Blairgowrie & Rattray
Hub Magazine
Summer 2015 Sponsored by Rosemount Travel
Your personal travel designer based in Blairgowrie minute interview
Coming Up:
with Bradley Neil
Braemar Day Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games BOOKMARK
In this edition: One Voice
Reminiscence Group
Community Sports Club
An American in Blairgowrie
The Blairgowrie Players
The Ericht Trust
Update from the Community Council
Discover Blairgowrie
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
01250 871 088 Perth Road, Blairgowrie, PH10 6QB
Proudly listed in The Michelin Eating Out in Pubs Guide 2015 Open 7 Days 10am - 9pm for coffee 12pm - 9pm for meals
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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Welcome to the Summer 2015 Magazine! We are delighted to bring you the Summer edition of the Discover Blairgowrie Hub Magazine, packed full once again of articles and information from lots of the community groups and organisations in the town giving information on what they have done and upcoming activities. We hope you find the information useful. We would like to thank the businesses who continue to support the magazine by taking out adverts and helping us get the latest information about the community to your door. Without them we could not bring this to you so please show your support for them and let them know you have seen their advert in the magazine. September and October are busy months for larger events. We’ll have just seen the launch of the Blairgowrie Berries and Cherries Tartan and are now looking forward to Braemar Day, the Highland Games and this year’s BOOKMARK Festival all of which feature in full page adverts in the magazine at no cost to their budgets. It is this ability to bring community activities to you that makes this magazine all the more worthwhile. We value your support and appreciate comments and suggestions on the magazine so please feel free to let us know what you think - the magazine is created by the community for the community! If you would like to include your community club/organisation’s information, please pop into the One Voice office on Upper Mill Street or email: Advertising Prices Inside front/back Full page colour Full page B/W 1/2 page colour 1/2 page B/W 1/4 page colour 1/4 page B/W 1/8 page colour 1/8 page B/W
per issue @ £138, 2 or more @ £124 per issue, annual @ £117 per issue per issue @ £120, 2 or more @ £108 per issue, annual @ £102 per issue per issue @ £78, 2 or more @ £70 per issue, annual @ £66 per issue per issue @ £66, 2 or more @ £59 per issue, annual @ £56 per issue per issue @ £40, 2 or more @ £36 per issue, annual @ £34 per issue per issue @ £33, 2 or more @ £30 per issue, annual @ £28 per issue per issue @ £27, 2 or more @ £24per issue, annual @ £23 per issue per issue @ £20, 2 or more @ £18 per issue, annual @ £17 per issue per issue @ £15, 2 or more @ £14 per issue, annual @ £13 per issue
Magazine Created by: Graphite Web Solutions, 11 Brown Street, Blairgowrie (0800 988 5521), Printed via: The Copy Shop, 18 Reform Street, Blairgowrie (01250 873 591) Thank you to all One Voice Volunteers for article/advertisement collection and magazine delivery: One Voice Volunteer Group, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie (01250 871 120) Magazine articles are the responsibility of the article owner, The Hub Magazine accepts no responsibility for the content.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
What’s On Calendar for Blairgowrie & Rattray This is taken directly from Discover Blairgowrie website September: 1st Sep 2nd Sep 5th Sep 5th to 12th Sep 10th Sep 11th Sep 12th Sep 14 - 19 Sep 16th Sep 18th Sep 21st Sep 25th Sep 26th Sep 27th Sep - 3 Oct 29th Sep 30th Sep October: 2nd - 3rd Oct 6th Oct 7th Oct 8th Oct 9th Oct 11 Oct 19 Oct 19th - 25th Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct November: 1st Nov 3rd Nov 4th Nov 12th Nov 16th Nov
Buddies @ Blair MS Society 10.30am - 12 noon Cargill’s Bistro Blethers Group 10am - 12pm The Royal Hotel Citizens Advice Bureau 10am - 12pm SCYD, Wellmeadow House Trefoil Guild 7.30pm - St Catharine’s Centre Braemar Day 1pm - 9pm The Wellmeadow Perthshire Open Studios Orange Route An Echo of the Guns - History Trust Talk 7.30pm The Royal Hotel Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council Meeting 7pm Rattray Connect Blairgowrie & East Perthshire Walking Festival Blairgowrie Players - Murder Mystery “Over My Dead Body” 7pm Town Hall Sketching Wildlife 3pm - 4.30pm Straloch Garden Studio Blair in Bloom Charity Shop, JJ Howes Citizens Advice Bureau 10am - 12pm SCYD, Wellmeadow House Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club - Lake District Weekend Ericht Scottish Country Dance Class Dance 7.30pm Blairgowrie Town Hall Rattray SWI Sep Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Harvest Dance 7.30pm Eassie Hall Blairgowrie Community Market 10am - 3pm Wellmeadow Blairgowrie Players - Charity Shop Daily 9 - 5 J&J Howe’s Charity Shop Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe 10am-12pm St Catharine’s Centre Civic Trust 7.30pm Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie BOOKMARK Main Festival See programme for times. Various locations. Buddies @ Blair MS Society 10.30am - 12 noon Cargill’s Bistro Blethers Group 10am - 12pm The Royal Hotel Citizens Advice Bureau 10am - 12pm SCYD, Wellmeadow House Trefoil Guild - Rainbows Entertaining, 7pm St Catharines Centre Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council Meeting 7pm ARC, Jessie Street Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club, Slide Show 7.30pm The Royal Hotel Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club Walk 8am Dreish and Mayar Walks Rattray SWI Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road One Voice Volunteer group Charity Shop, J&J Howes Citizens Advice Bureau 10am - 12pm SCYD, Wellmeadow House Blairgowrie & Rattray Forum Mtg 5.30pm The Royal Hotel Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe 10am-12pm St Catharine’s Centre Civic Trust Meeting 7.30pm Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club November Walk 8am Ochil Hills Walks Buddies @ Blair MS Society 10.30am - 12 noon Cargill’s Bistro Blethers Group 10am - 12pm The Royal Hotel Trefoil Guild - Giraffe Café - James Alexander 7.30pm - St Catharine’s Centre Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council Meeting 7pm ARC, Jessie Street Rattray SWI Nov Mtg 7/7.15pm Rattray Hall, Balmoral Road
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015 Volunteering in the One Voice Office and Booklore
As has been written before, One Voice Volunteer Group Association relies solely upon volunteers to run the Community Office and Booklore on Upper Mill Street. Sales of books from Booklore pay (or should pay) for the outgoings attached to the running of a shop/office. The office is there to enable communication within the Community of Blairgowrie and Rattray.
The Daily Routine: Most volunteers work in pairs, doing one shift a week in a week of ten shifts: Ten till one and one till four, Tuesday to Saturday. Some work alone, some do a whole day, dependent upon personal choice and volunteer availability. Those who do the morning shift open up the shop, put out the advertising boards and make sure that the shop is ready to receive customers. Book shelves are checked for spaces and topped up with cleaned, checked and priced books from the store. Shelves may be dusted and the floor hoovered as required. The Daily Diary is checked for information and messages and the names of the volunteers put in the daily cash book which records all sales. The window is checked for out of date posters. Outdated ones are put in a folder for the History Trust. Customers may come in to browse or purchase books or people come in to ask for information, ask directions, or just for a chat.
Books: There may be donations of books to be checked in the store. These are put into categories and put in the appropriate place in the store for later checking and cleaning before being put out for sale. Books are stored in boxes according to the subject matter i.e. History, Gardening and all fiction and crime fiction are stored in boxes according to type (hardback or paper-back) and author’s name, alphabetically. Books not deemed fit for sale are packed into boxes and when sufficient have accumulated are sent to Book Donors for re-cycling or, if they are books with an educational content, put on one side to be sent to Malawi. Books which may be old or of specific interest are put aside to be valued and may be put in the ‘Collector’s Corner’ area of the book-shop. There may be sales of books from the selection we have of new books by local authors who, kindly, give us a donation from each sale.
Office: There may be emails to check (if you like electronic gizmos!). Posters or notices to compose if that is your bent. There may be people to telephone, to notify if books which they have requested are now available; this is a very satisfying part of the ‘job’, that and helping a customer to find what they are looking for, be it information, books, a glance at the catalogue of photographs which we have for sale, or a look at the ‘Berry Exhibition’ which occupies the area to the side of the office. This exhibition is on behalf of The History Trust. Posters (A5 please!) may be handed in to be put in the window and the You are Here signs at the Wellmeadow, the Bus Stance and at Rattray. Uually, we only accept posters which are for fundraising for local charities or advertising events for local groups, non-religious and non-political in essence. This is a job that a volunteer does regularly, to make sure that the sign boards are up to date.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Meetings are held in the Office area frequently. Communication after all is what we are all about. At the moment we have, in the office, a petition of support for the proposed purchase and development of The Hill Primary School by The Ericht Trust, to be signed by Blairgowrie residents. This petition (there are copies in many shops and offices within Blairgowrie) and notes of support will be presented to Perth and Kinross Council in due course. Quarterly, in February, May, August and November, the latest edition of the Hub Magazine arrives, all 4,000 plus copies, to be sorted into lots for more than 30 volunteers to deliver around Blairgowrie and Rattray. Our Treasurer is always busy, especially now we are more involved with the financial demands of running the Magazine and the Discover Blairgowrie website. Anyone who is interested in this aspect of One Voice’s daily routine especially would be welcome to join us.
Time to go home: At the end of a day the sales boards are brought in, computers checked to make sure that they are switched off, till locked, lights and heaters off, door locked and home. Days are varied and any two are never the same. If you like the idea of a stimulating and interesting volunteering ‘job’ be it in the shop helping customers, rummaging through books in the store or helping with technological ‘stuff ’, why not give One Voice a try and help to promote our community?
Contact details: One Voice Office and Booklore, 13 Upper Mill Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6AG. Tel: 01250 871120 or find us at
Granny Pat’s Blackberry and Apple Bread and Butter Pudding. You will need: 4 slices of brioche 2 large eggs 300ml semi-skimmed milk 1 medium dessert apple Pinch of cinnamon Softened butter
200ml double cream 4 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 large handful blackberries Freshly grated nutmeg 750ml dish
Spread the brioche thinly with the butter. Cut in half, into triangles and use to line the base of the dish. Whisk the eggs, sugar, milk and double cream and cinnamon together. Peel and dice the dessert apple. Scatter the diced apple and blackberries over, under and between the brioche slices. Use a sieve to strain the egg mixture over the brioche and fruit and grate nutmeg to taste over the top. Place the dish in a baking tin with sides high enough to let you fill with boiling water to come half-way up the dish. Bake in a 160 degree fan oven until browned on top and still with a wobble. The apple will still have some crunch. If you prefer a softer texture use a small Bramley apple instead.This will serve 2 greedy people or 4 of lesser appetite! Variations can include apricot and blobs of marmalade, raspberries instead of blackberries or the usual mixed fruit, and grated lemon rind.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015 The Lyric Choir
Blairgowrie Lyric Choir was formed in September 1959 by Mr William Grant of Dunkeld Road. At that time Rev Bill Henney, minister of Rattray Church, was the conductor and his wife Mrs Margo Henney the accompanist. The choir has had several very able conductors since that time and has met in various different venues, including sitting rooms, but for many years in the Methodist Church Hall. Our new venue is a room in the Rattray Community Connect, attached to Rattray School. Starting time is 7.15pm and we sing for an hour and a half. Lizzie Lloyd, our conductor, puts us through our paces and is ably accompanied by Kathleen Campbell our pianist. Since 2012 the Lyric has been an all ladies choir. Most pieces are sung in three parts - first and second soprano and alto. We perform a wide repertoire of musical styles ranging from the classics to modern popular songs. This coming session will be an exciting one for the choir as we are to be linked with Kantuskoren from Stockholm in Sweden. Around 20 of their choir members and some family and friends will visit Blairgowrie over three days in May 2016. During that time we aim to hold two concerts, one in Blairgowrie Town Hall and the second in Alyth Parish Church. Each choir will perform works it has practised separately and the choirs will also combine to sing pieces which both have practised in their own countries. If you can sing in tune, are interested in enjoyable musical challenges and would like to join, you will be made very welcome. No auditions are held but the ability to read music, although not necessary, is of course a bonus. We may have to learn a little Swedish as well!! For further information please contact Janet Coyle on 01250872682
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
THE REMINISCENCE GROUP - CAN IT BE 10 YEARS? A chance advertisement in the window of the Blairgowrie Advertiser in Leslie Street in 2005 was the start of this interesting group in Blairgowrie. That office is now closed, but back then the request in the advert for volunteers to run a Reminiscence group for blind and partially sighted people was answered by some half dozen members of the Blairgowrie & Rattray community. A member of staff, Josie, from the Perth & Kinross Society for the Blind (PKSB) talking with one of her clients from our local area, had discussed feelings of isolation that can be experienced by a person when they became registered blind. Their conversation prompted Josie to consult with the PKSB as to whether a smaller group could be launched in Blairgowrie which could be more easily accessed rather than transporting people to the Society in Perth. Volunteers were then asked to phone Josie at the PKSB if they were interested in helping to take this idea forward. A meeting was duly arranged in Blairgowrie to enable her to explain the rationale and a possible way forward for this new development. The amazing discovery was that some of the volunteers knew one another although others were strangers. Between them there was a wide diversity of ages and experiences – in other words, a very rich human resource, with differing expectations of what the group might achieve. Premises were identified in the hall of Blairgowrie Parish Church, although it was clearly understood that the group had no connection with any Church. The hall was seen as a suitable space that could be rented monthly for a couple of hours. There was also a kitchen where the welcoming cups of tea and coffee could be prepared (always a plus point). Josie the PKSB worker then contacted all those registered with them in our local area who she thought would be interested in this proposed fellowship. Visual prompts such as photographs or newspaper cuttings would possibly not be as appropriate but the opportunity to reminisce verbally about their lives would.
At the first meeting, Josie introduced the 10 volunteers to the 10 Visually Impaired People (VIPs) and set the guidelines in a very sensitive manner. She explained that everybody had to take responsibility for how much of their lives they felt they wanted to share and that confidentiality was paramount. Hopes and aspirations were noted, as well as the most convenient time to conduct the regular meetings. VIPs were predominantly women, but there were also a few men interested in joining. Over the years, the membership has changed as is the case with most groups, e.g. through bereavement or through VIPs and volunteers moving away from the town. Now, in 2015 the remarkable thing about this group is the way it has grown organically. Volunteers who enjoy contact with this indomitable group of individuals recruit like-minded people. They all have different talents and memories which enable all to relate well. The VIPs in turn, tell their friends, some of whom may have recently had the devastating news that their eyesight has deteriorated. The fact that such a group exists could perhaps be the life line that could help in some way. Volunteers meet every 6 months to evaluate how the previous 6 months have been, and to draw up a varied programme for the next 6 months. Becky, the PKSB staff member who has now replaced Josie, always attends those meetings to keep the volunteers aware of legislation and changes within the Society, which is now, renamed VisionPK. The programme can consist of:• A light hearted Quiz • A competition, for example to distinguish smells and touch , e.g.varied kitchen objects/ spices, alcoholic beverages. • A Memory Box from the Perth Museum • A visit from Books Aloud, (provided by the AK Bell Library) as a memory aid to different eras, such as music, skipping rope rhymes, gas
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015 masks, radio programmes, playground games, and WW2. • ‘Music in Hospitals’ usually provide entertainment from time to time with perhaps a singer/ guitar player, • An annual summer outing (this year we had lunch at Glendoick Garden Centre, which proved a great success). There are now 12 volunteers and each month a named volunteer will contact the 20 VIPs to note if they are able to attend the next meeting. Once the names and addresses are noted the Freedom Coach is used to transport each member to and from their home. The volunteer also ensures front doors are safely locked and everyone comfortably seated ready for their morning out. Back at the venue the others involved are busy preparing for the VIPs arrival.
time with such remarkable people from totally different backgrounds can in some instances give purpose to a volunteer’s life. Group members come from a variety of backgrounds, e.g. Armed Forces, in service at a Big House, being a porter in the Coupar Angus Railway station and being a leader in the local Cub group for 40 years. Far from feeling depressed and sad at the loss of one of their vital senses, the spirit of fun and acceptance displayed by the VIPs humbles all the volunteers. They feel truly privileged that they took the opportunity to answer that advertisement in the ‘Blairie’ window ten years ago! Rental of the hall and payment for the Freedom Coach is covered by VisionPK who rely on fund raising for much of their work. Because of this, both the VIPs and the volunteers participate in an annual fund raising Coffee morning and raffle.
This ten year association has resulted in a family feeling within the group where all involved look forward to meeting up once monthly. Spending
Moira Somerville.(Names and occupations have been altered to maintain privacy for all.)
Perth Citizens Advice Bureau: Benefits Advice in Libraries (BAIL): Benefits specialist Sarah MacLean is running a series of one to one benefit advice sessions at Blairgowrie Library, 46A Leslie Street Blairgowrie. Sarah can: • Run benefit entitlement checks • assist with completing applications (including online applications) • Provide advice can guidance on challenging sanctions • Provide advice and guidance in instances where applications have either been unsuccessful or awarded at a lower rate than expected. • Sarah also seeks to maximise client income by ensuring that they are aware of all forms of support to which they may be entitled, i.e. discounts for heating. This service is by appointment only: To make an appointment please call 01738 450599. In keeping with the principles of CAB, all advice provided by Outreach services is free, confidential, impartial, independent and empowering. Limited company registered in Scotland; registered office 7 Atholl Crescent, Perth, PH1 5NG. Registration number 153915; charity number SC003259
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Now I’m about to go to a school that’s at least double the size of that. I’m still scared.
by Abbi Down (grand-daughter of Margaret & Alisdair Drummond) My name’s Abbi Down and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I’m 14 years old and I’ve been coming to Blairgowrie since I was really little to visit my grandparents. I’ve always imagined it as some perfect place where I could go and everything would be right. That’s probably because my Gran showered me with sweeties, but never mind. I’ve made a lot of memories here. I remember when my brother Lewis and I were little, my Grandad would walk us to the corner shop every morning before Mum and Dad woke up and he would buy us a little paper bag of pick and mix. A distinct memory I have was of one day when we went across the street to walk the neighbor’s dog. When we came back to return her, the woman gave us a rainbow ice lolly, so my brother and I went back across the street and sat on the little deck at the back of Gran and Grandad’s garden. We ate the ice lollies and then played a game where we jumped off the edge of the deck and onto the grass; we gradually started jumping over bigger things like flowers and plant pots until it got too scary and we were afraid we would fall. Every time I come to stay, I sleep in my Mum’s old room. There’s a single bed, a desk on one wall, and on the other wall is a window where you can clearly see the high school. I remember looking out that window when I was younger and thinking how scary it would be to go to a big school like that.
Scotland is different from America in a lot of ways. When you come to Scotland, you can drive ten minutes up the road and be in a different town altogether. In America, or in Arizona at least, you can drive for hours and hours without seeing anything except wilderness. Part of the charm of coming here is that you can learn your way around in a week, and it’s very possible to walk the entire length of the town. I’ve lived in Tucson my whole life and I still don’t know my way around. Because it’s a small town, it seems like everyone knows everyone in Blair. I walk into a store and my Gran knows the shopkeeper, and when we walk down the street at least five people know Grandad. The weather is also a big change when I come here, which I’m sure you’d expect. One of the reasons we come here in the summer is because it can get REALLY hot in Arizona. One of my friends said that it was 113° F the other day, which is about 45° C. At least it rains here. Blairgowrie will always hold a place in my heart not only because I have family here, but because of all the memories I have created here both with and without them. It really is a special place, and community, that you should treasure.
Repetitive stress injuries Sciatica and more Neck and shoulder pain Back pain
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
As I write this article at home in Alyth the clear-up continues after recent flash floods. The damage caused to homes, businesses and the infrastructure of the town was enormous but in the midst of all of the upset there was a demonstration of real community support. Blairgowrie and Rattray residents, like many other communities offered so much support to Alyth residents and it really was fantastic to see and much appreciated. I am delighted that the trial period of turning off the traffic lights in the Wellmeadow has been a success (as we expected it would be) and I am now working with officers to ensure that permanent measures to be put in place are the best possible for road users and pedestrians. I am organising a walk around the town with officers, some residents with mobility issues and representatives of the Community Council to ensure that issues can be addressed at the time this work is carried out. I will be asking Perth and Kinross Council for us to revisit the issue of parking charges in the town centre in the coming months. We did previously carry out an exercise but the results were inconclusive. I will ensure Blairgowrie and Rattray Business Association and local businesses are fully involved in the process. I would welcome any views on this matter from residents and businesses. The Bookmark festival will be held in October and the 2015 programme is fantastic. Visit www. for details. Strathmore Screen will be back on 13 September with another season of films in the town hall (look out for publicity around the town) and of course we have Braemar Night and the Highland Games before then. Thanks to everyone involved in all of these events. Finally, plans are beginning to be put in place for Christmas. We hope to make more of the Christmas lights switch on this year to support the Illuminations committee, who do a fantastic job each year, and our High Street businesses. We really want to encourage people to shop in Blairgowrie and hopefully by adding on some extra festive events we can do that. I can be contacted on 01828 632608 (h) 01738 553990 (o) or by email at
Blairgowrie Rotary Club President Hand Over Summertime tends to be a slack period for many clubs and organisations, but it has been a busy and rewarding one for Blairgowrie Rotary Club. A Get-To-Know-Rotary evening at the Royal Hotel was a reasonable success and saw several potential members express strong interest and a handful of new members joining. Thanks to Blairgowrie Rotarians, three Blairgowrie teenagers spent a thrilling week at the RYLA —Rotary Youth Leadership Award—Camp at Abernethy in July. Rachel Waugh, Euan Robertson and Natalie Thomas enjoyed a wide range of outdoor and mountaineering activities and sports as well as taking part in exercises and tasks aimed at strengthening leadership and initiative skills and working effectively with others to solve practical problems and achieve results. All three will be relating their memories of their week, and the insight and experience they gained, to club members later in the autumn. Late July also saw one of the high points of the Rotary Club’s annual social calendar—when around 40 people attended a barbecue held in the garden of retiring Club President Deborah Rogers. Future social events include a Car treasure hunt, quiz and visit to Pitlochry Theatre.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
One Voice Volunteer Group Charity Shop Beginning 19th October One Voice Volunteer Group Association are having a Grand Sale in Howe’s shop in Reform Street during the week beginning 19th October 2015. The proceeds of the sale will go towards supporting One Voice’s role within the Community. We are asking for donations of toys, clothing, games, household items (please no electrical goods) furniture, bric-a-brac etc.. If you have any items we would be very grateful to receive them at the One Voice Office or if they require uplift please contact us at 01250 871120 (10 am to 4 pm Tuesday to Saturday) or out of hours 01250 871122. If you could offer any help with the sale or uplifts please contact the same numbers. Thank you.
OFFERS! OFFERS! OFFERS! OFFERS! OFFERS! Booklore@onevoice - 13 Upper Mill Street Blairgowrie Continuing offers - fiction, crime fiction and biography 50p each or 3 for £1 Offers for the next few months: August
Nature 50p each
September All Gardening books 50p each October All Art and Craft books 50p each November All History books 50p each. Summer
Summer sun on a shimmering sea Seagulls high in the sky Warm sand beneath our feet And deck chairs waiting nearby Fun and laughter with buckets and spades Memories fill our minds Happy thoughts, when looking back Of dipping our feet in the brine Knitted swim suits weren’t the best And picnics gritty with sand Old photos recall those cherished times And keep our memories live.
Barbara Lynch (Me about 1948 possibly Broughty Ferry)
Now Going With the Flow by Margaret Drummond
The lights have got their hats on, Hip-hip-hip-hooray! The lights have got their hats on And the traffic’s on its way. Wellmeadow’s running smoothly, While tempers no longer fray As motorists remember Courtesies of yesterday Good old common sense prevailed (so we hope it’s here to stay) When officialdom took heed And let townsfolk have their say.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Straloch Garden Studio, Strathardle, Perthshire 12 September 2015 – 15.00-16.30 £6.00 per ticket – Available at Visitors Information Centre and the Library, Blairgowrie Or online
ACG Accounting Services Working with Sole Traders and Small Businesses Based in Alyth, we specialise in Sole Traders, Small Employers and Small Businesses in Blairgowrie and East Perthshire. First consultation is free, so don’t be afraid to give us a call for an informal chat on how we can help. We concentrate on providing a professional and friendly service allowing you to focus on managing and growing your business and doing the work you enjoy, rather than being overwhelmed with administration. Fees are fixed for all our services so there are no surprises and no hidden or set-up costs. We offer a flexible payment plan as an option. A professional, personalised, friendly and confidential service is central to our business approach.
36 Smythe Street, Alyth. Tel: 01828 634140 ; Mobile: 07999694006 Email: www.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
By the time you open this local magazine and read through it, the judging will have finished in our town as far as Beautiful Scotland and Take a Pride in Perthshire are concerned. It is without doubt that all of the Bloom Committee and the numerous volunteers under the leadership of Helen McCann have done their utmost in Blairgowrie & Rattray to make our town litter free and beautiful with flower bed displays. The work doesn’t just start a few weeks before either, a lot of planning and hard work goes into the end result, so it’s a well done from me. I cannot for the life of me remember how long I have been campaigning for the traffic lights to be switched off and taken away but at last they are off and the traffic is flowing freely. The pedestrian lights are still to be put in properly and I hope this is done shortly. The 20 mph lead in to the lights is also working but I would still like to encourage drivers to adhere to this speed limit. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank members of Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council for playing their role in monitoring the situation, regardless of the weather. Speaking of weather, it hasn’t been great at all has it and the heavy rains we had just over a week ago were devastating in East Perthshire and Alyth in particular. My thoughts are with that community. Blairgowrie didn’t escape either though as the residents in Burnhead Road and David Street are concerned and also some of the businesses in the High Street. Volumes of water, mud, silt came down through houses, gardens and the field, causing damage to many properties. I am well aware that this has happened before and I am at the moment trying to get a meeting together to look for a solution to this. I am really glad that an end to the Oakbank Road landslip saga has come about. We are now awaiting one final approval from a Council Committee and the path will be open fully. I just would like to urge access takers to still take care when going past the landslip. Now to sporting matters. The East Perthshire Community Sports Hub members have met and we are now going through the process of becoming a SCIO (Charitable Organisation) and by going down this route we can apply for various amounts of funding to pursue better leisure and sporting facilities in the area. Our next meeting is on the 17th August in the Blairgowrie Community Centre starting at 6.30.
As usual I can be contacted by phone on either 01250 873899 or 01738 475041 or by email on rsellis@ - Many thanks, Bob Ellis
The Town Hall
The Trustees thanked the hard work of Don Amer who retired from the committee in January due to ill health. Don has overseen a host of improvements over the years as well as keeping it in good financial order
The Town Hall held their A.G.M. on the 8th July at which the existing Trustees were re-elected, Nick Cole Chairman, Graham Reid Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Property Convenor Sandy Thomson, Correspondence Secretary Ruth Reid along with Committee members Wendy Byrd-Meldrum, Win Arscot, Gill Oakes.
Financing of the hall comes predominantly from you the public with anything from kids’ parties to pantomimes so a big thank you to all of our regular contributors. Although the finances are in reasonable shape the cost of running the hall is substantial. Mondays and Tuesdays are quiet days in the hall so additional bookings on those days in particular would help keep our costs down. To apply just go online at the to book your event or email
The major electrical work that saw the hall closed for a week has been completed at a substantial cost to P.K.C. Compared to other Town Halls all over the country it is in reasonable shape and there continues an ongoing programme of improvements to the fabric of the building.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Rattray Art Festival Rattray Art Festival has taken a different form this year. Instead of a two day event, a core of past exhibitors are taking part in Perthshire Open Studios at a new venue looking down across Davie Park. There will be Barry Mcfarlane’s wonderful bird studies with prints and cards as well as his new painting of the Davie Park pond in winter with its ducks which has featured in the Discover Blairgowrie website. There is now of course the added ‘attraction’ of Davie the Beaver down there and Barry hopes to capture his image on canvas soon! Other well known local artists taking part are Wendy Mackey, Tina Gliddon and Kate Imlay with paintings and crafts by Anick Pitcher and Ella Stewart. Janine Kain will be exhibiting some of her unique photography and cards and Bill Ellis from Butterstone will be bringing along a great selection of his handmade wooden toys. A newcomer to the group is Joan Woodsford with her unique ceramics. A last minute welcome addition to the group is Graham Wands of the Alyth Art Studio , temporariy washed out of his own studio. So something to interest everyone. Even a free public carpark outside the gate beside the path down to the Pond which is great for exercising dogs and children. Perthshire Open Studios is 5th-13th September and Rattray Art Festival will be open 10-5 daily, entry free but donations to the Alyth flood victims fund appreciated, and with disabled access at Beinn a’ghlo, Braes Rd (off Rattray High St, down Sidlaw Rd), Rattray, PH10 7DA telephone 01250 872800 www. or Rattray Art Festival Facebook for details.
Established 1978
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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Strathmore Carers Support Group An informal group where unpaid carers can enjoy the company of other carers in a relaxed and supported environment. WHEN: The 3rd Wednesday of each month TIME: 1 pm – 3 pm WHERE: Burnside Court Lounge, Alyth, Blairgowrie, Perthshire PH11 8LP For details, please contact: Erman Maglalang (Carers Support Worker) - or 07935 312 345 Our group resumes on 19th August, 2015 Over the summer recess I have taken the opportunity to travel across the Mid-Scotland & Fife region and meet with constituents. In July I visited Boots in Blairgowrie to learn more about community pharmacies. Boots are one of the leading providers of frontline primary care in Blairgowrie and are helping deliver a number of vital services that is easing pressure on the NHS. It was great to meet with the staff at the Blairgowrie branch and learn more about their work on what was a busy weekday. With increasing pressure being felt across the NHS, the role of pharmacies like Boots in augmenting medical services and relieving strain will only grow over the coming years. In August I will be visiting a number of businesses in Blairgowrie as part of a town centre action day. I believe it is incredibly important that politicians understand the issues town centres are facing in order to make policy that helps retailers survive. Rural areas without vibrant town centres and independent retailers are much poorer as a result and I am looking forward to meeting business owners in Blairgowrie. Communities across Eastern Perthshire who have felt themselves under siege from inappropriate wind developments will be delighted that the UK Conservative Government is delivering on its manifesto commitment to remove subsidies for new onshore wind projects from next year. The latest figures show that with the combination of built wind turbines, those under construction or given consent we have already met the Scottish Government’s 100% target for renewable electricity. It is now time for the government to develop an energy policy which will ensure security of supply and affordability whilst helping us meet our climate change targets. Over the summer months I have been raising awareness of the dangers posed by Giant Hogweed. Giant Hogweed is an invasive non-native species that was introduced in Britain in the 19th century. Contact with its leaves and stems can cause skin irritation not too dissimilar to third degree burns and I have been calling for local authorities and relevant third sector agencies to do more to eradicate it. It is important that people understand what the plant looks like in order to avoid contact with it when out enjoying the countryside over the summer months. Private car parking fines have been in the news recently and many motorists are in the dark as to what exactly is the law on whether you should or shouldn’t pay a fine. As a result, Citizens Advice Scotland have released legal advice which details exactly how to contest a privately issued parking notice. The “It’s not Fine” report is available online and at your local Citizens Advice branch and I would encourage drivers unsure of the legal position to contact Citizens Advice. It is very important that vehicle owners are aware of their rights to avoid being ripped off by rogue parking companies. As always I can be contacted at The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perth PH2 6PL tel: 01738 553990 or email:
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Business Growth in Blairgowrie
in to there over the coming months....another case of a desperate need to expand! Kevin will It is an exciting time for two local businesses, be stocking all the items he currently sells, plus a Taystful and Mitchell’s Newsagents, as they prepare whole lot more! He has been keen to make sure it to inhabit the former Peking Palace building at 1A is wheelchair accessible, and is looking forward to High Street! It is between Vitality and Blairgowrie having more tills and a more space! Physiotherapy. Once the renovations are complete, and all open to Renovations of the kitchen have been finalised, the public, Kevin and Shona will be holding a joint and Taystful is now operating from there (although official opening day, so keep on the lookout for will not be accessible to the public until Mitchell’s announcements in the future..... there will be lots of Newsagents is open). goodies to be tasted! Shona is delighted to have so much more room to They look forward to welcoming customers old and work, and can cater for more, quantity and range new to the new premises, and thank everyone for wise. A huge contrast to the cramped conditions their interest and support during the transition. when running her business from home which was becoming impossible! She will be running a variety of courses from there too, suitable for all abilities, most of them involving chocolate of course! See the Taystful website ( for course dates. One to one courses, privately booked sessions and workshops can be arranged if need be. Contact Shona by emailing, fill in the online enquiry form on the Taystful website or phone 01250 871196 to organise. Kevin Donald of Mitchell’s Newsagents is renovating the front part of the shop, and will be moving his current shop a few doors away
Blairgowrie and Rattray
Braemar Day Saturday 5th September 1.30 – 9pm
Entertainment, Singers, Dancers, Pipe Bands, Stalls and Fireworks
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
A friendly and efficient local firm of solicitors and estate agents Property purchases and sales Wills and executries Family law Powers of Attorney Miller Gerrard, Solicitors & Estate Agents The Studio, 13 High Street Blairgowrie PH10 6ET Telephone 01250 873468 Email
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Call: 01250 870062 1 High Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6ET A CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST CAN:
Correctly assess & diagnose your problem
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council (BRCC) Our AGM took place in May this year and David Bailey, as intended, stood down as Chair. I, Morag Young, was voted in as Chair and Ian Richards to Vice Chair, with Ian Cruickshank and Pat McGregor staying on as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. I would like to take this opportunity to thank David for his sterling work and dedicated leadership over the last year and say how pleased we are that he has continued to be part of our group, and offer support from the sidelines! I would also like to welcome Ian as an Office Bearer and Vice Chair of the Community Council and say how welcome his energy is. Ian and Pat, you know how fabulous you still are! So, what’s been happening? The trial turning off of the Wellmeadow traffic lights was a resounding success. The front page coverage in the press was a fantastic help and everyone played their part to show PKC that drivers in Blairgowrie still know how to negotiate a couple of junctions without help. So well done to you! The overwhelming response, from both drivers and pedestrians, is that the town is a lot less congested and easier to get through now. The final details of where to put the pedestrian crossings are still being worked out but it shouldn’t be too long before the whole system is in permanent form and functioning as we need it. A couple of weeks ago saw another heavy rain downpour which left our neighbours in Alyth awash. However, it has been truly wonderful to see the tidal wave of response by local communities and the outpouring of support by way of cash, supplies and labour towards getting them back on their feet. As well as the Alyth Scout Group’s hugely successful online fund raising campaign (https://crowdfunding., the Community Council and others have also set up easy ways to help people donate cash to the cause; https://www. The Oakbank Road funding has also been
approved in principle and PKC is now putting together a statement of works which is to be costed then put out to tender. A tentative deadline of “by the autumn” was put forward as to when the works would be complete and we’ve no reason to think that this won’t still be the case. June saw the presentation of the Blairgowrie Advertiser sponsored Citizen of the Year and Young Person of the Year awards. This year’s worthy recipients were Dr Jessie Shaw and Daniel Duncan respectively, both of whom are ridiculously active in our community and contribute greatly to the groups and causes they are part of. Congratulations to you both! Later this month a notice will be posted by PKC making residents of the Blairgowrie area aware of the upcoming election that is to be held in October. Anyone wishing to put themselves forward to join our community council will have until Thursday 27th September to submit their applications, along with a 50 word statement to support their nomination. Should more people apply than the number of seats available, a public vote will take place shortly afterward (see press for details). Nevertheless, as a result of the keen and positive interaction of our Young Associate Members, PKC have recently agreed to lower the age of members from 18 to 16. This will mean that 16 year olds can now become full members with voting rights, which is quite an addition to anyone’s CV! Sadly, we’ve been made aware of the significant difficulty the Rattray residents of Honeyberry Drive are having accessing their road and homes in the afternoon as a result of parents picking up their children from the primary school. To this end, PKC have agreed to extend the double yellow lines in an effort to try any make this area less congested and safer for both road users and residents alike. We would like to remind gently parents of the “pick up point” that runs a considerable length along Hatton Road, and is a much safer area for your little ones to be collected from. I would also just like to thank the members and supporters of Blair in Bloom quickly, and
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
sincerely, for their fantastic and hard work making the town look amazing once again this year. Good luck with the competition! Our work as your Community Council continues, and our next meeting will be on the 10th September in the Rattray Community Connect Building, from 7pm. If you’d like to raise any issues you’re more than welcome to attend or get
Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD) SCYD (Strathmore Centre for Youth Development) is a young person led drop in service in the centre of Blairgowrie where young people can come in to chat, make new friends, ask for support, gain new skills or become involved in the many projects we run.
in touch by either facebook, email or by using one of our suggestion boxes in the Post Office, Tourist Information Centre, One Voice office, Tesco or Sainsburry’s. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Morag Young Chair BRCC
All rooms are available to hire and refreshments can be provided if required at a very reasonable cost. Drop by any time for a visit and see for yourself what a great community facility we have to offer. The biggest achievement so far in Wellmeadow House for staff and young people alike is being awarded the Investing in Young People Award which was presented by Pete Wishart at the official opening of Wellmeadow House in May 2015.
For 10 years we were based in a small shop in Leslie Street but in April this year we moved into the newly refurbished Wellmeadow House. After more than 2 years of planning and preparation the new premises were well worth the wait. We now have a superb drop in facility known as The Den with pool table, games consoles, seating areas and nail bar. We will be providing a dry bar facility within the next 12 months and a healthy eating menu will be available from Wellmeadow Café. The Den is open during the summer holidays Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 1.00pm until 6.00pm and Saturday 12.00 noon Fresh Home Baking – Community Café – Everyone Welcome! until 4.00pm and staffed by experienced Open Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 5pm Youth Workers. All young people aged 12 to 25 years old are welcome. Saturday: 10am – 3pm
Wellmeadow Café C
Our facility at Wellmeadow House also houses the Education Suite which consists of the high tech IT room where we provide employability courses, a meeting room for all project work and a very relaxing 1 to 1 room. Our skate group also runs their own Swellbow Clothing Co from here – a unique range of clothing and accessories aimed at the skate/BMX market.
Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, PH10 6AY We are a community social business venture operated by SCYD*. Our café is run by talented, young, local chef Becky Moran. Some of our waiting staff are volunteers. Where possible we use all local produce and ingredients and all our dishes are freshly prepared in-house, including our cakes and specialty ice-creams.
Hope to see you soon! 20
*Strathmore Centre for Youth Development
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Tel: 01250 874485 Mob/Legal: 07719 855856 Mob/Property: 07739 915043 Email: or Visit our website at:
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Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie Stroke Club
(Affiliated to Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland)
Had a Stroke? Live in the BLAIRGOWRIE area? This is a newly formed Club in Blairgowrie for people who have had a stroke. The aim of the Club is to provide enriching experiences through social interaction; exercise to increase mobility; confidence building in communication skills; Art & Craft activities; fostering interest in the wider environment through outings and guest speakers; also creating an ethos where there is fun, enjoyment and friendship. In the four months since inception, we have had Presentations on “The Wonders of the World”, “Famous Artists and their Work”, “Tour of the Amalfi Coast”, “Old Blairgowrie”, “World War Two” and more. We have regular quizzes on a variety of subjects. We have been to Broughty Ferry Potty to paint, to Peel Farm and to Bankfoot and we are also planning a trip to the Discovery Centre in Dundee. The Club is run by a group of dedicated volunteers and is self-funding. We are always looking for new members and volunteer relief drivers. We meet in St Catharine’s Hall, George Street, Blairgowrie on Monday mornings between 10am and 12noon. Contact :- Joyce on 01250 875342 or Jacky on 01250 872224 or Email:
30 Reform St. Blairgowrie Open: Monday – Friday 8 – 5 & Saturday 9 – 5
Complete removal service Local and Long distance Specialist to the Islands Large containerized storage warehouse • Get free quote for your removal
Auction sale on Mondays 6pm Goods on view from 2pm day of sale Also Saturday 2 – 4 Office open Tues and Wed 8.30 – 4 See weekly list and auction dates on-line
Selling carpets, cushionfloor, blinds and curtains with a measuring, estimate and fitting service. Samples to take home and check the colours in your room.
For further details of all these services phone 01250 872361 or email
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Gardening As I type this gardening feature it is still raining and it is suspected that July will be a record for rainfall. I suspect it will have sickened many who were expecting a nice summer, beautiful blooms and produce in the kitchen garden. Spring wasn’t exactly kind either due to late night frosts, although there was the odd warm day, but many will have battered and rotten blooms, diseased roses and lawns that are rather lush. Disease in plants tends to be worse during such wet periods, while slugs and snails have been having a field day. Watch out for potato blight and it may be worth cutting the stems to prevent disease entering the tubers. Weeds are difficult to control in this wet weather, but as ever in gardening, the little and often approach is best and that is hand weeding, hoeing or spot treating with weed killer when the weeds are small and preferably on a dry day when there is a blink of sunshine. Hanging baskets and containers still require to be checked for watering, but avoid overwatering; deadhead faded blooms and look out for weeds, pests and diseases in the borders. Strange as it may seem, it may be worthwhile aerating the lawn and never too early to consider changes in the garden, or what to grow in 2016. Many are reporting bumper crops; while some flower gardens are looking spectacular and can be observed in some of the award winning gardens out and about. Local bloom groups have been busy tending baskets; containers and borders, as well ensuring that the environment in general is attended to. August is invariably a good month and there is still time to enjoy the beauties of nature before the onset of autumn.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Travelling Solo for the first time needen’t be a daunting experience! In fact, customers often tell me how they wish they had discovered these holidays sooner. A Solo holiday is liberating and with the right ingredients its the perfect way to see the world. Mixing everything together to create the ideal travel experience for independant globe trotters. I think of its a bit like mixing a cake. A sprinkle of culture, a good pinch of fun, a dash of freedom and a drop of adventure, with your Tour Manager and fellow travellers providing the icing on top. Take a look at what’s included in the price : ● Everything is included ● You’ll be met at the airport ● There’s always a sociable atmosphere ● You can join in as much or as little as you like ● A room of your own with NO SINGLE SUPPLEMENT ● Flights/rail travel ● Overseas Transfers and other transportation ● Many Meals ● Exciting Excursions ● Local Departure Airports ● All holidays are protected by industry standards ATOL and ABTA so you can relax knowing your money is safe. Choose from a diverse range of destinations all over the world - Sun Holidays, City Breaks and UK Holidays, Walks, Treks, Golf, Festive Breaks and now Cruising Holidays ! So what do you do now ? Get in touch with Pauline at Rosemount Travel - to have an informal chat and arrange your Personal Appointment to suit : Telephone 01250 874627 or Email :
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie and Rattray Highland Games Sunday 6th September 2015 Bogle's Field, Essendy Road, Blairgowrie
10am - 5pm
e Games Begin h t t ! Le ATTRACTIONS
Highland Dancing, Pipe Bands, Solo Piping Marching Band, Heavy Events, Field & Track Events Cycling, Hill Race, Kiddies Mini Games Dog Show, Tug O' War, Trade Stands Bouncy Castles, Birds of Prey
• Blairgowrie v's Rattray Tug O' War • • Ardblair Stones Challenge • • Highland Warriors • • Blairgowrie's own Tartan being hand woven (as featured) • • NEW Fly Casting demonstrations & tutorial for all ages • Adults £7 Children & Concessions £4 (under 5’s free) Family (2+2) £18
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Women’s Inspiring Enterprise RBS Micro Grants GrowBiz has secured an RBS Inspiring Enterprise grant to assist women in Eastern Perthshire to become self-employed or to start a business. Small grants between £100 & £500, for women who have sought assistance from GrowBiz (or attended local network meetings) in the area. Please see our website: for additional information. We hold a range of peer support and networking meetings for anyone interested in enterprise. More details at: Please be aware that these are subject to change – best to check the website a day or so before an event to ensure that you have the correct details.
Brownies and Rainbows Blairgowrie Brownies and Rainbows will be up and running again once the schools go back in August (and Rattray Brownies too). Brownies and Rainbows meet on various days throughout the week during school terms. One Rainbow group currently has space for new unregistered girls age 5 or 6 and for the first time in many years, girls are actually able to join us as they turn 5 as we have finally caught up on our lengthy waiting lists. Feel free to register your daughter from an early age, the youngest we’ve had so far were 18 months and they start in November age 5! Rainbows are the youngest group of the worldwide guiding family (5-6 yrs), then Brownies (7-9+ years) before moving on to Guides from age 10. Blairgowrie’s five Rainbow and Brownie groups are all led by 2 volunteer leaders (Lisa & Gill) who give freely of their time with the help of some young Leaders in Training, and some young unit helpers. However as our young helpers come to the end of their school years they inevitably leave for university, and we then welcome new youngsters to help us. In addition to these very welcome young helpers, Lisa & Gill would ideally love to welcome some new, slightly more ‘mature’ volunteers into the fun, glittery, sticky, shrieky, wild, happy, bouncy meetings that are Rainbows and the fun, active, boisterous, messy, noisy, adventurous, and ever so slightly more mature world of Brownies! Do you think you could give us an hour or so of your time early evenings during the week? You might even find you like it!! To register your interest either as a volunteer or for your daughter to join the Guiding family please go online to and once you complete the required contact information we’ll be in touch very quickly.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
David Scott (Blairgowrie) Ltd FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MONUMENTAL AGENTS 65 HIGH STREET, BLAIRGOWRIE PERTHSHIRE, PH10 6DF Telephone (01250) 876400 Fax (01250) 870064 email: Also at 7 Toutie Street, Alyth, PH11 8BP Tel: (01828) 633433 An update from Blair and Rattray Timebank We hope you’re managing to deal with what passes for our summer. It’s been just a little bit rubbish this year, but hey, it IS supposed to be the summer and however it comes, we should be enjoying it, getting out and about if possible. If you know of someone who’s stuck at home, go and be a good neighbour and see if they need anything, even if it’s just a chat and a bit of friendship. It can mean a lot to someone. Just in case you’re reading this and you’re not sure what Timebanks are about here’s a very short explanation. They are a way for people to come together to help others and help themselves at the same time. As a Timebank member you earn time credits by giving practical help and support to others. One hour of service earns you one credit which you can exchange for an hour of something that you need or want. Everyone’s time is equal.
The great thing about Timebanking is that you can fit it in to your life as it suits. You share what you’re good, at for example teaching a skill you have, or making cakes, or conversing in a foreign language, or just simple things like putting a bin out or picking up a paper or some shopping or walking a dog – things that you might do as a neighbour anyway. The Timebank introduces you to people and makes the connections, so you get to know more people, you stay involved with your community and you get things you need or would like. It’s pretty much a win-win game. News in brief – we have moved our dropin from Wisecraft to the newly refurbished SCYD accommodation Wellmeadow House. We meet there on the 2nd Friday of every month and in the Community Connect building at Rattray on the last Friday from 10-11.30. Please do come and say hello – you don’t need to be looking for anything. A chat and some company is on offer but if you do want to get involved you will be more than welcome.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie Lipreading classes The past year has been an exciting time for the local Blairgowrie Lipreading classes. In September, local John Swinney MSP showed his support by visiting a taster session in the Rattray Community Connect. As well as being interviewed on Radio Heartland lipreading tutor, Susan Brown, organized a raffle that raised £624, ensuring the Blairgowrie and Perth classes can continue for a further year. The new term saw the enrolment of new students. Who, in addition to learning to lipread heard a number of useful and interesting talks, such as from Ron Haston of ihear who spoke about the Comfort Digisystem, a wireless system that works with hearing aids and cochlear implants, and Louise Gill from North East Sensory Services who spoke about the free equipment Perth and Kinross Council can provide to help the hard of hearing in their own home. There was also a visit from the Fire Safety officer to tell the class about the safety equipment available to the hard of hearing and Michelle Donoghue of Action on Hearing Loss spoke about caring for hearing aids. If you have a hearing loss and are interested in joining a new class please contact Susan Brown on 01250 872861. The two-hour classes are free and will run for three blocks of ten weeks for two years on Thursday mornings from 11:30 at the Rattray Community Connect, starting 8th October 2015. The sun was shining in Blairgowrie a few weeks ago for the official opening of SCYD’s (Strathmore Centre for Youth Development) new premises at the Wellmeadow in Blairgowrie. Not only was it a pleasure to be invited to the event, but I was pleased to present an Investor in Young People Award to the group. Many congratulations to the Strathmore Centre for Youth Development and everyone involved in the project since it began. This is a well-deserved recognition of the great work they do and the positive impact that it has had on our young people and the communities of which they are a part. I wish SCYD all the very best for the future which I have no doubt holds the prospect of continued success. Blairgowrie and East Perthshire saw some welcome funding coming its way recently. Awards for All Scotland, through the Big Lottery Fund, awarded Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust, the Ericht Trust and Forward Coupar Angus a total of £28,500 in funding. The money secured will go towards three interesting and positive projects. Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust are working with landowners, the community council and Mount Blair Development Trust to create a series of four new way markers paths in the countryside surrounding Kirkmichael. The Ericht Trust will use the funding to carry out a preliminary assessments into the development of a new Community, Heritage and Cultural Centre and Forward Coupar Angus received funding for their cycling festival in the town, which at the time of writing, will take place in July 2015. I am really looking forward to seeing these exciting projects coming to fruition. If any constituents need to contact me, I can be reached on 01250 876 576 or at pete.wishart.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
ne stop for all your computer and we ser ices Satisfaction guaranteed with a no fix, no pay policy
PC repair Laptop repair PC running slow? Advice on all software Complete tune-up Computer set up & from only £45 installation Upgrades Custom PC design & build Network support PC system improvement Spyware removal Virus removal Wireless set up Tuition Steve Saunders tel: 01250 873014 mob: 07989 533836 email: web: Free pick up and return service
Wel ome o i le
e a ra
a relaxed and informal haven in the centre of Blairgowrie
SOMETHING FISHY (Served Tuesday - Friday)
Selection of Seafood Tasters with Crostini and Dips Crisp Battered Squid with Chips and Garlic Mayonnaise Grilled Whole Fish of the Day with Sauté Potatoes and Almonds Breadcrumbed Monk Cheeks with Chips and Tartare Sauce Grilled Tuna Steak with Tomato and Roast Garlic Broth £19.50 (includes a glass of wine) Open Tuesday - Saturday (closed Sunday/Monday)
4 Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie, PH10 6ND. Tel: 01250 875358
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
The Blairgowrie Players Blairgowrie Players have had an exciting year so far. In February at the 83rd Scottish Community Drama Association Festival of One Act Plays one of our youth plays won the Perthshire District Cup for 2nd in Festival at Birnam and our other youth entry won the same category and took home the Billy Gordon Trophy; this meant a trip to Orkney to represent Perthshire at the Northern Division finals. Here they won ‘Best Moment In Theatre’, we were so pleased with this young group’s determination and hard work. One of our adult groups went through to the Northern Division finals at Birnam with an original play written by one of our members, Pam Mackenzie. Hopefully everyone who came to see all the plays performed in the Town Hall enjoyed their evening …. and the stovies! In July we were delighted to appear on stage at Dundee Rep, (yes, us, on a real theatre stage!) in the Scottish showcase of plays as part of the 2013-2016 Royal Shakespeare Company Open Stages project. We had toured village halls plus Birnam and Blairgowrie last year with our production of ‘Dream On, Macbeth’ but when it came to performing again this year we lost many of our actors to holidays and work and so a 20 minute version of Macb …. sshh, The Scottish Play, entitled Wee MacB, was devised by Nora Brown and performed by 14 actors, a floor mop and a Hamish McGlumphy, a somewhat stuffed up character! We thoroughly enjoyed the whole lengthy experience of Open Stages ….and we may even go through it all again next time! On September 11th we will be holding a Murder Mystery night in the Town Hall. These have always been so much fun, both for the cast and the budding Inspector Clouseaus aka The Audience. Tickets will go on sale very shortly at £8 which includes wine/soft drinks and nibbles. There are prizes on the night too! We also get to perform the same murder mystery at the Broughty Ferry Business Men’s Club later in September. Our next big production is our annual pantomime, this year ‘Peter Pan-to’, which will be performed in the Town Hall from Wednesday 2nd to Sunday 6th December, with matinees Saturday and Sunday. Further details will be available soon, however auditions for this will be held at the Hill Kirk on Thursday 27th August at 7pm. All welcome, age 8 to 108! Please have a look at our website or like us on Facebook, Blairgowrie Players Drama Group, for up to date information on what we are up to. New members are always welcome, whether for front of house, acting or backstage, we’d love to make your acquaintance.
Ericht Scottish Country Dance Club Every Tuesday 29th Sept 2015 until 15th Dec 2015 (class cancelled on 1st December) in Blairgowrie Town Hall Time 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Teacher - Mrs Carol Bisset. All welcome. First 2 classes free for those wishing to try a new hobby or return to one from their childhood. 2016 classes from 12th Jan until 29th March. Anyone interested can contact Jan McHugh on 01250 870975
The Card Gallery 23 Allan Street Blairgowrie PH10 6AB 01250 876444 “It’s the Thought that Counts” Exclusive range of cards including 3D, Thelwell, Bug Art & many more Kelpies Art Plaques Baby(newborn) gifts Glass products
Silk Scarves Helium Balloons Yankee Candles
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
It was a pleasure to officially open the new Perth and Kinross Credit Union (PKCU) service in Blairgowrie. The credit union offers a range of ethical lending and saving services in Perth and Kinross. The Blairgowrie service is at the housing offices in Leslie Street, each Thursday between 10.30am – 12.30pm. People can drop in to discuss loans or starting up savings accounts. PKCU has gone from strength-to-strength since it opened in 2014. It is fantastic that it is offering its services in Blairgowrie. PKCU enables local people to save and access loans, repayable at a much more affordable interest rate than those of payday lenders. Saving in a credit union is an especially positive step to take, as savers know that they are investing in sustaining our communities and helping to drive improvements in people’s lives. I’m sure the people of East Perthshire will make good use of this service. I was grateful to be asked to open the new state-of-the-art GP unit at Blairgowrie Community Hospital. The unit provides a modern environment for patient care which incorporates a purpose-built minor injury and illness unit, a day case area and a new rehabilitation facility. This £2.6 million project has transformed healthcare facilities and the new GP unit is a facility that the local community can rightly be proud of. The new ward offers the flexibility to care for individual patients, including those requiring palliative care, in the single and twin rooms. These are state-of-the-art facilities, at the forefront of the latest advances in healthcare, and will transform the care patients receive from their NHS. The Scottish Government is investing over £2 billion in Scotland’s health infrastructure over four years, to 2015-16, with this development being one of many that demonstrates our commitment to continually improve health services across Scotland. I can be reached on 01250 876 576 or email
Blair in Bloom Blair in Bloom has been working hard with our volunteers and helpers from the local schools, SCYD, Rattray Connect and the Trefoil Guild, to get containers, hanging baskets and flower beds planted out for a beautiful Summer display. The Beautiful Scotland and Take a Pride in Perthshire judges visited the town on 28th and 30th of July. Thank you to all the people who met them and gave an overview of the community work carried out in the town. It will be September before we get the results. We are holding our Sunflower and Photographic (Adult and Junior) competitions again this year—forms are available from the Tourist Information Office in the Wellmeadow and the One Voice office. The Garden Competition was judged mid July and more people entered than ever before! We have launched a request on Facebook for information on foraging in the town so email me if you know of any good sites. The Berries & Cherries bed at Townhead, which contains all the fruit grown commercially in the area, is maturing so stop and have a taste of the fruit there. Herbs are planted at Coronation Corner and down at the Riverside for people to try. Although we do enter competitions, the main reason that we give our time is to have Blairgowrie & Rattray looking good for all of us who live and work here, so if you can spare even a few hours occasionally please give me a call. Helen McCann, Chairperson Tel: 01250 874000; email:
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
The 5 Minute Interview - Ashleigh Slater What first sparked your interest in design?
Design is everywhere and my spark was curiosity in how pattern and textiles evolve. The first time I got this spark of insanity is when I questioned my ‘hobby’… weaving. Is there more to putting colour in the weft? Where did you train?
After my curiosity in design, colour, and weaving, I went to University to study design. Weaving was always my hobby. I wanted to take it further; I delved in various interests before settling into my degree in textile design, and taking weaving as part of my course module. I went to Dundee University – Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. Why did you decide to choose weaving?
‘Why’? I still question that everyday… and my answer is always the same. I love to see how pattern and yarn evolve from a single strand, into the warp, and then adding the weft. Every pattern and colour can be different – every ‘pick’ and throw of the shuttle is a passion. And with weaving you can never stop learning. I first got the bug by a ‘taster class’. You teach weaving, is it difficult to learn?
I ‘teach’ - I prefer to call it skill-sharing. Weaving is one of those unique skills. How to weave - you have to teach yourself to weave,. Every person I have in the studio from beginners to advanced weavers, everybody is unique and weaves differently. I can only show you how to weave and share my own skills and techniques - from there it’s a learning ‘skill’ some pick this up quickly and some don’t. All I can say is ‘try it’. Add it to your bucket list, who knows you might find the inner fibre artist in you… Where did the inspiration behind Blairgowrie and Cherries Tartan originate? - How did you arrive at the final design?
The design was always a ‘learning’ curve, never tried tartan before and my initial theme idea was berries, taking images from the berries from Blairgowrie. I made two prototypes and out of the two designs the design you see today was created. With some tweaks and Thomas Thomson (Blairgowrie ltd) adopting the tartan as their corporate tartan - ‘Blairgowrie Berries and Cherries’ was born. What did it feel like when the finished tartan arrived at the studio?
Nervous.. with all the planning and designing this mill woven fabric was out of the studio. I did not know how it would look, or how the colour would match. This was unpredictable as I have always been the ‘weaver’ and I know the yarns and colours in my own studio. When I weave I am in control of the final outcome. How do you plan to use the tartan? - Can people buy the tartan, or commission items to be made?
Again this part is a new journey. The main purpose behind the tartan was to provide a good weight cloth suitable for the Happy Feet Dance School’s new costumes. Because this tartan is very generic it is being used for kilts and a lot of unique gifts for the shop. I take the tartan day-by-day. You can purchase the double-width tartan in my studio at £75 a metre. Commissions are taken and I have a list of orders to fulfil.
What are your plans for the future?
Get the tartan officially launched, and then let’s see where it takes us. Its been a journey and the jourThanks to Ron Whyte for compiling the interview. ney is not over yet.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie Mobile Foot Clinic
Treatment in the comfort of your own home for: Nail Cutting Corns and Calluses Fungal Infections and Athletes Foot Ingrown Toenails
For all your Foot-care requirements contact:
MADELEINE MCINTOSH Registered Foot-Health Practitioner Est 2007.
01250 872005 or 07904 382840 S.A.C Dip
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Community Support for the Ericht Trust bid to buy the old Hill Primary School On 10th June 2015, the Ericht Trust submitted evidence of community support when it made an offer to JLL estate agents to buy the Hill Primary School to develop it into a Cultural and Heritage Centre for East Perthshire.
We have had verbal support from visitscotland and visiteastperthshire.
In the few weeks since then we have been consolidating that support by gathering signatures online and on paper. Several hundred people have signed this document and we are continuing to receive more.
In addition to this our Patrons - Proctors and Sir William Macpherson of Cluny - and several individuals have written letters of strong support and encouragement. Our social media sites have been very active reaching out to many supportive followers on Twitter and Facebook via our own sites and those of Discover Blairgowrie.
The open days being held on three consecutive Saturdays in the former bookshop at 16 Allan St Blairgowrie have attracted many interested members of the public and visitors. The display depicts the concept drawings and images of what could be achieved within this Grade B listed building. John Swinney and Murdo Fraser, our MSPs, both endorse our efforts to bring a cultural and heritage centre to East Perthshire. Our locally elected councillors Caroline Shiers and Bob Ellis are in full support.
After three years of intensive work by the trustees, many hours of professionals’ and volunteers’ time, we are confident that our vision for the school is the right one. This is backed by evidence from an initial petition in 2012, a survey to support a robust Business Plan and awards from bodies outwith Perthshire – the Heritage Dragons award in London run by the Prince’s Regeneration Trust and the Architectural Heritage Fund; the financial award from the Architectural Heritage Fund; the initiative award from the Association of Industrial Archaeologists and the Awards for All grant from Big Lottery recently given to enable us to pursue the work needed to complete Stage 1 of Heritage Lottery Funding.
The Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council have been very supportive individually and collectively. We also have the support of Development Trusts Association Scotland.
We are indebted to Scottish and Southern Energy who have given us an award to be able to make the offer to buy the school.
We now wait on a decision by Perth and Kinross Council. You can still show your support by signing the petition which is in many venues around the town or online at Or homepage. Thankyou.
PHONE 01250 875555 • 34
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Top-class Children’s Authors Promise a Fizzing Programme Friday, 2nd and Saturday, 3rd October ‘Red of the Dead’ 16.30-18.30. The weekend kicks off on Friday (2nd) in Cargill’s Bistro with Nick Hesketh inviting 10+ year olds to join him to learn ‘how to write a zombie story in ten shambling steps’. The two hour event promises to be filled with madcap fun – accompanied by scrummy food. Tickets £6.00 (to include a meal) can be bought from Blairgowrie Library, Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre or online. All of Saturday’s (3rd) events take place in St Catharine’s Centre, West George Street, Blairgowrie and all last approximately one hour. After each event, there will be an opportunity to talk to the authors and buy your own signed copies of their books. Please Note - all children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a paying adult. ‘How to Draw Your Dragon’ 10.00-11.00. Talented artist and illustrator, Kate Leiper, takes you into the world of dragons and invites you to create your own dragon drawings. Age 7+. (Tickets £3.00 children/£3.00 adults) available from Blairgowrie Library, Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre and online. ‘Write to Excite’ 11.30-12.30. Theresa Breslin, Carnegie Medal Winner and author of over 40 books for young people, will be on hand to share stories with tots, teens and beyond! Learn how she creates cracking characters – spooky, sparkly and sometimes really scary. (Tickets £3.00 children/£3.00 adults) available from Blairgowrie Library, Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre and online. ‘Fiends, Bear-Things and the End of the World’ 13.30-14.30. Join Barry Hutchison as he introduces you to some of his weird and wonderful creations. Marvel at the Swivel-Eyed Ogre-Thing, run in fear from the Invisible Fiends and gallop alongside the cast of the Thirteenth Horseman in a fun interactive session. Age 7-9. (Tickets £3.00 children/£3.00 adults) available from Blairgowrie Library, Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre and online. ‘The Nicest Viking’ 15.15-16.15. Prepare yourself for the wrath of the Norsemen as local author, David MacPhail, introduces his brand new series, The Nicest Viking, an ‘ale-splashing, meat-ripping, hatchet-in-the-head kind of saga’. Anarchic fun promised! Age 7-11. (Tickets £3.00 children/£3.00 adults) available from Blairgowrie Library, Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre and online. STOP PRESS! The Play. Talk, Read bus will be in the Wellmeadow from 10.00 on Saturday, 3rd October ready to welcome aboard wee ones with their mums, dads, grans and grandpas to listen to and share stories. Make sure you hop on!
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Graham Edwards Chartered Accountant & Business Advisers
We will provide you with a comprehensive proactive accounting, taxation advice and support service to meet your individual needs. SERVICES AVAILABLE • • • • • • • • • •
Preparation of sole trader and partnership accounts Preparation of monthly management accounts Preparation of limited company accounts Completion of income tax returns Complete income tax and corporation tax service Advice on capital gains tax and inheritance tax planning Preparation of VAT returns Business plans and cash flows Payroll & PAYE Start up advice
1 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DQ Telephone 01250 873465
Jamie Duncan Aerial & Satellite TV Extensions All types of Satellites installed TV wall mounting
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Liz McPhail
MA (Hons), PGCE, Dip (SpLD) Author of WordBlaze
Spelling and Reading
Comprehension Creative Writing Handwriting Study Skills
07736 551 665
Reasonable Rates One-to-one or small groups References available
Fun and memorable lessons – the ideal way to make progress!
Tel: 01250 884739
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Opening Times Monday 9am till 5pm Tuesday 9am till 5pm Wednesday 9am till 5pm Thursdays 9am till 6pm (late night) Friday 9am till 5pm Saturday 8am till 4pm Gents cut £7.50 Kids £5.50 OAPs £5.50
Call: 07534 931 933
No Appointment Necessary OAP Special Wednesdays £4.50 37
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Perthshire Wildlife It’s late July and although this is meant to be one of the warmest months of the year, the Met office says we are enjoying the sort of temperatures that we would normally expect in October. Which probably explains why we didn’t see many dragonflies on our dragonfly walk this morning! I decided to write about dragonflies for the summer blog as they are one of the species that we associate with warm, sunny days. They can usually be seen flying around water bodies – ponds, lochs, canals, burns and rivers - and in the Perthshire area we can expect to see at least ten species. Dragonflies have an amazing life cycle and lots of people aren’t aware that dragonflies (and damselflies) actually spend most of their life as larvae underwater, with some species living there for up to five or six years. Golden-ringed Dragonflies live in upland burns where temperatures and food availability are relatively low, so take the longest of our dragonflies to reach adulthood. The female lays her eggs in the bed of the burn and because she needs to lay them deep in the substrate, she looks a bit like a pneumatic drill when laying them. The eggs hatch into larvae, which live in the bed of the burn and feed on small invertebrates such as midge larvae, water fleas and freshwater shrimps. As they get bigger they shed their skins and grow bigger ones until it is time to emerge as an adult. What happens next is amazing to watch – the dragonfly larva climbs up the stem of an emergent plant and its skin splits all the way down the back. An adult dragonfly emerges and spends a few hours pumping blood around its wings and drying out. When able to fly, the adult finds a place to hunt for its insect prey (such as midges and flies) and builds up its strength while developing its adult colours. When it is ready to mate it will return to the water body where the life cycle starts all over again. HOUR
Dragonflies and damselflies are unique in forming a copulation wheel whilst mating – this frequently takes the shape of a loveheart! As adults they will live only a few weeks but will manage to consume lots of midges in that time! If you do see any dragonflies when out on a walk, please let the British Dragonfly Society know. They have a Scottish section to their website where you can see the different species found here, see events taking place over the summer and you can enter your records on the main recording page. See Perthshire Wildlife will be running a number of guided walks around Blairgowrie over the autumn, including the ever-popular Spooky Species for Halloween! More info can be found and tickets for events and walks booked at
SUNDAY 30 AUG @ 12 NOON Tomobla, Raffle, Cake n Candy, Bottle Stall, Face Painting Live Music from 5 p.m. Saturday - Midnight Rinks required to play against the Home Rink!
Beginners Welcome Children over 8 can come along and play between 2 pm & 4 pm on the Saturday FANCY DRESS OPTIONAL!!!! Anyone who plays bowls will be asked to make a donation towards us buying a defibrillator for our Club
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Gillespie Inverarity & Co. Limited Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants and Business Advisers “Accounting for your future not your past.” As your trusted adviser we are members of your team, focused on your results and your future. We will show you how to succeed not just how to do your accounts. “Looking forward not back in creating and protecting your wealth” Contact us today! 1st meeting free! 33 Leslie Street Blairgowrie PH10 6AW 01250870718
Julie Baird Pilates Body Control Pilates Instructor and REPs member (Register of Exercise Professionals) Practising for 10 years. When: Tuesday Evening Classes: 6pm-7pm and 7.10pm-8.10pm Wednesday Morning Class - 10am-11am St Catharine's Community Centre, Blairgowrie
Piggery Art Studio
Core Strength, Flexibility, Bone Density Management, Back Maintenance, Injury Prevention and Injury Rehabilitation are covered in my classes.
Marion Corral Paterson
Oil paintings, cards and prints, many of the local area, are available to view or purchase during this year's Open Studio event - 5th to 13th September in my studio at Hillview Carsie. The studio can also be visited by appointment at other times.
1 - 1 or Group visits are also welcome if this is more suitable for your needs. Matwork classes - pre-booked and paid per block.
07963 088 112
01250 874451 39
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club
on behalf of the Tayside Mountain Rescue Team, raising £306 to help with expenses at their base in Blairgowrie. The next day there was a good turnout for the Club Barbeque in Glen Ogilvy, near Glamis. After a walk up Gallow Hill in bright, dry conditions to inspect the site where an Avro Anson crashed on 23rd June 1945, the BBQ was hosted by members who live in Glen Ogilvy. Our web site ( is an excellent source of information about the club and has helped to recruit a number of new members - we look forward to welcoming many more. Hillwalking is an excellent way to enjoy the magnificent scenery and wildlife of Scotland and to experience the variety of weather while at the same time becoming fitter! Why not give it a go? The membership covers a wide range of ages and abilities and the variety of destinations and activities reflects this. Our meets cover everything from low level glen walks and coastal walks to scrambling on the Munro ridges and snow gully climbing in winter. Each meet has a variety of suggested walks of different lengths and difficulties to suit all abilities. Prospective members can attend two meets before deciding to join. Visitors will always be welcome at social events and club nights. To register for a meet or for information visit the website: or phone Bruce Henderson (01334 870866). The programme up to the end of the year is:
Affiliated to the Mountaineering Council of Scotland Web: The members of The Blairgowrie and District Hillwalking Club have had a variety of interesting walks and activities since the beginning of May. A trip to Tyndrum on a wet day early in May saw some members climbing the Munro, Beinn Dubhcraig, while others decided on a low level walk, starting with a small ferry across the head of Loch Lomond before walking The West Highland Way from Ardlui, past the Falls of Falloch, to Crianlarich. This was followed by the Club Weekend at Ullapool. One of the great peaks of the north-west of Scotland, Quinag, was tackled by a large group of members all of whom climbed two of the three Corbett summits with five enthusiasts taking on the third one as well – a considerable challenge. Another group climbed another Corbett, Beinn a’ Chaisteall, beside Loch Vaich while a third group visited viewpoints above Ullapool and then took a RIB ride to explore Isle Martin. All enjoyed good views at some point during the day. Everyone gathered in The Ceilidh Place for an excellent evening meal. The next outing was to Invercauld, near Braemar, where the low level walk was alongside the River Dee to Glen Quoich. The other walkers climbed the Corbett, Carn Liath, (photo) from where two different ridges were used to return to Invercauld. Although the weather was again somewhat damp, the clouds were high and there were good views of Beinn a’ Bhuird and Ben Avon. The beginning of July saw an outing to Loch Laggan, between Dalwhinnie and Spean Bridge. One group walked from Luiblea east along Loch Laggan turning south and then west to return by Lochan na h-Earba. The rest of the party started at Roughburn, near the Laggan Dam and, after an interesting burn crossing climbed the Munro, Beinn Teallach. After descending the north ridge some walkers returned along the valley to the start point while others continued over another Munro, Beinn a’ Chaorainn, to give a satisfying round trip. Recently club members collected in the Tesco store
18-20 Sep Club Weekend Keswick 25 Sep 7.30 pm Harvest Dance - Eassie Hall 09 Oct 7.30 pm Slide Night – Royal Hotel 11 Oct 8.00 am Driesh and Mayar (Cars) 01 Nov 8.00 am Ochils 20 Nov 7.30 pm Club Night – Royal Hotel 22 Nov 8.00 am Glen Lednock 13 Dec 9.00 am Xmas Walk: Killiecrankie
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Sports Club recently held an EGM where new Committee Members were voted on board and would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr Sandy Thomson as the new Chairperson, Gavin Tolmie as Vice Chairperson, Mr Alistair Gibb as Treasurer, Mr Stuart Duncan as Minute Secretary and Gayle Tolmie as Social Media Administrator. As things stand the position of Secretary is still vacant. As always, BRCSC are always looking for volunteers in various areas in the Club, should this be of interest to you, please do not hesitate to contact Sandy at or Gavin at
League Success for our 2000’s
Meanwhile, our Blairgowrie 2000 have had league success, winning the PKYFA Under 15’s League this season, a great achievement for Blairgowrie and all involved with the team. Alan Smith, Manager at Blairgowrie 2000 started the team in 2012, 3 and a half years ago along with Graham Lamb. They won a cup and reached the last 32 of Scottish Cup in their first season. They did not have much success in their second season but put in a lot of hard work in pre-season and showed a vast improvement in their third. They have recently won the Perthshire Under 15’s League, keeping the tradition in Blairgowrie. Blairgowrie 2000 finished 7 points clear of their closest rivals, winning 21 games, drawing 1 and losing 2. In 10 of those games they kept clean sheets, conceding 25 goals in total and scoring 118. They played their final game and were presented with the League Cup in Blairgowrie Juniors Ground at Davie Park. The boys have put in a lot of hard work and played some really good football and were the worthy winners, a great achievement in such a short space of time.
of the new Committee I would like to thank Ross Graham and Jonathon Pol for all the hard work and long hours they put into the club to get so many new youth coaches and teams playing football in the town. The member clubs as already documented are achieving great success at all levels on the pitch. Off the pitch not quite the same success, with 10 youth teams, one of which is a girls team. They have outgrown the facilities available to them in Blairgowrie and Rattray. A prime example is Piggy Lane in Blairgowrie where there are two 7 a side pitches alongside a full size 11 a side pitch, an ideal location. The downside is there are no changing or toilet facilities onsite; negotiations with P.K.C. have been dragging on for the last 3 years with both parties looking at many alternative ways to install some basic amenities. Unfortunately it comes down to a cost, a figure of around £30k is required to install just the basics at Piggy Lane. We at the B.R.C.S.C. feel that Perth and Kinross Council should be doing more than they are at the moment to provide a basic facility for the youth of Blairgowrie and Rattray on this site. The club are looking for your support in putting pressure on the Council to provide a solution. This can be done by simply sending an email to your local councillor, local M.S.P. or on our Facebook page or email alex. with your views. On the good news front, just recently P.K.C. announced a £60k upgrade to the Davie Park Pavilion, this will add a much required female changing facility to the building, this is greatly appreciated by the Club.
From the new Chairman:The Blairgowrie and Rattray Sports Club was formed 4 years ago to improve and advance footballing for all ages in the Blairgowrie and Rattray area, to this end as the new Chairperson this will also be my “Goal”. On behalf
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Update on the Offer for the Hill Primary School. As you know, the Ericht Trust submitted an offer to Perth and Kinross Council to buy the Hill Primary School on behalf of this community. The offer was made by the closing date of 10th June 2015. It was made in full Scottish Legal Terms through our lawyer accompanied by 30 documents on a CD. These documents were in support of the Council’s “Best Value and Best Consideration Criteria”. We have had reassurance that all of this information has been received. We had expected that our offer would be discussed at the next Property Sub Committee of Perth and Kinross Council, which would have been 19th August 2015 but have now been informed this meeting has been cancelled due to lack of business. We are hopeful that a Special Property Sub Committee meeting will be held in September to discuss the bids for the Hill Primary School. This date is not yet known. This meeting is to be held in private because of the commercially sensitive information being discussed. When we know the date we will let you know. Until then please keep giving support to our offer on or Thank you.
Blairgowrie, Rattray and District Local History Trust and the Blairgowrie, Rattray and District Civic Trust. "At the end of the Great War many town and villages were presented with captured cannon as war trophies for public display; Blairgowrie and Rattray were no exception. Michael Taylor, a military historian specialising in the Great War will give an illustrated talk describing how the cannon were acquired, what types they were and how they have become remarkable, rare survivors of Great War artillery. Piecing together their story is an ongoing labour of love and has involved him in much detective work in Britain and far beyond".
Weekly Social Group Rattray Community Connect Every Friday at 12.30
Come along to our Phoenix group run by PLUS members.
Michael will give his talk entitled, "An Echo of the Guns: Blairgowrie's "Lost" War Trophies" in the Royal Hotel, Blairgowrie on Thursday, 10th September commencing at 7.30 pm. There will be a silver collection at the door.
Our vision is for a world of wellbeing where people experiencing mental distress are fairly treated with compassion, understanding and respect and can follow their hopes and dreams wherever they lead.
Call PLUS on 01738 626242 or email if you are interested in attending or would like to find out more information.
The talk is a joint meeting between the Blairgowrie, Rattray and District Local History Trust and the Blairgowrie, Rattray and District Civic Trust.
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
PKAVS Carers Hub Adult Carers
Are you looking after someone? You may not think of yourself as one, but if you look after a partner, relative or a friend who would find it difficult to manage without your support/assistance, then you are a carer.
Who’s looking after you?
PKAVS Carers Services help to support over 1,000 carers in Perth and Kinross area who look after family, partners or friends due to illness, frailty or disability. We help carers to be individuals first and carers second, improving the quality of life for many in the local area.
We provide support to unpaid carers by helping them to overcome the challenges that being an adult carer can sometimes bring. We can help in various ways: One-to-one support
Provide information and advice
Signpost to other organisations/agencies Information on training and events
Access to respite breaks, support groups and complementary therapies I am here to listen and help…
Erman Maglalang
Carers Support Worker Mobile: 07935 312 345 Email:
Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Service Limited The Gateway, North Methven Street, Perth PH1 5PP Tel: 01738 567076 Fax: 01738 440717 Website: Company Limited by Guarantee: Registered in Scotland (No. 86065). Registered Scottish Charity (SC 005561)
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Local Business Contacts
Joyce McQuilken Coach
This is a list of businesses who support Discover Blairgowrie and are members of the local Business Association. Contact if you would like to join. ACCOUNTANTS/BOOKKEEPERS ASI Outsourcing
HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Blairgowrie Holiday Park
Angus Hotel
Rosemount Travel
Graham Edwards Accts
Cornerstones Nursery
Mark Barron CA
Find Your Fit
Julie Baird Pilates
Outdoor Explore
Susie Black Fitness
Trevor Taylor
BANKS Royal Bank of Scotland
SHOPS All Things Fair
Gillespie Inverarity & Co Ltd 0 1 2 5 0 - 8 7 0 7 1 8
Blair Copy Shop
JAS Crockart & Son
Something Special Flowers
Warp Weft Weave
WM Coupar
TRADESMEN Alex Robertson Painter/Dec 0 7 5 9 7 - 3 9 4 0 5 7
Miller Gerrard
WEB DESIGN Graphite Web Solutions
FINANCE/MORTGAGES Graham Edwards Mortgage 0 1 2 5 0 - 8 7 3 4 6 5 HEALTH/COACH Blairgowrie Physiotherapy
Care Crew
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Open daily from 10.30am Enjoy Cargill’s for Morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea or snacks and evening meals or simply a glass of wine. We will be delighted to welcome you!
Free parking and disabled access
Lower Mill Street, Riverside, Blairgowrie, PH10 6AQ
Call 01250 876 735
The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe The Strathmore Dementia Information Cafe meets on the last Tuesday of the month in St Catharine’s Church Hall, George St, Blairgowrie, PH10 6EY, from 10am-12pm. This is a drop-in cafe where people living with dementia, their family and friends can come along to meet with others and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. There is also the opportunity to browse the information stands available or speak to staff from Health, Social Work or Alzheimer Scotland for information, support or advice. There are speakers arranged every 2nd month and free complementary therapies the other months. If you are worried about your memory, staff from the NHS Strathmore Dementia Service are also available to carry out a confidential memory test. No appointment necessary. If you would like more information, please contact Fiona Matthews, Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Advisor on 01738 562358 or
Discover Blairgowrie Magazine
Summer 2015
Useful Phone Numbers
Adult Resource Centre ..............01250 871 910
Blairgowrie Community Hospital
Social Services Day Care ...........01250 877 843
Reception.......................................01250 874 466
Freedom Bus Adult Care Services
Strathmore Older People’s mental Health
.......................................................0845 3011120
Team ..............................................01250 877 843
GP Unit .........................................01250 877 854
Alzheimer Scotland
District Nurses .............................01250 872 030
Dementia Advisor ......................01738 562 358
Health Visitors .............................01250 876 668
Anti-Social Behaviour Team .....01738 476 173
Blair Dental Centre .....................01250 875 136
Blairgowrie Community Care Area Office
Dundee Dental Hospital ............01382 660 111
.......................................................01250 871 910
Ninewells Main Number ........... 01382 660 111
Blairgowrie Housing Area Office
Perth Royal Infirmary .................01738 623 311
.......................................................01250 872 051
Royal Dundee Liff Hospital .......01382 423 000
Blairgowrie Library ....................01250 872 905
NHS 24 ............................................................111
Blairgowrie Registration of Births, Deaths &
Marriages .....................................01250 877 002
Boots .............................................01250 872 029
Blairgowrie Social Work Office .01250 872 255
Davidsons .....................................01250 870 282
Blairgowrie Standards.Warrants 01250 877 017
Blairgowrie Tourist Information Centre
Ardblair Medical Practice ..........01250 872 033
........................................................01250 872 960
Strathmore Surgery .....................01250 872 552
Community Connect, Rattray .....01250 871 538
Care at Home ..............................01250 871 901
Blairgowrie Veterinary Surgery .01250 872 061
Police ...............................................................101
Thrums Veterinary Group .........01250 871 010
Scottish Gas Emergencies ..........0800 111 999
Scottish Water ..............................0845 6018 855
Community Campus ..................01250 871 967
These numbers have been taken from a copy of the old Blair Blast. If you have any corrections or suggestions for additions then please let One Voice know on Upper Mill Street (01250 871 120)
Live Active ...................................01250 871 360 SCHOOLS Newhill Primary School ............01250 871 941 St Stephen’s Primary School ......01250 871 950
AW Joinery
Rattray Primary School .............01250 872 389
For All your Joinery Services: Home Improvements Fitted Kitchens Timber Decking Solid Wood / Laminate Floors
Blairgowrie High School ...........01250 871 200 POST OFFICES Blairgowrie (in Co-op) ..............01250 876 034 Local Delivery Office .................01250 872 766 ELDERLY ACTIVITIES
01250 870 693 / 07876 133 342
Health Community Collaborative Hosptial Day Room ....................01250 874 466