Nov 14 hub mag

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Blairgowrie & Rattray

Hub Magazine November 2014 1st Anniversary Edition

Photo Courtesy of David Gow

A magazine for Blairgowrie & Rattray

What’s On, Events & Information

The Hub Magazine

November 2014

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Welcome to the November 2014 Hub Magazine! The Hub Magazine is now 1 year old! Hard to believe it was a year ago when the first edition was trialed and thanks to the support of the businesses and organisations in Blairgowirie & Rattray and the surrounding area, we are able to keep it going. Now it is sustainable, we are looking at ways to make the magazine as useful as possible for the Community so check out our thoughts on page 5. One Voice Community Office and Booklore Since moving to our new premises at 13 Upper Mill Street in May, One Voice Community Office has been as busy as ever with the task of promoting all of the events that happen in our busy community here in Blairgowrie and Rattray. We have been helping the newly re-formed Community Council publicise its efforts to expedite the ongoing Oakbank Road slippage issue as well as having a representative at their regular Council Meetings. One Voice will assist the Community Council in this year’s search for the Junior and Senior Citizen of the Year 2015. Nomination forms will be available in the Office in due course. Also available in One Voice Community Office are the Minutes of all Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council Meetings for anyone to view. There is also a Community Council suggestion box. Cont. on page 6...

We are here for the community! Advertising Prices (inc VAT) Back Page Full page colour Full page B/W 1/2 page colour 1/2 page B/W 1/4 page colour 1/4 page B/W 1/8 page colour 1/8 page B/W

per issue @ £156, 2 or more issues @ £132 per issue (Available) per issue @ £120, 2 or more issues @ £108 per issue per issue @ £78, 2 or more issues @ £66 per issue per issue @ £66, 2 or more issues @ £60 per issue per issue @ £40, 2 or more issues @ £33 per issue per issue @ £33, 2 or more issues @ £30 per issue per issue @ £27, 2 or more issues @ £25per issue per issue @ £20, 2 or more issues @ £20 per issue per issue @ £15, 2 or more issues @ £15 per issue

Magazine Created by: Graphite Web Solutions, 11 Brown Street, Blairgowrie (0800 988 5521), Printed via: The Copy Shop, 18 Reform Street, Blairgowrie (01250 873 591) Thank you to all One Voice Volunteers for article/advertisement collection and magazine delivery: One Voice Volunteer Group, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie (01250 871 120) Magazine articles are the responsibility of the article owner, The Hub Magazine accepts no responsibility for the content.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

What’s On Calendar for Blairgowrie & Rattray This is taken directly from The Hub website Add your events to the Hub, it’s free for groups, clubs and organisations. Businesses can take a paid listing on the High Street website and have their events added to the What’s On calendar.

November: 24th November 25th November 26th November 29th November

Local History Trust - Autumn Lecture, The Royal Hotel, 7.30pm Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe, St Catharines Centre, 10am - 12pm Blairgowrie & Rattray Business Association Christmas Buffet, 5.30pm Cargills Civic Trust Meeting - A Visit to the Fair Islands, ARC, Jessie St, 7.30pm Intergenerational Music, All welcome, Community Connect Rattray from 4.45pm Christmas Lights Switch On, Wellmeadow from 1pm Royal British Legion Dance, High Mileage 8.30-11.45 Cost £6.00 includes buffet

December: 1st December Blairgowrie Bowling Club Bingo Tea, 6.30-pm Eyes down at 7.15pm 1st - 7th December Blairgowrie Players Pantomime ‘CinderMcella’ Blairgowrie Town Hall, Mon - Fri at 7pm, Sat + Sun at 2pm Tickets £8 stalls, £7 balcony, £6 concession 3rd December Blethers Group, Royal Hotel 10 am - 12pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm Intergenerational Music, All welcome, Community Connect Rattray from 4.45pm 4th December Growbiz Enterprise XChange, 6.30pm, The Royal Hotel 6th December Table Top Sale, Santa & Coffee morning, Rattray Hall in aid of Hall Funds, 10am - 2pm 7th December Santas Elves visit Cargills from 4.30pm - enjoy a family meal 10th December Trefoil Guild Christmas Dinner at the Royal Hotel, 7.30pm 11th December Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council Meeting, ARC, Jessie St, 7pm Growbiz Health and Disabilities Group 14th December Then & Now Antique & Vintage Fair, The Angus Hotel, 10am - 4pm Santas Elves visit Cargills from 4.30pm - enjoy a family meal 17th December Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm 21st December Strathmore Screen - Paddington at 4pm and Get Santa at 7pm, Town Hall 31st December Royal British Legion Dance, KF sounds 8.30 till late. Cost £6 includes buffet


7th January 16th January 18th January 21st January 22nd January 27th January 28th January

Blethers Group, Royal Hotel 10 am - 12pm Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm Blairgowrie & District Hill Walking Club Quiz Night, The Royal Hotel, 7.30pm Royal British Legion Dance, George Rennie 2-6 p.m. Cost £6 includes buffet Citizens Advice Bureau, SCYD, 10am - 12pm Blairgowrie & Rattray Forum - local events planning, The Royal Hotel, 5.30pm Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe, St Catharines Centre, 10am - 12pm Civic Trust - Wind Farms and the Environment, ARC, Jessie St, 7.30pm


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Did You Know? The Hub magazine is connected to the Hub ( and High Street websites ( and both are connected to The Forum.

Do You Know What the Forum Is? The forum is an opportunity for groups and organisations in the town to come together and let each other know what they are doing and what events are coming up.

So What? The aim is to share ideas and experience so that groups can help each other and offer advice or guidance. It helps avoid events clashing and can also allow collaboration to make events bigger.

Destination Development Plan You may have heard about the STV Advert for the town - the aim is to publicise what a great destination Blairgowrie & Rattray is for day trips and longer stays. By coming together and developing a co-ordinated and focused plan, we can make the town The Destination. The next forum meeting is on 22nd January 2015, 5.30pm, The Royal Hotel


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

One Voice (cont’d)

the premises at Upper Mill Street (which we also share with The Ericht Trust), is bursting with books on a wealth of subjects from Medicine to Madagascar, Ghosts to Good Housekeeping! There is also a selection of Collectors Books and Books for Children and much, much more. We have many up coming special offers in the pipeline so keep an eye out for these. We have a large store of Old Local Photographs on file. Many people have generously donated these pictures. They have allowed us to copy and sell these photographs of times gone by. This service has proved very popular over the years. Photos can be in Black and White or Colour and mounted if required. One Voice Community Office and Booklore is always looking for volunteers. We would welcome anyone who has a few free hours to spend to help us with our books and other activities or help with the quarterly magazine distribution. Just drop in at the Office between 10 am. and 4 pm. Tuesday to Saturday or telephone 01250 871120 to find out more.

A number of our volunteers have helped Perth and Kinross Council with information and pictures for the new ‘You are Here’ signs which have appeared in the Town recently. Contact One Voice if you wish to display signs for charity events in the lockable notice boards within these signs. Suggested size for items for inclusion should, ideally, be no larger than A5 as space is limited. Many of our volunteers and others help with the quarterly distribution of The Hub magazine, which is delivered, free of charge, to most households within Blairgowrie and Rattray. There are always extra copies of The Hub available along with much more local information in the Booklore area of The Community Office should you need this. Information and The Hub Magazine can also be accessed online at www.blairgowrieandrattray., the website having a wealth of information about local groups, organisations, businesses and services. Booklore, our second hand bookshop within

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council (BRCC) : Hot Topics

issues you want us to follow up on. I hope to post a short report in the next issue of the ‘Hub’. Associate Young Members

Oakbank Road Landslip

One of the more exciting prospects we are following up on is voting onto the BRCC four young associate members, two from Blairgowrie High School and two from SCYD. At the time of writing we have held discussions with Mrs Leslie, Principal of Blairgowrie High School & with Jamie Stewart from SCYD. Both have been very encouraging, and we are working on a framework with PKC Democratic Services, who in their turn have been very supportive. We recognise that there is an age gap between our current BRCC membership and the up and coming generation. We want to address this and involve the future citizens of Blairgowrie & Rattray right now. It should look good on their CV as well !

The Oakbank Road Landslip saga still rumbles on. As you know, BRCC hosted a Town Hall public meeting on the subject on Tuesday 26th August. The views of the public were clearly expressed, and my report on the proceedings is available to view on the BRCC website : http:// , or at the Blairgowrie Library as an Annex to the minutes of our September meeting. BRCC has now voted onto the Community Council as Associate Expert Members the two Civil Engineer advisers who supported us at the Town Hall meeting. They are Andrew Laing & Sandy Mitchell. Perth & Kinross Council representatives from Environment and from Greenspace recently invited members of BRCC together with Cllr Bob Ellis to an Oakbank Road update meeting, held in the Newhill Community Campus, Blairgowrie. Andrew Laing was one of the BRCC members present.

By-Election for Four BRCC Vacancies Notice of the By-Election for our 4 vacancies has been posted. The closing date was 6th November for nominations. If there are more candidates than vacancies, an election will be held on Thursday 11th December. Details may be found on the BRCC website link, or on the PKC website under : We are looking forward to welcoming the new members to our team.

I regret to report that there has been little progress. The PKC representatives confirmed that they have taken onboard all the 7 points raised at the Town Hall Meeting. Ian Richards on behalf of BRCC submitted the ‘Ranger Bridge’ proposal which has been partly costed by him through the manufacturers. This can be seen via a link on the BRCC website. PKC are taking this proposal away for further investigation. Cllr Bob Ellis informed the meeting that he would be pushing for this option at the PKC budget meeting. Watch this space; don’t hold your breath !

The December meeting will be held at the ARC (Adult Resource Centre) Jessie Street, Blairgowrie on Thursday 11th December at 7.00 pm through to 9.00 pm. Come and join us. All are welcome at the meetings.

Town Hall Open Event Friday Nov 14th

David Bailey Chair BRCC

One of the main reasons for the event was to extend BRCC outreach & hear from you about the

Rattray Hall Arty, Crafty, Coffees, Saints and beating the Rotters at Rattray Hall

rot,would be completed in Rattray Hall in time for the 2014 Art Festival at the end of August. Thanks to huge efforts by David Pirie accompanied by John Mowat very fetching in his overalls, all was ready on the day. The 4th Art Festival had 40 plus artists taking part and just under £2000

Arty. It was touch and go as to whether the extensive repairs, due to an outbreak of dry


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

was donated to Charity as a result of their 20% commissions The Charities this year being the Air Ambulance and Wisecraft, both local worthy causes. Crafty. Riding on the success of the Art Festival there will be a Christmas themed Craft and Christmas Fair in the Hall on Saturday 6th December from 10am to 2pm where there will be Paintings, Prints and Cards by Wendy Mackey, Trevor Taylor and Barry McFarlane. There will be home made Cakes, Chutneys, Plum Puddings and Toys, Books, Patchwork, Produce, Bric a Brac and Gifts and possibly Santa will also attend! Well worth a visit and the Town Bus passes the door every hour or the 57 bus stops at the end of Balmoral Road, or car parking in the streets opposite the Hall. And Coffee. There will be Coffee and home made baking available throughout the day along with a Raffle of exciting desirable Christmas gifts. Saints. St Andrew’s Day will be celebrated a couple of days early on Thursday 27th November with a Lunchtime Concert and Soup and Sandwich lunch, organised by the Rattray Hall

Friendship Cafe. The Balmoral Trio, Burrelton Choir, Coupar Angus Country Dancers being just some of the entertainment. Some Tickets at £3 still available from Aly Muir on 01250 873602 or Rotters. Those nasty little mushrooms now banished and the Hall replastered and painted ready again for bookings at £11 an hour. Enquiries to or telephone 07866672333 and leave a message. One last bit of information: the Hall Friendship Cafe is open every Thursday throughout the year, festive period included from 9.30.-11.45. where you are assured of a personal welcome, tea, coffee,homemade cake if you are lucky or a plate of goodies for a donation to ‘feed’ one of the piggy banks on the tables. Most weeks there is live music with a great variety of entertainers who give an hour of their time to entertain and it is hard to resist singing along or even get up to dance the light fantastic Now a regular 40 or 50 Friends every week but the more the merrier so just drop in and see what it is all aboutFriendship!

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014


The Hub Magazine

November 2014


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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

The Blairgowrie Players Blairgowrie Players’ first touring production has proved a great success. Under the auspices of the Royal Shakespeare Company, and with help of the Dundee Rep. as our mentor theatre, “Dream on, Macbeth” toured village halls in Perthshire. Written by one time member of the Players, Nora Brown, the idea of the project was to take the ethos of Shakespeare to a wider audience. The feedback suggests the Players may well do a further tour in the spring of 2015. The Players project was one of only seven in the whole of Scotland to be accepted by the R.S.C. and their assessors visited one of the performances. Depending on their assessment the play could be presented at the Dundee Rep. next year. Murder Mysteries followed “Dream on, Macbeth”, one in Broughty Ferry and one in Blairgowrie. Corporate groups and business men’s clubs have been keen to add entertainment on to their meetings agenda, and a Murder Mystery neatly fits the bill. 2014 being a special Scottish year it was decided to adapt the world’s most popular pantomime and give it a Scottish make-over – so “CINDERmcELLA” was born. The Bay City Rollers are given an airing. One of Billy Connolly’s favourite humourous songs rubs shoulders with some traditional ones and of course, everyone knows Cinders had a Scottie dog! The show is packed full of routines with the Ladyboys of East Fife making a sensational appearance; the art of how not to hang wallpaper

is messily displayed; you can dance to the Funky Gibbon; you can marvel at the martial arts and be amazed at a rap number sung by an Italian valet. One of Elvis’s most famous songs is completely ruined and for some reason a trio of puppets attempt to steal the show along with a great spider and 10ft high ghosts. Mirrors play a large part in making the ladies look pretty – awful! There’s a surprise appearance of a popular T.V. show and being Christmas of course, there’s lots of snow and slosh. Oh yes, there’s the occasional reference to a certain referendum as well. All in all a two hour show full of comedy, colour, song and dance offering great value for money. Presented in Blairgowrie Town Hall from Monday, Dec. 1st to Friday, Dec. 5th @ 7.00p.m. and Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th @ 2.00p.m. Tickets £8 Balcony; £7 Stalls with £6 concessions (stalls only). Available from The Music Box, Allan Street, Blairgowrie 01250 875424 or at the door. Book early to avoid disappointment. For the Scottish Community Drama Association One Act Play Festival in Birnam at the end of February, the Players are entering four plays – 2 Youth and 2 Adults. The Youth plays are “Belly Buttons” and “I Never Thought” and the Adult plays are “Red Hot in Amsterdam” and “Ladies Waiting” by Club Vice President, Pam Mackenzie. Rehearsals are already under way. For further information contact Graham Reid on 01250 874230 daytime or visit the website www.

Blairgowrie Town Hall

An increasing number of groups and organisations are discovering the advantages of the Town Hall. Not only the main auditorium but the Lesser Hall and other rooms are being used on a regular basis. Art exhibitions and craft fairs book for several days at a time and plays, shows and pantomimes also have extended runs. Other regular users include various Keep Fit classes, Special Needs Groups, Dance classes, Lunch Clubs, Table Sales, Bingo Teas, Dances, Walkers Groups and Film Nights. There’s a range of facilities available including a well stocked


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

kitchen, toilets for the disabled, disco lights and free wifi access. More and more people are booking the Hall for birthday and anniversary parties, wedding receptions and other celebratory events. The auditorium can accommodate a large number of people and the stage area is useful for live bands or recorded music. Whilst evening lets are the most popular, there are still times during the day when the Hall is unused. Any group or individual who wants to find out more should check the website www. To make a booking

Cllr Caroline Shiers – Scottish Conservative Blairgowrie and Glens “Nothing ever happens in Blair!� How often have we heard this statement but I think this year we have really seen that nothing could be further from the truth. From The Weekend, to the monthly markets, the picnic in the park, Braemar night, highland games and all the usual events which are held throughout the year there has been a busy calendar. We also had the Queens Baton Relay and the East Perthshire Schools Commonwealth Games. September saw the Junior Ryder Cup at the Golf Club and it was quite an event. One that will be remembered for a long time but also one which hopefully will bring more high profile golfing events to Blairgowrie. October saw the second Bookmark Festival in full swing in Blairgowrie. This was the culmination of all the events which had happened since the launch of the 2014 festival back in June and it was a fantastic success. I was involved with a small team of dedicated helpers in the Mini Bookmark Festival and what a thoroughly enjoyable experience it was. To see so many children enthralled by the authors and enthusiastically engaging in the question and answer session and the interactive sections was excellent. We hope to build on this through 2015 and if there is anyone reading this article who thinks they would like to get involved in Bookmark then

first check the calendar for availability and then download a booking form. If you prefer to speak to someone personally, phone our Administration Manager, Alan McCombe on 07751 434296. Meanwhile the eight voluntary members of the committee, supported by the Administration Manager, officials and PKC Councillors continue to work to maintain and improve the Town Hall facilities. There is now a helpful Hallkeeper, Maggie Marshall, in place to oversee the beginning and end of lets. please get in touch. Strathmore Screen have moved their regular monthly cinema events to the Town Hall and their last showing brought a record attendance. If you have not been along yet, then go! Well done to the team and I look forward to the cinema developing over the coming years. I have highlighted just a few events held in 2014 but it is just worth looking at the calendar which runs in the town through the year and which are all run by Blairgowrie and Rattray residents for the town. They rely on our support and I know that their 2015 events are already being planned. As we approach Christmas the Illuminations Committee is working hard to light up the town and the switch on will be on Saturday 29th November. There will also be the annual pantomime by the Blairgowrie Players which is always worth going along to. I am sure all of our local businesses are gearing up for this busy time of year and will appreciate your support in shopping as locally as possible. As this is the last Hub of 2014 can I wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous 2015. I can be contacted at any time on 01828 632608 or at work on 01738 553990 or by email or find me on facebook.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Heartland FM

Heartland FM is seeking volunteers! Whether you’re a budding Edith Bowman or are interested in a broadcasting career off-mike, we would be delighted to hear from you. Volunteers benefit from one-to-one training with experienced Presenters and station staff. Some of our volunteers have gone on to careers within media while others are simply happy to have a fun, new hobby. The success of East Perthshire News, our programme produced by Blairgowrie volunteers is testament to how far you can come in a short space of time. We have an open door policy for new presenters and contributors – as not for profit, volunteer organisation Heartland FM is a resource run for and by the community it broadcasts to. We are the longest running community radio station in the UK and intend to keep it that way with your help. Heartland FM encourages enthusiastic volunteers to contact the Station Manager, Bruce Patterson, on 07793673206 or email For sales enquiries contact Kate on 01796 47 40 40 or Heartland broadcasts on 97.5 FM and 106.6 FM on the shared digital Access channel and the Ninewells and Royal Victoria hospital network on 87.6 FM.

THE EAST PERTHSHIRE NEWS HEARTLAND FM Hi, I’m Shona Whyte. I’m an interviewer on the East Perthshire News. Together with local presenter Daniel Duncan from Jam Entertains, we produce the East Perthshire News which is broadcast on HeartlandFM at 11:00 am on a Wednesday and again at 7:00 pm on Thursday. We are a community based programme. This means that the programme is about you, your community and your acitivities. Our aim is to promote groups and events and to bring you upto-date information about what’s on in your area. With 40 minutes of interviews and a great mix or music, the East Perthshire News informs and entertains. We really are all about East Perthshire and we want you to be involved. Do you have a story to tell, or an event to promote (it’s free) then contact Daniel or me on eastperthshirenews@gmail. com. Even if you just want us to play your favourite song, we’d love to hear from you. You can find us at 97.5 or 106.6 FM or, if you can’t find us there, log on to www.heartlandfm. at 11:00 am Wednesday and 7:00 pm Thursday to listen live. We are delighted to have listeners worldwide who tune in to us on-line. Would you like to be part of our programme? We’re always looking for volunteers to help us make an even better programme, so whether it’s interviewing, presenting or editing get in touch on THE EAST PERTHSHIRE NEWS At the Heart of East Perthshire WHERE IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT THE MUSIC


The Hub Magazine

November 2014 Councillor Bob Ellis your local Scottish Nationalist Party Councillor

Two thorns in the flesh as they say are still rumbling on and no prizes for guessing what they are. We are still working hard on the Traffic Light situation and the Oakbank Road saga. I sincerely hope and pray that these two disruptive sagas will be resolved or at least partly resolved by the time you read this magazine.

It really doesn’t seem like two months since I last wrote a piece for the Hub Magazine but time flies when you are enjoying yourself. Without doubt, one of the biggest and most exciting events that this area has seen over the years was the 2014 Junior Ryder Cup. It was a pleasure to be able to welcome the competitors from all over Europe and America to our Town. The weather was great as was the course and Brian Scott and his team certainly left no stone unturned in making sure that the fairways and greens were in pristine condition. The result didn’t go our way but our own Bradley Neil gave a really good account of himself as did all the players. It was also very heartening to see all of the Primary Schools taking up the opportunity of taking part in Club Golf.

The festive season is just round the corner, well nearly and the Illuminations Committee have been busy making sure that the lights are all working and will be putting them up on the 16th November and then the switch on will take place on the 29th November, with the usual Santa and Pipe Band Parades and carol singing in the Wellmeadow. It is also hoped that some festive refreshments will be provided as well. Finally and I am aware that this is early but may I wish everyone a happy festive season and that you all get what you want and remember that the New Year’s Day Fun Run will soon be upon us, so get training for this event.

The Bookmark Festival was another large and well attended event, which went down very well. It is credit to Christine Findlay and her team for putting together an exciting and informative long weekend book reading, poetry, whisky tasting and workshops, in short something for everyone no matter your age. I myself attended two readings and was very impressed and I look forward to next year’s event. They do say though that there is a book in everyone, so will there be some new authors in Blairgowrie?

Councillor Bob Ellis Home: 01250873899 Work: 01738475041 email:

FLAKY THE SNOWMAN a poem for children by Margaret Drummond Flaky the snowman was dozing off one night In his lonely field with head down and coal-black eyes shut tight, When all of a sudden the sky above grew bright And Flaky jumped awake to see a truly awesome sight. Right up above him a sleigh sped through the sky, Hitched to a team of reindeer and as they flew nearby The driver in a red suit waved out and gave a cry Of “Merry Christmas Snowman” - but Flaky wondered why. You see, snowmen don’t stay long and quickly have to go When Mr Sunshine comes out and starts to melt their snow, So Flaky racked his chilly brain but really didn’t know What Christmas was, with jingle bells and shouts of Ho-Ho-Ho!


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

At dawn Flaky awoke again to hear a gentle laugh And feel the sleigh-man wrap his frosty neck up in a scarf. “Hullo, I’m Santa Claus” he said “and please don’t think I’m daft, But Christmas is for giving and a present you must have”. Flaky’s heart warmed up at that but still he looked quite blue, “Thank you Santa Claus” he said, “but I’ve nothing to give you.” Then a reindeer tweaked his carrot nose and joked “Well this might do”, And Flaky felt so happy to be part of Christmas too.

Thanks to Margaret Drummond for this!

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

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The Hub Magazine

November 2014

BLAIRGOWRIE & RATTRAY ILLUMINATIONS (photo courtesy of David Gow) It doesn’t seem that long ago since last year’s lights were dismantled and already the volunteers have been working away behind the scenes for a number of weeks now. All this work: checking, maintaining, erecting and dismantling is all done by a small committee backed up by a team of volunteers, who give many hours of their time to produce the wonderful light display over the festive season. None of it would be possible if it wasn’t for the generosity of the local residents, businesses and organisations that raise money on our behalf. For this the committee are extremely grateful. By the time you read this the lights should already be up and we will be getting ready for the big Switch-On on Saturday 29th November. The event will begin at 1pm when an array of local talent will entertain until the parades descend on the Wellmeadow at approximately 3.30pm. The Blairgowrie, Rattray & District Pipe Band will lead the parade from Rattray at 3pm and the Blairgowrie & Rattray Junior Marching Drum Corps with lead the parade from The Gig at 3.15pm. The lights will be switched on at 4pm by Jillian Page and Paula McLagan from Something Special. Thereafter, the entertainment will continue until approx 5pm. We hope as many people as possible will come along and join in the parades in both Blairgowrie and Rattray and stay on to enjoy the entertainment.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Call 01250 872 455


Bring a

party to the party!

Friday 12th & 19th December - £25 Saturday 7th, 14th & 21st December - £35

OFFER INCLUDES Festive Cocktail on Arrival / Festive Menu + Coffee, Hats, Crackers + Poppers / Tribute Night* / Disco

Little’s Restaurant a relaxed and informal haven in the centre of Blairgowrie

varied menu with daily changing specials seafood is our speciality but meat and game always available as well as vegetarian options and freshly made pizza Open Tues – Sat (closed Sun and Mon)

Festive menus available for Christmas parties from 12 December

Lunch 2 Courses £17.95 3 Courses £22.95 Dinner 2 Courses £18.95 3 Courses £24.95

4 Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie PH10 6ND Tel: 01250 875358 21

The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Mitchell’s Newsagent 11 High Street, Blairgowrie 01250 798 532 / 07703 186 627 email:

Blairgowrie calendars and Christmas cards now in stock Increasing selection of health foods including porridge, yoghurts, eggs, potatoes, honey and dried fruits. Newspapers delivered throughout Blairgowrie, Rattray and Rosemount Fresh free range eggs: £1.30 per dozen

Free delivery on: 12.5Kg Potatoes - £4 25Kg Potatoes - £7.50

CANINE CUTS DOG GROOMING AND MICROCHIPPING Catering for all shapes, sizes and ages at our fully equipped shop. We offer Clipping/Hand Stripping/Grooming /Dematting/Bathing/etc

Open Mon-Sat, Evening appoints available Mon+Tues Microchipping only £15.00 3 High Street , Rattray TEL : 01250 872040 Home of Zorgs Rottweilers and Skye Terrier


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Blairgowrie Ramblers Calendar November 29th - Glen Markie 8 miles December 13th - Camperdown Park/Templeton Woods 6.5 miles December 27th - Moncrieffe Hill 5 miles January 10th - Murthly Estate 6 miles January 24th - Winter Walk & Lunch Dunkeld followed by lunch at the Atholl Arms 5 miles February 7th - Fife Coastal Path 11 miles February 21st - Braes & Lochs of Pitcastle 8 miles March 7th - Tillicoultry 11 miles March 21st - Balmoral Cairns 6 miles

Walk to Loch Skiach

Anyone interested in joining Blairgowrie Ramblers on any walk or if you require any information please contact the secretary on 01250 873577

Surviving Christmas

Through all of the glowing lights, warm cosy nights in, games and laughter, Christmas can be a very challenging and tough time for a lot of people. Long dark nights, excessive buying, increased alcohol and drug use and reduced services can make it difficult for people to have a sense of ‘wellness’ over the festive period, especially when it seems like everyone else is having a great time. Some of us may choose to spend Christmas alone but unfortunately some of us do not. Whether it’s due to the loss of a loved one, broken relationships or an unpleasant experience that encourages you to avoid Christmas and many of its traditions. Understandably these emotions and experiences make it a troublesome and lonely time for many. Not surprisingly, the Samaritans get around one call every 6 seconds during the Christmas period. Despite the challenges you may be met with at Christmas, it is important to remember that this time of year is very difficult for a lot of people, you are not alone and there are things out there that can help you along your way and to get through Christmas. To find out more about ways to help you get through Christmas, please visit Mental Wealth Perthshire ( or phone PLUS Perth on 01738 626242. Claire Thomson Rural Involvement Worker

Strathmore Energy Trust In conjunction with the Ericht Trust, the Strathmore Energy Trust are delighted to announce that an application has been submitted to the Climate Challenge Fund in order to form a new Community Energy initiative with a view to bringing this new service to the Strathmore Community early in 2015.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Blairgowrie Farm Shop - Your one stop Christmas Shop CHRISTMAS SHOP

New this year is our Christmas Shop full of ornaments, decorations and gifts for the festive period. Make your Christmas special. Come in and have a browse around.


All our fresh birds are fully free-range and local from Gartmorn Farm near Callander. Oven ready birds are available from Monday 22nd December. Limited stocks so order soon. White and Bronze Whole Turkeys Turkey Crowns and Rolled Turkey Breasts Christmas Chickens Christmas Ducks Christmas Goose Various sizes available to order to suit your party.


We deliver free locally (including to Perth and Dundee) your exact Christmas Veggies based on your requirements whether for 2 or 10 people! Everything is supplied loose so there will be little or no wasted produce. If you also order a bird it will be included in your Home Delivery. Don’t rely on your supermarket. Get your local produce from a local shop...


Not looking forward to the Christmas Food Shop? Well here is the answer. Christmas Complete is our ultimate package which includes: •The Christmas Bird / Meat •The Veggies etc required for your party size •The Christmas Cake, Mince Pies and sides you require •FREE DELIVERY LOCALLY 23/24th December Come into the shop and browse our Christmas Shop and pick up a leaflet on our Poultry and Veggies offerings. BLAIRGOWRIE FARM SHOP 14-16 Reform Street Blairgowrie PH10 6BD t. 01250 876528 e. Why not order online @ where you can browse our Christmas offerings (Deposit only required for all Christmas Birds)


The Hub Magazine

November 2014 I’d like to start this column by congratulating Blairgowrie Golf Club on their fantastic staging of the Junior Ryder Cup at the end of September. I was fortunate enough to attend on the first day of competition and the professionalism of both the staff and facilities were superb. Unfortunately, despite hometown hero Bradley Neil’s best efforts, Europe couldn’t lift the trophy. The fact that over 6000 people attended the two days competition, including thousands of primary school children getting their first taste of golf, will make a huge contribution to ensuring the Junior Ryder Cup has a genuine legacy. In 2014 the big events keep on coming in Blairgowrie and on the back of the hugely successful Junior Ryder Cup was the second annual Bookmark festival which drew in record numbers. The three day festival has proved to be a real hit with book lovers from across the UK and will return for a third year in 2015. I would like to thank the organisation team for the great work they have done in bringing top authors to Blairgowrie and wish them the best of luck for next year. An issue that is making big news both locally and nationally is the installation of average speed cameras on the A9. After going live on the 28th of October I have been asking constituents their thoughts on living with the average speed cameras via the “Dual the A9” Facebook page. If you would like to share your opinion log on

Murdo Fraser MSP for Mid-Scotland and Fife

Can be contacted at his regional office: The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perth PH2 6PL Telephone: 01738 553990 Email: Website: Tweet him @

to Any move that can help save lives is to be welcomed, however I am concerned that the money and energy that could have been spent on dualling the road is being directed towards a project whose benefits are much less tangible. The Scottish Government must step up their dualling programme as a fully dualled road will massively improve driver safety and lead to huge economic benefits for communities north of Perth.

Trefoil Guild The Trefoil Guild has had two meetings so far during the new Session. The first one had a speaker called Pat Graham who described how women could make the best of themselves in every way – declutter their wardrobe, engage with voluntary groups, and take up new challenges such as getting onto communicating by computer. At the October meeting, Pam Cairns painted a disturbing picture of present day slavery, involving a large percentage of women who are trafficked into Britain and places like India, to work as domestics, prostitutes and in agriculture. Another female aspect will be looked at in November when the speaker will be Denise King. Denise will describe her life in Girlguiding. The December meeting always takes the form of a dinner, followed by a break in January and February. The 2016 syllabus follows on the next page:March 4 – Catriona Connolly and 3 women who accompany her to a small town in Malawi to teach advanced Clinical medical skills and assist in an orphanage, caring for 450 AIDS orphans, who have lost their parents. April 1 – Air Ambulance. Anybody who is interested in Guiding is sure to be given a warm welcome at the Trefoil meetings. Information can be obtained by contacting the Secretary, Moira Somerville – 01250 875240.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

In my role as Scottish Finance Secretary, I was pleased to announce that we are continuing to maintain the council tax freeze as part of the Scottish Government’s 2014/15 budget. This freeze will be maintained for the eighth year in a row. Research from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) finds that the average saving for a Band D household is £495.16. By the end of the current Parliamentary term, the same household will have saved £1,200 since the freeze was introduced in 2007.

John Swinney MSP for Perthshire North can be contacted at: Constituency Office, 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DL

On top of this, the Scottish Government’s Council Tax Reduction scheme is protecting over half a million low income households from higher council tax bills following Westminster’s decision to scrap council tax benefit last year.

Telephone - 01250 876 576 Website –

The budget sets out further measures to deliver a fairer Scotland – including £81m to mitigate Westminster’s welfare reforms, record investment over £12bn in the NHS, maintain a Living Wage for public sector workers covered by the Scottish Government’s pay policy and continuing the commitment to no compulsory redundancies.

from £6.7 million in support from the Small Business Bonus Scheme in 2014/15. This is part of the £35.4 million that has been invested in Perth and Kinross through the scheme since it was introduced in 2008/09.

The council tax freeze is continuing to offer real help to families across Perthshire and Scotland. At a time of unprecedented budget cuts being passed down from Westminster, this policy is protecting hard-pressed family budgets and making a difference to communities across Scotland. I welcome the new figures that underline the substantial growth in the number of small businesses in Perthshire who have seen their business rates bills abolished or substantially reduced thanks to the SNP Government.

The Small Business Bonus Scheme has abolished rates bills for companies with a rateable value of up to £10,000 and has substantially reduced it for businesses with a rateable value of up to £18,000. The Scottish Government’s Small Business Bonus Scheme has been a critical part of efforts to secure economic recovery in Perth and Kinross. Small Businesses are the lifeblood of Scotland’s economy and by abolishing, or substantially reducing, the rates bills they pay has helped keep many small companies in business during difficult years. The substantial investment made has been of immeasurable benefit to the area.

The latest figures published by the Scottish Government show that the number of small businesses in Perth and Kinross receiving the Small Business Bonus has increased from 2893 in 2008 to 4343 in 2014.

Scotland is the best place in the UK in which to do business and measures like the Small Business Bonus Scheme are a key part in ensuring it remains so.

Business in Perth and Kinross have benefitted


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Blairgowrie Community Campus Unique conference, event and leisure facility

Rooms available to book now! Campus opening =mes: •  Sports Hall Monday -­‐ 07.30-­‐21.30 Tuesday -­‐ 07.30-­‐18.30 •  Outdoor Mul= Use Ground Area Wednesday -­‐ 07.30-­‐18.30 •  Library Thursday -­‐ 07.30-­‐21.30 •  Dance Studio Friday -­‐ 07.30-­‐21.30 •  Ac=vity Room Saturday -­‐ 08.45-­‐12.30 Sunday -­‐ CLOSED •  Various Mee=ng rooms •  Birthday Par=es Catering a vailable f rom Tayside Contracts on request Please contact Jaclyn Meikle for prices and more informa=on. Tel: 01250 871948 Email: Address: Elm Drive, Blairgowrie,PH10 6UZ Follow us on TwiZer: @BlairgowrieCC


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

BOOKMARK 2014 It’s over - in the blink of an eye. After months of preparation, lots of hard work and dedication, BOOKMARK celebrated a wonderful festival weekend. On a bright Friday in October the volunteers turned up, the authors arrived, and the audiences took their seats in a splendidly-dressed function room at the Royal Hotel. They listened, they laughed, they learned about their favourites and were introduced to some less familiar names. There was something for everyone: children and adults. Fans of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, cooking, walking and gardening, to name but a few, found something to appeal.

‘Amazed to have Debi Gliori here – incredible children’s author. Great story, kids loved it. Well organized and ticket price just right.’ (audience member)

Yes, BOOKMARK 2014 was every bit as exciting ‘Tom Pow: charming, captivating and compelling. and engaging as the 2013 inaugural year with Ron Butlin: wonderful and inspiring. Brilliant!’ good audiences at all venues. Feedback from audiences and authors alike has been exceptional. (audience member) ‘Had a wonderful afternoon making a concertina ‘All was excellent: the organisation, the efficiency. book with Frances Law. Thoroughly enjoyed it. the warm and friendly welcome, the hospitality Two hours shot past.’ (audience member) and the event venue.’ - Ron Butlin (participating author) Everyone at BOOKMARK would like to thank Perth & Kinross Council, our sponsors, Iain ‘I have to say I loved every aspect of the festival McLean and staff at the Royal Hotel and local and, in particular, the warmth and welcome businesses. Above all, we wish to express our provided by the many volunteers who so ably heartfelt thanks to the public for supporting and calmly dealt with the whole event,’ - Linda us. We’ll be back next year with another great Cracknell (participating author) programme. In fact, we’ve started preparing ‘Kenneth Cox gave a superb presentation on already! Scottish gardens. An expert in the field, very Thanks to all of you from the Committee and knowledgeable about the history of gardens. The volunteers at BOOKMARK. photos of such a variety of gardens and locations were the best I’ve ever seen.’ (audience member)

Scotts Garden and Pet Centre

SPECIAL PURCHASE Aquarium Action Ornaments and Plants from £1 Cat, Dog and Hamster Toys, including Squeakers, and Accessories from 99p Ideal Christmas Gifts WILD BIRD FOOD and FEEDERS 20kg PREMIUM SEED still ONLY £14.95 while stocks last STOCK UP FOR WINTER Spring Flowering Bulbs - 2 packs for £2.50 DELIVERIES AVAILABLE


Loose or Whole Bags from £8.50 Black Sunflower Suet Pellets Peanuts Nuts in Shell Nyger Standard Seed Sunflower Hearts Mixed Corn Crushed Nuts Ground Supreme Mealworms NoGro Mix Robinmix Squirrel Mix Hazel Nuts Fat Balls and Treat HOLLY WREATHS - Best Prices Scotts 29 Reform Street Blairgowrie 01250 874230

The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Time Bank News The Blair and Rattray Timebank is chugging along, the membership is increasing and it is beginning to gather speed. Skills already exchanged include taking rubbish to the tip, gardening and giving lifts and although these may seem like very mundane things, really that’s what the Time Bank is about. It’s about helping people with tasks and jobs that they perhaps are unable to do themselves, or by introducing them to new experiences that bring something new into their lives. By doing that, you can also really help yourself because there is a huge amount of evidence to say that being involved with your community is very good for you. The great thing about Time Banking is that you can fit it in to your life whenever

BEPTA was heavily involved in the Junior Ryder Cup held at Rosemount Golf Course during the latter part of September. We had a stall at the Golf Club, where we were able to give out local information to spectators from across the globe. We were also successful in applying to Perth & Kinross Council for funding for the lamp post banners welcoming the Junior Ryder Cup to Blairgowrie. We are now in the final stages of getting a new Blairgowrie and the Glens leaflet printed, which we will be able to put into all types of accommodation and other outlets. This leaflet will complement the ones from Coupar Angus and Alyth, which were completed earlier this year. As we now approach winter, we hope that the snow falls up at Glenshee and provides a terrific winter playground for skiers and snowboarders from all over the UK and further afield.

it suits. So don’t be bashful, please do ask because Time Banking is a two way street and we have members who have offered skills and services and they won’t be used unless people ask. When you sign up you are given one Time Credit, so you have something to spend straight away. We continue to have a drop in every Friday either at Wisecraft or at the New Building in Rattray. We are delighted to see visitors and have a chat so if you fancy a coffee and a blether please come and see us. We’re at Wisecraft from 10 – 11.30 every Friday except the last one in the month when we will be at Community Connect@Rattray. Our contact details are 07761233418 and email: 2015/16. Whilst working closely with local groups and organisations, we are very much focusing on marketing the area further afield, with particular regard to visitors from other parts of Scotland and the North of England. As ever, we have lots of ideas, but limited capacity to follow these through. If you would like to be involved with BEPTA, whether on a small or larger scale, we would like to hear from you. If you have a particular area of expertise or knowledge, whether it be anything from wildlife to marketing, your skills can be of assistance to us. Perhaps you are a business or organisation who would like to join BEPTA. You would then benefit from marketing on our website, social media, and other member perks, all for a subscription - depending on the size and type of your business - of between £45 and £75 per annum , which we consider represents great value for money. You can get in touch with us at or contact Alison on 01250 876702.

We are now planning for the tourist season


The Hub Magazine

Joyce McQuilken

November 2014 Be Distinctive Be Thoughtful this Christmas Visit The Card Gallery Allan Street, Blairgowrie 01250 876444 A HALLMARK GOLD CROWN STORE Largest selection of quality, individual cards Discerning gifts, including Yankee candles, for the thoughtful shopper Beautiful range of gift bags, ribbons, bows and wrapping paper Party accessories - Helium balloons baby and wedding gifts Open Sundays in December until Christmas 12 - 4pm

helping you to make changes

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TJ’s Childminding Registered Childminder in Blairgowrie

Spaces Available


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Please support a new social enterprise starting in Alyth.

Notice of AGM Followed by GrowBix XChange

Grippoz – invented by locals Paul & Diana Stewart - is a unique wheelchair pushrim cover that will help users self-propel.

4th December 2014 The Royal Hotel, Blairgowrie 6.30pm onwards

All profits will be used in the community to improve the lives of residents.

All welcome for more info for info

Grippoz is a new wheelchair push-rim product that has been invented by Paul and Diana Stewart from Alyth. Frustrated at watching his partner struggling to propel her wheelchair and being unable to do simple everyday tasks, Paul used his skills to design a solution. The result was Grippoz, a wheelchair push-rim cover with a unique grip feature. Grippoz enables users to manoeuvre the chair more easily and can assist users with little grip or strength to self propel. Diana now has much more independence. Paul and Diana are passionate that their product is both affordable and ethical with all profits being invested back into the community, so are selling through a social enterprise.

Paul and Diana meet John Swinney MSP who is very supportive of Grippoz

Please visit if you would like more information on how you can help support this exciting new local social enterprise - or if you would like to pre-order a pair of Grippoz for yourself or to donate to a charity to use. If you are unable to access the website then please contact Grippoz on 07977 067 055 or call 07977 067 055 31

The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Now offering sports profiling for golf, rugby & swimming Want to improve your performance or reduce the risk of injury? How does your profile compare to that of an elite athlete? Book in for a sports profile assessment.

ALL CONDITIONS TREATED • Back pain, Neck pain • Muscle and joint pain • Rehabilitation-surgery/fracture • Sports injuries • Acupuncture • Antenatal/Postnatal • Mobility Problems • Headaches • Arthritis • Sports Massage

TEL: 01250 870062

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Bookkeeping Sole Traders Partnerships Companies Not for Profits

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Payroll Self Assessment Tax

Website: Email: Phone: 01250 872 697 or 07928 610 864


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

AW Joinery For All your Joinery Services: Home Improvements Fitted Kitchens Timber Decking Solid Wood / Laminate Floors


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Find Your Fit the fun way with Fiona Edwards

Qualified Exercise to Music Instructor Local classes in Rattray, Alyth and Coupar Angus. Class details found on Or call Fiona on 07921 180 715

Buy Gift Vouchers or special offer class passes in November to use in January, fantastic Xmas present idea for you and your friends to start a healthier fitness lifestyle journey together. Motivate each other by attending classes together, a wee catch up and healthy fun exercise is the way to go! 33

The Hub Magazine

November 2014

In Blairgowrie and the surrounding area, we are lucky to have a great array of events locally. I was pleased to see the great success of BOOKMARK, the Blairgowrie, Rattray and the Glens book festival.

House of Commons

Having launched last year to great acclaim, BOOKMARK is back and I think we can now call it an annual event. The line-up of events and authors ensured an extremely interesting weekend with a huge range of interests catered for, from children’s authors like Lari Don and Debi Gliori, to cookery and gardening writers offering up readings, workshops and demonstrations.

Contact Pete Wishart,

MP for Perth and North Perthshire at:

Well done to the organisers in putting together such a fantastic programme and I know that those who attended enjoyed an incredibly enjoyable weekend. I welcome the news revealing that the majority of people back 16 and 17 year olds being given the vote in future elections. The Herald recently reported the Panelbase poll, which found that 55% of people agree that young adults should be given the vote in all future elections in, compared to only 37 who disagree. It is encouraging to see majority support for 16 and 17 year olds to be given the vote in all future elections. Everyone can be proud that 16 and 17 year olds were given the opportunity to vote in the referendum – after all, the debate on Scotland’s future was also about their future and it is right that they had their say. Their enthusiasm and engagement for the debate was second to none and they proved themselves to be serious, passionate and committed citizens. 16 and 17 year olds should be able to vote and Scotland should have the power to make this happen. SNP colleagues have called on the UK Government to give Scotland the powers to do this. I was pleased to hear that visits to Scotland from North American tourists rose by 32% in the year to end June 2014, which led to an

Constituency Office, 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6DL

Telephone - 01250 876 576

Email – Website – 18% growth in expenditure. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that visitor numbers rose from 385,000 in June 2013 to 510,000 in June 2014. Overall, overseas tourist visits increased from over 2.2 million to almost 2.6 and spending by overseas tourists was up from almost £1.5 million. The Year of Homecoming is providing a unique opportunity to encourage more visitors to come to Scotland. VisitScotland’s campaigns such as ‘Meet the Scots’ have resonated with the American public, as has the annual ‘Scotland Week’ celebrations. People with an affinity to Scotland have also come in huge numbers to celebrate their ancestral links and heritage. Despite operating in a challenging environment, it is encouraging to see that spending levels are being maintained in the domestic market in Scotland. Those at Scottish tourism’s frontline are delivering results and providing a memorable experience for visitors from home and abroad.


The Hub Magazine

November 2014

Julie Baird Pilates Body Control Pilates Instructor and REPs member (Register of Exercise Professionals) Practising for 10 years. When: Tuesday Evening Classes: 6pm-7pm and 7.10pm-8.10pm Wednesday Morning Class - 10am-11am St Catharine's Community Centre, Blairgowrie Core Strength, Flexibility, Bone Density Management, Back Maintenance, Injury Prevention and Injury Rehabilitation are covered in my classes. 1 - 1 or Group visits are also welcome if this is more suitable for your needs. Matwork classes - pre-booked and paid per block.

07963 088 112

Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Purchase and Sales Ledger VAT Returns Invoicing, Credit Control Management Accounts Payroll (PAYE and CIS) Sole Trader Annual Accounts

CHOCOLATE ORDERS placed online before 7th December for Christmas receive 10% discount with ‘xmas10’ quoted at checkout! Also see Christmas chocolate making courses at

Steven Boyd AICB CB.Cert PM.Dip Tel: 01250 770100 Mob: 07703 529497

Tel: 01250 871 196 Mob: 07979 791 955


Stay Safe in Winter

Look out for neighbours and vulnerable people Useful Contacts: PKC Emergency Community Care 0845 3011 120 Non-emergency Contacts Police - CALL 101 NHS 24 - CALL 111 Blairgowrie & Rattray TimeBank 07761233418 For a household emergency plan contact: Ashleigh (Healthy Communities) 01738 473718 Robin (PKAVS) 01738 567076

In an emergency CALL 999

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