Plug-ins notes
Andrew's Vector Plugins Volume 3 Gradients Introduction The plug-in set is gradients themed and includes two plug-ins. One for the manipulation of gradients and the other to use the gradients to create unique graphic styles and colorful designs Gradient Effects - Plugin to apply a variety of gradient effects to a path or paths with a gradient (the plugin will not work on paths with pattern fills or normal fills etc or symbols or brushes etc) Gradient Texture - plugin requires a gradient to be selected (swatch), this defines the gradient stops to be used to create the style / texture Andrew
Installation of plug-ins + others Please place the GX03_GradientEffects.aip and GX03_GradientTexture.aip in the c:\program files\adobe\illustrator CS\plug-ins folder [pc Illustrator 速 CS] or c:\program files\adobe\illustrator 10\plug-ins [pc illustrator 10] or CS2 or CS3 pr CS4 equivalent
for the mac, please place the GX03_GradientEffects and GX03_GradientTexture in HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator CS:plugins [mac Illustrator 速CS] or HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator 10:plug-ins [mac Illustrator 10] or the CS1 or the CS2 or CS3 or CS4 equivalent. Please put the correct version in the correct application plugin folder. The plugins for 8 and 9 will not work in CS2 (as with 10 and CS1)
Possible installation paths PC PC PC PC PC
CS4 C:\program files\adobe\adobe illustrator CS4\plug-ins\graphicxtras CS3 C:\program files\adobe\adobe illustrator CS3\plug-ins\graphicxtras CS2/12 c:\program files\adobe\adobe illustrator CS2\plug-ins\graphicxtras CS/11 c:\program files\adobe\illustrator CS\plug-ins\graphicxtras 10 c:\program files\adobe\illustrator 10\plug-ins\graphicxtras
CS4 HD:applications:adobe illustrator CS4:plug-ins:graphicxtras CS3 HD:applications:adobe illustrator CS3:plug-ins:graphicxtras CS2 HD:applications:adobe illustrator CS2:plug-ins:graphicxtras CS HD:applications:adobe illustrator CS:plug-ins:graphicxtras 10 HD:applications:adobe illustrator 10:plug-ins:graphicxtras
(if the 'graphicxtras' folder does not exist, simply create it in the plug-ins folder or use another folder name if you wish. You can also just place the file in the top level plug-ins folder if you wish but putting it in a sub folder makes it easier to find at a later date)
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Plug-ins notes
Alternate plug-in installation location Because of recent improvements in security, you may wish to install the plug-in sets in an alternate location such as an user account and not the default plug-in folder. If you are using a basic level account and one without admin features, you might not be able to save the AIP plug-in files to the usual folder. Set up an alternate or secondary plug-in folder in your user account and then copy the files there.
To specify an alternate plug-in for Illustrator 速 1) Go to the edit > preferences > plug-ins 2) Check the additional plug-ins folder option 3) Specify / browse for your required file in your user account (such as 'third party plug-ins' etc)
Update If this is an update, and you have the mesh plugins, these are no longer included in this set so I would suggest keeping the mesh plugins separate from this update. The mesh plugins are now available in a later volume (with 100s of new features)
Swatches The swatches file (*.ai files) should be placed in the c:\program files\Adobe\Illustrator...\presets\swatches folder (or mac equivalent). Access the swatches files via the windows\swatches menu (please consult the Illustrator documentation). The swatches are RGB gradients
Symbols The symbol files must be placed in the symbols presets folder and accessed via the open symbols feature of Illustrator. Use the symbols in a variety of ways in Illustrator, such as the symbol sprayer tool
Styles The style files can be placed in the graphic styles folder. Access the styles via the open styles functionality. Access via the styles palette. Apply as required (please check the documentation for style use). The styles were created in RGB so they may or may not work well in CMYK.
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Plug-ins notes
*** NOTE: Please be very careful with some of the functionality if you suffer from light sensitive problems / rapid changes of color (flash effect), in particular with the drag buttons as the changes can be rapid and the colors can change really quickly. Also, this plugin set has a lot of randomization and this also can cause a lot of rapid color change / flash effects.
Multiple plug-ins / Mesh The plugins were originally spread over multiple plugins but they have now been combined into single + bonus plugin. The mesh plugins are now available in the volume 16 set. If you have the previous versions, you may wish to keep them as well. The names are different so you can run the plugins from the old version and the newer version Please note, not all the features are available to the plugin outside of Illustrator 速 CS2. If you are using 10 or CS1, you might find certain options such as the gradient texture's radial and use original are not available.
Initial use of gradient effects plug-in The plug-in appear in the filters menu (CS3 CS2 CS 10) and object > filters (CS4) . Appears under AVP <Paths>. The plugin requires a path or multiple paths to be selected. The paths must be filled with gradients. All other path types will be ignored. If you select multiple gradients, then the plugin will modify the gradients based on the current gradient for the path. If you modify multiple paths with the same gradient, many of the plugins will generate the same gradient effect, but if there is an element of randomness, each gradient will be different. After using the gradient plugins, you can always use the gradients tool as normal to modify the angle / etc or change the gradient to linear or radial. Depending on the position or type of gradient, some of the gradients settings are ignored. **** please, if you have found the perfect gradient etc and you have clicked OK and then you go back to additional gradients etc, I would seriously recommend that you make backups of your work at reasonable intervals or save the swatches. Gradients can, and from a lot of trial and error on my part, be a big source of frustration and plugin glitches (as well as enjoyment) and you will lose the perfectly crafted gradient. Backup. Backup and a little more backup.
Gradients effects plug-in Stops dialog Main dialog for the gradient plugins. Some of the plugin dialog fields will change depending on the 'gradient plugin' in use. Access the 'effect' via the dropdown effects (bottom of the dialog) If the gradient plugin is 'average' (access via the middle right dropdown) then dialog will only show the average controls, if colors then the colors controls and so on. They are separate plugins and the effects are not carried over from 'average' 'colors' etc (if you want to apply a colors dialog to a gradients in the 'average' dialog, you will need to click OK and re-start the plugin dialog and change the plugin dialog settings to 'colors')
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Plug-ins notes Some of the controls are displayed for most of the plugins 'Jitter': Jitters the color of the current stops. If 0, ignored
'Midpoint / blur': Modifies the midpoints (between stops) to the defined setting for all 'active' stops. This blurs or sharpens the gradient.
'Stop opacity': Sets the stop opacity in a variety of ways. By default, the setting is 0 and add to the existing (for a new gradient with untouched stop settings, the opacity is 100). Each stop can have its own opacity setting. To reduce the 100 setting, set the value to a minus value. If setting to greater than 100 (or less than 0) the stop changes are just set to 100 (opaque) or 0 (transparent) respectively. Many different settings can be applied using the dropdown (replace existing with the set value, alternate, random etc) (CS4)
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Plug-ins notes
The plugin's sub plugins are accessed via the dropdown at the bottom of the dialog ('effect - average' etc) . The first one is the average option (because it starts with A .. it is first) Changing between dropdown options will 'lose' the actual effect though the settings will be still there if you go back to a previous mode. The dropdown options are below. Average 'Average dropdown': A number of different averaging options are available. Each stop's color channels are added together in different ways to create an 'average' which is then applied to the color channels of the current gradient stop.
Colors 'Colors': Modify the color channel settings for the current color mode (the bottom fields are ignored depending on the color mode)
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Plug-ins notes
Invert 'Invert': Inverts the color channels
Lightness 'Light': Darken or lighten the gradient
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Plug-ins notes
Lines 'Lines': The lines plugins works on the basis of the first and last stop of the gradient to create a totally new gradient. So if you have a white stop and white stop, all the stops will be white; if you have a first stop 'red' and the last stop 'green', then the stops will be red green red green...
Lines 'Minimum Stop': Increase the position of the first stop (if 0, it will be in the 0 position, if 50 then the first top will be created at position 50 in the gradient)
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Plug-ins notes
Lines 'Maximum stop': decreases the position of the end stop. If the maximum is less than the minimum, they will be just swapped around. If the same, you will just end up with two solid colors. The closer the stops, the greater the gradient line compression
Lines 'Zoom': Create unusual compressed gradients.
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Plug-ins notes
Lines 'Fade': Fades the lines to black (or white if CMYK), the fade is the center point. If -1, then the fade is ignored
Randomized 'Max stops': Has no effect if the 'do not add stops' is set. Set to 50 or so when the RGB stops option is set (or another) and the plugin will try and fill the gradient with up to 50 stops (it might fail.. it can only fit in as many as it can fit in under gradient rules and if you set the ramp gap or gap between stops to a small figure, it will be more likely to get the stops added before it hits the end of the gradient). Set the ramp to 70 or so and it is unlikely to add anywhere near 50.
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Plug-ins notes
Randomized 'Color spread': The lower the value, the less color variation in the gradient (probably none) but the higher the value, the greater the range of gradient color variation from stop to stop. Can be used in all modes of stop or no stop addition. Randomized 'Ramp gap': Ignored if no stops are being added. If stops are being added (set to RGB stops etc) then the gap between one stop is randomized between 0 and the value set so if set to a low value, the stops will be fairly close together, if set to a high value, there will be fewer stops. Randomized 'Stops dropdown': Creates different kinds of stops. If you are in RGB and select the CMYK, you will still end up with RGB stops, just converted ones. Works best when you select the correct item for the correct color mode.
Replace 'Replace with': If active, use this to replace the valid stop color channel. So if the stops are (240,250,2) and (34,45,56) RGB stops, and the first replace channel is set to active (check on) and the value is 50 then both of the stop's first channels will be set to 50. Great for creating a color themed variant gradient set Replace 'Add to': Adds an additional value to all the active channels.
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Plug-ins notes
Remove No options available, simply removes all the stops bar the first and end stops
Shift stops 'Shift stops': Moves the stops left or right.
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Plug-ins notes
Zap No options (the zap plugin is a variant gradient color effect, it does have a side effect of leaving the last stop in position 100 and grayscale black)
Apply dialog Use this dialog to modify general gradient settings. Not all the settings are relevant to all gradient types, i.e. angle is of no use to radial and hilites are ignored with linear. Likewise, the matrix settings might or might not be of use depending of the type, position of gradient. 'Angle': If not activated (check ON) then uses the current value. If multiple gradients are used, then overrides and sets all the angles to the same angle. Works only with linear gradients
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Plug-ins notes
'Length': Modifies the length of the gradient, stretches or compresses the gradient (same as the gradient tool)
'+Origin': Modifies the original (horizontal vertical) of the gradient (adds to the existing origin)
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Plug-ins notes
'Hilite angle/length': Modifies the hilite angle and length (needs a length set to see the angle). Requires radial gradient. Hilite length is 0 to 100 (the angle hilite will be at the length's set value at the angle supplied)
'Matrix': Requires a lot of tweaking and experimentation. Use this to create unusual shaped gradients but does require a little bit of work and trial and error to master. Added more for completeness sake. Also, can be slow. You might find the swatches seem to have inherited the matrix information and any subsequent click of a switch will have the matrix settings (just close the document and re-open to clear this - after saving, of course)
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Plug-ins notes
Create dialog Use this dialog to create gaps (or modifications) between the stops (skip or create) or random apply of stops. The interpolate also blends the original path style and the new path style to create unusual color combinations as well as allowing for a more subtle blend of colors. As with the previous dialog, this dialog is general and is applied to most of the gradient plugins such as invert or colors. In the case of lines, the skip / create creates gaps between the stops. In the case of color and invert etc, the function is skipped and the original color of the stop is left. 'Skip': Skip function or creation of stop
'Create': Create function or stop. If set to 1-1 then the plugin will either create a stop then skip a stop (in lines) / skip applying an invert then apply an invert (in invert or color plugin)
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Plug-ins notes
'Random apply': Applies the function (as in color or invert) or creates (or not randomly) a stop in plugins like 'line'. If set to 100, ignored. The closer to 0, the more likely the function or stop will not be created. Use to create unusual structures to gradient.
'Interpolate': Interpolates (by default it is ignored when set to -1) between original gradient and the 'newly' created gradient. Use to create unusual color combinations of gradients or subtle variants of the original gradient. For plugins such as the lines plugin, will create a lot of additional stops as the plugin creates the original stops as well as the plugin stops and combines them into one seriously overloaded gradient.
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Plug-ins notes
Settings dialog Various settings. Some of the settings are not enabled and are only enabled or visible when a setting in another screen is set to ON, i.e. the angle [R] is ignored if the angle is also inactive. [R] beside an entry means there is an element of randomness 'Angle [R]': Angle is randomized between 0 and current value. Not particularly visible in a help file if a single path is displayed, but multiple paths (as below) show the randomization of various elements.
'Length [R]': Randomizes the length
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Plug-ins notes
'Horizontal [R]': Horizontal origin (addition) is randomized between setting and value
'Vertical [R]': Vertical origin addition is randomized
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Plug-ins notes
'Hilite angle [R]': Hilite angle is randomized
'Hilite length [R]': Hilite length is randomized (again, as with all the others, the value needs to be set to on and greater than 0 otherwise, ignored
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Plug-ins notes
'Matrix [R]': Randomized matrix elements, very unpredictable With (CS4) the matrix will at some point be replaced (if possible) with the new aspect setting
The matrix setting can be used in combo with the aspect (CS4) setting
'Opacity [R]': Randomized opacity / transparency between 0 and 100 'Blend [R]': Randomized blend mode such as difference for one and multiply for another
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Plug-ins notes 'Create Swatch': Not a very visual command but very useful if you want to create 100s of different swatches and add them straight into the swatches palette. Create some paths, use randomization, set create to ON and apply and the swatches will be in the palette (not any swatches created during the preview mode, they are lost, only the final on OK swatches are saved). You will notice the naming is weird, this is just an internal naming convention using by Illustrator and if you want to give the swatch a proper name, click each one and add a name to the swatch. If you want to keep the swatches, save the swatches via the swatches palette library command to a swatches AI file. If you have inDesign, you should be able to use the swatches in InDesign. The best format might be to use the export command and save to AI format 5 or so (anything lower might be of no use - please check on the format read for your version of Indesign) Some of the functions have their own checkboxes, such as 'colors' plugin, these will appear beneath the 'create swatch' checkbox Colors 'Wrap color': wrap color channels around, don't just stop at white or black Colors 'Color [R]': Randomize colors Midpoint 'Add midpoint': Add midpoint value to current midpoint Randomized 'Limit / color': Limit colors to create variants of the existing gradient color 'Leave' 'Radial' 'Linear' 'Random' - these options modify the gradient type to a new type of gradient or leave the gradient type or a totally random type each time you change a setting
Settings 1 dialog Additional dialog option The second set of settings are more complex and require perhaps some trial and error. They were created with multiple overlapping gradients (the same initial gradients) using perhaps a difference blending mode or multiply or lighten (or more than two, 10 or so gradient paths) and then using the settings to add and accumulate from path to path the gradient angle or length. So, say you have three gradients and you want to accumulate the angle or length from path to path, so if the angle is 10 and then the first path would have an angle of 10, the second of 20, the third would have 30 and so on. As the blending mode or transparency of the path shows the colors of the underlying paths, many different color effects can be created. You can vary the shapes / designs and perhaps use the overlapping change of colors to create framed effects and more. All the settings such as angle and length etc are available and only matrix has been ignored (as this is truly messy...) but you can always use the matrix settings from the previous dialogs and these are applied to each gradient The add options are used for adding the current value to the calculated value. More useful perhaps when you are repeat applying outside of the plugin dialog. The jitter setting on the front dialog can be useful for a lot of variant color effects. Use different blending modes such as lighten, or perhaps mix lighten with darken and so on or use random blending modes or use opacity random or set the opacity to 50% and more. Use in different paths such as text or combine with styles. These feature can be used for many other effects such as a row of paths and not overlapping. It is also useful to removal all elements of randomness and use solely the accumulate effects to create rainbow gradients or color ripples or color shifts
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Plug-ins notes
GradientTexture plug-in
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Plug-ins notes The plugin is for CS4 CS3 CS2 CS1 only. It is not recommended for use in 10. If you have an older version and are using AI 10, please remain with your earlier copy Plugin takes the currently selected gradient (in the gradient swatches palette) and creates a combination of the color stops using the first and last stops + combining potentially with a randomized color fill. Use to create a near infinite range of wow color designs, and graphic styles for future use.
Lines 1 dialog The first gradient settings 'Lines Gradient 1': Number of lines to create for the first gradient
'Angle 1': The angle of the gradient (linear only)
'Length 1': Length of the gradient
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Plug-ins notes
'Origin 1': Horizontal and vertical gradient origin
'Hilite 1': Hilite angle and length (length is 0 to 100). The angle is only of use if the length is greater than 0. Create stunning zoom, conical gradient designs
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Plug-ins notes
'Color stop jitter 1': Modifies the color of the stops for gradient 1 (visually depends on the blend mode etc), can add structure as well as color
'Stop opacity': Modifies the stop opacity setting the value between 0 and 100. All the stops can be set to different values. (CS4)
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Plug-ins notes
'Use original 1': Use the actual gradient selected and not the 'generated', some of the features are therefore ignored such as lines
'Gradient type 1' dropdown: Use as is (if the swatch is a linear gradient then the gradient lines will be linear) or randomized or radial or linear is forced
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Plug-ins notes
Lines 2 dialog The secondary gradient (used in repeats as well) 'Lines Gradient 2': As above but for the secondary gradient 'Angle 2': As above
'Length 2': As above 'Origin 2': As above 'Hilite 2': As above 'Color stop jitter 2': As above 'Use original 2': As above 'Gradient type 2' dropdown: As above
Size dialog Modifies the size as well as the type of shape (remember, the settings can be saved as a style and applied to any type of path such as text, these shapes are purely as a 'holder' for the style)
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Plug-ins notes 'Dimensions': The height and width of the shape and the start position
'Fill repeats': Number of additional gradient fills to create, can make the plugin fairly slow if you use too many but a lot of stunning graphic styles can be created by repeat fills (needs the correct blending modes or you might just end up with a single color)
'Initial shape': Square, star etc. As the gradient fill is 'saved' as a style, the style can be used on any different shape (text etc) at a later point, this is just a 'placeholder' for the style (though this path can be used if required)
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Plug-ins notes
Tweak dialog Modifies the gradients settings for the first and second gradients Midpoint': Blurs or sharpens the gradients
'Skip': Skips the creation of stops, useful for creating designs and structure
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Plug-ins notes
'Create': Creates stops (use in combo with the skips)
'Min stop': Initial stop position for a gradient
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Plug-ins notes
'Max stop': Maximum stop position in the stop palette 'Random create': Create or not. Set to 100, the stop is always created but modify to have less or more stops.
'Zoom': Compress the stops so the lines get closer and closer (if there are very few lines, the zoom effect will not be very noticeable)
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Plug-ins notes
'Fade center': Modifies the center of a 'fade' (to black or white depending on color model such as CMYK). If set to -1, ignored
Combo dialog A number of combo or dropdown settings 'Blend mode for gradients': Blends the gradients. Some of the blend modes work well and others not, depends on the combination and the color mode and the colors. Difference mode doesn't work well in CMYK etc
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Plug-ins notes
'Stops combo': A variety of color modifications of the stops for gradient 1 and 2
'Gradient interpolation': Interpolates the gradient 1 and 2 (blending the settings of the path style)
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Plug-ins notes
'Gradient settings linking': Various link settings such as linking the lines, angles etc of 2 to 1. Some will just match the basic 'no linking' but the linking might prove useful for repeat fills etc to create patterns and structure to repeat fill creation
'Fill applied': By default ignored. Adds an additional overlay fill to the style and blends (either randomly or fixed) a random color fill. Use to create many different color designs in seconds from the basic set of gradient combinations
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Plug-ins notes
'Overlay 1 combo': Adds a pattern of overlay color to the generated gradient (not the original) such as black lines or white lines. The numbers of skips and creates are modified by the side fields
'Overlay 2 combo': As above but for the secondary fill gradient
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Plug-ins notes
The fields beside the overlay combo applies the overlay stops or skips stops. A setting of 1 2 will differ from a setting of 3 4 (this depends on the number of lines or stops being generated, if there are only 6 lines to be set, the 3 4 option will probably result in very little, but setting the lines to 50, 3 4 setting will be more visible)
Settings dialog 'Angle 1[R]': Randomizes the angle setting for gradient 1 'Angle 2[R]': Randomizes the angle setting for gradient 2 'Length 1[R]': Randomizes the length 'Length 2[R]': Randomizes the length for 2 'Hilite 1[R]': Randomizes the hilite angle and length settings for 1 (requires to be radial and settings available) 'Hilite 2[R]': Randomizes the hilite. Great for stunning color combinations and surreal gradient effects 'Opacity 1[R]': Randomizes the opacity of gradient 1 'Opacity 2[R]': Randomizes the opacity of 2 'Lines 1[R]': Randomizes the number of lines used. 'Lines 2[R]': Randomizes the number of lines used for 2
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Plug-ins notes 'No permanent style': The plugin creates a style based on the current settings. By default the style is created in the style palette and can be saved for future use. Check this to remove this permanent style 'Add to symbol palette': Creates a symbol from the style as well
'Tumble' button Tumble button tumbles / randomizes the settings between extremes, most of the settings such as combos and angles / lengths etc are modified (though randomly, they may not)
'Tweak' button Click the tweak button to randomize only a few of the settings such as angle / length and lines, the rest are unchanged
'Shuffle' button Only randomizes the internal calculations and only if an element of randomization has been set (such as [R] checkboxes.)
'View' field Bottom right, modifies the view zoom level, zoom into the gradient design (as well as zoom out)
'Presets' dropdown / reset
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Plug-ins notes Presets dropdown: The first is reset everything but many other presets are included.
'Drag buttons' Some of the fields have a button beside them, this adds interactive modification of the setting. Simply click and hold the shift down and drag across the document to modify the setting.
Warning *** NOTE: Please be very careful with some of the functionality if you suffer from light sensitive problems / rapid changes of color (flash effect), in particular with the drag buttons as the changes can be rapid and the colors can change really quickly. Also, this plugin set has a lot of randomization and this also can cause a lot of rapid color change / flash effects.
Applications support MAC OS X 10.2 .3 .4 .5 98 ME NT XP Vista Adobe 速 Illustrator 速10 CS 1 CS2 CS3 CS4 (Gradient texture only for CS4 CS3 CS2 CS1 because of changes to graphic styles)
Questions Please contact me on or leave a comment on the forum. Other plugins are available on the site
Copyright The plugins are copyright of 1999-2008, Abneil Software Ltd (Andrew Buckle). The swatches / styles / symbols are royaltyfree, feel free to use as required. Swatches / symbols / styles are (c) 2004-2007 Andrew Buckle / Abneil Software ltd. This product was released by Abneil Software Ltd (UK based company)
Trademarks Illustrator and Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
file:///C|/...Andrew/Products/Documentation%20NOT%20FOR%20RELEASE/Illustrator%20plugins/Volume%203/GX03_Documentation.htm[30/10/2008 19:27:48]