November 2015

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Blairgowrie & Rattray

Hub Magazine We are 2 years old!

Christmas 2015 Sponsored by Rosemount Travel


Your personal travel designer based in Blairgowrie minute interview

with Bradley Neil

In this edition: SCYD

Huge Disappointment for The Ericht Trust An Opportunity for the Town

Community Sports Club

One Voice

The Blairgowrie Players

Update from the Community Council Christmas Lights Switch On

Discover Blairgowrie

BOOKMARK Emergency Info Pull Out

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Welcome to the Christmas 2015 Magazine! The Hub Magazine is now 2 years old so thank you for supporting us and providing feedback on content and things you like to see. Our aim is to bring information to everyone in the town and especially those who do not have access to the internet or are unable to get out as much as they may like. We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This edition sees the useful numbers and business contact information moved to the centre pages to allow you to pull them out and keep them handy if you so wish. We have the usual balance of articles from community groups and organisations as well as winter notices and the useful adverts from our local businesses who support the magazine and pay for the printing - a huge thank you to them. We value your support and appreciate comments and suggestions on the magazine so please feel free to let us know what you think - the magazine is created by the community for the communtiy. If you would like to include your community club/organisation’s information, please pop into the One Voice office on Upper Mill Street or email: Price Update To keep the magazine sustainable and to make the pricing and invoicing simpler, we will be introducing a new price list for 2016. We are removing the options for 1, 2 or 4 magazines and will simplify this to either 1 magazine or 4 magazines plus an advanced Discover Blairgowrie website listing. Profits from the magazine go to One Voice and back into the community.

Advertising Prices 1 Issue b/w Sponsor (Back Page - from May 2016) Inside Front/Back Cover

1 Issue colour

4 Issues + website

£300 £160 (£80 for half)

£1200 £650 (£325 for half page)

Full page




1/2 page




1/4 page




1/8 page




Magazine Created by: Graphite Web Solutions, 11 Brown Street, Blairgowrie (0800 988 5521), Printed via: The Copy Shop, 18 Reform Street, Blairgowrie (01250 873 591) Thank you to all One Voice Volunteers for article/advertisement collection and magazine delivery: One Voice Volunteer Group, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie (01250 871 120) Magazine articles are the responsibility of the article owner, The Hub Magazine accepts no responsibility for the content.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

What’s On Calendar for Blairgowrie & Rattray This is taken directly from Discover Blairgowrie website November: 24th Nov 25th Nov 28th Nov 30th Nov - 5 Dec December: 1st Dec 2nd Dec 5th Dec 6th Dec 10th Dec 12th Dec 13th Dec 14th - 18th Dec 16th Dec 20th Dec 21st Dec January: 6th Jan 10th Jan 18th Jan 21st Jan 22nd Jan 26th Jan 27th Jan 31st Jan

February: 3rd Feb 15th Feb 21st Feb

23rd Feb 24th Feb

Strathmore Dementia Cafe 10am-12pm St Catharine’s,George St, Blairgowrie Civic Trust 7.30pm Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie Christmas Lights Switch On 2pm - 5pm Wellmeadow Pop Up Shop - Gallimaufry stock clearance, 11 High Street, 9am - 5pm Buddies @ Blair 10.30am - 12 noon Cargill’s Bistro Blairgowrie Players Pantomime Times TBC Blaigowrie Town Hall Blethers Group, Christmas Lunch 12pm - 12.30pm The Royal Hotel Trefoil Guild - 2 Dec 7.30pm St Catharine’s Community Centre Raffle at Tesco for Blairgowrie & Rattray Illuminations 10am to 5pm Christmas Fundraiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind at Cargill’s from 12pm Community Council Meeting 7pm ARC, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie (TBC) Drimmieburn & Meikleour WRI 12pm St Catharine’s, George Street, Blairgowrie Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Walk 9am - Killiecrankie Santa’s Sleigh visits Blairgowrie & Rattray Evenings various times Citizens Advice Bureau 10am - 12pm SCYD, Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae Strathmore Screen 4pm (The Good Dinosaur) and 7pm (Spectre) Town Hall Rattray SWI Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road Blethers Group 10am - 12pm The Royal Hotel Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Walk 9am - East Glendevon Rattray SWI Jan Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road Blairgowrie & Rattray Forum Mtg 5.30pm The Royal Hotel Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club, Quiz Night 7.30pm Royal Hotel Strathmore Dementia Cafe 10am-12pm St Catharine’s, George St, Blairgowrie Civic Trust Meeting 7.30pm Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Walk 9am - Leuchars Strathmore Screen - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (cert tbc) 4pm and The Lady in the Van (12A) 7pm Blethers Group 10am - 12pm The Royal Hotel Rattray SWI Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Walk 8am - Glen Callater Walks Trefoil Guild 7.30pm St Catharine’s Community Centre Strathmore Screen - Snoopy & Charlie Brown : The Peanuts Movie (U ) 4pm The Danish Girl (12A) 7pm Strathmore Dementia Cafe 10am-12pm St Catharine’s, George St, Blairgowrie Civic Trust Meeting 7.30pm Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Blairgowrie & Rattray - Your Town in Your Hands STOP PRESS - as we went to print the Ericht Trust were receiving the hugely disappointing news that Perth & Kinross Council have decided NOT to accept their offer for the Hill Primary - an offer that was totally focussed on this town and was widely supported by the community throughout. Now is the time for this town, the biggest in Perth & Kinross, to take action - we can do this and your support is needed. See what people power has done this year below.

Oakbank Road Our local Community Council teamed up with the volunteers in One Voice and pressed PKC hard on addressing the landslip along Oakbank Road. This started off with a petition of over 2,100 signatures managed by One Voice and there then followed pressure from the BRCC and One Voice culminating in PKC accepting responsibility for rectifying.

Wellmeadow Traffic Lights Little to be said other than PKC said they stay, the BRCC voiced the feelings of the town and said, they go. Over 12 months of pressing resulted in a trial and a decision - they go - wow!

Allan Street Road Works, November 2015 A little yellow sign went up on Allan Street on 26th October saying 4 weeks of roadworks in November - the 3rd year out of 4 that PKC would disrupt the traffic flow just before Christmas, our local retailers’ best time of the year. An email from One Voice, a letter from the Business Association, our local Councillors talking to PKC results in the roadworks being delayed until 2016.

Your Town in Your Hands Over the winter you will have the opportunity to get involved with a study which will shape the future of our town. You can help create an action plan that should have huge local support that will help make our town the best it can be, to capitalise on its unique aspects that may be under developed and to recommend improvements to what we have already. These actions might be small or large in scale and can be delivered in the short, medium and long term. Everyone is eligible: young, old, public, private sector and all community groups are encouraged to be a part of this important work, to help create a vibrant, thriving town where we are all proud to live, work and play and in which visitors would like to revisit and tell others what a great place it is. The Community Council has secured funding from Scottish Government and PKC for this study and the timescale is to have this completed by the end of March 2016. There will be a period of engagement with as many individuals, organisations and groups as possible up until mid-January followed by a series of intensive workshops over a few days thereafter. The action plan and how to take it forward will be produced by the end of March. Please get involved - to register your early interest please e mail: 5

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

This year has been truly exciting and rewarding for the One Voice Volunteer Group (OVVG). The list below sums up the activities we are involved in.

Premises used by several groups for meetings including;

One Voice Volunteer Group – Involvement in the Community • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Representation on Hope Park Committee

• • • • • •

Town Centre Information Centre for local community events, initiatives, petitions, etc. Finalists in Perth Chamber of Commerce Business Star Awards - Commitment to the Community Category Displaying Information and Promotion of Local Events – Bookmark etc. Berry Exhibition – Initiated by local History Trust and developed by OVVGA Old Photograph Display and Sales – Mostly OVVGA with some Blethers Hill Centre (Old School) Project – Display of Information etc. for Ericht Trust Oakbank Road – Petition set up by OVVGA and local resident = Action Group then forming Pressure Group with BRCC Information Notice Boards Management – B&R YAH Boards, Bus Stance NB Discover Blairgowrie - Ownership and Development of Web Site & Blog Development of Hub Magazine – Submitting articles, Organising Delivery, Managing Finance and Invoices Involvement with Blairgowrie and Rattray Business Association Chair of the Forum Liaison with Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council – Displaying minutes and Suggestion Box Selling of New Books by Local Authors – through Booklore Support of ‘Message in a Bottle’ Project – pick one up from Booklore Support of Blairgowrie and Rattray ‘Name a Puppy’ appeal Representation on Happy2Help Committee – Run through SCYD Involved in proposed Town Charrette Partnership with Keep Blair Beautiful (as yet not properly named) Campaign

BRCC Ericht Trust Oakbank Road DiscoBlair Blethers Other single meet proposals and projects – Time Bank, Wellbeing etc. Developing working relationship with Healthy Communities Project Manager

Booklore Activities •

• • • •

Sale or disposal of Donated Books to meet office overheads. Some books passed to Malawi or Book Donors. Staffed by Volunteers. Sale of New Books by Local Authors or Local Interest Sale of DVD’s Berry Picking DVD, Who Do you Think You Are, Printing Works. Sale of Local Pictures Sale of Cards by local artist

To be an effective communicator and supporter of all the good works going on to help this town be the best it can be, does need resources – human and financial. The human resource is priceless and I am constantly heartened and at times overwhelmed by the dedication and commitment by the volunteers I work with. Volunteering is also good for your health! Research has shown that by becoming involved with whatever interests you staves off potential brain degeneration – so come and join us, everyone has transferable skills! The financial resource is one we need to keep the show on the road – the office overheads, equipment etc. We are grateful for the donations of books and photographs, which we sell to help cover our overheads and the tremendous work done by the book team is very much appreciated.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015 However we would like to do more – and so we took a week of the Saleroom at Howe’s and were gratified to raise a reasonable sum of money. Thank you to all who gave us goods to sell and who helped out and made this possible.

interested in mental health issues are to develop a pilot to identify those who would benefit from getting out of their homes. Transport will be provided and a venue to meet and have a chat and coffee is essential. The carers group will also be involved. Keep watching as this worthwhile project develops.

This important boost to our coffers means we can do so much more for the town.

The initiative to develop a town walk highlighting places of interest along the way has been gathering enthusiasm by various groups. This will involve work with the local history group and the Civic Trust, Discover Blairgowrie and perhaps the Holiday Park. BRAN (Access Network) is also showing interest. Again keep an eye on as this work progresses.

Such work includes having the office open 5 days a week to allow a place for the community and visitors to meet and get answers to questions. We run a much complimented Discover Blairgowrie website with a dedicated team of volunteers - trainees welcome! The Hub Magazine has now been running for two years and has grown in its size and quality of content. Our small grant runs out soon so we hope that some of the money raised recently will help resource this appreciated communication along with money raised from adverts. 4,200 households receive the magazine every quarter, free of charge, delivered by volunteers.

A big thank you to all our volunteers! Jessie Shaw, Chair OVVGA

Austin Wilkie Music

Piano/Keyboard Teacher & Organist

Two other major pieces of work have emerged as a result of groups meeting faceto-face and discovering common ground on which to go forward.

Introductory Offer “3 Lessons for £30”

The first is from the Healthy Communities Initiative – tackling isolation. Led by Project manager Jackie Doe, a group from Discover Blairgowrie, SCYD and others including those

Could you spare only 10 minutes every day? Would love to learn to play the piano, keyboard or Organ?

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Why not try our Introductory Offer and learn from beginner to graded levels or just for fun, Classical, Modern, Jazz, or Pop it’s entirely up to you, all ages welcome and tailored just for you! 1 - 1 Tuition Theory included from a qualified Teacher

13 UPPER MILL STREET BLAIRGOWRIE PH10 6FE Come and browse through our wide selection of books for Christmas presents. All the usual offers apply on hardback and paperback fiction and crime fiction.

Call Austin now on 01250 876104 07909 801760

January offer: All collector’s corner books half price.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Granny Pat’s Chilli Many Ways 1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil 500g minced or cubed beef, chicken, pork or small diced potatoes and carrots 1 stick celery, chopped 2 red onions, sliced 2 cloves of garlic crushed or chopped 1 red, green or yellow pepper, sliced 1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes 1 tablespoon tomato puree

1 beef, chicken or veg stock cube 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon ground cumin 2 teaspoons dried marjoram Chilli flakes or chopped fresh chillies to taste Approx. 300ml boiling water 1 400g tin red kidney beans Chopped fresh coriander to garnish

To serve: Steamed long grain rice, jacket potato, crusty bread or flour tortillas, mixed, chopped salad, guacamole, tomato salsa, sour cream, grated cheese- take your pick or add your own. Heat the oil in a pan and brown the minced beef or whatever meat or vegetables you choose. Add the onions, celery, garlic, and sliced pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Continue cooking whilst adding the cumin, marjoram, chillies, tomato puree, stock cube, sugar and salt (to taste). Mix well together and then add the chopped tomatoes and the boiling water. Bring to the boil then lower the heat, cover with a lid and simmer until cooked – around 40 minutes. Or you can place the chilli in a slow cooker and cook on ‘Auto’ for 6 to 8 hours. Keep an eye on the liquid level – if it dries out too much before the end of cooking time add more boiling water. If the chilli is too liquid at the end of cooking time remove the lid and raise the heat to reduce to a fairly thick consistency. Thirty minutes before the end of cooking time add the red kidney beans. Serve garnished with freshly chopped coriander leaves and whatever side dishes appeal to you. Chilli is often more intensely flavoured if left a day in the fridge before serving.

Blairgowrie Town Hall The next few months in particular are a very busy time for the local Town Hall. The Hall hosts a variety of events and classes from keep fit for over 60s, Tai Chi, SAS Fitness to Birthday Parties, Craft Fairs, Painting Exhibitions and Scottish Country Dancing along with a regular Wednesday Tea Dance. Dougie McLean’s Amber Festival will perform early November, Blairgowrie Players in December with their Pantomime. Two fund-raising Ceilidhs will take place. The Hall is used as a base for walking groups to depart from, such as Next Steps. The very successful Strathmore Screen Cinema Group run films monthly through the winter months bringing up to date blockbusters to the town. A vast amount of the Community is probably unaware of its existence and the role it plays within


the town; it provides a valuable and adaptable venue. Blairgowrie Town Hall is owned by P.K.C. but run completely by a small committee of local people. The committee are striving at all times to upgrade and improve the amenities at the Hall for universal usage as well as making it financially viable. Along with the main hall, there are two smaller rooms that can be hired for small meetings etc. With a large modern kitchen, available catering can be achieved for almost any event. Charges for the hall/rooms are comparable with any other facility in the area and can be booked simply at the Blairgowrie Town Hall website, bookings@ Further information on the hall’s vast range of events can be viewed online.

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Blairgowrie Players Blairgowrie Players have maintained their busy year, both on and off stage. The popular series of Murder Mysteries continued with the production of Over My Dead Body in the Town Hall, where an unexpectedly large audience enjoyed the oppurtunity to be amateur sleuths, whilst partaking of the wine and food. The same production was presented in a very different venue at the Broughty Ferry Business Men’s Club a week later. Situated in an idyllic area overlooking the harbour and castle, the historic building is very unusual and the play was performed in the lounge bar with the audience seated less than 3 feet from the cast! This was the Players third invitation to the club and was hugely enjoyed by cast and audience. Having forged links with Dundee Rep through the Open Stages project the Players decided to follow this up by requesting help to advise on a possible follow up production for touring village halls. Gemma Nicol from the Rep came to the Hill and gave a workshop with the aim of finding out what type of production the Players wanted. Several options were identified and it will be up to the Players to make the decision. A pop-up charity shop week long fund raiser was very successful and, including donations, raised over £2000. The Players were very grateful to all who contributed in any way. The Players Christmas production is Peter Panto, their version of the boy who never wanted to grow up. This show presents a number of challenges not least the art of flying, as well as building a Wendy House and of course a decent sized crocodile. Ever resourceful

the Players have cracked the Wendy House and the crocodile, but the flying? Wait and see. President Graham Reid said “ We’ve stuck to the traditional story, but introduced elements of pantomime with dance, songs and, hopefully, some funny routines. We’re changing our performance dates as well. Over the last few years it has become apparent that matinee performances are very popular. So this year the show will run from Wednesday 2 December to Saturday 5 December at 7pm, with matinees on Saturday 5 December AND Sunday 6 December at 1pm. Tickets: Balcony £8, Stalls £7, Concessions £6 will be available from The Music Box, Allan Street, Blairgowrie 01250 875424 or at the door. “ The Scottish Community Drama Association’s One Act Festival of Plays takes place at the Birnam Institute at the end of February and the Players expect to enter youth and adult plays. Meanwhile architect plans for upgrading the Hill Kirk by altering the internal layout to accomodate a kitchen area and better toilet facilities are in hand.

SNIPPETS FROM 50 YEARS AGO (Nov. and Dec. 1965) Throughout the magazine we are including snippets from the past thanks to Barbara Lynch who researched old copies of the Blairie in the Library! In 1965 our local newspaper, fondly called the “Blairie”, cost 3 old pence. The Burgh of Blairgowrie and Rattary was introducing a 5 day week in Council Offices. (Editor’s Comment - please forward your thoughts to


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

East Perthshire Community Sports Hub (EPCSH) The glory, razzmatazz and sheer enjoyment of the Commonwealth Games seems a long and distant memory, despite it being only last summer 2014. Sport however is a continuing and evolving feature of a large part of the population here in Blairgowrie and Rattray. As such due to the ever-increasing participants, there is a requirement in the Area for more modern facilities. To this end, the recently reformed East Perthshire Community Sports Hub (EPCSH) held a public meeting at the premises of Rattray Bowling Club. In attendance was Kirsteen Ross the new Sports Development Officer for Live Active Leisure. Kirsteen provided background on what has happened previously in regard to sport development in Perthshire and Sport Scotland’s introduction of the Community Sports Hub project. Kirsteen also highlighted that the Hub

is looking for commitment from more clubs and individuals to assist in deciding about the way forward for sport throughout the whole of East Perthshire. EPCSH is open to every sport in the area and is looking to add to the membership. The following members gave a report on how their particular club was faring, Meigle Cricket Club, Active Schools, Coupar Angus Cycling Club, Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Sports Club ,Blairgowrie Tennis club Blairgowrie Hockey Club, Burrelton Tennis Club, Rattray Bowling Club. This is only scratching the surface of “sports” clubs in the area. At the next meeting of the EPCSH, Stuart Younie who is the Service Manager for Sport & Recreation within P.K.C will attend to listen to the views of what the clubs feel is required to assist in developing sport in the area. To have your say make sure 1st December 2015 is a priority entry in your diary. The venue is in Blairgowrie Community Campus at 6.30p.m.

ACG Accounting Services Working with Sole Traders and Small Businesses Based in Alyth, we specialise in Sole Traders, Small Employers and Small Businesses in Blairgowrie and East Perthshire. First consultation is free, so don’t be afraid to give us a call for an informal chat on how we can help. We concentrate on providing a professional and friendly service allowing you to focus on managing and growing your business and doing the work you enjoy, rather than being overwhelmed with administration. Fees are fixed for all our services so there are no surprises and no hidden or set-up costs. We offer a flexible payment plan as an option. A professional, personalised, friendly and confidential service is central to our business approach.

36 Smythe Street, Alyth. Tel: 01828 634140 ; Mobile: 07999694006 Email: www.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

BLAIRGOWRIE AND RATTRAY BLETHERS GROUP - BLAIRGOWRIE MEMORIES FILM The Blethers vice-chair, Pat McCarthy, welcomed visitors including Bev Leslie, Head of Blairgowrie High School, together with some school pupils on Wednesday, 4 November at the Royal Hotel. Keathbank Photography launched the newly completed film of Blairgowrie memories, which was most enjoyable and thoroughly recommended. The group was given a grant which enabled Keathbank Photography to make the film. Members of the group and pupils from

Blairgowrie and Rattray Illuminations Committee Presently, we have projects underway which may not be visible from street level, but which we hope will both ease the process of erecting and connecting the Christmas Lights and also enhance the quality of the display. Perth and Kinross Council have agreed to help with the renovation and re-hanging of the pea lights in the Wellmeadow; they are also going to help us by supplying power via lampposts. Your generosity in our fundraising activities means that we can pay for wired connections to be set up within lampposts and suitable brackets made for hanging the Christmas shapes. This should reduce the present disruption to houses and shops who kindly allow us to “plug in” to their supply.

November 2015 Blairgowrie High School were involved in the making of the film. A previous film on Rattray also included members of the group and Rattray Primary School pupils. DVDs of both are available to purchase at the One Voice Volunteer Group office, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie. On Wednesday, 2 December the members gather in the Royal Hotel at 12 noon for 12.30 enjoy their annual Christmas Lunch. The committee and members look forward to meeting members old and new at the regular time of 10 a.m., on the first Wednesday of each month, in the Royal Hotel, Blairgowrie from 6 January in the New Year. of the recent P2 ‘Design a Christmas Light Shape’ competition at Rattray School will be announced and revealed on the day. The switch-on will be performed by Blairgowrie & Rattray’s Citizen of the Year, Jessie Shaw, at approximately 4pm. There will be no parades this year but instead Santa will travel through the town in his sleigh and arrive in the Wellmeadow for 2pm. Children will then get the opportunity to talk with Santa in his grotto. Busy elves are we! And we’re still looking for helpers to go round the town with Santa and his sleigh the week beginning Monday 14 December – approx 6.30pm- 8.30pm. Call Keith on 874776 if you are able to help.

Plans for the Wellmeadow switch-on ceremony on Saturday 28th are well underway, with entertainment and stalls from 2pm. The winner

SNIPPETS FROM 50 YEARS AGO (Nov. and Dec. 1965) The top 3 records sold locally were “Get off of My Cloud” sung by the Rolling Stones, “Tears” by Ken Dodd and “Yesterday’s Man” by Chris Andrews. In Football Blair won 6 - 0 against Crieff Earngrove at Davie Park, with 18 year old Sammy Rowan scoring 4 of them. He had been recruited from Glenrothes at the beginning of October. There was also both male and female Wrestling in the Town Hall.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

heese & c , e e f f o c , Kitchen gadgets & s ie r o s s e wine acc fillers! g in k c o t s e Great we chases r u p l l a r o f ÂŁ5 voucher December. g in r u d 0 5 ÂŁ over 13

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Cllr Caroline Shiers (Scottish Conservative – Blairgowrie & Glens Ward)

action. More on that over the coming months.

Firstly, congratulations to Blair in Bloom on their awards in the Perthshire and Scottish Bloom competitions. We are fortunate to have such a hard-working and talented team of volunteers. Many assume the floral displays are a result of the council but it is Blair in Bloom who ensure all the hanging baskets and floral displays look so great through the summer and into the autumn. Bookmark 2015 was another great success brought together through hard work and dedication of the volunteers who spend all year bringing together a fantastic programme. Blairgowrie is very much on the Scottish Book Festival landscape and I look forward to it developing. I would like to put on the record my thanks to all those businesses who supported the festival and gave support. It could not happen without that local generosity. One example was Howes, in moving an extremely heavy stage from the church to the venue – a key part of the festival – practical support that makes a big difference. Strathmore Screen are also continuing to provide entertainment in the Town Hall during the winter months which is enjoyed by many. We do continue to have challenges over sports, leisure and recreation provision in the town and in 2016 I sincerely hope we can see improvements and make things happen. With that in mind I am pleased to be part of efforts to bring the BMX track at the park on Hatton Road back into

In October, a roadshow event was held at the High School to outline the plans Perth and Kinross have for developing Perth city. I was disappointed that there was only one member of the public in attendance and a representative of the community council. I would encourage Blairgowrie and Rattray residents to take a look at the plans for Perth City which are on the council website or available in the library. Blairgowrie and Rattray stand to benefit from infrastructure improvements and new jobs created in Perth will enable local people to access employment possibilities. The Local Development Plan 2018-2023 will be the subject of debate in 2016 and I really would encourage people to get involved and have your voice heard - see I have asked the community council to organise a session on this plan and would encourage you to come along. Good luck to One Voice and the local businesses who are nominated in the Perthshire Business Stars Awards 2015. Finally, can I wish everyone a very happy Christmas when it comes and I hope to see many of you at the Christmas lights switch on (28 November between 2 and 5pm). As always I am available by calling 01738 553990 (0) 01828 632608 (h) or by email carolineshiers@

Blairgowrie Stroke Club (Affiliated to Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland) Scottish Charity Regulator No. SCO18761 Members and volunteers of The Blairgowrie Stroke Club meet Monday mornings from 10 – 12 am at St. Catherine’s Community Centre on George Street. We are a thriving group of members and volunteers who meet for conversation, activities, and games and occasionally we arrange outings. We would like to welcome new members and volunteers. For more information, please contact Joyce on 01250 875342, Jacky on 01250 872224 or via email:


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015


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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Cllr Bob Ellis (Scottish National Party – Blairgowrie & Glens Ward)

I am really hoping that the traffic light saga in the Wellmeadow has come to an end. We now await the proper installation of the pedestrian lights at the various junctions. Sadly, drivers are still not complying with the new 20mph speed limit that has been introduced on approaching the main junction. Please take care here. We are also looking at a solution at the top of Reform Street as some drivers are just driving straight on to the High Street, without looking left. Again, please take care at this junction.

By the time all of the residents of Blairgowrie & Rattray will be reading through this magazine and the many articles and adverts in it, there will just be 1 more month until Christmas. So, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As many people will be aware, there are many local volunteer groups around the town, who put in a tremendous amount of work over the year, to make the town look great, to help others and to put on events. I would like to thank all of these volunteers for what they do. However, some of these groups are in need of some new blood and in many cases, younger blood to keep on doing the great work that they do. I could name a lot of the groups but I may miss out a couple and this wouldn’t be fair. So if you think that you might be able to spare a few hours a week or month, then pop into the One Voice Office in Upper Mill Street, where you will find helpful staff and they will be able to put you in contact with one of the groups.

We have now been informed that this coming winter could well be a bad one, even worse than we had in 2010 and that was bad. So please make sure that you heed the weather reports and please have some patience as our gritters and ploughs and Council workforce do their very best to keep all roads and paths clear and safe to walk and drive on. All the very best to you all over the festive season.

Perth Citizens Advice Bureau: Benefits Advice in Libraries (BAIL): Benefits specialist Sarah MacLean is running a series of one to one benefit advice sessions at Blairgowrie Library, 46A Leslie Street Blairgowrie. Sarah can: • Run benefit entitlement checks • Assist with completing applications (including online applications) • Provide advice and guidance on challenging sanctions • Provide advice and guidance in instances where applications have either been unsuccessful or awarded at a lower rate than expected. Sarah also seeks to maximise client income by ensuring that they are aware of all forms of support to which they may be entitled, i.e. discounts for heating. This service is by appointment only: To make an appointment please call 01738 450599 or emailing Andrew Scobie (Benefits admin) on: In keeping with the principles of CAB, all advice provided by Outreach services is free, confidential, impartial, independent and empowering. Limited company registered in Scotland; registered office 7 Atholl Crescent, Perth, PH1 5NG. Registration number 153915; charity number SC003259


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

com. Alternatively, on Facebook “Blairgowrie and Rattray Girls Football 2006 - 2009”.

Blairgowrie and Rattray Girls 2006-2009

A vitally important part of the development of football for all ages in Blairgowrie and Rattray commenced with a Girls section in April this year. It has been a great success with numbers starting at 7 and growing to as many as 16 throughout the year. There is a great parent involvement with a committee of coach/secretary, Treasurer, CPO and First Aider. Another pleasing aspect is the involvement of local youth players helping each week at training. Training in the summer was on a Wednesday night outdoors from 6-7pm where the girls were doing passing drills, shooting drills and various games such as number football. For our winter session, we have booked our weekly training indoors at the new Rattray Community Hub on a Monday night from 5-6pm where more girls are welcome to come along and see what fun it is. We intend to grow our Girls section considerably over the year and are planning an older girls section for the next age group up after this one. This will be under 11’s and we would like to get enough interest to start that section in a league for next season. Taster sessions for this older age group will start soon; watch local press and Facebook for details.

With the ever-increasing number of girls and boys wanting to take part in football in the area, the pressure on coaches and volunteers becomes immense and it is great to see such willingness from those volunteers to give up their free time to make this happen. As in any organization the more helpers/volunteers/ coaches that we have the easier it becomes. An hour or two once a week for a few months of the year can be all it takes to give those youngsters a helping hand. If you can assist in any way please contact either Sandy at alex.thomson@ or Gavin at gavintolmie@yahoo. Volunteers are the lifeblood of a Community Club, so are changing and toilet facilities, which brings us to the on-going pressure at Piggy Lane and Davie Park. It was reported in the summer edition of the Hub Magazine of the £60K allocation for the Pavilion at the Davie Park; that is still in place and work should commence early next year. At the time of producing this article discussions are at an advanced stage with the Scottish Football Partnership in providing some form of changing facility at Piggy Lane which if achieved will make a tremendous difference for everyone taking part in football in Blairgowrie and Rattray.

A few girls within our existing 2006 - 2009 will be too old next year for this group and they will be ready to move up to this older Girls team. We still have a large number in our 2006 - 2009 who will continue with this age group so it will be great to see them continue to improve together, new girls are welcome to come along and join this section, it is great fun and we hope to build on a very good year for Girls football in the area over 2016. Further details from Mr Lee McDonald, who can be contacted on Tel. No. 07909115018 or email skebs78@btinternet.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Please colour me in!


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Time4Me Short Break Fund Are you an unpaid carer? Do you need a break from your caring role?

someone they care for. It could be a day out, weekend away or a longer break. It could be to buy a season ticket for your favourite football, pay for a gym membership, driving lessons, getting your hair done – the list is endless and the choice is yours. All we ask is that it reduces your stress, improve your feeling of wellbeing and help you sustain your caring role.

We can help! Shared Care Scotland has awarded PKAVS funding to create up to 50 short ‘Creative’ breaks for carers and/or their cared for. The funding is available from October 2015 to September 2016. However the fund may close earlier if the entire allocated grant has been spent. The aim of the funding is to give people ‘Time to Live’, reducing stress, improving wellbeing and helping people sustain their caring role.

For more information, please contact Raymond Jamieson (PKAVS Carers Hub Manager) at 01738 567076 or Erman Maglalang (PKAVS Carers Support Worker) at 07935 312345. PKAVS is a registered Scottish Charity (SC 005561) and a company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland (86065).

A time away from the stresses and pressures of supporting someone you care for. It is your right as a carer to be able to access respite and many carers do not realise how important getting regular short breaks can be in helping them cope with the demands of supporting

You can access and submit your application on-line, too. Please go to

A “BLAIR CHIEL” MAYOR OF DUNEDIN From “The History of Blairgowrie (Town, Parish and District) by John A. R. Macdonald, 1899 The “Otago Guardian” of 2nd July, 1874, says:- After one of the sharpest contests ever known in Dunedin, Mr Keith Ramsay has been elected Mayor of this city. . . In the year 1862 Mr Ramsay emigrated from Blairgowrie to New Zealand, and that he had in so short a time risen to the highest municipal dignity in the City of Dunedin speaks volumes for his industry, perseverance, and sterling worth and reflects honour on his native town of Blairgowrie.” Again, the “Otago Guardian” of 29th July, 1875, reports that at a meeting of the City Council, on 28th July, the following resolution was, on the motion of Councillor Walter, the Mayor-elect, passed unanimously:- “That this Council desire, on the eve of the retirement of Mr Ramsay from the Mayoral Chair, to thank him for the courtesy and impartiality he has always manifested during his term of office, and wish that at no distant period he may be found taking an active part in the affairs of the city.” Mr Ramsay was entertained to a banquet in the Free Church School, James Street, by his old schoolfellows, while on a visit home in 1898.

SNIPPETS FROM 50 YEARS AGO (Nov. and Dec. 1965) Quinns Picture House had “A High Wind in Jamaica” showing, starring Anthony Quinn and James Coburn with the Regal screening “The Truth about Spring” with Bingo sessions Tuesdays and Fridays.


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Nativity Sheep Trail Blairgowrie and Rattray Messy Churches are looking forward to telling the Christmas story by organising a Nativity Sheep Trail around Blairgowrie from 2nd to 28th November. A flock of 32 knitted sheep have been named and given shelter around some Blairgowrie shops and businesses. Your challenge is to find the sheep and record their names and where they are sheltering on a leaflet which can be found with the sheep. Look out for posters which will tell you if a sheep is sheltering there. Bring your leaflets along to find more sheep and hear the Christmas Story in Blairgowrie Parish Church and Hall on Saturday 5th December from 1:30 to 3:30 for an afternoon of festive activities, crafts, prizes and refreshments. Pictured: Maureen Mowbray and Evelyn Grieve, from the organising group, with some of the sheep which will be in shops and businesses around Blairgowrie and Rattray from 2nd to the 28th of November.

Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council (BRCC) By the time this issue of the Hub Magazine hits the stands the election results will be in for a new Community Council (CC). Exciting times, especially as only 9 areas in the whole of Perthshire will be going to elections, and Blairgowrie will be the only one of them trialling a new electronic voting system. Thank you to all those who put themselves forward for this very demanding but rewarding role and my thanks to all those who have already served and contributed to the enormous success of the current CC. I feel their vision and camaraderie has enabled them to achieve a great deal and has helped move Blairgowrie and Rattray forward in a positive way. So what have we done in the last 6 months? Ranging from helping a lady track down her long lost sister to the Blairgowrie area to securing funding from the Scottish Government and PKC to form a charrette, which is fantastic news for the town. What is a charrette? Stuart Nichol, head of this

particular working group, explains all the ins and outs of this in a marvellous article in this issue of the Hub. I would encourage anyone who has something to contribute to the process to look out for meetings that you can attend to make your contributions. Live Active has listened to our plea to trial opening earlier. They have begun to open from 7am on Mondays and Wednesdays from 26th October and will continue to do so right up until the Christmas holidays, after which time they will decide if it’s feasible to make this a permanent change. From what I’ve seen so far, we’re off to an excellent start but it’s up to us to “use it or lose it”. Our local Christmas Lights/ Illuminations Committee were the happy recipients of the Wishing Well money this year, receiving a fantastic £265.17. The festive lights will go up on the 15th November this year, and several members of the CC will be there to get stuck in and help make the town light up the dark winter nights. I’ve also been working with the Council to see about rolling out free Wi-Fi in the town. Things look good so far and we may be able to


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Commitment to the Community category. They are shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Perth Concert Hall, but even getting this far is a huge achievement, well done to you all.

start rolling this out, using Council buildings as Wi-Fi hotspots first, pretty soon. See press for more details. Full details of all our group’s activities and meeting dates are detailed on our website.

As we head into the winter months I’d like to make a special plea to all garden owners. In order to prepare for the bad weather that is reportedly coming our way this winter, now is your last chance to cut back any overhanging branches and bushes from the street. In order for the pavement gritters and clearers to do their job, they need clearance of at least 2.5m. Residents are also asked to put their bins to the back of the pavements on collection day to allow these vehicles to get past, and please remember not to park on the pavements.

I’d like to also congratulate a few groups for their contributions this year. Firstly to Sue and Nick Cole for organising another wonderful season of very successful Community Markets. These continue to have such a positive impact on the town and provide an excellent environment for both the traders and shoppers. To Blair in Bloom for bringing home the gold in the Beautiful Scotland Award, a thoroughly well deserved and tremendous achievement, congratulations! The book Festival seems to be going from strength to strength too, and brings the spotlight back to the art of story telling and writing. And lastly, I’d like to wish the very best of luck to One Voice, who has made it through as finalists in the Perthshire Chamber of Commerce Star Awards 2015 -

I hope you’ve all had a suitably spooky Halloween and have a wonderfully festive Christmas! Morag Young Chair BRCC

A friendly and efficient local firm of solicitors and estate agents Property purchases and sales Wills and executries Family law Powers of Attorney Miller Gerrard, Solicitors & Estate Agents The Studio, 13 High Street Blairgowrie PH10 6ET Telephone 01250 873468 Email



Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

The 5 Minute Interview - SCYD

been specially designed as a Community Hub, providing a welcome place and a space for everyone.

What is SCYD? SCYD stands for The Strathmore Centre for Youth Development. It is a Youth Led Charity based in Blairgowrie and Rattray, but serving the Strathmore area of Eastern Perthshire.

What are its aims? To increase Young People’s capacity, by helping them to mature, develop new skills, build new relationships and become responsible Young Citizens.

What age are the young people? Young People are in 11-25 age range.

SCYD recently renovated Wellmeadow House in Blairgowrie. What was the most difficult thing about the renovation? As a very old building, there were many structural challenges to be overcome, and we are continuing to adapt the building to our particular needs.

What’s the best thing about the new building? The availability of dedicated space as it has


What’s on offer at Wellmeadow House? Wellmeadow House provides a Drop In Youth Den on the lower floor, a Community Cafe where everything is home made, from locally sourced ingredients on the middle floor, and two IT Training Suites and a One-to-One room upstairs.

What are SCYD’s plans for the future now the building is complete and occupied? As a Community Hub SCYD has already attracted new partners and community bookings. Young people from the Youth Forum’s Events Team have already demonstrated their commitment to volunteering their time and energy by helping support community events and celebrations.

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Macnabs is delighted to announce the expansion of its Blairgowrie Office, Courts and Private Client Departments. Well respected local court practitioner Jamie Baxter formerly of A & R Robertson & Black has joined the Macnabs Court Team. Based in the Allan Street, Blairgowrie Office, many of you will already know Jamie, who was brought up in Blairgowrie, from his local Blairgowrie connections. Jamie practises in all areas of court work such as matrimonial, contract and civil disputes with a focus on criminal matters such as road traffic matters. This latest addition to the Macnabs Court Team means that Macnabs with 7 Court Solicitors has the largest team of litigation specialists in Perthshire. Our solicitors are experienced in all areas of court work and can serve our clients throughout Perthshire. Jamie will be assisted in the Blairgowrie office by Hazel. Hazel McIntyre is also a local Blair girl. She will be working in the main Blairgowrie front office and is available to help you with any property related matters. Additionally, local solicitor Susan Mackay (who might be known to you as Susan Maxwell having recently married local undertaker, Martin Mackay) has joined our Private Client Department. Susan is experienced in Wills, Powers of Attorney, Executries and the provision of services for our older clients. Senior Private Client Partner, Andrea Hay, says “Macnabs is delighted that Susan has joined our growing firm. Macnabs believes in traditional personal service provided by knowledgeable, skilled solicitors. Susan is a local girl and is well placed to assist our clients in Blairgowrie, Alyth and surrounding areas.� Our Blairgowrie Office, in conjunction with Next Homes, already offers an all-round conveyancing service - if you have any conveyancing or estate agency enquiries feel free to pop in to see us. If you wish to make an appointment to see Jamie or Susan then please telephone 01738 623432 or email and susanmackay@


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Murdo Fraser MSP

Scotland. Berry farming is particularly important to the economy of Perth and Kinross and the overuse of insecticides can potentially have negative consequences for biodiversity. GM crops can be grown without the need for artificial pesticides and I am calling for a reversal in thinking which limits restrictions on the cultivation of these crops.

In late October figures for the amount of money awarded by the Scottish Government’s Community Broadband Initiative showed that Perth and Kinross had only received 7% of total available funding. The fund was established in 2012 to help hard to reach communities who are out with the commercial roll out plan to receive acceptable broadband. I was disappointed by these figures as there are a number of areas in Perth and Kinross that find it almost impossible to get connected to the internet. I am therefore calling for the Scottish Government to beef up the fund by opening it up to applications from individuals as well as community groups. In the last four months bosses at NHS Tayside have cancelled over 340 elective operations as a result of bed shortages and other reasons. These figures are a concern and I am calling on the Scottish Government to do more to support healthcare providers throughout the region to increase capacity. Official statistics have shown a 7% increase in the use of artificial pesticides on soft fruit farms across


At the end of October, the road safety charity ‘Brake’ honoured me with their Parliamentary Award for Road Safety as a result of my work to have the A9 dualled between Perth and Inverness. I was delighted to receive this award from such a well-respected campaigning charity, but no campaign can be successful without the backing of its supporters. I would therefore like to thank the thousands who have got involved via Facebook and the online petition as without their help this campaign could not have been as successful. Murdo Fraser MSP always welcomes feedback from constituents. He can be contacted at The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perth PH2 6PL Tel: 01738 553990 or email murdo.fraser.msp@


- THURSDAY: 7.15pm - 8.15pm


- TUESDAY: 9.45am - 10.45am - THURSDAY: 10am - 11am


WEDNESDAY: 11am - 12am

ASHTANGA YOGA To Book Tel: 01250 870062 ●

- THURSDAY: 8.20pm - 9.20pm

- TUESDAY: 6.15am - 7.15am - THURSDAY: 6pm - 7pm

1 High Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6ET


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Household Emergency Plan If a major emergency happens it may be some time before help arrives. It’s very important that you and your family get together to prepare. ü Agree a plan in advance with those in your home. ü Complete this template together and keep it safe in case you need to use it. If the emergency means it is not safe to go out, the advice is usually to: GO IN (go indoors and close all windows and doors), STAY IN (stay indoors), TUNE IN (to local radio, TV or the internet, where public information and advice from the emergency responders will be broadcast.) My local radio station: ……………... is on frequency: ………………….. If you have to leave your home, get out, stay out, and take others with you. Think of two meeting places: one near home and one further away, in case you can’t get home. ü Meeting place 1 (Near Home)

ü Meeting place 2 (Further away)

Location: ………………………….. …………………………..…………... …………………………..…………...

Location: …………………………… …………………………..………….... …………………………..………….....

Pick a friend or relative who lives out of the area, who you will agree to call to say you’re OK, should you need to leave home. Make sure this person knows. ü Friend or relative to call to let people know that you’re OK Name: …………………………..

Telephone Number: ………………

If it is safe to do so you should check on your neighbours and vulnerable people living close by. Have a think about who they are in advance: Name: ………………… Address: …………....... ………………………..... …………………………. Tel Number: ………….

Name: ………………… Address: …………....... ………………………..... …………………………. Tel Number: ………….


Name: ………………… Address: …………....... ………………………..... …………………………. Tel Number: ………….

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

Local Business Contacts This is a list of businesses who support Discover Blairgowrie and are members of the local Business Association. Contact if you would like to join. ACCOUNTANTS/BOOKKEEPERS ASI Outsourcing


Gillespie Inverarity & Co Ltd 01250-870718 Graham Edwards Accts


Mark Barron CA



November 2015 HEALTH/COACH/COUNSELLOR Blairgowrie Physiotherapy


Care Crew


Joyce McQuilken Coach


The Listening Tree




Blairgowrie Holiday Park


Rosebank House B&B


Rosemount Travel


Find Your Fit



Julie Baird Pilates



Outdoor Explore


Susie Black Fitness



Trevor Taylor











CRAFT/FABRIC Aace Fabric & Foam

Cargills Bistro



All Things Fair


Blair Copy Shop




JAS Crockart & Son


Something Special Flowers




WM Coupar


TRADESMEN John Oliver Electrician


Alex Robertson Painter/Dec 07597-394057



Miller Gerrard




WEB DESIGN Graphite Web Solutions

Florists Something Special Flowers



BANKS Royal Bank of Scotland

The Copy Shop





Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Useful Phone Numbers

Hosptial Day Room ..................01250 874 466 Adult Resource Centre .............01250 871 910

Blairgowrie Community Hospital

Social Services Day Care ...........01250 877 843

Reception..................................01250 874 466

Freedom Bus Adult Care Services

Strathmore Older People’s mental Health Team

..................................................0845 3011120

..................................................01250 877 843

Care at Home ..........................01738 476 7000

GP Unit ......................................01250 877 854


District Nurses ...........................01250 872 030

Alzheimer Scotland

Health Visitors ...........................01250 876 668

Dementia Advisor ...................01738 562 358

Blairgowrie Dental Care............. 01250 875 136

Anti-Social Behaviour Team ....01738 476 173

Dundee Dental Hospital ............01382 660 111

Adult Care Area Office..............01250 871 910

Ninewells Main Number ........... 01382 660 111

Blairgowrie Housing Area Office

Perth Royal Infirmary ................01738 623 311

.................................................01738 476 000

Royal Dundee Liff Hospital .......01382 423 000

Homelessness .........................0800 917 0708

NHS 24 .......................................................111

Blairgowrie Library .................01250 871 305


Blairgowrie Registration of Births, Deaths &

Boots ........................................01250 872 029

Marriages ................................01250 871 310

Davidsons .................................01250 870 282

Childcare Social Work Office ...01250 871 330


Child Protection ...................... 01738 476 768

Ardblair Medical Practice ..........01250 872 033

Childcare, Family Info Service ..0845 601 4477

Strathmore Surgery ...................01250 872 552

Building Standards Warrants .. 01738 475 300



Blairgowrie Veterinary Surgery .01250 872 061

..................................................01250 872 960

Thrums Veterinary Group .........01250 871 010

Community Connect, Rattray ....01250 871 538


Care at Home ............................01250 871 901

Community Campus ................01250 871 967

Police ..........................................................101

Live Active ................................01250 871 360

Scottish Gas Emergencies ......0800 111 999


Scottish Water ...........................0845 6 018 855




Newhill Primary School ...........01250 871 941 St Stephen’s Primary School ....01250 871 950

These numbers are provided for your conven-

Rattray Primary School ............01250 872 389

ience. If you have any corrections or sugges-

Blairgowrie High School ..........01250 871 200

tions for additions then please let One Voice


know on Upper Mill Street (01250 871 120)

Blairgowrie (in Co-op) .............01250 876 034 Local Delivery Office ...............01250 872 766 ELDERLY ACTIVITIES Health Community Collaborative


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Important Telephone Numbers • • • •

For the emergency services, dial 999 For NHS 24, dial 08454 24 24 24 For SEPA’s floodline, dial 0845 988 1188 For Scottish Water 0845 601 8855

You should record other important numbers: Schools/colleges: …………………. Work Contact: ……………..……..... Doctor: ……………………………… Insurance:…………………………... Gas supplier: ………….…………… Other: ………………………………..

Carers/childminder: ………………. Plumber: …………………...………… Vet: ………………………………….... Local authority:……………………... Electricity supplier:…………………

Pack an Emergency Kit You should keep enough food and water and other essentials at home for at least three days. Whether you have to stay in or get out, packing a small emergency kit will help you get through. Keep it in a safe place at home where you can reach it easily. Your kit should be kept in a waterproof bag and the top ten things to include are: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Battery radio with spare batteries, or a wind up radio Battery torch with spare batteries, or a wind-up torch First aid kit Important documents like birth certificates and insurance policies Bottled water and ready-to-eat food that won’t go off. Pack a can opener if needed Spare keys to your home and car Spare glasses or contact lenses Toiletries and details of important medicines Pencil and paper, penknife, whistle Pet supplies

If you have to leave your home, and there’s time to gather them safely, you should also think about taking: ü ü ü ü ü ü

Essential medicines Mobile phone and charger Cash and credit cards Spare clothes and blankets Games, books, a child's special toy Pets For further advice on being prepared for emergencies see



Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club Affiliated to the Mountaineering Council of Scotland Web: Since the last report the members of The Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club have ranged far and wide with walks and social events. The first walk was from Aviemore to Linn of Dee by the Lairig Ghru. This is a high level mountain pass; it climbs to an altitude of 835 metres and crosses through the central Cairngorms, one of the wildest areas in the country, and is a true classic walk of approximately 20 miles. Fortunately the weather was good. Starting from Rothiemurchus the route climbed to the Pools of Dee where there were fine views of the high Cairngorms, Ben Macdui and Cairn Toul, and then descends past Corrour Bothy. From here the walkers followed the River Dee to White Bridge and then Linn of Dee. Another group climbed the Corbett, Meall a’ Bhuchaille and continued past Ryvoan Bothy to Nethy Bridge. The next walk started from Ardvorlich, Loch Earn, with one group tackling the Corbett, Meall na Fearna while most of the party climbed Ben Vorlich (See Photo). Although overcast and windy on the tops fine views were obtained lower down. The Club Autumn Weekend was based in Keswick and in fine weather on the Saturday Blencathra was climbed by three routes, one of which was the airy scramble of Sharp Edge. The descents also varied in excitement but all managed down safely to join in a communal meal in The Bar Metro. The Sunday saw one group climbing Skiddaw and descending along Longside Edge for a tea stop at the Ravenstone Hotel. Others took a launch to the end of Lake Lodore to return to Keswick via Cats Bells, and a third party headed to the five Wainrights round Stickle Tarn. The Club enjoyed an excellent “Members’ Photos” night visiting Jura, Chamonix, Orkney and Switzerland as well as seeing pictures of the year’s activities and choosing photos for the Club Calendar. Most recently the Club visited Glen Clova and while one group climbed Mayar


others made use of the extensive forest paths. If you would like to learn more about the Club please visit our web site ( Hillwalking is an excellent way to enjoy the magnificent scenery and wildlife of Scotland and to experience the variety of weather while at the same time becoming fitter! Why not head for the hills with our friendly members and give it a go? The membership covers a wide range of ages and abilities and the variety of destinations and activities reflects this. Our meets cover everything from low level glen walks and coastal walks to scrambling on the Munro ridges and snow gully climbing in winter. Each meet has a variety of suggested walks of different lengths and difficulties to suit all abilities. Prospective members can attend two meets before deciding to join. Visitors will always be welcome at social events and club nights. To register for a meet or for information visit the website: or phone Bruce Henderson (01334 870866). The programme up to the end of the year is: 22 Nov 13 Dec 10 Jan 22 Jan 31 Jan 21 Feb 13 Mar

8.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 7.30 pm 9.00 am 8.00 am 8.00 am

Glen Lednock – Ben Chonzie Christmas Walk to Moulin East Glendevon Quiz Night – Royal Hotel Coastal Walk - Tayside Glen Callater Ben Lawers (cars)

Photo: The summit of Ben Vorlich

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

Blairgowrie Rams Junior Rugby Club Not surprisingly and no doubt helped by our Scotland National Rugby team success at the World Cup, the number of local lads & lasses joining in the play with the Blairgowrie Rams Junior Rugby Club have grown substantially this season. Since promoting our regular Sunday training sessions, more local kids are taking part in this fun and safe sporting activity from 11am onwards. They are being coached by local rugby enthusiasts, many of them parents, who are giving up their Sunday morning to help the boys and girls understand and enjoy the game.

November 2015 simply swap shirts and play in the other teams strip, thus ensuring that they always get a game. The kids really enjoy this as it is another great way of making new friends. We offer training for all ages, P1 to P6 are the Micros and the Minis, P7 to S2 are the Juniors and then it’s the Under 16’s so why not come along and give it a “TRY”? You are pretty well guaranteed to have a good time. Just turn up at the JJ Coupar rugby ground any Sunday morning at 11am and you will be made very welcome or email our Club Secretary farah@adams-law. for more information.

So far, the Rams have had several, home and away matches where they have proved more than a match for competing teams from, Perth, Dundee, Angus and Crieff. These are very social and fun events and the hosting venue will always put on a good spread of hot drinks, hot food and home baking. If any of the visiting teams find they are short of numbers then no problem! They

Blairgowrie Parish Church Guild

have a look at our website.

Are you free on a Monday afternoon or evening? If so, may I invite you to consider joining us? We meet fortnightly in the church hall on alternate Monday afternoons at 2pm and evenings at 7.30pm.

You may like to become a member and that would be super, or you may just want to come to an occasional meeting. Whichever, you can be assured of a warm welcome. Oh and by the way, we also welcome the less fair sex… so no excuses gentlemen!May I also on behalf of the Guild, wish you a Happy Christmas & a Peaceful New Year.

So, what’s involved? Well, you will be welcomed as part of a group of ladies who get together under the auspices of the Guild, who enjoy each other’s company, share fellowship and hospitality, with a variety of guest speakers. And the odd surprise thrown in for free! You will learn of all the good works the Guild is involved in, including the national and international projects and charities we support. Sounds good? You may also like to come along to, or help, at our Coffee Mornings or our Daffodil Tea, spread throughout the Guild year. And to see what’s on in our Guild year just


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

David Scott (Blairgowrie) Ltd FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MONUMENTAL AGENTS 65 HIGH STREET, BLAIRGOWRIE PERTHSHIRE, PH10 6DF Telephone (01250) 876400 Fax (01250) 870064 email: Also at 7 Toutie Street, Alyth, PH11 8BP Tel: (01828) 633433 CANINE CUTS DOG GROOMING AND MICROCHIPPING Wishes all customers a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year All ages and breeds welcome Hand stripping, clipping, scissoring, bathing, nail trim, etc 3 High Street, Rattray, Blairgowrie

01250 872040 15% discount with this advert


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Pete Wishart MSP

to everyone it directly employs and this next step would be a positive signal of the Council’s commitment to its workforce.

I am happy to report that John Swinney and I are settling in to our new North Perthshire office in Blairgowrie. We recently moved from the office in Blairgowrie that John had had since 1997, which I shared when I was first elected in 2001. We are now based in Leslie Street, which is closer to the centre of town and being on one level is more convenient for members of the public. Thanks to constituents for bearing with us during the move.

It is important that we remember the distinction between the Living Wage that these accredited employers pay – and the bumped up minimum wage that the Westminster Government is bringing in under the title of a ‘national living wage’.

I was pleased to welcome the recent announcement by Perth & Kinross Council that the last meeting of the full council unanimously agreed plans for the council to become a Living Wage Accredited employer.

By 2020, current predictions suggest that the Living Wage will be around £10.75 an hour while the UK’s ‘national living wage’ will only be around £9.35 which will fail to cover the impact welfare cuts will have on the lowest income families.

It was good to hear that the council is moving forward with plans to become a Living Wage Accredited employer, joining other major local employers such as Aviva and SSE.

If any constituents need to contact me, I can be reached at 17-19 Leslie Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AH, on 01250 876 576 or at

The council already pays at least the Living Wage


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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

THE DOME CAFÉ/RESTURANT 1905 - 2015 Did you know that the Dome in Leslie Street, Blairgowrie, is the oldest Café in Perthshire’s largest town? Fortunato Visocchi (otherwise known as Frank) first opened its doors downstairs, across from the Wellmeadow, during 1905. Mr. Visocchi had come over to Scotland some 12 years earlier from Atina in the province of Frosinone, Italy.

not only to the last 20 years of the Dome, but also of Stuarts journey towards becoming owner back in 1995, a quite fascinating read.

During the 20’s he also purchased the upper part of the building and the Italian themed café, as we know it today, was born. Mr Visocchi’s son, also Fortunato but known as Fortune, worked alongside his Dad initially, then ran the Dome up until his retirement in 1971. At this point the business was sold to his nephew Henry Quinn. Initially he ran it himself, then two very different short term tenants were involved with a period of closure in between.

In conversation with Stuart he said that the whole thing had been a dream fulfilled, also a prayer answered, and quite impossible without God’s constant help. Who knows what the future holds for the Dome as it is currently up for lease. I only hope that it continues to be the Italian themed café we know and love, which has a special place in the heart of Blairgowrie.

Now, in 2015, many of the original features still remain, the wonderful domed ceiling, wooden seats and exterior walled Terrazzo. Mr Visocchi had imported the latter from Italy back in the 1920’s. The café, a “B” listed building, is unique in so many ways. During a recent conversation with the present owner, Stuart Wishart, who has owned the Dome since 1995, he said “it has been a real privilege” to be custodian/ guardian of such an iconic building which is very much part of Blairgowrie’s heritage. Stuart, along with his wife Jackie and their staff take great pride in the Dome with its colourful décor.

The book “A Drop in the Bucket” by Stuart Wishart is currently for sale in the One Voice Community Office with a small donation from each sale going towards the continuation of their work in the local community.

1 2

Liz McPhail

So many customers return again and again to enjoy the café menu, friendly atmosphere and unique setting. In fact there is one group of ladies who meet weekly and have been doing so since 2007.

MA (Hons), PGCE, Dip (SpLD) Author of WordBlaze


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Having recently read Stuart’s book, “A drop in the Bucket”, published in 2014, I was curious to meet and chat to him. The book, relates

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Aace Fabric & Foams

Come and visit our new shop @ 47 Allan St. Specialising in upholstery supplies & a wide range of fabrics & roll ends. Replacement foams in a choice of sizes. Individual items made to order eg headboards & footstools. and Facebook - Aace Fabric & Foams

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28/10/2015 11:52

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015


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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

John Swinney MSP


After a 19 year presence on Perth Street, Blairgowrie, the constituency office that I share with Pete Wishart MP has moved to Leslie Street. The office is centrally located within the town and the constituency service is provided on one single level.

I am delighted that record numbers of small business properties are benefitting from the Scottish Government’s Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS), according to new figures.

I welcome Perth & Kinross Council’s fundraising partnership with CHAS (the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland), to raise funds for Rachel House. This is a wonderful idea, which really gives local folk an incentive to increase their recycling of glass bottles and jars to benefit a really worthy local cause.

The statistics indicate that business rates for 4221 properties in Perth and Kinross have been reduced or completely removed by SBBS this year. Our small businesses are fundamental drivers in securing sustainable economic growth, which is why we are doing everything we can to support them by continuing to deliver the most competitive business tax environment in the UK.

The campaign period began at the start of October and runs for a whole year. Once the amount of glass collected at Council Recycling Centres and Recycling Points matches the amount collected the previous year, every extra jar or bottle recycled will mean a penny for Rachel House. I am sure that the people of Blairgowrie will really respond positively to this campaign and we will see a huge increase in the levels of glass recycling. You can find your nearest recycling centre or point at http://www.

Timebank News Blair and Rattray Timebank has started a craft group, called Crafty Folk, which meets on the last Thursday of each month at the Wellmeadow café in the SCYD building, Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, from 2-3.30pm. If you’re interested in craft – whatever it may be – come along and bring anything you’re working on, whether it be knitting or woodcarving or papermaking or whatever. It’s an opportunity to meet others, have a bit of a blether and a laugh over a cuppa and maybe learn – or pass on – new skills. We’ve had two sessions so far and it’s proving to be really popular. We will review how it has gone after Christmas and if there is a continuing demand we’ll possibly run it more frequently. Timebanking is good for your health.


As a government we are committed to continuing to support our small and medium sized businesses that are so integral to the success of the economy. That is why we have pledged to retain the SBBS for the duration of the next parliament if re-elected. Please contact me at 17-19 Leslie Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AH, on 01250 876 576 or at

involved in your community and making new friendships and connections is proven to help improve your health and wellbeing. Blair and Rattray Timebank now has 39 members and has exchanged 488 hours since its birth almost 2 years ago and we’re delighted with this, but we know that we could be of benefit to so many more people in the community. Get in touch or come along to one of our drop ins and find out more about what we do and what we can offer you. You’ll find us at SCYD, Wellmeadow House on the second Friday of every month from 1011.30am, and at Community Connect at Rattray on the last Friday also from 10 - 11.30am. You’ll be made very welcome. Contact us at: and 07761233418


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

BRAN – Blairgowrie & Rattray Access Network BRAN officially met for the first time in January 2015. First suggested and then led by Bob Ellis, its formation was prompted by the need to have a contingency plan in place should Perth and Kinross Council have succeeded in its stated intention to permanently close Oakbank Road. BRAN, as a properly constituted and independent body, would have been in a position to take over the lease and maintenance of the land that included the land slip area. This would have been one possible way to have allowed public access to the much used and beloved footpath. Our first meeting was advertised in advance and was very well attended, yet another public endorsement of the community efforts to maintain access along Oakbank Road as well as support for a group that would work to keep the local network of footpaths in good condition. The town is surrounded by a good number of attractive routes, most of which are designated as Core Paths. Many of these have been linked to create the well known named paths such as the Ardblair Trail and River Erich Path. Restrictions to local authority budgets have resulted in severe cut backs to non essential services such as footpath maintenance. Whilst some routine grass cutting will still be funded, the majority of the work now falls on voluntary groups such as BRAN. We have already been influential in the timing of some of the contracted grass cutting work along one of our major paths. Since the announcement in June when PKC confirmed that it would, after all, re-open Oakbank Road after carrying out certain safety work and replacement of the Cuttle Burn culvert, BRAN has been concentrating on some early maintenance work and preparing itself for the more serious work load ahead. Whilst the group has offered to assist the Council with some maintenance work along Oakbank Road it would no longer need to consider managing the area. BRAN has a membership of around 30 and has met on a monthly basis since the first gathering in

January. There is tremendous enthusiasm amongst the group to ‘get stuck in’ to the various tasks but this has had to be tempered by the need to recognise our responsibilities to both landowners, the general public and to our members. We have recently had confirmation that PKC will provide the required insurance cover and the necessary training and certification to allow a number of the group to use equipment such as strimmers and brush cutters. The group has received the necessary funding to buy hand tools and is working to find suitable storage facilities etc. We expect to be equipped, insured and ready for action within the month of November. Other similar groups within our part of Perthshire have either formed or are in the process of forming and we expect to collaborate with them. We also have a natural interest in the Cateran Trail and will be on call to help when required. To date various working parties have undertaken litter picks along Welton Road and the river bank (now sadly littered again in a few short months) and cut back overhead vegetation along the Gallowbank and River Ericht paths. All the core paths in our area have been surveyed and the necessary remedial work assessed and noted for future attention. The local Ramblers group have already offered much appreciated assistance and we would encourage anyone with an interest in the outdoors and our path network to get in touch. We have our own Facebook page https://www. which is regularly updated and well worth a visit. We have received regular support and assistance from the PKC Greenspace Team for which we have been very grateful as well as from the PKC Environment Service at Friarton. Thank you all. Ian Richards, BRAN Secretary


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine Blairgowrie & District Next Steps (aka ‘BaDNS) are a Paths for All Health Walking Group and offer 4 Grades of walk every week Very easy – slow paced up to 2 miles on a Wednesday morning Easy – faster paced up to 4 miles on a Wednesday morning Moderate – and mainly path based on Thursdays Strenuous – ‘anything’ goes on Tuesdays The Easy walks require no special equipment, just turn up with good walking boots/shoes and waterproofs at Blairgowrie Town Hall 09:15 for 09:30 departure. Return is typically between 11:30 and 12:00. Cost is currently £4 per trip which helps towards the hire of the Townhall, refreshments and the cost of the Stagecoach Bus. The Moderate and Strenuous walks involve a £25 yearly subscription and £5 per trip. These are limited to available seats on a minibus. Meet at the Wellmeadow Car Park 09:15 for 09:30 departure. These are all day walks and return times vary depending on where we go, usually back by 17:00. The Moderate and Strenuous walks require full hill walking equipment. Before

November 2015 joining the Moderate and Strenuous Walks you need to attend a Wednesday Walk. Our walkers come from all over East Perthshire and are a great opportunity to find out what’s going on in the community. Our walks are supervised by fully qualified walk leaders and first aiders. Wednesday walks coming up: 25th November

Blackcraig - Bridge of Cally (Cateran Trail)

2nd December

Backmuir Wood

9th December

Northballo Hill

16th December

Meikleour Woods

BaDNS are running a pop up Charity Shop in the former Mitchell’s Newsagents on Blairgowrie High Street during the week commencing 23rd November - 28th November and all offers of help greatly appreciated. It will also be a great opportunity for people to have a clear out in the run up to Christmas. For further information please contact Sue. Further details of all the walks can be found at, or alternatively telephone Nick or Sue on 01828 640763


by Margaret Drummond a poem for children What do you want for Christmas? Have you made up your mind? Or are you still deciding About toys of every kind? Will yours just fill a corner Of Santa’s bulging sack, Or need serious sleigh space On his ‘special delivery’ rack? Have you sent Santa a letter, Maybe e-mailed him too, Or pushed it up the chimney The way children used to do? But as you get near to Christmas And dream of some real cool toys, Please think of what you can do to help The world’s poorer girls and boys.


PHONE 01250 875555 • 38

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

Lyric Choir Carol Concert.

November 2015 will be served in the hall after the concert.

Blairgowrie Lyric Choir will hold its annual carol concert in St Catharine’s Church, George Street on Saturday 12th December at 7pm.

Tickets are £5 per adult with no charge for children. Tickets can be bought from any choir member or by contacting Janet Coyle (janetscoyle@

The choir will sing some of their favourites such as Rutter’s Candlelight Carol and Colours of Christmas as well as some more traditional carols.

Blairgowrie High School on Tuesday evenings at 7.15pm8.45pm.

Proceeds from this concert will be used to help finance the cost of hosting our Swedish partners, Kantuskoren from Stockholm, who will be coming over to Blairgowrie next May to perform with the Lyric Choir in two concerts. Look out for further information on this in the next edition of Discover Blairgowrie.

The programme will be augmented by recitations from local actor, George Anton, and by musical items from Pete Lloyd and his jazz friends. The evening aims to be informal and enjoyable with opportunities for all to sing well-loved carols.

New members are always welcome to join the choir which meets in Room A3 of

Christmas fare, tea and coffee

Christmas Carol Concert Blairgowrie Lyric Choir with

George Anton &

Pete Lloyd & friends

St Catharine’s Church Saturday 12th December 7pm. Tickets £5

includes refreshments

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We will provide you with a comprehensive proactive accounting, taxation advice and support service to meet your individual needs. SERVICES AVAILABLE • • • • • • • • • •

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Gillespie Inverarity & Co. Limited Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants and Business Advisers “Accounting for your future not your past.” As your trusted adviser we are members of your team, focused on your results and your future. We will show you how to succeed not just how to do your accounts. “Looking forward not back in creating and protecting your wealth” Contact us today! 1st meeting free! 33 Leslie Street Blairgowrie PH10 6AW 01250870718

over the festive period, please let us know. As we all start to think about hunkering down for the winter, Blairgowrie & East Perthshire Tourist Association is already looking at marketing the area for next year. At the end of October, we held a seminar for Outdoor Activity Providers in the area, with a view to bringing together the tremendous amount of expertise which they have. Marketing and collaborative working ideas were discussed, and many contacts were forged. We are hoping to organise some steering groups to look at taking ideas forward. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact us. We also hope to be able to bring together a programme of all the Christmas Events taking place over East Perthshire this year, but this will depend on information on events and activities being passed to us - so if your business or organisation is planning anything

We are already planning for our attendance at VisitScotland Expo 2016, in April in Edinburgh. This is Scotland’s flagship event for the travel trade, and the only one in the UK which exclusively promotes Scotland. We continue to market the area as always, which includes placing our Area Brochures in branches of VisitScotland throughout Scotland and the north of England. We have produced car window stickers for both locals and visitors to display, and placed adverts in publications such as Scottish Field, as well as more locally in the Courier and in the Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games brochure. We have quite a few other things in the pipeline too, so watch this space! Email:


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

WALKING HOLIDAYS IN EUROPE AND BEYOND by Pauline at Rosemount Travel based here in Blairgowrie We all love our walks around this area and I wanted to let you know about a range of super walking holidays around – it’s perhaps the best way to see a region ‘up close’. Why not try a self-guided walking holiday in Europe and beyond? The range is wide and varied, with something to suit you, whatever you’re looking for – Europe does, of course, encompass some magnificent mountain ranges and coastal regions, with plenty of idyllic scenery in between. As well as offering a wide choice for all abilities and all seasons, we also offer different walking ‘styles’: ​hotel-to-hotel walking​, ​centred walking​ from one or more bases, and ​discovery journeys​ combining walking and exploring with scenic journeys between hotels. We offer a ​grading system​ which will help you to choose the perfect walking route for your ability. ENJOY A CAREFREE WALKING HOLIDAY, AT YOUR OWN PACE. Each and every walking holiday in Europe – and those further afield in ​India​, ​Nepal​ and ​Morocco​ – has been meticulously researched. What’s more, we transport your luggage where necessary, leaving you to explore scenic footpaths at your own pace, not in a group but using our detailed notes to guide you (on walking holidays in Morocco, India and Nepal we provide your party with its ​own guide​ instead). Whichever holiday you choose, you will enjoy some of the best walking Europe, India, Nepal and Morocco have to offer. If you are looking for a great walking holiday - then all you need to do is get in touch with me here at Rosemount Travel on Telephone 01250 874627 or email : ​


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Nationally a report has been produced that calls on schools, colleges and employers to ensure that we are all working together to maximise the chances of young people ending up in employment, training or further education after school life. The report is called Developing the Young Workforce and can be read at http://www. .

We are very fortunate that many of our local businesses already engage with Blairgowrie High School in offering opportunities for our young people. We will soon be launching our Blairgowrie Partnership Programme which will enhance our existing partnerships and hopefully encourage new partnership arrangements. A bronze, silver or gold award will be awarded to recognise the level of partnership working and to hopefully use as a base to increase the level of commitment from local employers over the years.

For schools, the recommendations are as follows:

Being a school partner can bring many benefits to a company:

Senior Phase Vocational Pathways

The opportunity to influence the discussion on matching the development of skills to the needs of their company.

Improving workforce diversity, flow and staff retention.

Helping to “future-proof” their business bring in new ideas and new skills.

Pathways should start in the senior phase which lead to the delivery of industry recognised vocational qualifications alongside academic qualifications. These pathways should be developed and delivered in partnership with colleges and, where necessary, other training providers.

A modern standard should be established for the acceptable content and quality of work experience, and guidelines should be made available to employers.

Influencing schools to understand and embrace the world of work to produce better recruits and help employers understand what young people can offer.

A focus on preparing all young people for employment should form a core element of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence

Opportunities to identify future recruits.

Bringing adaptable and flexible young people into the workforce.

Greater cost-effectiveness due to lower recruitment costs and wages.

What does this mean in Blairgowrie High School? In addition to Maths and English and course choices all senior phase (S4 – S6) pupils will study Learning to Learn, Enterprise and Citizenship and Scotland’s Culture. A number of Wider Achievement and Vocational Education (WAVE) opportunities will be offered to all pupils, including the option of a year-long placement (2 hours a week). Many of these opportunities lead to an additional qualification. In partnership with Perth College, foundation apprenticeships will be offered over S5 and S6 (2 year courses) from 2016 onwards.


Blairgowrie has long had a tradition of working in partnership with many of our local businesses and it is from this strong base we are enhancing our partnerships to offer more opportunities to our young people. If you would like work with Blairgowrie High School to develop Scotland’s young work force and nurture our local talent then please get in touch with Monica Young Project Officer – Wider Achievement .

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015


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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

We Wish You All A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year For our younger readers, please colour in the shapes with dots to see who is hiding in the image!

SNIPPETS FROM 50 YEARS AGO (Nov. and Dec. 1965) During the first week in December the Railway Station closed, a sad day indeed. The very 1st train had run for the first time some 100 years earlier. That Xmas the Co-op was selling Turkeys starting at 9/-, boxes of Crackers 5/4p with Whisky at 48/6p and Sherry 8/3p.

The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe meets on the last Tuesday of the month in St Catharine’s Church Hall, George St, Blairgowrie, PH10 6EY, from 10am-12pm. This is a drop-in cafe where people living with dementia, their family and friends can come along to meet with others and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. There is also the opportunity to browse the information stands available or speak to staff from Health, Social Work or Alzheimer Scotland for information, support or advice. There are speakers arranged every 2nd month and free complementary therapies the other months. If you would like more information, please contact Fiona Matthews, Alzheimer Scotland


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

The Card Gallery

ne stop for all your computer and we ser ices

only Hallmark Gold Crown shop in Tayside “It’s the thought that counts” Exclusive ranges of Christmas/New Year cards and Money Wallets ManySteve titles Saunders including Gaelic Over 40 designs of 2016 Calendars Gift wrap, Gift Boxes/ tel:Christmas 01250 873014 Wrap,mob: Tags,07989 Luxury Crackers 533836 Rangeemail: of “The Broons” gifts Variety ofweb: small gifts: ‘The Kelpies’ ceramic wall plaques, Silk Scarves; Birthstone Hearts; Savings Pots; Yankee Candles; Christmas ‘flat’ Candles; Tea Light holders; large selection of chic Glass products Helium Balloons

Satisfaction guaranteed with a no fix, no pay policy            

PC repair Laptop repair PC running slow? Advice on all software Complete tune-up Computer set up & from only £45 installation Upgrades Custom PC design & build Network support PC system improvement Spyware removal Virus removal Wireless set up Tuition Steve Saunders tel: 01250 873014 mob: 07989 533836 email: web:

Open Sundays 11a.m. - 3p.m. Allan Street, Blairgowrie 01250 876444

Free pick up and return service

Little’s Restaurant Christmas menu served from December 9th Lunch


2 Courses £19.95 3 Courses £24.95

2 Courses £21.95 3 Courses £26.95



4 Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie, PH10 6ND 01250 875358 47

Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

HAPPY TO SERVE at our local Post Office (An interview with Mary Brown) 1. How long have you worked for the Post Office and what is your official title? It will be 22 years in February since I first started and I now hold the title of Manageress. 2. When did the service move into the Co-op building? 6 years ago this November. 3. When did the Post Office first open in Blairgowrie? During 1796, just across from where the Royal Hotel is. It was known as the Crown Office back then. From 1860 Old and New Rattray had their own Post Office. 4. How has the PO changed over the years? The biggest change came when Pensions and Child Benefit could be paid into personal Bank accounts. Also the introduction of our computer system was pretty daunting at first until we got used to it. Before then we did all our transaction manually on paper.

8. What other things would be useful to know? We see ourselves as a “one stop shop” open 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm. Out with these hours certain services are available in store at the checkout and this is available from 7 till 9am and 5.30 till 10pm. Again, just ask for more details on this. Our contact phone number is 01250 876034. The Hub Magazine wishes to thank Mary for taking time out to answer so many questions.

S & C Garden Services

5. What are your current staffing levels? There are 5 of us, a mix of full and part time. 6. What catchment area do you cover?

Professional and Reliable Grass Cutting and Lawn Care Service

As far afield as Spittalfield, Kirkmichael, Bridge of Cally, Alyth and Meigle. The reason for this is that the smaller PO’s offer a limited service.

Weed Control, Hedge Trimming, Tidy Ups, Fencing and Tree Work All Garden Work Undertaken

7. Do you have any hints and tips for us leading up to Xmas? Buy your Xmas stamps early, they go on sale 3rd Nov. Also, post early for Xmas, we have leaflets available on posting dates (2nd class by 19th Dec and 1st class by 21st Dec) and, in the interest of safety guidance, on the “Dangerous Goods Act” in relation to what you can or cannot send. Gift vouchers are also available.

Call Chris for a no obligation quote

07706 871477 or 01250 874385


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

BOOKMARK Brings the Best to Blairgowrie Locals and visitors to BOOKMARK 2015 were treated to a magical feast of books and book talk over another successful festival weekend. From Janice Galloway’s witty, sometimes poignant conversation about her new collection of short stories, ‘Jellyfish’ (now short-listed for the Saltire Fiction Prize) to Alex Gray’s fascinating insights into how she brings her Lorimer detective stories to life to Martin Bell’s knowledgeable and compelling analysis of ‘The End of Empire’, the programme served up a colourful and satisfying array of dishes. Audiences and authors alike commented on the friendly, well-organised event which gave the public the rare opportunity to meet and chat informally to some of their favourite authors.

Grace Woodcock, a pupil at The varied children’s programme offered plenty of fun and fresh the Kirmichael Primary and ideas for storytelling. Nick Hesketh wowed a packed audience of winner of her school’s entries keen young readers and writers who were fed great ideas as well as for BOOKMARK’s ‘design scrumptious food, courtesy of Cargill’s Bistro. Illustrator Kate Leiper a bookmark’ competition, showed her audience how to draw their own dragons. Maybe not shows off her prize, a signed quite up to her brilliant standard but they all had fun trying. True copy of ‘An Illustrated to form, Barry Hutchison had the children rolling in the aisles as he Treasury of Scottish Mythical introduced them to ‘Fiends, Bear-Things and the End of the World’! Creatures’ The wonderful Catherine MacPhail kept her audience spell-bound and eager for more as did son, David MacPhail, whose ‘Nicest Viking’ series offers hilarious stories accompanied by illustrations to match. Thanks to a blue-skied weekend, Bessie, the Play, Talk, Read bus took its storytelling helpers outdoors in the Wellmeadow to meet wee ones, their mums, dads and grandparents. Stories are a rich, universal heritage. May BOOKMARK continue to bring some of our best storytellers to Blairgowrie to share their own stories with us.

After giving his talk to a capacity audience, Martin Bell signs copies of ‘The End of Empire’ for his many fans.

Appointments Tel: 01250 884252

The Listening Tree Coaching & Counselling Katie Nicol 07922 278766 BACP registered counsellor



Back pain

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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

Europe Comes to Kinloch This October, 500 people from all over Europe descended on Kinloch near Blairgowrie to take part in the European Canicross Championships (ECF). The Championships were held on 10th and 11th October and attracted the cream of the Canicross crop, many of whom had already pre-qualified in their own countries. If you’ve never heard of Canicross, you aren’t alone! Canicross has existed for almost as long as people have run dogs for fun. Over the last few decades, it has developed into a sport in its own right. This is what happens - runners are attached to their dogs, of all breeds, by a sprung lead and a harness. The dog sets off, assisting the runner by pulling them along, as they try to keep pace. There is also a bike version called Bikejoring, which involves riding a bike with a dog pulling you at speeds of up to 26 mph. They even do a relay race! It all sounds pretty perilous, but I was assured by Mary and John Carter of Bowland Trails, who organised this exciting and prestigious event, that it is completely safe.

November 2015 The large marquee was decorated with national flags created by the pupils of Newtyle Primary School. Competitors, friends and families tucked into traditional Scottish fare of haggis, tatties and neeps and venison stew, accompanied, of course, by a wee dram. After dinner on Saturday there was a ceilidh, with visitors being taught the finer points of Scottish country dancing, putting a smile on everyone’s faces. The two days were a triumph for former World Champion and current Scottish Champion Mary Carter and her husband John. And the icing on the cake was when their sons George and Bob won silver and bronze in the 7 - 10 years category. After the event, everyone agreed that this was the best European Canicross Championships ever, and they couldn’t wait to come back to beautiful Scotland. Can you blame them? If you would like to find out more about Canicross, or husky racing, contact John and Mary Carter at

In this year’s championships there were 238 entries, the contestants ranging in age from 7 to 77. One of the stars of the show was Kim Mazzucca, twice World Champion, who won gold in the under 50’s class. There were 28 different classes competing over two trails, the 3.2 kms and the 5.4 kms. The event got off to a wonderful start with The Northern Lights, who put on a show which all present will remember for a very long time. Piper Harry McFadyen also helped to open and close the championships. A lone piper, as evening fell, in this most remote and beautiful of venues - it was a performance of haunting beauty. The weather was sunny and bright on the Saturday but, alas, it rained heavily on Sunday, making the course even more challenging. Not only did this make the course trickier, it also created long queues for the showers!


Discover Blairgowrie Magazine

November 2015

Cargill’s Restaurant and Bistro, Lower Mill Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6UD Call 01250 876735

Cargill’s Festive Menu 2015 Sweet Potato and Coriander Soup Crisp Coated Brie with Beetroot Relish and Salad Leaves Smoked Mackerel Pate topped with Prawns with Rouille and Crisp Bruschetta Navarin of Lamb, slow cooked shoulder of Lamb with White Wine, Tomato, Root Veg and Herbs, served with Mash and Green Beans Wild Mushroom and Asparagus sautéed with Goats Cheese and Pesto on a Rosti Potato Festive Turkey served traditionally Seared Salmon Supreme with a sauté of Potato, Red Pepper & Chorizo topped with a Scallop and Herbs Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce Eton Mess Cheesecake 3 Festive Cheeses with Crackers 2 courses £16.95 / 3 courses £19.95 ** Cargill’s Christmas Fundraiser for Guide Dogs 6th December, 12 – 5pm ** Arts, Crafts, Music, Gifts, Decorations, Food, Drink and more! Most people will have been aware that Rattray Art Festival took a smaller format this year by becoming part of Perthshire Open Studios which proved to be a success for the participants. Nearly £700 was donated to the Alyth Flood Victims Fund as a result. Now the season of goodwill is soon to be upon us, we are helping a new event in Blairgowrie at Cargill’s Bistro, a Christmas Fundraiser for Guide Dogs. There will be a great selection of arts, crafts, gifts, decorations, music, Christmas trees, food and drink on the forecourt and surrounds with a festive atmosphere for the beginning of Advent. All profit from this event will go towards Guide Dogs Scotland. Although free entry there will be a Raffle, Tombola and the stallholders are making a donation. For further details contact Lesley at Join in, wrap up warm and see you there on 6th December, 12-4pm!


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