2 minute read
Medical emergencies are common, and Oklahomans can arm themselves with the knowledge to help.
“e best way to be prepared for a medical emergency is to have the basic training,” explains Kali DeYager, an instructor at Heartland CPR in Oklahoma City. “We highly recommend that everyone know CPR. In fact, we are so passionate about this that we o er a free rst aid and CPR course every quarter.”
Heartland CPR offers classes for lay rescuers called “Heartsaver.” is course teaches rst aid basics, along with hands-on training for CPR and the use of an automated external de brillator (AED).
According to DeYager, rst aid kits are divided into two categories: Class A and Class B.
“ e Class A rst aid kits are the most basic and are appropriate for use at home or in a small o ce environment,” she says. “Class B rst aid kits are made for a more high-risk work environment. ey include everything that the Class A kits have to o er but in a higher volume. ey also come with some extras including roller bandages, splints and tourniquets.” SIGNS Injuries and heart problems are two common OF A types of emergencies. But STROKE: FAST what if you’re eating at home or in a restaurant and someone starts to choke? F A S T FACE DROOPING – Is one side of the face numb or drooping? ARM WEAKNESS – Does one arm seem weak or feel numb? SPEECH – Is speech slurred? TIME – Phone 911 and note the time of the onset of symptoms. “Knowing how to deal with a choking emergency could be the di erence between life and death,” says DeYager. “We absolutely recommend that everyone know how to perform abdominal thrusts, formerly referred to as the Heimlich maneuver. is technique is also taught in our free course, as well as the Heartsaver courses and more advanced classes for medical personnel.” Here’s a tip from DeYager if you suspect someone is having a heart
attack: Always call 911 rst, then give the victim a dose of aspirin to chew up (so long as there is no known allergy to aspirin). Aspirin can thin the blood and possibly reduce the risk of a heart attack turning into a sudden cardiac arrest.
DeYager also mentions that seizures can vary widely in their severity.
“A key rst aid measure for someone experiencing a seizure is to protect the victim from further injury,” she says. “It’s best to move furniture or other objects out of their way. Put something soft underneath the victim’s head, if at all possible, and never hold the victim down or put anything inside of their mouth. If uids are coming out of their mouth, ensure they are on their side.”
DeYager says most seizures only last a few minutes. Once it’s over, be sure the victim is breathing and responsive. DEBI TURLEY • Gloves • Scissors • Band-Aids • Sterile pads • Antibiotic ointment • Cold packs • Treatments for burns • Barrier for rescue breaths