam McMahon, owner of SPAR Glen Road and Grosvenor Road said: “The real benefit for me with these developments is the time they have saved, freeing me from time taken on data entry to look at areas of profitability. For our own store, it has saved me one day of data entry per month. The reports are both valuable and practical. They include product analysis, VAT breakdown, estimated pay date, the credit reference and credit number. In addition to this, I can click on a hyperlink to the signed POD for that invoice.” Stephen McConnell of Baker Tilly Mooney Moore has worked with many retailers in implementing the link between HORIS and Sage and said: “We have found this to be an excellent link, the retailer has much more time to look at the areas that make a real difference to their business and can use all of the functions within Sage to maximum benefit. I’ve been impressed by the flexibility of the system as files can be created weekly, quarterly or monthly. The retailer requests the date they want the file and it is sent by email. The import to Sage is simple, the whole process is both fast and straightforward. The suite of Invoice Analysis reports has been very beneficial, additional breakdown of all individual central billing invoices, detailing the invoice date and GRN number is now given. The file can be manually altered for any retailer’s specific custom requirements.” To find out more contact Stephen McConnell, Business Services Partner at Baker Tilly Mooney Moore on 028 9032 3466 or email stephenmcconnell@bakertillymm.co.uk


‘Switched-on to your local needs...’ “The new ‘food to go’ concepts Musgrave developed have proved very successful in our store. Since we introduced the concepts, we’ve seen double digit growth from our deli area, as well as an overall increase in margin of nearly 2%. In a very tough business environment, that’s an excellent result” Cahal Boyd, Mace Toomebridge

For more information about MACE contact caroline.rowan@musgrave.ie or call us on 028 9078 7100


French grocery chain snaps NI and Ireland grocery sector boosts Fairtrade sales up local granola brand


ust Live a Little, the Northern Irish producer of premium and healthy breakfast and snack foods, has won its first business in France. The company, based at Portaferry in county Down, is now supplying its luxury, handcrafted breakfast granolas to 50 Franprix stores across France in a new export deal for the family-owned and managed business. Just Live a Little, established by husband and wife team David and Jill Crawford in 2011, is now among the most successful smaller Northern Irish food producers in international markets. The company has had a strong global focus since its formation and now sells more than 60 per cent of its breakfast cereals and snack products outside Northern Ireland. It has developed significant business in Germany, the Republic of Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates.

M&S marks 50 years in Northern Ireland as it supports Balmoral Show


s the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society prepares to open the gates at Balmoral Park for the 149th Balmoral Show, Platinum sponsor Marks & Spencer is set to celebrate a milestone anniversary. Steve McLean, M&S Head of Agriculture, said: “This is a significant year for M&S in Northern Ireland as we prepare to mark 50 years of trading here. We opened our first store in Donegall Place, Belfast in September 1967, paving the way for UK investment into the local retailing market. “Over the past 50 years, M&S has always led the field in its support for local agriculture and farming sustainability and the Balmoral Show is an ideal platform for us to stamp our authority as a leading retailer, to maintain and build on close relationships with our farmers and producers and to communicate our ‘Farming for the Future’ partnership approach to sustainable agriculture.” Northern Ireland is a major supply region for the Marks & Spencer food business with beef, pork, venison, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bread and eggs produced not only for Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland stores, but also for many stores across the UK. Over the four days of the show, M&S will showcase the suppliers who bring the very best of regional food to its stores here, as well as those across the UK. Visitors will also be able to see live chef demonstrations showcasing the very best of M&S products, sample the retailer’s regional produce, witness the passion for quality and innovation and discover the extraordinary lengths M&S go to, to bring them such fantastic food.


ocal retailers and hospitality players have helped boost global sales of Fairtrade products which reached £6.2 billion last year. UK sales now account for £1.65 billion and Irish sales €272 million with social premium contribution of £140 million to developing world farmers. Northern Ireland companies Suki Tea sources 80% of its tea Fairtrade while Johnsons Coffee boasts 18% of its product range Fairtrade certified coffee. Meanwhile Ireland’s largest coffee company Bewleys has made a commitment to switch to 100% Fairtrade coffee by the end of 2017.



amily-owned Mash Direct has landed a significant contract with Asda to supply five new lines of its awardwinning produce to selected Asda stores in Northern Ireland. The Comber-based supplier has extended its offering of easycook traditional vegetables with three new product developments – Sweet Potato Mash Caribbean Style (350g), Leek and Potato Mash (350g) and Roast Potatoes (400g). Shoppers with larger families will also be able to enjoy a wider Regional Buying Manager for Asda NI, Brain Conway with Clare Forster, Head of range of exclusive to Asda pack Marketing for Mash Direct sizes with the introduction of Mashed Turnip (1kg) and Carrot and Parsnip (1kg) – which are all steam-cooked to retain the taste, texture and nutritional benefits of the vegetables. “We put six generations of farming expertise into all of our products,” said Clare Foster, Head of Marketing at Mash Direct. “Made using heritage vegetable varieties, chosen for flavour rather than appearance, the popularity of our locally-sourced range has seen Mash Direct grow into a £16m turnover company – with continuing expansion plans, including the recent completion of a new 25,000 square foot on-site factory. “Mash Direct is delighted to build upon its existing relationship with Asda. By working closely with the retailer over the past 10 years, including initiatives such as the Supplier Development Academy and the Sustain & Save programme, we have gained an understanding of what the Asda shopper is looking for, and are able to respond with new and innovative products.”



Hannan Meats develops premium burgers for Fortnum and Mason

H Finnebrogue’s Denis Lynn



innebrogue Artisan, the Northern Irish producer of pork and venison products, has been listed as one of the Top 100 UK companies in terms of fastest growing profits. Finnebrogue is the only food processing business in Northern Ireland in the Sunday Times Profit Track 100 of companies growing faster than ever. The list is produced by Fast Track, the Oxford research firm, for the Sunday Times in association with BDO and UBS. Finnebrogue is listed at 70 and is among four from Northern Ireland. Formed by food entrepreneur Denis Lynn on his 600-acre estate near Downpatrick, Finnebrogue initially supplied venison products to restaurants, delis and then Marks and Spencer. The company has since diversified to become among the UK’s biggest sausage manufacturers including a brand developed with top Irish chef Paul Rankin as well as gluten-free sausages under The Good Little Company identity. It has also pioneered ‘Flexitarian’ products. The survey found that Finnebrogue achieved a 71.4 per cent in profits.

igh-end retailer Fortnum and Mason in London has launched a new Glenarm Shorthorn-branded premium burger from Northern Ireland. The burger has been developed for the retailer by Hannan Meats in Moira, county Down, from quality beef aged in its unique complex of Himalayan salt chambers. The premium burger is a further development of Hannan’s longstanding relationship with the prestigious retailer for a wide range of high quality beef, much of which is sourced from the Glenarm Estate in county Antrim. Hannan Meats, now recognised as among the most creative meat processors, also developed a premium burger for the Stock Burger restaurant chain established by Intercontinental Hotels.

Irwin’s Bakery in GAA partnership


rwin’s partnered with the Ulster Gaelic Athletic Association to create coaching camps for kids over the Easter period. The initiative spanned nine venues across Ulster and included more than 700 children aged 8-11 years old. Colette Wilson, Head of Marketing, Irwin’s Bakery said: “Supporting grassroots sport is one of our key objectives at Irwin’s and we are delighted to partner with Ulster GAA to bring the Easter camps to life. As a family-owned business, Irwin’s is committed to promoting a fit and healthy lifestyle among children and families, an ethos we know Ulster GAA shares.”

Weetabix aquired by Post Holdings, Inc T

he Weetabix Food Company, owners of one of Britain’s leading cereal brands, welcomed the news that it is to be acquired by Post Holdings, Inc., a consumer packaged goods holding company. The deal values Weetabix at £1.4 billion. The acquisition comes on the back of the growth in Weetabix’s UK market share for cereals and drinks, rising from 15.3% to 16.4%, in the past year. Post Holdings, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is a consumer packaged goods holding company with a broad product portfolio across food including ready-to-eat cereal, value-added egg products, protein shakes, bars and powders, peanut and other nut butters, and granola. Through its Post Consumer Brands business, Post Holdings is a leader in the North American ready-to-eat cereal category. The combination of Post and Weetabix will boost international growth opportunities on both sides. Giles Turrell, CEO of Weetabix Food Company, said the deal ‘is great news for the team at Weetabix and all those who love our brands’. “The past five years have seen us increase our branded sales at home and overseas. Post is a leader within its markets and shares our commitment to providing great tasting nutritious products for the whole family. I’m confident they will help us open doors for continued expansion,” he added. 8

Giles Turrell, CEO of Weetabix


Dale Farm’s Protein Milk beckons top award D

ale Farm Protein Milk took first place at this year’s Northern Ireland Food & Drink Awards winning Best New Product in the Large Company category. Jason Hempton, Commercial Director Branded Products for Dale Nigel Walsh, Director, Commercial Banking, Ulster Bank with Farm said the Caroline Martin, Head of Marketing, Dale Farm and Eamonn Donnelly, Technical Director, Dale Farm company was ‘delighted to have been awarded ‘Best New Product’ and that the team was committed to leading the way in the dairy sector. He added: “We know protein is fast becoming a mainstream trend in the UK. Having developed the first fresh protein milk product available in the UK, with 25g of protein per 500ml serving, it is our goal to continue to lead the way in the UK dairy industry. “Protein rich food is becoming increasingly popular and shoppers are more interested than ever in how good nutrition can improve their health. Dale Farm Protein Milk naturally boosts protein intake, is convenient to consume, and similar in taste to standard fresh milk.”

Eurostock Food Group rebrands and celebrates new contracts

Martin White, Operations Director of Bawnbua; Gary White, Group MD of Bawnbua and David White, Managing Director of Bawnbua’s site in Bleary, Lurgan


urgan-based, award-winning meat supplier Eurostock Foods, which has recently been rebranded as Bawnbua Foods, has announced new contract wins worth in excess of £10m. The new contracts span a variety of customers including international supermarket chains, food manufacturing companies and specialist frozen food retailers. Over the last three years Bawnbua Foods has invested £2m in its business and plans to invest a further £1m throughout 2017 to support its ongoing development. This will create an additional 25 jobs for the company which currently employs around 250 staff across its sites in Co Armagh and Wigan, Greater Manchester.



ecord numbers of consumers looking to cut down their meat intake this BBQ season are turning to healthier option Quorn, the UK’s best-selling chilled and frozen meat free brand.*1 “The Meat Free category is now valued at over £270 million and is bought by almost nine and a half million shoppers*2, most of whom are non-vegetarians looking for great-tasting, nutritionally healthy products, such as Quorn, to serve to family and friends when dining alfresco this summer,” says Julian Cooke, Head of UK Category Management at Quorn. Quorn boasts the best-selling meat-free chilled burger and sausage products in the UK. The Best of British sausage is worth £3.5m and growing at £603k YOY*3 whilst Quorn’s Classic Burger is worth £1.6m. Meat Free chilled sausages, as a sector, is growing 12% YOY*3, with burgers also in growth at 16% YOY *3, highlighting the consumer demand for meat-free BBQ alternatives. The frozen sector is also experiencing impressive growth. The Meat Free frozen sausage sub-category is growing at +17% with burgers also growing at +27%*3 as more and more shoppers seek a healthier delicious alternative to meat. Quorn’s best-selling burger, the Southern

Style burger, is worth £2m within the frozen category*3, whilst Quorn’s biggest sausage SKU is worth £4.9m*3. The Vegan Hot and Spicy burger, which despite only launching 12 months ago, is already worth £1.6m*3 “With the Quorn brand accounting for more than half of all meat free sales in both chilled and frozen, and growing at 10%*4, the brand is really well placed to help retailers meet demand from the all-time-high number of households now buying meat free,” adds Cooke. Quorn is also very well placed to enable retailers to meet fast-growing shopper demand for gluten free products, with its 21-strong gluten-free range including best-selling lines and BBQ favourites, burgers and sausages. “The breadth and versatility of the Quorn range enables retailers to use it as a beacon brand across the store, merchandising it in BBQ seasonal fixtures, as well as high traffic flow areas such as ready meals, on-the-go snacking and meal ingredients,” adds Cooke. Consumer demand will be at an all-time high following Quorn’s £10 million brand relaunch in February, designed to attract new shoppers to the brand and category, and consequently drive sales. The wide-ranging campaign is led by major

NPD, vibrant new packaging, new national TV advertising showcasing the versatility of the range and the huge variety of great-tasting meals that can be made with Quorn. Cooke concludes: “It is vital that retailers realise that 73% of all shoppers in this category are not vegetarian – as shoppers appreciate, in record numbers, the benefits of meat free. The really good news for c-stores who stock Quorn is that meat free shoppers spend four times as much in-store as non-meat free shoppers, making a massive difference to the basket spend*5.” Sources: * 1 IRI 52w/e 25/03/17; * 2 IRI 31/12/2016 & Kantar Worldpanel 06/11/2016 - 52 w/e; * 3 IRI 52 w/e 25/03/17; * 4 IRI 12w/e 25/03/17; * 5 Kantar Worldpanel 52 w/e May 22nd, 2016



Bronach Hynds

Supershop & Post Office, Ardglass, Downpatrick Determined to stay in the heart of the fishing village, Ardglass Supershop proprietor Bronach Hynds recently restructured her business to offer full Post Office services, an expanded grocery range and new food-to-go offer and is planning an even bigger move, she tells UG.



ronach Hynds started out in her current trade 15 years ago, when she bought the local Post Office business from her mother and moved it into a SPAR site in the fishing village of Ardglass. When, six years ago, the Henderson Group decided to move the business to the Downpatrick Road and reopen as a company-owned EUROSPAR attached to a Maxol Service Station, Bronach didn’t take her Post Office with it. “I wanted to stay in the harbour area,” says Bronach. “Where I am, if I had made the jump too, there would have been nothing left at the heart of the village.” “I opened as a CTN with a Post Office and, a year ago, we underwent a Post Office transformation and the Post Office now sits beside the till at the front of the shop and is open for the full shop hours of 7am to 7.30pm Monday to Sunday. “We were then able to use the old Post Office space at the back to improve the layout of the shop.” Beginning the transformation in March 2016, Bronach removed the old Post Office counter and restructured the shop floor to create more retail space. Food to go is becoming a greater focus, and she plans to expand upon a new coffee stand introduced as part of the refit with a complementary food offer


Do you know your customers? such as sausage rolls, jambons and other heated snacks. Another feature of the Supershop is cards, wrapping and gifting, including baby and general birthday merchandise and children’s art and craft toys. Bronach is currently expanding her range and display of helium balloons. “It’s a growing market for us,” she says, “and no-one else around here does those.” The general CTN offer has also been expanded since the refurbishment to include a better range and lay out of cleaning essentials, and general grocery lines including bread, milk, home bakery and confectionery. Dale Farm scoop ice-cream and slushies represent an important trade sector, with the shop attracting tourists as well as locals and visitors from surrounding areas in Co Down. Bronach says tourist trade is on the up. “It dipped for about three years but, over the last few years, it is fairly building again. We have a stunning golf course in the area, Ardglass Golf Club, and it attracts a lot of Americans and Canadians. A few new B&Bs have also opened, and the businesses in the area are very supportive of each other and try and push trade in your direction.” “As we now offer the full Post Office services, we have a lot of people calling in to do their car tax and that sort of thing,” says Bronach. “Another reason I wanted to stay where we are was because we are on the ‘passing through’ road, and get a lot of trade that way.” The Post Office also offers the usual mailing

services; its own savings and credit card offer; banking services across a range of other banks; travel, home and pet insurance; high street gift cards; and home phone and broadband packages. Supershop is a convenience store franchise owned by the Costcutter Supermarkets Group and operated by independent retailers, which extends to 96 UK sites including 61 in Northern Ireland. Focused on every day essentials, it targets the market for top up shops and food to go, with its retailer members buying their stock centrally. Bronach has enjoyed working with the Group. “Retail was something I knew nothing about and they do help you,” she says. Meanwhile, she could very soon be on the move again, as she is hoping to close a deal any day now to purchase a neighbouring bar premises, which has sat derelict for a number of years. With the current Supershop site a rented property, and limited by its 2,200-square-foot floor size, Bronach is hoping the move would allow her to own her own shop space, and expand the food-to-go offer if it takes off. She also plans to make the most of the commercial opportunity by creating two apartments above the proposed shop space, making the most of the idyllic harbour location. The Supershop, as it stands, employs five staff members in addition to Bronach and she hopes to increase her contribution to the local workforce if the move next door proves successful.

As a customer I know I want the store to inspire me, choose for me and if it’s ok, can they carry my shopping too? So, what type of customer am I? Well that’s easy, I’m a last-minute shopper standing in the aisle trying to think like Michael Deane to create fresh, tasty and healthy meals but few of us have time to cook. I need to hit the gym and Instagram photos of my dog so I end up grabbing a ready-to-go meal. There is a clear trend for customers like myself with no time and always on the go. Focusing on the customer’s behaviours or needs to drive purchase can be a clever way to increase footfall and sales. Need states aren’t bound by age, sex, gender or ethnicity. By understanding these different motivations, retailers can better leverage true, in-the-moment behaviour to trigger purchases. Here are a few types of customers to think about; • The ‘Craver’ They’re in the store because of life’s simple addictions. In search of the immediate satisfaction that comes only from one key item. As a retailer you have an opportunity to surprise these customers with something different which can occasionally offer up extra spending. • The ‘Local’ To these people the store is a big part of their community. They’re often on a first-name basis with staff and other customers. They want to feel important and be a part of big ideas and know about new offerings/deals before anyone else. • The ‘Last-Minute Shopper’ has a need for a last-minute and very specific item but this can easy turn into a tower of balanced shopping through promotional offers. • The ‘Thrill Seeker’s’ is every retailer’s dream. This group is in search of an experience. They just want products and POS that taps into their desire for emotion, uniqueness, personalization and excitement. So consistently keeping them intrigued is your biggest challenge and opportunity.



Henderson Group announces record financial year T he Henderson Group has announced record levels of sales, investment and jobs growth in the year ending 31st December 2016. Ron Whitten, Chief Financial Officer and Patrick Doody, Sales and Marketing Director, Henderson Group, announced the annual results during the company’s Wholesale Conference in Seville, Spain recently, attended by over 250 of its retailers, suppliers and staff. Turnover has increased by 6% to £699.3m as compared to 2015, despite the competitive pressures within the grocery and foodservice sectors. Profit on ordinary activities after interest, before taxation was £23.87m, an increase of 10.9%. In 2016, employment levels rose to 3099, an increase of 270 new jobs on 2015. Like for like grocery sales growth of 3.5% was recorded, driven by strong performance of the fresh food categories growing in volume terms by over 8%, increasing footfall and basket spend in its supplied retailer stores. In addition, retention of existing retailers and recruitment of new retailers to its symbol brands were both key to the success in 2016. The company said that an ongoing co-investment strategy with its retail partners to establish a market leading portfolio of supermarket, forecourt and convenience stores has boosted the strong sales performance across all its brand formats. In addition, fuel volumes in Henderson Retail Ltd (company owned stores) grew by 8.6% on a like for like basis, driving increasing footfall to the stores.

Directors Paddy Doody and Ron Whitten

Mr Whitten said: “Strong like for like growth across all subsidiaries, high retention rates of existing retailers, recruitment of new retailers, coupled with significant investment by the group, directly within our company owned stores as well as with its retail partners, has delivered additional sales of £40m.” Mr Doody added: “It was also another record year of investment by the Group, with a spend of over £34m in store acquisitions, store refurbishments and head office infrastructure, designed to future proof the business to meet consumer and retailer demands going forward.” In 2016, 16 new stores were opened under the Group’s main retail brands.

Top butcher creates seaweed black pudding N

orthern Irish butcher Pat O’Doherty, managing director of family owned O’Doherty’s Fine Meats in Enniskillen, county Fermanagh, has created a black pudding with ingredients including three different varieties of edible seaweed harvested from the Atlantic coastline. The core ingredient in the new black pudding that he’s created is his own multi-awardwinning Fermanagh Black Bacon, a bacon from his own free-range pigs that’s cured using a special recipe. “I decided to develop the new pudding because seaweed is now seen as a healthy and nutritious food, often referred to as a superfood. It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals. “I’ve selected three types of seaweed from the fresh and clean Atlantic waters along the Irish coastline and blended these with Black Bacon and other traditional ingredients including Irish oats and herbs. The new pudding has a very rich and spicy flavour and is proving extremely popular with all those who have sampled it.” He’s named the new pudding after the Wild Atlantic Way, a major tourism trail that runs across the west of Ireland from Cork to Donegal and is being promoted extensively outside Ireland, especially in the US and Europe, by Tourism Ireland. 12

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Centra’s Barry Minnock got suited up ahead of the 2017 Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon. Barry donned a suit for the occasion in support of Centra’s local charity partner Action Cancer and in a bid to break a Guinness World Record. The Marathon, which is sponsored by convenience retailer Centra as part of its Live Well programme took place on May 1st.



ostcutter Supermarkets Group has launched a new integrated campaign for its Independent own brand. The ‘Tasty in no Time’ campaign showcases the range, its value and quality, and has been designed to increase in-store awareness for the own brand, promoting quick and easy ‘food for tonight’ recipe ideas to shoppers. The campaign is supported by a full suite of in-store POS, including header boards, shelf stripping, fins, roundels and for the first time, tear off recipe cards. Additionally in-store radio advertising is being used to capture shopper’s attention, with national press advertising, consumer leaflets and social media to directly engage shoppers. The campaign is being promoted to Costcutter Supermarkets Group’s retailers via its ActivHUB retailer portal and through ActivMOBILE push notifications to ensure retailers are stocking the right products at the right times.


Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend participants trained up for 2017

Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend Chairman Barclay Bell and Richard Primrose, Bank of Ireland UK Agri Manager welcome Deirdre O’Shea, Executive Director of Agri Aware to the Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend Training event held at CAFRE Greenmount.


eventeen farms have signed up to participate in Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend 2017 and have undergone training to help them be prepared to welcome the public this summer. Running on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June, the popular initiative gives consumers and their families the opportunity to visit farms across Northern Ireland, for free. Seven new farms will open their doors to the public including Castlescreen Farm near Downpatrick who specialise in producing Dexter beef and Jamisons Potatoes in Ballycastle. Previous hosts are kindly opening their gates once again and making a return will be Armagh Apple Farm, Hillstown Farm and Laurel View Farm who have each hosted annually since the initiative began in 2012. Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend Chairman and UFU President Barclay Bell said, “Whilst our farm numbers may be down on last year’s figure, we are pleased with the quality of the farms and the message they will help deliver to the general public. We have an array of farming sectors represented including for the first time, a social farm in County Fermanagh. We value each of the farms coming on board for the sterling work they do in promoting the industry to a wide audience.” At the training day held at CAFRE Greenmount, visiting speakers from NFU Mutual, HSENI and Agri Aware helped farmers to plan ahead and think of interesting, informative and safe ways to engage with the public on their farms. “We were delighted that Deirdre O’Shea, the new Executive Director of Agri Aware, was able

to join us. The UFU has been working closely with Agri Aware providing resources for schools to help them understand farming. Their expertise on making complex farming techniques easier for the general public to understand was much appreciated by our host farmers giving them new and creative ideas to put into practice in June.” Bank of Ireland UK Agri Manager Richard Primrose added, “It’s great to see 17 farms volunteering to represent their industry this year. We are fortunate in Northern Ireland to have such

wonderful local food and drink produce and this initiative helps the general public trace their story back to the field and farm. These dedicated farmers are playing a commendable role in communicating the important role farmers’ play in the supply chain to a wider audience and we all owe them a debt of thanks for their effort and commitment. We look forward to again welcoming our local communities to Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend.” Visitors can plan journeys to the participating farms on the website which lists the various opening times and activities which are unique to each farm. Schools are invited to visit farms by arrangement on Friday 16th June. Teachers can view their newest farms on the website and email info@openfarmweekend.com to request a class visit. Details of the Schools Competition, run in association with ASDA, are also available online. The Ulster Farmers’ Union led initiative, principally supported by Bank of Ireland UK, has been running since 2012 and has attracted over 70,000 people throughout that time. Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend is also sponsored by The Prince’s Countryside Fund, NFU Mutual and ASDA. The weekend would not be possible without the help and resources of CAFRE, the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster, the Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association, Food NI, and DAERA through the Northern Ireland Regional Food Programme. For more information, visit the new website www.openfarmweekend.com, follow on Twitter @ BOIopenfarm and like Open Farm Weekend on Facebook.

Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend recently held a training day at CAFRE Greenmount for participating farms. Pictured with new and former hosts is Barclay Bell, BOIOFW Chairman, and Richard Primrose, Bank of Ireland UK Agri Manager.


Musgrave Matters

MAY 2017


SuperValu on mission to get Northern Ireland cooking again New research shows ‘foodie culture’ is developing in Northern Ireland but consumers need inspiration to get back into the kitchen

Pictured: SuperValu’s new Let’s Cook Ambassadors: Jilly Dougan (Innovation Ambassador); Estelle Wallace (Wellness Ambassador); Noel McMeel (Lead Chef Ambassador); Sarah Patterson (Vegetarian Ambassador) with SuperValu marketing manager, Donna Morrison (centre). Picture by Richard Watson.


eading foodmarket convenience retailer, SuperValu is on a mission to get Northern Ireland cooking again, with the launch of its new £1M ‘Let’s Cook’ campaign. Announcing the major investment, SuperValu has released new research that shines a light on consumer cooking habits and attitudes to food in Northern Ireland. According to the new report, only half of people (51%) are cooking at least one meal at home from scratch five times a week or more, with dinner the main driver. A worrying 18% say they cook no meals from scratch at all; whilst 13% cook one to two times per week and 17% three to four times. We have a developing foodie culture, with over two thirds (68%) believing they have either very good or fairly good cooking skills, while 55% of the males surveyed and 79% of females ranked themselves at the ‘good’ end of the cooking skills scale. In the contest for the coveted title of ‘national dish

for Northern Ireland’, it’s almost neck and neck between Irish Stew (26%) and the Ulster Fry (24%). Lack of time was cited as the largest barrier to cooking from scratch (34%), whilst 20% said they ‘couldn’t be bothered’ and 13% cited a lack of inspiration. There is also a desire for healthier inspiration, with 29% wanting inspiration for healthier lunches and 27% for the evening meal. The new Let’s Cook campaign will encourage people to get back into the kitchen. Building on its work with leading NI chef, Noel McMeel (executive chef, Lough Erne Resort) over the last 12 months, SuperValu is bringing on board an expanded line-up of leading foodie ambassadors. Working alongside McMeel, they will provide much-needed inspiration to aspiring cooks. SuperValu’s new Wellness Ambassador, Estelle Wallace – a leading NI nutritional therapist and fitness professional – will help educate and inspire customers on healthy eating, cooking and exercise.

Jilly Dougan, author of ‘Sow, Grow, Munch’ is SuperValu’s Innovation Ambassador. A passionate advocate of local produce, she will share her tips on growing your own herbs and veg, plus how to use home grown produce to add flavour and cook up simple dishes. Sarah Patterson, owner of The Little Pink Kitchen and local food blogger completes the line-up as SuperValu’s Vegetarian Ambassador. Through sharing her favourite recipes, she hopes to inspire people to cook up tasty vegetarian cuisine that the whole family will love. Commenting on the launch, SuperValu Lead Chef Ambassador Noel McMeel said: “Great home cooking has been at the heart of my ethos as a chef. With increasingly hectic lifestyles, consumers are crying out for inspiration. I’m excited to join forces with SuperValu and new Let’s Cook Ambassadors, Estelle, Jilly and Sarah to help put home cooking back on the menu in homes across Northern Ireland.” The Let’s Cook campaign will be supported by a full suite of in store and online activity including; the development of a new interactive online hub; impactful POS and in-store displays; and a Let’s Cook roadshow that will visit several key high profile events throughout 2017. Recipe videos, Twittter tastings and engaging social content will encourage consumers to get cooking and to share their experiences. In an exciting first for the SuperValu brand, an innovative ‘smelter’ bus shelter site on Foyle Street, Derry/Londonderry will create an immersive experience for commuters. Desi Derby, Head of Marketing, Musgrave NI, said: “The new SuperValu Let’s Cook campaign supports our mission to help inspire customers to cook from scratch and create healthier alternatives. “As leaders in local, quality food, we are committed to helping our customers to lead healthier lifestyles, providing them with the support and tools they need to make small, positive changes. “We are proud to unveil this leading line-up of ambassadors – with their help, we’re looking forward to helping Northern Ireland get cooking from scratch again.” For further information, visit www.supervalu.co.uk Follow SuperValu NI on Facebook, Twitter and Ins-


Ruby Wax’s Frazzled Café to launch in M&S stores


Argos opens digital store at Sainsbury’s in Ballymena


rgos has opened a new digital store at Sainsbury’s in Ballymena in a concession setup that will offer thousands of popular products for immediate pickup. 20,000 products can be ordered on the move for speedy collection from a Fast Track collection point in-store. There will also be an eBay collection point so buyers can collect their ebay purchases. The move comes after Sainsbury’s acquired Home Retail Group, which owns Argos and is part of its strategy to help its customers shop whenever and wherever they want. In addition to Ballymena and recently opened stores in Forestside and Carrickfergus, there are plans to bring an Argos store into Sainsbury’s supermarket in Bangor on May 10, with other locations being considered. Patricia McPeake, Store Manager at Sainsbury’s Argos Ballymena, said: “We are really proud to be introducing shoppers in Ballymena to our newlook store within Sainsbury’s and give them access to the things they want quickly and easily. Shoppers increasingly browse and buy online via PCs, tablets and other mobile devices, while still wanting the immediacy of a local store to pick up their purchases.”

arks & Spencer has joined forces with number one bestselling author, comedian and leading mental health awareness campaigner Ruby Wax to launch Frazzled Café in M&S stores. M&S Cafés will host fortnightly ‘talk-in’ sessions where people who are feeling ‘frazzled’ can meet to talk and share their personal stories in a safe, anonymous and non-judgmental environment. 11 M&S stores will be hosting Frazzled Café meetings over the next few months – with three in London alongside Brighton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cambridge, Nottingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Canterbury and Norwich – and more locations are set to be added throughout the year. Taking place in M&S Cafés after hours and led by trained volunteer facilitators, Frazzled Café meetings are designed not just for the one-in-four Britons who will suffer a mental illness at some point, but for the four-in-four who are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed by the stresses of modern life. Ruby Wax, who announced the launch at London Book Fair, said: “We live in a time where to have a life crammed to the hilt is considered a success story. But with all this pressure, so many of us have nowhere to go to meet and talk about it. Frazzled Café is about people coming together to share their stories, calmly sitting together, stating their case and feeling validated as a result. Feeling heard, to me, has always been half the cure.”

Tesco Northern Ireland launches foodie mag online T esco Northern Ireland has launched a new online magazine – NI Food Love Stories (www.tasteni.com). Made up of local supplier profiles and news, tips from local chefs and recipes using local produce, ‘it is designed to be the go-to hub for anyone passionate about local food and drink’ says the company. Caoimhe Mannion, Marketing Manager, Tesco Northern Ireland, said: “During our 20th

anniversary year in Northern Ireland, we wanted to go one step further in our support for the local food industry and so, have created NI Food Love Stories – a dedicated food and drink magazine. “The site is a meeting place for those who want to be inspired about local food and drink scene and celebrates the local suppliers, traditions and products that have put Northern Ireland on the map as a region for great food and culinary

excellence.” NI Food Love Stories is a fully mobile optimised site, recognising the way in which people consume information. It comprises of a mix of independently written articles, guest blogs, video content and a twitter feed reflecting the latest trending news and updates from some of Northern Ireland’s foodie influencers.

Could Woolworths make a comeback to NI? F ormer director of the Woolworths brand Tony Page has said he is still emotionally attached to the famous old name and has made approaches to buy it. In an interview with the Daily Star, Mr Page said he would be more interested in opening stores ‘in the heart of communities’ rather than in big shopping centres. He said that he has approached the brand’s current owner Shop Direct and asked if it would


be interested in selling the name to someone who would. “I still think it has got a role in the future,” he told the paper. “It is much easier to walk down the road than to order on Amazon.” Mr Page described the closure of the shops and with it the loss of thousands of jobs as ‘traumatic’ admitting he still carried the pain but said it was the only possible option. “I strongly believe the core of Woolworths,

however, was – and still could be – a strong and prosperous business,” he said. Woolworths went into administration in 2008 after racking up debts of hundreds of millions of pounds. It had 800 stores employing some 27,000 across the UK at the time with 11 shops in Northern Ireland with the final few closing their doors for the final time at the beginning of 2009. Its first shop in Belfast opened in 1915.




ell, it had to happen sooner or later, and now it has. After months of seeing inflation creep, and occasionally, jump, upwards, we have now seen CPI reach the same level of growth as that of wages1. What does this mean? Well, put simply, prices are now rising at the same rate as the average person’s wages, and that means that disposable income is no longer rising for the average household. However, even with inflation at 2.3%, most consumers are now in a far better position than they were in 2014, as we have just had two and a half years of growing disposable income. This is demonstrated by the latest measure of consumer confidence, which, at -62, held steady in March compared to the February number. A score of -6 might not sound like much to shout home about but, by recent historical standards, and benched against a zero score from 2004, it is actually a reasonably good performance. Factor in all of the political uncertainty around Brexit, and a steady score of -6 actually looks like a good result. Furthermore, consumers are still continuing to spend freely on non-essential items such as cinema-

going, restaurants and hotels3. So, even though inflation is moving upwards, there is certainly no panic amongst consumers. One impact of this increase in inflation, though, has been on the grocery market, where inflation, as measured by Kantar Worldpanel (based on a basket of 75,000 identical products purchased year on year), also stands at 2.3%4. This means that the average household, in the last 12 weeks, has spent an additional £21.31 on groceries, compared to a year ago. Of course, not every category is contributing to this average increase, but it remains fact that, for the average household, prices are creeping up. The grocery industry, itself, partly as a result of this, sees growth; in the 12 weeks to 26th March, supermarket sales as a whole saw growth of 1.4%4 – clearly not a stellar result, but a great improvement on the torpor seen during much of 2016. However, the fact that grocery growth is lower than price inflation tells us that other factors must be at play in the total dynamics of the market, and, indeed, there is a drag on market growth. That drag is volume purchased per trip, which, at total grocery

level, sees a decline of -2.2%. To a greater or lesser degree, that drag remains in place across all three major food categories – Fresh & Chilled, Ambient and Frozen – and the reason why can chiefly be summed up in two words (or one hyphenated one!): multi-buys. With the withdrawal of most multi-buys from some of our largest retailers, volume in many categories has been impacted, and promotional deals have shifted towards price reductions. So, at a time when we are seeing prices rise for the first time in the last few years, we are also seeing an era when shoppers are finding cheaper promotions available, and finding it is less costly to buy into discounts. Whether that is fortuitous timing, or a happy accident is difficult to say, but it certainly seems like the trend in supermarket promotions is very much on trend in terms of the wider economy. Sources: 1 – ONS; 2 – GfK Consumer Confidence, March 2017; 3 – Based on publicly available credit card data; 4 – Kantar Worldpanel, 12 weeks to 26th March 2017. 17


Get ‘fired up’ for the upcoming BBQ season T

he UK, according to Brand Belief Ltd, is Europe’s leading BBQ nation, beating Germany into 2nd place in recent years. With the average number of BBQs being held per family during the summer rising sharply from 2.5 per family 10 years ago to now over nine per family, the popularity of BBQing in the UK and indeed NI shows no sign of abating. The UK BBQ market continues to grow, approaching £2 billion in 2014 and reaching £2.5 billion in 2015. (NBQA/Mintel/Kantar & Trade market estimates), compounded by consumer spend on BBQ food and drink being double it was even five years ago, and up from £150 million back in 1997. 18

According to National BBQ Week 14% of all households now have two BBQ grills and 5% have three or more. Traditional US ‘smoker’ BBQs are now in 2.5% of all homes. 2% of all households now have some form of outdoor kitchen. And, it’s no longer considered to be just a summer activity, with 15% of UK BBQ-ers claiming to BBQ all year round. However BBQing continues to be a male-dominated activity with 56% of BBQ cooking being carried out by men. The temperamental NI weather makes BBQ events spontaneous affairs with convenience retailers well placed to capitalise on the alfresco dining trends of its customers and the event isn’t

just reserved to weekends; after-work or mid-week Barbi’s now account for over 48% of all BBQ occasions. Charcoal is no longer the most popular fuel of choice informs BBQ Week, as it occupies 38 per cent of the market while gas accounts for 53 per cent. So what are we eating? Consumers, according to research, are diversifying their meat portfolio and while the traditional staples are still playing a big role on the paper plate, fish and vegan/flexitarian choices are coming to the fore. In this special feature, we look at what the top BBQ food suppliers to ensure your sunshine offering fits the bill...


Cookstown C

ookstown, established in 1937, is a one of the largest pork manufacturers in Northern Ireland, employing approximately 900 people in there Cookstown facility in the heart of Tyrone. It produces fresh pork, bacon, sausage, gammon and sliced cooked meats and supplies most of the multiple and independent retailers with private label product as well as having one of the most popular pork brands in the market. From Cookstown, the company’s customer base includes supermarkets Tesco, Asda, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury and Dunnes as well as the convenience channel. Cookstown also has a very successful export business, supplying top quality pork products to many international markets including the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates and Asia. RECENTLY ACQUIRED BY CAPVEST, A LEADING MID-MARKET PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM CapVest has established a strong record of success, working closely with management teams to identify and maximise opportunities for growth and development. Exciting times are ahead for Cookstown with continued investment in product development and factory efficiencies ensuring we remain competitive within the market.

NEW PRODUCTS GIANT 8 SAUSAGES 770G – OUR FAMOUS COOKSTOWN RECIPE JUST BIGGER Limited Summer edition – launching in Tesco and ASDA at the end of May will also be available to the convenience channel. Ideal for the BBQ or for a giant dinner.

PIES In last six months Cookstown have also launched their new Pie range – Chicken & Ham and Mince & Gravy. • Proving really popular with consumers. • Available in multiples and convenience channel. At Cookstown we’re not just great at making Northern Ireland’s number 1 best selling sizzling sausages and mouth watering bacon we have now launched our very own Savoury Pie Range. Alastair McQuillan Sales Director at Cookstown said: “Following on from the significant growth across the Cookstown sausage roll range, we are delighted to be extending the Cookstown brand through to the savoury pie category. We have invested time and money in developing our very own Cookstown recipe for the traditional Chicken & Ham and Mince & Gravy pies. Ensuring they are both deliciously rich and convenient just what consumers are demanding.”

MAPLE BACON MEDALLIONS 140G With strong sales for our Unsmoked & smoked bacon medallion range we have extended our range, to now include our Maple cure – giving consumer even more choice. Products are popular with those on low fat – high protein diets. Maple medallions has launched in Tescos and is now available in convenience channels.





ocal Ballymena firm Doherty & Gray have introduced a fantastic new premium range of locally produced gourmet steak burgers into the market, perfectly timed for the start of the BBQ season. Under ‘Hull’s Platinum Collection’ branding, the range will offer a locally produced premium quality burger with striking shelf appeal. Superior production techniques are used to deliver a rustic open textured burger for an enhanced eating experience and one that will definitely appeal to consumers, as it is this ‘hand-made style’ burger that is delivering the growth within the category. The initial 3 products available will be a succulent 6oz steak burger (340g) at £2.50 RSP and a 4oz Steak burger (454g) and 4oz Peppered steak burger (454g) both with a £3.00 RSP. These products are made with a high 90% meat content and will be available 52 weeks of the year with further exciting brand developments to be announced. The general appetite for premium, gourmet burgers continues to grow and the Hull’s Platinum Collection range follows a £200k investment in the latest production and packaging equipment that will be sure to step change and provide growth to the branded burger market within Northern Ireland. All products are presented in premium packaging and are gas flushed to maintain the best possible product quality for consumers and retailers. Also available for the summer will be new & improved Hulls 4oz beef burgers 454g, BBQ Pack and a range of 3 Hot Dogs 400g ( Pork, Smokey BBQ, Chilli Beef ) – helping retailers maximise the full summer BBQ sales potential.


Bar-Be-Quick, the original instant barbecue brand Changeable NI weather often makes the barbecue an impromptu affair. Here, Melanie Higgins, national account manager at Bar-Be-Quick, the convenience BBQ, advises the trade on getting the offering right.


hat are the essential barbecue items needed in grocery retail? “Burgers and sausages will always be summer staples, and therefore must be on every grocery retailer’s shelves, along with bread rolls, sauces and salads. However, consumers are becoming more adventurous and expecting more options,” said Melanie. “The trend for ‘low and slow’-style cooking will continue this year but, with

barbecues becoming ever more impulsive, we’re likely to see a move towards quicker ways of achieving this effect – sauces, rubs and marinades, for example. People are also looking for innovative ways of adding more flavour, including putting scented wood chips in the coals or using sprigs of herbs as skewers. The ‘clean eating’ trend is also set to infiltrate the barbecue market, with more people opting for fish, vegetables and more vibrant salads and sides. As such, stores should look to merchandise traditional barbecue fare alongside more adventurous foodstuffs,” she added. While 14 per cent of UK households now own two barbecues with the hooded variety the most popular choice, there is still a demand for disposable varieties and over half of UK BBQ hosts prefer a charcoal affair rather than gas according to bbqbarbecues.co.uk. “When it comes to barbecue equipment, the instant barbecue is a musthave, as are instant lighting charcoal and cooking accessories, such as tongs, skewers and foil cooking bags. Fewer people are doing a weekly ‘big shop’ at supermarkets, opting instead to visit smaller convenience stores multiple times throughout the week. Mid-week, after-work barbecues are also on the rise, so this way customers can easily get all they need to light up last-minute in one go,” continued Melanie. Bbqbarbecues.co.uk added that the average BBQ spend is £35 today, a considerable rise on the £19 spend five years ago.



evian and Wimbledon – the perfect match e

vian, the UK’s No.1 still plain water brand and official supplier to Wimbledon, is bringing back its campaign to celebrate The Championships. Last year’s initiative was extremely successful for the brand, bringing to life the events of Wimbledon through Wimblewatch, which puts a ‘live young’lens on the day’s action. This digital campaign was recently recognised by the ESA Excellence Awards as winners of Best Use of Digital & Sport Sponsorship Award. This year, the brand has set out to make the campaign even bigger and better, with an investment of £1.9m to support marketing activity around the most iconic tennis event in the UK. The initiative is set to raise consumer awareness, so independent retailers are advised to stock up to meet demand. For further media information, please contact the Danone UK/Ireland press office on pressUK.IRL@danone.com or 020 8799 1125.



My Life in the Grocery Trade Eugene Teague, former General Store Manager of Asda Cookstown, reflects on over four decades of working in the grocery trade. Road store in Strabane – with Asda landing in the province in 2005, and replacing it with a state-of-the-art store in 2007. After moving to the Asda Omagh store in 2010, where I remained for five years, I spent the last two years of my career as GSM of Asda Cookstown. I will miss the many Asda colleagues I’ve worked alongside, but will be keeping in contact with the countless friends I have made over the years.

CURRENT ROLE I have recently retired from my role as the General Store Manager of Asda Cookstown. With over 42 years of retail experience, I have watched the grocery trade transform over the decades. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY I kicked off my career at FA Wellworth in October 1974. Over the years, I worked in various Wellworth stores across Northern Ireland until the Dromore Road store opened in Omagh. From September 1984 until Safeway arrived in NI in 1997, I was Store Manager – with the new Safeway store opening in 1998. In 2002, I moved to the Safeway Railway

WHAT DOES YOUR ROLE INVOLVE? As a General Store Manager, I had responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the store – from driving sales, leading a team of store colleagues and section leaders/managers to coaching and developing the team. A key priority within the fastmoving retail industry is to ensure the highest level of customer service each and every time a shopper visits the store. WHEN DID YOU TAKE UP THE POST? My final role with Asda was as General Store Manager for Asda Cookstown started in February 2015. WHAT ARE THE BEST AND WORST PARTS OF THE JOB? The best part of my job was watching colleagues develop along their career path. From recruitment to providing coaching and support, it was very rewarding to see individuals grow into a more senior role and fulfil their potential. The worst part would be when a colleague, and friend, made a poor career choice against good advice.

WHAT ARE THE PROUDEST MOMENTS OF YOUR CAREER? Throughout my career there have been many special moments – but the opening of the new Asda store in Strabane in July 2007 would be my proudest moment. Being an integral part of the team that was tasked with the undertaking meant that it was a career highlight. WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING INVOLVED WITH THE LOCAL RETAIL INDUSTRY? An aspect which I enjoyed throughout my career with Asda was the opportunity to support local people, communities and schools through a range of different activities and events – including working with the Asda Foundation on their charitable donations scheme. The NI retail industry is uniquely placed to make a real difference in the community – and I feel passionately that retailers should make the most of this opportunity where possible. HOW DO YOU UNWIND FROM WORK? Away from work, I love to spend time with my wife, three daughters and my granddaughter – and then it’s DIY and gardening if there is any time left! TELL US SOMETHING PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU? I restore Massey Ferguson vintage tractors and they will really benefit from my new spare time. There will be a lot more time for a ‘spit and polish’ in the months ahead!



Key retailers in new food and drinks strategy Retailers who played such an important role in ensuring the resounding success of the recent Year of Food & Drink will continue to have a pivotal role in Food NI’s new five-year strategy document. BY MICHELE SHIRLOW, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, FOOD NI


our of the top 10 objectives set in Taste the Greatness, our new digitally-driven strategic action plan, focus on the further development of the great relationships that we’ve developed with retailers here. They are as follows: • A vibrant local market for Northern Ireland food and drink • Growing awareness of the quality of Northern Ireland produce among consumers • Increased attractiveness of the sector to employees and entrepreneurs • More Northern Ireland consumers buying local food and drink

“Our aim is to achieve Northern Ireland as a standout region for food and drink in Great Britain by 2019 and by 2021 to have developed the international credibility of Northern Ireland for great food and drink.” Our retailers, both large and small, and multiples as well as independents, did a tremendous job in promoting local suppliers during Year of Food & Drink. And they are continuing to do so during 2017. We will also seek to work with local multiple retailers in particular to help us in achieving another key objective – more Northern Ireland food and drink companies successfully exporting. Many major retailers have already contributed to this by taking food and drink they are selling 24

here to their supermarkets in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. We appreciate greatly their support for local produce. And experience gained by local producers in working with the UK and Irish supermarkets has undoubtedly helped them in reaching out to international retailers in the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Food NI is keen to continue to work with retailers in Britain and the Republic of Ireland to increase Northern Ireland food and drink on their shelves and in their chill cabinets. Food NI aims to continue to take the message about the innovation and quality of our food and drink to major events in Britain such as the successful BBC Good Food Shows. This is because we are aware of the need to raise the profile of our produce among consumers in Britain. We have to give them good reason to go into their supermarkets seeking our premium food and drink. This will also involve building on the success of Tourism NI in bringing top food writers and journalists here. Year of Food & Drink generated an amazing £41 million worth of positive PR coverage especially in major newspapers and influential food magazines. Many subsequently penned excellent

pieces about our food and drink. In addition, we hosted a number of writers and also chefs from Britain and the Republic. Taste the Greatness builds on the success of our first-ever Year of Food & Drink. It’s the next stage in our campaign to promote Northern Ireland food and drink both here and in international markets. Our other strategic objectives reflect this strategic commitment. By promoting the success of the industry, we hope to encourage more entrepreneurial activity, increase levels of innovation and drive forward Northern Ireland’s developing reputation as a region offering great food and drink. Our aim is to achieve Northern Ireland as a standout region for food and drink in Great Britain by 2019 and by 2021, the end of our five-year strategy, to have developed the international credibility of Northern Ireland for great food and drink. As our Taste the Greatness vision states: “Thanks to the brilliant produce we are rearing, growing and making on these shores, our task is getting more exciting daily.” We aim to help this vibrant industry realise its great potential for the companies involved and the wider community and economy.


Summer will be a blast with Boost W

ith summer around the corner and it being the season of holidays and long car journeys, there is always a huge thirst – particularly from consumers of convenience for drinks that can provide that extra boost of energy when needed. Boost is the top soft drinks brand in Northern Ireland convenience, the brand’s 250ml and 500ml cans and bottles are great choices for customers looking for a quick burst of energy whilst travelling. New flavours and sugar free options are both growing trends in energy drinks, but consumers also want a highquality, great tasting product that is also good value. Research has shown price-marked packs are preferred by the consumer and can enable independents to compete effectively by offering a price point in line with retail multiples, while demonstrating value for money. Combining all this consumer knowledge, Boost Drinks has now launched Pomberri Blast, its latest pricemarked, sugar free, flavoured SKU. Founder and managing director Simon Gray comments: “Investing in new product development is a key part of our Champion of the Independents commitment, whereby we only sell to independent retailers. Pomberri Blast is the latest in a series of limited edition SKUs created exclusively for the independent channel. “As with all our products we research what consumers want, so that retailers can be confident in choosing Boost that our products will sell for them – and with a great profit margin for them, too.” Perfect for the summer, with a focus on the festivals market, the limited-edition Pomberri Blast, features a blend of pomegranate and blueberry flavours, in a 250ml can price-marked at 49p that delivers great cash profit margins. Boost is expecting a high demand for Pomberri Blast. Sugar free energy drink sales are growing at 47% year on year* – and blueberry and pomegranate as flavours are out-performing the market.** (IRI) Summer sales of Pomberri Blast will be supported by new POS material and a dedicated consumer marketing campaign. Amongst other initiatives will be Boostival17 – which will run across out of home and social media channels with digital sampling activity, with the chance to win festival tickets and festival survival kits. Boost’s Pomberri Blast is available in all good wholesalers now while stocks of this limited-edition SKU last, so visit your local branch or speak to your sales contact today. For more information on Boost visit www.boostdrinks.com/trade or follow Boost Drinks on Twitter @BoostDrinksNews *IRI Marketplace data 52 weeks unit sales for Symbols and Independents to 29/01/2017 versus previous 52 weeks; **IRI Marketplace data 52 weeks unit and value sales for Symbols and Independents to 29/01/2017 versus previous 52 weeks 25


Henderson Food Machinery are proud to announce that they have just installed at Loughry College Northern Ireland after a long tendering process, a complete ELECTRIC DEIGHTON 200MM WIDE, BATTERING, BREADING AND FRYING LINE .

improved product quality.

The Line is set up for battering, breading and frying including a tempura batter system.

The 200m wide system not only represents an affordable step from manual to automated production, but also allows larger users the opportunity to run automated test lines without interrupting existing production schedules.

The EconoLine 200 line has been developed to bring the advantages of automated food coating, crumbing and frying within the reach of medium scale production units.

The compact size of the equipment lends itself to every production unit.

Designed to be compatible with the DEIGHTON Formatic food forming range, the system offers an affordable alternative to large industrial counterparts, without compromising quality or reliability.

HENDERSON FOOD MACHINERY can supply a wide range of new and used equipment for every food processing and packaging requirement. With our expertise, we can guide and advise the best machinery for your process, offering quality equipment at competitive prices.

Installed as a complete further processing system, or as individual units, the system assists towards both increased production efficiencies and

Why not visit our 3 units in Crossgar to see the wide selection of equipment we have readily available for sale, rent, or rent to buy.

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A date with dairy T

he dairy sector has been transformed in recent years with product development accelerating to accommodate consumer demands and trends.

The flavoured milk drinks segment espeically has witnessed ongoing innovation, resulting in new product developments with a focus on nutritional

value and added protein. In the yoghurt category, Greek yoghurt is the most popular choice in the UK according to Euromonitor. This follows a general move towards less processed and more natural products, as well as a changing attitude towards so called “good fats”. Overall, flavoured and fruited yoghurts are set to decline, while some premium brands will draw in the indulgent consumer. The penetration of cheese is reaching its maximum potential in the UK, continued Euromonitor’s Drinking Milk Products Report. The competitive environment is fragmented in cheese. Tesco topped the list in 2016, followed by Dairy Crest Group and J Sainsbury, with the three jointly accounting for only 26% of retail value sales in 2016. In this categor,y consumers are attracted to private label not only because of the lower price points, but also because quality also follows. In the butter and spreads category, it’s the ‘good fat’ products that are winners in the dairy aisles. Sales of margarine in the UK are down more than 12% on last year while butter sales have climbed nearly 2%, according to figures from research group Kantar Worldpanel. In this feature, the top dairy brands in NI showcase their offering.

Taste of the Continent meets the real taste of home – Dromona Spreadable Continental Style launches into NI market N

orthern Ireland’s number one butter brand, Dromona, has introduced a new product with all the great taste of Dromona but with an added continental twist. Dromona has taken its much-loved butter, made from fresh, Northern Ireland milk, and blended it with vegetable oil to create a smooth, delicious spread with a distinctly Continental flavour and style – which can be enjoyed straight from the fridge. Dromona Spreadable Continental Style is the first locally-produced butter blend of its kind, tapping into the consumer demand for lighter colour butter, which is easily spreadable and widely enjoyed across continental Europe. Suzanne McKay, Dale Farm, explains: “We are delighted to be the first Northern Ireland dairy to produce a Continental style spread. “We continually monitor emerging consumer trends and review our product portfolio to ensure the Dromona range continues to meet current consumer needs. This product is a response to the growing interest in spreads that carry the distinct flavour and colour of Continental style European butters. “We are particularly noticing an increased demand for such products within the Northern Ireland market. “Launching right on time for the summer period, we’re spreading a little taste of the Continent across Northern Ireland this year,” Suzanne said. Dromona Spreadable Continental Style will be available in retail outlets across Northern Ireland from May. For further information on Dromona products, contact Dale Farm on 028 9037 2200.


Softer Butter New

from NI’s favourite

Nielsen MAT to 31st Dec 2016; Volume & Value Share


The big freeze T

he ice cream sector is booming according to the Ice Cream Alliance, and 2017 is set to present another promising year for the category. At present, ice cream sales generate £1bn for the UK economy with the frozen dessert representing the most affordable treat for families. Luxury ice cream sales have increased by £17m.

Research from Mintel reveals that there were more chocolate flavoured ice cream products launched in the UK in the past year than vanilla for the first time in eight years. According to Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD), as many as 22% of all new ice cream products launched in the UK in the past 12 months

were chocolate flavoured, compared to vanilla at 18%, caramel or caramelised flavours at 13% and strawberry at 12%. While chocolate is top of the ice cream flavours, since 2007/2008 vanilla has been the number one flavour in innovation. After peaking in popularity in 2013/14, when as many as 34% of all products were vanilla flavoured, the popularity of vanilla has been declining steadily. Meanwhile, the popularity of chocolate as a flavour in new product development has been rising steadily over the past three years increasing from just 15% of all UK new ice cream products in 2013/2014 to 22% in 2015/2016. The report added that 48% of UK consumers are interested in seeing a wide variety of ice cream made with high-quality chocolate in store. Health is also a leading trend with dairy and sugar-free launches occupying more freezer space. Mintel’s report also stated that young men are the biggest fans of the frozen treat with 58% aged 16-24 eating it once a week during spring and summer compared to 46% of women the same age. In this report we look at the cool clients upping the frozen offering.

Get the scoop on Dale Farm’s ice cream range! D

ale Farm Ice Cream has whipped up a mouth-watering range for 2017. Featuring the long-awaited return of iconic Northern Ireland ice lolly, Rocky Rasper, and the unveiling of new lines such as the Rapture Cookies & Cream. Dale Farm Ice Cream is bringing the Northern Ireland retailer its ‘coolest’ range yet. Nigel Cairns, Commercial Director, Dale Farm Ice Cream, said: “We’ve been working hard to develop a diverse range for this year, with twists on our existing products and inventive new lines. We are particularly excited to be

bringing back a popular line from years gone by, in direct response to consumer demand!” ROCKY RETURNS Launched back in the 1970s, Dale Farm’s Rocky Rasper raspberry fruit ice lolly became an iconic Northern Ireland product, developing somewhat of a cult following with local children and adults alike. In recent years, there have been several campaigns online and numerous written requests to Dale Farm calling for the return of this retro raspberry classic! In response, Dale Farm is now proud to be bringing back the legendary Rocky Rasper – igniting a real sense of nostalgia for those who hold it dear in their childhood memories, and at the same time introducing it to a whole new generation of lolly lovers. Available in impulse and multipack format, Rocky Rasper is sure to make a welcome comeback. INDULGENT DELIGHTS As consumers continue to seek out a well-deserved treat, Dale Farm’s Rapture Cookies & Cream makes an ideal indulgence. A decadent bourbon vanilla dairy ice-cream, mixed with crunchy cookie chunks and covered in Belgian milk chocolate with crisp cookie pieces, it brings a delicious twist to our premium Rapture ice cream. To find out more about our ‘coolest’ range yet, call our sales team on 028 9037 2250 or email info@dalefarm-icecream.co.uk



Ice cream season is here! Major launches include new Magnum Doubles and HB’s Minions Bello from Unilever ice cream 2

017 looks like a stellar year for Unilever Ice Cream with some exciting new product launches tipped to tantalise the taste buds of consumers and propel the ice cream category into continued strong growth. According to Paul Kelly, Head of Marketing, Unilever: “We have exciting innovations coming across the majority of our brands, and all will be supported with strong marketing and in store campaigns. Two of our major launches for 2017 will be an extension of the hugely successful Magnum Doubles and HB’s Minion Bello, combined with the continuation of the HB “Goodbye Serious” campaign to drive Impulse ice cream sales in the peak of summer.” MAGNUM In 2017 Magnum Doubles will launch two delicious new flavours; Double Raspberry and Double Coconut. Double Raspberry is luscious raspberry ice cream dipped in a chocolatey coating and a layer of tangy raspberry sauce, covered in cracking Magnum chocolate. Double Coconut is velvety smooth coconut cream dipped in a chocolatey coating and a layer of luscious chocolate sauce, covered in cracking Magnum chocolate. Double Raspberry will be available in both Multipack and Impulse formats, and the Double Coconut will be available in a 3xMultipack. Introducing the classic Magnum Ice Cream, now in a crackable tub. It’s a beautiful contradiction; Carefully Made to be broken. A sensorial experience, enjoy Magnum by the spoonful. Rich chocolate shards swirled in velvety vanilla ice cream. All wrapped in a cracking chocolate shell that was made to be broken. Indulge in signature Magnum luxury in an ice cream tub unlike any other, we are launching favourite Magnum core 32

flavours in three tub flavours; Classic, White and Almond. BEN & JERRY’S After the amazing success of Ben & Jerry’s launch into the snacking segment in 2016 with ‘Wich, the onthe-go ice cream sandwich that comes in Ben & Jerry’s two most popular flavours (Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie), Ben & Jerry’s are planning an even bigger and better year for the ‘Wich in 2017. ‘Wich will be supported by a massive campaign further pushing this innovative and irresistible format. But that’s not all. Ben & Jerry’s is taking things to the next level with its latest Pint creation – Ben & Jerry’s Topped. Hitting freezers across the country from March, the new Topped flavour family is set to add a whole new layer of euphoria to the brand’s successful portfolio – as each ice cream comes with an all NEW layer of spoonable soft chocolatey topping with extra chocolatey chunks on top, what’s not to love about that? The new collection comes in three unique flavour combinations: Salted Caramel Brownie, Chocolate Caramel Cookie Dough, & Strawberry Swirled. Introducing Minions Bello... HB has teamed up with the loveable Minions to create a Banana & Vanilla push-up Ice Cream, just in time for release of the summer blockbuster “Despicable Me 3”. Available in both impulse and multipack formats, Minions Bello fits under our strict “responsibly made for kids” guidelines and so is a perfect treat.

CARTE D’OR Carte D’Or is going from strength to strength, doubling in size in the last two years. We have two delicious ranges Classic and Gelateria. We are launching a new exciting flavour this year; Profiterole, it’s a deconstructed dessert like no other – reinforcing when you have Carte D’Or you have dessert. CARTE D’OR GELATERIA SCOOPING EXPERIENCE The Carte D’Or Gelateria Scooping experience is designed to convey the premiumness and sophistication of an authentic Gelateria. Our high quality ice cream offers superior appearance and taste. Our wide range of flavours including Candyfloss – new for 2017, are sure to entice the taste buds! From our improved energy consumption cabinets, to our branding and operations support – we offer a complete scoop solution that in return offers a high margin and short payback period. ICE CREAM SEASON HAS ARRIVED – ARE YOU READY? To restock your freezer with exciting new products or much beloved classics, contact your local Unilever sales representative for details. HB Duo... Answering consumer demand for a value proposition in the kids segment, we have created the innovative Max Duo Ice Cream, bringing together Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Creams and wrapping them side by side in a chocolate coating. Available exclusively only in impulse and adhering to our responsibly made for kids guidelines, Duo is sure to be a massive hit in 2017.


G rocer Market ingAwards ULSTER



Winners selected for Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards 2017 Judges debate over ‘consistently high’ entries for this year’s event to select winners which will be announced this month at the annual gala ball.


he Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards’ judges got together at the Culloden Estate and Spa recently to deliberate over the entries for this year’s awards’ ceremony which will be held on Friday May 19 as part of the GroceryAid Ball, also at the Culloden. Celebrating the best marketing campaigns in the grocery trade her the Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards 2017 is made up of eight categories in total at the galastyle affair which will recognise the efforts put in by the grocery trade to promote their products and services. Best Marketing Campaign, Best In-store Consumer Sales Promotion, Best New Product Launch/Relaunch, Best CSR Initiative Charity Partnership, Best Brand, Best Artisan Foods Campaign, Green Retailer of the Year and Best Food Export Marketing Award will be awarded at the black tie event which will support GroceryAid, the national charity for those who have worked or are currently active in the grocery industry here. Judge Michael Maguire explained that being part of the event is positive endorsement for any brand whether they win, are highly commended or attend as a finalist: “Whether you are a category winner or highly commended, the Ulster Grocer Marketing Awards is fundamentally about achievement, recognition and endorsement. To a successful company it is a celebration of outstanding achievement that tells the world ‘you are the best in your field’. To those involved in marketing goods and services, and in promoting brands, it is the ultimate recognition of peer achievement. To suppliers, customers and consumers it is about business endorsement and the promotion of brand loyalty.” Russell Johnston, Director of Client Services at Contract People, one of the sponsors this year, added: “As a company we pride ourselves on being associated with the very best in the FMCG Market. The Ulster Grocer Awards, as well as being a fantastic event, recognises outstanding achievement in the Northern Irish market and we are proud to help acknowledge the exceptional work that is completed each year.” 34

The judges... MARIAN NORWOOD Marian is Head of the North West School of Marketing – a CIM Accredited Study Centre established in 2016. Marian brings a wealth of experience in teaching and marketing education to the school. Prior to setting up the NW School of Marketing, Marian was a Lecturer in Advertising and Marketing within Ulster University. She has also been employed in a variety of roles within the local retail sector and higher education. For more than 20 years she worked at the Magee campus of the University of Ulster as a lecturer in marketing. She was responsible for the management and development of the advertising programmes at Magee.

MICHAEL MAGUIRE, QUINTUS Michael Lawrence Maguire is a marketing analyst who specialises in business position strategies and brand development. He was born in Belfast and educated in Kano and Lagos, Nigeria and in Dublin. Throughout his 40-year career he has worked and lived in Europe and the US. He spend his first decade in management positions in national companies and multinationals, and the second in public agencies involved in business and development. For the last 20-plus years he has worked in management consultancy, providing strategic marketing and business turnaround advice and guidance to many leading enterprises. A frequent columnist and commentator on international business, he is also author of ‘It’s Our thing – 300 Years of Irish Brands’ published in 2011. EMMA COWAN Emma Cowan has worked as a writer, editor, designer and business consultant for over 20 years. Her writing/editing career has spanned a diverse range of business and consumer sectors and led to specialisms in hospitality, tourism, retail, food and drink. She has also published two magazine titles of her own and was co-founder of a successful webbased business magazine. Consulting clients have embraced public and private secotrs including local councils, marketing and design. As a designer, Emma has worked on publications, corporate materials and packaging and one of her food packaging design projects won a European Design Award.

geoRge Rankin, senioR DiReCToR ni FoR asDa, saiD: his award is a tremendous achievement for asda, shining a light on our commi customers ‘green is normal’ and since 2005, we have been engaged in a compre that protecting the environment and saving people money go hand in hand. Whether it’s r ULSTER GROCER MARKETING AWARDS our packaging, tracking waste or changing the ways we transport our goods, we’re alway testament to the continued hard ULSTER work that has gone into sustainability across the busines


G rocer Market ingAwards TM

SponSored by:


8 • •Ulster 3630 UlsterGrocer Grocer| JANUARY | JANUARY2011 2011

The Finalists... BEST EXPORT MARKETING CAMPAIGN The Finalists: Just Live A Little Mash Direct

BEST BRAND The Finalists: Boost Moy Park Mash Direct Tayto CPM Irwin’s Bakery Musgrave

NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH The Finalists: CPM Moy Park Genesis Crafty Henderson Group Supervalu Best Beef

GREEN RETAILER The Finalists: Henderson Wholesale Lidl Emersons (MGMPR)

BEST CSR The Finalists: Lidl-Direct Musgrave – SuperValu Henderson Group Irwin’s Bakery

ARTISAN FOOD CAMPAIGN The Finalists: Cavanagh Eggs SuperValu

BEST INSTORE SALES PROMOTION The Finalists: FMI for Nespresso Henderson Group

BEST MARKETING CAMPAIGN The Finalists: Asda Moy Park Mackle Pet Foods Linwoods (ICAN)

Lynas Foodservice Tayto (Elevator) Lidl (AV Browne) Irwin’s Bakery Centra – Christmas Campaign 35


NI food firms well-placed to capitalise on opportunities Ulster Bank presents agri-food sector update and outlook, including the Ulster Fry Index


orthern Ireland’s agri-food industry is well placed to capitalise on any opportunities that the UK’s exit from the EU may present, Ulster Bank told press and industry members at the bank’s annual briefing at Ten Square Hotel recently. Ulster Bank Head of Northern Ireland, Richard Donnan said that although there is much uncertainty in relation to Brexit, the agri-food industry has some fundamental strengths that will continue to provide opportunities into the future. Mr Donnan pointed out that in this respect, the exchange rate is currently in local firms’ favour, but longer-term, Northern Ireland’s place in the UK market, the provenance of its produce, the quality of its supply chain, and the growing demand for food are key fundamental assets to build on. He continued: “GB is a large and affluent market on our doorstep, and post-Brexit, Northern Ireland producers and processors are likely to have access to it that other countries may not. There are certainly many potential challenges in relation to how Brexit might unfold, and how agricultural policy is shaped locally and in Westminster going forward will also be crucial. But local agri-food companies are best advised to focus on the things they can control so that they are positioned well to capitalise on whatever opportunities emerge. That means continuing to generate great produce and products, adding value where possible, investing in R&D and innovation, and mitigating uncertainty.” “The agri-food sector is a crucial component of the Northern Ireland economy and we are strongly committed to continuing to support it through the funds we have available to lend and the expertise of our team,” he added. Attendees at the event also heard from Richard Ramsey, Chief Economist, NI, at Ulster Bank, and Cormac McKervey, the bank’s Senior Agriculture Manager. They were speaking to an audience including members of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists, other media representatives, and stakeholders from the farming and food sectors.

The event is a key part of Ulster Bank’s build-up to its principal sponsorship of the Balmoral Show, and has been run each year since 2009. This year the show will take place over four days at Balmoral Park – from 10-13 May. Mr Ramsey states that inflation is one of the main challenges for the Northern Ireland economy in 2017, evident in the rising price of food. To illustrate the point, he presented his annual Ulster Bank Ulster Fry Index, which shows that the price of items making up a cooked breakfast have increased by 2.8 percent in the last 12 months, based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). The bank’s popular measure of food price inflation suggests that an Ulster fry is the most expensive it has been in three years. Consumers had been benefiting from falling prices – the Ulster Fry Index fell by 9 percent in 2016 and 3 per cent in 2015. Of the main items in an Ulster fry, pork sausages

“The agri-food sector is a crucial component of the Northern Ireland economy and we are strongly committed to continuing to support it.” 36

(7.1 percent) and tomatoes (6.8 percent) have seen the biggest price increases in the past year. Margarine is up 29.2 percent in the year, with butter seeing a price increase of just 1.4 percent. Eggs are the only item to have fallen in price in the 12 months to the end of March – according to CPI, the price of eggs was down 5.8 percent. Despite the recent price increases, which are set to continue, the Ulster Fry Index is still almost 12 percent lower than it was in 2014. Over the longer-term, though, it is over 25 percent higher than it was 10 years ago and 47 percent higher than in April 1998. Richard Ramsey explained: “Food makes up a significant proportion of household spending. Food and drink is also a key sector of the Northern Ireland economy. So, understanding how the price of food stuffs are changing gives us some insight into both the current state of consumer finances, and also some of the challenges facing the agri-food industry. “Looking ahead, we only see the Ulster Fry Index going one way; up. Consumers are going to feel an increasing squeeze as the price of food rises in the months ahead. And of course cafes and restaurants also have to factor in rising energy and labour costs, for instance, in the prices they charge. The National Living Wage and the rising cost of gas and electricity will be key factors in their cost-base, and the prices they charge,” he adds.


Queen’s Award for Northern Irish food transport specialist


David Cunningham, managing director of Cunningham Covers, Maghera, with Gordon Cunningham, chairman

unningham Covers Ltd (Cunningham) in Maghera, county Derry, a market leader in the manufacture of products for the international agri-food industry, has gained one of the UK’s most prestigious awards for enterprise especially in terms of its achievements in global markets. The company has won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category for its successful design, manufacture and marketing of an extensive range of clever protective covers for safeguarding valuable assets in sectors such as food, transportation, farming, manufacturing, aviation, oil and gas production and education. Cunningham Covers specialises in the design and manufacture of custom textile covers for food

transport operators as well as other protective covers for industry. It includes Moy Park among its clients. “While we are delighted to have won such important recognition for our sales especially to markets such as Europe, the Middle East and Africa, our success remains deeply rooted in Northern Ireland and Britain,” says David Cunningham, Managing Director of Cunningham Covers. The company gained the Queen’s Award for outstanding year-on-year growth in overseas sales in the three years to August 2016. Exports now represent over 50 percent of total sales, having grown from 29 percent six years ago.

Northern Irish dairy export drive to reach £7 million S ales of almost £4 million for dairy products from Northern Ireland companies were achieved over the past two years from a major marketing initiative part funded by the European Union. The three-year marketing drive being spearheaded by the Dairy Council for Northern Ireland (DCNI) is on target to reach £7 million. The objective is to support local companies keen to grow exports. The initiative generated business worth £2.2 million last year. This figure follows £1.6 million the year before. The DCNI programme, 50 percent EU funded, was launched in 2015 to support Northern Ireland dairy sales across the Middle

East and South East Asia. A key element of the campaign is bringing buyers to Northern Ireland to visit dairy farms and processing plants. Over the first two years of the initiative, 44 buyers from nine countries have visited Northern Ireland. The sales covered a range of products including powders. Dr Mike Johnston, DCNI chief executive, says: “This programme is about helping Northern Ireland dairy companies to identify new customers in the target regions and to do business with them. Year 2 again exceeded all expectations and that it did do in the midst of very difficult trading conditions is particularly commendable. The sales achieved represent a tremendous success

for this important industry. “The figures are already almost treble the threeyear target of £2.3 million. “The programme has allowed Northern Ireland dairy companies to increase understanding of their professionalism and efficiency of the industry abroad and to turn this into sales,” he adds. Each of the inward missions, which have seen 21 visitors from nine countries in Year 2, have included presentations by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Enterprise, CAFRE, the Food Standards Agency and tThe Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University Belfast.

Clearer market signals UFU seeking solutions to cattle identity queries needed for spring lamb


he Ulster Farmers’ Union has confirmed that it has been in discussions with DAERA for some time over potential cattle identity problems. Deputy president, Victor Chestnutt, said the UFU’s message throughout had been that DAERA needs to work with farmers to find speedy solutions to identity queries. “We have made clear our concerns about the complicated procedures DAERA use to resolve identity queries. Often these are down to simple human error and are about the sex, colour or breed of the animal,” said Mr Chestnutt. He said DAERA’s rigid approach is overly bureaucratic, creating unnecessary frustration for farmers. “When DAERA is unwilling to resolve identity queries, the movement of cattle is restricted. They can only go direct for slaughter. This is limiting farmers’ marketing options, potentially reducing the animal’s value while creating practical problems on the farm,” warned the UFU deputy president. The UFU wants flexibility from DAERA. It believes this would allow the majority of identity queries to be resolved quickly on the farm, and without risk to the integrity of traceability.


ith new season lamb prices below cost of production for the third consecutive year, Ulster Farmers’ Union beef and lamb chairman, Crosby Cleland, says processors must bring more structure and profitability to the supply chain. “Processors have been trying to buy spring lambs around the 470p/kg mark over the past week. This is far short of producer expectations. Early lamb is a high cost system and realistically farmers need a steady price of around 540p/ kg to cover their costs and leave something for their own labour and future investment,” says Mr Cleland. Mr Cleland, a County Down sheep farmer, says three consecutive years of prices below production costs is unsustainable. According to the UFU, some sheep producers have also been told by processors that their lambs are not wanted by the market. “This is a major setback for farmers who have put in a lot of hard work to produce high quality early lamb.” 37


Mourne Mountains Brewery secures deal to supply M&S


raft beer brewer Mourne Mountains Brewery has secured a deal to supply 18 Marks & Spencer stores across Northern Ireland. From April 20, M&S will stock the Warrenpoint-based brewery’s Great Taste award-winning beer Red Trail, a red IPA. “We are thrilled to see Mourne Mountains Brewery on the shelves in M&S, a premium supermarket known for its high standards,” said Connaire McGreevy, brewery founder. “It’s a milestone moment for us and just great recognition of the quality of the beer we’re producing. We’re so proud to be a local company, using local labour and local water from Spelga Dam. Just fresh, good quality beer that’s made by hand in small batches. “We’re currently producing the equivalent of 250,000 bottles of beer per year to meet the demand for our core range which are sold in bars, restaurants and off licences across the country. “We’re quietly confident that sales at M&S will go well and we’ll be able to leverage that profile to bring the brand to more outlets across Northern Ireland and beyond.” Mourne Mountains Brewery was launched in 2015, producing a core range that includes Mourne Gold, a pale ale, Mourne Mist, a Pilsner, Red Trail, the red IPA, East Coast, an IPA and Big Rock, a German style wheat beer. Red Trail red IPA won two stars at the Great Taste Awards 2016, the only beer from Northern Ireland to achieve that accolade last year. East Coast IPA won a silver medal at the 2016 Alltech Dublin Craft Beer Cup, the only Northern Ireland beer to be recognised with an award that year.

Echlinville Distillery celebrates third World Whiskies Award


o Down-based Echlinville Distillery is raising a glass to its Dunville’s PX 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey, which has won its third consecutive World Whiskies Award. Dunville’s PX has been named the Best Irish Single Malt 12 Years and Under for the third year running – a rare achievement in the whiskey industry. The win is the latest in a string of successes for Dunville’s PX, which also won the 2016 Irish Whiskey Award in the same category. The World Whiskies Awards select, reward and promote the highest quality whiskies to consumers and trade across the globe and are judged by an international panel of whiskey experts. Best Irish Single Malt 12 Years and Under is among the competition’s most hotly-contested categories. Dunville’s was among the world’s best known Irish whiskeys until the demise of the Royal Belfast Distillery in 1936 but was revived in more recent years by The Echlinville Distillery owner Shane Braniff.

“Until recently, the only place you could buy a bottle of Dunville’s whiskey was at auction, but we are proud to have restored The Spirit of Belfast to its rightful place among the premier whiskeys of the world,” said Braniff. “To win three consecutive World Whiskies Awards in such a competitive category is almost unheard of, and we are incredibly proud of that achievement. “Echlinville recently expanded the Dunville’s portfolio to include Dunville’s Three Crowns, a premium vintage blend of superior aged whiskeys finished in three of the finest casks. And we have big plans for the brand in 2017 with the imminent launch of Dunville’s Three Crowns Peated, which will be Ireland’s only peated blended whiskey. Further releases, including a new 16 year old single malt expression and an exceptional Rum Finish limited edition whiskey are planned for later in the year. “After an 80-year absence, the Dunville’s revival has been well worth the wait and we look forward

to leading The Spirit of Belfast through a new chapter in its already proud history.” Echlinville is believed to be Ireland’s only ‘field to glass’ distillery, and last year the distillery launched Ireland’s first super-premium single estate pot still gin. Echlinville Gin is made with a neutral base spirit distilled at Echlinville from the distillery’s homegrown floor malted barley. “The heart of gin may be juniper, but the soul of any spirit comes from its connection to the place where it is made,” said Braniff. “Our own Echlinville barley and carefully-selected botanicals, including local seaweeds and indigenous whin bush petals, give our gin a true sense of place. From field to glass, every stage of Echlinville Gin’s journey has been perfected at our distillery. Few distilleries can offer a gin of such provenance.” Echlinville is also home to Jawbox Gin, which has become a firm favourite in bars across Ireland since it launched little over a year ago, and Bán Poitín, a revival of the legendary potato-based spirit.

JTI reaffirms commitment to combatting illegal tobacco trade


TI has highlighted its efforts to combat the illegal tobacco trade in the wake of the BBC airing an Inside Out programme focused on the increasing issue of illicit tobacco being sold via social media platforms. The programme went undercover to investigate the illegal channel, tackling an issue that, JTI says, until now, has received very limited media attention despite breaking Facebook rulings, tobacco laws and costing the industry hundreds of thousands. Social media accounts for 20% of illegal tobacco intelligence reports. “Over the past year, JTI’s actions have led to the removal of just under


3,000 listings relating to the illegal sale of its brands on Facebook,” said Steve Wilkins, anti-illegal trade operations director at JTI. “These products have an estimated street value of over £400,000. JTI is committed to tackle the sale of illegal tobacco and we would urge anyone with information about this type of crime to contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.” JTI reminds retailers to be vigilant of illegal tobacco being sold in their area and to report anyone they suspect of doing so to Crimestoppers, while the investigative work of the JTI Anti-Illicit Trade team also aims to raise awareness of the emerging illegal channel.


Digital DNA: Welcome to the go-to technology event BY MARGARET CANNING


he Belfast Telegraph is partnering with Digital DNA as official media partner in Northern Ireland for Digital DNA 2017, taking place on June 6 and 7 in St George’s Market, Belfast. Digital experts from organisations including Google, Twitter, YouTube, Adobe, Motorola and Microsoft will give their Mike Robinson (left), CTO at Deloitte Digital, and Digital DNA founder Gareth Quinn at St George’s Market. insights into cuttingedge technology and digital trends this summer as Belfast plays host to over 2,000 delegates from over 25 countries. Digital DNA brings together people from across the globe working in every industry and job role to share knowledge and build relationships. The event will inform delegates across the five key themes of Marketing, Data, Security, FinTech and Innovation. As digital technology disrupts businesses and organisations from every sector, the event will help find the solutions and tactics to increase efficiency and grow your organisation. Keynote speakers, interactive workshops, master classes and panel discussions will look at topics like spyware, data protection, content marketing, analytics, cloud storage, bitcoin, mobile payments, growth hacking and responding to consumer and market demands. “We are proud and excited to become media partner of Digital DNA 2017,” said Joanne Hayden, marketing director of the Belfast Telegraph. “It is the go-to technology event on the island of Ireland, and a vital showcase for everything Northern Ireland has achieved – and is striving for – in the digital space.”

TAAP launches food donation service


AAP, in collaboration with the UK’s largest retailer and partners FoodCloud and FareShare, developed and deployed a Food Donation Service application enabling retailers to donate surplus food to charities earlier this year. The application is a plug-and-play solution integrating with FoodCloud’s logistics channels which match retailers’ stores to charities. Using retailer’s stock, price and waste services to digitally track and trace what is being donated, it has been designed in consultation with retailers to ensure it is simple and easy to use. Retail colleagues check stock levels and notify charities of the types of products which will be

available using the FoodCloud app, and if accepted, charities/logistics partners come to collect the chosen products. On collection, products with short shelf lives are barcode scanned using TAAP’s Food Donation Service application, which then creates a ‘shopping basket’ for charities to accept. The system is agile, which allows for changes to be made based on the retailer’s operational requirements and rules, and compatible with many handheld tablet and phone devices including older PDAs. TAAP’S goal is to partner with retailers, charities and their partners to make it easier to donate surplus products to the needy and less fortunate members of society.

Erudus launches Recipe Builder online platform


rudus has launched an innovative Recipe Builder for caterers and the wider food service industry. The online platform is aimed at addressing the challenge of providing and sharing accurate food product specification data including allergen and nutritional information. The Recipe Builder calculates nutritional info and an allergy statement based on the full collection of ingredients in each recipe, allowing users to add notes and instructions about using the ingredients together, ready for their colleagues to access on the Erudus log-in. The recipes can be broken down per serving, and also per 100g, with full nutritional information and cost breakdown available for both. “The Erudus platform already provides the food industry with easy access to over 30,000 product specifications that caterers are using every day in their kitchens,” said Jon Shayler, CEO at Erudus. “Existing and new users can subscribe to the Recipe Builder and create recipes using the products in our datapool and, for products that aren’t yet in the datapool, users can create their own custom ingredients or draw on the Food Standards Agengy’s own ingredient data. Once finished, the system then produces a full allergen statement.” 39


People on the move... Roger Brennan appointed Director of Facilities Management for Aramak Northern Europe


ramark, one of Europe’s largest award-winning companies in facilities management, property management and food, has appointed Roger Brennan as the Managing Director of its Workplace Solutions business. Aramark has a broad facilities management portfolio across many sectors including commercial, retail, pharmaceutical and health with plans for further business expansion across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Reflecting on his appointment, Brennan said: “I am very excited at the prospect of leading Aramark Workplace Solutions as it continues to grow. It is a very exciting time within the FM industry. The focus being technology solutions, smart buildings, IoT (Internet of Things), FM innovators and value based facilitly management. It is a very exciting time and a great profession which I am proud to be part of.”

Clarendon Executive appointments

Anna Connor heads events at MCE Public Relations


nna Connor has joined MCE Public Relations as Head of Events. Anna has 15 years of experience in the development, co-ordination, delivery and evaluation of a range of multi-scaled events programmes. Anna previously worked as Events Manager for Arts & Business NI for 12 years, and she was also responsible for developing and delivering the annual Allianz Arts & Business NI Awards Ceremony. Among its many clients MCE can count Musgrave Retail.


nne Daley joins Clarendon Executive as Consultant and will work as a key part of the team on the identification of leadership competences within executive recruitment and leadership development processes. A Chartered Member oflevel designing and delivering interventions that help to recruit, retain and develop talent in organisations.


ark Latuske will take up the role of Head of Executive Coaching and Organisational Development also at Clarendon Executive Mark’s HR and People Development career has taken in both big four consultancy and senior in-house roles, gaining significant experience across financial services, telecoms, education and health sectors.


Lisa Maltman joins Chamber of Commerce & Industry


isa Maltman has been appointed Business Services Executive at Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Lisa has experience in the Northern Ireland food and drink sector, helping SMEs secure business in export markets. Her interests in international business strategy, leadership, growth and networking will identify with NI Chamber’s membership. Lisa has an MSc Degree in International Business/BSc in Business Management.


To see your product featured in Shelf Life, contact Mark at m.beckett@independentmagazinesni.co.uk or Tel: 028 9026 4267

Irwin’s Bakery celebrates seasonal success N

orthern Ireland’s leading bakery Irwin’s secured listings with Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Henderson Group, Musgrave Group and independents for its Howell’s Easter products. The Howell’s range, which includes Lemon Joeys, Lemon Sandwich Biscuits, Double Chocolate Cake and Lemon Drizzle Cake, saw the bakery brand heighten its profile across the major retail players in NI. “We were delighted to secure these listings for our new Easter range across stores in NI,” explained Colette Wilson, Head of Marketing, Irwin’s Bakery. “The Howell’s seasonal products were developed to give consumers affordable yet indulgent treats and are handmade in our bakery in Saintfield. In addition our consumer research highlighted the growth of portion-controlled indulgent treats – as well as a desire for wellknown flavours in the cake and confectionery aisles, making these products a natural fit for the market.”

New Vegified product wins ‘beverage oscars’

Clandeboye Yoghurt attracts major accolade N

ew juice on the block Vegified has picked up two awards at the 2017 Global InnoBev Awards in Germany recently. The latest innovation by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland, was awarded ‘Best Juice Drink’ and ‘Best New Brand/ Brand Extension’. The new brand aims to offer a healthy boost for a busy lifestyle, with four unique flavours: Beetroot & Strawberry; Pumpkin Ginger & Orange; Cucumber & Lime; and Bell Pepper & Orange. All varieties contain 30% vegetable and fruit juice, are fortified with six essential vitamins and contain 60 calories or less per 300ml bottle. Helping people to add more of these key vitamins to the diet, the Vegified range supports a healthy immune system, healthy joints, teeth, bones, hair and skin, contributing to a good metabolism, while reducing tiredness and fatigue. Vegified launched across Ireland and Northern Ireland at the end of March, and is supported by full marketing campaign.


landeboye Estate has won the Dairy category at the new Georgina Campbell Irish Breakfast Awards. The awards were presented at a gala event in Dublin recently. Clandeboye uses fresh milk from the farm’s 100-strong Jersey and Holstein herd and hand strains the yoghurt. As well as natural Greek style, the company produces Madagascan vanilla and fruit varieties in small batches. Georgina Campbell, who runs Ireland’s leading independent hospitality guide, says: “Many people will be surprised to hear that this is the only yoghurt made in Northern Ireland but, boy, is it a good one.” There was recognition too for Newforge House, Magheralin, for its breakfasts of local, seasonal produce including Armagh apple juice, organic yoghurt from Clandeboye and bacon from Hannan Meats, Moira, and sausages and puddings from Madden’s butchers in Lurgan.



In the Hot Seat The new Tesco Commercial Manager for Northern Ireland, Stephen Magill, talks plans, gripes and career highlights with UG...

WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS / AMBITIONS? To deliver in my new role and exceed expectations, build great relationships with local suppliers and keep pushing myself forward within Tesco NI.

WHAT DOES A TYPICAL DAY INVOLVE? A typical working day for me includes visiting stores, speaking with customers, staff and suppliers. Working on strategies and building action plans to better improve the running of stores. I work to implement change and negotiate deals.

WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? Always put people first and the task second.


WHAT HAS BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER TO DATE? Heading up convenience for Tesco Northern Ireland was a great experience within my career and allowed me to work with lots of terrific people.

WHAT TALENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE? The ability to control time – there’s not enough hours in the day!!

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? Meeting customers and working with different teams across all formats. WHAT IS YOUR MOST DIFFICULT TASK? Giving teams bad news. All my teams strive to be the best but there’s always room for improvement and it can be difficult news to deliver. 42


WHERE IS YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? New York City. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD PRODUCT? Tesco finest tiger prawns. HOW DO YOU RELAX? I play golf in my spare time and go to the gym.

“Heading up convenience for Tesco Northern Ireland was a great experience within my career and allowed me to work with lots of terrific people.”

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