1 minute read

Message from President, AFPWM Barabara A. Anderson, MPA


NO, IT’S NOT THE TITLE to a lesser known Dickens novel, but an anthem for the not-for-profit sector. By definition, an anthem is a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause. Whether our passion be animal welfare, the environment, or end-of-life care, we rally together, in harmony, unified by a passion to change our communities for the better.


This is not easy work, but it is fulfilling. As dedicated professionals, we partner with community members and volunteers to tackle complex issues. As stewards of the missions we support, we enlist the generosity of philanthropists who work alongside these problem-solvers to provide the resources that make BIG — THINGS — HAPPEN. Nowhere in this equation is mediocre in mind. We come together because we challenge the status quo and dare to create something better.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals is proud to champion those that push the boundaries and think big—not just on National Philanthropy Day, but every day. In this season of giving I challenge you to join us in this anthem. If you haven’t already, seek out a cause that resonates with you and take action. Make a donation, become a volunteer or share their impactful mission within your network. Thank you for being a key part of our better tomorrow.

— Barbara A. Anderson, MPA

President, Association of Fundraising Professionals West Michigan Chapter Statewide Director of Development Operations, Hospice of Michigan

For more information about AFP West Michigan, please visit www.afpwm.org

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