Blairgowrie & Rattray
Hub Magazine February 2015
Happy 100th Birthday Ida! 8 January 2015
5 minute interview with Bradley Neil
A magazine for Blairgowrie & Rattray
What’s On, Events & Information
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Welcome to the February 2015 Hub Magazine!
The Hub Magazine has received funding via PKAVS (Perth & Kinross Association for Voluntary Service) to help boost the community content of the magazine and we are delighted to provide another packed issue with their support. The volunteers in One Voice are now taking a bigger role in helping to source articles from groups and clubs to help ‘lighten’ the content and hopefully ensure we cover all aspects of the community. To that end this magazine has been roughly organised into sections including: • Community Information • Community Groups, Clubs etc • Sports, Leisure & Outdoors If you would like to include your community club/organisations information, please pop into the One Voice office on Upper Mill Street or email:
One Voice Volunteer Group Association We have now settled well into our new community office at number 13 Upper Mill Street. The office business has been dynamic and our activity reflects what we set out to do 5 years ago – working to facilitate communication within the town. Working with the Community Council We meet monthly with some members of the Blairgowrie and Rattray
cont’d on Page 5
Advertising Prices Back Page Full page colour Full page B/W 1/2 page colour 1/2 page B/W 1/4 page colour 1/4 page B/W 1/8 page colour 1/8 page B/W
per issue @ £156, 2 or more issues @ £132 per issue (Available) per issue @ £120, 2 or more issues @ £108 per issue per issue @ £78, 2 or more issues @ £66 per issue per issue @ £66, 2 or more issues @ £60 per issue per issue @ £40, 2 or more issues @ £33 per issue per issue @ £33, 2 or more issues @ £30 per issue per issue @ £27, 2 or more issues @ £25per issue per issue @ £20, 2 or more issues @ £20 per issue per issue @ £15, 2 or more issues @ £15 per issue
Magazine Created by: Graphite Web Solutions, 11 Brown Street, Blairgowrie (0800 988 5521), Printed via: The Copy Shop, 18 Reform Street, Blairgowrie (01250 873 591) Thank you to all One Voice Volunteers for article/advertisement collection and magazine delivery: One Voice Volunteer Group, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie (01250 871 120) Magazine articles are the responsibility of the article owner, The Hub Magazine accepts no responsibility for the content.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
What’s On Calendar for Blairgowrie & Rattray This is taken directly from The Hub website Add your events to the Hub, it’s free for groups, clubs and organisations. Businesses can take a paid listing on the High Street website and have their events added to the What’s On calendar. February: 24th February Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe, St Catharines Centre, 10am - 12pm 25th February Civic Trust Meeting - The Gas Man Cometh, ARC, Jessie St, 7.30pm 26th February Benefits Advice in Blairgowrie Library - 1 to 1 advice on benefits 10am - 12pm 28th February Fiddlers’ Rally and Joe Aitken Bothy singer Rattray Hall from 7.15pm Royal British Legion Dance, Music by Degsie 8-11.45 p.m. £7.00 includes buffet March: 3rd March Growbiz - Women’s Enterprise Meeting, Angus Hotel 6pm - 8pm 4th March Blethers Group, Royal Hotel 10 am - 12pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm 6th March Blairgowrie Scottish Country Dance Club Open Dance, 7.30pm Town Hall 8th March Archery - Great activity for nearly all age (7+) for only £10pp, Davie Park 10am Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club, Newtonmore Walk, 8am 10th March Growbiz - Entrepreneurs with Health Issues Peer Support - Angus Hotel 6.30pm 12th March Benefits Advice in Blairgowrie Library - 1 to 1 advice on benefits 10am - 12pm Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council Meeting, Rattray Connect, 7pm 15th March Strathmore Screen - Big Hero 6 at 4pm and The Theory of Everything at 7pm 16th March Rattray SWRI - Open night with Cortachy SWRI, 7.15pm, Rattray Hall 17th March Growbiz - Peer Support Group - Angus Hotel 6.30pm 18th March Business Association meeting and AGM - St Catharines Centre, 5.45pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm 25th March Civic Trust - The Loch of the Lowes, ARC, Jessie St, 7.30pm 25th March Benefits Advice in Blairgowrie Library - 1 to 1 advice on benefits 10am - 12pm 27th March Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club AGM, 7pm, Royal Hotel 28th March Royal British Legion Dance, The Robins 8-11.45 p.m. £7.00 includes buffet 29th March Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Glen Lyon Walk, 8am 31st March Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe
1st April 3 - 5 April 7th April 9th April 12th April 14th April 15th April 19th April 20th April 28th April 29th April
Blethers Group, Royal Hotel 10 am - 12pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm Sugarcraft Collaboration Exhibition by Taystful Growbiz - Women’s Enterprise Meeting, Angus Hotel, 6pm Benefits Advice in Blairgowrie Library - 1 to 1 advice on benefits 10am - 12pm Strathmore Screen - Shaun the Sheep at 4pm and The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at 7pm Growbiz - Entrepreneurs with Health Issues Peer Support, Angus Hotel 6.30pm Business Association meeting - St Catharines Centre, 5.45pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Glen Feshie Walk, 7.30am Rattray SWRI speaker Kate Green on Laughter Yoga, 7.15pm Rattray Hall Strathmore Dementia Information, St Catharines Centre, 10am - 12pm Civic Trust - The Glenshee Archaeology Project, ARC, Jessie St, 7.30pm
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Cont’d from Page 3
You Are Here Signs
Community Council to discuss and take forward issues common to both groups.
The photographic archive and local knowledge we hold proved an asset to the PKC Landscape Architect who was responsible for the new “You Are Here” signs around the town. One Voice Office manages the lockable notice boards in the Wellmeadow and Bus Stance signs. If you wish to display short term notices, preferably in A5 size, please contact the office in 13 Upper Mill St, Blairgowrie.
Currently we continue to pursue “action” about the Oakbank Road landslip – an update can be found elsewhere in this magazine. We shall soon be helping BRCC with the Citizen of the Year awards. The Forum is part of the One Voice objective to get people to communicate with each other, find out what is going on in the town and celebrate all that make this town a good place to live and visit. It meets roughly every six weeks – next meeting is 5th February 2015 at 5.30 pm Royal Hotel. We thank Iain Maclean of the Royal Hotel for his support of this group.
The Hub Magazine
The Booklore shop helps meet our overheads but is in itself a great second-hand bookshop and Pat Richards has an article about this later on in the magazine. The Ericht Trust has a portfolio and Executive Report for all to read. There is a separate article in this magazine. The film of the Blairgowrie Printers is for sale at £12 including VAT – this was commissioned by the Trust last year. The Berry Display continues to attract visitors from near and far. The stories and the photographs draw in many people who picked berries or whose family picked berries and our photos date back to 1900. A DVD compilation of the berry and jam factory photos is on sale for £7. We continue to have regular customers who buy the old mounted photos expertly managed by Pat McCarthy.
This Hub magazine has received a boost in funding with the help of Robin Falconer from Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Services (PKAVS). The grant will help to boost the community content of the magazine over the next six issues. We need your input to make this worthwhile so while you are reading this issue, give a thought to your next article – it can be serious, funny or just quirky but entertaining. Our team of volunteers who help with the magazine is growing – we have those who help with the promotion of advertisements on which we are heavily dependent; we have those who are collecting ideas for articles; and we have the huge number of volunteers who willingly deliver the 4250 copies to households throughout the town. A big thank you to all – you know who you are! We do need more help and anyone with skills at production editing would be especially welcome. Please contact or phone 01250 871120. Jessie Shaw Chair OVVGA
Blairgowrie Rotary Club is looking for vibrant go ahead members from the area. We meet every Wednesday 6pm for 6.30pm in the Royal Hotel where we have very interesting speakers 3 times a month. Our aim is friendship and participation in the community. Throughout the year we fund various local and international bodies and we are genuinely seeking members who would like to become part of this. As well as the Wednesday meetings we can participate in friendship suppers, wine tasting and various trips arranged by the Club. I personally had a superb time in Nepal where 7 of us from district 1010 were selected for the Vocational Training Team last April to teach the Nepalese staff for the Early Years school Programmes. I also have been to Sicily arranged by a Rotary Club there for their Baroque Festival. Both hugely rewarding experiences. If you are interested please email the Secretary of the Club, address of which is listed.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council (BRCC) BRCC Matters Yes, it does ! At the recent BRCC by-election, there were five candidates for the four vacancies. Over two thousand electors in Blairgowrie & Rattray responded by posting their votes for their preferred candidates. The results were close, but now BRCC is up to its full strength of 15 members, plus our two non-voting Associate Expert Members to help out with advice on Oakbank Road & similar problems. Joining the team are : John Crerar, retired Civil Engineer & previously Manager of the Tay Road Bridge ; Stuart Nichol, a trained architect & retired Fife Council Director of Environment & Development ; Brian Smith, vice-chair of One Voice & retired Health & Safety consultant, Children’s Panel experience ; Jamie Stewart, Trainee Youth Development Worker & currently the youngest member of BRCC. We have a great spread of life experience and diversity within the BRCC team. We will continue to utilise these talents & experience to the benefit of our communities. Wellmeadow Traffic Lights As you may have seen from the local press, PKC is likely to be carrying out a trial shutdown of the Wellmeadow traffic lights for one week before the Spring. This is to see if it produces an appreciable improvement to the traffic flow through the town. PKC will give proper public notice of the trial before commencement. We understand that during the trial the lights will all be bagged over & PKC will have observers present through normal daylight hours to check on the effects. We have also been informed that there will not be the usual protection for pedestrians for that week, so extra caution will be needed by all during the trial. If PKC decide to go ahead with the ‘Give Way’ option after the trial, we have been assured that proper pedestrian protection will be put in place. Oakbank Road Landslip Now put back to May, elected members of PKC’s Environment Committee will be coming to Blair to conduct a site visit to Oakbank Road. The new delay appears to be due to PKC awaiting the results of consultation with Queen’s Counsel as to the legal implications of an ‘At Your Own Risk’ style of signage for the walk. BRCC understands that any decision making will be postponed until the QC’s response is in & digested by PKC, so probably June at the earliest. Town Hall Open Event The Town Hall Open Event was held on Friday 14th November 2014. Despite the very heavy rain throughout the afternoon, approximately 100 people attended. Feedback received from both public & the participants has been very encouraging, so BRCC is considering holding another one in May. More on this in the next Hub issue. Young Associate Members Discussions have taken place between BRCC , the High School & SCYD to tie up arrangements & procedures for us to vote in four Young Associate Members. The four will comprise two from Blairgowrie High School & two from SCYD. I hope to have more news in time for the next issue of the Hub. Westpark proposed development BRCC has set up a small sub-group of members led by Stuart Nichol, to look into the implications of the proposed Westpark development to us all in Blairgowrie & Rattray. The area has already been identified by PKC for ‘mixed’ development in their current Local Development Plan under site reference MU5. You can link through the BRCC webpage: announcements/local-development-plan Because of the size of the proposal, BRCC will be seeking public opinion on the issues raised. We have already received some comments & points of view. We are considering sponsoring a public event at Blairgowrie Town Hall, inviting the developers to present their proposals & answer questions. You can contact us on our Facebook page, through our website,
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
via the BRCC suggestion boxes or by contacting any BRCC member. You can also come along to our meetings where you will be most welcome. Our March meeting is in the Grey Barn, Rattray (aka Rattray Connect), on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 7.00 pm through to 9.00 pm. David Bailey Chair, BRCC
Wanted Outstanding Citizens Nominations are invited for the Citizen of The Year and Young Person of The Year awards 2015.
Organisations and individuals within the Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council area are encouraged to nominate people for these prestigious awards. Do you know someone at your place of work, school, youth organisation or an individual within our area who goes that extra mile to help others in the community? Someone who does make a difference. Nomination forms will be available from the end of February – these may be found in the library, the One Voice office and on line via the Community Council’s website ( and Facebook page. Nominations will close on the 30th. April and the awards presented at the June Community Market in the Wellmeadow (27th June)
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
The Ericht Trust is Poised to move the Hill Project Forward Since August 2014, the Ericht Trust Board has been working hard to make a viable and sustainable business case for the re-‐worked plans for the Hill Primary School. We now know that we can achieve this and have drawn together the documents to make a presentation to Perth and Kinross Council. These documents were delivered to the Council on 21st January 2015. The Portfolio and Executive Summary are available on the website ( and, in town, in the Library and One Voice Community Office. The Ericht Trust will be applying for a three year licence for the school buildings in order to apply to the funding bodies, principally The Heritage Lottery and The Big Lottery, for the money to complete the project. The licence agreement will contain an option to buy the premises at any time during the three years once a promise of funding is secured. To help us do this we have appointed Ron Inglis (Cinema & Arts Consultant) as a Project Director. Ron has extensive experience of cinema and arts projects including the Birks Cinema in Aberfeldy and more recently he has been Project Manager with Campbeltown Community Business, where £3m has been raised for the restoration of the historic Picture House. In the first instance, we will be applying for a Start-‐up grant from the Heritage Lottery to appoint a Heritage Consultant for the areas of the project related to our Heritage – principally “ The Berries” and “ The Print Museum”, and the building itself. Other topics will be brought in as space and funds allow. At the same time, Ron will begin the Stage 1 application of Heritage Lottery Funding (HLF) and will make presentations to other funders and agencies in due course. The revised cost for the project is now £4.8m. The Trustees would like to thank the professional team who have contributed so much over the last two years. In total we have raised over £50,000 towards all the professional fees and have received more than 160 hours of free professional help from local experts.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Traffic management within the Wellmeadow continues to be a contentious issue within the town. Residents will be aware that PKC have agreed to move forward with a trial of turning off the lights and monitoring traffic flow. I will certainly agree to this – however it is important that there is good warning that this will be happening and that suitable arrangements are in place for pedestrians and especially the elderly, those with mobility issues and children. News will follow regarding this which I am sure will be welcomed by many but I know others have concerns about the practicalities. It is also hugely important that we ensure that we learn from this and that whatever measures are put in place are long term solutions so that there are not changes again at a future date. Other issues relating to roads and traffic continue to be looked at – the crossing point at the top of Reform Street, parking around the campus, the Recreation Centre and also the community facility at Rattray School. I have also been approached by residents regarding the condition of a couple of play areas in the town – the park at Arthur Street (Park Neuk) being one of them. I would very much like to see improvements here and plan on organising a meeting via the Tenants and Residents Association to look at this. Finally, thanks to everyone involved in the Christmas Lights this year. These lights are put up and taken down by volunteers. They are paid for through donations and fundraising and are not funded by the Council. Thanks to everyone who donates of their time to help with this. As always, if anyone wants to contact me then please call me on 01828 632608 (pm) 01738 553990 (office) or email - Many thanks, Caroline Shiers.
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015
A friendly and efficient local firm of solicitors and estate agents Property purchases and sales Wills and executries Family law Powers of Attorney Miller Gerrard, Solicitors & Estate Agents The Studio, 13 High Street Blairgowrie PH10 6ET Telephone 01250 873468 Email
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
The Strathmore Advisory Group (SAGr) The Strathmore Advisory Group has evolved from the original Strathmore Focus Group, set up after the 2011 public meetings which discussed the future of the Blairgowrie Cottage Hospital (BCH). The group was set up with 21 members of the local public, serving together with professional representation from various departments & services from within NHS Tayside & Perth & Kinross Community Health Partnership (CHP). The role of SAGr is to act as interface & liaison between the public, the NHS Tayside & the CHP. There has been a three-way exchange of ideas & proposals regarding improvements to BCH & the services it provides. I am writing this short piece in my capacity as one of the public members of SAGr & its current Chair. Since 2011, significant public funds have been put into the refurbishment & redevelopment of BCH, to the benefit of all the communities within the catchment area. The first phase of this work was completed & commissioned in December 2014. This completely reworked what was previously called the ‘Strathmore Wing’ & has now been renamed the ‘GP Unit’. Feedback from both staff & patients has been very positive, with the new 21st century standards of small but comfortable & well equipped rooms being very well received. Phase two of the work will shortly see the decommissioning of the other half of BCH before redevelopment. SAGr is inviting the public living in the BCH catchment area to put forward suggestions and ideas to enhance the facilities & services which could be offered by this second phase of the BCH improvements. Please feel free to contact either myself, David Bailey : , or Lois Forbes, Vice-Chair, SAGr : with your suggestions & ideas. Also, if you would be interested in joining SAGr as one of the public members, please contact either of us, giving your name, address & contact details. We will get back to you in short order. David Bailey Chair, SAGr
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
ACG Accounting Services Working with Sole Traders and Small Businesses Based in Alyth, we specialise in Sole Traders, Small Employers and Small Businesses in Blairgowrie and East Perthshire. First consultation is free, so don’t be afraid to give us a call for an informal chat on how we can help. We concentrate on providing a professional and friendly service allowing you to focus on managing and growing your business and doing the work you enjoy, rather than being overwhelmed with administration. Fees are fixed for all our services so there are no surprises and no hidden or set-up costs. We offer a flexible payment plan as an option. A professional, personalised, friendly and confidential service is central to our business approach.
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CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Tel: 01250 874485 Mob/Legal: 07719 855856 Mob/Property: 07739 915043 Email: or Visit our website at: 12
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 I think that it is down to public pressure both through your Councillors and the Community Council that at long last there is to be a trial period to switch off the traffic lights in the Wellmeadow. This will happen when there is sufficient staff from PKC to be present during the trial week. I have also given a commitment to try and be present during this trial. If there are no problems and it all runs smoothly, they will not be switched back on. So I am asking you all to be patient and cautious once the trial starts.
canoeists, runners and horse riders. The remit of the group is to look after in partnership with Perth & Kinross Council’s Community Greenspace Team. We will look at basic maintenance of footpaths and other related work. We will also focus on the Cateran Trail and other associated paths. The office bearers are: Bob Ellis – Convener, Nick Cole – Vice-Convener and Treasurer, Ian Richards – Secretary and Tracey Dick – Press and Media Secretary. Tracey has already set up a Facebook site.
I had hoped to be able to start with a really positive update on Oakbank Road but unfortunately not. Our Legal Ream in PKC have now sent off a letter to Queen’s Counsel to see if we can get a ruling on whether it can be opened or not without risking anyone being held liable.
Obviously we are still in the grips of winter, which bring road gritting, snow clearing into question but I can assure you all that our staff down in Welton Road will always do their best to keep all traffic whether vehicular or pedestrian moving safely.
On the 6th January in the Royal Hotel over 30 residents turned up for the inaugural meeting of Blairgowrie & Rattray Access Network (BRAN). It was a very positive meeting indeed with a new constitution agreed by a mix of access takers ranging from walkers, off and on road cyclists,
As usual I can be contacted by phone on either 01250 873899 or 01738 475041 or by email on - Many thanks, Bob Ellis
Heartland FM
Heartland FM is the longest running community radio station in the UK, set up in 1992 to fill a gap where there was no other radio service. It still operates the way it did from the outset with only one paid part time member of staff and over 40 volunteer presenters, plus others who work together to keep this unique service on air. Recently HFM bought the license to broadcast on 106.6 FM and moved the transmitter in Perth, which now allows it to broadcast into the East Perthshire and Blairgowrie area. As a volunteer, not for profit organisation HFM has an open door policy for new presenters and contributors willing to be trained and keen to learn new broadcasting skills. Currently we are looking for daytime and specialist music presenters, editors and technical staff; if you are interested, contact the station manager Bruce Patterson on 07793673206 or email .
Sales Position We’re looking for an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, strategically-minded and above all, passionate person to join the team. If you are passionate about selling and are looking for an attractive remuneration package, then this is an exciting opportunity to work with Perthshire’s award-winning community radio station. For further details, click here:
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
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Memories can fill our minds at any time of day, A sight, a sound, a smile, a touch, can draw us back in time and make us pause in what we’re doing to recall, just one more time To smile a while, to shed a tear, or, just to linger there – on things all but forgotten back in our memories. Barbara Lynch
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Tel: 07912 786 864
Please see for more info & events
GrowBiz offers free enterprise support via 1 to 1 meetings & Peer Support If you are interested in starting your own business then please see our website for info Upcoming GrowBiz Events: March 3rd - 6-8pm - Blairgowrie Women’s Enterprise Network Meeting March 10th – 6.30-8.30pm – Blairgowrie Peer Group for Entrepreneurs with Health Issues – ‘Anne Gibb – Time to think’ March 17th – 6.30-8.30pm – Blairgowrie Peer Support Group – ‘Sandy McCurdy -Selling Skills for the Non-Sales person.’ March 18th – 2pm-4pm – Birman Care Co-op Group – ‘Developing the formal structure of the Co-op’ April 7th – 6-8pm - Blairgowrie Women’s Enterprise Network Meeting
GrowBiz Attracts RBS Inspiring Women into Enterprise Funding Local enterprise support charity GrowBiz has been successful once again in the RBS Inspiring Women into Enterprise awards. The Enterprise Towns 2 project will use the experience and knowledge gained in the first round of funding, based in Coupar Angus, to encourage women from the Blairgowrie/Rattray and Alyth areas to consider enterprise and get started in business. This will be achieved through a combination of one-to-one support, peer mentoring and networking. The GrowBiz team aims to reach out and increase awareness of enterprise and business opportunities to women who may not already have considered self-employment. The project will run for just under a year, starting mid-January 2015, and concluding in December 2015. “With RBS Inspiring Women in Enterprise funding, we will be able to provide more personalised support for our female clients. We will also have a number of small grants to disburse to start-up businesses – which we know can make a huge difference to making a new enterprise happen.” Jackie Brierton, Enterprise Coordinator, GrowBiz. For more information please see website – or contact Jackie directly on 07912 786 864.
Check for What’s On Events and Activities 15
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
G.M. Upholstery
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Find Your Fit the fun way with Fiona Edwards
Qualified Exercise to Music Instructor Local classes in Rattray, Alyth and Coupar Angus. Class details found on Or call Fiona on 07921 180 715 MONDAY:
Bokwa Alyth Town Hall 5.30pm Zumba Coupar Angus Town Hall at 7pm
Piloxing in Rattray Hall at 6.30pm
Zumba in Alyth Town Hall at 6pm
Bokwa in Rattray Hall at 6.30pm and Zumba at 7.30pm.
Classes subject to change so please check with Fiona on 07921 180 715 In January I was pleased to see plans lodged to transform the derelict St Stephens Primary School into affordable housing units. For too long the lot has lain empty and it is good to see work underway to transform the site whilst maintaining its original façade. The 19th of January was one of the coldest days of the year and electricity demand hit peak levels over dinner time. However during this period, wind farms contributed a measly1% to electricity demand underlining the inconvenient truth that we cannot base our energy future on a technology that is so inconsistent. Mid-way through January the East Perthshire area was hit by some seasonal bad weather which unfortunately led to the disruption of both road and rail links. This led to some serious questions over the preparedness of Transport Scotland to deal with moderately snowy weather in the area. Every time we experience bad weather travellers are told that next time preparations will be better. However, that never seems to materialise and it is time we saw real solutions to transport issues caused by bad weather. The public transport revolution everyone wants to see can never happen if journeys are cancelled or delayed thanks to a moderate dusting of snow. Another issue surfacing from the recent bad weather was Transport Scotland’s lack of communication with motorists over the closing of the Glenshee snow gates. As a result I have written to Transport Scotland to press for better online posting of closed roads. The NHS post code lottery continues and in January I revealed that patients in NHS Tayside are amongst the few in Scotland not to receive free Wi-Fi provision in hospital. Long stays in hospital can be an isolating experience and availability of Wi-Fi would allow people to stay connected with friends and family during their stay, and aid their recovery by maintaining their spirits. I have pressed NHS Tayside to do all they can to improve the patient experience and that includes upping their free Wi-Fi offering. As always I can be contacted at The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perth PH2 6PL tel: 01738 553990 or email:, Many thanks, Murdo Fraser.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015
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The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Dementia Friends Scotland Dementia Friends is a social action movement. The aim is to give the public an understanding around what it’s like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action. You have a choice of three ways to become a Dementia Friend. Firstly you can watch the video clips showing a person with dementia in various settings within the community and how people can support them to continue to play an active part in their community. The second way is by attending a 1 hour interactive session delivered by Dementia Advisors throughout Scotland. This is an informal way of discussing the issues around dementia and dispelling the myths. The third way is with businesses. We have already had a number of large organisations (Standard Life, BskyB, BT, Young scot to name a few) contacting us to discuss being a part of the Dementia Friends Programme. Anyone can become a Dementia Friend whatever age. Go to www. The Dementia Advisor for Perth and Kinross is Fiona Matthews who can provide information, support and advice if you are worried about your memory, living with dementia, supporting a person living with dementia or a community who would like to know more about supporting people living in their community. Fiona can be contacted by phone on 01738 562358 or e-mail or contact the 24hr Freephone Dementia Helpline on 0808 808 3000.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Happy 100th Birthday! Mrs Ida Moran celebrated her 100th birthday on 8 January at a special mass in St Stephen’s Church, Blairgowrie. The popularity of this lovely lady was obvious by the large turn out of family and friends together with all the children from St Stephen’s School. The celebrants of the mass were Father Gregory Umunna and the former priest, Father Jim Walls, who presented a framed Papal Blessing to Ida. Unfortunately Bishop Stephen Robson, of the Diocese of Dunkeld, who had been due to celebrate the mass had to cancel due to illness. The St Stephen’s School children presented her with two framed pictures of balloons made with their fingerprints. This was followed by a reception in the church hall. Ida’s children and grandchildren came from Scotland, England and Australia to attend her birthday party, the previous Saturday, at Strathmore Golf Course.
Ida was born at Old Rattray High Street to Michael and Mary Conway, joining her elder brother, Donald. When Ida was two the family moved to Lochee where her mother worked in a mill whilst her father travelled around Scotland in charge of a potato squad. The two children were cared for in the works’ nursery and Ida went on to begin her schooling in Lochee. Soon after her father gained employment with Mr Lyburn of Coupar Angus so the family moved to George Street, Coupar Angus. Each Sunday Mary and her two children would walk to and from church in St Stephen’s, Blairgowrie. This church has remained the centre point of Ida’s life and she still attends mass regularly. On leaving school Ida began work in the jute factory in Coupar Angus but when it burnt down she had to travel to Dundee, then Lochee, to work in a mill. Soon after the outbreak of war, with a shortage of railway staff, Ida worked alongside the men at Coupar Angus Railway Station. She still continued to attend St Stephen’s Church where she met and in 1940 married Martin Moran, a local painter & decorator who was also the projectionist at Quinn’s Picture House. Their family was complete with the arrival of their two children, Veronica and Michael. Ida had always wanted to be a nurse but she thought it was not to be, until an opportunity came up at the then Strathmore Hospital, Rattray. She became a nursing auxiliary and brought a lot of happiness to the elderly patients as she enjoyed singing to them. Later in life she became the housekeeper to Canon Sreenan at St Stephen’s for a time and her devotion to her church continues until today. Happy 100th Birthday Ida!
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe meets on the last Tuesday of the month in St Catharine’s Church Hall, George St, Blairgowrie, PH10 6EY, from 10am-12pm. This is a drop-in cafe where people living with dementia, their family and friends can come along to meet with others and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. There is also the opportunity to browse the information stands available or speak to staff from Health, Social Work or Alzheimer Scotland for information, support or advice. There are speakers arranged every 2nd month and free complementary therapies the other months. If you are worried about your memory, staff from the NHS Strathmore Dementia Service are also available to carry out a confidential memory test. No appointment necessary. If you would like more information, please contact Fiona Matthews, Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Advisor on 01738 562358 or
Blairgowrie Scottish Country Dance Club
Wednesday’s at 7.30pm in Blairgowrie Town Hall. Please be assured of a warm welcome whatever your level of experience (or lack of it!). We dance for the fun of it.
Sugarcraft Collaboration Project You are welcomed to create a sugarcraft plaque for display on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April at the Angus Hotel in Blairgowrie! We have lots of people contributing so far but the more the better. It is open to any age, gender and ability - great for those who have some experience and also those who are new to sugarcrafting, as your design can be as simple or as complicated as you want! Go online to for more information!
Individually Designed Cakes and Artisan Chocolates Courses & Workshops also available Tel: 01250 871196 Mob: 07979 791 9 55
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Blairgowrie and Rattray Time Bank – please use us! Is there something you need help with? – perhaps just a wee niggly thing that you can’t find someone to do? It could be watering your plants if you’re away for a few days, or walking your dog because you’re not fit, or don’t have the time. Maybe you’d just like someone to drop in and say hello, or pick you up some shopping, or give you a lift somewhere.
If you need help with something Ask Timebank We Can HELP 07761 233 418
We can help. We really can! The Time bank is a membership organisation and when people join they offer to do things and can ask for help from other members. If you want something, join up and ask and we’ll see if we can find you someone to help. We’ve got members that are really keen to help out and we’re only limited by what people are willing and able to do (and by our insurance and common sense). Once you join, you can offer to do what you’re good at or what you enjoy, and at some point you may be asked to help someone else, and that’s how the Time bank works. It’s brilliant for getting things done, and for introducing people and making new friendships. We’ve been busy recently, helping local folk with all kinds of things, for example taking pets to the vet, doing Christmas shopping, organising lifts, taking rubbish to the tip, dogwalking etc. We know there are lots of people in Blair and Rattray who could do with some help, or even just a wee bit of human interaction. If it’s not you, maybe you know someone who it might be. Give them this article or call us for a membership pack and we’ll do our best to help. Call Ivy or Joanne on 07761233418 or email We also have a drop in session every second Friday. The next one is Friday 27th Feb at Wisecraft, Lower Mill Street, and on the last Friday of the month it is always at Communityconnect@Rattray (the new building). Go on – give us a shout. It’s free and friendly!
TREFOIL GUILD Members of the Trefoil Guild enjoyed the Christmas dinner at the Royal Hotel in December, and now have a break over January and February. They hope to participate in the Thinking Day service in Blairgowrie Parish Church during the morning service on the 22nd February. On this day, Guides and Scouts remember their founders, Lord and Lady Baden Powell, as well as sending funds for new units to be set up all over the world. On the 7th March, Trefoil Guild members all over Scotland are going to be holding their own fund raising lunch in aid of Olivia Giles’ 500 Mile Charity. The Blairgowrie & Rattray group are holding a lunch in St Catharine’s to which each member will bring a guest. This charity was founded by Olivia Giles who contracted meningococcal meningitis 12 years ago, and after being in a coma for 3 weeks, awoke to discover that both her hands and feet had been amputated in order to save her life. She was so overwhelmed by the excellence of care she had in Edinburgh in the NHS, she set up facilities in Malawi, Kenya and Zanzibar where amputees receive prosthesis and support which is taken for granted in our health service. The first meeting of 2015 is on the 4th March when speakers will present their account of a volunteering trip to Malawi, which once again, will emphasise the privileged position we in Scotland have both in health and in education. Anybody who is interested in attending a meeting of the Trefoil Guild should contact the Secretary, Moira Somerville – 01250 875240.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Lodge St John 137 Lodge Saint John No.137 has been part of the community since 1775 and prides itself on the work it does within the local community i.e.. helping local charities and organisations, where we feel that our donations will have a bigger impact. Below is a piece on Freemasonry which should dispel some off the rumours and myths which surround us. We make no secret of the fact that we are always looking for new members and anyone with an interest in joining can reach me on Mob. 07446720949. We will open the Lodge on Wednesday the 11th of March at 7.00pm for an open night anyone male over the age of 18 with an interest in Freemasonry or in joining the Lodge are more than welcome to come along, if they can’t manage along on that night and would like to join the Lodge they can contact me on my mobile 07446720949. Q1. Isn’t Masonry just a place where businessmen make deals? No. In fact, most Masons believe that to trade with a Brother Mason only because he is a Mason is unMasonic. Even more importantly, anyone who attempts to join a Lodge solely for business reasons will not be given a petition. Masons, however, are friends, and it is not surprising that many Masons do trade with Brothers. For one thing, they are dealing with people that are of good character and can be trusted, which is no small statement in the modern marketplace. Q2. I see titles like “Right Worshipful Master” and “Senior Deacon” - is Masonry some kind of cult? No. The titles are simply colourful, stylish, and full of ancient symbolism. No Mason worships the Master of the Lodge, nor does a Senior (or Junior) Deacon engage in religious actions, as a Deacon of a church might. Q3. Masonry is a secret society, right? Wrong. Secret societies are generally defined as organisations, which are unknown to the public and whose existence is denied. The Bavarian Illuminati and the Mafia would be examples of secret societies. Masonry, on the other hand, is well known and proudly displays its existence. Masonic Temples are clearly marked as such, and many Lodges advertise in the local newspaper(usually under “Meetings and Lectures”). Members often wear rings or tie clips that identify themselves as Masons, and Masons often participate in community charity work. Finally, some Masonic functions are open to the public. Masonry is not a secret society, but rather a society with a few secrets. These are mainly modes of recognition - the signals, grips, signs, and phrases by which Masons recognize each other. The actual degree rituals are considered secret as well, not because there is anything that would harm Masonry by their revelation, but rather because they are more meaningful if the candidate does not know what is going to go on during them beforehand. (See question 9 of this section if that makes you nervous). It should be pointed out that many other organizations have a similar class of secrets. American College fraternities (a.k.a. “Greek letter organizations”) often have small secrets known only to their members, allowing them to travel from house to house and still be known. See our website for more information
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Granny Pat’s Rapid Raspberry Trifle You will need: 1 raspberry Swiss roll Fresh or frozen raspberries Amarretti biscuits Double cream A pretty dish
1 tin of pear quarters or halves in juice medium sherry to taste 1 carton of fresh, or tin of, custard glace cherries,nuts, grated chocolate
Slice the Swiss roll into even pieces and use to line the dish, pushing the slices in to make a tight fit. Drain the pears, reserving the juice. Put the sherry over the Swiss roll slices and add enough of the pear juice to soak. Cut the pear halves or quarters into even, bite sized pieces and add, with the raspberries onto the soaked cake. Top the raspberry and pear mixture with a scattering of Amarretti biscuits then pour the custard evenly over the top. Whip the double cream, not too stiffly, and put on top of the custard. Decorate with halved glace cherries, toasted nuts and grated chocolate. Enjoy! Variations of this quick dessert include: chocolate Swiss roll, black cherries and Kirsch and chocolate custard with the usual cream topping, adding mixed summer fruits or blackberries instead of raspberries or using Madeira cake and raspberry jam in place of the Swiss roll, invent your own. This amount will feed six people.
They eyes of the world were on Blairgowrie last year with the Junior Ryder Cup in the town. It was a fantastically well supported event by locals and visitors alike. We must be proud of Bradley Neil who won the Scottish amateur golf championship, and the Young Sports Personality of the Year. I hope he will inspire young golfers in East Perthshire and beyond. The achievements of Jillian Page and Paula McLagan, from Something Special Flowers were fantastic. They won gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show. They have clearly shown their talent and I’m delighted to see it recognised. 2014 saw a hugely successful BOOKMARK festival. The line-up provided an extremely interesting weekend with a huge range of interests catered for. Well done to the organisers in putting together such a fantastic programme. My SNP colleagues and I have consistently voted against the Bedroom Tax at Westminster and we recently did so again. This is a nasty and vindictive policy, which has been imposed on us. It continues to put pressure on low income households and contributes to food and fuel poverty and the rise in demand for foodbank support. Anti-poverty organisations have criticised the Bedroom Tax and the Scottish Government has diverted funds from other budgets to support families and individuals affected. I commend the efforts of Perth and Kinross Council who are distributing these funds to affected households and I welcome the Scottish Government providing money to tackle this unfair policy head on. That diversion of money to mitigate against the Bedroom Tax is right to protect vulnerable groups. The SNP will continue to actively oppose the Bedroom Tax and I sincerely hope that the UK Government will back down sooner rather than later. Constituents can contact me at 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DL, 01250 876 576 or wishartp@, many thanks, Pete Wishart.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Blairgowrie & District Ramblers Anyone interested in joining the Blairgowrie & District Ramblers on any of the walks listed, please get in touch with the Secretary on 01250873577. You will be assured of a warm welcome. Saturday 21st February Saturday 7th March Saturday 21st march
Grade B 8 miles Grade C+ 10 miles Grade C+ 6 miles
Braes & Lochs of Pitcastle Tillicoultry Balmoral Cairns
New Addition to the team at the East Perthshire News on HeartlandFM Welcome to our Gardening Expert The team at the East Perthshire News are delighted to welcome Gordon Croll, former Head of Horticulture at Dundee College. Once a month Gordon will be on hand to give advice to gardeners.. Gordon is an experienced broadcaster, formerly with the Beechgrove Garden and Radio Tay’s Potting Shed. Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to hear Gordon’s tips on how to make the best of a Perthshire garden in all seasons. Gardening queries? Contact us on eastperthshirenews@
Join us at 11.00 am on Wednesday, and again at 7.00 pm on Thursday to hear news, views and what’s on, plus some great music. We’re on 97.5 and 106.6FM, or online at The East Perthshire News, Your Local Radio Show on your Local Radio Station
Ever fancied having a go at radio presenting? Ever fancied being an interviewer? Want to help putting together a radio show? Daniel, Ross & Shona would be delighted to have you on board to help keep putting Blairgowrie & Rattray and East Perthshire on HeartlandFM!
Contact them at Legion Scotland -Blairgowrie Branch The first Friday of very month is Games Night Prizes to be won. All guests are welcome. You don’t have to be a member of the forces to join the club. Thank you for your support.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
The 5 Minute Interview - Bradley Neil Bradley is one of our local heros, is British Amateur Golf Champion and the 4th ranked amateur in the world. What age did you start to play golf? I started at the age of 3 As a boy starting out in amateur golf, what was your dream? To play golf worldwide and enjoy it
What did you feel like on the final green in the final round of the British Amateur, putting for the title? Nervous but confident. I said to myself “This is it! This is your chance! This is what you have worked hard for! Don’t waste it!” What’s your fitness and training programme? Practice during the day, strength or fitness at night What was it like to play in the Junior Ryder Cup on your home course? Amazing. To play in front of my hometown and everyone who has supported me was an honour. I was glad to give something back What was your personal highlight of 2014? I think winning the Amateur is too big. Although getting to play on Gleneagles the week of the Ryder Cup was special as well. How will you feel teeing off at the Masters in Augusta? Not sure yet. Probably nervous. You will need to ask me in a few months time. What is your primary goal for 2015? To soak up all the information and experience I will receive from playing these competitions to give myself the best chance of feeling comfortable about turning pro. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Bradley - we wish you all the very best for 2015 and your future. Thanks to Shona Whyte for compiling the interview.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
New Blairgowrie Junior Badminton Club Would you like to learn how to play the fastest racket sport in the world? At the new Blairgowrie Junior Badminton Club you can learn how to play badminton, have fun and make new friends. The club runs on Thursdays 4.15-5.15pm for primary age children and 5-6pm for secondary age children. The club is based in the Blairgowrie Community Campus, Elm Drive, Blairgowrie. The cost is £3 per night, with a discount for siblings. There will be coaching, fun drills and lots of games! If you are interested in coming along please phone Coach Jenny Hogg on 07885970717. BOOKLORE@ONE VOICE 13 Upper Mill Street
From January until the end of February Booklore has an offer on Crime Fiction books – Buy One Get One Free.
Archerywith us!
Further offers in the pipeline include : Cookery Books March /April and Gardening April/May.
Archery sessions on demand; you choose when you want it or join our regular events. only £10pp for regular 2hrs session For more details or booking form email:
We are open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and can be contacted on 01250 871120.
Why not take a look at our Facebook page at
Here you will find information about current offers and some of our Collector’s Books.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club Affiliated to the Mountaineering Council of Scotland Web: The Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club have been very busy since the summer. An outing to The Arrochar Alps saw members on the summits of Beinn Luibhean (a Corbett) and Ben Ime (a Munro) while others enjoyed a forest walk in Glen Croe. We had a lovely sunny day in Glen Esk climbing Mount Keen, the most easterly Munro, where the heather was in full bloom and the views stretched to Lochnagar, Bennachie and over Angus to the North Sea. The autumn weekend to Kirk Yetholm featured walks of varying length on the Pennine Way, the St Cuthbert’s Way and the Border Abbeys’ Way as well as climbing beside the Grey Mare’s Tail to White Coomb (a Corbett). As usual an excellent Club Meal was enjoyed on the Saturday evening. The weather was less kind for the next two outings – first to Glenshee where Mealna Letter (a Graham) and Glas Tulaichean (a Munro) were climbed and a part of the Cateran Trail was walked and then to Farragon Hill (a Corbett) where a fierce wind was experienced on the summit but the autumn colours were superb lower down. A good day out in Glen Isla had walkers on the Corbett, Monamenach and on Finalty Hill and finished in the Glen Isla Hotel for welcome refreshments. The Christmas Walk, with decorated rucksacks of course, round Loch Ordie or over Deuchary Hill was quite snowy. It was followed by soup, mince pies, a quiz and party games in the Merryburn Hotel. Another good social, this time in The Windlestrae Hotel at Kinross followed walks of varying distances round Loch Leven in excellent weather and the social theme continued after walks along the Angus Coast between East Haven and Auchmithie ending with a fish supper in the Bell Rock Restaurant. We will be back on the hills with our next outing to Lochearnhead. On the social side we had a Harvest Ceilidh in September, a Club Night in October featuring a talk on Mountain Safety by Heather Morning of the Mountaineering Council for Scotland, another club night showing members’ photos and choosing
photos for the Club Calendar in November and then in January a most enjoyable Quiz Night which also raised funds for the club. Throughout the autumn and winter we have been developing our web site ( and trying to recruit new members. We are delighted that there has been a steady trickle of new members and we look forward to welcoming many more. Hillwalking is an excellent way to enjoy the magnificent scenery and wildlife of Scotland and to experience the variety of weather while at the same time becoming fitter! Why not give it a go? The membership covers a wide range of ages and abilities (and there is no correlation between the two!) and the variety of destinations and activities reflects this. Our meets cover everything from low level glen walks and coastal walks to scrambling on the Munro ridges and snow gully climbing in winter. Each meet has a variety of suggested walks of different lengths to suit all abilities. Prospective members can attend two meets before deciding to join. Visitors will always be welcome at social events and club nights. To register for a meet or for information visit the website: or phone Neil/Alice MacLeod (01307 840520) or Jean/Brian Ruffhead (01307 840535) The programme up to the end of May is: 08 Mar 0800 Newtonmore 27 Mar 1900 AGM: Royal Hotel 29 Mar 0800 Glen Lyon (Cars) 19 Apr 0730 Glen Feshie 10 May 0800 Ben Oss/Dubhcraig 29-31 May Spring Weekend: Ullapool The picture shows some of the club members in the Arrochar Alps.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 GO WITH THE FLOW! by Margaret Drummond The traffic lights of the Wellmeadow Are not where I want to be, The traffic lights of the Wellmeadow Are keeping me from my tea.
FREEPHONE 01250 875555 •
I’ve been a driver most of my life And many a light I’ve seen, But as a headache they take the cake As I wait till they turn to green. Watch out for pedestrian chancers As they dart out before the green man. They’re dodging about like street dancers And taking their lives in their hands. So councillors please put townsfolk at ease And understand all the frustration. Be it switch-off or give-way, end the delay And get ‘roundabout’ this situation.
2014 was an incredibly dynamic year for Scotland. The outstanding Commonwealth Games, the highly successful Ryder Cup and Junior Ryder Cup in Blairgowrie and the democratic triumph of the Referendum projected Scotland into the spotlight of the world as never before. The lasting images of the sporting highlights plus the positive impact on our international reputation by the organised and truly democratic manner in which the Referendum was conducted, will stand Scotland in good stead for many years to come. The Referendum changed Scotland for the better. It re-engaged people with democratic decisionmaking and it boosted the self-confidence of the country. I am anxious to ensure in 2015 we build on those sentiments and strengthen Scotland further. On a day to day basis, I am keen to make sure that Government, at local and national level, listens carefully to the aspirations of people and communities and tries to deliver on those ambitions. More than that I want to encourage a climate where communities are able to drive the agenda to deliver improvements and enhancements in the quality of life of our citizens. In 2015, the Scottish Government will work to address these aspirations through three main themes; building a stronger economy, tackling inequalities in our society and protecting and reforming our public services. These key themes are integral to creating a better country and addressing many of the ideas and hopes that were so dominant in the Referendum. During 2015, I intend to continue my active involvement in many community initiatives and projects throughout East Perthshire and Perthshire North and will be available to assist constituents in any way I can. It is an astonishing privilege to be a parliamentary representative for this part of Scotland and I will energetically continue to serve the local community. I can be contacted at 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DL, 01250 876576 or john.swinney.msp@, many thanks, John Swinney.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Little’s Restaurant a relaxed and informal haven in the centre of Blairgowrie
varied menu with daily changing specials seafood is our speciality but meat and game always available as well as vegetarian options and freshly made pizza Open Tues – Sat (closed Sun and Mon)
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings (4.00pm – 7.30 pm) we are serving a 2 course meal (main course and dessert) for £12.95 per person
4 Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie PH10 6ND Tel: 01250 875358
Mike’s Mobile Valet
Professional Vehicle Cleaning Service
Home: 01250 874709 / Mobile: 07894 637764 Vehicle Washing Exterior Valets Waxing Clay Bar Cleaning Alloy Wheel Cleaning
Interior Valets Full Valet Hoovering and Dusting Stain Removal Polishing Tar and Bug Removal Pet Hair Removal Express Wax Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Blairgowrie & East Perthshire Tourist Association After what was a very hectic year for sports-related tourism in the area, we now turn our attention to other matters in the ongoing promotion of Blairgowrie & East Perthshire. BEPTA have now produced a set of three booklets covering Blairgowrie & The Glens, and the Alyth and Coupar Angus districts. These are being widely distributed, and locally are available in various venues, including the Visitor Information Centre and the One Voice Office. We continue to market the area, giving particular emphasis at this time on day trippers and short stay visitors from throughout Scotland and the North of England. We are currently involved with marketing in publications, magazines, online and on social media. We are working closer than ever with VisitScotland. In respect of local matters, we are looking at assisting the Bookmark Festival and Blairgowrie Golf Club with marketing themselves both locally and further afield. We are supporting Taystful’s Sugar Collaboration Course, and working on seasonal banners to be displayed in the Wellmeadow to enhance the area for visitors. We are of course happy for any individual or organisation to advise us of upcoming events in the area for us to promote. It has been a pleasure to welcome three new members to BEPTA already this year - Strathmore & The Glens, Outdoor Explore and the newly taken-over Cateran Cafe in Blairgowrie’s High Street. When you look at these new members, there is a strong theme of countryside adventure and the outdoors there – one of many areas we are working to promote. The Cateran Trail is a great draw to the area, and we are working with the Countryside Trust who are looking into the possibility of a Cateran Trail Passport, which the walker can have stamped at all of the locations around the Trail, and possibly with a view to collaborating with local accommodation providers and eateries to provide special deals. All in all, another busy year ahead of us, and as always we welcome new members. If you have an idea to put to us, or would like to become involved in some way, please contact us at: – TOURISM IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS.
Your Community Magazine
The Hub Magazine is here for the community to use. It is funded by local businesses taking adverts and, because it is seen as a beneficial means of communication for the town, it received a grant to help support it to provide space for more community information. So please pass your articles to One Voice on Upper Mill Street, email us on
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Jamie Duncan Aerial & Satellite
TV Extensions All types of Satellites installed TV wall mounting Phone:
07736 551 665
01250 873591
The Baytree Restaurant and Bar at the Angus Hotel, New lunch menu served daily.
Angus Angus Angus Angus the
Lunch midweek offer available Monday- Friday, 20% off bill, expires 31st May 2015, This voucher must be presented at the time of purchase. Normal T&Cs apply.
Bay Tree Advert 105x74.indd 2
02/02/2015 13:36
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Professional Bookkeeping with a smile – • Maintaining sales and purchase ledgers • VAT returns • Year end accounts for sole traders • Cash flow and monthly forecasting • Payroll processing and CIS payments and returns • Self assessment • Online filing of HMRC returns Other Services include: Secretarial assistance Provision of competitively priced accounting stationery. We have a full dairy of events to support people who have or are affected by MS across Perth & Kinross including Buddies@Blair who meet at Cargill’s Bistro on the first Tuesday of each month from 10.30 -12 It’s a social group who meet for a chat over a cuppa, all really informal and we’d be happy to see new faces come along. Further info can be found on the branch website above or by contacting Tracey on 07845 773 770
17 High Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6ET, Tel 01250 798501, email:
Graham Environmental Services Graham Environmental Services held their Annual Staff Conference at McDiarmid Park, Perth last month, and during the day Managing Director Ross Graham took time out to acknowledge Dave Burnside’s 10 year’s service with the company. “Burny” as he is affectionately known, was presented with an inscribed glass momento, bottle of champagne and football hospitality at the home of his beloved Dunfermline Athletic in recognition of his hard work and loyal service with the company. Graham Environmental Services who are based in the town’s Welton Road, provide a range of services to commercial and domestic properties including pest control, fire extinguishers, washroom, kitchen extractor cleaning and deep cleaning have created an additional 17 jobs in the last 2 years and Mr Graham spoke about the re-structuring of the company, the plans to build on our existing customer base, create new jobs and the importance of maintaining high customer service levels to ensure the sustainability of the company going forward.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015 Blairgowrie Shotokan Karate Club Karate is a martial art that originated in the Ryukyu or Okinawan Islands, south west of Japan and south east of China.
From the 15th century onwards Okinawa at times was an island of turmoil. The civilian population and local law enforcement had to defend themselves against violent villains, criminals, bandits and ruffians. Throughout the years various combative techniques native to Okinawa were combined with techniques learned from visitors and settlers from mainland China and to a lesser extent Japan. Eventually different schools primarily based on locality and teacher lineage emerged as different styles of Karate. Okinawan Karate was practical orientated, focusing on real situations and deadly risk. The techniques came in a variety of striking, punching, grappling, locking, throwing and kicking formats. During the 1920s Karate was exported to Japan via several Okinawan teachers who travelled to and eventually settled in Japan. During the 1930s and 1940s Karate evolved into a mainly blocking and counter striking martial art that was readily adapted to a sporting and competitive format. From the 1950s onwards Karate practitioners began to travel the world, teaching karate. Eventually Karate became an established and popular activity all over the world. As part of the global adoption of Karate and in particular the Japanese version of Karate, the sporting element became a popular reason for Karate training. The acquisition of skills and the testing of these skills in competition was and still is an excellent reason to practice Karate as a sporting activity. Karate is an activity that can be practiced by children and adults alike. The sporting aspect of Karate is equally beneficial for children and adults. The training provides fitness and health benefits with the added bonus of achievement and goal orientated confidence boosting that practitioners experience when competing and progressing. Karate is originally a defensive martial art, as conceived in Okinawa. Many practitioners now practice Karate with the added perspective that for Karate to be a successful self-defence system, Karate must be practical and pragmatic with the reality view that the assailant will use any means of attack. The benefits are the same to that of the sporting aspect - the training provides the fitness, health, strength benefits whilst enhancing the confidence and mental strength training required for self-defence. Karate provides a set of challenges & goals, that are physical and mental in nature, that when met assist the practitioner to discover, develop & maintain their own positive character traits. Our club, Blairgowrie & Coupar Angus Shotokan Karate, provides a balanced training program that covers all aspects of Karate with focus on the pragmatic and practical application of Karate. We recently hosted a seminar by Iain Abernethy who is one of the world’s leading teachers of the practical application of Karate. For anyone interested the club has classes on: Monday 7pm to 8pm & 8pm to 9pm at the Blairgowrie Community Campus Wednesday 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Coupar Angus Townhall Friday 6pm to 7pm & 7pm to 8pm at the Blairgowrie Community Campus For details see Contact Karen Whytock on Mobile: 07854812541 Email:
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Winter Special Lunch Menu 2 Courses £5.95 3 Courses £8.50 Includes 125 ml Glass of wine Available Monday to Friday 12pm- 2pm The Royal Hotel, 53 Allan Street, Blairgowire 01250 872 226 36
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Blairgowrie Library Did You Know? In 1938 the first Library in Blairgowrie was opened to the public in the town’s High Street and it wasn’t until 1971 that it moved to its present location in Leslie Street. The present Library has experienced a variety of changes over the years in order to address the needs of the many users. During 2013 it was refurbished and is a most welcoming place to visit. People of all ages come to the Library from across Strathmore and beyond, according to Craig, the senior Librarian. Approximately 6oo people use the many facilities on offer each week and records show during 2013-14 there were 1,750 active members, with a stock of 11,300 titles and of those 51,000 issued. Craig is full time and helped by 2 part time members of staff who aim to have a strong community resource which includes the very young and those who are house bound or in residential care. Joint working to strengthen and increase the service offered is very much to the fore. E.g. Library staff can source individual books on request and also make up packs of books for those who are unable to come along to the Library itself. The Royal Voluntary Service then delivers these on a monthly basis. Examples of other services on offer are, weekly sessions for parents and babies and also young children, these can include storytelling and craft activities. For adults there is a weekly job club which helps with online skills and with CV applications. Various other groups meet there on a regular basis e.g. the Genealogy Group, and Blair Writers. There are also 6 computers accessible for public use and an online audio book or music service on offer free to members. Between a Tuesday and Saturday people can just pop in and relax in the pleasant sitting area whilst enjoying a coffee/tea from the machine. There is an excellent selection of daily newspapers and monthly magazines waiting to be read and you will find that the Library staff are always willing to help or advise, so why not go along and find out more. Back Row: Jim Wilson, Jim Straiton, Jimmy Copeland, Len Smith, ? Thomson. 2nd Back: Jock Soutar, Marian Wojtowicz, Jessie Carrie, Agnes Beattie, Cath Brown, Babs Small, Doreen Murray, Norma Crighton, ?? Ron Mitchell (emigrated to Australia) 2nd Front: Jimmy Crighton, ??, Charlie Gray, Rita Napier, Jimmy Pennycook, Helena Clark. Front: Albert Bell, Tom Small Thanks to David Gow for this photo and Pat McCarthy for the names.
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Open daily from 10.30am Morning Coffee, Home Bakes, Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meals. “Look out for our entertainment, events and members deals on our website and social media!”
Free parking and disabled access
Lower Mill Street, Riverside, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AQ
Call 01250 876 735 Christian Books and Resources 62 High Street Blairgowrie, PH10 6DF Opening Hours February and March 2015 Tuesday to Saturday Daily 10am to 12:30pm Please note new telephone number 01250 798 951 Email:
A personal “Thank You” everyone who has so kindly supported “Number 62” throughout these last 14 years, and although 2015 heralds a period of change in personnel, the good news is that it is continuing on the High Street with the unchanging message of the Christian Gospel found in the variety of Bibles, Books, Commentaries, Christian resources and a selection of lovely meaningful Cards for most occasions. Look forward to meeting you again in 2015
Morag 38
The Hub Magazine
February 2015
Useful Phone Numbers
Adult Resource Centre ..............01250 871 910
Blairgowrie Community Hospital
.......................................................01250 874 234
Reception.......................................01250 874 466
Social Services Day Care ...........01250 877 843
Strathmore Older People’s mental Health
Freedom Bus Adult Care Services
Team ..............................................01250 877 843
.......................................................0845 3011120
GP Unit .........................................01250 877 854
Care at Home ............................01738 476 7000
District Nurses .............................01250 872 030
Health Visitors .............................01250 876 668
Alzheimer Scotland
Dundee Dental Hospital ............01382 660 111
Dementia Advisor ......................01738 562 358
Ninewells Main Number ........... 01382 660 111
Anti-Social Behaviour Team .....01738 476 173
Perth Royal Infirmary .................01738 623 311
Blairgowrie Community Care Area Office
Royal Dundee Liff Hospital .......01382 423 000
.......................................................01250 871 910
NHS 24 .........................................08454 242 424
Blairgowrie Housing Area Office
.......................................................01250 872 051
Boots .............................................01250 872 029
Blairgowrie Library ....................01250 872 905
Davidsons .....................................01250 870 282
Blairgowrie Registration of Births, Deaths &
Marriages .....................................01250 877 002
Ardblair Medical Practice ..........01250 872 033
Blairgowrie Social Work Office .01250 872 255
Strathmore Surgery .....................01250 872 552
Blairgowrie Standards.Warrants 01250 877 017
Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre
Blairgowrie Veterinary Surgery .01250 872 061
........................................................01250 872 960
Thrums Veterinary Group .........01250 871 010
Care at Home ..............................01250 871 901
Police ...............................................................101
Community Campus ..................01250 871 967
Rowanbank Community Learning Centre
Live Active ...................................01250 871 360
........................................................01250 871 350
Scottish Gas Emergencies ..........0800 111 999
Newhill Primary School ............01250 871 941
Scottish Water ..............................0845 6018 855
Rowanbank Community Centre
St Stephen’s Primary School ......01250 871 950 Rattray Primary School .............01250 872 389
These numbers have been taken from a copy
Blairgowrie High School ...........01250 871 200
of the old Blair Blast. If you have any correc-
tions or suggestions for additions then please
Blairgowrie (in Co-op) ..............01250 872 766
let One Voice know on Upper Mill Street
Local Delivery Office .................01250 872 766
(01250 871 120)
ELDERLY ACTIVITIES Health Community Collaborative Hosptial Day Room ....................01250 874 466
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