Blairgowrie & Rattray November 2013 What's On

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Blairgowrie & Rattray

Hub Magazine November 2013

Christmas Lights Switch On Saturday 30th November

Bookmark Blair Review

Photo Courtesy of Steve Gibas

Read about a Lion on the Loose in Blairgowrie...

Update from The Ericht Trust

A trial magazine for Blairgowrie & Rattray

What’s On, Events & Information

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

New Gym OpeN w w w. e nv e rd a l e - f i t n e s s . c o . u k

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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013 One Voice together with The Hub website (www. bring you this Trial Magazine as a replacement for the Blair Blast which proved so popular. Combining a printed magazine with the website will allow us to bring the town’s people information about: What’s On Local community news Local information Business Information The Hub website has been going since May 2013 and the main purpose is to: Provide a starting point to find out what Blairgowrie & Rattray has to offer List all the community groups, organisations and clubs in the town for free Provide a What’s On calendar Provide a monthly electronic Newsletter listing news and What’s On in the coming month(s) Together with its sister website for local businesses, www., these 2 websites aim to provide detailed information about the town.

This magazine is the physical version of the community website and as it is hand delivered throughout the town, should mean that those who cannot get online can get access to the same information. Speak to The One Voice Office on Upper Mill Street for more information or call them on:

01250 871 120

email: Phone: 01250 871120 (One Voice) Phone: 01250 873072 (Hub & High Street websites) or pop into One Voice on Upper Mill Street.


Advertising Colour: Back Page Full Page Half Page 1/4 Page

- £195 - £130 - £70 - £38

Black & White Full Page Half Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page

- £70 - £36 - £20 - £12

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

The Travel Bar 2 Allan Street Blairgowrie PH10 6AD 01250 870900

CRIGHTONS CYCLES New & Used Bicycle Sales, Repairs and Servicing

SALE NOW ON 20% off bikes and accessories Extensive range of bikes for all the family 87 Perth Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6DT Tel. 01250 874447 4

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

What’s On Calendar for Blairgowrie & Rattray This is taken directly from The Hub website Add your events to the Hub, it’s free for groups, clubs and organisations. Businesses can take a paid listing on the High Street website and have their events added to the What’s On

Free Parking after 2pm on Thursdays and Fridays from end of November until end of January. Council car parks only. 23 November -

Coffee morning in aid of 2nd Blairgowrie Boys’ Brigade - Blairgowrie Parish Church Hall (10am - 12pm) Tribute Night - Michael Buble - The Angus Hotel

24 November -

British Legion - Music, Dance & Buffet - George Rennie (2-6pm) Strathmore Screen - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (7.30pm)

27 November -

Civic Trust Meeting - Memorable Outdoor Experiences (7.30pm)

28 November -

Raffle in aid of Christmas Lights - Fundraising raffle in Tesco, Welton Road, in aid of Christmas Lights. 9am-6pm

30 November -

Christmas Lights Switch On - Come and celebrate the Christmas Lights Switch On (from 2pm) Tribute Night - Forever In Blue Jeans - The Angus Hotel

December 1 December -

Indoor Christmas Market - The Angus Hotel (10.30 - 6pm) Music @ Cargills - Come in for a meal or just sit back with a drink and enjoy listening to Local artist Caitlin McKenzie (3 - 6pm)

2 - 8 December

Pantomime - Blairgowrie Players present this year’s pantomime ‘Treasure Island’

4 December -

Blethers Group December Mtg & Christmas Lunch - Come along and blether about times gone by and enjoy a Christmas Lunch - please book! (10am 12pm)

8 December -

Santa’s Elves visit Cargills - Come along and enjoy a family meal where between courses Santa’s Elf will be at our craft table helping children design and post their letter to Santa. (from 4.30pm) Vintage Christmas Fayre - FREE Entry - The Angus Hotel (10.30am)

9 December -

Growbiz Peer Support Group (6 - 8pm)

11 December -

Growbiz Complementary Therapists Group (6 - 8pm)


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

What’s On Continued 15 December -

Santa’s Elves visit Cargills - Come along and enjoy a family meal where between courses Santa’s Elf will be at our craft table helping children design and post their letter to Santa. (from 4.30pm) Strathmore Screen December Film - Frozen and Saving Mr Banks (time TBA)

17 December -

Growbiz Christmas Meal - All welcome (7pm - 10pm...)

19 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church Service of Readings and Carols (7.30pm)

20 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church School Service (11am)

22 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church Sunday School Christmas Service, Baptism (11am)

24 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church Christingle (6.30pm) British Legion - Music, Dance & Buffet - Driftin 8.30pm-11.45pm

25 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church Christmas Day Family Service (10.30am)

29 December -

Blairgowrie Parish Church Morning Service, Baptism (11am)

31 December -

British Legion - Music, Dance & Buffet - KF Sounds 8.30pm-12.30a.m.

January 2014 1 January -

30th New Year’s Day Fun Run (walk 12.30pm, run 1pm)

24 January -

British Legion - Burns Afternoon - George Rennie (2-6pm)

Subscribe to The Hub Newsletter and get the monthly What’s On Newsletter by email every month, sign up here: (tab on right hand side) These are all the events we currently have listed on the Hub - if your event isn’t listed then we apologise but please let us know of future events via: email: Phone: 01250 871120 (One Voice) Phone: 01250 873072 (Hub & High Street websites) or pop into One Voice on Upper Mill Street This magazine is for you so if we’ve missed something then please tell us!

Magazine Information Thanks go to: One Voice for co-ordinating the deliveries and all our delivery volunteers - if you can help with delivery then please call One Voice on 871120. Advert collectors: Cath Robertson, Ivy Maclachlan, Pat McCarthy, Elizabeth Brown & Richard Ferguson


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

One Voice, Booklore and the Hub This month One Voice on Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie, celebrates it’s fourth anniversary. In 2009, with a few volunteers we opened with the help of Grants from Leader, PKC Grants Direct and the BIG Lottery. The aim was to bring the community together and be a source of information and support for the many community groups in this town. The Grants only lasted till March 2011 so we set up a second hand bookshop – Booklore. With dedicated volunteers the bookshop has an excellent reputation for being well organised with a good stock of books, thanks to those who donate their books so generously.

this is not good enough but at least we have the support of our two councillors – Bob Ellis and Caroline Shiers. The greatest breakthrough in communication was establishing a working partnership with Steve Johnson of Graphite Web Solutions. Steve came to help us with the website www. Earlier this year we handed over the site to Steve to expand and develop it for the purposes that we share information, bringing people together. This partnership has allowed One Voice to better fulfil its aims as an independent Scottish Charity working in the community, and for the community.

The sale of reprints of old Blairgowrie people and places has also been a big source of income. The archive of photographs is substantial and we are grateful to all those who gave their consent to allow us to copy and sell these. Working with other groups such as the local History Trust has produced the display of berry picking over 100 years. Nearly 600 visitors from all over the world have come to see where their ancestors came from.

We now have a HUB website (and office), a Networking Forum allowing closer working between local groups and we have established a link with Heartland Radio (FM 106.6) our local community station. We have 3 volunteers interviewing local people and organisations for the Blairgowrie slot. If you wish to make your work or event known contact admin@

We have been instrumental in supporting a few petitions over the four years. The first in February 2011. 2,500 signatures were collected in 2 weeks and sent to NHS Tayside asking for a Public Meeting to discuss the future of the local Community Hospital. Over 400 people attended the meeting, which was run by the local Action group. The Chairman and CEO NHS Tayside attended. The meeting concluded with a promise of a £700K investment in the hospital. Now this has increased to £2.35m and work starts in December 2013.

And now we have this new magazine. Steve does the hard work of setting this up and One Voice co-ordinates the distribution house to house around the town. Although we would claim that One Voice has come into its own this year, we still need more volunteers to allow the shop and office to stay open five days a week. And like everyone else we would like a bigger income to cover our overheads. If you have time to spare contact One Voice on 01250 871120 or onevoicevg@btconnect. com

The most recent petition supported lead petitioner Tim Copeland to get Perth & Kinross Council to repair the important tourist pathway – Oakbank Road. The damage occurred about 1 year ago and still it remains closed. We are continuing to seek action – so far the Council say they will continue to investigate this landslip in January. We still feel

Jessie Shaw


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013


Blairgowrie, Rattray &The Glens Book Festival 18th and 19th October, 2013 The Royal Hotel, Blairgowrie was the venue for local residents and visitors to listen to a range of Scottish authors talking about books and the art of writing at BOOKMARK’s inaugural book festival. The festival began on Friday evening with acclaimed Scottish poet and dramatist Liz Lochhead, who shared with her audience many of her poems which deal with familiar and nostalgic topics such as early school days, family relationships and memories captured in the grooves of vinyl records. After Liz Lochhead’s entertaining performance, Liz Grant, Provost of Perth and Kinross, hosted a civic reception where she welcomed the event and expressed a hope that it would be the first of many BOOKMARK book festivals to come. Andrew Greig, author of ‘Electric Brae’, ‘In Another Light’ ( 2004 – Saltire Society Scottish Book of the Year) and ‘ Romanno Bridge’ as well as several poetry collections, started Saturday’s adult programme by talking to chair, Liz Lochhead, about his latest novel ‘Fair Helen’. He then read from ‘Found At Sea’, a recent collection of narrative poems, finishing off his session with a rendering of ‘Fair Helen of Kirkconnel’, the ballad on which his latest novel is based. A packed audience was next given an opportunity to share Karen Campbell’s experiences in the police force. Journalist and television presenter Fiona Armstrong explored with Karen the issues raised in her latest novel ‘This is Where I Am’. They discussed the insight her novel gives into the plight of refugees and the prejudices and

difficulties that many encounter when arriving in strange new countries. After lunch, the next session offered a lively interaction between James Robertson, author of ‘The Professor of Truth’, a novel loosely based on the Lockerbie bombing, and Fiona Armstrong, who had been one of the first journalists to report back from the scene of the disaster almost twenty five years ago. BOOKMARK’s final session ended the day on a lighter note with Charles MacLean, Scotland’s leading whisky writer, sharing with his audience his knowledge and colourful experiences, including his role as an actor in the film ‘The Angels’ Share.’ This was followed by a Whisky Tasting session in association with the Royal Hotel. It was very well attended with the smiles getting wider and noise getting louder as the tasting progressed! Meanwhile, a range of Mini- BOOKMARK events was attended by children who were given the opportunity to widen their language skills. During James Robertson’s session, he introduced the children to the Scots language using a well-known song ‘Heads and shoulders, knees and toes’. The children’s concentrated facial expressions clearly showed how enthralled they were by his performance. This session was followed by Mairi Hedderwick who was able to share with the children an insider’s guide to ‘The Making of Katie Morag’. The audience was clearly inspired by her pictures and showed their delight in her story- making by asking questions and proffering books for her to sign. The afternoon saw Joan Lennon arrive with puppets and a suitcase full of ‘ferrets’. The fun started with the Ferret Princess, Wag and the King. The children then were encouraged to


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013 use their imagination by trying to do some on-the-spot writing together. In partnership with Perth and Kinross Council Countryside Ranger Service, a nature trail around Loon Braes in search of the Gruffalo had been planned but due to the inclement weather, the venue moved indoors. There, accompanied by lots of screams and laughter, children went in search of the Gruffalo and en route met up with owl, fox, mouse and snake. Each child left Mini-BOOKMARK with a book of their choice and a goody bag so they will continue to remember their inspired, happy and fun experience. In the main festival area, ‘The Hub’ was alive

with book signing and meeting authors. The atmosphere had a lively buzz and as BOOKMARK chair Christine Findlay reflected later, ‘It really did seem to go with a stylish swing!’ Dawn Olsen - Media coordinator. For further information contact BOOKMARK Chair, Christine Findlay Tel: 01250 870028. Mobile: 07852424382. Email:

Rattray Art Festival (24th - 25th August) The 4th Rattray Art Festival based in Rattray Hall took place over the August Bank Holiday as usual. Over 45 exhibitors took part with some well known professional artists from farther afield ‘hanging’ seascapes and landscapes alongside local ‘Sunday painters’ who paint not for money but for relaxation and joy as they put their thoughts and observations on paper with a brush. There was also a small selection of Crafts, from a fantastic chair carved from a single piece of oak to unique special occasion cupcakes. There were beautiful one off tweed hats, a bronze crocodile and a selection of beautifully crafted wooden toys almost too good for the children. The organisers were delighted to be able to donate over £2,300 to the chosen Charities of the new Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance and Wisecraft in Blairgowrie, part of PKAVS, . This money was raised by donations and commissions on artists’ sales. The event is financed by local small business people rather than public ‘funding’. A true community effort. With the lovely weather this year it was possible to have the Gazebo on the lawn and for folk to sit out in the sun, or contribute to the unique tablecloth organised by Astrid with everyone adding a small picture personal to them to form a kaleidescope of colour and amusement. Somehow the adults had as much fun as the youngsters! The Art Festival serves as a taster to Perthshire Open Studios 10 days later, with many artists exhibiting at both. The organisers are happy to display any paintings offered. If you think it is up to display then we will hang it and even sometimes sell it! It is hoped to continue the event next year so please chack our website for details:


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Blairgowrie, Rattray and District LOCAL HISTORY TRUST Registered as a Charity in Scotland No. SC 019703 The aim of the Trust is to promote the study of local history in the Blairgowrie and Rattray area. It acts as a forum for its members who have wide-ranging interests in such fields as local genealogy, the Blairgowrie mills, the berry industry and the development of the town and district from prehistoric time. The Trust supports local authors, organises historical displays, collects artefacts and lobbies to preserve and protect features of local historical interest. For further information visit contact the Trust Secretary:

Berry Treasured Memories By James Niven & Irene Geoghegan Berry Treasured Memories charts 100 years of raspberry growing in Blairgowrie, Scotland, from the start of the local industry in 1885 through to 1985. The book was written by Blairgowrie fruit grower Jim Niven during his retirement and completed by his daughter Irene Geoghegan following Jim’s death in 2008. This is a personal account of the Niven family’s involvement with the berry growing business and contains a wealth of detail and photographs combining Jim’s own experiences with scientific and technical changes in the industry. The book will help many recall their own memories of ‘the berries’ and give a great insight to anyone interested in the history and development of berry growing in Scotland. Raspberry growing in Blairgowrie and the surrounding area is one of the truly iconic industries of Scotland; for years ‘the berries’ have played an important part in the lives of so many people in Tayside and beyond – not just the local growers, but the pickers, whether they were local children, travelling folk, families from Glasgow or those who came in buses from Dundee or Fife, and the many across the country who have enjoyed eating this wonderful fruit. The History Trust welcomes the opportunity to publish this book and is grateful to Irene Geoghegan for generously donating any profits to the Trust in honour of her father. Published by: ISBN: Price:

Blairgowrie Rattray and District Local History Trust (September 2013) 978-0-9576821-0-8 £10.00 plus P&P per copy (£4-UK, £7.50-Europe, £11.00-America, £11.50-Australia/N. Z.)

Available in Booklore on Upper Mill Street, the Bookshop on Allan Street and local branches of Waterstones.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Blethers Group The launching of the new magazine for Blairgowrie and Rattray gives us another opportunity to remind everyone of our group, which meets on the first Wednesday morning of every month from 10-12 in the Royal Hotel, Blairgowrie. We are a group of people who are really interested in old Blairgowrie and Rattray - whether in photos or stories. Our meetings are very informal, a chat, a cuppa and if you are lucky a raffle prize. There is no fee to join but there is a membership form to fill in. This ensures that the collection of photographs donated is protected for the future. Any photographs handed in will be copied then the originals returned to the owners. There is not a formal December meeting as this will be our Christmas Lunch in the Royal Hotel on Wednesday, 4 December. There is no meeting in January so the next actual meeting will be on Wednesday, 1 February. If you are interested please join us to share memories and should you have any old photographs it would be good if you could bring these along with you. We look forward to seeing you! Recognise Anyone? Annette Stewart

Blairgowrie High School Primary 2 - Miss Ella Smith (Teacher) Circa 1953 (you should hear the stories...)

SALAMANCA TRIP A group of over twenty parishioners from St Stephen’s Parish, Blairgowrie and friends spent a week based at the Royal Scots College, Salamanca in October. This amazing holiday was organised by Jim Allison and Deacon Tony Cousins who were ably assisted by Father Jim Walls during the trip. On arrival at Madrid Airport the group was welcomed by Father Charlie O’Farrell, the Rector of the College. During this trip, the first excursion was to the walled city of Avila, the birthplace of St Teresa of Avila, stopping en-route at Alba where she died. There was a walking tour of Salamanca with most of the group rounding off the evening in a typical Spanish tapas bar. Another excursion was to the beautiful city of Segovia where a number of the group enjoyed a Segovian meal. On the last night in Salamanca the entire group accompanied by Father Charlie travelled a short distance outside the city to enjoy a Spanish banquet. Finally en-route to Madrid Airport a final stop was made in El Escorial to allow the happy band of travellers the opportunity to visit the burial place of the Spanish Kings and Queens or as most chose to do relax, have a meal and visit the local market.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

The Blair Writers LOCAL WRITERS TO FEATURE IN LEADING UK MAGAZINE Following the recent publication of their anthology “Warmth and Wit”, Blairwriters (formerly Blairgowrie Writers Group) are to feature in the UK’s leading magazine for writers. The local writing group, formed over twenty years ago, meet regularly in Blairgowrie library and on-line at Founder, Jane Townsley, explained, “Shortly after our anthology was published, I was contacted by Tina Jackson, Assistant Editor of Writers News. Tina profiles writing groups around the UK and she asked if she could include Blairwriters. Of course, we jumped at the chance. Our group’s aim is to help promote creative writing in the local area and we are delighted that Writers News will be spotlighting our successes and achievements.” The group’s first anthology, “Spinning Yarns”, was published over ten years ago and copies sold quickly, even being sent as far afield as Canada, USA and Australia. “Warmth and

130 pages, is a more substantial publication. It is a mixture of poetry and prose, guaranteed to whet the reader’s appetite for more. It contains more than 45 pieces by 16 different writers. Local artist Rosemary Patterson designed the cover and illustrations. Mr Maurice Fleming, former editor of the Scots magazine, had praise for both the quality of the writing and the aesthetic professionalism of the finished book. “It is extremely well written with an excellent variety of topics. I thoroughly recommend it”, Maurice commented.

Wit” is the group’s second anthology and, at Blairwriters welcomes new members and anyone with an interest in creative writing is invited to join. “Warmth and Wit” is available from One Voice, Upper Mill Street, The Bookshop, 16 Allan Street and also from Number 62, High Street, Blairgowrie. Cost £7.99. It can also be purchased online from Blairwriters’ website

We are looking for Distributers to help deliver the magazine If you can help, call the One Voice office on 01250 871120 12

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013


BRITISH LEGION George Street, Blairgowrie Music, Dancing & Buffet - £5

58 High Street Blairgowrie

24th November Sunday afternoon 2-6 - George Rennie....

Gifts & Christmas decorations

24th Dec. 8.30pm-11.45pm “Driftin” 31st December 8.30pm-12.30a.m. “KF Sounds”

December Opening Times Mon-Sat 10-17.00 and 12-16.00 on a Sunday

24th Jan. 2-6pm Burns Afernoon “George Rennie”

Tel. 01250 875550

Bingo: Thursday evening Eyes Down 8pm Saturday evening Eyes Down 7pm gallimaufryblairgowrie



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Selling carpets, cushionfloor, blinds and curtains with a measuring, estimate and fitting service. Samples to take home and check the colours in your room.

For further details of all these services phone 01250 872361 or email •


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Blair in Bloom

The Blair in Bloom committee has had a very successful summer. We were awarded a Silver Gilt

in the Britain in Bloom campaign !! A great result as this is the first year Blair in Bloom has taken part. We hope to win our category in next year’s Beautiful Scotland campaign which will qualify us to enter the Britain campaign again in 2015. Thank you to all the businesses who supported us and the volunteers who helped us carry out the work needed to make sure the town was up to standard. We held the prizegiving for our Garden, Sunflower and Photographic competition winners in October which was very well attended. The chairman, Helen McCann welcomed everyone and the prizes were handed over by Councillor Bob Ellis. It was heartening to have the support of so many members of the local community as this is one of the main aims of the group. Next year we plan to celebrate the coming of the Junior Ryder Cup to Blairgowrie with a colour scheme containing the colours of the flags of the UK, USA, Europe and the Saltire. We will continue to work with the Loon Braes Parknership in improving Davie Park. As always we will be looking for volunteers to help with the Annual Litter Pick in April. We have some new helpers this year but are always looking for more - if you, your business or your organisation would like to help us with our work, even an occasional hour, or make a donation, it would be very much appreciated. Helen McCann (Chairman) Tel 01250 874000 email


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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Perthshire Open (365 days a year )Studios! This year’s Perthshire Open Studios, now going into its 7th year, was a great success for most participants, over 200 artists and makers across the county! There were around 13,000 visitors during the week and over £90,000 taken in sales. However, visitor numbers were not consistent and in the Orange route which starts in Alyth, goes through Rattray & Blairgowrie and up the Glenshee and Strathardle Glens, it was very patchy. The PKC roads department connived to create problems by closing the road between Alyth and Blairgowrie over the period and amazingly after 6 years there still seem to be many people who are totally unaware of the event. All those little orange arrow signs are the signals of the event but recognition is not universal. In towns it is hard to get noticed as there is so much other street signage competition, whereas in the countryside they stand out much more – maybe! Living on remote roads doesn’t guarantee getting noticed either, as those on the A824 discovered. Great weather though it was, people were not for stopping to look at art. The new POS website and mobile app should have made it easy as some others found; however all is not lost. Most participating artists are actually open on demand all year round, so even if you have binned your POS brochure you can go the website ( and see who is open 365 days on the Orange route and with Christmas coming you can still buy that unique piece of art, craft, ceramics, or sculpture that you missed in September.

Andrew Hunter Altchroskie ,Enochdhu,Blairgowrie, Perthshire PH10 7PB

Blairgowrie & District Ramblers 20th AGM Emma Rawling, full time Perthshire Ranger for the Scottish Wildlife Trust who is based at Loch of the Lowes, was the guest speaker at the 20th AGM of the Blairgowrie & District Ramblers which was held in the Royal Hotel on Thursday 7th November. Emma gave a slides presentation outlining the work of the SWT at their 120 reserves in Scotland and in particular the 5 in Perthshire. She then went on to highlight the success of Lowes’ female osprey “Lady” which successfully completed its 23rd breeding year in 2013. At the AGM which followed, 3 Committee members retired. Jim Young who was Treasurer retired after 3 years in post. Organiser of the Walks Programme, Bill Phillips also retired after 3 years of coordinating fortnightly walks. Sean Galbally decided to hand the reins on after 13 years as Chairman. In that time, Sean has represented the local group at numerous Area Meetings, Scottish Council Meetings as well as arranging the Annual Away Day and Weekend Away and planning and leading walks. New Chairman Mike Morris paid tribute to Sean’s commitment and enthusiasm. Members are looking forward to celebrating their 20th Anniversary on 17th May 2014. Details will be printed in the next Area Joint Programme of Walks. Anyone wishing to learn more about the Ramblers or join the local group, please contact the Secretary on 01250 873577. If you wish


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

to come along on a walk to give it a try, you will be made very welcome. Walks take place fortnightly, usually on a Saturday and this is an example of what is planned until the end of the year:Sat 30th Nov - Loch Hoil Sat 14th Dec - Lundie Crags & Keillor Hill Sat 28th Dec - Lady Mary’s Walk & Knock of Crieff

The Hub Mag Needs Your Feedback! This magazine has been created to aid communication within Blairgowrie & Rattray and needs to meet your expectations. Therefore we would appreciate your feedback, comments and suggestions for improvement.

What would you like to see in the magazine? Would any of the following be helpful in a quarterly publication? • • •

For Sale/Wants List of local contact numbers Competition(s)

Are there any groups/clubs/organisations you’d like to hear from? Tell them to get in touch with One Voice on 01250 871120 or use the Hub Mag feedback form on the website: Magazine Facts Cost of printing 4000 44 page magazines £1,550 Cost of electronic publishing (annual subscription) £200 Total £1,750 Income from Adverts £2,080 less VAT £1,730

Advertise in the February Edition: Colour

Black & White

Back Page £195

Full Page £70

Full Page £130

Half Page £36

Half Page £70

Quarter Page £20

Quarter Page £38

Eigth Page £12


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Blairgowrie and Alyth Adult Education Association Programme SPRING AND SUMMER 2014 Mondays -

From 13th January for 10 weeks: Calligraphy in Blairgowrie High School 7 - 9 pm (£35)

From 3rd February to 24th March: Scottish Wild Flowers - 8 slide lectures @ Meigle Church Rooms 1:30 - 3:30pm (£26)

6 Field Trips - Date to be advised: Scottish Wild Flowers field trips - follow on from lecture series (£20)

Tuesdays -

From 14th January for 10 weeks: Tai Chi in Blairgowrie Town Hall 10 - 11:30am (£30)

From 21st January for 8 weeks: Belly Dancing - venue to be advised 7 - 8pm (£30)

Wednesdays -

5, 19, 26 February then 5, 12 & 19th March: Floral Art in Blairgowrie High School 7 - 9pm (£25)

Thursdays -

From 16th January for 10 weeks: Lip Reading in St Catharines Centre 2 - 4pm (£33)

From 16th January for 10 weeks: Dru Yoga Classes at St Catharines Centre 7:30 - 9pm (£35)

1, 3, 22nd May then 5, 12, 26th June: Plants & Gardens - 6 visits to important local gardens 1:30 - 3:30pm (£20)

Friday -

From 16th January for 10 weeks: Pilates at St Catharines Centre 2 - 4pm (£30)

Alyth Classes Mondays -

From 13th January for 10 weeks: Dru Yoga in Alyth Town Hall 1:30 - 9pm (£35)

Tuesdays -

From 18th February for 6 weeks: Golf in Alyth Primary School 7 - 8:30pm (£30)



The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Blairgowrie & Coupar Angus Shotokan Karate Club The club runs classes at the Blairgowrie Community Campus. The instructors are Ally Whytock, Karen Whytock, Fiona Lipp & Rachael Lipp and the club has seventy members both male & female and ages ranging from 6 to 50+ years. Members come from all over the Blairgowrie & Rattray area with a good representation from all four local schools – BHS, Newhill PS, St Stevens PS and Rattray PS. There is a good mix of youngsters and they thoroughly enjoy the challenge of learning karate. Three members recently passed their black belt grading. Darren Walker and Mary Reynolds passed their first Dan black belt called Shodan. and Karen Whytock passed her second Dan black belt called Nidan. In September the club hosted a practical karate seminar by Sensei Iain Abernethy 6th Dan. Karate practitioners from all over Scotland and even one expert from Canada attended the seminar at the Campus. It was an enjoyable and inspiring day and was rewarding to see so many expert instructors attending, working together in the true spirit of karate and all happening in Blairgowrie. Karate is an excellent activity to help people to improve their fitness, confidence and overall well being. Even when not training people reap the benefits in all other parts of their lives. It is an Exciting and very positive time and the club is looking forward to an exciting 2014.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Suppliers of building material to the construction industry The Haugh, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 7ER | +44 (0)1250 872261 ACOUSTIC FLOOR SOLUTIONS CONDENSATION CONTROL GROUND GAS PROTECTION THERMAL INSULATION TIMBER CLADDING


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

a relaxed and informal haven in the centre of Blairgowrie varied menu with daily changing specials seafood is our speciality but meat and game always available as well as vegetarian options and freshly made pizzas Tapas night on the first Tuesday of every month

John Swinney MSP for Perthshire North can be contacted at: Constituency Office, 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DL

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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013


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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

There was a public Open Day on 23rd November at the hospital 26

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013 WHO’S THAT UP THERE ………….? Who tangles and mangles the Christmas Tree lights In the loft where I store them on each Twelfth Night? All packed there so neatly and carefully coiled Alongside the baubles where they won’t get spoiled. Who moves things around at the top of the house? Could it be something spooky - or one mighty mouse? I checked over the lights when I put them away, But eleven months later, well what can I say? Unwinding, untangling, I’m getting more fussed Because I know for sure one bulb will be burst! by Margaret Drummond


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Kids Stuff - with thanks to Margaret Drummond HO! HO! HO! I’m Chief Elf at Santa’s workshop as Christmas Eve draws near, Polishing his best sleigh and grooming the reindeer. But Rudolph has a problem with his big red runny nose, It’s great for glowing in the dark but freezes when it snows. Lots of elves are wrapping parcels and ticking off the names Of the children who sent letters to ask for toys and games. Then they spread out all the world maps to plan out Santa’s route, He really needs a SATNAV but insists it wouldn’t suit. All over Rudolph’s harness jingle bells are shining bright, Fixed up to ring out joyfully all through this special night. Elves run up and down long ladders to load gifts on the sleigh, They’re all tired out but happy to help Santa on his way. Then Santa works his magic and the sleigh glides through the sky, Ho-Ho-Ho away they go, as the reindeer gallop high. An extra sneeze from Rudolph seems to help them on their way And the moon beams its approval of a Merry Christmas Day.

Please colour me in!


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013 The Blairgowrie Lioness


Noo gather roond and hear a tale, that I wid like tae revive, Aboot an incident in Blairgowrie, in the year o’ 1905 On the 25th July, at the annual Fair o’ Blair, A scene from darkest Africa, took place in the village square.

So much so for the marksman’s aim, tae tak’ oot the lioness, The wifie in the butchers shop, her shot ankle wis a mess, The circus mannie he wis wounded, jist below the knee, The Blairgowrie safari cam’ tae an end, a sad tale you’ll agree.

Chorus I wis there, it wis a scare, I’m a feartie I confess, The day the toon wis panicked, by the Blairgowrie lioness.

Chorus But this tale is nae quite o’er, or so the story’s told, They took the claws of the lioness, and topped them off wi’ gold, Polished, gilded, by a jeweller man, a fitting end methinks, The Blairgowrie lioness, turned into lion claw cuff links.

Noo Chipperfield’s circus wis in toon, wi’ a full menagerie, When suddenly frae oot its cage, a lioness broke free, The crowds ran helter skelter, and hid behind shop doors, The lioness growled and stood outside, then gave a mighty roar.



Presented tae the Chief o’ Police, for his part in the siege of Blair, The cuff links now tell the story, of yon fifteen minute scare, So when walkin’ doon the streets o’ Blair, and you stop tae tak yir rest, Keep one eye open and nivver forget, the Blairgowrie lioness.

For fully fifteen minutes, it roamed frae street tae street, Ending at a butcher’s windae, stacked up wi’ red, raw meat, The butcher he wis petrified, lest he’d mak’ a big mistake, And end up in his own display, as Blairgowrie sirLION steak!



David Ramsay © 1st November 2013 From a newspaper item from my sister, Edna South

Noo panic spread and the fowk o’ Blair they needed calmin’ doon, A militia man wi’ his trusty gun, cam’ racing through the toon, He took aim and shot the lioness, and tae the ground it fell, But a circus mannie and a wifie, had baith been shot as well!

The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe meets on the last Tuesday of the month in St Catharine’s Church Hall, George St, Blairgowrie, PH10 6EY, from 10am-12pm. This is a drop-in cafe where people living with dementia, their family and friends can come along to meet with others and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. There is also the opportunity to browse the information stands available or speak to staff from Health, Social Work or Alzheimer Scotland for information, support or advice. There are speakers arranged every 2nd month and free complementary therapies the other months. If you are worried about your memory, staff from the NHS Strathmore Dementia Service are also available to carry out a confidential memory test. No appointment necessary. If you would like more information, please contact Fiona Matthews, Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Advisor on 01738 562358 or

Got an interesting article? Email us at or speak to One Voice on Upper Mill Street or 01250 872110.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

DanceUfit with Fiona Edwards Qualified Exercise to Music Instructor

Join me for fun energising easy to follow dance fitness routines that can assist you in weight/ inch loss, raise your fitness levels and motivate you on your healthy lifestyle journey. Introduce yourself to a healthier happier you! A great fun family activity! Kids 12+ are welcome with a participating adult.

Timetable. Alyth Town Hall Mondays Bokwa 5.30pm Wednesdays Zumba 6pm

Rattray Hall Tuesdays Zumba 6.30pm Piloxing 7.30pm (start date tbc) Thursdays Zumba 6.30p Bokwa 7.45pm ( free optional beginner step breakdown 7.30pm) Saturdays Bokwa 9am

Coupar Angus Town Hall Mondays Zumba 7pm

Find me on Facebook Fiona Edwards or ZumbaBokwa Blairgowrie mobile 07921180715 Please get in touch with any query, also available for teambuilding corporate events. Exercise has never been so much fun with a warm friendly atmosphere, prepare to smile. Remember consistent Effort = Results.

Graham Edwards

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1 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DQ Telephone 01250 873465


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Rattray SWRI Rattray Rural as it is locally known is a lively friendly group of women who want to learn new ideas and skills in a helpful fun environment. Evidence of this is the fact that they have 48 members which makes Rattray one of the largest institutes in Scotland in the Scottish Women’s Rural Institute movement (SWRI). Formal meetings take place on the third Monday of the month in Rattray Hall in Balmoral Road at 7pm for 7.15pm and usually take the form of a talk or demonstration with a break for chat and a cuppa and time to pick up helpful tips fom expert members : Rattray boasts several judges in crafts and baking with television appearances! So far this session Neil Butler from Stewart Tower Dairy has talked on how he diversified his farm to make and supply luxury ice cream and start a farm café and Sandra Thomson from has described how she is keeping the Dundee jute industry alive making everything from birdfeeders to shrouds to handbags. Both were very entertaining talks. Membership of Rattray Institute also gives access to courses and outings in the wider Federation of Perth and Kinross. This year Rattray members have been walking, bowling, golfing and singing in a choir. They have been taking part in courses on First Aid, painting and drawing, applique, blackwork, and baking as well as visiting other institutes in the area as guests. There are also Scottish National courses and a Summer School. The next meeting open to visitors (£3) is January 2014 when Joe Richards will be speaking on “How to Make a Fortune from Antiques” and members are invited to bring items of interest so if you are new to the Blairgowrie area or new to having time to take up a new interest do make a New Year’s Resolution to visit Rattray Rural at Rattray Hall in Balmoral Road at 7pm on Monday 20th January.


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The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Councillor Bob Ellis

your local Scottish Nationalist Party Councillor I am really happy to be able to contribute to this magazine, which has been started up again. It is a great way to disperse a whole load of good information and a “What’s On” calendar of events to every household in Blairgowrie and Rattray. I am well aware that there is a great deal of disruption in our town at the moment, what with the town centre and riverside improvements. This has been a fairly lengthy process but I am, like many others, very positive that when it is finished, will benefit the town and make it more pleasing on the eye to locals and visitors alike. The road surfacing works in Rattray High Street had to be done but it shouldn’t have taken so long. It has resulted in a great deal of disruption and I cannot apologise enough for the lengthy delay in the work and the effect that it has had on transport, businesses and the general public in getting between Blairgowrie and Rattray and further afield. Equally, it is very frustrating that I / we do not see any light at the end of the Oakbank Road landslip incident, which happened nearly 1 year ago. I can assure readers that I am pursuing this as much as I can and will not rest until we have a positive result. On saying this we now have new Core Path signs up. Our path network is very important to our area as it does bring many rambling groups to Blairgowrie and also many visitors, British or foreign who come to walk the Cateran Trail. The numbers are growing each year and this is good for the local economy. Since this new magazine and forum has come together under the leadership of Jessie Shaw and Steve Johnson, I have witnessed the many voluntary groups in the town coming together. We have an abundance of these groups, clubs and associations all doing their bit for the town. Everyone of these has their own story to tell and share with others, it is called teamwork, TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More I look forward to reading the finished magazine and hearing of the many positive comments about it and can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy festive season. Councillor Bob Ellis Home: 01250873899 Work: 01738475041 email:

30th Anniversary New Year’s Day Fun Run Walk, Jog or Run followed by a Strip the Willow to celebrate the 30th Anniversary! 32

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Councillor Caroline Shiers

your local Scottish Conservative Councillor I am delighted to have this opportunity to contribute to what I hope will be a regular publication for residents in Blairgowrie and Rattray. Well done to all involved. October saw the first ever Bookmark festival and what a success it was. Back in July 2012 a small group of us sat down over a cup of coffee to discuss the idea of a book festival and decided to give it a go. To then see the programme published with a fantastic line up of authors for adults and children and then to get through to the end of the weekend and receive such fantastic feedback was just great. Thanks to Christine Findlay, Meg Luckins and Jean Squires for driving the event on and to all the hardworking members of Team Bookmark who made it all happen. We are already looking forward to 2014 and beyond! I was involved in Mini Bookmark which was the children’s festival and this was a very rewarding experience. We are looking at ways to grow this festival and to run events throughout the year to encourage children to read and enjoy books. I am looking for a team of volunteers to help with this so if you think you might be interested in getting involved then please contact me. October and November has seen a number of road improvements in Blairgowrie and Rattray. There have been issues with the timescales for the works on Rattray High Street and I am aware of the problems this delay has caused for locals and businesses which has been a cause of great frustration. The road surface had deteriorated very badly on this section and the resurfacing was much needed. The works to improve the bus area are looking on target and this will ensure improvements to traffic flow whilst also providing a much nicer area for locals and visitors to wait for buses. The car park will also benefit from the environmental improvements and this will hopefully encourage people to stop and spend some time in the town. Finally, thank you to everyone from the Blairgowrie and Rattray Illuminations Committee for whom this is an extremely busy time as they prepare for the Christmas lights switch on which will be held on Saturday 30th November. This is always a great family event and an opportunity to stay in Blairgowrie and support our local independent retailers. Councillor Caroline Shiers Home: 01828 632 608 Work: 01738 553 990 email:

Christmas Lights Switch On Saturday 30th November from 2pm in the Wellmeadow 33

The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

John Swinney - SNP MSP for Perthshire North I am delighted to welcome the launch of the Hub magazine. I wish the venture well and I am sure it will be a positive assistance to the diverse range of local organisations that need to get their message across. One of the many strengths of our local area is the willingness of individuals to make a contribution - through their own actions or by supporting local organisations - to enhance the quality of life of all of us who live in East Perthshire. I see that every day in my local work where so many positive initiatives are developed to deliver good outcomes for members of the public. And I also experience all of this activity in the various local ventures in which my family and I participate locally. And it’s a message I have been taking forward in the Scottish Government too. We have put in place a very active set of measures to support volunteering within our country and we are such lucky benefactors of volunteering in our local area. We also intend to bring forward, during this parliamentary session, a Community Empowerment Bill which is designed to give ever greater encouragement to the development of community activities and aspirations. The Bill will be consulted on shortly and our objective is to ensure that we remove obstacles that get in the way of good and effective local working that helps communities. The objective of the Bill is to try to help local groups to enhance facilities and develop new ways of making a difference. I hope these approaches will help to reinforce the good work that already goes on in Blairgowrie, Rattray, Rosemount and the surrounding areas. And I hope it assists in ensure the Hub magazine becomes a useful and vital asset for the local community.

Blairgowrie Farmshop YOUR COMPLETE CHRISTMAS MEAL DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME Take the hassle out of Christmas with Blairgowrie Farm Shop providing the ULTIMATE package.

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Make your Christmas Special this year at Blairgowrie Farm Shop (01250 876528)


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Murdo Fraser - Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to write for Blairgowrie’s newest publication and I would like to thank all those working on the HUB for their hard work. Whilst penning this article I considered the major issues currently affecting residents in Blairgowrie and the proposed closure of police station public counters comes at the very top. To this end, I have personally written to the Police to express my concerns regarding the removal of public counters from Blairgowrie. In recent years police in Blairgowrie have built up a tremendous relationship with residents and businesses with anti-social crimes witnessing a sharp drop. However, proposed counter closures could insulate the police from the general public and decrease their current accessibility. The ‘Federation of Small Businesses’ has warned that any public counter closures could result in rural town centres becoming less attractive for prospective businesses. We must have an open, accessible and transparent police force and the removal of public counters could be the first step in destroying the bond between local officers and communities. With Christmas fast approaching, it is time to shop local to support our rural businesses. Once again Blairgowrie will benefit from a Conservative initiative to provide free car parking in Blairgowrie after 2pm on each Thursday and Friday from November 28 until January 31. Measures such as these will make a real difference to making Blairgowrie shopper and car friendly. If you have any queries or concerns I will more than happy to speak with you. I can be contacted at: The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perth PH2 6PL tel: 01738 553990 or email:

The Illuminations Committee The committee and many dedicated volunteers have been hard at work checking all the lights and at the time of reading the Christmas Lights should be well and truly erected ready for the ‘switch-on’. Over the past few years new light displays have been installed in Rattray and this year we start the rolling programme of replacing the old lights in the town with new LED lights, the first of which will be in Leslie Street. LED lights are more cost effective, last longer and are more environmentally friendly. We would not be able to do this had it not been for the generosity of the local people, businesses and organisations. We are hoping to continue replacing all the lights to LEDs in Blairgowrie & Rattray. Unfortunately this will come at a cost and we hope that the residents of Blairgowrie & Rattray will continue to support us through their generous donations and

support for our fundraising raffles. Many businesses have already donated and we were fortunate to receive a very generous donation of £550 from the Flippin Brilliant Fundraisers, a group of hard working young ladies from the High School working towards their Duke of Edinburgh award. The ‘switch-on’ will be on Saturday 30th November and the entertainment will commence from 2pm. The programme is still to be finalised but will include The Lyric Choir, Perthshire Brass Band and local band The Rolling Drones. The sound system will be provided by a local company, Jam Productions. There will be more details in the local papers nearer the date but we hope many of you will come along and support our event. Donations can still be made by contacting Margaret Wotherspoon on 870372.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

The Friendship Cafe The Friendship Cafe in Rattray Hall has become a weekly fixture in many diaries. A Coffee Morning with a difference! A small band of volunteers open up the Back Hall,turn on the big Tea Urn, put out cups and saucers with plates of biscuits usually bulked out with donations of home baking. Folk trickle in from 9.30 onwards meeting up with old friends or maybe making new ones. Everyone is greeted personally and found somewhere to sit. At about 10.30 someone usually wanders in carrying a guitar or fiddle or parks themselves at the piano and after a cup of coffee and maybe chat to folk at about 10.45 the ‘fun’ begins. There is maybe a concert of well known tunes to which folk cannot help singing along whether invited to join in or not. Sometimes the toe tapping mid morning or not they are up dancing along to the merry jigs. A few folk suffer from early stage dementia (that cruel title for memory loss) but the music reaches parts that other things do not. All have fun. Once a month John will come through on the bus from Perth making good use of his bus pass. Often he is accompanied by Hugh with a banjo or Val from Aberfeldy who sings so beautifully. All have performed professionally with their bands. At the drop of a hat if we are stuck for a musician, Campbell Smith from the Dunkeld Reel and Strathspey Society will pop along and maybe Brian Rumble on the ‘kitchen pipes’ and usually there is someone

there who will join in with them. The Balmoral trio of Geordie, Jimmy and Bill come in when they have a spare hour and appear to enjoy themselves as much as the audience! Jake Donnelly was in during October along with a lady from Glenfarg on accordion. The Blair Bells were a great hit as were the Gayle Duncan dancers and pipers. In fact some passing French tourists popped in to hear them and it was probably the highlight of their holiday seeing Highland Dancers and kilted young pipers and they took many photos to take home as memories. Wendy Mackey on her beautiful homemade Clarsach was an unusual and popular entertainer. We have been serenaded and joked to by Joe Aitken and Harry McFadden and so many more kind folk have given of their time and talent. A particular treat was the October recital by Audrey Mattner with her son Peter, and Ann and Christine Holland who came along with violin,cello,viola accompanied on piano to give a really highclass recital worthy of the Caird Hall at the very least In November a young man from Wick, Robin, now working for the Community in Perth and Kinross has been ‘persuaded’ to entertain us as he let slip that he is an accordionist! Joe Aitken from Kirrie is returning and Pauline Dolby with her accompanist Mary Morton will entertain with her light soprano rendition of wellknown old songs. The Burrelton Choir are coming along again on 5th December and John from Perth has moved forward a week


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013 from that. On 19th we have a Christmas DIY morning when we will all no doubt sing some well known carols to get ourselves in the mood. The Friendship Cafe opens every Thursday throughout the year and Boxing Day happens to be a Thursday so the kettles will be on as

usual in case anyone would like to pop in, Christmas can be a lonely time of year and most support workers take a well earned holiday and cafes are shut. The Friendship Cafe is always there for you, a friendly oasis with a cup of tea or coffee, music in the background and Friends.

Strathmore Screen The beginning of an exciting new era for East Perthshire! Strathmore Screen is delighted to announce the arrival of stateof-the-art cinema on your doorstep! Lesley Crichton, one of the cinema’s founders, explains more: “I’ve often complained amongst friends that there isn’t much to do in the winter in town, and that the hike to Perth or Dundee to go to the big cinemas is long and expensive. So we thought; why don’t we just start our own? We have the ideal venue in Rattray Hall, and with the help of the British Federation of Film Societies (BFFS), who have lent us equipment to get started, and Growbiz, who have given us a huge amount of support and advice not to mention networking opportunities, we showed our first film, The Angels’ Share, back in January. The response was phenomenal; we had an audience of 80 and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I’m over the moon to say that just this week we have been approached by Film Mobile Scotland to bring commercial cinema quality and recent releases to the town every month. This is a major coup for the area, and something we just weren’t able to provide on our own. Film Mobile Scotland successfully run similar setups in many towns in Scotland which are hugely popular and means locals can have the same quality as the big commercial cinemas, for less money and much less travel. The Christmas showings on December 15th are going to be very special – we will be screening “Frozen” as the family movie, and “Saving Mr Banks” later on for the grown-ups. We aim to provide a different experience from the commercial cinemas; the venue is smaller and more relaxed, we have sofas at the front, and folk can bring a bottle of wine and their favourite deck-chair if they want! There is home baking, tea and coffee provided at the beginning too, which has proved to be hugely popular.” So what’s in store for the future? “December and January’s screenings take place jointly with Film Mobile Scotland and will give us the information to decide whether to continue. Obviously newer releases and the latest equipment come at a price so our ticket rates will have to change slightly and we will need enough people to come to cover our costs. If it looks feasible then we’ll continue; I think East Perthshire would be crazy not to take this amazing opportunity!” How do I find out more? “Find us at, on Facebook (Strathmore Screen) and on Twitter


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

(@strathscreen) Showings are in Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road. Doors open half an hour early so there’s time for coffee and cake before the film starts. BYOB. Soft drinks and popcorn available to buy. Screenings 15th December Frozen Prices and times TBA Saving Mr Banks Tickets are available at Blairgowrie Cookshop or on the door.

Strathmore Centre for Youth Development Have you ever wondered what went on in the purple and yellow shop in Leslie St? We are SCYD, a Young Person led drop in centre for Young People between the ages of 12 to 25 years old. Young People can come, in chill out, make new friends, have help and support if required or join in many of the on-going projects. These include a Youth Forum where Young People can put forward their views on local and national issues and become involved in local events such as the Community Market, stART festival, Highland Games and organised fun day in Davie Park to name a few. Core Spirits is a peer support alcohol awareness group for Young People by Young People to help address issues of alcohol misuse within Eastern Perthshire. They offer workshops and support for individuals or groups who have an issue whether it be themselves, a friend or a family member. Concrete Shredders are a group of skateboarders and BMX riders who organise and hold community events at local skate parks and have started their own Social Enterprise clothing company Swellbow, to raise funds for their group. They also visit skate parks throughout Scotland on a regular basis (when funds allow). SCYD also, through their Linc and Cycle Breaker courses, help Young People move forward from school to further education or employment, giving them many new skills and confidence they can take forward into the future. Over the last school holidays a group of Young People had a joint residential with The Orkney Youth Café where they visited Culloden, Treezone and Highland Wildlife Centre, along with discussions and debates between themselves about their own local community, they all had a great time and made a lot of new friends. We also go to places such as Go-Karting, paintballing, team building activities, Sea Life Centres, Edinburgh Dungeons, The Scottish Parliament and much, much more. We hope over the next 12 months to move into larger premises at Wellmeadow House, where we will be able to expand, work with many more Young People and become involved with more projects which the Young People have identified the area requires. We do lots of volunteering in the Community at places such as Loon Braes and Community events and worked with Blair in Bloom to create “The Meeting Place” in Croft Lane and we organise workshops to create new artwork to display on the walls there. If you would like to find out more about SCYD we are open Tuesday to Friday 12.00 pm until 6.00 pm drop in and meet the staff and Young People.


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Update from The Ericht Trust “The Hill Project” A Heritage and Community Experience in East Perthshire You will have heard the expression about the serene swan and the frenetic paddling under the water – well that is just what is happening with the Hill Project and the Ericht Trust. On the outside there seems little activity, but behind the scenes important work is afoot! We are just a few weeks from having a Probable Cost for the conversion of the old Hill Primary School, Blairgowrie into a vibrant community and visitor experience. Local architects, quantity surveyors, structural, and heating and ventilation engineers, from Tayside, are finalising the first detailed “cut” of the design and the costs involved to deliver the facility that you helped shape! The film of the Blairgowrie Printers has now been completed and will prove a superb record of our past that will compliment displays in the heritage section of the development. Once the Trust knows the size of the fund raising task they will, with the help of Development Director, Alfie Iannetta, swing into full speed contacting likely sources of development, capital and revenue funding. Watch this space - and if you want to find out more go to

Davidsons Veterinary Supplies Welton Road Blairgowrie (just past Tesco’s) 01250 874486 Home delivery available

For all you need for pets, horses, poultry and country clothing. Hoggs of Fife Workwear clothing promotion now on workboots and waterproofs and country clothing.

25kg Peanuts on offer while stocks last £30.00 New range of Davidsons Working & Hypoallergenic Dog & cat food.

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Coal now in stock £7.35/bag Logs, Kindling & Peat Briquettes


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Road Salt & Shovels


The Hub Magazine

Tourism is very important to our area here in East Perthshire, and for some time now, I have felt that we need to be a bit more pro-active in getting the message out. We have an abundance of great independent shops, great places to eat, to drink and to stay. But we need to work in partnership with other organisations in our town and surrounding area, and BEPTA are actively doing this. We get many day visitors to the area and some who will stay for the weekend and longer as well, but do they know what there is on offer? The Visitor Information Centre have great and well informed staff who give out a large variety of information about what there is to do and see, no matter what season we are in. We are now approaching the winter season and hopefully it will be a brilliant skiing season for Glenshee. But you can also take in some lovely walks providing you have the right kit and clothing. With the many winter scenes to be photographed or sketched, I believe that we have something here for everyone. We can only capitalise on all of the above if we work together, and certainly the Blairgowrie & Rattray Forum has got us on the right track as far as the town is concerned - but there are many other organisations out there in East Perthshire who are working hard at increasing visitor footfall and catering for the locals. Team work is the answer, no matter what game you play, speaking together and planning together will achieve the best results. Bob Ellis Chairman Blairgowrie & East Perthshire Tourist Association

Trial Mag November 2013

GARDENING SCOTLAND 2013 On May 30th My daughter Hannah and I set off with my car bulging and her truck full to capacity. We had loads of props to dress the Jampionships stand at the Garden Scotland event held at Ingliston, Edinburgh. We were representing BEPTA, Jampionships, Peel Farm and the counties of Perthshire and Angus with many leaflets about them all. We were on duty from Friday till close of play on Sunday and all in all had a wonderful weekend. We were partly sponsored by AGA and they gave us a beautiful new stove on the stand. We were continuously making pancakes and demonstrating jam making. Hannah did a great job of decorating the stand and we had many very positive comments. She was dressed in a beautiful 50s dress and really looked the part. Jim McCall from Beechgrove Garden came around a few times for samples. We spoke to hundreds of people interested in the concept of the World Jampionships and hopefully some of them entered. To conclude it was very hard work but we both enjoyed it immensely. JAMBOREE AT PEEL FARM On the 8th and 9th June, Peel Farm held a Jamboree to promote Jampionships and the wealth of fruit grown in the area. There were stalls selling local produce, preserves and crafts. Local willow weaver Rachel Bower came to show her skills and Sheila Beckett spun her own fleeces. There were jam making demonstrations all weekend and local chefs demonstrated their skills by using local produce available in the farm shop. The tastings were very popular! This is the second year we have hosted a Jamboree and I am pretty sure next summer will see us planning another! Frances Fleming BEPTA Director


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Gardening and Landscaping Colour

FREE Quotations on all Gardening and Landscaping works!

D A Groundcare Real Christmas Trees and Wreaths for sale in December. ORDER via Website,Telephone or Visit us to pick your own (FREE Local Delivery)

D A Groundcare, High Street, Rattray, Blairgowrie, PH10 7DF. 01250 875588

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Blairgowrie, Rattray & District Pipe Band


CHARLIE 07904 502567

Thursday Nights

Learners: 6pm – 7pm Main Band: 7pm – 9pm


A.Proctor Office Dunkeld Rd Blairgowrie Sponsored by: A.Proctor Group Ltd


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Heartland FM Heartland FM is the longest running community radio station in the UK. Set up in 1992 to fill a gap where there was no other radio service. It still operates the way it did from the outset with only one paid part time member of staff and over 40 volunteer presenters plus others who work together to keep this unique service on air. Recently HFM bought the license to broadcast on 106.6 fm and moved the transmitter in Perth which now allows it to broadcast into the East Perthshire and Blairgowrie area. As a volunteer, not for profit organisation HFM has an open door policy for new presenters and contributors willing to be trained and keen to learn new broadcasting skills. Currently we are looking for daytime and specialist music presenters, editors and technical staff, if you are interested, contact the station manager Bruce Patterson on 07793673206 or email . Heartland broadcasts on 97.5, 106.6 on the shared digital Access channel and the Ninewells and Royal Victoria hospital network on 87.6 fm.

Sales Position Heartland FM is currently looking to recruit a sales person to sell on air advertising space, if you are interested or want more details then contact Roger Wilson on


The Hub Magazine

Trial Mag November 2013

Cargills Restaurant and Bistro Delighted To Serve You . . . . All day, Every day Specialist Teas/Coffees Breakfast Homemade Scones, Pancakes and Shortbread Lunch including Bistro Menu and Blackboard Specials Soup and Sandwiches Afternoon Menu Evening Meals including Bistro Menu and Blackboard Specials

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