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Blowin’ In the Wind
e new Bob Dylan center is set to open this May in downtown Tulsa.
A rendering showcases what an interior archive wall will look like upon the museum’s completion in May. Rendering courtesy Olson Kundig On May 10, Tulsa will have yet another reason to be dubbed a cultural mecca. at is the date the Bob Dylan Center will open – with over 100,000 pieces collected over several decades by the esteemed musician and his management team.
“We hope visitors will be inspired by unprecedented access to the creative process of one of America’s foremost artists,” says Steve Higgins, the center’s managing director. “ ey can expect never-before-seen performances and photos, rare recordings, as well as working manuscripts, correspondence and visual art. All of this will be presented to create an emotional connection, rather than a de nitive explanation.”
Dylan, who was born Robert Allen Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, became a cultural icon in America and across the globe, rst for his musical and song writing prowess, and in later years for his paintings.
According to Higgins, “Bruce Springsteen said: ‘ e way that Elvis freed your body, Bob freed your mind.’”
Tourists can combine their Dylan visit with another superb collection.
“ e historic connection between [Dylan and] Woody Guthrie is well documented,” says Higgins. “Of course, Guthrie was a major in uence on Dylan. When Dylan rst came to New York, he made a point to visit Guthrie in the hospital. It is only tting that the Woody Guthrie Center and the Bob Dylan Center are side by side on the same block.”
Higgins continues: “Dylan elevated pop music as an art form during a time when it was rather slick and conformist. But more than anything, perhaps, Dylan’s music resonates with listeners unlike anything that came before.” Planning for the center began in 2016 when the George Kaiser Family Foundation acquired the archive. Mark Davidson, Ph.D. – the Bob Dylan librarian and collections manager – led the e ort of transporting and processing the archive. “In 2017, we chose Seattle-based Olson Kundig as our lead design rm,” says Higgins. “London-based 59 Productions came on board as our media design rm in 2020. Jennifer Lebeau, who directed the Dylan lm Trouble No More is on our creative team as well. In addition to our own small internal team, Bob Dylan’s management o ce has been invaluable in supporting the Ahead project.” When asked for his personal favorite in of the the collection, Higgins struggles.
Curve “ ere are so many treasures, from the ‘Chimes of Freedom’ manuscript, complete Memberships to with cigarette burns and co ee stains on the center are Waldorf-Astoria letterhead, to letters from available. ex-Beatles and U.S. presidents,” says Higgins.
“In January, “One of my favorite Dylan songs is ‘Jokerstill a few man’ from the early ’80s. e manuscript months from consists of 17 pages, revealing the evolution opening its of an intricate, mysterious masterpiece that doors, the Bob managed to sound unlike anything he’d done Dylan Center before.” already has e new center is expected to garner members in more visitors to the area, creating a positive 30 states and economic impact for Tulsa. 12 countries, “Based on the interest we’ve seen so far, including the we expect travelers from around the world to United King- visit just to see the Bob Dylan Center,” says dom, France, Ja- Higgins. “But Tulsa already is a city of rich, pan, Singapore vibrant cultural importance. Tulsa continues and Libya,” says to establish itself as a must-see destination Higgins. for cultural tourists.” DEBI TURLEY