GR Brain ns Technologgies ‐ A perffect place to o fulfil your complete reequirementt. Your trustted web devvelopment p partner. Red duce your co osts and imp prove profitt margins with outsourccing. Why peo ople outsource their pro oject to India? Outsourrcing meanss it is a process of comp pete project, saving cost and time. W With the eco onomy towaard globalizaation, organ nizations aree out the costt, time, custtomer care ssupport etc. People aree choosing o outsourcing think abo because they have m met all requ uirements fo or their projject with no o headache. In India theere are lots o of web Deve elopment Company wh ho are working on outso ourcing projject. Outsourcing Benefits: • • • • • • • • • •
Cost saving C Time saving Flexible environment D Dedicated re esource A Accuracy C Confidentiali ity O On time deliv very Experience p professionals Focused on yyour projectt A Advanced te chnology
GR Brain ns Technologgies is an India based Ecommerce development companyy. Our experrtise in wide rrange of web developm ment solutions varying ffrom small w website to h huge web applicatiions and portals. We deeliver sweett fruits in a o one basket ffor web bassed solution ns. We workk with our client as win‐win situation means u us success w while our clieent is satisfied with ourr solutions. LLet's discusss about your web based d requiremeent; we are here for your solutionss. We underrstand your business neeeds with our outstand ding solution ns. We will deliver sustain and b beneficial growth to yo our businesss. Our outssourcing expertise ‐ serrvices we offfer • • • • • • • • •
Ecommerce d developmen nt Portal develo opment PHP MySQL d developmen nt Social Netwo orking website development Travel portall Developmeent B2B portal Development C CMS website e developmeent E‐learning website deveelopment A A complete w web develop pment soluttions
About us: GR Brains Technologies ‐ expert PHP Development Company. Our core expertises are PHP Development, Magento Development, Joomla Development, Wordpress development, Drupal Development, web application development,