2 minute read
A Heart for Helping
Thirteen years ago, Anne McCoy was the owner of a thriving occupational therapy practice when a friend invited her to visit Tulsa’s Little Light House for a conference. She was hooked from the start.
McCoy saw a place where she could truly make a di erence, and within a short time, she closed down her practice to move into an OT role for Little Light House. After two years with the organization, McCoy became the executive director.
Little Light House, a Christian development center for children up to six who have some form of special needs, opened in 1972. e impetus was two young mothers, Marcia Mitchell and Sheryl Poole, who took matters into their own hands when they realized no early intervention services were available for their daughters, who were both born with visual impairments. Today, the Little Light House is lled with a sta that works diligently to create unique lesson plans for children while fostering their individual needs. Needs are met both mentally and physically, and the nonpro t is a free service o ered to families in need. Little Light House accept students from any walk of life or background.
“I remember listening to a pastor who I had a lot of respect for,” says McCoy. “He had a dream where he went before the Lord, and the Lord asked him: ‘Did you learn to love?’ And I thought, no matter where our kids are in their program, no matter how great their needs are, these kids know how to love deeply.” at’s a story McCoy holds close to her heart as she continues the powerful and necessary work
at the Little Light House. According to McCoy, early Anne McCoy leads the Little Light House, intervention is key. Children deTulsa’s faith-based learning development velop millions of neural pathways in their earliest years, and for center for children. families with a child with special needs, time is of the essence. e Little Light House o ers guided support through their entire process, for the children as well as the families. “Parents need the love and support just as much as the child,” says McCoy. “ e parents’ dream hits a wall, but they are able to readapt and develop new dreams for their child. We help parents realize their dreams don’t end, and we ... help reimagine and ask God to breathe new life into new dreams. Unlocking commu-
Despite a thriving occupational therapy nication through play and very business, Anne McCoy individualized education plans closed down to take a tend to help with socialization for leadership position at The Little Light House and has been the executhe child.” ERIKA BROWNING tive director since 2019.
Photos courtesy the
Little Light House

Born in Roswell, N.M., McCoy completed her undergraduate degree at Colorado State University. She then moved to Tulsa, where she worked in several medical facilities including Children’s Medical Center and then started her own occupational therapy practice.
Her passion for children, along with her faith, has led McCoy to myriad opportunities, including ministry-related positions and the role of president of the Jenks Public Schools Board.